#mek really said i have to take matters into my own hand
seokjinnieb · 3 years
um LMAOOO. at least they didnt do the method acting plot
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florbexter · 3 years
Blume, I think Thara is a chaotic king, but apart from that he's a bit too "perfect". I want Frong to see his vulnerable side or his dark side so they can be on more equal terms.
I think it’s true that, for now, we haven’t really seen a vulnerable or dark side of Thara beside him opening up about his father but it was, again, in the context of him comforting Frong. I thought long about what his dark side could be and I hope you like this little story ^.^
Darkness is just an illusion || [AO3 Link]
Thara felt the pulse of the man under his fingers, the nervous flutter, spiking, the rate faster and faster the more pressure Thara put on his neck. He was bigger than Thara, almost a head taller, but there was sweat on his temple and his eyes showed fear.
It was a paradox, Thara thought, or maybe not. Someone who put drugs in other people’s drinks was a coward, the scum under the scum, not someone who would stand his ground. He had tried to argue against Thara’s accusations but the little bottle they had found in his jacket and Bohn who had seen him putting the stuff into Boss’ drink wasn’t something he could go against.
Bohn was ready to go for blood and the way he had his hands around the man’s collar was threatening, the way he yelled into his face and it seemed weird, Thara thought, that he didn’t seem to realize that Thara had his hand around the man’s throat. A little more pressure there Thara thought and stared at his own fingers. A little more pressure and there would be unconsciousness. Easy as that. He knew exactly where to—
Frong stood in the door that led to the corridor they were all assembled in, next to him a short woman with dyed red hair, it shone like a halo with the light behind her coming from the main room of the bar. She looked petit, but her eyes were fixated on the man against the wall and it was a mixture of murderous intent and tightly contained rage.
“P’?”, Frong said again and his eyes laid on Thara’s hand. Thara wasn’t sure why he didn’t immediately snatch his hand away. Maybe it was the voice in his head that wasn’t satisfied with the outcome of this. That this was his to deal with.
“Did they call the police?”, he asked, and the bar owner looked over to him briefly. Two men, giants, tall as well as broad appeared behind her.
“We are going to take care of him,” she said, and as Bohn wanted to argue Frong seemed to have enough of the situation and took both of them by their arms and dragged them with him.
“I wasn’t done with him!”, Bohn yelled and Frong let go of his arm to push him softly away.
“Boss is throwing up,” he said and nodded towards the gathering of their friends around Boss. His complexion was damp and ashy, he visibly shook and was bent over a bucket. It didn’t take more for Bohn to switch from angry to concerned and he quickly walked away.
Frong’s other hand was still around Thara’s wrist and it was the same hand he had had around the man’s throat and he stretched his fingers, startling Frong into looking down.
There was a frown between his eyebrows, but no disgust just concern, and Thara felt the need to say something. He didn’t even know what he would say. An apology, an explanation? But before he could open his mouth Frong looked up again and tugged him along.
“You should look after Boss. Duen has already called an ambulance.”
And just like that, a switch flipped inside Thara and he took over Boss’ care until the paramedics arrived.
At the hospital, he handed the little bottle over, so they would know what they were dealing with, and during all of it— During reassuring a distressed Mek that everything was going to be okay. During explaining to the ER doctors what happened. During the hours of waiting for the drugs to flush out of Boss’ system, during all of it Frong made sure to stay as close to Thara as possible. Whenever they stood or sat next to each other he touched him. He entwined their fingers, put his hand on Thara’s shoulder, pressed their thighs together or even just laid a warm hand on the small of Thara’s back.
Frong didn’t avoid touch. They had held hands or had greeted each other with a peck on the lips in public often enough that Thara knew he wasn’t against public display of affection, but this level of tactile contact was new. Not that Thara was complaining.
He just was confused.
Frong had seen him choking that guy, right?
They waited until they were told Boss was okay and that he would stay overnight. Bohn and Duen went first to pick up some clothes for Mek and Boss, followed by Ram and King, and when they climbed into a taxi Frong asked him softly: “Are you okay?”
And maybe he should have waited until they weren’t in a car together with a stranger but Frong’s calmness irked him.
“Not really,” he murmured and looked down when Frong intertwined their fingers on the middle seat. He didn’t retreat his hand.
It was grounding.
“Yeah… that was frightening what happened to Boss. It was luck that Bohn saw what happened.”
“Yes,” Thara confirmed slowly, “and…”
Was Frong being oblivious on purpose?
“You saw what I did, right? It wasn’t that dark in the hallway.”
Frong threw him a look and nodded. He started to caress Thara’s hand with his thumb and looked ahead again.
Thara felt his heart in his throat because he knew Frong wanted to say something. Had he just concealed his concerns?
“It’s nice,” Frong said and the little movements of his thumb on Thara’s hand was almost hypnotic. He tilted his head, and the street lamps of Bangkok illuminated his face in an uneven rhythm. “Maybe not nice… but reassuring.”
Thara raised an eyebrow. “Reassuring that I,” he quickly glanced towards the taxi driver and bent to get closer to Frong and murmured, “reassuring that I almost choked someone?”
“Do you mean that instead of almost you definitely defended someone? That you put a stop to someone being hurt?”
“I wasn’t…” But he couldn’t end his sentence as they stopped at the curb of Frong’s dormitory and the driver turned towards them to collect his fee. Thara hadn’t even realized that Frong had told him the address of his residence.
“You make it sound nicer than it was.” Like he had been some hero. Frong looked at him through his reflection in the mirror, toothbrush in his mouth, and just raised an eyebrow. Yeah. Maybe continuing their conversation while Frong was unable to answer wasn’t the best idea, but he needed to say some stuff without Frong trying to dismantle them.
“I was ready to hurt that man! Ready and willing.” He heavily sat down on the toilet seat. It was a very small bathroom so he essentially blocked Frong’s way who could either step over Thara’s legs or sit down on his lap. He did neither. He turned and leaned against the tiny sink.
“I’m a med student,” Thara said and willed Frong to understand, “I’m not supposed to want to hurt someone.”
Frong continued to brush his teeth and seemed to wait for Thara to say something else but everything that had been in his mind was gone. Because in the end, it boiled down to him not being allowed to have those urges. It doesn’t matter how he voiced it. It was wrong.
“Let me ask you this,” Frong said finally and put his toothbrush back in the holder next to Thara’s. “If they brought the man in now, and you would work in the emergency room, and he was injured… would you help him?”
“Of course,” Thara said because that wasn’t the point and—
“You would treat him because you want to be a doctor because you want to help people regardless of what you already know about them… I think it’s allowed for you to be a human being and feel human emotion especially when your friends are involved. No one wants you to be a robot. You will have to make tough decisions soon enough, don’t beat yourself up about this.”
Thara sighed and stared down at his hands.
“Do you think they ‘took care of him’?”
Frong shrugged and pushed against Thara’s legs with his own until Thara made space for him to stand between them.
“It’s a gay bar. In the end, even if they called the police, we always have to look out for us ourselves, right?”
Thara mhmmed and put his forehead on Frong’s stomach, which was surprisingly comfortable for the sixpack-situation going on under his shirt.
“What did you mean with reassuring when we were in the taxi?”, he asked, because that had sat in the back of his mind since Frong had said it. Itching and irritating.
He felt how Thara bent a bit over him and put his hands on his shoulder, massaging the tension in Thara’s back with gentle strokes.
“It’s reassuring that you have vulnerable moments too.”
