#mbav imagine
ooo-yeah-baby · 1 year
So Close
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Yandere Rory Keaner x reader
I only write sfw, breaking and entering???, Rory almost turns reader, unhealthy thoughts, noncon touching, it's kinda short, feel free to send requests :)
The boy lingered above her, debating what he should do with himself. 
He had her to himself. Finally. 
After months of begging for her attention and watching her and obsessing over her and her ignoring him, she was finally in front of him, with no guards up, peacefully sleeping. 
He gently let himself fall closer towards her. His hand cautiously moved towards her face, brushing a strand of hair from her head. 
The blonde boys lips curled into an excited, dorky smile and he lost his focus for a second, almost falling right on top of her. 
That could have been a disaster. 
He gently let himself fall again, until he was laying next to her on the bed. The dorky smile grew. 
He was so close to her! He was lying right next to her!
As carefully as he could he moved his body to curl around hers, placing his face in the crook of her neck. He made sure to wrap his arms above the blanket so his cold skin wouldn't wake her. 
"She smells so nice," he thought. 
Then a darker thought started to enter his brain. 
"I wonder what she tastes like..." a blush flooded his cheeks. He wanted to bite you. To turn you. So you could be together for forever. How could he live without you? He had to turn you or he'd be alone forever.
Without even thinking his fangs began to show. He face inched closer, and nervously, towards her neck. 
"Rory..." she mumbled in her sleep, knocking him from his spiral. 
You were dreaming about him! He practically melted. He didn't even care if it was a good dream or a nightmare. Just the thought of you thinking of him made him all giddy. 
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fangirl-writes · 5 months
Benny Weir x Fem!Reader
MBAV Masterlist
Warning(s): near-death, canon-level violence
Request: can be found here.
Notes: This is a mix of multiple things that we’ve seen in MBAV episodes while also stealing a little bit of plot from the Vampire Diaries. Hope you like it! 
PS: I kinda want to make this into a full fledged fic because I had so many ideas that were hard to package into a one-shot but we’ll see if I ever actually do that.
Summary: A doppelganger traps you in a mirror dimension and slowly sucks the life out of you so it can take your place. Will Benny and friends save you in time? (yes obviously, but the suspense)
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You stare across the room, into the only window in the otherwise dark room, the yellow glow of it staring back at you.
It was a tragic way to die, in a place without light, where your loved ones would never find you. All the while a cheap copy of you wandered freely, fooling your friends and your Benny.
Benny. Would you ever get to see him again?
Perhaps you’d get lucky and he would peer into the mirror so his eyes would be the last thing you saw before the life finished draining from you.
He’d probably feel so guilty, think it was all his fault. 
But it wasn’t.
If there was anyone to blame, it was the vampire who seemed a regular bane to the existence of White Chapel and its inhabitants.
Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?
In the school’s theater, in a dressing room we’ve seen before, lies a cracked mirror that once held the spirit of Olivia Frye. And while her spirit no longer posses it, that doesn’t mean the magic of the mirror is gone.
The vanity lights flicker on in the otherwise dark room, illuminating the pale face and blue eyes of Jesse Black.
Reaching into his pocket, Jesse pulls out Benny’s spellbook.
He opens it on a marked page, running his fingers across the paper before reading aloud: “Zacaroth Maznacaroth. Dimitte hunc spiritum e carcere, ut iterum vivant.”
As he reads, the mirror begins to repair itself, the cracks sealing up. But as they are doing so, a mist also starts to leak from the glass.
A grin spreads across Jesse’s lips and he chuckles darkly. “Welcome back, my dear.”
Before him stands the ghostly figure of who appears to be you, but she’s faded, missing the color in her body that signifies life. Except for her eyes that shine the same unnatural blue as Jesse’s.
The following morning, you, Ethan, and Benny are walking down the hallway of White Chapel High as Benny searches in vain for his spellbook.
“Are you sure you didn’t accidentally make it vanish again?” Ethan asks.
“No, it was in here last night I swear,” Benny says before groaning and angrily throwing his bag closed. “The one day I wanted to make Ms. Fine forget about our essays and the thing disappears! It’s like it knows when I’m using it for evil. You think my grandma put a spell on it?”
“If she was gonna do that, she’d have done it long before now,” Ethan replies.
“You know, if you started memorizing your spells like you talk about, this wouldn’t be a problem,” You say.
“And if you had agreed to strip studying I would have tried,”
“Okay, gross,” Ethan says, pulling a face.
You perk your head up, looking around the hallway for whoever said your name, finding no one in a sea of faces.
You turn around, following the voice but still seeing no one.
You jump as Benny’s hand touches your shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
You let out a breath and smile at him. “Yeah, I just thought I heard someone call my name. It’s probably nothing.”
Benny nods and pulls you closer to him, his arm wrapping around your shoulder as you continue your trail to your lockers.
The voices persisted as the day went on, bothering you in class and at lunch, making you feel scared and crazy. Not to mention incredibly distracted.
It made it hard to focus on math or science and especially English where you were meant to be reading Shakespeare and reviewing essays.
“Ms. L/N.”
Ms. Fine startles you out of your stupor and you hurriedly hand her your rough draft, printed and stapled together.
“Are you feeling alright?” She asks and you make a quick decision.
“Actually, I’m feeling a little sick. Can I be excused for the nurses office?”
“Sure. But hurry back.”
You nod and gather your things, exchanging a glance with Benny and Ethan each before leaving.
You really did plan to go to the nurses office until you could talk to your friends, but that damn voice started bothering you again. And in an otherwise empty hallway, it was hard to ignore.
“Oh, I’m gonna regret this,” you mumble before heading in the direction of the voice.
You follow it all the way to the theater, which is dark except for the light coming from one of the dressing rooms.
“Please don’t be a ghost,” you whisper to yourself. “Or a vampire, werewolf, ghoul, zombie, whatever. Let me be having a psychotic break because of stress and this voice isn’t real.”
You cautiously peak into the room...and find nothing.
The room is empty except for the vanity and chair. And the voice has gone quiet.
Shaking your head, you walk into the room and sit down in the chair. “Maybe I am going crazy.”
Your a little startled by your reflection, which is pale even under the warm lighting.
“...or maybe I’m actually sick.”
You press a hand to your face, checking for a temperature, watching as your reflection does the same.
Letting your hand drop, you observe the mirror more closely, eyebrows furrowing together.
“Wait a minute, wasn’t this mirror-”
You let out a scream as your reflection surges forward and pulls you into the mirror before jumping out in your place.
You collapse on a cold floor, hurriedly standing back up and rushing toward the mirror’s opening but your reflection holds out a hand, causing the mirror to seal back up and trap you inside.
“Sorry,” she says. “But I can’t have two of us running around to ruin my plans.”
You bang on the glass. “Hey! Stop! Let me out!”
But she’s already gone, leaving the room and shutting the door, enveloping you in darkness.
“Didn’t you see the look on her face?” Benny asks. “Something’s wrong.”
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Ethan replies. “It’s probably just a headache. You know how too much supernatural stuff gets to her sometimes.”
“Yeah, but this was different. She’s been hearing voices all day. I’m starting to worry this is something bad.”
Benny pushes open the door to the nurse’s office, expecting to find you laying there but instead the small bed was empty.
“Can I help you boys?” The nurse asks from her desk.
“Uh, sorry, but did Y/N L/N come in here earlier?”
“No, I haven’t seen her in here today.”
Benny feels a pit in his stomach. “Right, thank you.”
He closes the door and exchanges a look with Ethan. “She didn’t come back to class and she didn’t come here. So where is she?”
Ethan looks a little more worried now. “I don’t know.”
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” Rory says.
Not-you turns to look at him and Rory is taken aback.
“You okay? You’re paler than usual. Did you get bitten by a vampire? Attacked by an abominable snowman? Possessed by a ghost?”
Not-you smiles. “Oh, no, I’m actually an ancient doppelgänger who just looks like Y/N.”
Rory’s eye go wide. “Woah, really? That’s so cool. But...why’re you telling me?”
Not-you pats him on the head. “Cause you’re not smart enough to try and stop me.”
“Oh. Yeah that’s fair. Where’re you off to anyway?”
Not-you hums. “I’m smart enough not to tell you that.”
“Oh, great,” you mumble, watching as your battery drops another percentage, but the bars never move from zero.
How are you supposed to call for help?
It’s chilling, sitting in the dark with nothing but your phone for light. Your eyes can’t even adjust to the darkness because there’s nothing to see; you’re in a void.
A headache is slowly making itself known and you can’t be sure if its from staring at your phone screen or because a doppelgänger trapped you in a mirror.
The supernatural always has a way of giving you a headache. Doesn’t matter what it is.
Ethan can hardly touch you because if he has a vision, you’ll have a migraine for the rest of the week. If Erica, Sarah, or Rory use their superspeed around you, you’ll nearly faint.
Benny’s the only one who can use his powers and not effect you. You aren’t sure why.
He likes to joke that it’s because your soulmates. 
“I don’t know, E, I just have a bad feeling about this,” Benny says. “Sarah! Have you seen Y/N?”
Sarah, who was just putting her bag on her shoulder at her locker, turns to the boys. “No, is she missing?”
“Yeah we haven’t seen her since English and Benny’s freaking out,” Ethan replies.
“Aw, does Benny miss his girlfriend?”
“No, I mean yes, but that’s not what I’m worried about. She’s been hearing voices all day, what if something spooky got her?”
Sarah smiled. “Benny, if something spooky was happening we would surely know by now. Ethan would’ve had a vision or Rory would pop in with some information he doesn’t realize is important.”
As if on cue, Rory appears. “Heard my name!”
“Perfect,” Benny says. “Okay, Rory, give us some of that sweet sweet information. Have you seen Y/N?”
Rory’s eyebrows furrow. “Well, yeah, but she said it wasn’t really her. She said she was an ancient doppelgänger who just looks like Y/N.”
