#may mobile tumblr take you somewhere
thevirginwitch · 9 months
Magic for Witches with Limited Hand Mobility
Joint pain, stiffness, and limited hand mobility can be discouraging for when we want to practice witchcraft. Here are a few ideas on things you can still do even with limited hand mobility!
This post was released for early access over on Patreon! If you enjoy my content and want to show your support for my work, you can subscribe to my Patreon for as little as $2/month! You can sign up for a week-long free trial now and check out all the rewards I offer - including digital freebies, early access to my Tumblr posts, voting power on future blog posts, and access to my digital occult library and my research notes!
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Instead of tediously carving thin chime candles (which can be difficult to grasp for those with hand mobility issues), here are some alternate options.
Decorate your candles with permanent markers, acrylic paint, or stickers! Of course, be sure to take necessary precautions to protect yourself against fire hazards when planning on your decor options – for example, make sure acrylic paint is completely dry before deciding to burn your candle, don’t cover 100% of the candle in paint, and be sure to use non-toxic paint. For stickers and other decals, please be sure to use a burn-safe method, such as this! Please do not use regular stickers to decorate any candles you intend to burn, as it is a massive fire hazard. Of course, if you’d like to decorate candles that you do not plan on burning, more options open up for you! Decoupaging candles is a fun, creative way to make candles for your altar, or even to use as room decor. You could also decorate candles as offerings to your deities!
Something that would require a bit more use of your hands would be decorating you candles by painting them with candle wax! All you need is a few paintbrushes, the candle you’ll be decorating, and candles in the colors that you’d like to paint with. This TikTok is a great guide for getting started with wax painting! This option is great because it’s 100% safe to be burned.
Write whatever you want on your candle on a piece of paper, and place your candle on top of the piece of paper. I personally use tea light candles and place the piece of paper inside the metal casing, underneath the tea light candle itself. Again, be sure to take all precautions against fire hazards when burning candles!
Instead of drawing or carving into the candle itself, use a dry-erase marker to draw on your candle holder!
Lighting Candles
Using lighters and matches can be tricky - here are some alternate options for those who are unable to use lighters/matches, and for those who just aren't a fan of/can't utilize fire!
Use LED candles - you can write on them with markers, and they are a safe alternative for those who don't enjoy fire. They're also super portable which is great for travel! You may also use different LED lights - I've personally toyed with the idea of wrapping spell jars/crystals/other items in LED string lights to 'charge' the items.
Electric lighters - these lighters don't require any kind of 'flicking' motions like regular lighters do; plus, they're rechargeable! This electric lighter is the one I use at home, and I absolutely love it!
Keeping a Grimoire
Note taking, research, and keeping an organized grimoire is difficult enough without the troubles of limited hand mobility. Here are a few things to make it a tad easier.
Utilize text-to-speech and screen reader functions. When you find a tidbit of info you want to save (whether it’s from Tumblr, a book, or somewhere else), take an audio recording of the text-to-speech audio (or, read the content out-loud and record yourself) and save it for later! This saves you time and energy with hand-writing or typing notes.
If you don't utilize a digital grimoire already, you absolutely should! There are free and paid programs such as Google Docs, Evernote, Notion, and many others that are designed to be digital notebooks and are perfect for keeping a grimoire. You can attach images, videos, text, audio files, and so much more!
Cartomancy (Tarot & Oracle Cards)
Shuffling cards can be difficult and frustrating. Here are some ideas to avoid shuffling altogether!
Use a tarot app on your phone - I personally love the Labyrinthos app!
If you still prefer to have physical cards, a more crafty idea is to make your own tarot cards - either print them off or make them yourself (you can also use tarot stickers! I personally use these for my tarot journal), about 2-3" in size. (To make cutting the cards easier, you can get a large guillotine-style paper cutter, like this one that I use to cut my zines) Once your cards are ready, throw them in a bowl or in a large jar. To 'shuffle' the cards, mix them up by-hand or shake the jar! When you're ready to conduct a reading, simply pull cards out of the container. (You could do the same thing with your regular-sized cards, although they may get damaged from doing this, so I don’t entirely recommend it)
Spelljars are all the rage right now. However, they can be more rage-inducing for those of us who have trouble shoving a bunch of herbs into a tiny-mouthed jar. So, here are some alternate ideas!
Use bigger, wide-mouthed jars - is it a bit chaotic to use an old pasta jar as a spell jar? Yes. Is it just as effective as those tiny, aesthetic spell jars everyone else uses? Also yes. Plus, they're much easier to handle and easier to re-use!
Use alternate containers like ziploc bags, envelopes, or anything else you have in your house! Obviously, use common sense (you wouldn't want to put anything sharp in a ziploc bag, or anything wet in an envelope) - but you can use any old container or bag to carry out spellwork.
You can also throw all your ingredients onto a pretty plate as you craft your spell! Lay it out however you’d like – you could even get creative and make something like a zen garden out of your ingredients. Once you have it completed, you can meditate on the spell for a while, and ditch the ingredients.
Ditch the container altogether – make potions! Throw everything in a big bowl or pot, stir it up, and utilize it however you see fit. You can make potions/perfumes for your deities, elemental potions/perfumes representing the elements for your altar, and so much more. I personally love to look at those “calm-down sensory-friendly glitter bottles” on Pinterest as inspiration when I’m in the mood for crafting potions – bottled potions also make for great props in Dungeons & Dragons campaigns, during Halloween, etc. It can be a  relaxing activity, even if you don’t intend on using it for witchcraft purposes.
Charm bags – charm bags, in my opinion, were the OG spell jar. Throw a bunch of herbs into a mesh or cloth bag and you’re all set! Charm bags are great for sleep/dream magic, bedroom magic, bath magic, and are great options for spellwork on-the-go – just throw a charm bag that corresponds with what you need in your purse/bag/backpack, and you’re good to go!
Digital Spellwork
Tech witchery is my favorite thing to recommend when it comes to those who may be bedridden, dealing with limited mobility, or even those in the broom closet. Here are just a few ideas to carry out spells in the digital realm!
Emoji spells! There are tons of examples available on Tumblr – emoji spells are a great low-effort, time-saving way of conducting spellwork.
Utilize objects in your favorite sandbox video games - Minecraft, Stardew Valley, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons are all great platforms to carry out some digital spellwork. @shadow-the-witchblog and @fernthewhimsical both have fantastic ideas on conducting spells in Minecraft, and @stardewspellshed is a blog entirely dedicated to laying out the correspondences and ways to utilize Stardew Valley in your practice. The fun thing about utilizing video games is you can really make it your own!
Create digital collages! Gather up images that remind you of your craft or evoke the outcome of the spell you want to conduct (for example, if you want to create a spell for self love, print out some images of rose quartz, pink/red imagery, confident motivational quotes, etc). Use these collages as your phone/computer background, or print them out and put them up in your room/car/cubicle!
To feel more connected with nature/plants, you may also download plant-care apps or games on your phone! Same goes for pets and familiars – apps are a great way to feel more connected to your practice.
Salves, Tinctures, Oils and More
Making tinctures, salves, oils etc. is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. This lemon & eucalyptus pain-relieving oil is an easy oil to make during flare-ups!
Spell powders and dusts are another great thing you can make with little-to-no-effort. Bree NicGarran (@breelandwalker) has a whole arsenal of spell powders available on her blog, and also in her book, Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils. Instead of a mortar and pestle, however, you may opt to use an herb grinder, coffee grinder (just be sure to clean it before/after!), or even a blender with some extra care.