“I’m plenty vulnerable,” Thara murmured. What was Frong talking about?
“You like to solve my problems, yes, but that doesn’t mean that you are as vulnerable with me as I’m with you.”
“It’s my j—”
“If you were going to say it’s your job, I will kick you out. I’m not your job.”
Thara pressed his lips together. He wanted to say that. He felt responsible for Frong, for his wellbeing, for his happiness.
“I’m part of this relationship, too,” Frong murmured and the tone of his voice told Thara that he had wanted to say this for a long time now. “You can be vulnerable with me.”
Thara knew that. But it was hard.
He breathed in, smelled the bar on Frong, the aftershave he used, a bit of the minty toothpaste. Took another deep breath and tried to breathe the tension out.
“I wanted to hurt him so badly,” he finally whispered, a broken sound, the words more slurred than pronounced and Frong was still bent over him, like a warm cage of reassurance, his hands on Thara’s back and the warmth seeped through his shirt.
“I know,” he murmured. “Me too.”
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Okay here is my official rant post about My Engineer, specifically the finale. Spoiler: I literally have zero criticism for it so it’s just gonna be me gushing about how perfect it was, and analyzing some things. (I save the best analysis, RamKing, for last)
I’ve mentioned this before, but as a whole this series was so good I think for just how well put together it was. All the couples got pretty equal or at least well distributed screen time. And for couples who got less (Like TharaFrong) I assume they’re keeping it open for season two. You couldn't really get bored watching because it always flowed so well into the next scene, and all the couples were really great and special for their own reasons. Plus the character development was great and I know it’s gonna get even better in season two.
Now I want to go in and talk about all the couples:
Throughout the airing of this series, I saw many people having doubts about BohnDuen. I saw many good points such as how they were reallly bad at communicating, Duen never tried to understand Bohn’s feelings, and Bohn was always too pushy about things. However as the series progressed we could see them slowly evolving and becoming better. Obviously even at the end, they still have problems but they’ve improved so much and I know that in Season two they will continue to progress. For Bohn, he started out super jealous. He was always really pushy towards Duen. Towards the middle he finally started to become better, keeping his jealousy more in check and pulling back a little. For Duen, who kept ignoring Duen’s feelings, he finally started trying to see things from Bohn’s point of view. He opened up a little more and even changed their relationship status on Facebook, something he knew would mean a lot to Bohn. For both of them, recognizing their flaws was hard but they wanted to be better for each other. Also in the finale, we got Duen finally telling Bohn he loves him. That was a really big deal for Duen who honestly is pretty shy. This is his first relationship. He’s not used to someone being jealous over him, someone thinking he’s cute. Physical affection was also something that came hard to Duen, but as seen by the finale (*sobs*) he’s evolving in that regard as well, even initiating a kiss himself. 
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I really liked too, how before the second kiss when Duen put up his hand to block him, how Bohn kissed him through his hand (twiceeee). Bohn accepted that maybe Duen wasn’t ready for a second kiss yet, and let Duen make the choice. Even when Duen lowered his hand he let him make the choice, which he did and initiated that second kiss. <3 I think these two putting in so much effort for each other and developing so much as a couple, and as individuals indicates a really great future ahead for them. 
Okay I’ll be real, I may have doubted Boss for just a tiny second. I heard a rumor they were gonna have an unhappy ending so when Fon (Is that her name? I’m too lazy to look it up) showed up I got scared. But omg Bossss!!!! He handled it so well. He was so sweet to Fon, and that hug honestly made me cry a little. I was really happy that he told her she shouldn’t give up becoming an idol too. It wouldn’t have been right for her to have to give up her dream for Boss. (It was really sweet that she was willing though) And then when he went back to Mek and revealed their relationship with that megaphone? A cinematic masterpiece. For Mek, who had spent so long hiding his feelings for Boss, Boss clearly stating that they are together and that he loves him in front of everyone would have been such a cathartic release for Mek. For Boss too, who had also had feelings for him tucked away. 
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In that moment Boss was choosing Mek 100% without a doubt. All the time they had spent together, the way Mek always helped and took care of Boss. He was fully realizing that he wanted Mek and only Mek. They spent so long being so close but so far from each other. That moment was a new start for them, a real start.  lmao and Ting’s reaction will never not be the funniest thing ever: “What the hell? Did I join a volunteer camp of a love camp here?!” 
Agdhh poor Frong lmao. I had a feeling nothing major would happen with them in the finale since they were moving slower than the others. Frong, after getting over his feelings for Duen so quickly falling for someone else, Thara, would be really hard. After experiencing Duen’s rejection (sort of, Duen was so clueless during that smh) putting himself out there again would be really hard. But he started falling for Thara anyways, falling for the way he took care of his patients (specifically Frong’s mom), the kindness he so naturally gives to others (such as searching for Thara’s necklace, and the weirder aspects of his personality (such as a certain adorable lizard he can’t seem to stop talking about). 
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I don’t really see Thara’s line as friend/brother zoning him. More as I feel that he hasn’t considered Frong in that way yet (although him taking pictures of him shirtless was a bit suspicious lmao) and I think in season two we’ll see him develop feelings as well. (I’m kinda hoping for them to be a lil angsty ngl)
Okay. Here it is. RAMKING.
They 100% had THE best buildup, and plot. The way they met, the slow transformation into friendship, people around them either shipping them or thinking they were a couple, it was all so !!! It was perfect too, because they had us so convinced that King was gay panicking, and pushing Ram away because he didn’t understand what he was felling BUT NO he knew EXACTLY how he felt, and he’d just been holding himself back this whole time. I can’t get over that. All those flashbacks they showed, King knew exactly what he was feeling and it was overwhelming that he finally couldn’t take it anymore. I think when Ram made him that crown, and their friends commented that they looked cute together, like a couple.. I think that’s when King really started to realize he couldn’t do it any more. While Ram was smiling, King had a different look. 
He seemed to be under the impression Ram didn’t feel the same, or maybe he was hesitating because of all the stress that Ram has been under with his dad. I think it was the former though. His face when Ram put his arm around him in episode 13 was so unsure. I originally took it to mean that he didn’t understand what he was feeling, but now I’m thinking it was because he couldn’t understand why Ram was doing that. It’s like he was torn between his feelings, and his uncertainty of Ram’s feelings. He had no way of knowing for sure if Ram had feelings (although at the point, the way Ram looked at him and took care of him it would have been hard to miss, but when your emotions for someone are so strong it’s hard to see things from a clear perspective. Does it seem like they feel the same because you want to? Or because they really do?) For King, who understands Ram so well, not being able to tell how he was feeling was terrifying, and having to hold himself back was painful (as he said himself *sobs*) As for Ram, I think he also knew full well what his feelings were, and also didn’t know how King felt. He was happy just staying by his side, as a friend taking care of him. King suddenly pulling away was confusing for Ram. It hurt him to be away from him, but he was patient and waited for King to tell him why he was acting the way he was. King had always been so understanding with Ram’s emotions, and Ram wanted to do the same. While they were apart, I noticed how during BohnDuen’s reunion and MekBoss’ confession they focused on King’s reaction. He was happy for his friends, but I saw another emotion in his expression. One that reflected the conflict and pain he was feeling over his emotions for Ram. 
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The way he went from smiling, to that face was soo good. That one little moment was a big indicator of what was going on in King’s head and the pain he was currently feeling.
