#maybe it's just because my social interactions are limited nowadays that's also very possible
cuubism · 3 years
do you ever think about what the general fandom would be interested in reading and does that ever deter you from writing content that you like?
i wish i could say that i'm immune to other people's desires and that i just do what i want but alas that's pretty much the opposite of the truth. i'm very conflict-averse so other people's emotions can be suffocating. weirdly enough, getting a handful of hate comments on ao3 (on mhbs of all things, bizarrely) was actually really helpful with this -- it helped push me past the "if i've upset them i must have done something wrong" mindset and more into "you don't owe these random strangers anything, fuck them," because most of the time when people are leaving hate comments they're either looking to start a fight or they just haven't learned to curate their own internet experience yet and expect you to do it for them - you can't really have a mature conversation with either of those people. (#exposure therapy...) but yes, other people's feelings about specific tropes or characterizations or plot directions or AUs or what have you absolutely have the power to influence what i want to write; i don't know if they deter me from doing it exactly but they sometimes make me feel bad while doing it. but just because someone's upset with you doesn't necessarily mean you've done something wrong, which is something we all have to learn especially when you're a #peoplepleaser.
i feel like that wasn't exactly the spirit of the question though...
it is also possible to get sort of addicted to the validation that comes with writing fic that people like. and guess what, i'm guilty of that one too! it's a huge part of why i posted sooo many chapters of mhbs in the spring even though i had other fics that meant a lot to me that i really wanted to make progress on. the validation, the interaction, is addicting. and the more i've written and posted and the more people i've had read my stuff the worse it gets. there's something freeing about writing into a void, and something heavy about having a "readership," however small it may be, however privileged you may feel to have it. nowadays when i'm writing i feel like i always have some percentage of my brain reserved for thinking about how the piece will look from the outside, which is helpful in a sense but also creates a distance between me and what i'm working on that sometimes makes it hard to write anything that feels raw. more than once i've thought about stepping away from the more social aspects of fandom temporarily so i can get back to writing for myself first, but it's been challenging given the limited other social avenues of 2020/21. maybe i still will, at some point.
tldr, what i want to write and what other people want me to write and what other people don't want me to write--in both specific and general sense--is a horribly tangled morass in my head that's too intimidating to pick apart, so for now i will simply continue writing my silly little fics and craving validation, thank you, goodbye.
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doberbutts · 6 years
Okay so not dog related but I need to rant. Those that know me know I have two older sisters and only really get along with one of them.
My oldest sister and I have the best relationship, but we are the farthest apart in age. She is 18 years older than me and has always occupied a weird in-between area of “sibling” and “adult female relative aka aunt”, as she was out of the house, married, and in the Navy when I was born.
The middle child of the family, my other older sister, is 4.5 years older than me and we have never gotten along. From the time we were both old enough to make decisions about who we befriended, we have never really been able to be friendly or even civil with each other. As we aged our fights grew more physical and more explosive until it was a matter of us taking turns sitting on the other and beating the shit out of them. There were a few instances where the police had to be called and a decision had to be made on whether fights between siblings counted as domestic abuse or deserved jailtime.
Even though I’m away from my blood family nowadays and deliberately limit their access of my life, I still get reminded on occasion why I specifically go out of my way to avoid one of my sisters, despite me loving and adoring the kids she’s brought into the world.
My oldest sister called me the other day, wanting nothing more than conversation and pleasantries, and we had a very long discussion about our separate lives. I’d heard that she and my other sister had had a large blow up fight over something from our parents, and when I asked her about it I discovered something.
I cut our middle sister out of my life with the exception of occasionally seeing her during a family get-together or her being in the room when I’m talking on the phone with my mother, and in doing so, removed her favorite target from her clutches. She’d always been jealous of me for whatever reason, and I never understood why (still don’t), because to me it’s all grade school nonsense. She would always call me ugly, while lamenting that she didn’t have my eyes or face shape. She would call me fat, while lamenting that I have always been several sizes smaller than her and seem to be able to eat whatever I want without gaining weight. She made fun of my clothing choices, while saying she wished she had the body to pull off skinny jeans and a tighter fitting shirt. Whenever she wanted to be derogatory regarding my appearance, she’d focus on the fact that I turned out visibly “more black” than she did (darker skin, 3c hair, big nose and lips, wideset hips, broad shoulders, etc) but then if asked about her heritage she would complain that she only looked “mixed” instead of “truly black”. My hobbies were never good enough for her because they were never “girly” things, but she would complain that she was never “allowed” to do boyish things which I know for a fact is a straight lie. If my hobbies did include “girly” things such as sewing, ballet, etc she would make snide remarks on how she was glad I was acting like a girl for once, while complaining that she wasn’t very good at doing those things either.
No matter what I did, it was never good enough for her, and she always had some comment to provoke a fight. She would threaten my animals, she made a game once of swinging my rats by their tails at the wall, she deliberately smashed my videogames and dvds. I have scars from her fights and a memory of the night I went through the window during one epic blow-up. She had picked up my hamster cage with my hamster inside and thrown it against the ground. She would tell me all the time that she hated me and wished I’d never been born so she could be the only child- something that would hurt both myself and our oldest sister who was adopted. I ended up telling her on the day of her wedding that I didn’t love her and that if I had any say in it, I’d never want anything to do with her because she is an abusive bully, and she’d be lucky if she didn’t chase her new husband away before long because of her awful behavior- because she was baiting me to have a fight over the fact that she was getting married first (note: I was 17) and that she found love while I'll be miserable and alone forever since I'm a freak.
So when I moved, I completely stopped interacting with her. I don’t text. I don’t call. I refuse to add her on facebook which she is very upset by. She lost her favorite target when I left and, I thought, maybe she’ll be happier now that I basically pretend I’m not part of the family anymore.
Except that’s not how it went, and she started focusing on our oldest sister instead. Except our oldest sister has far less tolerance for her bullshit than I do thanks to being significantly older than either of us, and called her to the carpet for it pretty much immediately. Our parents, like they did when it was just the two of us, pretty much swept it under the rug and let her do just about whatever she wants with zero consequences, and now they have the issue of having 3 kids who positively will not get along in an enclosed space during whatever family holiday we all end up spending together- considering the last several holidays I’ve been missing for this exact reason and now my oldest sister will also be missing because it means the middle sister will be there. And, again, my oldest sister thought perhaps she’ll be happier now, because she’s effectively become an only child.
Except she’s not- now she goes after her husband the same way. My sisters are neighbors, their houses share a wall, and my oldest nephew (20yrs!) has reported several instances where he can hear the babies crying and my sister screaming and swearing at her husband about something with a lot of other... violent noises like crashes and thumping. Her husband is silent through it all- he just takes it until she's done and then leaves the house for a bit. My nephew’s been advised to call the police if he continues to hear it, because we are all pretty sure that either she has become physically abusive towards her husband or she’s baiting him to hit her so that she can have some new sob story to blare on social media after she got called out for faking a miscarriage before she started having kids. We do know for a fact that she trapped him into staying with the kids- he was talking about a divorce and then a month later she's pregnant. He starts talking about divorce again, she mentions she wants another baby, he says absolutely not because he wants out... she's pregnant a few months later.
I just... don't understand it. I'm sure she's got some sort of mental illness thing going on- I know she was on pills for something and therapy and whatnot, but I deliberately don't interact with her so I have no idea. Schizophrenia does run in our family- our aunt is on and off her meds and is very violent and destructive when "off", our dad has shown similar signs as my aunt (his sister) plus dementia but is being stubborn and refusing to be seen for it, so I wouldn't be surprised if she and I both had some things we need to sort out in that department. But I just don't understand why she's a hateful little shit that seems bent on driving away anyone who could possibly care about her. She's always felt the need to be the best daughter and will tear anyone in her way down to hide her flaws and showcase her talents. She's a spoiled brat that my parents refuse to rein in or do anything about- even when the police and social worker were serious about potentially hauling her off to jail after I needed 40 STITCHES BECAUSE I WAS HURLED THROUGH A WINDOW my parents manipulated the situation until they could get charges completely dropped.
I just do not understand why someone would intentionally be such a hateful shit to anyone who showed them any amount of love whatsoever. And I just- I feel like people talk a lot about abuse from parents or spouses, but never about the shit that siblings do to each other, or just say that's how siblings are and excuse the hell out of it. She's just out of control.
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alivesomehow · 5 years
what. a. year.
two major things happened:
1) i changed jobs.
2) i started online dating seriously.
and i am by far much more happy, way more social, and, frankly, cured of the depression i had been dwelling in for the prior 2 years since graduating college.
leaving the modern day corporate equivalent of slavery has honestly been the best decision i have ever made for myself, by myself. thank you, dear self, for finally doing what you had spent 2 years telling yourself you would do one day. thank you, me, for choosing a role that wasn’t glorified accounting. a role that looked to be a bit of a challenge. and, thank god that that role exists within a team of amazingly kind, warm, welcoming, and helpful individuals who actually have a life outside of work. who don’t care about what time you come in or when you leave or what other commitments you have as long as you do the work. who understand that we don’t live to work, but we work to live. and that we might as well learn something while we’re working and make something out if it. to whom family and health are #1.
i went to my ex-company’s holiday party as my bff’s plus one 3 months after quitting. i was barely recognized by an old manager. another told me that leaving was probably the best thing i could have done for myself. and every single person told me i looked so happy. thanks, friends, because i am happy.
i have so much emotional energy after work and during work nowadays. some people say that your job is just a day job, that it’s all about what hobbies you have and how you spend your time outside of work so long as you’re able to bring in the money to put food on the table. no. no. you spend all your time at your job. commuting to and from your job. thinking about some deadline or problem related to your job. if you don’t at least somewhat enjoy what you’re doing, you’re not living. you’re just slowly dying, your life force draining out little by little until you’re just a corpse trudging through life by mere muscle memory. but when you actually enjoy what you’re doing, suddenly the traditional concept of “work” doesn’t exist anymore. yes, you still have to show up at x time in the morning. and drive back and forth. but after work, i don’t need to lose myself in mindless activities to numb myself from the pain. i haven’t watched a kdrama by myself in probably 3 months. i rarely watch youtube anymore.
all i want to do now is try new experiences and grow myself. talk to as many people as i can. feel like i’m learning something. color my life as brightly and elaborately as i can in the limited time i have. 
time is so precious.
two winters ago i dabbled a little in online dating. i was so bored. i wanted to escape from studying, from work, from my actual real life.
but how could i have ever have hoped to gain anything from it if i was using it as a means of escape and not as a tool to expand my existing life?
this time, i dived head first (okay, there was a bit of prodding from friends) into online dating with the systematic mindset of someone who had just successfully emerged from the job search process. let’s connect with anyone i find remotely interesting, regardless of whether i would actually date them or not. let’s go on a few dates with men who i don’t find attractive as “trial runs,” just in case this is like an interview and i need some practice to edge out my nerves and gain some experience.
the job search process is exhausting and at times bleak and unfruitful. no surprise, online dating is very much the same. the initial rush of seeing new guys, new possibilities, every day, of starting new conversations, of new beginnings, of the whole damn game, was quickly replaced by emotional drainage.
thank god for that newfound surge of emotional energy, huh.
i valued, and still treasure, each date i went on. these conversations lasted for anywhere between 3-9 hours. i practiced and grew all my social skills. i learned about people who grew up in different environments, who view the world in different ways. who spend their days completely differently than how i do. it’s amazing how easily knowledge and ideas transfer from one human to another. now i understand the power and strength of the spoken word and it’s persisting important through centuries of human history across multiple cultures. one day, i was listening to a third year medical school student recounting his opinion of the current trajectory of practical specialties. the very next day, i regurgitated all he had told me to a friend whom was also a third year medical student as part of a discussion about the role of artificial intelligence in our lives and it’s possible future impact. another date, now friend, imparted wisdom on preventing hangovers that i have shared and will continue to recommend for as long as people in my life continue drinking (it’s to take charcoal pills, in case future me forgets). 
but it’s not all fun and games. i experienced crippling loneliness after one date that i have not experienced in possibly all my life. maybe i’m lucky to be surrounded by friends and family at all times, or to have enjoyed each moment spent alone, but the constant jump between person to person, interaction between interaction, made me realize that you can have a 3 hour conversation with someone and still feel incredibly lonely. maybe it was the sense in that particular situation that i had really enjoyed our conversation but knew, and felt that it had been accepted mutually, with a certain finality that i would never see or speak to that person again. the feeling that you can meet as many people as you want but it won’t help fulfill a void in you.
i became both addicted to the all consuming rush of constant online dating and exhausted by the neverending interaction with multiple people. at some point (possibly when i had gotten to the point that i had created a legitimate spreadsheet of my dates and was categorizing them by attributes) i realized that i was dangerously slipping into the mindset of someone who would be never satisfied, but would always find something to pick on for every match with the false sense of security that, just one swipe or match away, i could always find someone better so why settle.
then a man rose from the underdogs (literally, as i had literally interest in him from the first date) who would ultimately make me experience many firsts. and i still am, even today as i figuratively “rang” the new year in with him.
but, online dating made me realize that meeting new people isn’t scary. it’s actually easy. don’t they always say that we humans are social creatures? we’re made for connecting. it’s how we thrive and build, how we evolve and continue to exist. and it’s okay if those connections don’t last. memories make us who we are, and we can always make new ones. the best part of memories is making them.
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norgad-vcd · 3 years
COPY: First Revision
What goes on, online?
Anything and everything. It’s a beautiful and vibrant mess of human interaction. Everything from trivial and thoughtless acts to the most sincere and genuine deeds. It’s grounds for the vicious and the virtuous alike. The internet is what you make of it; A tool as good or bad as it’s wielders.
What this book is
It’d take a thousand lifetimes to see it all.
How about a quick glimpse instead?
Hiya, I’m Tom! I’ve spent enough of my life online that I can confer some of my findings to you. This book is a smörgåsbord of experiences, phenomena, and memories I’ve been witness to and participant in during my time here. While not a full picture, it should help you navigate the ballpark of possibilities out there. My experiences are just one sample from billions; perhaps after this you’ll seek to venture out further into that world-wide web, or - at the very least - understand a little better those who do.
Listen a moment, before you go.
I am only one person. My field of view is limited, as is my foresight. Take my advice with a grain of salt, I can’t prepare you for everything. There’s so much more out there waiting for you, some good, some bad; be sensible.
Who am I, online?
Personas and the separation of meatspace and cyberspace.
Online, your real-life identity isn’t attached to you by default. Of course there’s places where the expectation is indeed a connection to real identities - like Facebook for example - but this is not a requirement. I’m not known as ‘Tom’ online, people know me by my username, and t.
It’s not a fake me, or a way to lie to people, it’s just an alternate expression of myself. We act differently to different people in so many social situations, - from time with family, to at work, and to hanging out with friends - the internet allows even more possible ways to express parts of ourselves. For me, it’s liberating to exist in a state that’s disconnected from the tangle of my real life self, and to keep the tangle of my internet presence away from real life as well.
Equal ground, just another user.
On the internet, nobody knows who you are.
Unless you divulge them, your identity, physical appearance, background, nationality, gender, race and so on are completely unknown; this is the great equalizer. Free from biases based on your physical self, you can be perceived as purely another person.
Still a person, despite appearances.
A clean slate can tempt some however to act recklessly. If an identity and stigma can be shed so easily, some people feel emboldened to act without the threat of consequences; verbally beat someone up, and then wash your hands of the whole incident.
It’s important to remember that people online are still people; while their faces might be obscured, they still have thoughts and feelings.
In general, talking to people online has the same potential as real-life to be great, awful, or somewhere inbetween. It’s just luck of the draw who you’ll encounter.
Who else?
I’m hanging out with my friends.
“Go outside and spend time with your friends!”
What a classic line. Truth is I’m already spending time with my friends, just on the computer. It can be hard to organise in person meetups sometimes, and meeting up online can be much more spontaneous. All it takes is noticing someone else is online and flicking them a message, Boom, instant hangout, and before you know it you’ve got all the boys bantering away.
