#me: haha. blog interaction goes brrrrrrr
Voltron Part 4
I don't know why, but I thought that this season only had 8 episodes. Appearently not, so here's episodes 7+8:
Question about the black lion; He has like red wings, some yellow bits and blue glowing stuff. Are there no green bits? Why?
God Shiro seems like that tired gay uncle at christmas, who is so done with all the adults shit, but loves the kids
I kinda like Shay, but I also feel that she won't ever appear again after this 'arc'
"Capture Voltron" plan was once again fooled, because Galra kitty man wanted to prove that he's worthy of a promotion
Keith and Lance get flashy elemental powers (maybe corresponding to their elements?), meanwhile Hunk just bodychecks the enemy
How the hell did Pidge modify her lion, aren't they supposed to be like super advanced?
God I hate Lance, please become a better character by the end of the season
Shiro's colour coded space-tech is purple, just like the Galras. Is it just because of his arm or is there more to it?
Just like with Keith, who's red. And he could also like activate the Galra tech.
Was this supposed to be some sort of foreshadowing or simply prove once more that Lance is dumb (so he can become like a better person) ?
Or am I just overthinking things about this show with *gIaNt sPaCe rObOtS lIoNs* ?
Derpy ass lizard is back, and this time he's the 99 cents version of the robots from "Castle in the sky"
Why does robot have teeth?
Why is Pidge such a sass master? And why do I love her for it?
Allura getting in on the action. Nice.
All the Balmarans, are a species with the tought process of a depressed 13 year old
Hunk talks like I do, and I love/hate it
I'm already sick of the Voltron formation animation. And there are seven more seasons...
Omg, Sheith moment (kinda)
Omg, Klance moment (kinda)
Omg, Plance moment (kinda)
Why am I so torn in terms of ships in this series? Normally I just have one ship and stick with it, but here I just like see sooooo many potential ships
Are Allura and moustache man british? English isn't my first language, so I can't differentiate accents AT ALL...
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