Benny gestures wildly. “You guys concerned now?!”
“Okay, yeah, maybe,” Ethan replies. “Did she say what she was doing or where she was going?”
Rory shakes his head. “No, she said she was too smart to tell me.”
“Curses,” Benny says. “They’re starting to figure out our tricks. Come on, I need to find my spellbook to track her.”
Ethan, Benny, and Sarah hurry off, leaving Rory behind. 
“You’re welcome,” he says, miffed that they disregarded him. 
“Ah, nice to see you in the flesh again,” Jesse says, tossing some popcorn in his mouth.
“I see you’re still fond of the theater where your plans were ruined,” Not-you replies, eyeing the room.
“I’m a sentimental guy,” he says. “And with you, my plans can’t be ruined again.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. My doppelgänger might be a mortal but she has the same power I do, under the surface.”
“Don’t tell me your afraid?”
“Not afraid. Just cautious,” Not-you says. “Arrogance is what got you defeated the first time. I won’t make the same mistake of underestimating them.”
Jesse stands up and walks over to Not-you, grabbing her arm. “Starting to get some flesh back, I see.”
“Swapping places with Y/N has helped immensely. Give it a few more hours and I’ll be back to full strength.”
“And Y/N?”
“Collateral damage.”
Jesse smiles. “Then we don’t need to underestimate them. We can destroy them.”
Meanwhile, Benny, Ethan, and Sarah are tearing apart Benny’s room, trying to find his spellbook.
“Goodness me, what’s going on in here?”
“Grandma!” Benny exclaims, popping out from under his bed. “Have you seen my spellbook?”
“No. Don’t tell me you’ve lost it, Benny, you know how dangerous that is,” she replies.
“I know, I know, but lecture me later, we have to find Y/N.”
“Y/N is missing?”
“Yeah,” Sarah says. “She was switched with a doppelgänger.”
Evelyn purses her lips. “Circe.”
“Who?” Ethan asks. 
“Circe,” Evelyn repeats. “She’s an old witch who caused quite the ruckus in White Chapel. Reverend Black tried to have her burnt at the stake but considering that he turned out to be a vampire I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s resurrected her somehow.”
Benny gasps. “With my spellbook!”
“Follow me,” Evelyn says, leading the group of them to her basement where she digs through a box for a leather bound book.
“Ah!” She says. “Here it is.”
She flips it open, going through the pages before stopping on one. “Here she is.”
“Woah,” Ethan says. “She really does look like Y/N.”
“Doppelgängers were created by nature after ancient beings defied their laws by creating immortality. Circe must’ve tried to make herself immortal, causing the doppel curse,” Evelyn explains.
You’re starting to feel horrible. Your body getting heavier and heavier, a weight on your chest growing. 
It wasn’t like the usual anxiety or claustrophobia you’ve experienced before. No, this felt like your soul was slowly being sucked from your body.
Is this it? you think. Is this really how I’m going to go out?
You raise your phone, the bars still empty and the battery too low for comfort.
“God,” you mumble.
Jesse pulls the Cubile Animus from his pocket. “This is what we’ll use to capture the souls.”
Circe raises an eyebrow at him. “Is that thing going to be able to hold all the supernatural souls? They’re more powerful than human souls.”
“Well, if you happen to have another soul-holder laying around, you just let me know,” Jesse says, scowling at her.
“I’m just saying, maybe you should’ve done some research before you set this plan into motion.”
“It’s going to work.” Jesse snaps, getting into Circe’s face. 
“All right, if you say so,” she replies, lifting a magical hand, glowing gold, and pressing it against the box.
You gasp, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline and your eyes flicker a gold that makes its way down your face, arms, and into your phone, causing it to call Benny.
“If Circe has taken Y/N’s place you need to find her fast. The longer Circe stays in her place, the more of Y/N’s lifeforce she takes,” Evelyn says. “She could die.”
As if on cue, Benny’s phone rings. 
He scrambles to check it, Y/N’s name glowing on the screen. “Oh my god.”
He answers it. “Y/N? Where are you, baby?”
“Benny...” your voice is faint and quiet. “...mirror...”
“Mirror? I don’t know what that means, you’re gonna have to be more specific.”
The urgency in his voice is obvious and you’re trying your best.
“At- at school...the mirror...”
“A mirror at school? The mirror at school?”
“Olivia Frye’s mirror!” Ethan says with a snap of his fingers. “In the theater.”
“Y/N, babe, is that right? You’re in Olivia’s mirror?”
“Great, let’s go,” Sarah says.
“Be careful!” Evelyn replies as they go.
“Y/N, stay on the phone with me, okay?”
You groan. “Benny, I’m so tired...”
They throw themselves into Grandma’s car, Sarah driving.
"No, no, baby girl, stay awake for me,” Benny pleads, hearing your breathing become labored.
“Benny...” you whisper out one last time before the phone goes dead.
“Y/N? Y/N! Y/N, baby, please- god dang it!” Benny throws his phone down.
“It’s okay, Benny, we’ll find her,” Ethan says. “She’s gonna be fine.”
“I hope so, E, I really hope so.”
"Do it now,” Jesse demands.
Circe’s eyes glow gold and she whispers an incantation.
Meanwhile, Erica and Rory are out looking for a midnight snack. 
“Are you sure we should be out here?” Rory asks. “Sarah said there’s a powerful witch out here somewhere. And that she’s working with Jesse.”
“What’s Jesse got against us?” Erica replies. “If anything he should be thanking us for being his only turns that survived. Natural selection in my opinion.”
Suddenly, her body goes rigid and a glowing, white mist flows out of her mouth and shoots off. Her body collapses to the ground.
“Erica?” Rory asks, nervously, leaning down next to her.
Erica’s soul finds its way into the Cubile Animus and Jesse smiles.
Rory’s body follows ensuite of Erica’s, going still and his soul being taken from his body.
And now we’re caught up. You’re dying in unimaginable darkness, weeping. Wishing with all your might that they find you. That you’ll see your friends and Benny again.
Luckily for you, they burst through the door.
Ethan, Benny, and Sarah are to the mirror in no time, Benny’s hand pressing against the glass.
“Y/N! Come take my hand, please!”
“I-I can’t,” you cry, tears rolling down your cheeks as you look at him, his eyes worried, scared even.
“Yes, you can!” He replies. “I won’t let you die! You’re so close, Y/N, just come take my hand.”
It’s hard, and it hurts, but you move.
You crawl, sobbing, towards him.
Benny’s own tears are threatening to spill over as he listens to you crying. 
“Please,” he whispers. “Please, I love you.”
You reach up. And take his hand.
Feeling your grip, Benny pulls.
Your body comes tumbling out of the mirror and into Benny, who immediately hold you close, whispering “oh my god” over and over.
You’re shaking, still crying. You’re thin, pale, and weak.
“Y/N,” Sarah says softly. “Do you know where the doppelganger is?”
You close your eyes, focusing. “The theater,” you whisper. “They’re at the theater.”
More souls are being sucked into the box: Kurt Lockner’s, David Stachowski’s, all the vampire nurses.
Evelyn, knowing - or rather feeling -  what’s happening, sits in her rocking chair and mumbles a counter spell that will keep her soul inside her body.
Circe growls. “Let go, Evelyn. I’ll get your soul if it kills you.”
“Not a chance.” Evelyn replies.
Sarah hits the breaks hard, putting the car in park and jumping out of the car, Ethan following closely.
“Y/N, stay here, okay?” Benny instructs.
You nod, closing your eyes and lying down.
“Hey!” Sarah kicks open the door to the theater. “Having a party without me?”
“Sarah!” Jesse says. “Glad you can join us. Just in time for Circe to take your soul.”
“Oh yeah? Over my dead body.”
“That can be arranged,” Circe replies, turning to Sarah with glowing gold eyes.
It strikes her then how nearly exactly she looks to you.
“So your the witch who’s stealing my girlfriend’s soul!” Benny shouts.
Circe smiles. “I’m a much better model, don’t you think?”
“Not a chance, honey.”
“Jesse, I’m busy. Take care of them, won’t you?” Circe says. “Your grandmother can’t hold on forever, Benny.”
“What?” Benny cries, becoming angry. He shouts a spell, hurling it in Circe’s direction, who waves it off easily. 
“You’ll have to do better than that.”
“Come on, Sarah,” Jesse says. “We’ve been here before, haven’t we? What makes you think you’ll win this time?”
“This!” Ethan yells, shooting Jesse in the face with holy water.
Jesse screams.
“Literally never go anywhere without this. We’re smarter this time, don’t you know?”
“I don’t think you nerds have the capacity,” Jesse says, wiping the burning liquid off his face with his sleeve.
Sarah attacks him and Ethan gasps, being overcome with a vision. It’s a vision of Benny’s grandma and Jane chanting the same words she used to defeat Jesse the first time.
When he comes back to, he shouts, “Benny! Your grandma’s spell! The first one!”
The pieces clicking in his head, Benny chants those same words and watches as a bolt of lighting appears and hits Circe in the chest. She cries out, dropping the box that Benny scoops up.
“Hey, Jesse,” Benny says.
Jesse stops, Sarah’s neck in his hand, and looks at Benny.
“This look familiar?”
He opens the box, releasing the souls inside.
Jesse screams, dropping Sarah and running off.
“You coward!” Circe yells. “Coward! AH!”
The souls attack Circe, slowly pulling Y/N’s soul out of her body.
Once it’s out, Circe drops to the ground and fades away in a fog.
Breathing heavily, the three left watch as Y/N’s soul shoots off, presumably back to Y/N’s body.
“We really need to destroy this thing,” Benny says, tossing the box in the air and catching it again.
Erica and Rory burst through the doors, fangs bared, ready for a fight.
“Aw, man, did we miss it again?” Rory asks.
“Yeah, sorry, Ror,” Ethan replies.
“Ugh. I’ve been waiting to tear Jesse a new one for like, ever,” Erica says.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll get your chance,” Sarah says.