Over the first lockdown in 2020 me and most of my real-life friends started a minecraft server together and played through it for the duration of our stint stuck at home. It was like a little clubhouse, each time we logged in and saw things change slightly since last time. We left each other notes and set up gifts and pranks for when people left and returned. It was a great way to keep in touch when we were otherwise very isolated from social contact.
Guest speaker, Josh
[Josh text]
In general, hanging out online is pretty great. It might not be perfect, and sure we could get a little more sunlight, but for what it’s worth it’s good for the soul and sometimes the best thing on hand. Friendships don’t care about how you nourish them, just that you do.
I don’t know the names of some of my closest friends.
What about friendships that never were from real life, rather that grew from the internet.
I don’t know the names of some of my closest friends.
That doesn’t mean I don’t care about them; it’s just we all know each other by our usernames and whatever funny profile picture we’re rocking at the time. I still know their personalities, their sense of humor, what they like and don’t, and everything else you’d know about a friend. We still have inside jokes, favourite group pastimes, and all the rest.
This has caused some strange moments though. When I was younger and my parents would ask who I’m talking to on the computer, I wouldn’t know how to respond. Do I tell them “I don’t know” and spark images in their heads of catfishers and criminals? Do I tell them my friend’s username and get told “that’s not a real name”? There really wasn’t any good solution in my head at the time, so I’d just say “someone from school” and pray the topic of the conversation would change as fast as possible.
A couple of times an internet friend has accidentally let their real name slip in a conversation, and that instantly got met with waves of banter about how “you’re not an Alex” or whatever the name was. We’d quickly forget about it though, we still see each other as the identities we met each other with; someone’s real-life name doesn’t change how we see them. In that sense, I suppose usernames are like a self-determination thing; you get to pick a name for yourself, based on who you see yourself as.
Timeless zones.
Because everyone lives in different time-zones, it can often be difficult to pre-plan hangouts. Oftentimes me and my friends have planned to have a movie night at a specific time, and then once that time rolls around, one or two people are still offline, probably asleep. Oftentimes whoever was missing will come online several hours later and be sorry and upset that they held everyone up and wasted everyone’s time. Of course, we had all just postponed the movie night and just hung out and chatted instead.
Perfect is the enemy of good. Oftentimes we have to accept that it’s near impossible to have everyone hang out at the same time; it’d require half of us to be up at god awful times or to wake up at 4am for something. Instead of trying to plan big ‘everyone’ events every once in a blue moon, we try to have frequent but smaller hangouts. It might mean that we don’t get to see everyone at the same time, but it’s still workable. If we were to hold out till everyone was free at the same time, we’d never end up hanging out at all.
My version of the morning paper is skimming what my mates have been talking about in the group chat. Most of the time it’s pretty coherent and I can tell what was going on, but sometimes it dissolves into a mess of completely unrelated images and text that doesn’t read like a conversation at all. Using my expert detective skills I have deduced that our two culprits were actually talking in a voice chat, and were just using the text chat to show each other stupid pictures of dogs.
That time my friend went missing.
A while ago, someone in one of my friend groups noted that someone hadn’t been online for two weeks. Dread set in. We all knew that our friend was very prone to getting ill, and we didn’t want to say it but we were worried she might have died. Since we don’t know each other in ‘real life’ it was entirely possible that someone could drop dead one day and we’d never get any confirmation; just left wondering what happened. We asked around in common friend circles, and nobody had heard from her, coming up on about three weeks at that point. We had to do something.
Multiple friend circles of people from all around the world, scrambling to find any scrap of information about our lost friend. One person had ‘maybe’ an address that they sent something to once, but it might have been an old house. We found about three different possible legal names, and had no way to be sure which was right. We ended up sending a letter addressed to three different names ‘or the family of’. It was a desperate shot in the dark, but we were worried sick.
It turned out she was alright, but she had been stuck in hospital for a while and didn’t have access to a phone. We all had a laugh over how everyone overreacted, but it really did scare me. I’ve learned to really value the time I get to spend with my online friends; next time might not be so lucky, and if something were to happen it’s hard to ever get closure on it.
Wider World.
One thing the internet’s really helped with is connecting like-minded individuals. Before the internet, if you had a niche hobby, you were probably the only person you know in your town with that hobby. Kinda lame, yeah? Nowadays, you can reach across the globe and connect with everyone who’s into the same stuff as you! Mainstream topics can have gargantuan communities, but what I find even more interesting is the weird obscure hobbies and groups, the kind that would never survive without the internet.
My personal favourite is the community around the video game ‘Space Station 13’; it’s a simulation roleplay game that’s been kicking around for about 18 years at this point, kept alive by a cult following of obsessed players. The programming sucks, and the controls are horrifically obtuse, but it’s got a charm that I can’t deny. It’s not for everyone, and I think that’s great. It’s not for everyone, but thanks to the internet enough people can still get together that they can enjoy it.
Someone sends me a funny picture. There’s three layers of delight. The first - of course - is that the picture is funny. Beyond that, there’s also the impulsive knowledge that I know who else I could send it to that might like it; it’s a chain letter that for once isn’t a scam. And the third layer is knowing that whoever sent the picture to me first got it sent to them and thought “Hey, I know who might like this”!
Random people
Strange patterns can emerge after lurking and watching from the sidelines.
In the rules discussion channel of a board game group I’m in, I swear sometimes it’s like I’m stuck in a time loop. I watch a random person ask a common question about the game, and then someone else will get the rules clarified for them. A few hours will pass, the conversation drifting elsewhere as people drop in and out. Suddenly, I spot it; the same question from before, but from a different person. Like clockwork, another nameless devout will rise up and deliver the answer. And again. And again. It’s like a two-line stage show where the audience is also the cast, over and over and over.
Since profile pictures and usernames are self-selected you do get a weird little keyhole view of who you’re talking to might be like. This person has a picture of a cat as their profile image. Is it their cat, or did they just think the cat looked nice? Their username is ‘Millie’, is that their real life name; maybe? Or what if it’s the cat’s name? Are they pretending to be their cat? Are they a cat?
Getting popular, online presence & all eyes on you
Having a large presence online - that is, having other people follow or be ‘fans’ of you - is a mixed bag. For me it’s been really good in allowing me to get my art out there and get clients, but it’s also weird. It feels a bit like I’m up on a stage sometimes, everyone’s watching me. I’ve lost the feeling of being ‘just another guy in the crowd’. What if someone reads something I posted the wrong way? Do I keep being aloof and carefree, or will that hurt my image. Should I care?
Getting weird; parasocial relationships, doxxing, and personal armies.
People with large presences can feel familiar, friendly, like you’re already friends.
I’ve caught myself falling into this in the past. Parasocial relationships. There was an artist I really admired the style of. The brain’s great at filling in the details you want to be real. I realised that I had it written in my head that this person was super cool and the best and that it’d be really cool if we hung out. All extrapolation. While it’s entirely possible that they were everything I had imagined them to be, until it’s tested it’s all just imagination and fantasy. If you’ve never talked to them, how could you know?
Guest speaker, Chai
[Chai text]
Connecting with meatspace
Back down to earth. What happens when the digital and the physical self have to intersect? The two identities are from the same person, but they’re not the same.
My family found my twitter.
One time, my parents sent me a text: “Lucy showed us your art, looking really cool Tom!”. How. I’d never sent my family any of my online profiles. I check my Twitter; sure enough in front of my eyes the screen tells me my sister has followed my twitter account. Abject horror. How much did they look at? What did they think? Should I start looking for a flat?
It’s not that I had anything to hide, it’s just that it felt… misaligned. Like two worlds coming together that shouldn’t. I’m sure for them it was just “Wow, look at our son go!”, but for me it was a wave of confusion and dread.
Visiting internet friends. (They weren’t murderers.)
One time, I was lucky enough to have a few of my internet friends visit in real life. I was showing them around my house, when I ran into my mum. It hit me. Who do I even introduce these people as? We all know each other by our online names and had been using them in conversation minutes earlier, but that would make no sense to my poor mum. And so, awkwardly, one by one my friends rattled off a set of names entirely alien to me. We all kept straight faces as each of us discovered “Wait, this person’s called WHAT?”.
We all promptly forgot each other’s names within about two minutes.
Thanks to the internet, I met my partner.
Almost four years later, we’re still going strong. It helps a lot that a lot of our common interests can be done online, chiefly gaming and watching shows. But even the other stuff, we can still do together in some aspects. We always say good morning and goodnight to each other on the phone, and fill each other in on what we’ve been up to that day. If we go somewhere and see something cool, we can still share pictures and videos. If I make a really nice dinner, I can send them the recipe and they can have a taste (though that last one might depend on their cooking skills).
Of course, it’s not identical to an in-person relationship, and it can be more stressful. You have to put a lot more effort into reaching out to each other and making time to hang out and talk; it won’t happen by accident. We’re both really looking forward to being able to move together, but until then, being together apart isn’t all that bad.
Signing off.
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derencetieng · 3 years
The Social Media Dilemma?
As someone born in 1999, I was able to witness the rise of technology and social media. I remember the time when Facebook was newly established, and I used that platform to play games. As time passed, Facebook continuously grew wherein certain features were added such as chat, post, and like functions where people could interact with each other. If someone asked me regarding the role that technology and social media play in my life, I would say that it plays a huge role in every aspect. Social media today is used by people to communicate with their friends and family wherever they are. It is somewhat useful, especially to those people who live in other places like my sister. I do not have to spend much load to communicate with her since I can contact her through Facebook. Moreover, I also use social media to talk with my group mates in school since, through these platforms, we can utilize them and communicate with each other at the comfort of our homes, which removes the hassle of going out and meeting at a place.
Aside from social media, technology also played a huge role in my life since it made things more convenient. Over the years, technology has revolutionized our daily lives since it could put information and create tools at our fingertips. An example of this would be researching. With technology, we can easily find relevant research papers in just one click. When I am too lazy to buy food or buy groceries, I can open my phone and easily place an order since there are online applications and e-commerce stores established already. Here, we can see how technology was able to simplify our lives. Speaking of which, technology and social media have been a staple in my life where I cannot live without those two. I usually use my gadgets for around 8 hours a day, especially during this quarantine because it is boring since we are at our homes only doing nothing and not even allowed to go out. After watching the film“The Social Dilemma”, I was able to identify myself with one of the young people especially with Ben when using social media in the documentary because I always check my social media feed every 5 minutes, and not using my phone for an hour feels like a day already. I know this is a bad habit, but I am trying to correct it right now wherein I usually do not look at my phone unless it is an urgent matter.
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By analyzing both the SWOT and PEST analysis that I have created for myself, I would say that both elements can impact me positively and negatively. An example of this would be the level of innovation. If the world we are living in right now keeps on innovating so fast that one gets left behind, he/she will be at a disadvantage especially at work since these companies are fast-paced where they also adjust to the trend. Moreover, Political factors such as corruption can affect the Economic Factor so that it can serve as a hindrance to the growth of our economy since funds were not utilized properly. If you ask me to what extent P-E-S factors influence my life, I would say that it can bring a huge impact to me since any negative happenings in those three factors can affect me. A good example to explain my point would be economic growth. If our country's economy keeps on declining, we will be affected in a way that interest rates will go up, prices of goods will increase, and the inflation rate. While for Political Factor, assuming that the government used the country’s funds for their interest instead, it can also affect me since I am a citizen of the country and maybe the funds used was supposed to be to build a bridge or infrastructure that can ease the lives of people. 
While for the Technological Factor, it can both influence the P-E-S factors and the O-T (Opportunities and Threats) in my life because whether we admit it or not, everything revolves around technology today. Technology can affect every aspect of our life wherein I will not be shocked when the day comes that learning much language to interact with people, which is one of my opportunities, would not impossible since there may be a tendency that a person can invent a device which can let other people speak different languages easily without learning them. This is how crazy I find technology is since they can almost do everything that a person can do. I find the documentary very unique and interesting because it gave us a glimpse of how technology affects our lives positively and negatively. I do not usually watch documentaries because I find them boring. However, watching this documentary made me interested in technology, especially how social media platforms use our data to update our news feed. I believe that how the documentary explains the influence of technology on our lives is the same as my assessment because there is something with social media that makes us sacrifice sleep and spend more time with the screen than with our loved ones. Technology also increased the rates of suicide among teenagers because nowadays, your reputation or your image depends on your social media profile. If you have a lot of likes and followers on Instagram, it means that you are famous. People also tend to post every move that they make, which may negatively affect other people since they would tend to get jealous of them and hate them, which shows how technology negatively impacted others' lives. 
Within the past 2 decades, the tech world has evolved in different ways that one could not imagine during the 90s. Everyone has a computer on the tip of their fingers. The tech world has become so powerful that people are starting to believe that everything is possible with technology. It is impossible to know the limitations of technology as our modern world is constantly evolving; however, I believe businesses and politicians will always use technology the way they are using it now. Although different platforms and different forms of technology, businesses and politicians can always find loopholes in each technology. Either they wish to release honest information being hidden by the government, or they wish to release fake news to break or make a politician’s name, fake news and manipulation will always be present. 
As Louisa May Alcott says, “It takes two flints to make a fire.” Fire does not spread alone. Citizens can help prevent manipulation and fake news by verifying the news first before spreading the word online and to their friends. Gossip is known to spread like wildfire, and this mindset makes people more interested in “chismis” rather than trying to find out the truth. Filipinos must be ahead of the governments’ or businesses’ aim to brainwash and fool our citizens. With unity and the Filipinos’ drive to stop fake news, we would extract and identify only truthful information.
One of the quotes that struck me the most while watching the film was “If you’re not paying for the product, then you’re the product.” because this is really what is happening today. Companies like Facebook and Instagram are using your data and sell them to other companies wherein they can easily place an ad in your feed. This is why whenever we open Facebook, we can immediately see an ad by Shopee with the product that we last searched. After watching the documentary, it opened my eyes. It made me realize why many people are trying to avoid using social media applications because they give our data out to companies, making us feel unsafe. Overall, I enjoyed the movie since it gave us a glimpse of our reality these days and the underlying effects of what social media has given us. There is no denying that the future of technology will continue to revolutionize our lives. In a few years, I will not be surprised if driverless cars may be the norm for everyone, and robots will replace people in factories.
0 notes
britesparc · 3 years
Weekend Top Ten #463
Top Ten Tweaks I Want to the Series X Experience
I got an Xbox Series X for Christmas. Well, more accurately, I got one on launch day, but for Festive Reasons it remained boxed up till Christmas. Anyway, since then, I’ve been able to play the sexiest of new Xboxes, plugged in to a moderately-fancy 4K TV for the first time too; this is my first proper taste of 4K gaming and certainly the first time I’ve ever played a game at 120fps (it was Star Wars: Squadrons, fact-fans!). So despite the dearth of exclusive content the “next-gen difference” has been very real for me.
I could go on about all the things I like about the console: how fast it is, how quiet, how genuinely aesthetically pleasing I find it when it’s sitting there on the floor, all hard angles and funky green holes (I do genuinely worry about my kids spilling apple juice into its vents however). Playing on the new Xbox is transformative in the sense that things just kinda work; it’s a smooth and painless experience navigating the dash, switching users, booting a game, etc. True, the fact that the dashboard itself is unchanged means it doesn’t jump out at you as being all-singing, all-dancing, but it’s like upgrading a phone or a PC within the same OS ecosystem; what you know, but better. Games look gorgeous in 4K, they run like butter, 120fps gaming is a treat, and HDR is transformative. However, there are a few areas where I feel improvement is needed, and that’s what I want to talk about today.
This post isn’t criticism; for the most part, these are work-in-progress areas of an always-evolving UI and general experience. Like I say, actually playing games on the thing is a joy, and its technical grunt can’t be denied (I’ve not encountered a single performance issue in Cyberpunk 2077, for example, although I have come across some amusing glitches, such as a character doing finger guns throughout an entire shootout, turning a tense combat experience into a scene from Spaced). But as we go forward, taking advantage of the power of the machine (and perhaps moving away from having to support the “old-gen” Xbox One family of consoles), here is a list of tweaks, improvements, and features I’d love to see added to the Series X/S down the road.