Then, finally (it might have helped that he was a little drunk) King admitted to everything he’d been feeling. That he was pushing him away because he feels good with him, and it was painful to hold back around him all the time. And we all know what happened next (*Sobbing noises*) They finally released all those emotions they’d been holding in, the pull they’d felt for each other since day one, the unexplainably deep understanding they have for each other. It all came together. Okay but that kiss was so !!!! Like the !!! the foreheads!!! The closed eyes!!! It was all passion, emotion it was so aHHH 
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Then the way they were lying the next morning (also may or may not be my new computer wallpaper oops) was so !! They’re turned in towards each other, King’s arm lying against Ram’s chest, his head tucker into him. I thought that position did a great job of reflecting them as a couple. The way they kept being drawn to each other. Also, after King woke up and the way he so quickly believed that Ram had forgotten what had happened last night, made me even more certain that King is scared and uncertain of Ram’s feelings. They both obviously have feelings for each other, it’s now just a matter of figuring out how to express them to each other. (Although who knows what complications Season 2 could throw at them)
Okay So I lied, I do have a very small criticism: I didn’t like that Bohn pulled the “I don’t like men, I just like you” line. That always bugs me. In BL there’s always a fine between a series being genuinely good and romantic and a series being focused on mainly fan service. I’ve always seen that line as a sign that a series is gonna be kinda fan service-y. However, My Engineer was not at all like that. It was definitely one of the good ones (one of the best honestly) so in this case that line wasn’t a bad sign. Still, I wish that hadn’t been included. Also, we deserved more Cupcake content and we better get some in season two. I want to see Thara baby his lizard some more god dammnit. 
Also this is random but I really hope they give Ting a man in S2. She deserves it. (Or a girlfriend in which case I volunteer I love her so much)
This was a really massive post and if you read this entire thing I would like to give you a virtual hug. Have a good day!! <3 I’m gonna go back to sobbing and replaying the episode now
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Thoughts on My Engineer ep11
I think this is my favourite episode so far, so much goodness
also I got them Thoughts(TM) so this is gonna get long
as usual
Mek just has this ability to break my heart every time he looks at Boss in that way of his
and then make me cackle when he freaks out at Boss’s ridiculous demands
I really do love how genuinely he wants for Boss to be happy, no matter who it is with; like he’s not secretly angry or bitter or acting like Boss owns him something, he’s just hurt that his feelings arent returned which is perfectly normal but more than that he just really wants Boss to be happy
“you have the sweetest smile” ok ok doctor Thara’s got some game, huh?
and Frong is developing a doctor kink cough cough
how many times has Bohn done the kiss/onion joke that Duen just catches him on reflex now? lol
also just... what are we doing with Bohn and Duen anymore? half of their relationship is Duen freaking out about sex to the point he wont let Bohn anywhere near him most of the time and the other 50% is Bohn getting irrationally jealous and neither of these issues seems to be going anywhere
and now they’re talking about moving in together?? guys, maybe first settle your issues before deciding to spend prolonged periods of time in a confined space together
aww, poor Boss being so sad; I really like the way the scene plays out with Boss slowly walking from the light into the darkness as the camera follows him
and that’s the other thing that I have questions on - like if Boss had feelings for Mek all along, what was he doing with Fon all this time? and why was he so determined to make the relationship work if he’so disinterested in her that the second he got Mek, he’s like I’m going to break up with her? I mean dont get me wrong, that IS the right thing to do rather than cheat on her but I’m just... why did we spent all this time on Fon/Boss if this is how it was going to end? was it Boss trying to find someone else so he could move on from Mek and forcing himself into a relationship he didnt exactly want? I hope they expand on this more next eisode
on the bright side, HELL YES we called it that Boss is also into Mek and I do love me the nobody cares about me/*I* care about you trope mmm yes yes good stuff
I LOVE LOVE the way Ram speaks to him mom, it’s so gentle and warm
HOLY SHIT, are you telling me that his dad is cheating with Pin??????????? daaaaaammn
no wonder she was being so bad at comforting Ram last ep
I love the way they played that though like the way things connect from one episode to the next, I live for quality writing
doggies!!! fluffly soft doggies!!!
sick them on your asshole of a father, Ram
omg, this guy really is a piece of work huh? his son caught him having an affair with their next door neighbour and he doesnt even have the grace to look guilty or try to explain, he’s just lke dont tell anyone
him and Fighter’s dad can start a club of shitty dads
can we talk about the way Ram looks so hurt and heartbroken but he promises not to say anything because he doesnt want his mom and brother to feel the same way?? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
poor King, he’s just minding his own business when suddenly DOGS
but the dogs come with his own personal Ram so he’s gotta deal
seriously though, the fact that King wants Ram to stay even though he’s scared of the dogs; the fact that Ram sees that and offers to leave; the fact that King still wont let him even mentioning that the gods will get wet; the fact that King isnt asking any questions or pushing Ram to talk but at the same time he knows EXACTLY what Ram is feeling because he can read him so damn well; the fact that Ram finally openes up and allows himself to be vulnerable in front of King, openly crying into King’s side
these facts are HURTING ME IN THE BEST WAY
also how freaking cute is it that Ram waited for King to turn in his direction before giving him a nod so King will see it
I like how all of Ram’s friends went out looking for him
LOL, of course Ram is going to wake up to King screaming about the doggies
I also like how Ram is taking King’s fear seriously and doesnt make fun of him
Ram’s running away from home necesseties include: three huge dogs, a bag of clothes, a bug-eating plant that his boyfriend gave him that one time
King is really trying to make Ram feel comfortable and welcomed even if that means he has to sacrifice his own comfort for the sake of the doggies because he knows how important they are to Ram
LOL at that ending scene
King is scared of gods, Ram is scared of kids and now they’re stuck with three dogs and two kids and said kids just let the dogs out
it’s gonna be a long day for these boyfriends
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My December 30 contribution to the 2019 Pikelavar Winter Event
Chapter 5: Fireplace 🔥
Pike and Meklavar returned to their room and discovered that a servant had brought up their scrubbed and polished boots and had also cleaned Meklavar’s armor as well. “Your clothing has been washed and will be dry by morning,” the serving man told them, and they thanked him as he exited.
They sat at the little table for two by the fireplace, and awaited their supper.
“Mek, are their anymore rituals that I should know about?”
“Well, the bath of purification was perfectly done. You passed the first test.”
“Normally the ritual bath takes place with all of the warriors of maiden’s clan standing guard outside the bathing room, and if she desires it, a female chaperone may be present in the bathhouse with her.”
“Why? It seems a lot less romantic that way.”
“Yes, but such precautions are often necessary to protect the maiden’s honor and reputation. Not all dwarf maidens are warriors, and unfortunately, not all males are honorable.”
Pike was silent a moment, eyes downcast, thinking about what Meklavar was implying. He looked up at her. “I would never take advantage of a female that way. My mother and sisters taught me to respect women and girls, and my father and brothers always gave good examples of exactly how that should be done.”
Meklavar smiled at him, her eyes shining, and Pike realized that he was looking into the eyes of a young woman whose heart belonged to him completely. He would guard it then, as the most priceless of treasures, one that could never be stolen. He knew that love was a gift that could only be given freely.
“Pike, I made the choice to enter the bathing room with you without a chaperone or guards because I trust you. I trust you with my life, my reputation, and my honor.”
Pike’s eyes watered a little at Mek’s deeply personal admission. He moved from his chair to kneel before her. He took her small hands into his larger ones and gazed up at her. “I love you, more than anything or anyone in all the world, Mek. I would be honored if—“
Just then there was a knock on the door. They froze. “Go, on,” she whispered, “answer the door. We can continue our private discussion later.”