“Oh my god, Y/N,” Benny says, shoving the box into Ethan’s hands and running out to the car, the others following.
You’re still sleeping, and breathing, thankfully. But your color isn’t back to normal, neither is your weight.
So, they take you to Evelyn.
“Her body isn’t used to magic,” she explains as Erica and Sarah set you gently onto Benny’s bed. “It’s going to take a while for her to naturally heal. But, if a few powerful magicians were to try to speed things along...”
“We can do that?” Benny asks, hopefully.
Evelyn grabs his shoulders. “We can try.”
They hold hands over your body, shutting their eyes and chanting “Extende in desiderium cordis mei; Sana hoc vulnus cum virtute ignis. Aufer aegritudinem et dolorem; Sanatio est quod offero.”
Your body glows, color coming back to you and your weight returning to its normal size, but you don’t wake up.
“Did it work?” Benny asks. “Why is she still asleep?”
“Even healing magic takes time,” Evelyn explains. “Give her a little bit.”
She pats him lightly and leaves the room, leaving Benny alone with you.
“God, I really thought I was going to lose you,” he whispers, squeezing your hand.
The time stretches on as he waits for you to wake up and he eventually nods off.
Which is when you decide to wake up.
You smile as you see him lying next to you and lean over to kiss his cheek.
He shoots awake immediately, practically tackling you in a hug. “Thank god!”
You laugh. “Thanks for saving me.”
“Always,” he replies. “Always.”
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bubblegumvolcano · 10 months
𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲  (ᵉᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵐᵒʳᵍᵃⁿ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ)
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; they/them pronouns used, light cursing 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2,367 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭; studying with ethan morgan turns into something more ?
︶︶︶ ୨୧ ︶︶︶  
“So, my place or yours?”
“My place or yours?”
Ethan looked to the side in thought, “Oh! My house is fine, unless you want to do it at yours?”
“I’m fine with that! Now, should we work on the essay before the poster board?” 
“Sure, that sounds good to me.”
“Okay, then we’ll do that today and work on the poster board throughout the week. After school today works for you, right?”
“Yep. Um, around what time are you planning on coming? Any time is fine, but you know, just to be prepared."
"I think about five, if that’s fine?"
Ethan nodded, "That works."
As soon as he left for lunch, he walked over to the cafeteria to find Benny. He found him and Rory sitting at their usual lunch table.
"Hey." Ethan smiled as he joined Benny and Rory.
Benny looked up from his lunch, "Finally. What took you so long?"
Ethan rolled his eyes, taking a seat in between his friends. "I’m only a minute late."
“So did you get assigned partners in Chemistry?” Rory finally spoke up, accidentally interrupting Benny at the perfect time.
“I did, actually. Y/N. You know them?”
Benny’s eyes widened. “Of course I know Y/N. They’re so hot.” 
Rory paused, “Wait, Y/N from our English?”
Benny nodded, and once Rory realized who it was, his eyes widened too. “Man, you’re lucky.”
Ethan scoffed at his friends' reactions. "Well we've been getting along pretty well. They’re really, really smart. And they’re coming over today, actually."
Benny wiggled his eyebrows immediately. "Coming over, huh? Is this a study session or...?"
Ethan nudged Benny. "Come on, man. Obviously a study session. This is like our fourth time talking ever.”
“Ethan. You know you guys have talked way more than that. And you know you have a crush on them.”
Rory chimed in, "Well, it sounds like a good time. Just remember to be yourself and use protection."
Ethan choked on air, “Rory, stop saying things like that out of nowhere.”
As the lunch period ended, the boys went their separate ways to attend their afternoon classes. But Ethan's mind couldn't help but wander to the upcoming study session with you. He was growing more excited with each minute, anticipating the chance to spend time with you outside of school.
He knew the whole point was to do a project, but Benny was right. He did have a crush on you, which only made this study session more nerve-wracking.
The final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, and Ethan hurriedly packed up his stuff. Thoughts of the study session with you consumed his mind, mixing with the butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't shake off the nervousness. 
Benny went over to Ethan’s for a bit before going home and helped him clean up his room a bit.
“Stop looking so nervous, you’re gonna freak them out.”
“I am nervous.”
“No shit.”
Benny left Ethan’s house at around 4:15, but now it’s 5PM. Ethan smoothed out his hair, clothes, and bed, but it was all off still. It didn’t matter how much he straightened everything out, his heart was racing.
He took a deep breath. Knowing that you could be here at any second made him anxious. 
Just as the thought crossed his mind, the doorbell rang. Ethan ran down the stairs, but just as he was about to get to the door, his mother opened it and greeted you, revealing an inviting smile. 
Ethan’s mother, who hadn’t been informed about the study session, still invited you in with open arms. She remembered you faintly from Ethan’s thirteenth birthday party.
“What’s your name again, sweetheart?”
“Oh, Y/N, nice to see you again!”
Ethan interrupted quietly, “We’re gonna be working on a chemistry assignment.”
“Oh, okay! I saw the backpack but didn’t even think about it. Good luck, guys!”
You both thanked his mother, but when you reached the top of the stairs, she called out again. 
“Ethan! Leave the door a bit open!”
Ethan shut his eyes in embarrassment but you smiled to yourself as you walked behind him. 
"Sorry about the door thing."
"Don't worry about it," you replied with a gentle laugh. "It's sweet that she cares. Now, chemistry."
You entered Ethan's room behind him, and sat on the bed as soon as you saw it. His room seemed to reflect his personality almost perfectly, from the neatly arranged books on the shelves to the posters on the walls.
As you unpacked your bag on the bed and ranted about the work, Ethan couldn't help but steal glances at you. He admired how you used your hands as support to what you’re saying. He found himself becoming even more drawn to you by the second. 
“Did you hear me?”
“Oh, yeah. Yes.”
“So you think we should burn all of our papers and poster boards from chemistry.”
“Oh, no. Definitely no. Sorry, I’m a little tired.”
You smiled at his gentle expression, “It’s okay. Me too.”
You both laughed, officially breaking the tension in the room. 
The fatigue seemed to fade away as you dived into the chemistry assignment. The room seemed to freshen up with new ideas and a few “Google it!”s here and there.
Ethan found different ways to word things while you wrote them down, making it an effective system for the both of you.
Time flew by, and before you knew it, the room was soaked in the soft glow of the evening sunset. The chemistry assignment was complete, and a fresh sense of accomplishment filled the air. It was barely six thirty-ish.
As you sat side by side on his bed, a comfortable silence settled between you.
You flopped onto your back and closed your eyes, feeling his eyes on you still.
“I know you’re looking at me.”
You let out a giggle as his words quickly stumbled, keeping your eyes closed as you enjoyed the moment.
“I’m just teasing, Ethan. You can look at me however much you want to.” You opened your eyes now, looking straight into his.
Ethan's cheeks turned a dusty shade of pink, and he tried averting his gaze, but couldn’t despite feeling some embarrassment. He had always struggled with social cues and expressing his emotions well, but with you, he felt comfort that allowed him to be himself.
A shy smile played on his lips. "You’re really pretty."
“You’re prettier.” 
“I didn’t mean to be so forward but... I really like spending time with you." Ethan shut his eyes, realizing he did it again.
You smiled softly, "I like spending time with you too, Ethan. You're different from anyone I've met before, in a good way."
His eyes met yours again, and you could see a hint of surprise in them. “I’m just... awkward."
"Well you are, but it's cute." you replied with a playful grin.
Ethan's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, and he shyly scratched the back of his neck. "Thanks, Y/N."
Feeling a surge of courage, you sat up and scooted closer to him on the bed, your shoulders touching now. "You know, Ethan, studying doesn't have to be the only thing we do today."
Ethan’s eyes practically bulged out of his head, "What do you mean?"
You laughed at his teenage boy mind and playfully nudged his shoulder. "I mean, we've been working so hard on this assignment. How about we do something fun? Ooo... or go somewhere?”
"Like where?"
You thought for a moment before an idea popped into your head. "Well, there's a new ice cream parlor that just opened like five minutes away from here. I heard they have some weird ass flavors. Are you down?"
You already stood up and grabbed your stuff, including your keys, waiting for his answer. 
You and Ethan quickly made your way out of his room and down the stairs. Ethan called out a quick, “I’ll be back, mom!”
Ethan's mother glanced at the two of you, “Be back before it’s too dark!” A knowing smile played on her lips, and she waved you both off as you headed out.
The drive to the ice cream parlor was filled with lighthearted conversation and laughter. You exchanged stories about your lives outside of school and laughed with each other easily. It felt natural being with Ethan, and he seemed to relax more now.
Arriving at the ice cream parlor, you both stared at the colorful array of flavors and toppings. 
After heavy consideration from the both of you, you made your choices and found a cozy corner to sit at to enjoy your ice creams. He paid for everything despite your arguments.
As you savored the ice cream, the conversation flowed effortlessly once again between you. You talked about some embarrassing moments from your pasts but they didn’t even feel embarrassing any more. With each passing minute, the connection between you deepened, and the initial nervousness and shyness melted away.
As you finished, you grabbed your keys again and looked at him. “I guess I should drive you home, huh?”
Ethan nodded, a hint of disappointment crossing his face. 
He understood that it was getting late, and you both had responsibilities to tend to, but he really didn’t wanna leave.
As you walked towards the car, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. He wanted to spend more time with you, get to know you better, and maybe even explore the possibility of something more than just a study session.
As you drove through the quiet streets, Ethan glanced at you from the corner of his eye, contemplating whether he should make some sort of move or not.
“I’m gonna crash if you keep looking at me. What’s up?”
Ethan's heart skipped a beat at your words, and he quickly turned his attention back to the road, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up his neck. He gathered his thoughts, realizing that he had been staring at you without realizing it.
"Sorry, I was just... thinking," he stammered, his voice having a hint of nervousness.
You chuckled softly, glancing at him with a smile. "What were you thinking about?"