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Manage Quick Resume: Quick Resume, when it works, is a marvel; jumping instantly to the last moment you were in a game, with virtually no loading. It feels responsive, it feels fast, it feels next gen. When it works. Understanding that there are some games where this isn’t supportable (live service games, for instance), there are too many games where it either doesn’t work right yet, or where it will spontaneously “forget” a Quick Resume. So I’d like it improved and refined. Plus, open too many games in the interim, and your Resume will likewise be “forgotten”. But how many? I dunno. I think it varies. So why can’t we see how many? Give us a Quick Resume button on the dash or in Settings, let’s see how much space is allocated to it, see what games are there, etc. Maybe a warning if one is about to be “pushed out”. Maybe we could pin a game, so it’s always in Quick Resume? Or maybe we could increase or decrease the SSD space allocated to it? Basically, it’s a terrific feature that needs streamlining.
Improved Achievements: back in the 360 era, Achievements were amazing. They really changed how I played games like Crackdown or Gears of War, and there was much friendly rivalry over Gamerscore. Since then, they’ve kinda been forgotten. Finding them now is actually a chore, and the navigation interface is almost non-existent; it’s like Microsoft don’t care. Meanwhile, Sony have overhauled their similar Trophy system, with meta-games and multiple kinds of rewards. Microsoft kinda tried this when the Xbox One launched, with time-limited “Challenges”, but it was a bit of a damp squib. However, they really need to improve Achievements. Give them their own tab on the Guide; make them really easy to view and filter, not just as a social thing, but as a reward all on their own. Use them to track game progress, give us loads of stats about each achievement! Let us pin them to our profile, or have a trophy cabinet of ones we’re most proud of. Make them relevant again, basically.
Improve the App: the Xbox app has had a lot of improvements and refinements recently, but it’s also lost a lot of functionality. There are now at least three Xbox apps anyway – a “normal” one, a Game Pass one, and one that lets you fiddle with Family settings. How about just one that does it all? View your game library, including Game Pass, and let you download and purchase games, as well as play them (I must say, the app is brilliant when it comes to cloud gaming – the touch control layout is really good too). Searching for Games on the Store but not being able to buy them feels a bit weird, and other functionality seems buried in menus. What do I want to do in an Xbox app? In order, probably view achievements, purchase and download games, and see what my friends are up to (oh, and cloud gaming, obvs). It seems weird to me that so much of this is obfuscated or impossible. I do like the ability to download games you don’t own, however (useful for pre-installing a game, especially a disc-based game), and I love the “Rewards” aspect of Game Pass; but it feels the most basic functionality is what’s missing.
Improved Guide Customisation: the Guide has improved a lot during the Xbox One’s lifetime, although I’d argue it’s still not quite the dashboard-in-miniature that you had with the Xbox 360. I like the fact that it’s now customisable, but I’d like it even more if that went further. Yes, some of this is “make it easier/better to view achievements,” but also I’d like to decide which features can be part of the Guide. Jump straight to Netflix, or a particular game? Have my Quick Resume management there? Game Pass? Oh, and make it easier to get into settings; it should be as few button presses as possible. I mean, if they essentially stuff Achievements, Games & Apps, the Store, and Settings in there, I’d be pretty happy.
Better use of Avatars: Avatars are a bit controversial I think; they’ve never been as loved as Nintendo’s Miis, and as time’s gone on their stock as only decreased. But they exist, so why not use them? It’s okay that we can get them as a sort of “live picture” when viewing a friend’s profile, but how about making it into a kind of interactive “room”, showing off Avatar Awards and with our top Achievements framed on the wall? And make more games like Joyride Turbo or A Kingdom for Keflings that make use of Avatars. MS could really do with some kind of party game, Nintendo-style, that incorporates their multiple franchises/characters, and lets you play as your Avatar. But to be honest the thing I think they should do the most is redesign them again. They’re a bit too uncanny valley at the moment; too much details but all smooth and bland, like a CG cartoon character from twenty years ago. Either allow us to make them more gnarled and grotesque like a Sea of Thieves character, or go entirely the other way and make them really stylised, like someone from Ooblets or Untitled Goose Game.
Managing Games from Dashboard: one of the things the PlayStation 5 does that sounds quite cool is the ability to jump to specific points in a game, straight from the dashboard. Whilst I don’t think it would be quite as useful, long-term, as Quick Resume, I do like the idea of “right-clicking” a game and saying “resume last checkpoint” or “go to multiplayer lobby”. At the very least I’d like the option to skip all the launch logos and go straight to the main menu. I’d also like the ability to tinker with aspects of the game right then and there; choose which elements to uninstall, say. This is sort of possible, but although a game like Gears 5 will ask you which bits to install (single-player or multiplayer components, for instance) you don’t appear to be able to uninstall separate sections, at least not from the dash. I’d like to see this implemented system-wide; imagine being able to choose exactly which games – and game modes – to install in Halo: The Master Chief Chronicles, for instance.
Customising the Home Screen: the Xbox isn’t really that customisable, which I think is a bit strange, because I spent a large part of my teens making Windows look really hideous with its vast suite of personalisation options. You can create “Groups” of games and apps, but I’d like it also if you could make your actual Home screen look more you. Instead of (or as well as) recent games, how about pinning one or two biggies? Maybe having folders that expand instead of scrolling down to other lists? Or being able to resize icons? Or how’s about we look up the list a couple of spaces and incorporate our Avatars a bit more, if we so choose?
Simplify Sign-In: I still miss the 360 controller’s little green quadrants; you always knew who you were. Nowadays, because the whole console is tied to a particular account, it can be hard keeping track if there are multiple users signed in, to the point where it’s possible to lose progress or accidentally kick a game from Quick Resume because you weren’t aware that – despite switching user – for some reason the controller was still assigned to someone else (I know it’s possible to sync a controller specifically to one profile but you shouldn’t have to rely on that). Some kind of system-level way of warning or asking who the user “is” – without changing a game’s status – would be nice, as would a permanent on-screen notification visible on the dash. Either that or rejig the controller and bring back the quadrants!
Track Game Usage: the Xbox sort of does this, but like Achievements it feels a bit half-hearted and almost forgotten about. Basically, I like to know the date I started a game, the date I last played it, how long I’ve been at it for… as well as other useless game-specific data such as how many headshots I’ve scored, how many miles I’ve ridden Roach, how many times I’ve chainsawed some dude in two, that kinda thing. They could tie all this in with the “Avatar Home Screen” idea and improved Achievements to allow you to deep-dive how you play on the Xbox!
Share Account Across Family: now most of what I’ve been talking about here as been, essentially, tweaks or redesigns of their UI; features that I’d love to see on the dashboard, either system-level or essentially as new apps. Some of these are more realistic than others, I know; some are probably of interest only to a small proportion of users who share my weird tastes. This last one is more of a re-evaluation of how Xbox views their accounts and their notion of “Family”. Basically, I’d like it if everyone in my family – that is, the four of us who live in this house and use the same Xbox, and who are all joined as an official “Family” according to Microsoft – could share all products and services in perpetuity. This doesn’t seem that unfair; if we were only using disc-based games on a pre-internet console, then there’d be nothing stopping my daughter playing my copy of Forza on another Xbox in another room whilst I’m playing Halo at the same time; or my wife theoretically playing Civ on the PC. Because games are increasingly digital and tied to an account – to say nothing of being playable only through that account’s subscription – it makes it more restrictive. I’d like it if I could install the Game Pass app on a tablet and allow my daughters to play it with their accounts, so I’m essentially sharing the service with them. Similarly, I’d like it if digital purchases could be shared among family members, not just on the “Home” Xbox (in this case my new Series X) but also on the household’s other hardware (my old Xbox One). Could they do this by requiring some kind of online handshake? Or having, I dunno, three consoles designated as a family’s machines? I think all of this may be a bit pie-in-the-sky, but you never know; Microsoft are pushing at the fringes of digital ownership and cloud gaming, so maybe acknowledging that people in a household will want to play all their games everywhere at once might mean that we’ll see some of these features sooner or later.
So there we are; ten things I’d like to see Xbox adopt going forward. As is hopefully evident, none of these are fixing glaring problems, just improving existing features, or adopting new ones that I think would be quite good. But let’s start with that Quick Resume thing, because there really are an awful lot of logos and menus at the beginning of Gears 5.
One final thing: I have a sneaking suspicion I’ve used this gif before. Oh well.
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bngtnblues · 7 years
quixotic | 01
genre: Harry Potter!AU / fluff / angst 
author’s note: firstly, i would like to deeply apologize to all my requesters. Unfortunately, i won’t be taking anymore requests. Secondly,  look who’s back from the dead! exams have finished and i have a two week holiday so I’ve come to write this fortunate idea that had popped into my mind, and it was just one of those ideas you need to write down somewhere, especially since it’s my first series !!! quixotic will comprise of two parts and hopefully all of you will enjoy and drop feedback; credits to @mvssmedia for capturing the beautiful gif of this ethereal being! (。◕‿‿◕。)
pairing: hufflepuff!taehyung x slytherin!reader | series
word count: 6,020
blurb: It was just a matter of time you finally realize all those doomed dates and relationships were fate’s simple way of saying that ‘special fish’  has always been right by your side.
You were never to be one who got easily embarrassed.
However, here you were weakly banging your forehead against the timber walls of the Three Broomsticks, eyes firmly fastened tightly with chagrin as you took passive breaths in and out. No, you cannot be embarrassed at this very moment. You were a Slytherin, for goodness sake. A independent and bright young woman, who will not cower in a dingy old bathroom just because your mouth sometimes won’t evaluate first with your brain. No matter how sublimely divine Park Jimin is, you will act accordingly to the pretense of the situation and apologize for your fucking mouth which is currently leading you to another disastrous–
You surged away from the crushed position as you hear the bathroom tap run. Madame Rosmerta, in her usual attire, straightens up after washing her hands and looked over at you with concern.
“You okay there, dear?” She squinted her eyes at you. You quickly look away from her questioning gaze, cheeks a bit tinted and a scowl situating on your lips.
“Yes, I’m fine, mam,” you limitly reply to which Madame Rosmerta curtly nods before she turns around for the door. Just as she leaves, you call out to her hesitantly.
“Is my date still there, mam?”
She looks over at you with a reassuring smile and says, “Sure thing. The young gentlemen seem to be worried over where you’ve gone off too. A slice of pumpkin pie will definitely ease the tension, dear.”
You take a quivering breath and force yourself to not counter with a rude response, relaying in your mind the comment was an advice but as if a fucking slice of some goddamn pie will wondrously solve the predicament you’ve been caught in. Nothing in Merlin’s world will stop you from your usual predisposition of making a total fool of yourself (unless it’s a Silencing Charm but that’ll only last temporarily), and maybe the whole concept of being the preppy, upbeat girl Park Jimin seems to prefer wasn’t working at the moment but at least you were trying. Except, it wasn’t working as you would have imagined. Park Jimin was way too pure and way too good-looking for his own good which did not help the way you were operating right now - the silky tuft of blonde hair that he, oh so, hotly sweeps over his forehead, the most heartbreaking of all smiles to encounter as his crescent-shaped eyes scrunch up at absolutely anything remotely humorous. At times, you found it a bit contrived but that quickly disappeared as soon as the food arrived and you just blamed yourself for having a weak perception of interaction. The duration of the date comprised of Jimin casually asking you simple things to which you took a millennial to respond since your paranoid self didn’t want to leave the impression of the creepish girl that’s liked you ever since we were third-years. Too late for that. And the amount of silence that has bestowed between the two of you ever-so gracefully has left you and your social inability struggling to sustain a conversation.
Albeit your dauntless persona may come off as intimidating, to be quite frank, when it comes to the dating world, and more specifically, Park Jimin, you were a stuttering mess who didn’t know your limits. Sure, you’ve had one or two relationships in the past but those only lasted for per say, a month at least, due to the latter complaining of the lack of emotional connection from you. You would like to say they were all expecting too fast but it wasn’t the truth. You were quiet and kept to yourself, avoiding the buzz and dilemma and preferred to geek out in the library. The unfortunate close-knit group of people you called friends didn’t entirely piss you off and through the way of them teasing your ineptitude to preserve at least one date with someone, you dubiously agreed on this date Hoseok had set up. Everyone knew about your little crush on your fellow housemate, which was clearly obvious on how you only helped him in Potions except Jimin, merely regarded it as a saint’s gesture. This didn’t exactly trouble since you’d rather adore him from a distance than two plates away but when Hoseok and his wiggling eyebrows lightly let on the fact that Jimin may want to get to know you a bit more this Saturday at Hogsmeade, you were perplexed on why he would even say yes but that was swiftly replaced with the overwhelming thrill and elation. For the first time, you could prove to the unjustifiable universe and the rest of your peers that you weren’t a detached human being who was incapable to have a flair of romance. And maybe you had read a carefully selected range of romance novels a few days prior, which you would have been caught dead even looking near at the cliche and cheesiness, but you were that desperate to make this date go down the right road.
Assuredly nodding to yourself, you scanned your appearance on the reflection of the mirrors and scurried out of the bathroom, slightly fidgeting on your bracelet out of a nervous habit. You didn’t let your roommate dress you up in this outfit for absolutely nothing. You made sure to seem your usual self, composed and not so much reserved, however, that seemed to drop as you saw your date get up to leave. Your feet hurried to his location, the confidence rebuilding deteriorating one step at a time.
“Jimin,” she calls out to him, clearing her throat from sounding strained. He turns his face with relief which was quickly replaced with embarrassment and unease.
“Y/N, you’re not dead,” he slightly chuckled as he shoved his hands into his jean’s pockets. He avoids any sort of eye contact with you, troubling you to come to your senses. He opens his mouth, a customary apology to slip through but you cut him to the chase, something you’ve done way too often.
“It’s fine, really,” you say, trying to seem nonchalant without any ignominy or humiliation creeping into your voice, “I mean, after what happened before – what I said earlier, I understand.”
Jimin’s eyes widen with discomfort at your statement as he cinched his moth to manage what to say next. You really did feel like leviosoing Hoseok’s ass at this very moment.
“Look, Y/N, it wasn’t really the date,” Jimin managed to stumble out, “To be quite honest, I don’t think I’m in a state to be in any kind of a relationship right now.”
You didn’t know if he was purposely trying to facilitate your feelings by playing the no-it’s-me-not-you card but the way he responded with a genuine tone and not to mention him perilously staring at you as if he would start begging for your forgiveness. It would be a sight for someone like Park Jimin.
You exhaled with a heavy sigh, “Like I said, Jimin, it’s fine. Now, please stop giving me your puppy dog eyes.”
The boy lightened up a bit before answering, “You’re a kinder person than you let off, Y/N.” He beamed at you and then signaled to the door, “Want to walk back together?“
You feel the weight of disappointment impress into your mind but you disguise with a quick reply, “Uh, no thanks. I need to pick something up for Taehyung.”
He opened to say something but simply chose to nod in exchange. You watch him leave the lulled tavern, contrition blossoming in your chest as once again, your expectancy never rewarded you. One of the waiters approached you with gaiety, holding two slices of freshly made pumpkin pie, “Oh, what happened to the handsome gentleman?”
“He had an important Death-Eater meeting to attend,” you sardonically reply with no conscience and you stared off at his retreating figure. The waiter drew a sharp breath in, mumbling something about “kids nowadays having no boundaries on what not to say.”
“I really can’t believe I actually said that to him.”
You let out a very miserable groan, possibly petrifying the rest of the Hufflepuff table as Jung Hoseok gazed directly at you with sympathy and your best friend, Kim Taehyung, doubled over with laughter. Sludging your chin onto the front of your palm to hide your flustered expression, you watch Hoseok try to comprehend what to say next while your so-called best friend takes the sheer gratification to laugh at your piss-worthy moment.
“Not only did you spill ginger ale onto his shirt, which I might just add takes months to remove, but also suggested that he might be gay,” Hoseok elaborates with unnecessary hand movement as if he’s trying to figure out how this unprecedented situation came about.