Pike stood up to answer the door, mumbling something about “ruining the moment,” but his attitude suddenly changed when his stomach rumbled at the smell of the delicious meal that the servingman had brought through the open door on a large tray. There were hot mugs of tea, and glasses of cool water, a selection of grilled meats, cooked vegetables, baked and seasoned tubers, hot buttery bread, and succulent little pies for dessert.
The servant exited promptly once the meal had been served, instructing them to put their empty mugs and dishes back on the tray and leave it outside of their door when they were finished with their meal.
“Everything smells delicious,” said Meklavar with delight.
“I am so hungry, I would think a plain bowl of stew and stale bread would be a feast right now, but this is a meal fit for royalty!”
They ate slowly, savoring each bite, and spoke of private matters once more.
“This is the next part of the ritual, the private sharing of a meal.”
“We’ve done that lots of times.”
“After that, we share a bed.”
“Which we have also done these last few nights. What’s different about it this time?”
“Well, normally a maiden would have her chaperone with her—“
“And a dwarf army outside of the door.”
“Yes,” she grinned at him, “But you’ve already proven that it isn’t necessary for me to take such precautions.”
“But all of this is how you bond with your Intended. You get to know each other better, see if your lives together will be compatible, find out if the other one snores or has horrible morning breath—“
She giggled. “Yes, you’ve got the idea.”
“Mek, don’t we have more important things to consider, like where we will live, or how many children we will have, or what sort of settled down life we will have once we retire from questing?”
“I am good with metalworking, and crafting clever devices.”
“I am a good salesman.”
“We should open a shop, then.”
“Block’s village isn’t far from where my extended family lives,” he mused.
“My parent’s manor is only a day’s journey in the other direction.”
“And we could be near our friends if we lived in Block’s town, where we know we will always be welcomed since we helped him save them from the spell that turned them all to stone.”
“Then there’s the question of children. I assume you want a little family of our own.”
He reached across the table to hold her hand. “As many of or as few of the little ones as you like. However many the Maker blesses us with. I just hope that they are as beautiful and clever as their mother.”
She smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “I hope that they are as brave and kind as their father.” He beamed at her.
“Then, it is decided, Mek. We both want this. What’s stopping us from going to the temple and pledging our vows?”
“I have to get my family’s blessing. And there is the exchange of tokens.”
“Does Midwinter gift giving count? I spent most of my money on your present. And don’t say that I shouldn’t have. I bought you something that I know you will love.”
“Well, I went to the metal shop in Talarian City and helped the master craftsman make your gift myself.”
“We have to wait two more days,” he sighed. “I suppose I was being impulsive earlier,” he said to himself, and Mek looked at him in puzzlement. “I don’t want to spoil the surprise. Mek.”
They finished their meal, washed their hands and faces, and brushed their teeth. Mek asked him to help her push the little table and chairs aside to make more room in front of the fireplace. After they had rearranged the room to her liking, Pike gathered their used mugs, plates, and utensils onto the tray and left it outside their door. When he locked it for the evening, he turned to see his future bride standing on the thick rug in front of the fireplace. She had removed her robe and sat down with the green jar of fragrant lotion. She rolled up one sleeve of her white night shirt and then the other to rub the sweet-smelling stuff upon her arms, then grinned at him. “Are you just going to watch, or would you like to join me?”
Pike took off his robe and his tunic, then sat beside her, clad in his loose-fitting sleeping trousers, watching as she raised her pale night tunic to reveal her calves, knees, and thighs. “Do you want to help with this?” He gave a low purr that sounded almost like a growl in response.
“Sorry,” he said, a bit embarrassed at his own enthusiasm. He took a bit of the lotion and massaged her feet and calves with it as she applied it to her own knees and thighs. And as her nightdress slid higher, Pike was thankful for the fact that Mek wore modest underpants. The heat from the fireplace wasn’t the only reason why his face was warm.
She undid the upper fastenings of her tunic to bare her shoulders, being very careful to keep her bosom covered. Pike massaged her neck and shoulders with the fragrant lotion, and when he was done he gathered the cloth of her tunic to cover up the places he had just touched. She hastily fastened up the neckline of her sleeping garment while he watched, the firelight behind her creating a nimbus of light behind her that made her appear as breathtaking as any elf queen out of legend. “I can’t stop being amazed by how beautiful you are,” he said in a low voice.
Smiling, she cupped his cheek, and he looked up at her with the eyes of a man who was utterly, completely, and totally in love with her. At this moment he would have done absolutely anything she asked him to do. She kissed him softly, then said, “Let me rub some of this on you.” Pike nodded and was as gentle as a kitten when she massaged the fragrant lotion into his shoulders, biceps, and forearms. He closed his eyes and took deep, calming breaths as she massaged his back, kneading the creamy stuff into his muscles. Her touch was soft, but strong, and every caress was like a promise of more intimate and passionate nights ahead of them, even if, for the present time of their courtship, they would practice restraint. She rubbed the lotion into the skin of his belly and chest as he opened his eyes once more to watch her every move.
When she was done, she stood up, turned her back to him, and removed her night tunic altogether. Pike gave a little gasp of surprise at her sudden revelation of so much bare skin. Mek held the garment to her bosom modestly, covering her bare chest. “You can rub this on my back,” she said as she sat back down. He rubbed the sweet-smelling stuff onto her back with gentle caresses, marveling at how smooth her skin already was. When he was finished, he kissed her cheek, and then her neck in the precise spot that he knew would get a response from her. She giggled. “That tickles!”
“I know. That’s why I did it.”
“Bad kitty!” She giggled as he kept trying to kiss her there again and again. The tunic that she held against her bosom began to reveal more flesh than she intended. They both blushed.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen. I just wanted to make you laugh.”
“Close your eyes.” He obeyed.
“I love the sound of your laughter. You have a really cute laugh.”
“No peeking.”
He heard the rustle of cloth and the barely audible sound of her hands rubbing across soft, supple skin. Was she putting that stuff on her chest? He peeked. Her back was to him, and for a brief moment he caught a glimpse of the side of one of her plump little breasts. He didn’t see much, but it was enough to make his imagination run wild. She pulled her sleeping tunic over her head. “You can open your eyes now.”
Pike felt such heat upon his face that he wondered if he was sitting too close to the fireplace. She had risen from her seated position by the fire and was putting on her robe. He sat there, lost in thoughts of how she didn’t wear one of those bandeau things around her bosom to sleep at night, just underpants and a nightgown. Interesting. He imagined that was typical for most females, but as he got to know Meklavar’s habits better, he realized that there was a lot he didn’t know about women but was eager to learn. He scrambled into his own sleep shirt to hide his blushing. “Um, I need to use the chamber pot,” he said awkwardly and disappeared behind the privacy screen. He did what he had to do as quietly as he could, hoping that Meklavar couldn’t hear what was really going on. He imagined that there were some things about males that she didn’t understand yet, and perhaps that was for the best right now. He washed his hands thoroughly after he had taken care of what he needed to do, then sighed.
When he moved from behind the screen, he saw that Mek had already climbed in bed and was nestled comfortably under the covers. Her slippers were next to the bed and her robe hung up on one of the bedposts. He blew out the remaining candles and knew the fireplace’s light would be enough for them on this dark, cold winter night. He hung up his robe and aligned his own slippers beside hers, thinking how perfect they looked side by side that way. He climbed in bed next to her, and when he lay comfortably on his back, she rolled over to look at him.