Ethan took a deep breath, "Well, I was thinking about how much fun I had today, not just studying but also the ice cream. And... I was wondering if maybe we could do this again sometime?"
A smile spread across your face as you finally pulled up to his house. 
"I'd love that, Ethan. I had a great time too."
You both sat in the car for a moment, the engine idling, as the weight of the unspoken tension filled the air. Ethan mustered up some courage, leaning closer to you.
"Can I ask you something?" 
You nodded, your heart racing in anticipation. “Yeah.”
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching yours for reassurance. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?"
Your heart skipped a beat, and a surge of excitement rushed through your veins. The anticipation hung in the air as you met Ethan's gaze, your eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and desire. The moment felt surreal, and you could feel the tension building between you.
Before you could respond, the sound of a guy yelling disrupted the intimate atmosphere. You both turned your heads towards the noise only to see Benny standing outside of your car, waving his arms frantically. 
You hesitantly rolled the passengers side window down. 
"Hey, lovebirds! Don't forget about me!" Benny shouted with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Ethan groaned in exasperation, slumping back in his seat. "Benny, seriously? Can't you give us a moment?"
Benny shrugged, still grinning ear to ear. "Sorry, but I couldn't resist. You two were about to have your magical movie moment, weren’t you?”
You couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected interruption. "Well, Benny, you certainly know how to kill the mood."
Benny feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart. "Hey, I'm just here to provide some comic relief. Besides, I thought you two might appreciate an audience for your grand romantic gesture."
Ethan shook his head, trying to hide his amusement. "There was no grand romantic gesture, Benny. We were just having a conversation." You nodded in agreement.
Benny raised an eyebrow suggestively. "Oh, really? Just a conversation, huh? Well, I guess I'll leave you guys to continue your 'conversation' then." Benny began making his way to Ethan’s house, but not without making kissy faces at you two first. 
“I’ma be in your room, Ethan.”
“I don’t care!”
“Love you too!” With a final wink, Benny walked away, leaving you and Ethan alone in the car again.
You couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. "Well, that was unexpected."
Ethan chuckled, his cheeks still tinged with a hint of pink. "Yeah, Benny has a knack for timing, doesn't he?"
You leaned closer to Ethan, a playful glint in your eyes. "So, my place or yours?"
Ethan blinked, momentarily thrown off by the sudden question. "What?"
You smiled softly at his confusion. "I'm just teasing. How about we save that kiss for another time?"
Ethan let out a relieved breath, a smile forming on his lips. "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Let’s hang out again soon?”
You nodded in agreement, "I'd like that."
Ethan looked at you one more time, “I guess I’ve gotta go.”
“I guess you do.”
“Goodnight, see you at school.”
As Ethan got out of the car, you watched him walk towards his house, feeling a sense of contentment. 
You drove off to your house, while Ethan was being interrogated by a smirking Benny.
"So, how did it go? Did you make your move?"
Ethan shook his head, trying to hide his disappointment. "No, Benny. We were interrupted by you, remember?"
"My bad. But on the first not even date?"
"More than you’ve ever done. But it's fine, we're hanging out again soon."
Benny's eyes lit up with excitement as he ignored the first statement, "That's great news! See, I didn’t ruin everything this time!”
“Now, tell me. What’d it feel like when you almost kissed them?”
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tags; @dream-this-nightmare-over @srandomblog @sweetcowboycollection​ @steveandstave @rainy-dayzs-thingz @vanillab0nez @cultravioletkat (dm to be added/removed!)
133 notes · View notes
pinksloosh · 1 year
Y/n: I left instructions for everyone while i was gone.
Benny: Mine just says “Benny no” over and over?
Y/n: i want you to apply that to every possible situation.
373 notes · View notes
Stupid... ~ R.K.
A/n: I originally had a WAY different idea for this but the result took me by the throat and demanded to be written so this happened instead lol. Enjoy!
Request: “...Rory Keaner x gn/male reader pining for each other and finally have they’re first kiss together <3” by anon
Word Count: 4400+
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Erica was losing her mind. Not only did she have to deal with her best friend pining over a human of all possibilities, but now she also had to deal with her sibling pining after another vampire - instead of just getting it over and acting on their feelings.
Like it was bad enough that Y/n liked Rory fucking Keener of all people. Rory, who could be fooled by the simplest of lies and a pretty smile. Who was too stupid to realize that dating and liking men made him bisexual. So stupid that he couldn't figure out he was dating a doll or hitting on Benny. But on top of Rory's stupidity, now Y/n was being an idiot too. Being all wishy washy about "what if he doesn't like me?" and "What if he isn't ready for a relationship?" And "what if we break up and then have to spend the rest of eternity as awkward exes? What then Erica?"
GOD she was done with them.
But also, the two pathetic little idiots were so stupid in love that she couldn't bring herself to rip them apart, or even too strongly shove them together. She worried that if she meddled too much she might hurt her sibling - and while Erica was a lot of things, above all of them she was an older sister.
That being said, she could only be pushed so far... so when Y/n and Benny started to get close, Erica just about screamed. Partly in relief, because either Y/n was finally moving the hell on and seemed to actually be making process in a relationship rather than wasting all their time every single day being wishy washy. Partly in concern, because Rory was getting super jealous of Y/n's new closeness with Benny - but a little bit in hope too, because Rory finally seemed to be acting on the feelings Erica knew he had as well, instead of just ignoring them or shaking them off because he refused to recognize how serious they were. And partly...
Well, she'd never admit it out loud, but as much as she liked to pretend that she was completely separate from the person she was when she'd been human, that just wasn't true. She still liked stupid vampire movies that weren't in the least bit accurate, and had a major celebrity crush on the actor of her favorite character. A part of her still romanticized being a vampire and leaned into that to help herself ignore the fact that the transition into her life had actually been really hard. It had been a lot all at once; startling and overwhelming. Even after she pretended to be someone completely different to cope with the changes she'd gone through, she still played DnD with Sarah every Wednesday night and listened to her silly queer podcasts about romantic fantasies.
And, above all, she still hd a crush on Benny Weir.
Being human still often felt like a past life, except that she just couldn't shake all of the things that had appealed to her before. Sure - now she was much more conventionally attractive and had more options. And vampires were always the best choice, and she knew that ultimately it didn't matter if she liked Benny or not because he was human and she wouldn't make the same mistake that Sarah currently was...
That didn't mean it didn't hurt to see Y/n and benny being attached at the hip.
It had started slow at first, with Y/n and Rory having always been the dynamic duo. But then the vamps had started to hang out with Benny and Ethan more, and the rift between Y/n and Rory grew as Y/n had to constantly sit on their emotions. One could only do that so many times without it effecting them. So, when Y/n had found that they were so often forced to be serious and focused, they had struggled to be a willing part of the group.
Until Benny had helped.
The two had lots of fun goofing around and being stressfully irresponsible. Y/n was an immortal that was immune to almost every single type of damage, and Benny was a mage who needed to practice his spells. So of course the two idiots decided to get into hijinx on their own when no one was paying attention to them for even a fraction of a second.
Y/n had been turned into several types of animals, sent to several alternative worlds, into dreams, and had his memory completely wiped. Their features had been reshaped and recolored and all brought back to normal again a hundred times until something had finally stuck - Y/n had heterochromia. One of their normal eyes, and one eye that shockingly resembled Ethan's. Once they had even had a vision and it hadn't happened since but everyone was a little bit thrown off by that. At one point, Y/n had even been magically wound back into a fledgling and had to drink blood again to retain all of their previous powers once more.
Even now, Benny and Y/n were discussing a spell that worked like a classic magician's trick: it summoned flowers out of thin air with the flick of a wrist. They'd tried it and now Y/n was a walking botanical garden, with flowers of all kinds growing straight out of his skin. Twisting in their hair, and around their limbs. Erica had her arms crossed over her chest - half because she was trying to come up with a way to fix her sibling's problem once again, and half because Benny kept giggling, fingers reaching up to brush petals or twist his fingers around different buds, analyzing them, and it made Erica want to rip someone's throat out. She knew they couldn't end up together, obviously, but fucking god - couldn't he at least pick someone other than her sibling?!
"Shouldn't we just got to your grandma?" Sarah asked desperately, ever the only rational person in the group.
Benny's smile wiped off of his face and he whipped around to face Sarah in a panic. "No!" He breathed. "She specifically took away the book and said I was grounded this week. I only even tried it because I was dragged on that stupid mission for your evil ex."
Sarah winced. Jessie had asked the gang to help him again, and while they'd pulled through in the end as always, it had been a closer call than even they usually dealt with. Y/n had gotten hurt without anyone knowing, and when Benny had cast the spell, it had been to the spell's full use. Not just a cute parlor trick, but as a weapon. The nature magic could be used like a knock off, temporary Poison Ivy effect - anything from summoning a weapon made out of plants, to being able to manipulate them for a short time. The spell had mixed with Y/n's open wound and was slowly turning them into a living plant.
Very Poison Ivy indeed.
Y/n waved their hand through the air to dismiss the back and forth and stress in the room. "Hey, even if I do end up going full half-plan, half-vamp, I'll still be alive. Somewhat." He snorted, but when only Benny laughed, they cleared their throat to try and pull themself back to being serious again. "No but really - it's not that big of a deal. I was already a mystical beast from legacy. What does it matter what kind of mystical beast I end up being?"
"You have to stop being do reckless with yourself," Erica snapped. Y/n's shoulders slumped - they hated when she was angry at them. "You were a vampire, Y/n. We knew what your weaknesses and strengths were. What to feed you, how to go about everything. We knew how that worked. If this happens, we don't know if it'll completely take over and turn you into a full plant, or if you'll be some hybrid - or what will be the same and what will be different if that happens. What if you need sunlight as a plant but it kills you as a vampire? This isn't a joke."