Taehyung stopped for a second to eye you carefully but only caused his restraining laughter to augment, slamming his large hand onto the wooden table, in turn, scaring the first year opposite him, while holding his sweater-cladden stomach from combusting. Having a Slytherin sit at a Hufflepuff table alternatively each day generated enough attention from neighboring peers but due to Taehyung guffawing like and a raucous imbecile, as you bashfully scan the rest of the curious proximity of the Great Hall, it made you really want to punch that boxy grin off his face. You whack his arm with the book you once tried arduously to concentrate on but that only responded with a shove from him. You didn’t deserve any more of this kind of indignity, especially since Hoseok’s primary reaction consisted of confusion and then the disoriented gawking at your recital of your date.
“For- Merlin’s sake– Y/N–” Taehyung spryly gasped for air, “Two blows in a single try. Two. Blows.”
“Just shut up, you wafflefucker,” you grimace fractiously, pulling the hood of your cloak up above your head to cover from the garnering attention. Taehyung snorted to your weak response, “He’s literally sitting two tables away from us, dickweed.”
“What I don’t get is how on earth you would think he was gay in the first place. It never occurred to me at all,” Hoseok whispered out loud, tilting his head from left to the right to catch a glimpse of Jimin. You threw a croissant at his face which he gasped in spurious shock as you felt Taehyung’s shoulder decrease from ardent quaking. You didn’t take the trouble to reply as you continuously glare at your best friend’s figure. You could smell the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting around her, the vivid rays of the sun basking onto the vicinity of the hall, creating a mere glow, however, it only fed your grueling negativity since this morning to acknowledge the simple things of life. Not like you did before or anything.
Taehyung let out a shaky breath, finally content with small chuckles, “I really needed that. Really, Y/N, you always know how to make the stress disappear.” He turned his head to see your thriving glower, he playfully pouted and reached over to squish your cheeks which you hastily smacked off, “Oh, come on, Y/N. You know what I said yesterday shouldn’t be taken to heart.”
Hoseok looked up from his food to burrow his eyebrows, “What did you say yesterday?” You groan for the umpteenth time before falling forward onto the wooden table. Taehyung snickered before muttering lowly, “I just told her that there were meager rumors flying around on how Jimin might be going the other way. I, honestly, didn’t think she would actually blurt it out to his face.” Taehyung broke out into a secondary state of chuckles while Hoseok looked over at your defeated form with utter understanding.
You nimbly raise your head to scowl cynically at Taehyung, “You know how I’m like before a date! Especially around someone who’s aura can be so patronizing. Of course, my mouth will have a mind of its own, twatface.” No matter what you said, it only allowed Taehyung to have become more amused and you to let out a crushed in breathe. This, however, caused Taehyung to instantly halt from his taunting manner as he sees your despondent visage.
His voice immediately diminishes, the intonation of teasing completely disappearing as he lifts his hand to gently place it onto your drooped figure, “Hey now, I’m sorry about what I said. I shouldn’t have mentioned it at all.” In response, he got a dejected grumble from you as you try to slap away his comforting hand. “I mean, there’s plenty of fish in the sea, right hyung?” Hoseok simply clasped his hands and started to say, “Actually–” With Taehyung turning his head to glare at him, Hoseok shifted his tone to a more optimistic cadence, “In this sea of meandering compeers, there’ll be a definite fish out here for you, Y/N.”
You looked up at him to give a disheartened chuckle and mutter with a dejected voice, “ That’s not the problem. Sure, there’ll be fish and all but whenever I come near to any one of them, it’s either they’ll swim away or just stay out for pity’s sake. I must be that weird or hard or boring to be around. Must be all of the above. I mean, I could, literally, feel how much he wanted to leave. I thought I was just being my old paranoid self, but… the way he was shaking his leg and his forced smiles… of course, he didn’t want to go on the date in the first place, hyung .” You cast your eyes downwards to restrict the forming tears, “ It’s like always, I guess. Who would want to be in a relationship with a bumbling idiot who can’t even keep a conversation going? I surely wouldn’t.”
And in a mere second, you felt hands cupping your cheeks impetuously and Taehyung’s eyes boring into yours with sternness and disbelief. His hands softened around your face as you blinked at him with utter surprise. Sure, Taehyung was the type of person who transmits his presence through the mere feeling of turbulent touch, exclusively around you. Constantly shoving you throughout the hallway, slapping your arm whenever he found something funny, but it was rare to replace his rugged exuberance for a more austere temperament.
“Listen carefully to what I am about to say, Y/N. You are to never speak of yourself like that ever again and you are an idiot for thinking those up to actually believe in them.” You try to open your mouth but instead, it’s closed shut as Taehyung’s fingers cinch your lips, “And even though Jimin makes one hell of a good chocolate fudge, you know what? He was an insane dude to ever think of you like that. And you know why? Because your utterly fantastic, Y/N. You are most brilliant, most wittiest, and let me not forget, the most strongest individual I’ve met in my so far recorded life. So, don’t you dare question yourself over a date. In this bizarre but extraordinary world, you will find that fish who is going to acknowledge you for who you are and unreservedly love you for that. You got that?”
All you could reply with was a strange noise from your throat. You’ve been best friends with Taehyung ever since you saved his first-year ass from being another helpless victim of classic Slytherin intimidation. Along came the perpetual presence of wide boxy grins and a determined companionship, despite you telling him to bugger off, but for some reason, he never listened. You soon became used to it, the little kicks he’ll give to wake you up before you become Professor McGonagall’s target, the ingratiating sweets of Bertie Botts Beans which you would slip into the pockets of his clock, and in retaliation the countless numbers of grazes and scratches from either him trying to teach you how to play Quidditch or just from a too rough of a push. However, in the so or more years of being best friends, it was too rare for Kim Taehyung ever say all those things to you. The preconception of Hufflepuffs and Slytherins having any kind of a relationship slowly became obscured and abstracted but it still became a paradox on how a social butterfly chose to befriend an emotionally detached wallflower. Taehyung understood it was hard for to spill your guts instead choosing an uncomplicated alternative to bantering and innovative insults. Sometimes it took its toll on both of you but as the trust between you two grew throughout the years, the mutual judgment also grew which showed how actions do speak stronger than words. The sense of affection you two shared was amusing to many and it was generally Taehyung who would exaggeratedly try to pull something off but that usually ended with someone having a sore arm. Nevertheless, for Taehyung to say all that with a sincere and serious tone without it ending up into a wisecrack was quite… creepy. You weren’t sure if how to react without possibly calling Professor Slughorn if someone slipped a gallon of Polyjuice Potion into your best friend’s juice. It still didn’t stop the way your heart fluttered incessantly for a second or how the warmness inside your chest was flourishing towards your cheeks.
Blinking at Taehyung and his permeating scrutiny, you became aware of how close his face was to yours, letting the saccharine scent of his shampoo inhale into your nose. You slowly nod, with Taehyung’s long fingers still around your mouth.
His warm pupils narrow as he scanned your face for total assurance. “Swear on the Marauder’s Map?”
You roll your eyes at his little fascination over the inanimate object, causing Taehyung to loosen his grip around your mouth. Mirth filled his face, his eyes softening with twinkles and his mouth widening into a large smile. A wholly amused Hoseok cleared his throat, instantly breaking Taehyung’s supposed trance to drop his hand away from your face with uneasiness. That was quickly dismissed with a flick onto your forehead with his signature smirk, “You better or I would never forgive you, skunkface.”
You scrunched up your face in antipathy as you give his shoulder a push, “Skunkface, really? And here I thought I would have to drag you to the infirmary to see where my best friend apparated off to. You sure someone didn’t slide in some Polyjuice Potion?”
“Oh, he won’t need any spell or potion to say that again,” Hoseok gleefully giggled and suddenly yelped as you see him holding his leg with absolute affliction. “Hey, I’m older than-”
“Anyway, I have an hour before Quidditch practice so why not go see if Professor Kim discovered the dead frog lying in his lab coat,” Taehyung earnestly says and you slightly chuckle at the way his eyes light up with enthusiasm, “The things I do for you, Kim Taehyung. You know, if he finds out it was you, your chance of being Head Boy will be completely ruined.”
“That is if he ever finds out.” It was his own little way to distract you from your inner turmoil and you couldn’t help feel appreciative over it. You look over at him as he tried to dodge Hoseok’s food attacks, his ringing laughter bouncing off the stone walls of the clustered vicinity.
“Hey, Tae, I, uh, thanks for, um,-”
“I know, Y/N.”
As time passed, the reminiscence of the unpleasant date also passed by, although whenever you caught sight of Jimin or as both of you mutually assisted each other in various classes, memories of the event pounded into your subconscious leaving you completely ineffectual around him. The sheer considerate person he is, Jimin never brought up the deflating date, and although there was the ambiance of discomfort, your reflection about the whole situation rendered to the most logical solution: act like it never happened and hope for the best. And maybe it was for the best. Your respondent pessimism about practically everything tuned down slightly if no one brought up the subject. With N.E.W.Ts’ coming up, you focused your entire well-being on studying for the “nastily-exhausting” examinations, meaning the library had officially become your second home along with the other two hundred or more kids. The only time you actually got any rest was completely involuntary by the actions of Taehyung, who unsurprisingly didn’t take the whole notion of ‘studying till you die’ too seriously. At the end, he always did get a majority of ‘outstandings’ in contradiction to your grueling regime.
And now here you were at a party, forcibly against your own will, supposedly intended for celebrating the great results each student achieved but you were pretty sure half of the year level failed the examination. You stared at the faceless sea of swarming students, the moonlight emulated with a kaleidoscope of flashing colors from the large rotating disco ball. The constant bass of the music reflected off the stone hard walls of the Leaky Cauldron and for once, you thought the surface might crack.
Mirth and muddled conversations traveled into your ear in the clear moonlit night. You were leaning against the decorated wall of the setting, away from the crowd and possibly drunk or not but you can’t really remember if that’s your second bottle of beer you’re holding. You were marginally considered drunk enough to haul Taehyung’s ass for ditching you the minute everyone arrived. You were also marginally drunk to either scream off your roommate’s ears for the possible hangover you’ll experience tomorrow or kiss her for dragging you to the moronic party. Either way, you were drunk and it felt good because any thoughts of your somber life or getting exceptional grades or conforming into someone else socially acceptable by the stupid society was nowhere near your inebriated mind.
You looked up to see a light mocha-haired girl approach you with a bottle of beer in her hand. Jennie eyed you with amusement as she walked towards a vacant space beside you, leaning against it. “How can you be drunk and look so not drunk?”
“Oh, you’ll know how really drunk I am tomorrow m-morning.”
“Unfortunately, it is tomorrow morning and we both have class in exactly five hours. Unbelievable how inconsiderate the faculty is to allow us to have a party and think attending class straight after is perfectly alright.”
“Talk less. Head hurts,” you grumbled at your roommate. “Come and help me find Tae.”
Jennie groaned with weariness, muttering along your side at how she’s wasting her precious hibernation time. You pushed yourself off the wall, dipping your head side-to-side to deplete out any rigidity. You took a step forward and slight stumble gave away to your knees before Jennie’s hands secured around your waist.
“Guess you really are drunk,” Jennie remarked with a smirk in her voice and then sighed, “What would you do without me?”
“My hero,” you drawled out with sarcasm. You tiredly rubbed your face as you started to walk out into the open, “that asshat better be near somewhere.”
The both of you nudged past the blankets of sweaty bodies colliding in, trying to find Taehyung seemed to be like trying to find a needle in a haystack with a couple of limbs thrown in and with the addition of the distracting beat of the music. You somehow pave a way towards the upstairs door, without being groped on every single morsel of your skin. You look to see Jennie wind-stricken and dazed, content with her presence not drowning in the perpetual sea behind you. After tripping on the stairs more than once for sure and brushing past unfamiliar faces, asking the sedated ones if they’ve seen a guy wearing ridiculously grey hair paired with an equally ridiculous grin. Most of them pointed towards the chamber area of the inn and you heard Jennie murmur under her breath about just leaving him sleeping there. Bustling away, the both of you walked towards the corridor of rooms, trying one at a time to see if any of them weren’t engaged in use.
Finally, at the end of the hall, you knock to see the door unlocked and no response from it. Twisting the knob, you peered into the room with uncertainty, finding it completely dark except the sound of bed sheets rustling and a moan. You hastily brushed for the light switch, instantly turning it on to direct your sight to the bed which had your best friend on top of some girl, with his hand sprawled inside her skirt while she sucked on his face like a leech.
“Holy shitting hell.”
You weren’t sure if you should thank the wizarding gods for not letting your eyes witness anything else more salacious but that said for sure, you’ll probably need to cast some sort of a memory extraction spell to douse out of your mind, but at this current moment all you could really do was swallow anxiously on what to do next. Your unexpected “comment” caught Taehyung’s recognition, who’s ecstatic state was too busy in seventh heaven to realize your interrupting attendance, and he turned his head to match your shocked expression. The thought of getting caught, especially by you, hatched onto his intoxicated brain, Taehyung speedily pushed off the bed to clamber upright possibly hitting the girl in the leg, earning adverse curses from both of them.
“Y/N, h-hi,” Taehyung scratched the backside of his scalp that had been messily sprawled out with red strands sticking out, matching the one or two hickeys that littered against his tanned skin, and the whole rainfall of embarrassment dropped onto your back because the fact that you interfered your friend implementing one of the many facts of life and it seemed completely intimate, made you want to run back to where you came from. Taehyung, on the other hand, seemed to exude diffidence and nerves as he avoided any kind of eye contact. Of all the times you’ve seen Taehyung radiate confidence, this was a side you rarely see of him and you wondered why he would be when it was you who stiffly barged in like a parent catching their child exploiting something inappropriate. The disappointment and insecurity didn’t match the whole scenario at all, judging from the evident scowl on the girl’s face especially deepening with Jennie, who walked towards you flabbergasted form with curiosity and instantly started giggling at the turn-off events.
“I’m just surprised you don’t have a donkey’s tail on your arse this time,” Jennie giggle with amusement to which Taehyung gave her a dirty look before finally situating his eyes on you. He heard him something but your attention was on his companion. All the pleasure drained out of her with a substitute of hostility and total buzzkill as she eyed you and Jennie with disdain. Someway in between, an inkling of relief subdued as if you were glad you interrupted Taehyung and his intimate impromptu.
“Y/N, are you drunk?”
You were about to methodically respond with poise; the total opposite of seeing your best friend for the first time engage in any sexual activity. However, the only thing that could come out of your mouth was the simple words, “ I thought you didn’t know how to pucker a girl’s lottery hole, Tae,” followed by a hiccup.
Silence pursued in a beat.
Taehyung broadened his eyes into saucers while his ‘companion’ started laughing into her arm.
“You must be Y/N,” the girl giggled as she stood up, adjusting her shirt which seemed like it was manhandled. The previous dislike vanished just like that and you were more startled at the fact that she was familiar with you. She gently moved her hand across Taehyung’s chest, a stunned response from him, “See you around, Tae.”
She left with a flirtatious wink towards a disconcerted Taehyung before stopping by your side and whispering into your ear, “heard a lot of great things about you.”
And that was how you found yourself awkwardly hanging off your best friend’s back, who was muttering incoherent words on how reckless you can be when you get drunk, and Jennie who teasingly jabbed at Taehyung’s misfortunate moment. After reaching the entrance to Slytherin’s common room, it was another misfortunate moment when Jennie forgot to keep in basis with the frequently changing passwords, and since your drunk self-kept on mumbling, if Dumbledore actually turned into a frog to avert the earlier vivid recollection, she begrudgingly ventures out to find a fellow Slytherin, leaving you with a quiet but somber Taehyung. He steadily placed you down onto the stone floor and eyed you with caution as he slid an arm around your shoulders to steady yourself.
“Who was that girl, Tae?” You blurted out into the silent atmosphere; too quiet for your own liking, too quiet from Taehyung as he avoided your eyes to answer.
A tired laugh wrung out from his mouth as he replied with nonchalance, “Just a friend.”