“Come here, sweetheart,” he said softly. As she lay upon his chest he stroked her soft, fluffy hair, inhaling the sweet scent of the conditioning oil that he had rubbed into it when they had bathed together earlier. She was perfect in every way, and she was his. What had he ever done to deserve someone so amazing in his life? “I love you, Mek. More than words can say.”
“I love you, too,” she whispered back to him. When he felt her breathing slowing as she drifted off to sleep, he shut his eyes at last, smiling at the pleasant thought of falling asleep with her in his arms every night for a lifetime.
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thejamaicanweeb · 4 years
Mitosis - Soul Division Am I in trouble?
Hello Friends! Here is the prologue to this first part!
 I’m planning to have the next part up by the 7th, God willing! I hope you enjoy!
January 6th 2020, Sunday
Strap in guys, we in for a wild ride.
I’m still shook. Like, legitimately shaken to my core. My world hasn’t just been turned upside down, oh no. They have tossed my life in a blender with the lid off and some asshole just let it rip. The only thing that’s grounding me (besides writing this down now, I guess) is the fact that the first thing my dumb, clumsy ass self did when I settled down properly into my new bedroom was bang my pinkie toe on the bed frame. So yep, definitely awake. I’ve probably known for a while, but that kinda clinched it.
So let me give a rundown of how I got where I am, like my whole situation. Imagine if you get an email from the Dean of your faculty. And she wants a meeting. Now if you were like a little goodie two shoes in prep/primary school, high school and (be honest with yourself, people) university, your heart just about sinks down to the core of the earth as you shift through everything from being late to classes to unpaid school fees, just anything that could cause this calamity. Well, I couldn’t think of anything so I go, fix up myself a likkle, get to the office without throwing up and knock.
“Come in,”
Just like the rest of the recently built facility, the Dean’s office had big rectangular glass panels as windows to make the most of the nearly year-round bright sunshine (i.e. death.) The sunlight was a stark, almost hilarious contrast to the arctic air conditioning. Then, on top of the A/C, she had a fan running! Like who even? What?? Thermoregulation, where art thou?
Dean Reid smiled at me from behind her desk; but when I saw my parents there too, my heart sank through the damn core and was now weightless. Funny enough, I felt like that now, like everything was all surreal and floaty. 
“Ah, Sinai! Come in, come sit down. Don’t look so worried man, you’re not in trouble” 
I have to hand it to her, one of the Dean’s best qualities that she always tries to put at ease, you know? It’s almost scary, like supernatural ... But I know my parents and they’re wound up. Which wound me up. Normally whatever makes them worry is a cause for me to worry too.
“Good Afternoon Dean Reid” The strange couch-like chair gave a bit when I sat so I sank about 2 inches, thankfully with no embarrassing squeaky sounds. The Dean surveyed me for a few seconds before she spoke.
“So Sinai, I will not prolong your anxiety any longer. I have called you to meet along with your parents to discuss an exciting opportunity to take part in an international exchange programme.”
The only sound was the gentle rustle of the papers on the desk being blown by the rotating fan.
“Exchange Programme?” 
I must have looked absolutely baffled because Mummy spoke up at that point.
“Yes, Dean Reid was just expounding on a few of the key points. Apparently, this will be the first of its kind and will last for a year.”
A year? “Oh, ok” My leg began jittering up and down at that point. 
“It would involve six students from 3 different regions, with two representatives from each.” the Dean smoothly continued with her explanation. “The curriculum is designed in a way which would ensure that one you return you can reintegrate with your current year group seamlessly. Regarding expenses... you would have none.”
With a small smile, she slid a brochure into my hands. I didn’t even look at it.
“Yes Ms. James, none. Food, utilities, tuition, and general day-to-day expenses, will be taken care of. In addition to classes you are, of course, allowed to explore your host country-”
“With who?” 
That was the first time Daddy had said anything since I came up here at least. All worse it was his dangerous voice. You know that kind, the kind that says “If you’re f-ing around right now you’re screwed”? That one.
“Every student who takes part will, of course, be assigned to very capable individuals whose role involves not only ensuring the safety of their exchange students but also to enrich their experience by being a cultural guide so to speak.”
I’ll be real with you guys. This was probably the point where I should have been “Hm, this sounds too good to be true. Where is the catch?”. It’s a good thing my parents are smarter than me, don’t it?
“Dean Reid, with all due respect. This seems like a wonderful opportunity but quite frankly, aside from your word, how can we vouch for the legitimacy of this venture? Especially with this being the inaugural year for this...this event?” 
Daddy picked up right where Mummy had left off.
“I think we would also like to know how Sinai was chosen for this. I certainly don’t remember her applying to anything like this, and other students perform better academically.”
Gee, thanks Dad, Yuh mek it soun’ like I’m a wasteman. I side-eyed him and he side-eyed right back. [You’re making be out to be a delinquent]
“That may well be true Mr. James, this particular programme aims to have a more holistic approach. Of course, academic achievement was a big deciding factor…” she trailed off, squinted at her glasses, put them on her face and smiled once more.
“... but something that we find just as important as an individual's honesty, their loyalty. Integrity and the willingness to help others. We value those who are empathetic and those who mediate with words, and impartiality, not violence or anger. So, to answer your question in one statement, Sinai was chosen because we believe she embodies these characteristics, quietly yes, but consistently.”
I wished I could disappear; I had started to feel kinda uncomfortable. Something didn’t sit too right with me all the same. There were thousands, thousands of people in this place and I’m sure there mussi [must be] be a good amount who were better people than me. Or at the very least didn’t cuss as much (not that that really matters,). I wasn’t buying it. I let myself detach so I could really think about this insane turn of events.
How the hell would I leave for a year? A whole YEAR!?
You’d never get a chance to do this again. Do you really want to pass that up?
It should go to someone good enough who deserves it, not me.
Stop with that crap. C’mon, really think about this.
I’m thinking. I’m thinking about the fact I’m 23 going 24 and I haven’t slept over at a friend’s house before, and no, all-nighters in the library don’t count.
Where would I even go? 96, 97 percent of the population here at home is black, I can’t handle being a minority I’ve never had to deal with outright prejudice.
Ugh! You are being so so stupid! They wouldn’t just carry you to some random place and leave yuh jus’ suh. Sinai. For like two decades you’ve gone and followed every rule to the book, tried to please every person, tried to look after everyone but *you*. You’ve done nothing exciting or new. Never gone out to parties or drank or even dated. Like, shit girl, you’ve never ever even ditched class and one time the only person who had shown up was the lecturer.
Think a whole year of tuition taken care of that will help when Matthew starts, won’t it?
That’s what did me in folks. Matthew is my (not so) baby brother. I love him so so much and I always try to take care of him but things normally get messed up, and he’s the one who helps me instead. 
You can look after him.. Right here, right now. All you have to do is say-
Fine! God, for fuck’s sake “I’ll go!”
Now it took yours truly a hot minute to realise that I practically shouted that last part to the heavens. 
Dean Reid raised her eyebrows while Mummy and Daddy looked straight up dumbfounded. Heck, I was dumbfounded. 
“Well, Ms James, I didn’t expect an answer during this meeting, but you seem quite enthusiastic,”
I felt my face burn as I let myself slouch into the chair. 
“While it is time-sensitive, (They’d need an answer within 3 days and I would leave four days after that) I still encourage you to discuss this before you make an ultimate decision.”