Y/n swallowed. When they looked at Benny for help and he had nothing to offer, out of habit their eyes found Rory. The blonde was sulking in a corner, worried about his best friend and a dash jealous as well. Y/n didn't know about the last half of that though. Of course they didn't - that would have made it all too easy.
"At least I'll have my very own Harley Quinn, huh?" Rory didn't look over, he was too busy picturing benny wielding a hammer instead of a spell book. Feeling dejected, Y/n looked back at Benny who smiled.
"I'd jump into a vat of toxins for you," Benny agreed.
Y/n laughed and Ethan shook his head at their antics. "Maybe you could-" he cut off as his fingers reached out, tapping the center of a freshly bloomed flower with a slightly amused smile on his face. He had been struggling to not laugh at it all night for Erica's sake as he and benny went back and forth in awe, testing all the flowers after finding one made of plastic and wondering if it was because of the spell's wackiness or a weird mix of magics with Y/n already being a vampire.
Now though, he was having a vision.
He gasped, hand yanking away from Y/n like he had been burned. "What?" Erica demanded, surging forward to grab Ethan by the shoulders. "What did you see, Nerd? Spill."
"Erica!" Sarah called, grabbing her by one shoulder and pulling her away. "Give him a second to answer before you ask three more times." Erica huffed but gave Ethan space. She did not however stop glaring rather threateningly. Sarah threw an apologetic look but knew when to call it and not push her luck.
Ethan turned his attention to Y/n. "I saw a plant. It looked like a fruit, but it was on a bush, and it sort of looked like a really big drop of blood. Just like, attached to a stem. It was growing in some kind of garden - definitely a witch's garden."
Everyone looked at Benny. He shrugged. "My grandma doesn't grow a garden. She collects other ingredients sometimes, but when it comes to gardening she's got the most extreme opposite version of a green thumb. She's good at raising people, who can communicate with her, and baking. She has to buy the ingredients."
Y/n's eyes went wide. "What if she buys the ingredients that need to be grown from someone? Some stuff you can get from the store, but I read a book in one of the vampire archives, about apothecaries. They were known traditionally, by humans, to provide ingredients for doctors - but they still do work for witches now that doctors have scientists."
Sarah sighed. "So are we asking Benny's grandma about this, or are we going to try and find the apothecary by ourselves as well?"
Benny shook his head. "She'd never tell us - the only time she's even kind of mentioned anything like this is for restricted spells that she says I'm not allowed to do yet. Not just incantations but potions too - stuff that's a lot more complicated than I'm even close to being ready for yet. She wouldn't risk me knowing how to get into those spells until she was sure I'm ready. Potions can be used by anyone, so it won't just be an uh-oh if I say it wrong or whatever. i can do it right and it could still go badly."
Sarah groaned.
Rory finally smiled. "Finding them ourselves it is then."
They'd found the apothecary, and after not having the payment he wanted and having to do a favor instead (some of Y/n's blood, which concerned everyone but they couldn't exactly not do it) they'd finally learned what the plant Ethan had seen was. It was essentially a cleanser for vampires. A ward against magic, or even regular stuff like poisoning or mind control.
There was only one problem.
As always.
"What the hell does he mean by a spark?" Erica demanded for the tenth timer. She had taken to pacing to hold herself back from strangling Ethan and Benny both.
"Something a little more than adrenaline," Y/n recited as they had every single time she had asked. "Not just fear; not just carnal instinct. A shock that will reveal your very soul." They sighed. "Magic is about intent; in order for the potion to cleanse the body, it has to understand the soul first. That means the magic needs to see my soul for what it is at its core, and not just what it is now."
Erica rolled her eyes. "Why can't you just kill someone? That's what vampires do."
"It's not about what vampires do - it's about who I am. This spell is supposed to return me to what I was before magic fucked it all up. It has to know the intention; what to rip away and what to leave be. What parts of me are part of me, and what is just there."
Ethan looked up suddenly. "Does that mean it could potentially make you human again?"
The room was suddenly very quiet as everyone purposefully didn't look at Sarah. Y/n hadn't thought about that before. They suddenly stood. "if we're talking about something that will cut to the core, the best way I can think to do that is to reveal something about myself that I've been denying. To cut past pretense and pretending and shame and anxiety and get right to what I'm really feeling." They swallowed, and Erica was suddenly very still. Was she about to see her stupid little sibling finally admit they liked Rory?
Y/n grabbed Benny's arm and dragged him into the other room. Erica's heart stopped in her chest.
The silence was deafening. Erica and Rory both froze solid, as if suddenly turned to stone. Both of their minds thought about Y/n's passion and determination, and they'd both thought the same thing - a confession. Hidden feelings, and acting on those feelings. Exposing who they really were. Now, visions of Y/n being wrapped in Rory's arms were gone, replaced with them in Benny's embrace instead. All Y/n had to do was drink the fruit juice potion they'd been given and then kiss benny and-
A flash of light.
A moment later, Benny and Y/n walked out of the kitchen. Y/n was fine - not only free of any sign of plant life, but also with the natural color of their eyes restored. Things about them everyone had forgotten were back too, like the fact that they'd undergone a growth spell at one point, putting them just above Rory's height. Now they were back to being the smallest in the group. The shape of their jaw was restored as well and the edges that had been carved out returned to the curves they used to be. Y/n had always been a marshmallow when they were human - when they'd been turned into a vampire, their unique attractiveness had been amplified. Their features hadn't changed, just the details had been enhanced. Their skin was soft and they seemed to glow; their eyes color was brighter; their hair was more full and vibrant. All the common vampire stuff. Their shorter, bubbly shape hadn't been lost at all - they'd just been enunciated in adorableness.
Benny's tampering had lost it, but it was all back now. Y/n was one hundred percent themself.
They grinned, their vampire teeth showing. "I'm back, baby."
Erica and Rory forgot their jealousy for the first time. They both rushed to Y/n, getting there first as everyone else followed, crowding around them and celebrating and cheering. Y/n was okay, and better than they'd been in a while.
The group celebrated with drinks. No one asked what had happened between Benny and Y/n, and the pair didn't seem to want to share on their own so it was left a secret. Rory and Erica just assumed the two were dating now. As Benny and Ethan got soda, Sarah got her blood substitute, and the other vamps all drank blood from bags Y/n kept after stealing them from some vampires pretending to be nurses, there was a moment when everything was... okay. Not great, but back to normal. Sarah was still a vampire and Y/n was back to what they had been. Nothing was new but they were all safe for now and that was okay.
Then Y/n raised their glass, clinking a little fork on it to get everyone's attention. "Now that we've all finished our drinks, I have an announcement." Sarah and Ethan had been in denial, sure that Benny and Y/n - who had in the past been so vocal about being head over heels for other people - would not have started dating out of nowhere. But now even they doubted as Y/n grinned from ear to ear, exchanging a knowing smile with Benny himself. And then they set their drink down. "When I got that potion, I knew two things. I knew that in all of the things that have gone wrong, ultimately, Benny Weir is someone that always comes through in the end. "For every spell he got wrong, he eventually got it right."
Erica and Rory tried to keep smiling. Erica succeeded much more than Rory did. As Y/n kept talking, Rory felt his heart sink even past his stomach and all the way into his toes. It had taken losing them to someone else to realize he was head over heels for his best friend. Now it was too late.
And then Y/n kept talking. "So I told him, if he had cast all the spells on em he had, he could undo them just as well." Everyone was looking at them with wide eyes.
What now?
"That's when Y/n came up with an even better idea," Benny cut in, standing as well. And then he looked at Sarah and she gasped, hand shooting to cover her mouth in shock. No way. No way! "I'd try until I got it right. I'd do one Undoing Spell, and we'd deal with the consequences from there. But no matter what, the potion would go to Sarah. So she could get another chance at being human, and start again.
"Oh my god," Sarah whispered, looking at Y/n with disbelieving eyes. "What? You- I- WHAT?"
Y/n laughed, happy to see their friend so hopeful. "You only have to set that spark off, Sarah. Reveal one thing about yourself, so true to you it'll cut to your very core. You don't even have to do it in front of us; I know it'll work. You've always been a human at your core. It's time you got to be one for real."
Sarah was across the room in a second, arms around Y/n as she whispered over and over again how thankful she was. She leaned back, tears in her eyes. "You really think I'll be human again?"
Y/n grinned. "I know you will. It's what you really want, right?"
She grinned. "More than anything." In front of everyone, her eyes flew wide and the color of her iris turned like a storm. Her teeth sharpened and her hands curled into claws against Y/n's arms. For a second, she was a full vampire... And then, much more slowly, all of those things began to fade. The glow of her skin dulled and the deep color of her hair lessened. The strength of her hold loosened as she grew weaker. Her glowing, golden vampire eyes turned back to their normal brown and her teeth rounded to normal human teeth. Her body stilled and for a moment, she was silent. Then she suddenly grabbed the knife they'd been using to cut cheese onto crackers as a snack while they'd been celebrating earlier, pricking the tip of her finger. She shoved it into Y/n's face. "Drink."
Y/n felt awkward, but they knew that more than anything Sarah needed this, so they gently grabbed her hand and popped her fingers into their mouth, pulling it out quickly. Their eyes flashed that signature vampire gold - the color that always bloomed when tasting human blood.
"Oh my god!" Erica exclaimed, her ability to pretend to be happy completely gone. She'd lost her crush and her best friend in one hour and she was not handling it well.
Sarah didn't hesitate. The next thing she did was turn to Ethan, grabbing his face with both of her hands and slapping a kiss on his face. he caught his breath, eyes wide. "Okay then." he was breathless, making Y/n giggle.
"I need to talk to you," Sarah gushed. "Immediately. Right now." Ethan nodded, scrambling to his feet as she dragged him into the other room. They had a lot to talk about now - the fact of her being a vampire didn't stand between them expressing their feelings anymore. She had a future now. They both did.
Rory was the next person to speak. "So... Good for Sarah and Ethan."