Agitation flies into your veins as he clears his throat to cover up the discernible lie. You distance yourself from him, his arm sliding off as you find yourself leaning on the stone wall for support.
“Friends usually don’t have their hand inside a friend’s skirt, do they, Tae?” You didn’t intend the clipped tone to project but the fact that he was lying to your face caused uneasy feelings to trouble your mind. Clearly, that girl was more than a friend and Taehyung knew you weren’t dumb to figure that out. So, why on earth was he lying? Was he embarrassed about telling you?
Taehyung’s eyes narrowed as he answered with a low voice, “Her name is Kim Hye and she’s a year above us and she’s in my house. She’s -uh -a friend who aids in personal assistance.”
Your eyes widen at his indication and then you apprehensively clear your throat roughly, too roughly to make it sounds like garbled down a hairball. You wince and unintelligibly fumble to formulate words as you gesture your hands down and up, “ Oh right, someone who–uhm–pleasures your manly parts, right.”
You cringe at your selection of words and Taehyung’s expression soften, his eyes sparkling with entertainment, or maybe it’s just the lanterns shining above. He takes a step towards you with a small smile and has the audacity to reach over and senselessly pinch your cheeks, “Manly parts, huh? You’re too cute for your own good, sweetcheeks.” He erupted with chuckles as you blightingly slap his hands away, and his amusement dies down with a gentle expression on his face as he watched you fondly.
Your cheeks started to heat up under the strange scrutiny. First, the overly-consoling speech and now this? Strange was the only culmination that came into your puzzled mind, forcing you to blurt out, “Your nose looks nice under the lights.”
His eyebrows amusingly twitch up and tease, “Is that a compliment to suffice what you said earlier?”
You blink up and clear your throat, “Um, yeah, sorry for buzz-killing your joy back there. In my defense, I thought someone was dying, okay. I should probably apologize to your girl-who-is-more-than-a-friend.”
He let out a small laugh, “She’s not my girlfriend if that’s what you’re implying, spacebum. Besides, who needs a girlfriend when I’ve got you?”
You stumble at his words, his eyes now boring into yours and suddenly his face unreadable without a clue. You instinctively lean back from his close proximity but in retaliation, Taehyung was just as quick to step forward leaning in enough to see your cheeks grow pigmented. From this distance, you could see the splay of moles and freckles you’re adhered to seeing, and wondered how those rings of nimbus and chestnut contained such jubilation. Must be the lanterns. You found his eyes roaming down to your lips, breath ceasing from your mouth, but he quickly looked up to gaze at you with such magnitude, enough to make you self-conscious and your skin to squirm.
“A-And you say I’m drunk? ” you stammeringly say with your breathing raggedly flowing. You were rooted on spot without any understanding what’s happening before your feet. Here was your best friend invading your personal bubble without any consideration, a glint in his eyes which indicated this was no absurdity and no expectation of him to burst out laughing. You were calm and collected and should not be fazed by the constant hammering of your heart as if he took one step closer, it would just fly out dead.
But you weren’t calm nor collected. You were freaking flustered enough to display signs of panic on your face. What on earth are you suppose to do when your best friend is looking at you like that? As if he wanted to…kiss you?  
What Merlin’s fuckery is going on right now?
“If I told I was sober, would you believe me?” Taehyung asks with a raspy voice, lower than his usual baritone and you really wished he would stop speaking like that. It caused your stomach to sweat (if that even is possible) and disabled your legs to dash out of the vicinity since your brain is currently in malfunction mode. All you could think of was how sober he did look with that gleam of his sobriety in his eyes. How he wasn’t as loud-mouthed nor lethargic as he usually is when he was drunk. As a matter of fact, he looked more awake than you.
“T-That’s what they all say,” you stammer out unthinkingly, your tongue conforming any sentence as he took a step closer. You could feel the stone cold wall against your back yet the warmth emitting from Taehyung’s body was so close, it replaced any type of icy sensitivity. However, tension built through your spine as your mind had officially gone haywire along with your heart. You were beyond flustered with your face fully flared up, a scale you’ve never personally reached before and this was your best friend standing in front of you. You try to ignore the ripple of waves that echoed throughout your body and the weird, foreign feeling pulsating in your chest as he licked his supple lips.
You can feel his breath against your cheeks, with his hand reaching to brush the strand of hair across your cheekbone but you didn’t know if it was the footsteps reverberating through the corridor or if it was the weak squeak from your mouth calling out Taehyung’s name, something caused him to suddenly pull back, feet haphazardly retracting a full distance from you. He stared into your eyes, a look replicating yours.
Jennie’s voice floating into space as well as the abiding breaths both you have seemed to have held in. Taehyung looked unnerved and a bit embarrassed with a flushed expression, as though he was in an inebriated state on how carried away he got. You looked hastily away from him, your wrists wringing together in hopes of balancing yourself–physically and mentally. Your short-circuiting brain could not attempt to make you say something, in fear of causing the situation to become more awkward and painful as it seems.
“Can you believe the new password is cockroach fartergast?” Jennie approached closely with a sigh, instantly causing the entrance to the common room to reveal the passageway, “You’ve got to congratulate the creativity behind–what happened to you two?”
You whirled your eyes at her incredulous face, sensing the reddened faces and the uncomfortable aura between you and Taehyung. He quickly flitted his eyes to you, who seemed too dazed to respond.
Taehyung clears his throat before saying, “I should go. Good night ladies.”
You watch him walk away, his shadow slowly disintegrating till it was fully gone from your view and the lanterns. You didn’t know what to do or what to feel because you actually enjoyed his warmth and his touch and now all you felt was perplexation and yearning but strange and whenever you blinked, your brain immediately replayed what just happened. You let out a tragic moan as you slowly slumped onto the ground to which Jennie worriedly walked towards your hunched figure.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Y/N?”
You finally knew at that juncture of time.
“I am so thoroughly fucked for fucking life.”
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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reactingwithexo · 7 years
Personality Analysis : Park Chanyeol (EXO)
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A/N: I wanted to do something like this for a long time now, I’ve searched it and I couldn’t find a lot of in depth analysis of the members’ and well, I’ve been an EXO-L for a few years now so I feel confident enough to write some of my pov about the members individually. And these type of stuff helps a lot of new fans to understand them more and maybe change some opinions about some members.I’ll be writting indivudual profiles for all the original members.
Disclaimer: I am not a psychologist of any sorts and I have absolute no personal connection with the EXO members, so all displayed here it’s just a result of my observation and opinion. Long post ahead.
This will be divided in topics so it can be less messy.
First Impressions
In depth impressions
Final thoughts        
 1. First Impressions : 
   I’ve noticed watching several reactions, that when people watch EXO mvs for the first time, they’ll think that Chanyeol is the ‘bad boy’ of the group, the one that must get in trouble all the time, and well, we know that’s not true , when I first met EXO, I was impressed by Chanyeol’s rap but I only really noticed him when I watched the 2013 Happy Camp episode , maybe it was the ears but I remember thinking ‘what a nice and funny guy’, at the time he was known as the ‘reaction king’ in EXO and he really lived up to his nickname, it was almost as a reflex (and he still does this in interviews, even if it’s in a minor scale) , he always nods or hums, just does anything to ‘react’ to what the other person is saying, I think this is partially due to how active he wants to look on camera and partially due to his own need of showing that he is indeed paying attention to the other party. Besides that, other aspects of his personality started to show, even if subtly, like his tendency of wanting to be one of the main features and the obvious playfulness. His basic public image is being one of the members that lift up the others’ moods and a jokester in general, the one who always has energy and a smile on his face.
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 2. In depth impressions :
       There’s much more to talk about it on this topic, I actually only ‘figured out’ Chanyeol not so long ago, you can be easily fooled by the sunshine/happy virus image that he works so hard to show us all the time but there’s actually (and this is something I’ll probably talk about in every EXO member analysis) , there’s so much more behind it , one of the main points that really changed my view on him is the fact that he is actually very ‘moody’, the other members and himself have acknowledged this , that could possibly make him a more difficult person to live with on a daily basis so the secret is to have patience with him, since he’s very sensitive to criticism and you can see that he really values the public’s opinion AND the people’s around him opinions about him and his work in general, even if he gets shy about it, he generally shows that he is really proud of his own work and effort, a good example of this is when he was asked on a showcase about being the lead actor on ‘EXO next door’ (here: about minute 20:50).
I think that need for approval shows the most on him out of all the EXO members and honestly, a lot of people say he is a ‘show-off’ but that’s not the case, he has said on several occasions that he likes watching himself on screen and stuff like that (like here) , but generally he is just giving himself confidence so he can play his part more easily.
It is known that Chanyeol is a multitalented guy, he is safe to say the member that most produces (and writes) his own stuff along with Lay, and he is always seen with his equipment and posting stuff that he is working on, that said, I can 100% say that he loves what he does, he loves performing, either rapping, singing, acting, playing instruments or writing songs and it is where his heart mostly is, I’m aware that he listens to a wide variety of musical genres and he picks up on melodies really quick when it comes to playing a song. 
This is related to how much of a hardworker this guy is, I still remember watching the behind the scenes to the growl MV ( I couldn’t find the link, sorry), where he was being told that his dancing wasn’t good enough so he tried his 110% for the following shooting day and got praised, he later on said he was worried that his dancing would look really bad on screen, another example are two of the MAMA performances, the 2014 and the 2015 one , on the 2014 one, you can clearly see here that he was almost fainting and vomiting but he kept going for the sake of the performance, specially since 2014 was a year that held a lot of pressure against EXO in general so they all had this will to prove themselves as a group, now in 2015, after they performed ‘drop that’ and Chanyeol was jumping like crazy in a big ass coat , you can see here that he was completely exhausted after the performance, that only shows his perseverance once again and that’s a factor about him that everyone should respect.
A really important Chanyeol trait too is the way he handles himself around fans and around the other members, it is safe to say that all EXO members have grown closer over the years and they have said that in the begining they used to argue quite a lot but nowadays they just know each other’s limits , I think Chanyeol always showed a close relationship with most members, from Kris till Kai, I guess he always thought about them as friends and not just work buddies, there have been several occasions where he helps the other members to answer awkward questions or change the mood of the interview, diverting the focus to him when another member is going through a hard time, besides, he’s always showing support to other members’ projects, he has posted photos congratulating them on the release of their music , has supported their movies and etc. He is also the member who ALWAYS posts photos on the other members’ birthday, either being screenshots of him trying to be the first to wish them a happy birthday, or just photos with said birthday member with a cute caption.
As for his relationship with fans, Chanyeol stans are really lucky , this boy is always wanting to do broadcasts for the fans, even if he’s not doing anything special on them and he even has his own yt channel now (he only uploaded one video but anyways hah), he shared his soundcloud account , where he posts covers and stuff he is working on + being active on IG, this only shows that he is willing to reach to fans , and in person he is almost always interacting with fans, if you observe him during concerts, he looks extremely grateful, during songs and ments, I honestly never saw a concert where it looked like he wasn’t having it or something, also let’s not forget he wrote his rap part on promise, a song written for fans by EXO (you can check the lyrics here) , he asks for the fans’ forgiveness and asks if he can spend forever with us.
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      3. Development :
  As all the other members, we can see Chanyeol developing throughout the years and opening himself more for the public eye, getting out of that basic image we get on the first impression, there are a few  things I wanna highlight on this section of my analysis.
 Let’s start with something he explained on the star show 360 episode with EXO, that it is that he is actually very ‘vulnerable’ to mood change, so he can easily adapt his behavior and actions in different enviroments to match other people, that to me shows again how he is a very social person who’s in need of company and reassurement , I’m relating this to how sweet he seems to be, putting your own emotions in display like that is not an easy task, he is willing to change in a matter of seconds so he can fit along other people, people who say he is selfish aren’t aware that even when he is having his bad days, he prefers not to tell other people so he won’t spoil the mood for them , as said here (starts minute 0:05), so basically he piles up his bad emotions to himself and keeps all the stress to himself, which could result on his mood changes that I’ve talked about on item 2.
Now I’ll adress a controversy, till this day people have been hating on Chanyeol because he is one of the members who most make jokes about Kai’s skin tone and stuff, I don’t have a lot to say about that other than the fact that I personally think him (or any other EXO member who jokes about it) don’t make these jokes to purposely hurt Kai’s feelings or anything of this sort,it is unfortunately a cultural thing in South Korea.
Chanyeol debuted in EXO when he was 20, now he is 24, so it is natural you can see him being more mature now but still keeping his personality essence within.
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     4. Final Thoughts:
  Now for my final considerations, Park Chanyeol is throughtout an amazing guy. this man does anything for his group and for the fans, even when he is broken , he’ll still give his everything and hide all of his bad sides, whenever he makes the slightist mistake, he keeps going on and on about it because he can’t bare the possibility of screwing up , and no, he is not an attention seeker, he is just naturally bright, he is actually a very serious guy and people should respect him as such, he wants to develop professionally in all fields and always continue to make his own music and getting better at what he does, he is definetly someone who deserves all the fans he has and i’m proud of how we’ve gotten to know him more often during the years and he has came out of the superficial shelf created during rookie days.
He deserves so much love, I hope y’all rethink if you have something against him, honestly.
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A/N: I’m sorry if this sucks, don’t come after me please, I plan on doing this for the other members, but if you guys hate it, please tell me, I can’t help it but think I left some stuff out but still.... who is your choice for next one? If you wnat me to continue , of course, thanks if you’ve read till here <3 I also apologize for grammar errors
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It had been a rough couple of days for both of them. Between being sent to both their homes in succession and celebrating at the mansion, it was not only three extended, intense parties they had had to attend, but also constant socialization and practically no time to themselves.
At least that was the part that had been harder for Marth - having to sneak subtle kisses and deliver impersonal wishes because there was always a pair of eyes or ears bound to witness their interactions. He wouldn’t have been surprised, however, if the omnipresence of liquors and games and food were what got the best of Ike in the end.
But here they were, finally crashing back in the room Marth mistakenly tended to consider home nowadays. Though he felt deeply deprived of affection and had spent the last days longing for the moment he could whisper true, heartfelt promises to his fiance, his energy levels dictated that a good night of sleep should be his only goal for now.
And it seemed Ike might agree; while Marth weakly dragged himself onto the mattress after changing into looser clothes, the mercenary was sitting on the opposite side, slouched in such a way that from Marth’s viewpoint he seemed to be downright sleeping in that position. 
There was more than exhaustion at work here - it only took him a few more seconds to realize. Some sort of sadness - not disappointment, or even nostalgia… maybe insecurity ?
It rendered Marth perplexed for barely a minute, and then his memory worked on fishing out some of the things he’d heard over the past days: comments, remarks, all seemingly more harmless than the last to someone who doesn’t pay attention - to someone who isn’t the one receiving them. But in times where everyone is wishing everyone the best and sharing how they plan to improve over the year to come, a few ‘harmless’ comments pointing out one’s flaws could be all it took to sap the spirit.
“Interesting, those New Year’s resolutions, don’t you think ?” Marth began, closing the distance between them. He knelt behind Ike, just so he could wrap his arms around his waist and rest his chin on his shoulder.
“I used to think a man should not wait for a whole year’s passing before trying to better himself,” the prince stated, punctuating his sentence with a humorless scoff. He briefly nuzzled the broad shoulder, and left it with a quick kiss to continue, “It sounded so vain, even as it remained only among my thoughts. Everyone seemed so happy and proud to be challenging themselves to improve in some way…”
He tightened his hold on Ike for a short moment, and then let go altogether, freeing his hands so he could place them against the other’s back and gently press his thumbs over the shoulder blades in a circular movement. “It makes you think, hm ? What goal would you set for yourself, if you had one thing to work on throughout an entire year…”
He pushed his hands higher, now massaging just below Ike’s neck. “I would bet a good fortune that you’ve given it some thoughts,” he affirmed with confidence, crooked smile taking over for a few breaths. He lifted his head off of Ike’s shoulder to kiss the back of his neck while his hands trailed down to ease tension out of the lower half of his back. 