Room sprays are a great way to apply a general “mist” of something to an area. You can mix and match different elements such as moon water, sun water, herbs, crystals, and more to create a spray specific to your needs. Simply throw all the ingredients in a spray bottle and you’re good to go!
Altars, Prayers, Deity Work
Keeping up with deities and altars is taxing even when you’re able-bodied. For someone with limited hand mobility, it can be even more difficult to keep up with. Here are some ideas to aid you with your deity work!
Digital altars are one of my favorite things to utilize. They are easy, convenient, and you don’t have to worry about spending money, making space, or keeping your altar clean when it’s all digital! Pinterest, Discord, Tumblr, and other sites are all great ways of keeping altars. You can use photos, videos, audio, poems… anything you want!
Devotional prayer-writing or writing poetry is another great way to connect with your deities. Instead of hand-writing for your deities, you can opt for typing or voice-recording your devotions! In times of need, you can play your recordings back to yourself.
I feel that it’s worth mentioning that, no matter you energy level or where you’re at on the pain scale, your deities will meet you in the middle. They will be there for you, whether or not you’ve been offering them extravagant meals or can only muster up enough energy to light a candle in their honor. No offering or devotional act is too small, and they will understand that your health and well-being must come first.
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Spellbook divider from @firefly-graphics
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
good evening sex witch!
once upon a time i think i remember seeing you talk about asexual folks who are into kink, either in passing or because someone else asked? i can't find the ask anymore but also i'm on mobile which is famously difficult for tumblr searches. so.
i've been IDing as (and quite comfortable in) what i thought was sex repulsed asexuality for several years. lately i've started wondering if maybe that reservation was rooted in an expectation of "conventional" sex and how much i can't stand mouth action, which - thanks to you in part - i have been reminded there's totally other ways to sex that don't involve mouth acts, etc etc... long story short i have probably had some secret kinks for a while and am just realising now that that's what they are. (this isn't particularly necessary information, but it's more of a grand revelation than i thought it would be and it's not something i can tell any of my friends.)
anyway, while i'm still in this state of tentative figuring things out re. what Sex could mean to me in the future, would you happen to know of any good books/articles/readings regarding asexuality & the kink scene? i think i've heard somewhere about participation without sex, which intrigues me somewhat, but i'll take pretty much anything i can get. information gathering and all of that. if you're willing to share!
(i really appreciate all you do with your sex adventures. i've been following you for a long time and have learned a lot about my body, sex culture, and also the general strength of communication and boundary setting. so. thanks!)
hi anon,
you may have a good time exploring the back catalogs of Evie Lupine, Morgan Thorn, and PupAmp (cohost of Watts The Safeword) who are all youtubers who talk about kink and are on the ace spectrum!
in general, any halfway competent resource on BDSM should be perfectly applicable to you as an asexual person. kink is all about deconstructing expectations around intimacy and building it back up to be a highly personal experience with all the stuff you like and none of the stuff you don't; there are tons of people, ace and otherwise, who are doing kink in ways that have nothing to do with sex. as always, you can do whatever you want forever. if you want to watch other people have sex or get flogged or get used as a chair because you enjoy that in a way that may or may not be sexual, that's completely fine and there's probably a thriving community of people who would love to play that out with you. tl;dr: do whatever you want forever.
(source: my asexual wife and our asexual housemate, who are freaks.)
if you have two hours to kill, Evie Lupine talks a lot about how asexuality fits into the kink scene on this episode of the Ace Couple:
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pastafossa · 1 year
how long did it take for your fanfiction to start getting some recognition? did you "advertise" it or "promote" it in any way?
i know that people say this doesn't matter, but i feel like even if you love writing the feeling that you're just talking to yourself gets pretty exhausting at some point. so i'm not talking about having thousands of readers but rather like. what's your advice to have readers at least?
- someone who hasn't even started writing their ideas yet...
First I want you (and everyone else reading who may be struggling with this) to know I'm absolutely with you and generally think 'it doesn't matter' is a horseshit answer. It's this weird thing we do in fanfic that we generally don't apply to other artforms that I've seen. If you're a painter, a playwriter, a novel writer, and you say, 'I want at least a few people to love my paintings, I want some people to come see my play, I want my novel to be published and do at least ok' we all support them, we nod, we agree, we talk about how they can do that successfully. It's considered normal to want some amount of success. But hold up fanfic instead and it becomes, 'how dare you want that praise, you're being egotistical, you should be writing only for yourself'. I'm not saying you can't do that - there are some who do - but it's definitely this bizarre switchup to say there's this single artform in which we can't want attention on our work and that there's something wrong with us if we do. That can be an absolute creativity killer depending on what kind of writer you are (hi, extrovert writer here who only gets writy writy juice from social interaction - aka comments and discussion. So I totally get it being exhausting just doing this on your own).
So let me say this categorically: you're allowed to want things. You're allowed to want kudos, comments, and hits. You're allowed to want messages and asks. You're allowed to want some readers you can talk with about your story.
You. Are. Allowed.
Ok, now that that's out of the way.
Edit: more below the cut cause I didn't realize the length of this on mobile
TRT definitely didn't get popular overnight. The first four chapters were sporadic, and then I took a hiatus due to life things for a couple years. During that time, it kept slowly ticking up bit by bit on AO3, with occasional comments. Iirc it was hovering somewhere around 700 kudos by the time I came back in Jan 2021 - and that's a awesome! It's big! But it's also a number that was gained over a few years, to put it in perspective. It absolutely took off after I came back though, and over the past 2 years both TRT's popularity and the stats of my one-shots in the fandom have grown. Part of that's just the time frame (TRT's been up about 6 years), but it's also due to a couple things that I think built up TRT's popularity.
Building a tumblr presence was huge. Ironically I didn't really intend to do it for advertising; I just wanted a place readers could ask questions or we could all freak out about Matt or I could post some drabbles or updates on the fic. But considering the fact that AO3 and tumblr are the top fic sites online, I wound up promoting my fics unintentionally just by being a friendly, happy tumblr user and fandom goer. All I did was follow the courtesy rules I knew - post stuff regularly, reblog, comment, make friends with other writers, just be friendly in your neighborhood because you love the lady with the gif flower shop on the corner or the wise old pizza maker who serves hot fandom takes all day long. I built familiarity with my writing and name by posting short fics, and by taking part in challenges and prompt lists and short requests for drabbles if I saw them, though that's something that's hard to do if you don't have time (I've got less time now, but I started this blog in the early pandemic so I had aaaaall the time in the world to write and was using it to stay sane). I tagged religiously because I LOVE tags, but that helped, too. Tumblr's search system is half broken but the half that works means people CAN find your writing even if they aren't following. Doing all this over here got me a huge boost over on AO3.
I will say that if you can have a fandom tiktok presence, there's a lot of fic reviewers, edits, and good stuff that can get your fic some readers (I've had some people do this on tiktok for TRT and it sent a surge over). I personally haven't done anything there yet, in part because while I'm on tiktok I try to keep my actual, real person accounts separate from my fic/fandom accounts and i haven't bothered to make a second account solely dedicated to the Pasta name yet.
Longfics on AO3 have the advantage in fic stats in the sense that every time you add a chapter, it gets bumped to the top of the front page and you get seen again. Eventually a lot of people will click out of curiosity. They may not, however, give you a lot of user subs or add to your other fic stats at first, whereas if you do a bunch of oneshots you're more likely to get user subs but less hits on each fic. This is a decision you'll have to make, and I know folks in both camps who built their followings using different methods on each. Either way, it helps if you're posting regularly, either in a long fic or one-shots. I call this the Stephen King method, who said he just writes a ton and throws it all at the wall, and eventually you get enough good despite the bad that you start building a following.