Y/n nodded, looking back at Rory with a wistfulness deep in their chest. They wished they were able to have that as well... "At least one of us gets a happy ending with the person they love, hm?"
Erica whipped her head around. "Not you?"
Y/n's eyebrows drew together. "No." She knew they were into Rory... when their eyes flickered to the blonde, a part of Erica screamed in relief - on the inside.
"For now," Benny shrugged. "I think I'll be next though. Maybe." He smiled, but didn't look at Y/n. He was looking at the wall, inspecting the wood. Lost in thought. "I found a spell a while ago. It's why Y/n and I have been practicing so much. Why they've been so willing to do whatever it takes."
Erica rose an eyebrow. "What, a love spell?"
Benny shook his head. "An immortality spell."
There was another bout of silence. Then, very carefully, Erica asked, "Why would you need an immortality spell? Got a crush on a vampire?"
Benny didn't even hesitate - he looked directly at her. "Yeah. I do."
Y/n smiled to themself. They had been dying to tell her, but had agreed with benny's sentiment to keep it a secret until he was sure he could actually pull off such a spell. After doing something as difficult as the Undoing Spell that had been required from him earlier to return Y/n to who they used to be, he was sure now. He could figure it out. He would figure it out.
Erica looked away, but her smile was a lot more sincere now. It gave her away. "Cool."
"I have to say, you're wrong though," Y/n piped up. They were suddenly empowered by all the happy endings and decided to take a leap of their own. "You won't be the next one to get your happy ending. I'm not waiting that long." They stood, walking to Rory. "Rory Keener, as your best friend, I have failed you. I broke rule one - I fell in love with you. And not only did I do that, I kept it from you for ages because I was terrified that you'd reject me and it would ruin everything. But to hell with it - you need to know, and I'm never going to tell you if I don't tell you now."
Rory was shocked for a second. After a beat, he stood to his feet. His eyes flickered to benny and Erica, who also seemed like they wanted alone time. He shook his head, gently grabbing Y/n's hand and tugging him outside the house in the opposite direction Sarah and Ethan had been headed. He turned to Y/n. "Sorry- I just-"
"Can I kiss you?" Y/n asked, their voice so quiet and desperate that both them and Rory blushed.
"Are you... sure?" Rory asked hesitantly. They didn't want to convince Y/n to change their mind, but god if they weren't sure - or even worse, if they had turned to Rory as a second option to Benny...
Y/n shook their head incredulously, grinning like the love sick fool they were. "I haven't been as sure of much as I am sure of this," they insisted.
A smile slowly began to grown on Rory's face as hope slowly filled his eyes. He wasn't as quick to believe as Erica was. No one had ever liked him even as a friend - even when he was a vampire. he had always been weird and annoying, and people were more often mean to him than anything. They ditched him and teased him and gagged at the thought of holding his hand and kissing him - let alone fully dating him. But he knew Y/n very well, and they had been the exception to that experience for a long time. They had always been nice to him, and even when the two of them got into spats, it was solved with conversation. They were always so respectful and appreciative. They liked they he was a little annoying and a lot goofy.
They liked him.
"Can I kiss you?" This time Rory asked, but Y/n still nodded. They had asked before, but they sensed that Rory needed to hear the confirmation more than they did. That he needed to really know they wanted this.
When they did kiss, it was slow and tentative. Shy. Sweet too, though. Rory was awkward and Y/n giggled, pulling back slightly to grab Rory's hands, guiding them to Y/n's face. "It's okay RK, you can touch me. I won't break."
The second kiss, Y/n gently wrapped their hands around Rory's waist, guiding them closer. It was still a very gentle and chaste exchange, but it was much less tentative. Slow because Rory was taking his time, rather than because he was terrified or awkward. In fact, after a second he completely melted into Y/n and they both grinned into the kiss. The next time they separated their foreheads pressed together and Y/n giggled again while Rory beamed brightly. He had not thought his day was going to go this way, but who was he to complain?
"Hey Y/n," he began softly, loving the way he only had to whisper for Y/n to hear him since they were so close. Y/n hummed to let Rory know they were listening. They had closed their eyes, sighing contentedly. "You, me, the arcade. Saturday. What do you think?"
Y/n opened their eyes, nodding. "Having a hot specimen like yourself at my side at such a classy place? I'd be honored."
Rory's face turned a very deep shade of red. "It's a date then."
"It's a date," Y/n agreed.
Dead or not, Rory's heart melted in his chest as his entire body felt like he was chilling in direct sunlight he was so warm and fluttery. There was something he had never felt before that added to the whole experience. Not only was his heart aching, he knew Y/n's heart ached with him.  That experience, of not only loving but being loved in return... he wondered if he would ever get used to it.
He hoped he didn't.
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rc-writes · 10 months
Hello! Wanted to start of by saying that ur account is so adorable!
But I was wondering if you would read something fluffy for Ethan Morgan (my boy deserves more love & attention from the fandom)
I don’t have an exact prompt but maybe, like it’s their first date as a real couple or something thats just super fluffy!
Thank you again!
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐬 & 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬
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𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨  |  𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢
pairings: ethan morgan x reader
warnings: reader is mentioned to have helped the rest of the gang with supernatural events, geese are present, possibly a grammar mistake here or there (please let me know if you see any)
a/n: hi! thank you so much!! i spent forever editing everything so it makes me so happy that people actually like it! and thank you for sending this request in, sorry it took forever for me to actually write it :/ but anyways, i hope you like how i went with this!! also there's a second a/n at the end btw
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“Ethan, you really didn’t have to do this.” You and Ethan stood with arms linked in line to get into one of the few fancy restaurants in Whitechapel. You both were only standing in the entrance area but you could still see how beautifully laid out the place was. White tablecloths and sparkling silverware sat upon each table, soft string lights hung from the ceiling, and low music played. “I do appreciate it, I really do, but you don’t have to spend this much money on me.”
“We’ve been officially… together,” He spoke as if it was still so shocking to him. “For almost two months now and for once there’s no monsters or ghosts attacking. I wanted to give you the nice and calm date you deserve.”
You blushed slightly and began to explain that as long as you were with him any type of date would have been perfect when the man at the hostess stand started talking.
“Do you two have a reservation?” 
“Yes, I reserved a table for two.” Ethan answered. “It should be under the name Ethan Morgan.”
The man nodded and began tapping on a computer screen to look up the name given in their system. After a bit too long of silence the man looked up, seemingly annoyed by something. “That name is reserved for the 20th, it’s the 15th.”
“Oh, uh… sorry about that.” Ethan stuttered, embarrassed. “I guess I must have told you guys the wrong date.”
“Appears so.” The man spoke in a deadpan voice, he didn’t have time for this. 
“Saying the wrong date, must happen all the time, right?” You tried to ease the awkwardness with a joke.
The man seemed to hold an even more annoyed look now. “No. Now will you please move on, there are many others behind you with actual reservations for tonight.”
A few awkward smiles and nods later you and Ethan were out the door and halfway down the street. Your arms were still linked but neither of you said anything until you made it around the corner.
“I’m so sorry Y/n for messing the dates up.” Ethan finally spoke. “We’ve been through so much weird and awful stuff this past year and I wanted to give you one nice day. I completely understand if you want to just go home and forget this ever happened.”
You immediately stopped in your tracks causing Ethan to stop as well and you moved to stand in front of him. “Ethan, it really isn’t that big of a deal. You don’t have to feel bad about making an honest mistake. The fact that you went out of your way to make a phone call to reserve us a table is enough to show me that you care.” 
Now Ethan was taken aback. “You're not mad I messed up your day?”
You laughed at his sincerity. “Of course not E! And you didn’t mess up my day in any way. As long as I'm with you it’s a perfect day. Well, maybe if there’s not some ancient spirit or something involved.” 
Ethan laughed at the reference to the event that took place just the week before. “So what would you like to do now?”
You thought about the options for a moment. At first you thought about just watching a movie, but since Ethan insisted on having an actual date you had to think of something else. “Maybe we can spend the day at the park? It’s only a block away and I heard they put in feeder machines where you pay a few cents to feed the geese.”
The smile on Ethan’s face vanished the second you said the word “geese”. “Uh, how about something else?”
A slight smirk began to appear on your face as you removed your arm from Ethan’s and crossed them over your chest. “Are you afraid of geese? You’ve fought evil vampires and spirits but you're afraid of a few geese?”
“Vampires and spirits have weak spots and can have some sense of humanity. Geese just permanently have murder on their mind!” 
You laughed at his choice of words. “I can agree that they do look and act like that sometimes, but if you move slowly and calmly they won’t be as reactive.”
“Since when were you a geese expert? And we’re not exactly dressed for the park.”
You laughed once more. “Says who?” You then grabbed his arm to start quickly walking to the park.
Sure enough once you both arrived at the park you spotted about two dozen Canadian geese wandering around in one big group.They were all standing within a few feet of the new feeder machines, they must have already figured out that’s where the food was stored.
“Oh look there’s babies!” You pointed out to Ethan and then began to quickly but calmly make your way to the feeders.
And while the baby geese were quite cute the fact that there was a very protective mama goose nearby made the whole situation even more terrifying for Ethan. Despite how many times you insisted that he would be alright, he insisted on staying a good distance from the geese. He wasn’t exactly okay with you approaching them on your own. That’s why he decided to hold a handful of feed just in case if they started attacking he could throw it to the side in hopes of changing their focus. 
But the geese never did attack, they actually seemed to like you, or at least like the fact that you were giving them food. One brave baby goose even decided to slowly approach you. While being very aware you were being closely watched by the mother goose you slowly crouched down and slowly held your hand out for the baby. It didn’t hesitate to walk forward once the food was in sight.
Ethan watched from the sidelines in awe, he couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him. He’s seen you fight off vampires, spirits, and everything in between, but the fact that you were fearlessly feeding a swarm of geese seemed so impossible. Either you walked out of a Disney movie or these were the nicest geese known to man.