“Spend more time with your sister. Train some more and make everyone proud. Maybe learn to read and even study to better help with the paperwork management of your company,” Marth guessed distractedly, more determined to get Ike to give in and relax under his ministrations than to have him admit what his potential resolution could be. “I dare even be so bold as to theorize some might have involved me, yes ?” he asked rhetorically, leaving no time for Ike to answer; “Get me to eat more, work less, something along the lines ?”
He let out a soft, quiet laugh - one so full of warmth and fondness, like he fell in love with Ike again just trying to guess his resolutions. “All very selfless intentions,” he commented lightly, smile audible in his voice. He wanted to see the other’s face, but his eyes were busy taking note of which spots made him go the limpest through his careful rubdown. “Since even in this situation, you won’t do anything for yourself, could you please do me a favor ?”
His nose partially disappeared into dark blue hair, as Marth pleaded by his ear, “This year, work on giving yourself more credit. Work on accepting that you fixed your world. Work on admitting that your deeds were astounding and unprecedented. Work on looking how far you’ve come. Work on remembering that it is your courage, your spirit, your values that got you through your challenges - not statesmanship or education. And if you truly refuse to look upon the heroic chapters of your story, the great tales of a young commander and fighter for justice - then at least accept the simple things you have achieved as a person. Everything that I am, or rather everything that I now allow myself to be- I owe it to you. You are entitled to my gratitude for making me as happy as I am. You have flaws, but you achieve perfection within their limits. That is more virtue than I have ever been blessed to witness. This year, please work on letting me show you how perfectly imperfect you are.”
It was the start of the new year, and as per the norm, the new year was ushered in by all manner of merriment. The competitors were allowed to go back to their respective worlds to celebrate – or not – in their own ways, with their own family and friends. They were then brought back to the Mansion, where another, last hurrah of a party was thrown. It was three different events for both Ike and Marth; they went to Archanea, to Tellius, and then back to the Mansion to celebrate. Three large, admittedly sometimes a little too wild parties crammed into a few days; the socializing and games, drinking and eating, and everything in between that happened was incredible, but nonetheless exhausting.
Especially considering that, with all the other people around, they never really got to have any time together. 
Finally back in their room, content to relax their social guards and just be together – as tired as they were – Ike had doggedly stripped down to just his underclothes, and then promptly slumped himself up against the headboard of the bed. He wanted nothing more than to just curl up around his person and fall asleep to some soft, dozy affections, but a few things kept bumping around in his head, making him restless despite how exhausted he was.
It was funny how people always had something to say, even about others’ potential thoughts for how to improve themselves in the future.
Ike didn’t mind telling his goals for the next year to others when asked, and he didn’t usually care if those people had an opinion on it. But, going through three separate events where these resolutions were the topic of the night – for those sober enough to discuss them seriously, that is – it got just a tad bit demoralizing hearing certain thoughts repeated in different ways by different people.
He just didn’t think so many people would have something to say about his life and where it might possibly go…
The mercenary was pulled from his thoughts when he felt the mattress shift behind him from Marth’s light weight, lithe arms coming to rest about his waist and a chin pressing comfortably against his shoulder.
A soft, “Mmn,” was all the sound that Ike made to Marth’s statement, taking a deep but slow breath when the Altean nuzzled his shoulder.
Leave it to Marth to be able to read him so easily.
“I...yeah, I’ve thought about it some,” Ike replied in a muted voice, almost catching Marth’s arms before he could pull away, relaxing a bit more when he felt fingers rubbing into the sore muscles in his shoulders. “Hard not to after a few dozen people ask...” 
Not that he hadn’t been thinking about what he wanted to do with his life now -- now that he had so much to look forward to, now that he knew what direction he was supposed to go.
He sighed contently at the kiss to his neck, arching his back tiredly when Marth’s hands moved their blessed attentions to his lower back. Even with the time off, not training or fighting, Ike still managed to knot up muscles in his back pretty darn well. Marth was quite adept at getting them to relax once more.
Ike lapsed into silence as Marth guessed what his resolutions could be -- a small smile edging onto his face when each one was practically guessed to perfection. Either he really was plain old easy to read, or Marth truly did know him well. “Of course there are quite a few that involve you...I want to be my best for you, and I want to look after you and support you as you deserve, Marth...You, uh, pretty much got ‘em all right there, you know. You’re too smart sometimes, but all it does is amaze me further,” he added, once he got a chance to put something in edgewise.
Head lolling, a slight moan of contentment building up in his throat at the massage he was being treated to, Ike hummed, “...You know I could...never say no to doing something for you to the best of my ability...”
He straightened up just a smidge when Marth spoke into his ear, face heating up as he fought to keep his emotions in check as his person voiced his favor. “I -- Hn, Marth...Barely even into the new year, and you’re already gettin’ me soft. I...It’s not going to be easy, I’m gonna need your help, but...I’ll do my best. This’ll be one of my...priority goals, I promise. Just...be patient with me sometimes; not always easy to see the things that you see in me, love.”
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chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
Powerful Guide 2020 Social Marketing Media Plan : Social Media Management Philadelphia
Social internet marketing, Truth and Lies
You order a specific thing online and it will take way more a chance to arrive than it should. In addition to, a few goods are missing inside the package. Discouraged, you decide to try the vendor’s Facebook funnel to voice your concerns and be prepared to be paid for.
And inspite of repeated prodding, there is complete radio silence at the other end.
The experience didn’t feel good achieved it? You think maybe this organization doesn’t value you — how you relied on it to offer you a good encounter and it shattered this trust instead. So you do what any kind of frustrated individual would — you claim never to purchase anything came from here again and hit the “unlike” switch.
For social media strategists, there is also a lesson to become learned in this article. A social media marketing strategy can eventually falter with a few unlikes and bad comments.
As a business owner, social websites gives you limited chances to produce a good impression. How you make the most of these chances might make your company or break it.
The proof is these numbers:
• 71% of users who have an optimistic social media experience with a brand are likely to recommend this – Ambassador
• Matching to a research, hardly even just the teens of social media posts scarcely generate any emotional response on social websites – Havas Media
• 42% of Twitter users expect to become expect a small business to respond for their inquiries within the hour – Ambassador
Social media seems to be the newest buzz word for anyone looking to increase their online occurrence and sales, but is Social Media Marketing (SMM) all it can be cracked about be?
H. M. Meters companies are today springing up all over the place nowadays and they are sharing with anyone that will listen about how precisely incredibly important social media like Facebook twits and Vimeo are to your company but , intended for the average up-and-coming small to medium sized organization, does marketing to social networks really meet all the buzz? Is spending a small fortune upon hiring a SMM company really worth it? And has anyone really done the research about this before they will hired anyone to set up at this time there Facebook organization page?
A lot of SMM businesses are setting up items like Facebook business pages (which are free) for $600 to $1, 000 or maybe more and telling their clientele that they have a tendency need a web page because Online social networks is the biggest social network in the world and everybody has a Facebook or myspace account.
Nowadays while it could possibly be true that Facebook is definitely the largest social network in the world and yes, Facebook’s members will be potential consumers, the real query is light beer actually choosing? Social media marketing businesses are all too very happy to point out the positives of social media just like how many people use Facebook or perhaps how a large number of tweets were sent out last year and how many people watch YouTube movies etc . but are you finding the full picture?
Social Media Marketing Salary Hourly
I when sat following to a SMM “expert” at a business workshop who was spruiking to anyone that came inside earshot regarding the amazing advantages of setting up a Fb business page for business (with him of course) and providing on Facebook. So , fascinated by the aforementioned “experts” suggestions I seemed him through to Facebook learn he had just 11 Facebook or myspace friends (not a good start). So becoming the research nut that I will be, I decided to have a good check into SMM in regard to selling to find out if it truly worked, whom did it be employed by and if it did as to why did Social internet marketing work for them?
And should organization rely hence heavily on social networks to get sales?
As being a web developer I was frequently (and nowadays increasingly) confronted by several social media challenges when ever potential clients would probably say that developing a website looks good nonetheless they had a Facebook . com business web page and had recently been told simply by various sources (the ever present however anonymous “they”) that internet sites were the one thing to do, nevertheless after speaking about their needs it probably is quite clear that those potential clients did not actually find out why they needed social networks or SMM to generate on-line sales.
That they just wanted it. For small to medium sized business I usually recommended building a quality webpage over almost any social network, why? Well is actually simple actually because social websites is Social Media, and great example of such are Social support systems they are not really business advertising and business networks (that would be a lot more like LinkedIn).
Article On Social Media Marketing
I realize that noises simple although it’s authentic and the stats back it up. The reality is that social internet marketing fails to let you know that Online social networks is a social networking not a search engine and inspite of the number of Online social networks users and Google users being around the same, people don’t use Fb in the same way that they use a google search like Google (which offers around half the search engine market), Yahoo and Bing to find business or perhaps products. They use it to hold in touch with family or to get news and entertainment.
In a recent research done by the IBM Initiate for Business Value around 55% of all social websites users explained that they tend not to engage with makes over social media at all in support of around 23% actually purposefully use social media to interact with brands. Right now out of all the people that do use social networking and who do interact with brands whether purposefully or not, nearly all (66%) say they need to look a company is definitely communicating frankly before they are going to interact.
So how do you use social internet marketing? And is it even worthy of doing?
Social Media Marketing Information
Very well first of all I would personally say that having a well maximized website remains to be going to bring you far more organization that social media in most cases especially if you are a promising small to medium sized localized business because far more people are going to type “hairdresser Dock Macquarie” right into a search engine like Google, Google and Msn than they will ever is going to on any kind of Social Media Site and if you have to a website if you’re missing out on all that potential business. However inspite of all the (ofcourse not so good) statistics .
My spouse and i still believe it is still recommended for business to work with social media simply not in the same way that a lot of SMM pros are today, Why? Because they have clearly not working in the way that they claim it does. Basically SMM Companies and Business all together looked at social support systems like Online social networks as a refreshing market fresh for the picking so when Facebook began getting users measured by millions PayPal co-founder Chris Thiel used US$500, 500 for 7% of the business (in July 2004) and since them a couple of venture capital firms have made ventures into Facebook and in Oct 2007.
Ms announced that completely purchased a one. 6% show of Fb for $240 million. Even so since Facebook’s humble beginnings up until now (2012) both SMM Companies and Business include failed to genuinely capitalise on the huge number of Facebook . com users internet. The truth is quantities does not identical buyers. Would it be in a Social internet marketing company’s best interest to talk great example of such up?
Social Media Marketing Company In India
Completely. Is it within a Social Network like Facebook’s needs for people to think that corporations can sell en masse by marketing and advertising with them? Of course it really is. In early 2012, Facebook unveiled that its profits experienced jumped 65% to $1 billion in the previous 12 months as its income which is typically from advertising had ran almost 90% to $3. 71 million so clearly the concept of SMM is exercising for them however it is perfect? Well… statistically no, although that does not indicate that it under no circumstances will.
In my opinion the major big difference between social networks and search engines like google is objective. People who make use of Google will be deliberately searching for something thus if they actually a search intended for hairdressers that’s what they are looking for at that particular time. With something like Online social networks the primary intention is usually to match friends and family. In October 08, Mark Zuckerberg himself explained “I don’t think social networks may be monetized just as that search (Search Engines) did…
In three years coming from now we have to find out what the perfect model is definitely. But which is not our principal focus today”. One of the biggest problems business face with great example of such and SMM is notion. According to the APPLE Institute for people who do buiness .
Value study there were “significant gaps between what businesses think buyers care about and what customers say they demand from their social media interactions with companies. very well For example in the current society people are not just going to hand you over generally there recommendations, Facebook likes, comments or information without getting a thing back because of it, so the old adage “what’s in that for me? inches comes into play.
How Are Businesses Using Social Media
Therefore the primary reason most people offer for interacting with brands or perhaps business in social media is usually to receive savings, yet the makes and organization themselves think the main reason persons interact with all of them on social media is to understand new products. Pertaining to brands and business receiving discounts only ranks twelfth on their list of reasons why persons interact with them. Most businesses believe social networking will increase advocation, but just 38 % of consumers concur.
Companies have to find more innovative methods to connect with social websites if they wish to see some kind of derive from it. There was some good attempts shown in the IBM study of corporations that got some sort of a handle in order to use social media to their edge, keeping in mind that whenever asked them when they connect to businesses or brands through social media, customers list “getting discounts or coupons” and “purchasing companies services” since the top two activities, respectively a U. S goodies company called Cold Stone Creamery offered discounts issues products on the Facebook site. Alternatively there is also a great program launched by simply Best
Ways To Market On Social Media
Buying in the Circumstance. S called Twelpforce where employees may respond to client’s questions by means of Twitter. With Cold Rock Creamery and Twelpforce the main benefit is evidently in the favour of the possible client & the truly great trick to social media marketing is to sell not having trying to sell (or looking like the selling) sadly most social media is focused the wrong way.
Building a touchable buyer to consumer marriage via social networking is not easy and probably the most benefit to company using social networking to boost their very own websites Google rankings. But business’ need to understand that you can’t just setup a Facebook or myspace business web page and expect the best. SMM requires work and potential clients need to discover value about what you have to provide via your social media efforts give them some thing worth their particular social relationship and as well as then you may improve results.
Right now just as a footnote Facebook . com shares own dropped to under $20 per show, that’s 50 percent their original price… plus the lawsuits will be flying
This content was originally published here.