As we had left, I did something that I hadn’t done in a long time. I took each of my parents’ hands and walked all the way out of the building, right in between them. We’d be up for a long, long time that night.
                                ( •_•)>⌐■-■  STAGE CHANGE (⌐■_■)
The sky was still dotted with stars, the indigo just starting to lighten as the dawn approached. Only a few cars were on the road, one of which was a red SUV making its way along the Palisadoes Road. The man driving had one hand in a tight knuckled grip on the steering wheel, the other in a fist clenched on his thigh. His jaw was set and his eyes were dull as he focused on the road without really seeing anything around him. His wife’s face was flushed and crumpled with a continuous stream of tears. The occasional hiccough interrupted her weeping. In the back seat, a young man stared out of the window, stony-faced. One of his broad hands held his sister’s smaller one as she gazed out her own window. She tried her best to hide her gears and take in as much of her home as she could before she departed.
Sinai was fighting sleep, and it was winning. Her tears gradually subsided. Matthew glanced at her when he felt her grip on him loosen. After a casual glance at the rearview window to ensure there were no witnesses, he slowly shifted her head onto his shoulder, snickering slightly at the spot her hair products had left behind on the window. He sat stiffly before allowing himself to rest his chin on top of her head. As he yawned, a vague memory came to him of a similar situation, back when she was still taller. Then he was adrift in sleep as well.
                                     ╯︿╰ STAGE CHANGE ╯︿╰
The soft gentle breeze caressed her face. She groaned and batted at it; she wasn’t ready to wake up yet. Bit by bit the warm heat of the sun and the itchy, somewhat soft grass underneath her clued her in to the fact that she wasn’t in a car or plane. She opened her eyes, only to be dazzled by the sun. When she could finally orient herself, she stood up, wide-eyed. The sun was just starting its descent in an azure sky that was streaked with rose and grey and gold, and she was on a grassy knoll. She moved to push her glasses up her nose, only to find she wasn’t wearing them. Vaguely aware of the fact she shouldn’t be able to see clearly, she looked down at the rest of herself. She was in a delicate knee-length white dress that felt weightless. Nothing was familiar except for the inexplicable piano music playing a tune she had heard before but couldn’t place. She blinked and she was no longer alone. Seven figures were around her, some sitting, some standing.
These men were complete strangers.
She had known these men all her life. 
They all wore peaceful smiles, talking and laughing and ribbing each other. She sat back down and almost immediately, two of them sat on either side of her. The shorter of the two promptly laid his head in her lap and drifted off to sleep. She exchanged a glance with the taller one and they laughed. A few minutes later, they made a game of trying to see how many dandelions they could put on the sleeper’s hair and face before he awoke. 
She sensed someone standing behind her and looked up to see the eldest of the men standing above her, a soft smile on his face that only she and the other two were capable of bringing out of him. She beamed back up at him. The light graze of fingertips on her cheek bought her attention back down to the one resting on her lap. He was now awake, blinking up at her. He was halfway through a sentence, his lips forming words she couldn’t hear before he stopped, his brow furrowed. He pulled his fingertips away and they were wet. Her own hands flew up to her eyes. Why was she crying?
The pastel hues of the sky shifted dramatically to a scarlet moon and darkness. The grass died, withered and turned to dust which blew into her eyes, blinding her. She cried out, kneading at them with her knuckles. When she opened her eyes she froze, the whites of her eyes fully visible. She felt as though two anchors were chained to her ankles, preventing her from running from the horrific battle taking place in front of her. Normally beautiful celestial faces twisted with pain and rage and fear. Shrieks and screams contrasted with the music, which was still going on. It was mockingly calm while the world was falling apart around her. The cloying iron scent of blood made her vomit. It was everywhere. It turned the dust under her feet to mud, making her feel like she was sinking further and further, becoming so immobilized that even when a figure flew at her yielding a burning scimitar she didn’t move. Someone grabbed her under her arms and yanked her out of harm’s way. The eldest immediately engaged her attacker, bellowing at her to run. She somehow found herself behind the pair that sat beside her. They were matching their assailants blow for blow but with their backs turned, neither of them saw the pair of archers taking aim.
“No. No, no no…” she whispered. She felt as though she was a passenger in her own body as she took off running, ignoring the surprised yells. The archers changed their trajectory. Her stomach felt hollow as she noticed a third one taking aim at the shorter man.
Two names she had never heard before left her lips; a desperate warning.
She let out a sigh of relief as the other orange-haired young man managed to pull the other out of the way moments before the arrow would have buried itself right between the shoulder blades. A heartbeat later white-hot pain laced across her face, followed by another cruel, cold shaft of metal that buried itself between her ribs. There wasn’t even time to scream.
Flesh was burning and her skull was cracking along the sutures and muscles were ripped from bones. It was agony beyond which any soul could withstand, and all the while she just kept falling. The entire time the piano kept playing. 
                                     ( ̄﹃ ̄) STAGE CHANGE( ̄﹃ ̄)
Hundreds and hundreds of miles away in a different country. A young woman bolted upright in her bed with a gasp. She trembled as her wide eyes darted around her darkened dorm room; the moonlight highlighting her unshed tears. The delicate silver chain with a cross inlaid with minuscule blue gemstones felt icy against her skin. She laid a hand on her chest, willing her heartbeat to slow down. 
She fumbled in the dark for her phone on the bedside table, nearly knocking her glasses to the floor. It was just after 4 am and the last WhatsApp conversation she had was still open.
“That’s right, she’s leaving today,” she mumbled. She set the phone back down, laid on her back and stared up at the ceiling. The last thing she wanted was for Sinai to worry about her; not when she had something this major to deal with. It could wait until later.            
Thank you so much for reading! As you can see, Sinai has a habit of mixing in creole with her English dialect. If this is annoying or confusing then please let me know oki? I had planned for the perspective to shift from the first person (through her journal entries) and the third person (which can be anyone else). Again, my writing skills are pretty rusty so if this is a bit confusing, it's oki to say so! I won’t bite!
The Prologue
The next part
The piano song that I had in mind (if you want to check it out)
If you want to read on Ao3
0 notes
My December 29 Contribution to the Pikelavar Winter Event
“All I Want for Midwinter is Meklavar” Chapter 4:
Meklavar studied her map before she and Pike set out on their journey through hill country. They had decided to stop at the closest village to take shelter for the night, knowing that evening would soon be upon them and the temperature would drop rapidly after sundown. It seemed like any other wintertime journey for them, except that it wasn’t. They had danced together in Talarian City, shared a warm bed in a cozy cabin for three nights, and then, after a narrow escape from near-death, they had kissed beneath an ancient oak draped in mistletoe. Pike and Meklavar had confessed their love for one another, and when he had asked for permission to court her, to his amazement, she accepted him as a suitor. Despite the bitter cold, Pike’s heart was racing with the euphoria of knowing that of all the males in the world, she wanted him to be her life mate. They trudged hand-in-hand through the snow towards the village ahead, with warm hearts and empty bellies.
They came upon the gates of the walled village, and were greeted by a pair of watchmen. “What business do you have in the village of Farwynd?”
Pike spoke first. “We need shelter for the night. We are traveling north for the Midwinter Festival, But we had to make an unexpected detour away from the valley road.”
“There’s been a mudslide,” Meklavar added. “The road is blocked with rocks, mud, and broken trees. We barely escaped with our lives.”