“Come one, I promise it’ll be alright!” You called out to Ethan. And after a few moments of hesitation he finally decided to walk, very slowly, in your direction.
“Holy crap I’m standing in the middle of a swarm of geese.” He breathed out once he was next to you, if he was any closer you would be holding him. One goose moved closer to him in search of food to which Ethan haphazardly threw the bird feed, still in fear of them getting too close.
“You don’t have to throw it. If anything, throwing food around makes them more crazy.” You pointed out. “Here, let me show you how to hand feed them.”
“What?” Ethan croaked out before you pulled him down with you to sit on the ground. 
You poured a bit of food in his hand and then slowly began to hold it out. “Just hold your hand out and they’ll care more about the food than wanting to attack you.” You reassured. “Though they might accidentally bite your hand.”
“What?” Ethan’s eyes went wide in fear at your attempt at reassurance. He then began to giggle when one goose started eating out of his hand. “Actually it kind of tickles a bit.” 
After that Ethan wasn’t as afraid of the geese as he was before. And after a short time you two both ran out of change to buy more feed and began making your way back home.
“You know I’m kinda glad you reserved the wrong date.” You admitted as you and Ethan walked hand in hand on the sidewalk.
“Happy to know my terrified state made you happy.” Ethan joked.
“I can’t lie, it was kinda funny.” You laughed to which Ethan softly nudged your arm. “But I think I liked the joy on your face once you weren’t afraid either.”
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2nd a/n: wanted to put this in a second a/n so i didn’t spoil anything. but this is half inspired by the fact that a few years ago when i went camping with some family there were geese around. and while everyone else kept their distance i managed to have one baby goose walk right up to me and eat out of my hand. it’s parents stared me down the entire time but i was so amaze it even walked up to me to care lol. also i can definitely see ethan telling benny all about the geese and genuinely not believing it until the reader reassured it actually happened. though even then I don’t think he’d fully believe it lol
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joviewinchester · 2 years
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Character thinks it’ll be funny to scare their friends by summoning a demon, but then it actually works
“Come on guys. It’ll totally be fun.” Y/N said to Ethan, Sarah, Benny, Erica, and Rory.
“No way. We have enough supernatural encounters without welcoming them.” Ethan said.
“I think it’ll be fun. You guys are just wimps, but we all already knew that.” Erica smirked.
“We aren’t wimps. You don’t think I’m a wimp, right Y/N?” Benny asked.
“Depends on whether or not you agree to this. Let’s make things more interesting. If you three do this with us, I’ll go out with Benny, Sarah will go out with Ethan, and Erica-“
“Absolutely not Y/N! I am not going out with that pathetic excuse for a vampire!” Erica cut her off.
“Oh come on, babe. Don’t be that way. I’ll take you to the Single Tear concert coming up.” Rory said.
“Okay. I’ll do it. Let’s do this thing, Y/N.”
“Oh. I didn’t think I’d get this far. We have to go to a crossroads.” Y/N explained.
“What are we waiting for?! Let’s go!” Benny shouted.
“Benny! I still think this is a bad idea. We don’t know what the consequences of this could possibly be and-“
“Ethan. Come on. Date with Sarah! Keep that in mind. Now come on!” Benny grabbed his arm and dragged a reluctant Ethan to the car along with the rest of them.
They arrived at the crossroad and Y/N slowly began drawing a devil’s trap.
“What’s that?” Erica asked.
“It traps them.”
“I thought you didn’t think this would work and were just trying to scare us.” Sarah laughed.
“This is insurance, Sarah. On the slightest chance that this works, I wanna make sure not to die.”
She pulled a box from her back pocket along with a bag of dirt and bones.
“What the heck is that?” Sarah asked.
“It’s an offering. You have to put it in a hole in the center of the crossroad in order for this to work. The dirt is from a graveyard and the bones are cat bones. Sourced humanely obviously.” Y/N got down on her knees and dug a shallow hole with her hands.
“I could get used to this view.” Benny joked. Y/N whipped her head around.
“Shut the fuck up Benny.” She placed the box in the hole and covered it back up with the dirt.
“Now what?” Sarah asked.
“Now, we wait.” It was only seconds before Erica spoke up.
“This is clearly not working let’s just… holy fucking shit.”
They all looked wide eyed at the man in front of them in the center of the devil’s trap.
“Did someone by the name of Y/N Y/L/N summon me to make a deal?”
Y/N slowly stepped forward. “Hello beautiful, Crowley, King of Hell. Pleased to meet you.” He took her hand and kissed it.
“I-I thought I was summoning a crossroads demon not the king of hell and isn’t king of Hell Lucifer I’m lost.”
“Y/N! Why the fuck are you arguing with the demon?! Are you insane?!” Ethan panicked.
“It’s natural to have questions. Lucifer is locked up at the moment, and I came because I was interested in you particularly.” Crowley said.
“Me? Why are you interested in me?” Crowley stepped out of the circle and all of their eyes went wide. Crowley circled her like a predator does it’s prey.
“You’re adopted aren’t you, Y/N?”
“Yeah, why?” Crowley chuckled.
“I seem to know your parents. I don’t quite understand why no one has come after you yet. Everyone always loves trying to kill themselves a Winchester. It’s funny, I believe your father is heading here now. Caught wind of some vampires.” Crowley’s gaze shifted toward Erica, Sarah, and Rory.
“Walk with me, darling.” Crowley took her arm and looped it with his.
“Have you always wondered where you came from? Have you always been confused because you didn’t remember much of your childhood? Have people always told you that you were extremely smart for your age? That’s because your mother is the sister of god, and your father? He’s a monster hunter.”
“What? Back up. Sister of god?”
“Her name is Amara. She’ll be here for you soon. Fortunately for you, I’ve been watching you since you were born, and for whatever reason, I feel compelled to protect you. Y/N, you go home tonight, love. You live your semi normal life for as long as you can. I’ll be watching over you. Good luck, darling.”
With that, Crowley vanished leaving Y/N and her friends in a large state of confusion.
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yoobi-yoobs · 2 years
Benny x Fem; Reader
          “(Y/N)!” Benny shouted.
        “What do you want loser?” You ask with a little chuckle.
        “You free today after school beautiful?” Benny asked.
        “Maybe…what’s in it for me?” You gave a smirk.
        ”Extra large pizza with toppings of your choice my queen.” Benny bowed.
        ”Then yes! I am free! Be at your house at 6.” You winked before walking to class.
        ”Dang you are down bad bro.” Ethan laughed.
You knocked on Benny’s door. The door opened to reveal his grandma.
        “Hello darling! Are you here for Benny?” She smiled.
        “Yes ma’am!” You gave a little nod.
She let you insides the house. You looked around the room then saw some baby pictures of Benny.
        “Awwwee!” You gave a little squeal.
Stomping could be heard coming from the stairs. Benny appeared a little out of breath.
        ”(Y/N)!” He gleamed.
        “Hey Benny Bear!” You gave a little smirk while looking at his baby pictures.
Benny blushed out of embarrassment and covered his pictures while his grandma laughed.
        “Let’s go watch that movie NOW!” Benny blushed dragging you with him.
You guys were stuffing you face with pizza while watching some StarWars.
        ”Thanks for inviting me cutie.” You smirked leaning on his shoulder.
        “Anything for you my lady.” Benny smiled at you wrapping you in his arms.
Benny leaned in for a soft and gentle kiss. You guys parted and you hugged him tightly. 
        “I love you dork.” You blush kissing his cheek and forehead.
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delicately-placed · 2 years
alright listen, you can try to tell me the ethan is the “smart one” BUT IF YOU TRIED TO CONVINCE ME THAT BENNY DOESN’T HOUND ON ANY PERSON WHO GETS ANYTHING GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT you’d be barking up the wrong tree. in this essay i will
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Love For a Human
Something A little Normal
Sarah: blushing, Staring: I love you y/n
Y/N : what you say Confused, Smirking:
Sarah: I said I have to tutor you Sarah turns around smiling, Blushing:
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blxck-parade · 1 year
anyway here are my hcs for the gangs music taste bc its been plaguing my mind for months now:
erica is still in her emo phase (emo quartet stan) and listens to a lot of screamo/alt rock with some pop-punk
benny listens to a lot of indie pop (fitz and the tantrums, vundabar, a little maneskin) and he and ericas music tastes sometimes cross over near the pop-punk zone. he also listens to a lot of 50s-70s stuff bc of his grandma (i cant listen to my girlfriend is a witch by october country without thinking of him)
this is absolutely NO HATE to sarah i love her but she has the most boring music taste. girlie is listening to top 50 billboard hits from six years ago. her headphones sound like a justice store circa 2016. she just listens to 'girlboss' pop (alessia cara)
ethan listens to soft pop (clairo, beach bunny, mxmtoon, wallows). not much to be seen there.
rory listens to hyperpop/dubstep/edm. autistic mfer
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ooo-yeah-baby · 11 months
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Yandere Rory Keaner x Sick Reader
"BRO THIS IS TOO GOOD if it’s cool with you what if human reader were to get sick how would he react then" - @criberrie
I only write sfw, feel free to send requests!!, Kinda short, breaking in?, more yandere if you squint idk, not proof read, thank you for the suggestion!!
Rory slowly stepped into the window of her bedroom, carrying an overwhelming amount of medicine boxes, muscle patches, smelling salts, tea bags, and other remedies for sicknesses. He kept dropping them as he approached her bed. 
When he reached your bed he dropped the mountain of stuff in his arms onto the foot of the bed, where her feet weren't. 
This was so silly to him. If she would just let him bite her then she would never have to suffer like this again. They could spend eternity in perfect health and together. All he wanted was to protect her from things like this. 
She shifted in her sleep, turning to face him. Rory felt his heart twinge. He kneeled down and rested his chin on the bed, staring at her as her brows furrowed and sweat dripped down her forehead. 
"Y/N," he sighed, "I love you." He brushed the hair out of her face gently, then dabbed the sweat away with his sleeve. 