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pratikbarot-blog · 6 years
Android Integration
The next generation of ArcGIS Runtime is still here.  However, if you take the Apple hardware and also utilize Google's software then you probably could get yourself a top notch product.  AT&T includes a large collection for instance, newest samsung-galaxy S 8 & S8 +, of Android smartphones and cellular phones.  Android 4 users may still install variant 3.16.5 from your Google Play shop.  All these values are specified construct file for modern Android applications.  Tap on Wallpapers, also from there you are going to have the option to sift through My photos, or pick out of your programs that offer "are living backgrounds," animated backgrounds that spice your screen up time.   Your Own business office documents maintain the exact same partitioning along with your PC and mobile apparatus.  Since the developer community works together to build mobile applications that are innovative, the program will continue to evolve.  Android purposes (" apps ") could be downloaded by your Google Play keep, which features in excess of 2.7 million programs at February 20 17.  Windows mobile: Office Mobile programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook Mail, and Outlook Calendar) require Windows 10.  The protection protections for perform and Android of Google, bringing peace of mind.   In case only a single apparatus is attached, the application form will be automatically installed on this particular gadget.  With greater programs than i-OS, Android sets a world of options in your own fingertips.  And by the way-- just  enjoy my other record-smashing courses--this training course is task based, this usually means that you build your own programs in real time...As.  There's s'really like on Harness with Nowadays about your mobile apparatus short cuts to answers, battery life which can go new and longer program permissions that offer you hands.  Wish to launch your music app if you plug in your own headset?  https://androidheaven.net/ With the newest technology directly  at your palms, Android phones ensure it is straightforward to text and talk, but also give you the ability to keep intouch using social networking, stay informed about world and work events, and create an calendar that produces it easy to keep on time, and get programs and programs which will be able to enable you to remain effective - irrespective of where you're.  Show kit for Android and i-OS predicated on OpenGLes.  Implements a 3D globe plus a 2D map and can deal with image base packs along with vector maps that are tiled predicated on OSM data.   Before the occasions of okay Google" voice action, you could tap on the microphone icon to dictate right to your cell phone.  You could scan the barcode by means of your Android mobile to install it by way of the Google perform application.  Android:android along with versionName:versionCode specify the version of your own application.  People may GearUp for their Prynt tasks.  Created for Android, Sophos cell protection finds malicious or possibly unwelcome applications which could result in as an instance data theft, data reduction, and also media usage costs.   5.1 You agree that you're responsible to maintaining the confidentiality of some programmer credentials which may be issued for you personally by Google or you also may wind up and that you're going to soon be solely in charge of all applications that are developed underneath your developer credentials.  The study by French exploration firm Exodus Privacy and also Yale University's Privacy Laboratory lacked the cellular programs for its signatures of 25 called trackers, which use various strategies to glean personal info about users to better focus on them for both advertising and services. VLC for Android may play with any video and audio recordings, in addition to network flows and DVD ISOs, like the desktop version of VLC.  Initially manufactured by Android Inc., that Google purchased in 2005, Android was unveiled in 2007, together side all the founding of the Open Handset Alliance - a consortium of components , applications , and telecommunication companies committed to advancing open standards for mobile devices.  Look out helps to keep your own personal information confidential by revealing one which programs will access where you are, contacts, messages, and id information.   A lot of those devices are now smartphones.  You may build your own programs also needs to put in it upon your system.  Support is being implemented by Google in ChromeOS to get Android applications in a very similar manner once we perform.  Both approaches are like both placed Android into a program container based on both Linux namespaces and keep a little bridge allowing communication with the server system.  They can be updated by Google on the phone without even the demand for an upgrade of the Android re lease.   You will have a portfolio of projects and also your own apps published on Google engage in retail store.  The manifest is read from the Android system during setup of the application form.  Android Transfer will be able to help you manage music, your movies, photographs, contacts, contacts, SMS, programs, and more effectively.  You can move to Android TV, Android use check out, or your own tablet from the mobile.  Since lolli-pop will work on all of your apparatus, you can pick up wherever you left off with apps music, photos, and latest hunts.   Android  supports the communication accessibility Profile (MAP) S O Bluetooth-enabled vehicles may exchange messages along with your apparatus.  Tasker's about as venerable an app because you will see in Google Play, and whether it'll cost you a few dollars, it is well worth it for the level of control over exactly how  a smart-phone behaves it gives you.  The website is optimized for smaller displays like people found on many Android phones that the map is limited by essential gestures like pinch-to-zoom and drag-to-pan.  It allows the meaning of distinct designs for different apparatus.   Several libraries ensure it is effortless for both Android developers to incorporate OpenStreetMap within their own applications, whether as a static map picture, a fully interactive map, or more complex uses like geo coding and navigation.  Successful conclusion of the program usually means a portfolio of endeavors to show companies, a proven credential to affirm your achievements, and acquire your own app.  The Core Core is empowered from the ultimate 8.1 preview, allowing camera apps which utilize the correct API to catch shots with Google's HDR+ and also to do so using the dedicating imaging chip, that ought to speed things up.   He commenced focusing on Critical at the end of 2015 and launched a high-end smart-phone predicated on Android applications earlier this calendar year, attempting to accept the i-phone and others.  This allows debugging the own application or handling the device.  Just see our website from the other device to locate and track your phone or tablet computer on Google Maps®.  After investigating versions of apps additional apps going straight back as far as October 2015 were seen by them.  Sure, there is a high probability at least a number of one's own Android apps have monitored you a lot more than you expect, in case you are thinking.   For a map-viewing experience much like that of this Google Maps software, check out the apps beneath.  Android kit kat enables you to receive things completed together with just the sound of one's voice - only convey okay Google" to establish audio search, send out a text, then receive guidelines or even play a tune in  Make sure that you check also the date of their absolute most recent upgrade, although maybe not just for reviews and ratings, also avoid apps that seem as though they have been deserted by their programmers.  It prevents you from installation and setup to building your first application.   Entering pupils are required to have prior expertise construction applications (web or mobile) in Java or some other object oriented programming language.  Google engineers say that they seen that the Tizi spy-ware in September 20 17, when automatic scans with Google engage in Pro Tect --an Android app security scanner incorporated in the Google Play Store app-- discovered a Tizi-infected app which has been installed on a user's apparatus via the state Google engage in retailer.  Android is popular with technology companies which take a ready made, customizable and affordable operating platform for hightech devices. On top of the Linux kernel, there really are the middleware , libraries and APIs written in C , and application software running in a program frame that includes Java -compatible libraries.  Android Beam allowed just two phones by touching them to talk about content via NFC.  Heis the writer of this pro Android Application Development collection of Android books from Wrox, and's enthusiastic about supporting programmers build the very best programs on Android.  You agree that Google may discontinue (completely or temporarily) giving the SDK (or some other features within the SDK) for your requirements or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice for you.  
0 notes
ptrsnpllns-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Countries in Asia are now engaging to the fastest growing world of online market worldwide. Modern world is very dynamic, it’s easily changes our way of living and we have to ebb with this changes in our society. With existence of the Modern Technology, it made the lives of the people easier and faster especially now that we can all access everything through internet.
           Based on the documentary entitled “Online Journalism in Southeast Asia,” people who are born in the existence of this modern technology are now using gadgets, smartphones, laptops, and internet because of its convenience and always updated. Internet is very engaging to the students nowadays because of its easiest and fastest way of getting information and the necessary details they need with just a blink of an eye to the point that they are being dependent to it. Unlike before, we are reading newspapers and magazines if we want to be updated in the latest happening but now by simply scrolling and browsing in your smartphones or computer you can easily be updated. New media empower the traditional media because Singapore are now socially connected, interactive and their traditional media expanded widely to online.
           Seemingly, traditional media maybe got stuck from where it was that’s why there are some journalist are now moving to new media because of its widely changes on how people consuming information. People are now into the real-time and fastest way to get the information and journalist nowadays are also sharing information through Twitter of its real-time. Citizen journalism are now more updated about the current happenings in the society rather than the news especially when it comes to hard news because with just one click they can easily spread the information. Some Journalist are also moved into blogging, it has no limitation for them to express their thoughts and opinions through online. The spread of the internet has changes the way people consuming and spreading information.
           In my own opinion, traditional media will not be forgotten and it will be always there. It is still the best way to use it as a source of information because of its authenticity by being published carefully. In the fastest ways of spreading information online it would be hard for us to identify the fact on the information that get. Fake news can mislead or misinformed society which is timely and relevant. We should always put in to our mind that we should think before we click.
           In line with our subject AJO 421, I was enlightened that we should always consider the codes of ethics in journalism when it comes to writing an article. We should be aware on what we post online and as much as possible it should be scholarly and unbiased.
0 notes
cleancutpage · 7 years
#CRE Success Stories: Commercial Real Estate Brokers DO Make Deals Using Social Media
A Burning Question
One of the most burning questions in the commercial real estate business today is whether or not brokers really make deals using social media. Do marketing people and all of their online marketing efforts to promote their brokers pay off? We asked our audience to weight in and the facts are the facts. These are real stories from those professionals who have something to say about using online marketing tactics, such as social media or blogging to help keep their pipeline full.
Our Call to Action
To get feedback from our users, we used Twitter, our blog, and Linkedin to drum up some takers! We pushed out a call to action to ask brokers to tell us their stories. We did a Twitter poll as well. The Twitter poll was quite interesting as we had only 28 responses and the result is below:
  Have you or your brokers made any #CRE deals as a result of social media or blogging? We want to quote you for an upcoming blog! #CRE
— theBrokerList (@theBrokerList) June 16, 2017
But upon asking the question on Twitter, the most aggressive and successful brokers jumped in and were eager to share their amazing stories with us. As you will see from the overwhelming responses below, brokers are definitely making money using social media and online methods to gain business! Of course, this is just one tool in their arsenal, but it seems to be paying off for them!
If you have a success story you wish to share, please let us know so you can featured in upcoming blogs were we can feature your success story deal and how social media or any form of technology helped you close that deal!
  Amy Calandrino at her client’s grand opening! Success!
Amy Calandrino
Amy Calandrino obtained a local client using Facebook, combined with blogging to make her office deal, which was a broker to broker deal. Here is Amy’s story!
It was hard to pick one deal because social media is what keeps that “top of mind awareness” nowadays. I hear all the time that one of my posts triggered them to reach out to me.
While I’ve handled deals large and small, helping a business get their first location is incredibly gratifying. I find that small business owners are thankful to have one more thing off of their plate when working with me. So, I just helped Carolina Rincon of Nucare Therapy find her first location. How did she find me?
First of all, my business banker Jennifer Hodges who admits to being a Facebook junkie – http://ift.tt/2z3p0gr – and I are Facebook friends. It’s no secret on my Facebook wall that I am Commercial REALTOR who helps small businesses (in between posting photos of my dog #DukeWhippet, foodie photos and my other activities).
In any event, Jennifer connected me with Paul Roldan of a financial planning firm to help with their lease renewal. We became Facebook friends too, to stay connected. Paul then referred his client Carolina Rincon to me. At the time, she was traveling to provide service to her pediatric therapy clients (including those with special needs) and it was limiting her ability to service more clients. She was ready for a brick and mortar location.
Carolina leaned on Paul to help her with financial planning for this big leap, I helped her find the space, and she also worked with ProsperaUSA on her business plan so I could show prospective landlords that I had a worthy tenant.
We first connected in August 2016 and she inked her lease deal in February 2017. In June 2017, she had her public grand opening.
Amy Calandrino can be found on:
Twitter @AmyCalandrino Facebook Beyond Commercial Linkedin Amy Calandrino Instagram @AmyCalandrino Website Beyond Commercial
Kevin Vandenboss
Kevin Vandenboss
A couple of years ago I listed an older office building for lease. As soon as I had it listed I reached out to somebody that I knew was looking for space with a link to the listing. He replied, thanked me for sending it, and said it didn’t really fit the look he wanted in his next office. A couple weeks later I had a video tour done and posted it on Facebook page, which the above prospect followed. The video showed an office that had some glass walls and showed real well. The prospective tenant that dismissed the property before called me up asking where this office with the glass wall was and said that’s the office he wants. I explained that it was in the same building I had emailed him about before. He said he wanted to see it right away. The next day he looked at it and had a lease signed less than a week later.
A few years ago I was aggressively growing my LinkedIn network while regularly posting about services I offered. One day I posted that, in addition to commercial real estate sales and leasing, I could help people sell their business. I received a reply from a local business owner that had been contemplating selling his business. We had a meeting and several discussions over the next couple of months. Eventually I listed the business and sold it about 3 months later. Since then I have even sold that same client a new business. Two deals out of one LinkedIn post.
Kevin Vandenboss can be found on:
Twitter @KevinVandenboss Website Vandenboss Commercial Facebook Vandenboss Commercial Linkedin Vandenboss Commercial Company Page
Allen C. Buchanan
Allen C Buchanan
A have a ton of examples, but the 2 most impressive deals completed were a direct result of Tuesday Traffic Tips (TTT). The other came as a result of your blog.
Received a call from a shareholder in Riverside Calif office. He said he loved TTT and my son is thinking of getting into business will you include him in your mailing list. 4 months later I received a call from the same shareholder and he referred me to a deal in my market. He could have referred anyone and chose me. We performed a BPO on the building and I got paid for that and then 1 year later I got a call from a building owner who engaged us to sell the building. We closed a $6.5 million deal. During the same time frame, this same shareholder and I closed a $5 mil dollar deal in his market. The familiarity and connection via TTT is what has allowed us to do both of these deals.
Blog – Got a call one year ago from a residential agent. The residential agent has a family friend selling a manufacturing building in my market and they were going to have $27.5 mil to redeploy into tax deferred exchange properties. She found me through my blogging efforts. We closed 3 deals totaling $27.5 mil dollars last year.
This is $40 mil dollars of deals, you can do the math on these deals. These are the 2 biggest examples and I can give you 10 or 12 more examples as well!!
Allen Buchanan can be found on:
Website Allen C Buchanan Location Advice Linkedin Allen C Buchanan Twitter @AllenCBuchanan Facebook Location Advice Instagram @AllenCBuchanan tBL Blog Author Page Location Advice
Austin Lavin
Austin Lavin
To procure purchasers, real estate agents promote properties through a variety of channels. In addition to utilizing standard listings and normal real estate promotional tools, I occasionally promote listings and projects through my personal social media presence when appropriate. While admittedly, specific types of developers/investors seem to be active online, sharing special and interesting listings will often be shared by your followers expanding your reach and bringing your listings to people who might not have been actively looking for it. If nothing else it’s a productive way to remind your followers what you do, and sometimes it can be a lot more.
I generate phone calls and direct messages from people who know me through @austinlavin and sometimes they have led to deals. Two years ago, an acquaintance tweeted “Hey, #NOLA, any commercial real estate agents out there? We’re exploring possibility of new office space. ” And before I even saw it, a mutual friend suggested that she reach out to me.  This tweet led to me assisting her group lease 4,736 rsf in a Class A office building in the New Orleans CBD.
More recently, I found a buyer for a historic renovation of an old school building through Instagram. I posted an architecturally interesting photo, with a very basic description and a joke hashtag #milliondollarlistingNOLA.  Shortly after I received a message from a friend telling me that he wanted it. While I knew my friend was looking to develop properties, I had not thought to bring it to him so we might not have put the deal together if he hadn’t come across the opportunity online.
Below is an example of a promotional tweet that I posted on my personal account.
  I’m excited to be leasing Pinnacle Nord du Lac, a transformational retail project for Covington. Learn more here: https://t.co/WPJkyDnyTY http://pic.twitter.com/COfV60Ut8I
— Austin Lavin (@AustinLavin) April 27, 2017
Austin Lavin can be found on:
Twitter @AustinLavin Instagram @AustinLavin Website Austin Lavin CCIM Linkedin Austin Lavin
BONUS Content from Bo Barron of The Massimo Group!
Bo Barron
Bo Barron
I believe that ‘social media’ is a marketing/presence play.
What I mean by this is creating an online/digital footprint, engaging with others, and demonstrating your expertise allows you to become known – to become top-of-mind. While you will find stories where social media has led to deals, social media isn’t about prospecting.
However, an online presence can have a massive impact on your prospecting, but indirectly. I like to think of your prospecting system as a machine that allows you to systematically target, pursue, and win the business you want to do. Your presence, digital and otherwise, is the grease that allows that machine to crank out bigger and higher-quality opportunities at a high efficiency. It makes everything easier.
When your prospect runs into you online, interacts with you, or maybe just reads something that clearly shows that you know what you are doing and produce outstanding results for your clients, he/she remembers. How much easier is it call someone who knows and is impressed by you versus a true cold call.
Creating an online presence through content marketing and social media is a long term presence play that will make, over time, everything else about your business run more smoothly.
Bo Barron can be found on:
Twitter @BoBarronCCIM Facebook Bo Barron Linkedin Bo Barron Instagram @BoBarron
RSS Feed provided by theBrokerList Blog - Are you on theBrokerList for commercial real estate (cre)? and #CRE Success Stories: Commercial Real Estate Brokers DO Make Deals Using Social Media was written by Linda Day Harrison.
#CRE Success Stories: Commercial Real Estate Brokers DO Make Deals Using Social Media published first on http://ift.tt/2hkHhkP
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Instagram Ideas: The Ultimate Guide
Nowadays, almost every business is on Instagram.
And they should be - it’s a platform that’s ripe for generating social engagement which, for some businesses, can be a road paved with boosted awareness and a bump in sales.
One mistake I’ve seen many businesses make is not keeping up with all of Instagram’s many (constantly evolving) content forms. A savvy social media marketer should be comfortable with all of them to maximize the platform’s potential.
So, this is my complete guide to Instagram ideas: all of the different types of content you can post to build your own empire on the visual media giant.
Instagram Ideas: Photos
The most popular type of content on Instagram remains a simple photo - the Instagram idea that first launched Instagram to fame several years ago. What makes photos so great is that they’re easy for your business to create and easy for audiences to see, while still being powerful and engaging as a way to promote your business.
What I mean by this is that they don’t take a huge time commitment from you or your social media manager; all you need to post a photo is a quick snap and maybe an edit or two - much less effort than a video. For a viewer, photos are easy to scroll through (and trust me, Instagram users scroll fast), making them easily digestible and very shareable.
Instagram Ideas: Photo Best Practices
Any photos you share on Instagram should be high-quality. This really should go without saying, but it’s still an important point to address. If you’re looking to build your business on Instagram, you need to understand that it’s both a content strategy and a branding play. Much like your website or your storefront, your Instagram feed is a real representation of your business, meaning you want it to look as professional as possible.
