#mental health poem
kitten-forward · 6 months
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junflower123 · 6 months
Wore not needing to drink caffeine like a badge of honor Taking meds was my Nobel peace prize Being unmedicated feels like the end of the peace treaty with myself
How am I supposed to barter? The only way I can win is chemical warfare
Hiding in the trenches Until I am strong enough to fight again
About losing access to ADHD meds
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knockingfrominside · 5 months
Today I woke up and the world was a little brighter
Like someone upped the saturation to everything around me
The grass is a beautiful shade of khaki brown
The sky is the perfect amount of blue and white
And the rain clouds are gone
Today I woke up and saw my smile appear almost as bright as the sun
My eyes are a volt holding all of my cherished memories
With the key in my hand I sit back and watch the movie play
My heart swollen with love
Today I woke up
And everything was okay
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Felt a little silly :3
Maybe I’m more than myself
I can rise above all
I am god
I am infinite
Maybe I’m less than I’ve thought
I sink
Within the soil I crumble
I’m nothing
I will never amount to anything
Maybe I’m just somebody
Yet no different
Than any other
Can I be like you?
Can we hold hands and
Walk through the flower field?
Picking a bouquet with all we see
Am I plagued?
Or am I just one person
Holed up too far
In my own sufferings
To notice the hand
extended out towards me
Maybe I am normal.
Maybe I’m nothing
Maybe, just maybe
I’m more than I thought.
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inksplashgirl · 11 months
cluttery brain
Little snips of paper
bearing random words
assemble themselves into
scrambled pages
a spiteful little breeze
blows pages across
prone piles of guilt
and sassy little sparks
play across the ceiling
the anxiety spiders
skitter across the floor
sowing worry
while those she loves
dance in and out
patting the weary walls
to comfort her cluttery brain.
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bellsandstars · 1 year
did it kill you?
did it kill you too?
or am i alone in my pain?
calling out with everything i have
do you chase my shadows down empty hallways?
it felt real, you felt real
did you feel pain when you tore me apart?
or were you just a venomous, two-faced cobra
that tore apart my heart?
did you need stitches too?
did you have to put the pieces back?
it’s hard to fit them in a way that matters
did you also struggle with that?
i want you to hurt
but i couldn’t bear it at the same time
the truth is i still love you
even after your venomous lies.
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rosekiller-addict · 6 months
Red and Silver
** If you are struggling please reach out to someone. things can get better I promise <3**
Red and Silver
the colors I clung to
the colors I knew might be the death of me one day but I couldn't seem to bring myself to care
it started with the silver
the way the sun or the lampshade or my flashlight would make it sparkle
making it seem like something it wasn't
making it seem more welcoming that it should be, like it wouldn't hurt me
and then came the red
who knew silver and red went so well together?
and as time grew, I became more and more obsessed with these colors because who was I without them?
so maybe that was why I dyed my hair red when I had never before liked the color
and maybe that was why I sought out every piece of silver I saw
and maybe this is why I hated looking in the mirror but I could never be sure why
because every time I did, it reminded me that I was nothing without these colors
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philourana · 10 months
I'm not fighting upstream on a tiny boat, refusing to let the water take me or to rest on solid ground; I am the river.
Running red with resistance, to fall stagnant and kill the things that grow inside, to be filled with poison. I want nothing but to rest, though my fate is as lonesomely comforting as it is hollow.
I am anything but lost, but I will never be certain. The days and nights pass by like clouds, and I keep changing, cycling, remaining the same. The clouds pass by like thoughts,
And I can never tell if the whispers are my own or of the wind or the earth itself. If we only were not so stubborn, it could be a harmony of all the world's songs, but it remains a whisper.
The riverbed is not my cage, not my home. It is the only solid thing I've ever known. I could run forever but I will never escape myself. And I cannot love this, a river doesn't adore the basin of its body. I can only close my eyes and let myself fall upon the stones; clear and pure, but never certain.
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freezing-bone · 6 months
In search of grace, we run so fast,
Exercising hard, but shadows cast.
Starving for a fleeting, to fit our dream mold,
A relentless path that's hard to hold.
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i spent a lifetime believing kindness lived on the serrated edge of a butchers knife;
that my worth was carried in how well my body bent to steel.
so many years of swallowing razors like sacrament —
it’s easy to forget what it’s like to be loved unbloodied.
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mtgrovepoetry · 2 years
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Rose-Colored Glasses
 I’ve lost my
rose-colored glasses,
or they were stolen
on the way;
now, the world
around me passes
by in tedious
shades of gray.
 - M. T. Grove
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cva111 · 11 months
I open tik tok
This person looks cool, they're lip syncing a song I like. I scroll.
This person wrote something. I relate. I scroll.
Someone is explaining something. I don't understand. I scroll.
When I scroll, I am washing all the thoughts away that come.
What is this person gonna do? I scroll.
It's a aesthetic slide show. It looks cool. I scroll.
What happens? I don't know. I scroll.
Someone is telling something. It takes too long. I scroll. With every tik tok, I get new thoughts that pop up in my mind for a second.
This reminds me of my friend, I'm sending it to him. I scroll.
This tik tok is taking too long. I scroll.
This reminds me of something. I scroll.
There's a cat. I scroll. And with every new tik tok, I wash them away again.
I scroll.
I'm scrolling the thoughts away.
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knockingfrominside · 1 year
I wonder if the pain will ever stop
And I’ll see the sunshine again
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junflower123 · 10 months
Mom doesn’t check in very often
I know that she cares, though
Think she finally learned
That simply loving and caring isn’t enough
If it was, she would have put an immediate end to the generational trauma
I know she tried.
But sometimes, trying is not enough
And maybe, trying will never be enough
And the only way I can end this generational trauma
Is to not create another generation
And focus on creating self-growth
I love myself more than my obligation to the bloodline
The bloodline ends with me.
The generational trauma ends with me.
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inksplashgirl · 1 year
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Cradled in metal
Sleeping in tragedy
They say.
What is beautiful
About hurting so exquisitely
You could leap off the
Eighty-sixth floor
And feeling so hideous
You begged that you
Be burned in death
And burned she was
Into history’s memory
the most beautiful suicide.
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sophthecanofsoup · 4 months
And out of the cracks in her heart grew flowers,
As the broken organs found their power.
Slowly she learned to live once more,
And found beauty in the things that had killed her before.
Through the knots in her lungs she began to find air,
And she realised at last that to live was a dare,
As the scars on her skin grew quieter not louder,
And out of the cracks in her heart grew flowers.
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