Rory knew she wouldn't be awake for a few more hours so he spent the time he had left prepping her medicine and making sure she was okay. 
After a while she seemed to look better and started to stir awake. Rory knew she'd freak if she knew he snuck in again so he made sure to leave before she could open her eyes. 
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rory-keaner · 1 year
After the Siren Song episode (and with Rory being non-verbal at times) the gang learned some basic ASL. Its not in the correct grammatical ASL way but it's enough for the gang to communicate
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bubblegumvolcano · 2 years
𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 (ᵉᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵐᵒʳᵍᵃⁿ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ)
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; she/her pronouns, that random fit check no one asked for, heavy flirting 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 974
꒦︶︶︶  ♡ ♡ ♡  ꒦︶︶︶
Taking out the trash in the blistering heat is something one wouldn’t think is very enjoyable. You, on the other hand? Oh, you loved it. Not because it was a chance to simply get the trash out, but because recently your next door neighbor Ethan, would be sitting outside watching his sister in the 4 foot pool his parents bought. Why they put it in the front yard, you didn’t know. 
He’d give you a shy wave, you’d give him a confident smile, then you’d walk back into your house. 
He was cute. You knew that. The way he would shy away when you waved first was one of those many Ethan Morgan quirks that you noticed. He would put his head down as soon as you'd begin talking to his little sister. He wasn't embarrassed, he just didn't want to make eye contact with the hot neighbor. 
Until one day when Benny was over, sitting with Ethan. It was becoming the usual routine. You'd look outside after school, see if Ethan was there, and if he was, you'd be taking the trash out or simply coming out to make small talk. Today was different though. His friend was there. This could be a fun study break.
 You tugged on your tank top and brushed nothing off of your black shorts. Your hair was pulled back in a messy pony just to be kept out of your eyes and face. Bracelets were scattered all over your arms and you were wearing the usual, your Doc Martens.
“Hey, Ethan!” You waved proudly over at him.
He squinted due to the sunlight, but still waved back nicely.
You saw as Benny whispered something to Ethan, earning him a smack.
You walked towards them, and when you got to them you could see Ethan’s flushed face, probably due to the heat.
“Do you guys want lemonade? I just made some.”
“That sounds nice, Y/N, thank you.” Ethan smiled.
Benny snorted, “She’s not your teacher, E. How do you expect to pick her up talking like that?”
Ethan groaned, and Benny turned to you, “Hi. I’m Benny.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.”
“Oh I know, he told me all about you. He truly never stops thinking about you.”
You smiled slyly and turned to Ethan, “Does he really?” The boy turned his head down in embarrassment. Not just because his friend was being embarrassing, but because what he said was pretty much true. 
Benny nodded his head eagerly, almost in an urgency to embarrass his friend. 
“Oh, don’t be embarrassed, E, I think about you all the time too.” You said with a wink and a pat on his shoulder. 
As you noticed he had a loss for words, you spoke up, “I’m gonna go get your lemonade. Benny, you want some?”
“Sure, hot stuff.” 
You rolled your eyes playfully as you went back into your house and got ice-filled cups for the lemonade. 
Meanwhile, outside, Benny was continuing his teasing.
“Did she wink at you or was I hallucinating? And did you hear how she said that?” He intertwined his fingers and batted his eyelashes at the sky, “I think about you all the time too,”
“Okay, that was a really bad impersonation.”
“Don’t change the subject. She’s totally into you.”
Ethan huffed and turned the other way for a moment.
And after a few seconds of silence, “Do you really think so or are you just being annoying?”
“Okay but for real real though, genuinely forrealsies, no joke, she’s into you. Did you see the way she was looking at you, Ethan? That’s total lust.. or true love. I don’t know.”
“Should I like.. ask her out or something?”
Before Benny could nod annoyingly fast, you came back with the lemonade.
“Sorry I took so long, the ice machine was wacked up.”
You noticed the change in energy as you handed them their drinks. 
As you were about to point it out, Benny smiled at you in a suspicious manner and drawled on, “Y/N, why don’t you take a seat?”
“Oh, why not? Do you mind, Ethan?”
“Do I.. mind what?”
“If I hang with you guys?”
“Oh! No, not at all. Go ahead.” He stammered nervously, cursing at himself in his head for being so.. him right now. 
You smiled down at the sitting boy and took a seat on the porch steps.
"So, you both do go to Whitechapel, right?"
"Yes, we do. I have a feeling you do too, but how come I've never seen you around?" Benny inquired.
"Oh I'm sure you've seen me but don't remember. If you go to the games I'll be there."
"Oh, you play a sport?" Ethan finally talked.
"Well sort of, but it's not considered one. I cheer."
"Oooh." Ethan and Benny said, acting as if it was a mystery they’d been trying to uncover for ages. You noticed as Benny raised his eyebrows at Ethan in a suggestive manner.
“So, I’m assuming you two don’t go to games much?”
“Nah, that’s so lame.” Benny pretended to yawn.
“Oh shut up, you love sports.” Ethan turned to you, “He loves to act like he’s so different some times. He just doesn’t go to school games.”
You laughed at the boys comment.
“You guys should come some time, I’d love to see your face in the stands, Ethan. We actually have a game this Friday. See you there?”
“We sure will, won’t we buddy?” Benny sent Ethan a jab in the ribs, to which he just nodded.
“Well, good to know I’ll see you goofballs. I’ve gotta go finish some reading. Catch you around.” You smiled and walked back to your house.
“Thank you for the lemonade, bye!” Ethan smiled to himself as you walked away.
“So.. Are we just going to keep her cups?”
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tags; @dream-this-nightmare-over , @srandomblog , @sweetcowboycollection , @steveandstave , @its-just-charlie-main , @vanilla-cigarettez  , @cultravioletkat​
(dm/ask to be added/removed)
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ares-da-god · 2 years
What about Buff reader w/ Rory....
I wanna benchpress my bf.....
-He loves your muscles alot thinks you look like a superhero with how big you are
-Tried to pick you up only to be put in a headlock poor mans was terrified of you for a week
-And yes you use him as a benchpress when you want a extra workout he happily volunteers because he knows you can do it
-Will try to drink protein shakes and cry because it's not sugary enough he needs sugar not chalk
-Once wanted to know what your blood tasted like and didn't go near you for a week you got some horrible tasting blood dude
-Hate going to the gym with you but still goes cause he's a simp lol
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reareaotaku · 3 months
do you have any Benny Weir headcannons?
Yes! Right here: Benny Weir Headcanons But just for you, I'll do a one-shot! [Hate to be controversial, but I'm more of an Ethan girlie :( ]
Summary: Benny accidentally casts a spell on you and he has to figure out how to undo it Pairings: Benny Weir x Fem! Reader Tw/Cw: Magic
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Benny's mouth nearly dropped when seeing a bunny in the place of where you had once been. Not only had he casted a spell on you, but it hadn't even been the right spell. He heard footsteps behind the door and he quickly picks you -bunny you- up and quickly hides you in his jacket.
Ethan opens the door, before looking at a very suspicious Benny. "What did you do, Benny?"
Benny makes a face of offence, "Uh! What do you mean? Why do you automatically think I did something wrong?"
Ethan gives Benny a knowing look and Benny sighs. He then pulls you out of his jack and Ethan gasps.
"What do you have a bunny!?"
"It's a funny story- Ow!"
You hit him with your little foot, angered by the face he wasn't hurrying up to try and get you back to normal.
"Here," He hands you to Ethan as he grabs his magic book.
Ethan struggles with you, not realizing it's well- You! "Are you going to answer my question... or?"
Benny whips around, an awkward smile on his face, "Well- there might have been.... well, a mishap."
"What do you mean?"
Benny doesn't answer and Ethan squeezes you tighter, causing you to hit him with your foot repeatedly, accidentally causing him to drop you. Benny screams, quick to pick you up and cuddle you close.
"Oh my baby- Are you okay?" He pets your back and you glare up at him- or at least you try to.
"Why are you freaking out? It's just a bunny."
"It's not just a bunny; It's Y/n."
"Y/n! What did you do to her?" Ethan swaps you back, holding you close and away from Benny.
"It was an accident. It wasn't supposed to hit her. PLUS," Benny turns back to Ethan, holding his book in one hand, "It wasn't even an animal spell."
"You have to fix her!"
"I know, I know!" He puts the book down and quickly scans through the book, "Ha! Here!" He points to some words in the book, before taking a step back and chanting the spell.
There's a heavy smoke and Benny lights up, but it quickly drops when seeing you were indeed no longer a bunny, but now a cat.
"You've got to be kidding me."
There's a knock at the door, causing them both to freeze and look towards the door.
"Y/n, dear? Are you okay in there?"
It was your mother. They both looked at each other, before looking at the door again. They had to figure out an excuse and they had to figure it out now.
"Um, yes, Mrs. L/n. We accidentally knocked over some textbooks," Benny lets out an awkward laugh, hoping she'd take the bait. Thankfully she did.
"Okay, well, be more careful."
"We will!"
They both listen as her footsteps echo away from the door, before they both grab the book and flip through it.
"You have to change her to normal!"
"I'm trying! I'm trying! It's not that easy!"
You watch as they fight with each other, the book swishing as they blow through it.
"Here!" Ethan points to another spell, "A human spell! A spell to turn an animal into a human."
Benny clicks, before shrugging and deciding to just go for it.
"If you mess this up, we go to your grandma."
"Yeah, probably a good idea." Just like before, Benny chants out the spell, before pointing at you and a bright light hits you and a heavy smoke covers your body.
You shake your head and look down at your hands and you hear them cheer. Though they quickly stop when seeing your face.
"Babe, you know I love you-"
"Don't you 'I love you babe' me!"
"Forgive and forget?" Benny laughs, as you corner him. "I love you?"
You can hear Ethan walking towards the door and whipping around to him, "Don't think you're getting away! When I'm done with him, you're getting it too."
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