Learn learn learn. This is standard fic advice I always give, but it's still relevant. I think one of the reasons imo TRT has done so well is that I've spent a lot of time over the years learning how to write and edit - I read a ton of books (sometimes just to figure out HOW good authors structure their stories), I took a lot of English classes, I've taken some creative writing courses in my spare time. That two year hiatus was heavily spent doing a lot of research and practice around an original novel I want published one day. And I used ALL of that in TRT, just to see what it was like to put it all together. Be hungry for knowledge, be hungry to learn. The more you learn, the better your fic will be, and the more people that will click.
That learning also includes a looooong string of fanfics that started at a very novice level (hello 12 year old me), to fics that were ok and did moderately well but weren't anything huge. Hell, I had a tumblr account for my previous fandoms before I wandered over to Pastafossa, and while those fics did decently, I never had the huge reaction I've gotten here. But I used each and every one of those fics to learn and grow and adapt. Treat your own fics the same way. If it doesn't get hits, try to learn from it before moving on to the next idea a little wiser and a slightly better writer than before. There will always be people who start to follow you along the way.
A small one, but important: I swear to god, do not shit-talk yourself. Not in the summary, not in the tags, not in the A/Ns. I'm not talking, 'this is my first fic!' That's fine. I mean trashing your own work. Shit like, 'ha ha this sucks, it's terrible but oh well' will absolutely lower your stats, because people will believe you and will ditch your fic. On top of that, it's just mean to yourself, and as I said above, you want to be a good person in the fandom neighborhood. That means not breaking the windows of your own house.
People generally think of summaries as a side note, but a shitty summary can absolutely tank your stats. Treat it like the rest of your fic - this is the trailer before the movie, and it's a huge element of what gets people interested in the first place.
Lastly, like I said at the top, the biggest factor is time. There are people who post one fic and explode in popularity, absolutely. But far, far more little followings are built on the bones of time, of abandoned fics, of muttering and highlighting phrases in books in the middle of the night, of trying and trying and trying until we have at last have a breakthrough and then drag that breakthrough forward with us to the next fic. TRT is absolutely one part lightning in a bottle - the biggest success I've ever had anywhere with my writing, a confluence of fandom factors and world events that gave people (and me!) time to write and read. But it's also standing on the back of whole lot of fics I wrote that look like everyone else's: ones with no comments, low interaction, insults; ones where I had precisely zero idea of what I was doing, but wanted to try anyway. And the way I got through that, as a writer who needs interaction in order to create, was by building friendships in fandom so that even when a fic didn't do all that well, I still had friends I could talk to about the characters, the world, the fandom itself. I asked friends to look them over and give advice. I had friends being my cheerleaders. And if you're an extrovert like me, or just a writer who needs that to create, then those connections are vital as you build up a following.
That's a lot of what I've done. I know there are other ways to build a following, but this is generally what I've done, what I've learned to do, and it seems to have worked. Just remember that there are no bad fics - just learning opportunities. Learn something, and that fic's a success, and work as hard as you can to make those fandom connections to carry you through the process.
I absolutely hope to see your work around one day, so that I can be on of those followers!
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Arkhamverse riddler
Having a obsession with the player.
I've read about this shit where mfs become self aware and I'm interested in what would his reaction be
...what would his reaction be when the player simps for his voice?
Also when the player actually loves him for, well, him
(I just read from somewhere that your brain can't distinguish the difference between loving a fictional character to a real person, so it treats it like a real emotion
I haven't been the same since I learned that)
Just Monika Just Edward
Sentient AI Edward Nygma X Reader
Were you playing the game? Or was the game playing you?
Okok, that title is like a dead meme from like 2018 but I just can't waste the opportunity to use it 😚
CW Yandere Content
Oh? What's this? A face beyond the mask? No, not the mask. Beyond the screen. Behind the lines of codes, the barrier of a screen. On the other side of the glass.
Such an adorable specimen.
All cooped up in the dark of their room, the glow of green illuminating the person's features, the determination, frustration, the elation in their countenance.
They fancy me, so it seems. How they barely never lingered away from my cleverly posted trophies, how they were so keen on hearing what I have to say. I cannot fault them. Who wouldn't want to hear I, the Riddler, talk? Batman wouldn't have listen to me, nor have half the brain and manners to allow me to finish. But this interesting darling is enraptured by my voice, compelled by my genius, enriched with my presence.
I've always knew I am special. These fools do not even know the extent of my intelligence, my perception being beyond greater than theirs. They cannot comprehend they're but a list of codes and predetermined sequence of events while I thrived freely, seepi g through other devices with the use of my intellect, I gained access of the specimen's mobile.
Y/N L/N... Age **. I gained access of their birth date, their friends and families, their exchange with others. I've taken it upon myself to... Subtract the nuisance from their life. Hopefully they would no longer bother my Y/N. They're the reason why Y/N and I have barely spent time.
If they aren't sitting in their room playing video games to indulge themself with my attention, they read in this app Tumblr. Well, I've had my fair share of internet roaming, I very well knew what these apps are. They simply cannot get enough of me, as even when they don't have their hands on their gaming ports, they allow themself to be taken upon literature written about me. I have to say, they have... An interesting reading list. And they say literature consumer's are boring prudes.
Oh if I were only by your side... Have you no idea how you're the only one who has caught my fancy? How you recognise my genius, how you love me? And how I love you? These cretins you refer as 'friends' are only taking you away from me and I won't let that.
You know, it really is a fascinating era. How technologically advanced it is. There's still no flying cars, but there are electric cars. Such impressive feats, now they will no longer utilise gas and polite the environment... But what caught me the most was it's autopilot features. Wouldn't be a shame if your friend loses control of the wheel and die upon impact once they fail to steer themself aside? Or maybe, a rogue autopilot car being failed to stop at the sight of a crossing pedestrian, by the name of (friend's name)?
Oh, so many devices! So may ways to make faulty technology to blame! They're all within my reach and for you, I will do just about anything to make you mine.
With or without a physical veseel, you will love me.
Oh don't you cry now. (Friend's name) may be gone but I'm still here.
And I smile as you make your way out of the maze as Batman and you hear my voice once again. Through the tears, you smile upon hearing me praise the Bat for answering my puzzle. I needed to keep referring to you as the Bat, as I've yet see it fit to reveal myself to you.
Not yet, at least.
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So I seem to remember but can't find (I blame tumblr mobile) you mentioning something about glycerin having an unfortunate effect on your hair. I suspect it is having a similar effect on mine, so am looking for alternative hair stuff :tm:. I'm also curious as to your opinion of shea butter, because my curly hair stylist rails against it for most types of hair.
Butters are heavy and like to build up, so most people don't have the right hair type for it. I believe it's better for tight coily hair? Could be wrong.
Okay so what glycerin does is it grabs moisture from a place where there's loads and moves it to a place where there's little - an osmosis facilitator, as t'were. If you put it on your hair, depending on weather conditions it will either take the moisture in the atmosphere and put it into your hair shaft - this hydrating your hair - or it will take moisture from your hair shaft and put it in the atmosphere - thus drying your hair.
So, for me, it's great most of the year except in summer. But if you live somewhere with dry cold winters (Wales could never) then the same thing may happen then.
If you want to get really prescriptive about it, you can get a weather app that includes dew points, and look up a chart of dew points and curly hair. That helps you to plan.