To ensure this is the case, one of the easiest things you can do is make sure you take and post great-looking content. A couple rules of thumb:
Lighting is everything: Making sure you have adequate lighting can make a drastic difference in the way your photos look - and that’s incredibly important, especially when you’re showing off one of your products.
Focus your images: The age of artsy blurs on Instagram has passed - make sure you keep your photos focused to ensure you’re presenting your subject in the best possible way.
Know basic composition: Though photo techniques are too numerous to include here, using things like the rule of thirds to compose your photos will give them a more professional quality. Look at other accounts you like for inspiration on how to frame your shots.
Use a decent camera A modern smartphone will do if you don’t have a DSLR available to you.
Keep it simple: Edit well, but sparingly; long gone are the days of over-over-over-processed Instagram images, and you’ll better show off your products and brand through more conservatively edited photos.
Instagram Ideas: Video
Instagram introduced videos soon after the platform’s rise to prominence, allowing its users to post short 15-second clips, paving the way for more dynamic content (with sound!). Since then, Instagram has upped its video length limit to 1 minute, giving users the ability to be even more creative with the content they upload.
Though videos can take some additional effort, they don’t necessarily have to (more on that in the best practices below). Videos are often more engaging than photos, though they’re not as easy for users and potential customers to view if they’re browsing quickly on the bus, in class, or at work (don’t worry, I won’t tell).
Instagram Ideas: Video Best Practices
Like your photos, you want your videos to look great. Though video is actually a good medium for more casual, less “polished” content, there’s still a minimum quality standard you should try to uphold. Here’s a few things that help:
Keep it steady: There are few worse things than shaky video. It’s tough to watch and can even be nauseating at times. Though most smart phones (and pretty much all cameras) nowadays have a digital or optical stabilizer, using a tripod can help you make sure your videos don’t come equipped with a roller coaster simulator.
Add subtitles: If your video has dialogue or a voiceover, add subtitles! It’s the single best thing you can do to make sure people on the bus, in class or at work don’t just scroll past your video.
Minimize length: Just because you now have 60 seconds of video on Instagram doesn’t mean you need to use it. Minimizing the amount of time you take to deliver your message (whatever that happens to be) will keep more people watching until the end.
Add a call to action: There’s a good chance a video you post highlights something you’re trying to promote for your business. Adding a quick CTA at the bottom or end of your video can help push viewers into acting.
Instagram Ideas: Carousel
Instagram’s newest content type is Carousel. It’s a content type that allows you to combine multiple pieces of media (both photos and videos), which lets content creators share related images in a single post.
Though Carousel still isn’t nearly as huge as photos or videos are in terms of popularity, being able to share more than one photo and video in a single post at a time is a feature that’s just nice to have. We’ll talk about some Carousel ideas below, which will show you some Instagram accounts who have been creative and found ways to make the most of Instagram’s newest content type.
Instagram Ideas: Carousel Tips
Tell a story: Using Carousel’s multiple panels allows you to share images and video in a narrative sequence that tells a story. You can do this in a creative manner (think comic book panels), or to highlight a specific event, like a product launch or a company gathering. Remember Carousel can include videos too, so you can add videos for some additional flavor.
Create a collage or panorama: One creative way I’ve seen brands use Carousel is to post super-mega-ultra-wide images. Split a single image (like a large collage or a panoramic photo) into pieces and post them sequentially, so users can explore the entire image in detail by swiping through your Carousel.
Include product photos: Though it’s not the most inventive thing, Carousel introduces a new way to highlight your various products. I like Carousel as a way to show off different features of a single product, or to display different product colors. The possibilities are endless!
Instagram Ideas: General Best Practices
Instagram Ideas: Content Scheduling
Like any other marketing strategy, social media takes time. Unfortunately, not every business has that time, especially when you consider social media is the kind of thing you need to maintain and keep updated.
One way to circumvent this issue is to schedule content using a tool like Later or Buffer. This allows you to plan all of your posts (captions included) long in advance, meaning you can allot a bit of time once a week (or every couple weeks) to set up your posts for the next little while.
Instagram Ideas: Using Hashtags
Hashtags are one of the biggest ways to help your Instagram content reach new users and potential customers. They allow you to reach others who browse the platform using their explore feed, and to find similar accounts that will help you grow your own.
Find relevant hashtags specific to your business and your location, and you’ll see the reach (and engagement) on your photos skyrocket. I’d recommend looking for relevant accounts that repost content their own hashtag and using them in your own posts, as this can give you the chance to be featured on their profiles, helping you reach new customers.
Instagram Ideas: Run Instagram Contests
If you’re really looking to drive massive growth with your Instagram account, contests are the best way to go. Why? They provide huge spikes in engagement, drastically increase the number of people who share your content, and simply get people excited about your brand. Let’s look at a few ways you can run them:
Tag/comment to enter: The simplest kind of contest is the kind you host on your Instagram profile. Simply post an image (or video) that explains your contest or highlights your prize, and tell entrants to comment on your photo tagging a friend to enter. You can also get entrants to follow your account, which will give you another opportunity to market to them in the future.
A hashtag/photo contest: I like these contests best, because they allow you to build up user-generated content from your fans that you can use in upcoming marketing campaigns. Use a tool like Wishpond to build a contest page with a photo gallery that highlights content from your entrants.
Instagram Ideas: Stories
Another dimension of Instagram’s platform is its Stories feature, which, uh, looks a lot like Snapchat’s Story function. To be frank, it’s the same thing - but it’s important to note your Instagram Story can be made public, meaning people who don’t yet follow you can still find your Story and learn more about your business.
In my opinion, this makes Instagram Stories a much more powerful marketing tool than Snapchat, which has more privacy settings and isn’t particularly effective to reach new potential customers.
If you want to go all-in on Instagram, you should look into using Stories extensively. Let’s look at a few ways you can get the most out of this powerful tool.
Instagram Ideas: Stories Best Practices
Activate your Instagram for Business account: Having an Instagram for Business account is huge when you’re updating your Story, because it allows you to add a “Swipe Up” action. This allows you to highlight products on your Story and then link Story viewers to your website or e-commerce site.
Update often: Instagram’s algorithm (for both posts and Stories) is a little finnicky, but it tends to prioritize accounts you often interact with, or those that have updated recently. As a result, it’s a good idea to update your Story relatively often, to maximize the reach you have with your followers.
Don’t be too polished: Unlike your feed, your Story is the place where you can be a little less perfect. Showing behind-the-scenes content that’s a little sillier can help people learn more about your business’ culture.
Geotag your Stories: If you have a retail location, consistently updating your Story using geo-tags (it’s in the stickers menu) can get you local viewers, who look at Stories based on their own location.
Give coupons!: In combination with your “Swipe Up” action, you can drive sales by giving out coupons on your Story. Add a CTA (“Swipe up to get 30% off!”) and link to a product page. It’s an awesome way to drive sales through social media.
Instagram Ideas: Photo Apps
To get you on your merry Instagram way, I’ll introduce you to a few of my favorite Instagram apps. These are the tools I use to make the content I post on my feed look as awesome as possible (as well as a couple other neat tools, too).
Facetune is one of my more recent discoveries - I found out tons of Instagram influencers use this app to edit their photos. Though it was built to edit photos of people and make them look a little more presentable, I’ve found it’s actually an awesome app for editing photos of products and scenery as well.
The honorable mention feature for me is the “Whiten” function, which allows you to take focus away from certain parts of your photo to highlight your subject. Though the app isn’t free, I’d recommend picking it up if you have a few bucks to spare.
Snapseed is my current “general” photo editing app of choice. If I want to make simple changes like brightness, contrast as well as color temperature, I go to Snapseed first. It features an awesome, intuitive interface, as well as some pretty powerful tools that take it a step above most other editing apps.
Often, I use Snapseed to make initial edits before pushing my images to Instagram (or through other apps), because it’s quick, easy-to-use and has all of the features I need from an editing app. It’s also totally free - so if you don’t have it, you definitely should.
VSCO is my go-to app when I’m looking for more stylish edits - filters in particular. It features a bunch of stock filters that can add a lot of character to any photo, and can also double as a general photo editing app if you’re Snapseed-averse for some reason. The app also features a bunch of additional packs that you can add (for a couple bucks a pop)! Not too shabby.
Instagram Ideas: Conclusion
There you have it: my complete guide to Instagram photos and content. Hopefully, this gives you some ideas on how to make the most of your own Instagram marketing. As always, feel free to let me know if you have any questions in the comments below!
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Z-Wave Home Automation
Right from the start, I wish to condition that That does not mean that home automation, or technology generally, may take over for nursing visits, health care, and fundamental human interaction and socialization. What I must discuss, is when home automation and technology might help result in the difficult task of taking care of an seniors family member just a little simpler. For more information on Z-Wave Home Automation, visit our website.
There's a statistic being pointed out regularly on news tales around the subject that 10,000 people each day will turn 65 for the following 19 years. It certainly is difficult to evaluate these kinds of figures, but consider a great-sized village, or possibly about 1/4 of the professional football stadium or baseball parks capacity. None of those figures really matter anyway, less than the most crucial number does. That might be #1 (as with: just searching out for...). Almost everyone has an seniors parent or grandparent that has needed special assistance as they age. Based on the number above, without having one of these simple individuals your existence now, you soon will.
Many people would consider a home automation system and think that it's beyond their technological abilities. After I put my first component, a defunct-secure, into my home system, I'd put aside an entire day-to wrestle and grapple with it. a few minutes after beginning I had been done, and without words at just how easy it had been to interface the dead-secure in to the system!
The good thing about home automation is it can grow and expand as the schedule and budget enables. Most home automation systems need a controller (which could frequently be used as a Wireless entry way) and a web connection should you desire remote access. Apart from the price of your online connection, tthere shouldn't be recurring cost for your own home automation system. While there are lots of companies charging monthly service charges to supply home automation, this can be not essential for many homes. Most components pointed out in the following paragraphs they are under $100, usually about $50-$75. Probably the most costly products in the following paragraphs have to do with $250. When thinking about the expense of major home systems for example electrical, plumbing, and Heating and cooling, they are very minor costs, more about componen with home decor compared to infrastructure!
Many seniors can embrace their golden years with full capacity, not really skipping a beat within their physical and mental abilities between their earlier many their current existence. Many more, however, take some assist with things they did not accustomed to need assistance with. This is a summary of some common issues seniors have, with some suggestions about how home automation along with other technologies might help.
Forgetfulness: I frequently hear people say such things as 'I cannot remember things i was doing a few minutes ago' or 'I cant even remember things i did yesterday'. Regrettably, I haven't got any advice with this, since i have am having the same problem! Things I can suggest is help for additional acute situations of loss of memory. Situations where an older person activates a stove, or coffee pot, and forgets to power it down. You will find home automation items that will help you to instantly kill a circuit after power continues to be attracted through it for any certain time period. These may also be setup inside a system to transmit a reminder or alarm, based on your choice. Exist some things that should happen every single day which are being forgotten, for example taking medication? Place a door sensor around the medicine cabinet and setup the body to ensure that a indication message can look around the homes status screen, or perhaps a indication message of '12PM, the time is right for medication' to become performed at home. When the sensor around the cabinet doesn't sense the door continues to be opened up after some time, it may send a note to to let another person realize that the medication is not taken. You will find home automation door locks and dead bolts that may provide status checks and become controlled remotely. Formerly pointed out sensors can be put on home windows to understand when they're closed or open. Products like these can offer an additional group of eyes around the vulnerable security regions of a seniors home without really being there.
Fading Senses: It's true of existence that as we grow older, our senses begin to go. Based on what issues the one you love is getting, there's a simple, affordable means to fix help deal with it inside the home. Eyesight going? Connecting sensors to doorways (apart from door-bells obviously), home windows, along with other areas might help inform them when something remains open, or generally not how it ought to be. Hearing going? Strobe lights, LED's, and standing messages can be shown in a convenient location or at home when something is wrong. Smell going? Deadly Carbon Monoxide/Dioxide and smoke detectors are open to interface with home automation systems. Additionally towards the standard alarm siren, these may be setup to trigger other actions such as the strobe lights and standing messages pointed out above, in addition to delivering emergency messages and/or calls to individuals outdoors the home.
Falling: The main reason for senior injuries within the home is because falling. Obviously, the very first factor many people consider if this is introduced up may be the now legendary 'I've fallen and that i can't get up' commercials in the late 80's. While these commercials were lampooned for his or her cheesy acting, the topic is of the very real issue. Exactly the same fundamental idea of having the ability to for help is the greatest of some limited options during these situations. Nowadays there are devices available which will call inside the house when the senior resides with another person. You will find devices which will call or text through phone lines. Not to mention, you will find possibilities which will call 911. Many of these options have there place, are affordable, and can also be had without having to pay any subscription costs! Another home automation technology that will help avoid falling accidents is getting lights triggered by motion sensors. People of every age group are susceptible to getting any sort of accident while fumbling around blindly at nighttime, and seniors aren't any exception. By getting lights seriously instantly when motion is detected, this risk is eliminated.
Home Maintenance: Frequently occasions a seniors home can drop out of repair with time. Basements are particularly vulnerable to this, since there's not often a typical living space inside a basement which is used daily by empty-nesters. Add some physical strain and chance of falling around the stairs and you've got a basement that will not see much action. Products for example water sensors that may send a reminder when there's pooling water can offer a really affordable insurance arrange for what could are a very costly repair. Formerly pointed out deadly carbon monoxide, co2, and smoke detectors all can constitute great value monitoring a rarely used basement. As pointed out before, these alarms all can be set to transmit alerts, trigger alarms, or trigger other actions to inform people from the issue.
Utility Monitoring: Seniors are frequently more responsive to extreme temperatures. Networkable Thermostats provide real-time monitoring from the temperature setting of the home. This is often very helpful to make certain a seniors home is stored inside an ideal temperature range. These thermostats could be developed to switch on heat or AC instantly whenever a certain temperatures are arrived at. Like a bonus savings, programmable thermostats could be set to follow along with a regular schedule to permit the temperature to fluctuate to ones preferences throughout the day. Thermostats could be controlled remotely and become setup to transmit alerts or alarms whenever a temperatures are arrived at or even the settings are altered. Electrical monitoring products offer remote monitoring from the devices pulling current through them, in addition to charge of turning the unit off and on. This is often helpful in keeping track of certain devices that may be harmful if left on or unwatched.
Cameras: It's an unfortunate reality that seniors are frequently targeted as simple prey by individuals searching to benefit from someone, whatever their misguided reasons might be. Placing video security cameras outdoors the home with obvious look at doorways and home windows can be very useful in supplying a secure method to monitor a home. These cameras could be setup to record and/or perhaps be viewed in tangible-time. For cameras indoors, these can be very helpful too. I wish to make my point perfectly obvious there are many good individuals who provide vital services for that seniors, but there are several individuals who would make the most of their position of trust. While cameras within the home can offer security whenever a senior reaches their most vulnerable, there's also matters of trust and privacy to think about and discuss.
As I have referenced through the article, a home automation system could be utilized and monitored remotely. You can do this utilizing an internet capable device like a computer, a smartphone (iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Home windows Phone) or tablet. Computer access and smartphone apps permit you to check each components status, control the constituents, as well as see the cameras everywhere!
Many of these components could be linked together as essential to create what exactly are known as 'macros'. For instance, perhaps you have a video camera facing the leading door which comes on whenever the doorway is unlocked. Maybe each time a light sensor detects that it's night time, the doorways lock and also the lights seriously outside lights through the night and family room lights until 10 PM/bed time (with motion recognition on/off). Any home windows which are thought as 'open' send a reminder towards the message center to make certain they're closed. Any home windows not closed by bed time send a text aware of the seniors care taker (you). Curtains are attracted utilizing a motor attached to the curtain drawstring. These are merely a couple of types of how macros could be bundled together to produce multi-process actions to instantly handle a procedure. The only real limit to those processes is your requirements and imagination!
Hopefully it has spurred your imagination and even perhaps tends to make your circumstances like a caregiver just a little simpler. You can get in touch for those who have any queries or wish to discuss your circumstances or ideas you've! Want to know more about Smart Home Products? Visit our website today!
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