“This is ill news,” said the first watchman. He turned to his companion. “Go an alert the mayor of this unfortunate happenstance. He will want to alert the other villages in the morning and send out a work crew to help clear the path.” He turned back to the weary travelers. “Welcome to Farwynd. Your best bet for lodging is the third inn on the right, see it there? The Green Lion. Anyplace else is at full capacity tonight with all of the guests that have come to town for our own Midwinter festivities. You two look as if you could use a warm meal, a hot bath, and a soft bed for the night, and The Green Lion can provide all three.”
“Thank you,” said Meklavar.
“Happy Midwinter to You!” Pike added with a wave as they walked through the open gate.
The windows of the Green Lion Inn were lit with fairy lights in a rainbow of brilliant colors and the common room was warmed by the glow of an enormous fireplace. The aromas of hot, delicious meals filled the dining area, and the sound of cheerful holiday carols brightened the mood of every man, woman, child, elf, and troll that was gathered there to eat, drink, dance, and be merry. Pike and Meklavar entered the common room grinning broadly. The innkeeper, a stout woman with a ready smile and cheerful demeanor, greeted them.
“A Merry Midwinter to you, travelers. I am Beatrix Berylla. How might I assist you this fine evening?”
“Hot meals, baths, and a room for the night, please,” said Meklavar.
“Meals and baths we can provide, a-plenty, but there is only one room left for the evening. Will that be proper?” She looked at Pike, who was a bit nervous under the innkeeper’s scrutiny.
Meklavar blushed. “He is my Intended,” she explained.
“Oh, my dear! Congratulations to you both! Have you begun the exchange of tokens yet?”
“What—?” Pike didn’t know what she meant.
“—not yet,” interrupted Meklavar. “This is very new to us.”
“I see. Well, blessings be upon you both, and may your union be a joyous one. Would you prefer a meal or a bath first?”
Pike and Meklavar looked at each other, and then down upon their mud encrusted boots, cloaks, and trousers. “Baths!” They said in unison.
Beatrix clapped her hands twice, and a skinny serving maid appeared, “Verilyn, take these two to the bathhouse and have the boot polisher and the launderers get to work on their travel stained gear.”
“The bathhouse is full, ma’am, save for the honeymooner’s bathing room.”
“Oh, dear,” fretted Beatrix. “These two are Intended, but not yet wed.”
“It’s allright,” Meklavar said reassuringly. “We can begin the rituals tonight.” She was blushing so hotly that Pike could almost feel the heat radiating from her. What rituals? What were they talking about? Pike suddenly felt very nervous.
Verilyn beamed. “I will have everything prepared while you show them to their room, ma’am.” She exited through the back door of the common room.
Beatrix withdrew a key from the large ring at her belt. “Follow me upstairs, my dears.”
The room that Beatrix opened for them was spacious, clean, and warmed by a small fireplace of its own. There was a table with chairs where two might dine comfortably, an enormous wardrobe, a washstand and mirror, and even a screen for privacy that presumably concealed the chamber pot. The Green Lion was indeed a very fine inn, and Pike just stood there, his lips parted and eyes wide as he looked about at all of the fine furnishings. Meklavar thanked the innkeeper and gave her payment for their lodgings.
“I’ll send Verilyn up when your bath is ready. In the meantime, you can undress and put these on,” Beatrix explained as she drew two long, fleece lined robes from the wardrobe. “I can even have your evening meal sent here after your bath.”
“Thank you,” said Mek as Beatrix exited their room.
Mek set her helmet down on a side table. They both put aside their weapons and traveling packs, then shed their filthy cloaks and boots. Pike helped Mek as she began to remove her armor.
“What are the rituals that you two were talking about?” Pike asked, curiously.
“Before a dwarf maiden takes a husband, the bride and groom must be ritually purified by taking a bath together. They wash each other, but any kind of sexual activity is strictly forbidden.” Now he knew why Mek was blushing so hotly. “They share a meal and a bed after that.”
Pike’s eyes were as big and round as saucers. He stared at her in amazement. “You...you want to give me a bath?!” He was stunned by this new information.
“If you don’t want to do this, I will understand...”
“I didn’t say that I didn’t want to! I just think it’s really—“
“Sexy,” said Pike, waggling his eyebrows at her. “And I really want to see what your amor has been concealing after all these years.” He winked at her.
“Actually, you won’t be able to see much of anything with only a few candles lit, and before you jump to conclusions, we won’t be completely naked. You won’t be allowed to touch me anywhere really private until after we are married either, so it’s rather innocent.”
“Still sounds like fun,” he grinned at her. “I always like touching your smooth skin anywhere and everywhere. And I really like being touched by you...” He gave her his most seductive look. Mek rolled her eyes at him.
“We should start undressing then, before I change my mind about this. Strip down to your underwear and put on that robe. Bring your sleepwear with you as well.” She said. He noticed that she tucked a comb inside the pocket of her robe. Mek disappeared behind the privacy screen in their room to undress, much to his disappointment. Although Pike put on a show of being an incorrigible flirt, in truth he was as inexperienced and nervous about intimate matters as Meklavar was. Nervous, and incredibly excited by the thought of it...
Pike was clad only in his very brief underpants when Mek came out from behind the screen wearing her robe. He gasped in surprise, but then decided to make the most of the opportunity. “Like what you see?” He stood with his hands on his hips, proud of his long, thin-but-muscular physique. He gave her what he thought was an irresistible smile.
“Pike, I think that you had better put your robe on now.” She bit her lip, trying to suppress her grin of amusement.
“Is my animal magnetism too much for you?” he said, moving closer to her and giving her his most smoldering look.
“No, but it might be too much for Verilyn. She’s standing right there in doorway behind you.” Pike shrieked and ran to grab his robe. He nearly tripped over the sash as he hurriedly scrambled into it. Meklavar was doubled over with laughter. That’s when Pike realized that the door was closed and no one had entered their room.
“Hey!” Pike exclaimed when he realized that she had tricked him.
“Well, she’ll be here any moment. I just thought you ought to put something on,” she said, giggling. “After all, she might be overcome by your animal magnetism.”
“You are one naughty dwarf maiden. That’s one of the things I like about you.” Pike smirked at her, then moved closer to her and tipped her chin up towards him. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, and Mek coiled her arms around his neck kissing him back with sweet affection that melted into mutual passion. The intimacy between them ended suddenly when there was a knock on the door to their room. They sprang apart, blushing.
“Come in!” Mek called.
Verilyn entered, followed by two other servants who had come to collect their soiled boots and garments. “The bathing room is ready for you. Follow me. We’ll take the back stairs.”
Pike and Meklavar put on the slippers that matched their robes, gathered up their sleepwear and clean undergarments, and followed Verilyn down the smaller staircase that led directly to the bathing area.
When they arrived, they beheld a dimly lit but cozy room with a below ground bathing pool, big enough for two occupants to swim in, and deep enough for them to immerse themselves fully if they wished. There were scented candles, soaps, shampoo, and lotions, bowls for rinsing, and a large pile of fluffy white towels. It was the nicest bathing room that either of them had ever seen. Verilyn indicated a small silvery bell on a delicate chain. “Just pull this cord if you require any assistance. Otherwise you will remain undisturbed.” She curtsied and made her exit.
“This is lovely,” Mek said, examining their surroundings.
“What, exactly, is this ritual?” Pike asked softly.
“Well, first you remove your robe and enter the pool. Then you allow me to bathe you, and you do the same for me. It is an opportunity for the Intended to see if the other’s form is pleasing to them and and for the maiden to discover if her beloved’s touch is rough or gentle. Symbolically, this tradition represents purification and an opportunity for us to begin bonding through gentle and playful touching.”