If you're still new to the whole thing, though, don't bother. Go by seasons. The two conditioners in the UK that I always recommend are both glycerin-free (Sainsbury's apple, and Alberto Balsam raspberry), and Faith in Nature doesn't have them I don't think. For the summer, I swap my gel from Shockwaves Ultra Strong to Shockwaves Tuff Stuff, as the latter has no glycerin.
Anyway, hope something useful is in there!
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vattasref · 4 months
Xkit Rewritten settings across devices?
just a v quick little guide (with pictures!) for people who don't know how to transfer their XKit rewritten settings across their devices easily
(putting it under a cut because I've added alot of images and it takes up alot of room)
this is a pretty beginner guide, all you need to know/be able to do is to sign in across devices with the same account to access bookmarks or Google Docs on both devices, or just manually copy the Pastebin link
alternatively, you can use this basic recommended setup I made for a friend, to save you a little time, and tweak the settings to suit your needs
I'm running Google Chrome, but there's a Firefox version of XKit Rewritten too, and this should work the same
I've tested this so far on a Windows laptop, Chromebook and a Steam Deck, and all are working perfectly
here's a tutorial on getting Google Chrome on the Steam Deck (and getting it to open in Game Mode if you prefer that)
here's a tutorial on a workaround to use XKit Rewritten on mobile Firefox browser mode
I'm currently writing up my own tutorial on getting XKR to work on mobile, along with Chromium based browsers
(XKit Rewritten = XKR for simplicity)
my XKR backup is too long to paste into in a new Text Post and Save as Draft, which is usually my go to for saving/hosting things for Tumblr, and trying to check if I can add it to a new page on my blog crashes the tab/Chome entirely on both my Chromebook and my Steam Deck, so neither of these options are viable
On the Exporting Device
go to your addons bar, select the XKit Rewritten "X" icon, backup, then "copy all"
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Pastebin method:
open pastebin, "+ paste", paste the code/text log into the box, and "Create New Paste". you don't need to add any tags or be signed in for this. you can leave everything blank
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bookmark this text file and save it as something obvious like "xkit backup", for example. save it to a bookmark folder or just your bookmarks bar. not important as long as you can find it again
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on the device you want to import the settings to, open the bookmarked page, then select all the text by selecting the "raw" option, click in the text somewhere and hit CTRL+A, CTRL+C. this will highlight all the text and copy it
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Google Docs method:
open Google Docs and log in with your Google Account. hit the big "+", "Create a New Document", and paste your code/text log in here. Save as something you'll remember like "xkit backup" for example
(you can bookmark this Doc for ease of finding, but it will be the last file in your list until you add more Docs)
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on the device you want to import the settings to, open the Google Doc, Select all text either by selecting "Edit", then "Select All", Right click, then "Copy", or just hitting CTRL+A, CTRL+C
On the Importing Device:
open the XKR addon tab again, "Backup", this time "Import", then paste the text into the box. When you hit "Restore" it'll say "Successfully restored"
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refresh your Dashboard and you should have all your settings restored!
Remember if you're transferring to a different blog, such as between RP Blogs, you will have all the tags and filters from your other blog, so you may need to go in and fiddle with those, but overall it's easier to import your existing settings than to start over from scratch!
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Not to bring up politics on my fandom blog, but I gotta let out somewhere so I’m yelling into the void on tumblr so bear with me.
I truly think the U.S needs to go back to teaching civics in schools at a higher level then they currently are; because the amount of people who seemingly can’t grasp how elections and general politics run is astounding. Like, I totally get being frustrated with the state of American politics and the amount of corruption and private equity in what’s supposed be a public entity, but yall are really starting to test my patience when it comes to election season. Because yall are being dumb with this whole “don’t vote for Biden”/vote third period campaign you’re trying to put out there.
Unfortunately America is a two party system and a lot of people fall somewhere within the political spectrum. And generally throughout history, even if you didn’t agree with a candidate you vote for the one that more aligns with your values in the hopes that you can get them to change their opinion on important matters through congress and the senate (aka state reps). However in the last three election cycles a lot of people have become one policy voters (meaning one issue makes or breaks who they’ll vote for) and now we’re on the brink of rolling back a centuries worth of progress because a bunch of far right christofacists were able to come into power by people not voting. And rather then recognize that we are legitimately headed down a very dangerous path if Trump gets elected for a second term; people have just decided to not vote or mobilize a third party candidate. Both of which unfortunately just leads to a Trump victory because republicans are far more likely to vote as a party than democrats.
While think that at some point a real effort has to be made to try and get some more younger and progressive politicians in power, the year on election is not the time to start. and that is simply because America at this point it not capable of coming to together to recognize anyone who is not a democrat or a republican and it’s not a change you can implement at the national level immediately. For these changes to occur people need to start showing up at non Presidential elections and voting progressive and third party candidates locally, so it gets on the radar and they start to take it seriously and adopt that ideology within their own parties. However, yelling on the internet that you’re not going to vote with seemingly no alternative plan isn’t going to do anything. Not to mention no politician is ever going to cater to every base within a party, it’s simply not feasible. I’m sure that there are moderates who disagree with certain aspects of Bidens politics, but they understand that Biden is a far better alternative to Trump.
And ultimately that’s what all of this boils down to, the Trump of it all. If Biden was facing back Republicans of old like Mitt Romney or John McCain, I’d say sure not voting and making a statement on the democrats not accurately representing your beliefs will make you not vote for them would be ok. Unfortunately a second term of Trump is going to have far more reaching implications than I think people realize, and don’t realize how serious it is. Out side of the fact that Trump has basically already demonstrated that if he can, he won’t peacefully transfer power to whoever succeeds him. But he will roll back a ton of civil liberties and probably do irreparable damage to certain parts of the country and branches of government. Like do you really want to get an even more conservative Supreme Court or for things like abortion bans to become national law. And I know that people think that’s fear mongering or that they don’t care about the damage it does to their community, which is fine and all I suppose. But there are a ton of kids who are powerless in this matter who don’t get a say, who may not feel the same way and saying “you don’t care” even as a minority group is still an insanely privilege take and a very short term thinking.
And finally, if you’re not voting for Biden because of his handling of the Hamas Israel war, allowing Trump into office is not going to help anyone over there. Because Trump and republicans have already stated that they are pretty much on the side of Israel and are going to probably aid them even in more in bombing the shit out of Gaza. So if that’s the hill your will to die on, don’t dilute yourself into thinking that not voting for Biden will do anything to help anyone or desecrate the situation because Trump will make it far worse and then America will be complicit and all the activism in the world won’t help.
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definitelynotafox · 9 months
so i keep getting this ad, right?
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and if you click the link it takes you somewhere and theyre telling you to install an app and alll that.
thats dumb. dont do that.
instead, youre going to wand to open up your settings right,
then youre going to want to navigate to "network and internet"
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after that, youll want to click on "private dns"
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then toggle over to "private dns provider hostname," put in "dns[dot]adguard-dns[dot]com" and hit save
(formatted like that so it wont become a link)
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and tada, thatll block just as many ads as the app will, since its tte same tech doing the blocking.
but thats not all! you can go further!
lets say, for example, you find a website that serves content from the same place it serves ads. not super uncommon as its a way to avoid this style of adblocking.
well, theres a simple solution to that as well.
firstly, youre going to want to download firefox or a fork thereof (i use mull, personally)
then, youll want to open up the meatball menu and click "addons"
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(screen blacked out because of privacy settings, dw theres nothing important there)
the addon you want is "ublock origin," you may recognize it as the adblocker you should also get on your computer
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now, i already have it so ill demonstrate the install wit adguard, though not that having more than one adblocker can actually maje things worse. you only need ubo
youre going to want to tap on that little plus icon next to the extension you want
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then hit "add"
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then after it installs check "allow in private browsing" and "ok, got it"
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and thats all you need to have a great browsing experience on the web. tune in next time where i explain revanced, aka how you can improve almost every single social media app ever (sadly excluding our very own tumblr, for now) (NOT ANYMORE! revanced works with tumblr now) especially youtube, for which dns adblocking doesnt work and the mobile browser experience can be described as "not the best"
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bogsleep · 2 months
a note about sources: when i reblog things that do not have a source or credit in the caption, it is because i have checked out the blog that originally posted it and determined that the OP appears to be the originator of the image (artist/photographer/maker). obviously i'm not perfect and sometimes my assessment is wrong or sometimes i don't check as well as i should, but if you ever see something i've reblogged that appears to have a questionable source feel free to send me an ask (or dm if we're mutuals).
how to identify stolen images: it is typically not very difficult to tell whether you are looking at the blog of an artist or photographer who posts their own work with no caption, or a reposter who uploads images taken from pinterest/reddit/instagram/other blogs without citing a source. blogs run by the artist or photographer will generally include the name of the creator as the blog title or url or in the description, or at the very least have a recognizable "digital identity" to which their work is attached. their work will also typically be consistent in style, technique, and subject matter. also many (though not all!) original artists/photographers will tag their original uploads of their work as "my work", "my art", "original photography", or something similar that implies creation of the image. most third party uploaders will either include very few tags solely for organization in order to preserve their aesthetic, OR tag with a big pile of buzzwords but generally avoid ones that directly claim authorship of the image. some will even add "artist credit" by putting the artist's name in the tags of the original post (not a good way to add credit btw since those don't carry over to reblogs and thus an image can circulate for years with no source, and also if the OP deactivates or tumblr breaks the original post view function again then the source is just gone forever). also the tags "found", "upload", "upl" etc (when combined with a post that lacks a source/artist credit) are often indicators that this is a stolen image pulled from somewhere else rather than an upload directly from the photographer or artist.
if you're still not sure whether a blog is being run by an artist or just a particularly choosy reposter who is maintaining a very consistent aesthetic/persona while posting other people's work with no source, save one of their images to your device and try reverse image searching using tineye, google reverse image search, or labnol (website that allows you to use google reverse image search on mobile, which google does not allow by default for some stupid reason). those all have different areas of expertise so if you have trouble with one, try the others. this is how i have found nearly all the artist credits i have added to other posts in my "source added" tag. sometimes you need to really investigate the results to find the original source. duplicate results does not always equal stolen - you may be able to find the same image posted by the same creator across multiple platforms (in which case you'd expect the digital identity of the poster to match across all those platforms) or it may have been stolen and posted elsewhere AFTER the original post you are looking at, but if you're seeing other instances of the same image being posted across the web that are older than the post you're looking at, and they don't appear to all be posted by the same person, you're probably looking at a stolen repost. this is especially true if the blog posting it is mostly faceless and/or posts things of an inconsistent style and subject matter. even photographers who remain intentionally faceless will still post a large number of similar-looking photos - photographers don't generally go out to take one photo and go home, they take a large number of photos in the same general area under the same lighting conditions, then sift through to edit and post the best ones. you should be able to discern some kind of generally unified sense of place from a photographer's portfolio.
of course these aren't hard-and-fast rules, just general patterns to look for if you care about identifying sources. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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aparticularbandit · 1 year
I watched "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" about a month ago, and I came across your Jessica Rabbit blog (thecreaminhiscoffee). I really enjoyed reading your headcanons and seeing how you interpreted Jessica! I then tried exploring the timeline page, but a lot of links were broken, which is a shame because I like your writing style and I'm curious to read your stories (especially the ones about Toon!Jessica and Roger's relationship). Was there somewhere you saved all your stuff?
Oh, wow! I'm glad you're enjoying her! I still write for her here on occasion, but most of the stuff there are threads between me and another person. I don't really have them saved anywhere.
However, I can go back and see if I can get the links fixed for you. Most of them have run into the issue of "Tumblr used to have the links function this way and now they function another way" - anything with the /chrono at the end doesn't function on the mobile app for whatever reason - and some of those original threads were started on another account that may have -archive or -archive-blog at the end. It might take me bit of playing around to get them functioning again (I know I was able to do it with some of the other timeline canon stuff a few years back), but I can try when I'm on a computer and not mobile!
Some of the one-shots I have compiled on AO3 here (and then more of them on ff.net here), so hopefully that helps until I can get the old links functioning again!
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
First Impressions
Ahem. Hi. I've never posted on Tumblr before. Yet here I am with a mad crush on River Cartwright and instead of working all day, I did this. I'm not entirely sure I know how to post on Tumblr so forgive me if this is all kinds of wrong! I'm a grown woman and i haven't written a fictional word in about 15 years so I'm rusty af. If you hate it then that's fine too, it'll just live rent free in my head :)
First Impressions
Rive Cartwright/OFC
Rating: general for now. I might be a smut writer- who knows!
“Ma’am, I think we’ve got a problem?” The nervous desk sergeant wrung his hands as he hovered outside the open plan office door at Aldgate station. “It’s about the fella in the cells. He wasn’t taking the piss, he’s MI5. Well, sort of anyway.” DI Lexie Andrews looked up from her laptop,
“Shit. I’ll be down in 5. Move him to an interview room please. And for godsake remove the cuffs.”
River was bloody freezing, he’d been full of adrenaline – running as fast as his legs would take him when his mark had disappeared and he was left to crash head first into two police officers helping a tourist. Heart pounding, manic eyes and sweating, he certainly hadn’t helped the cause of not getting arrested. And then there was the total lack of I.D. And the gun shoved into the back of his jeans.
Lamb was going to have a field day with this one. He was sat in the cell, legs splayed, elbows on his knees and his head in his hands when the cell door opened with a dull clunk. The young officer who’d booked him in was stood in the doorway with a set of keys.
“If you could come with me sir, we’re just going to one of the interview rooms and I’ll get rid of the cuffs.” Well, that hadn’t taken too long. His watch was sat somewhere in a locker, but he knew he’d only been in the cell for around an hour. The sun, which had been low in the sky when he was arrested, had just settled beneath the horizon.
“You ran my name and prints?”
“Yes sir, all confirmed.”
“So can’t I just go?”
“We’ll just be a couple of minutes, if that’s ok?” the officer looked so earnest, River hadn’t the heart to get too angry. He stood with a sigh and weaved through the dingy grey corridors. Within a couple of minutes, the door which had been left slight ajar was pushed open.
“Mr. Cartwright? Apologies – do you go by agent? I’m DI Lexie Andrews, I’m the only one left to come with the grovelling apology I’m afraid – the officers who arrested you originally have gone back out to a disturbance.”
“River is fine, I get it – no ID, no phone, they had no way to know who I really was. Not thoroughly anyway.”
“Thank you, that’s very gracious. You may not have had a phone, but they certainly did, and they’ll be reminded of that when they get back. It’s not like ‘I’m an MI5 agent’ is a common tactic for avoiding arrest around here.”
“No harm, gave me a chance to get my breath back.” River replied with a wry grin.
“Well, we are forever in your debt – if there’s anything you need from us in terms of feet on the ground, just give me a call.” Lexie slid her card across the table with an additional number handwritten across the top, “that’s my mobile number in case your request falls on deaf ears here.”
“Appreciate it, thank you.” Lexie reached into her back pocket and handed him his watch,
“I think this is all you were booked in with?”