“I think I am really going to like this tradition,” Pike said with a grin. He shed his robe and waded into the shallow end of the pool. He swam around for a bit, then turned to face her. “The water is warm and feels great, Mek.”
Meklavar unfastened her robe, then dropped it to the stone floor. Pike stared at her, his mouth agape. She wore very brief, opaque underpants and her soft bosom was concealed only by a bandeau that covered her breasts and left her shoulders and midriff bare. She just stood there for a moment, allowing him to stare at her slender figure. “You’re so beautiful, Mek. I think I must be the luckiest male in the world to be chosen by you.” Meklavar blushed and smiled at him approvingly. She picked up the shampoo container and entered the pool.
Mek began by washing Pike’s hair, working up a rich later by scrubbing his scalp with her fingers, and taking special care to give his ears the gentle scratching that she knew he loved. He purred enthusiastically as she pampered him. When she was done washing his short hair, Pike rinsed the suds away by submerging himself in the water and shaking the water droplets away, splattering Mek. She giggled and splashed the water back at him. “My turn,” he said, smiling broadly as he reached for the shampoo bottle.
Pike ladled clear water over Meklavar’s bowed head with one of the silver bowls, then lathered her thick hair with the sweet-smelling shampoo, massaging her scalp with his long fingers and then carefully pouring clear water over her head to rinse it away. He then looked at the containers of sweet smelling oils. “Are these for the hair?”
“Oh, the red one, please. Just a little will do. Rub it on your hands first.” Pike did as she requested and then rubbed the sweet smelling oil onto her scalp and through the wet strands of her hair. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy the pleasure of the flowery aroma and the gentleness of Pike’s touch. When he was done she smiled at him and reached for the soap. He followed her to the shallow end of their little bathing pool. “Turn around,” she said, and she began to lather his broad shoulders and his smooth, muscular back. Pike closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation. She swam around him and washed above and below each of his strong arms in turn, and then she lathered up his chest and belly. Pike observed her every move with interest. She was pink-cheeked and was totally engrossed in her task, as if trying to memorize the planes and angles of his body and every curvature of his lean musculature. His breathing quickened and his purring grew louder and she massaged his chest. When she was done, Pike kissed her forehead. He dunked himself in the water to rinse the suds away, then looked at her with an unspoken question apparent by his expression. He stared down at the garment that concealed her bosom, uncertain what to do next.
As if she read his thoughts, she said softly, “You can wash my arms, shoulders, and belly.” Pike took the soap then planted a soft kiss upon her left shoulder, then lathered up her left side, from the top of her shoulder down the length of one arm. Then he kissed her right shoulder and repeated the sequence, covering her with sweet suds from her right shoulder down the length of her other arm. He ladled clear water to rinse the soap away, then positioned himself behind her, sudsing her bare stomach and surprising her with a kiss on the neck that made her laugh with delight. He discovered that she was ticklish there and he hoped that he could use that to his advantage for many years to come.
With her back to him, Meklavar moved to the shallow end of the bathing pool and undid the fasteners that held her bandeau in place. She took it off, set it beside the pool, then pushed her damp hair aside, revealing her back to him. Pike’s heart hammered in his chest. She was giving him permission to wash her fully exposed back. Modestly, she cupped her palms and crossed her arms over her bare breasts as he drew near. He was glad that she couldn’t see his face at this moment. He was certain that he was blushing at hot as the noonday sun. He gently lathered the silky smooth skin of her back, marveling at how frail she seemed even though he knew she was a formidable warrior. “Thank you, love,” she said, looking over her shoulder. “Now leave the soap beside me and allow me a bit of privacy for a moment.”
Pike set down the soap next to her at the pool’s edge and swam away from her. Even though her back was to him he could tell that she was lathering up her... He shut his eyes, but his imagination was filled with speculation about her...chest... He covered his eyes with his hands but couldn’t stop thinking about the parts of her body he had not yet seen.
He heard her swimming toward him a few moments later, then felt her tap him on the shoulder. He knew she was facing him, waist deep in the water, and he was uncertain if he should open his eyes. Was this a test? “It’s okay. You can open your eyes, dear one.” Her bandeau was back in place and she was grinning at him. “Thank you for being such a gentleman.” He smiled back at her, looking a bit bashful, silly, proud, and adorable all at once.
“This way,” she said, swimming back to the shallow end. “Sit on the edge.” He did so, feeling rather self-conscious about how his wet underpants clung to him, leaving little to the imagination. She was washing his large feet and his long, thin-but-muscular legs, modestly averting her gaze from his loins. As soon as she was done, he slid back into the pool to rinse off, then picked her up from the waist and set her down gently on the edge of the pool. He washed her adorable little feet and relished in the sensation of lathering up her smooth legs as she leaned back, smirking at him. He lifted her up from the pool’s edge and pulled her back down into the water with him. She had her arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly on the lips. When they broke apart, he said in a low voice, “I know one place that you haven’t washed yet. I know it is an appendage you don’t have, and it’s probably going to be weird for you the first time you touch it, especially because it’s so long, but —“
“Pike, um, some parts of your body have to remain private until we are properly married.” She averted her gaze, too embarrassed to look at him. “You’ll have to wash down there by yourself.”
“I didn’t mean...” he was as flustered as she was. “I meant my tail.”
“Oh!” She laughed nervously.
“You thought I meant something else, naughty girl.” He winked at her. Red-faced, Meklavar’s gaze did not meet his own. She simply picked up the soap and said, “Turn around.” He did as she asked, and he yelped as she gave his tail a little tug as she washed it.
“You did that on purpose,” he accused.
“Maybe. I am serious about the parts you need to wash yourself though. We both have to wash in private places, so we should go to opposite ends of the pool and face opposite directions to do that, please. No peeking.”
“No peeking,” he agreed.
A few awkward moments later, Mek announced that she was getting out of the pool and going to dry off and change into her sleeping tunic.
“Still not peeking,” Pike said from the other end of the pool. “See what a good boy I’ve been?”
“Good kitty. I’ll reward you later,” she said with a little laugh. After a long pause, she announced, “I’m dressed now. And I am facing the other way, so you get out of the pool to dry off and put some clothes on.” Pike turned around to see that Mek was indeed sitting with her back turned to him, and was busy combing the tangles out of her hair. Naked, he emerged from the pool and quickly dried himself, then donned his pajamas. He then tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned to him.
“Well, did I do this ritual thing the right way? It felt like it was some sort of test.” He helped her to her feet.
“You were perfect in every way. I know I made the right choice.” She stood on tiptoe to kiss him again.
“So when we get married are we going to bathe together like this? I thought is was a great way for us to bond, you know what I mean? I like being able to be close to you this way.”
“Our future home has to have a bathing pool big enough for two, most definitely.” She smirked at him, and he blushed. “Hand me the little green container over there.”
Pike reached for the jar that she indicated. He opened it and sniffed it. “This smells really good.”
“It’s a lotion for after bathing. It’s for moisturizing the skin.”
Pike smiled shyly. “Do you want me to put this on you?”
Meklavar smiled at him. “Maybe later. Don’t you want supper?”
“Actually, I do. I am starving, Mek.”
“Then we should bring this jar up to our room,” she said with a smile that made his heart race. She pocketed the green container. She pulled the little chain to ring the silvery bell by the wall, and a servant appeared moments later to take their requests for the evening meal that would be sent up to their room.
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