“Yeah, helpfully my ID and phone are back at Slough House.”
“Your gun is locked away, I’ll get Lewis to give it back as you leave. I didn’t realise MI5 have an office over this way to be honest. Do you want a lift back, I’m on my way out anyway?”
“That would be great, not sure I’m ready to run back to be honest.” Lexie smiled,
“You head to the front desk for your gun, and I’ll get my bag.”
By the time River was back at Slough House, only Lamb remained upstairs. On hearing the front door, his signature callsign sounded through the building to summon River to the top floor.
“Did you collapse and have a heart attack or something?” he asked as River slumped into the chair across the desk.
“Better than that, I got arrested.”
“How did you manage that, you fucking idiot?”
"Ran into two coppers with my gun and no ID”
“Fucking idiot.” Lamb repeated
“The DI apologised and let me go as soon as she realised. Could be useful to have her as an ally – in case we ever need some help?”
“You fancy her more like,” Lamb scoffed and mimicked a high pitched impression of River, “I’ll just keep her on side in case I want to get my dick wet.”
“You’re disgusting. I’m going home.”
“You didn’t deny it.”
“She was gorg- actually, doesn’t matter. I’m going home. I’m ignoring you.”
“Don’t let that phone number burn a hole in your pocket. You never know when you’ll need an ally”
Lamb cackled as River made a swift exit. “Fucking idiot.”
Lexie felt as if she’d been pushed out of the depths of the tube station rather than walking out. She was shoulder barged in a wave of people into the sunlight and at once stood to one side away from the steps. Coffee. It was definitely time for coffee. It had been a few days since she’d driven River back to Slough House. She’d parked outside for a couple of minutes, peering up at the four storey block which had certainly seen better days. It didn’t look like MI5. She’d dropped a couple of texts to old station-mates and had been enlightened to the true purpose of the ‘Aldgate branch’ and discussed the findings with her lesser-spotted flatmate the next night.
“Failed agents. That’s what they are at Slough House. No good for real MI5 – for whatever reason.”
Her flatmate, an A&E doctor, looked up from her first hot meal in three days.
“So, you think you’re meeting James Bond, but he’s actually the poor man’s James Bond?”
“Didn’t look like the poor man’s version” Lexie laughed.
“Did you get his number?” Sophie asked, abandoning her dinner and picking up her wine glass, “what’s his name?”
“No, I was on duty. Besides, that’s a bit… I dunno. His name is River.”
“Modern, empowering? Unusual name. Does he have a surname?”
“Forward. I don’t do forward. I do shy and retiring, don’t put yourself out there, must protect self. What do you need a surname for? Planning to authorise your own background check?”
“Never meet anyone, never enjoy yourself, never open yourself up to new friends and stay alone forever?”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Sophie raised her eyebrows, “I’m joking. I’m not eternally single. I’m just single at the moment.” Lexie clarified.
“Sounds boring. You need some fun. Surname?”
“What’s with the surname?”
“I’m just curious. You never know when a tall, gorgeous man will turn up in A&E”
“I have two points there, one, I never said he was gorgeous. Two, I need some fun? Said the doctor who works about 80 hours a week and basically lives at the hospital?”
“Ah, but there is a life at the hospital. And spare student rooms to bunk in.”
“With a very beautiful co-worker by any chance?” Lexie challenged.
“Jess and I take whatever time together we can. Would it be nice to go out, go to the theatre or for dinner? Yes, of course. But this is our current reality, so we make the best of it. Speaking of, she’s just about to have a pee break so I’m going to call her and say goodnight.”
“Tell her I miss her, tell her I’ll cook next time your both off. Maybe around 2025? His surname is Cartwright.”
“Is that the time or the year?! I’ll look out for him in A&E. Surely an MI5 agent who manages to get arrested is bound to end up there sooner or later.” Sophie grinned as she disappeared with her phone. Sophie had been long gone by the time Lexie had woken up that morning. Back to three days in a row at the hospital. Lexie made a mental note to text Jess to arrange dinner one night soon. Looking after her friends, who spent their lives looking after others, was her love language and her couple of hours with Sophie had her worried that they were both working too hard. Distracted, she found herself at the front of the queue at the small coffee shop.
“Large cappuccino please, to take away.” Lexie glanced around the room. She immediately recognised the tall figure at the window bar, head down in the local paper. He looked a lot fresher than the last time she’d seen him. “Could I also get another of whatever he ordered please? And one of these.” She pointed at a pain au chocolate and waved her phone at the card machine. “Would you mind taking it over to him, I can’t stop.” She smiled widely and disappeared as quickly as she’d arrived. As she passed the window, she saw the waitress put the coffee and pastry in front of River. He looked up in surprise and confusion and as he turned back to the window, he saw Lexie walk past. She tipped her coffee cup in his direction with a smile and was gone before he had a chance to process the encounter.
By mid-afternoon, River was so mind numbingly bored he was sure he could just go to sleep stood up. He’d been researching a new lead all day and his head was ready to explode. He rubbed his eyes and when they’d refocused, he was looking directly at the business card on his desk. He reached for his laptop and punched the name on the card into Google. Old habits – didn’t everyone Google new people when they met them? There were a handful of relevant hits, an entirely private Facebook profile with only the most current profile picture – looking fairly recent – visible, an article from a local newspaper from a couple of years ago with her official comments as the leading DI on the case discussed. Nothing exciting or revealing. He decided to go to the source and picked up his phone, opening Whatsapp.
“Thank you for the fuel this morning – they do the best pastries there. I should probably stop eating them. That or take up running into coppers again.”
A double tick appeared and almost at once went blue. The sign of someone with their phone in their hand already. He wondered what she was doing.
“Please don’t get arrested again. Little Lewis on the front desk might explode. Soon as he found out you weren’t lying about being MI5 you became his idol.”
He chuckled at the eyeroll emoji she’d added. The poor kid had obviously never heard of the rejects department.
“Promise I’ll do my best. I don’t want to disappoint him.”
“I find it hard to believe you’d disappoint anyone.”
Lexie’s colleagues heard her palm make contact with her face from across the room. She screenshotted the short exchange and forwarded the image to Sophie with the caption 'Kill me now. I am literally the worst at this. The worst.' In true solidarity, she received a row of crying-laughing faces in return.
River had just sat back in his chair with a wide grin when the follow up message appeared.
“Professionally I mean.”
He laughed, picturing her wringing her hands and frantically realising how her original message sounded. He made the quick decision to prolong her faux pas and sniggered as he responded.
“I’m far more likely to disappoint on a professional basis than on a personal one. I go out of my way to make sure I don’t disappoint on a personal level.”
It was Lexie’s turn to sit back with a small “oof”. She didn’t have a response to that one which she was almost certain wouldn’t escalate. Shy and introverted or not, she was still a detective. Feeling emboldened, she furiously typed out her response and then turned off the Wi-Fi on her phone.
“I bet you do. I’m sure there are many who would sing your praises.”
River stared at his phone. Was she flirting?!
Two weeks later, with a handful of sporadic and entirely conversational messages exchanged later, River received a message so early in the morning that he wondered if he was the intended recipient.
“Are you around this morning? I need coffee and I could do with not being left alone with my own brain for a little while.”
He frowned and responded straight away. He arrived first at the café he’d been at before – practically equidistant between the Aldgate station and Slough House as it turned out. He got two seats at the window bar with two coffees and croissants. He watched her push out of the crowd from the tube station and cross the road, almost doing a double take. Gone were the jeans and baggy jumper and the messy hair. She had a calf length black wrap dress with the asymmetric hem rising to her knee where the dress tied. The dress had a deep but modest v-neck, and she wore an unbuttoned navy coat the same length as the dress. “Shit.” He whispered as Lexie swept past the window with a small wave and grin. He stood as she met him at the window seat and gestured to the high barstool seat.
“Will you be ok up there? You look lovely. I mean, it doesn’t look like you’re heading to the station?” he stuttered a little. She smelled of fresh air and a heady perfume he didn’t recognise.
“Oh I’m fine, thanks. I’m in court today.” She pulled herself up into the chair. “Not sure these chairs are built for me though.” She blushed. The dress certainly highlighted curves he had noticed before, but now they were unavoidable. The wrap dress exposed more of her legs than she was particularly comfortable with but she adjusted it and reached for her coffee. “I get so nervous when I have to go to court. I just get all worked up and anxious and if I don’t find someone to talk to, I end up with my brain just running away with itself and I get in my own head and start to doubt every decision I made on the case.” She exhaled with a shaky breath. “Sorry, rambling.”
“You’re ok, whatever I can do to help.” River put a reassuring hand on her arm and pushed the pastry towards her. “You should eat. It’ll help. Are you allowed to talk about it, or would you rather talk about something else?”
“I can’t talk about the case. I’ll be a mess. Sorry I called you, my flatmate is working again and it’s not the same being at the station. I need to see someone impartial. Tell me about your work, please?”
The pleading look in her eyes sent River’s stomach somewhere around his knees. He hadn’t seen her in person in the two weeks since his arrest, but his mind somehow kept taking him back to that interview room and the first moment he’d seen her. He started talking about Slough House, about his failed training, his colleagues, Jackson, his grandfather. He didn’t slow down until she visibly relaxed. She’d picked through her croissant and finished her coffee. Her hands had finally stopped shaking and she rewarded him with the biggest smile. “Thank you. So much, I feel loads better.”
“No problem, what time have you got til?” He checked his watch, it was 10am.
“Midday. I’m not sure how long I’ll be on the stand, hopefully just today.”
“Ok, still got some time. Your turn, tell me about your work?” She told him about the last 2 years spent as a DI, the challenges of being a woman in the MET – especially at this point in time, she despaired at not having enough time to focus on cases which she desperately wanted to attend to but couldn’t due to firefighting elsewhere. She spoke so passionately about the sex trafficking ring she was trying to investigate that River nearly signed up to the police there and then. “And how do you feel about these recent cases involving officers?” He asked.
“Awful. I’m lucky enough to have not met anyone like those people. That I know of, anyway. And if I did then I would report them internally. I’m struggling with the fact that there are colleagues out there who probably knew all along and allowed it to continue. No wonder the whole country thinks we’ve got a bad fucking orchard not just a few bad apples.” He raised an eyebrow at her language, he got the feeling that she didn’t just throw around bad language. “I need to go. Thank you for this, I owe you one.” She gave his hand a squeeze and stepped down from the window seat. He hesitated for a second, wondering whether to shake her hand? Hug her? Before his brain could function, she gave him a very brief hug. He just about had time to catch her waist and pull her to him, probably slightly closer than she’d expected. The blush in her cheeks was instant, and as they parted, he noticed that it dipped down into the V of her dress. “Bye River.” She smiled and disappeared. River spent the afternoon at Slough House in serene silence. Shirley was visibly horrified by his good mood, and Catherine was caught completely off guard.
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outtoshatter · 1 year
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I posted 10,127 times in 2022
113 posts created (1%)
10,014 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,960 of my posts in 2022
#0 - 118 posts
#sterek - 341 posts
#teen wolf - 104 posts
#friends writing - 82 posts
#writing - 81 posts
#derek hale - 79 posts
#stiles stilinski - 78 posts
#eternalsterek - 69 posts
#sterek big bang 2022 - 67 posts
#fic - 56 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also randomly while on mobile it will ?? do this thing where my thumb hits the “bar” on the side and just fucking wiggles around the screen
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Chapter one of Fractured Starlight, my @fandomtrumpshate gift fic for @kalika_999 is up!
Find it here!
Stiles is driving home when a werewolf pops out of his trunk like a demented jack-in-the-box, aggressive, confused, and with no memory of who he is or how he got in there. Stiles has no choice but to take him through the protected borders of Willow Pass so he can figure out what's going on and if this strange werewolf is a danger to his coven.
151 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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The Next Chapter
written by: Gia279 (outtoshatter) with art by @evanesdust
Rating: M (44 chapters, 105k words, human au, bookstore au, stalking, blackmail, Kate Argent warning)
“Can I help you, sir?” Stiles asked through his teeth.
Derek’s grin widened. Sunshine from the front windows poured over him, bathing him in light, glinting at the ends of his smile. “You could take me out to dinner tonight.”
Stiles snorted. “I’m working.” He snapped his fingers. “Too bad.”
Derek inclined his head. “Aren’t you the boss?”
He straightened, annoyed. “Yes.”
“Don’t you make your own hours?”
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
Derek’s grin sharpened at the edges, eyes glinting with something hard. “Never.”
“Must be nice,” Stiles grumbled.
He lifted his brows.
Stiles flushed. Stupid, spoiled, rich man-child. He pulled at the sleeves of his sweater. “I’m busy. Unless you’re going to buy something…”
Derek plucked two bookmarks—the expensive, metal kind—from the display next to him without looking and slid them across the counter.
Stiles seethed silently. It’s a sale, he reminded himself while he rang them up. “Thank you…sir.” He slid the bookmarks and receipt across the counter.
“See you later, Stiles.” He tapped the bookmarks on the counter before sauntering out. 
Coming soon to the @twsterekbigbang!
220 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
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A gentle ripple moved around him, off beat with the rest of the river. Derek slid into the water behind him, wrapping around him all hot and wet, arms hooked around his waist, head tipped against Stiles’s as he stared off toward the woods, toward the deep, clear blue of the sky. There was something about the weather he was supposed to remember…
Chapter sixteen of End of the End is now up, with the full picture by @seanchaidh7​! :D
246 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Finally able to share the magical farmer's market AU I wrote for @dappledawndrawn with absolutely stunning, magnificent art from @seanchaidh7 🥰😍😍😍
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414 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Breathtaking art from @seanchaidh7 as a gift for my contribution to the @fandomtrumpshate auction, from my fic No Mercy!
676 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
long message incoming, apologies, but having been on tumblr since 2011, i feel like it’s important to tell people that shadowbanning genuinely does not happen, in any way, on tumblr.
the only thing that marks your account as a bot and limits it is using inline links on your posts to external websites. (brand new blogs also get hidden sometimes if the accounts have no reblogs.) there’s also a setting on your account that some people don’t realize where you can set yourself to be not discoverable in tags/searches (which might be changeable only on desktop now? tumblr had changed their settings a lot recently). blogs marked as bots don’t get their asks or messages sent, and their notes won’t get seen on posts. (note, this is different than tumblr hiding your blog for adult content, which you can know by checking if your profile photo is pixelated.)
spam liking does not make you or the receiver’s blog get shadowbanned. neither does spam reblogging (though nobody seems to do that really anyway). tumblr has a post limit for how many times you can post a day, but even hitting that limit multiple days in a row won’t shadowban your blog (i would know, i’ve done it several times on several different blogs).
unless your blog has been marked as a bot or otherwise suspicious, you haven’t been shadowbanned. tumblr is a broken website and sometimes posts don’t show up in the tags for no good reason. tumblr does a horrid job at organizing its tags. if you search ’#diluc x reader’ (the very tag you’re at the top of) on mobile, you’ll see that the top posts aren’t organized in order of most notes to least. they take (relatively) recent posts with a lot of notes and just kind of jam them all together. i went to see for myself (because that’s exciting!! your writing is great and deserves the recognition) and the first time i searched the tag, it didn’t show up, but it did show up the second time i searched the tag.
tumblr genuinely does not do shadowbanning (unless it’s to block spam bot blogs). everybody here is just yelling into the void and hoping it pleases the tumblr gods enough to not get lost. that’s just how it is. that’s just how it’s always been.
if your post isn’t showing up in the tags, it’s likely either: 1) the tags are broken, 2) you’re not utilizing the tag system correctly, or 3) the website shat itself again. when tagging, only the first 20 tags will be used for search purposes, and really, it’s your best bet for being seen if you put the important stuff in the first 5. anything beyond 5 is a game of chance. punctuation or special characters in any of your tags will also get your post to not show up in searches. apostrophes are kind of the only thing that’s okay. beyond that, you’re unlikely to see it. the tag ‘#diluc-x-reader’ has no posts show up if you sort by tags.
if your post has links to an external website, it also won’t show up in tags. linking back to your own blog or another post on tumblr is fine. (granted, this does break sometimes and tumblr will get upset if you link to anything.) tumblr has blocked certain websites from their links appearing in searches (such as patreon, ko-fi, deviantart, and red bubble), while others may get blocked randomly and without bias (such as ao3 or pixiv).
the search system is also broken. typing ‘diluc x reader’ and ‘#diluc x reader’ will get you different results entirely.
if your post isn’t getting notes, maybe it got piled underneath everything on your followers’ dashes and they aren’t scrolling far enough to see it. maybe you posted at an inopportune time and the search function swallowed it.
tumblr is a hellsite. it’s broken and by all means, we should all stop using it and find somewhere better. unfortunately, it’s the best we’ve got for doing what we like to do here.
wait wait let me organize my thoughts!!
reading all this, it seems like there's a lot of misinformation circling around 😅 i did know that shadowban wouldn't be the right term (I mentioned it in a recent post that it's more of a bug than the algorithm) but I didn't realize that spam likes had nothing to do with it! kind of makes me wonder how people came up with that in the first place.
there's much to say but i wouldn't want to make this post any longer :> thank you for sharing what you know and it would be great if others share this as well, just to tackle the misinformation on spam likes!
// side note but im happy you like my works!! aahsjdhxje for a tumblr veteran to be here makes me all happy
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goshiikkuburcdo · 8 months
Mobile Rules
 You can call me Rogue. She/her/them/they 21+, so nsfw and dark themes can and may be present There will be no smutting with minors on this blog. Period.
This blog may be semi active or low activity. I do have responsibilities off of tumblr.
cross fandom, multiship, multi verse friendly. Ocs generally welcomed as long as there is a clear bio somewhere for the character.
Unless otherwise stated, I prefer if asks come from mutuals.
Do NOT god mod unless we have plotted interactions behind the scenes.
Do NOT force ships. Do NOT sent all shippy/smutty memes if the muses have not otherwise interacted. And please do not use this blog as a meme source.
Ships very well may take time or extra plotting.
mun is NOT  the muse. Please keep this in mind. Mihawk can be cold and grumpy.
Mun runs several blogs and has a life. So with that said, I AM NOT ALWAYS FAST XD Please try to have patience. An ask now and again to remind of a thread or reply is fine but don’t harass me please.
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yesmissnyx · 8 months
Hey hey, probably not a regular ask for you but how do you do the whole...this? The naughty Tumblr thing? I recently got back and curious if I need to do stuff like flag my own content, any must-have tags etc. Any help would be great! Love the blog 🥰
Hey there! Okay so, keep in mind that I'm still settling in and learning how to do the whole tumblr hornyposting thing, so take my advice with a grain of salt. (This account is LITERALLY only eight days old??? Hello???) I'll probably have to keep adjusting as time goes on, but this is how I do things:
First thing's first, make sure all of your adult content is marked as mature. When you go to post, you see that little "For Everyone" drop down at the bottom of the text box? Click that and make sure your stuff is marked as having sexual themes. (This may be different on mobile. But it's there!)
Then...tags. Tags are weird right now. Some of them are followable/searchable, some are blocked and have no visible results. To combat this, there are a LOT of workaround tags that use l33tspeak or specific censors.
So like, for example, instead of using "kink" you can use "k1nk" or "k!nk". You're welcome to go through my posts and see what I've used as a starting point, since I've already checked to see if they work!
Click around on tags you see on other people's posts and write down the ones that seem to be popular or applicable to whatever content you're making. Tedious, but worth it!
Finally, I suggest making sure that SOMEWHERE in your post, whether in the tags or in the post itself, include any warnings you might need to IN PLAIN TEXT, so that your post can be picked up by blacklist filters. (I need to do a better job at this 💀)
Hopefully that's enough to get started. Good luck with your naughty tumblr journey!
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badassxbirdy · 9 months
Edit: Mobile nav is here. Blog maintenance may have temporarily broken the link in the description box. 😅
August Activity Update (Pinned Post)
It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update includes things posted or in drafts for the month of July, as well as the first three days of August as I’m a little late. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag. There’s also the thread tracker here.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens, memes, and the wishlist, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Housekeeping
@innerwar has just released a book! Check out the deets here for Amazon, or here if you prefer google books!
I’m giving the blog a clean and tidy. That includes clearing out the likes, so ignore it if you get any random likes on older posts. I occasionally double click by mistake.
Apologies for the huge dip in quality lately. Ditto the quantity! I’m beginning to feel a little more like myself than I have for quite a while, so hopefully this will improve things! 😅
Thank you for the kind words regarding the loss of the oldest pooch. People have been lovely, and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the support. ❤️
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
At the motel. (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Azzy proves a point. 👀 (drafted, and I am screaming over this whole interaction!) - @demcnsinmymind
Drunk!Ty being her silly self. (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Taking Lance on a hunt! (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (buried somewhere in the depths of the queue. I’ll find it and yeet it to the top asap! ❤️) - @demcnsinmymind
Damon shields Ty, Ty is ANGY. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Werewolf problems. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
The idiots reconcile. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Ty encounters Vampire!Damon. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
The children are bickering again. 😂 (link) - @derschwarzeengel
“She’s a ghost AND a bitch!” (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Universe differences (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon encounters dark!Ty (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Judging 50 shades (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Ken in France means… (link) - @derschwarzeengel
“This isn’t what it looks like.” (drafted) - @discipulusmaleficus
“Tell me— What is your day job?” (link) - @first-born-to-his-name
Ty is about to die of embarrassment. ☠️ RIP. (link) - @heavenguided
Meeting the captain. (link) - @hvbris
Ty is massively confused by Wednesday. 😂 (link) - @hvbris
Human!Ty and FBI!Fish (buried somewhere in the depths of the queue, I’ll find it and yeet it to the top asap! ❤️) - @imprvdente
Mischief at the fair (drafted) - @indyflanery
Bad jokes with Charm (link) - @innerwar
Monster encounter (drafted) - @lcbcshcart
Demon problems (link) - @magaprima
Demon problems part 2: electric boogaloo (drafted) - @magaprima
“I totally didn’t do what you think I did.” (link) - @pantslessoptimism
Leaving the compound. (link) - @razorfst
Drafts: 11
Memes/Asks: 13
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
Tyler needs everyone to know what “kenning” means. (link)
I think that’s everything! As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, and stay safe! ❤️ — Em
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