#mental health tools
messengerhermes · 2 years
How to Change Your Suit
Content Warning: This post discusses coping with suicidal thoughts (also known as suicidal ideation)
I'm gonna speak from experience here. Suicidal Thoughts (ST) show up in my life when I find myself feeling trapped in my life rather than living my life. This started in childhood for me and over time I've learned to recognize these feelings of hopelessness and being stuck as indicators that my metaphorical suit isn't fitting anymore. It is helpful to realize "oh, I don't actually want to burn this suit, but I definitely don't want to wear it as it is anymore," but it's also daunting. After all, I put so much work into that suit, and people in my life have helped me get that suit to how it is, and now I'm saying I don't like it? Who am I to reject a perfectly good suit? And also, where the hell do I even start in changing it? What if I change it and I still hate it? Darlings, your suit is yours. If it does not fit right, if it's scratchy, if it doesn't suit you, you have the right to transform and play with it a hundred times over to find a style that fits. And you don't have to do it all at once. Especially if you're finding yourself in the pit of depression when your bones ache and all the world tastes like ash. As always, take what works from this post and leave what doesn't, but here are some of the guidelines I keep in mind when I start to notice my suit not fitting:
Assess things by categories: What are the parts I am happy with in my suit? What are the parts that bother me, and how do they make me feel? What things are internal (a thing that comes from within me, ie my thoughts, my skills, my emotions)? What things are external (my living situation, support system, job/school, et al)? Make note of things I want to keep and things I want to change.
Start Small: It's a lot easier to swap out the buttons on a suit than replace the lining. Looking at my "stuff I want to change" section, I come up with "fast, medium, slow" changes I can make. For example, if I'm unhappy about my appearance, a fast change is buying myself clippers and cutting my hair how I want, a medium change might be phasing out wardrobe items that I no longer like and introducing new ones, and a slow change might be exploring HRT. Some items may be solved in a single quick fix, some may be slow fixes that you switch up halfway through. The point is to get yourself to think of these things as changeable instead of fixed in stone.
Invite others into the process: I get this is scary as shit and your mileage may vary on this. Others does not have to be your family of origin. It can be friends, it can be found family. If you have access to counseling in some form, whether group or individual, that can be a huge help. It can be looking up online support groups for depression, for an identity you would like community around (parenting, gender, divorce, neurodivergence, et al). Having access to places where you get to share about struggling and wanting to change, and also witness folks sharing about their own paths, helps break down isolation and create spaces for mutual care. You are not in this alone.
Seek out new additions. Sometimes the tricky part about feeling stuck in your suit is feeling something is missing, but you aren't sure what. This is where I start writing down all the shit I've wanted to try and what the barriers are to me trying it. Once I have my list, I repeat steps two and three. For example, I've felt ashamed of envying cosplayers who could make their own costumes for years. I had a sewing machine from childhood, and a couple years ago, I looked up free patterns online, bought some clearance fabric, watched a fuckton of videos, and sewed my first dress. Now sewing is a big part of my creative life. On the flip side, as a teenager, I got curious about bookbinding. So I checked out some resources from the library, looked at some blogs, stitched a couple books from dollar store sketchbook paper and lost interest. But I still enjoyed bookbinding when I was doing it, and it was not a waste to learn it. Explore things where you feel called to, let yourself pick things up and put them down. Engage in community, online and in meatspace.
Create a space of security. This is another tricky one, particularly if you're in an abusive environment or one where you don't have a lot of control. Maybe your safe space is not where you live. Maybe it's a swing at the park. Maybe it's a forgotten corner of the library. Maybe it's a cafe. Maybe it's inside your journal and between a pair of headphones. Maybe it's a playlist. But, whatever sense of security you can build for yourself, prioritize spending time in that space even for just five minutes a day.
My suit has looked so many different ways throughout my life. At times, I've felt like it would never fit right again, or would never be anything other than a joke to other people. And maybe some people would find my suit funny. But my suit belongs to me. I have the right to make it what I wish and to use whatever agency I have to transform it how I please. Everytime I have the urge to burn it, I pause. I consider who stands to benefit from me hating my suit, from me hating myself. I consider what radical power there might be in becoming. I will not throw my suit or myself away. I will remake us, as many times as we need. I hope you snatch your suit from the fire, every time. I hope you keep making something new with it. I'm excited to see what you will do. Again and again and again. I know they'll be brilliant.
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Etsy listing available in my shop
Check out this item in my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/ie/listing/1249853077/crochet-magic-fidget-mobius-fidget
A cool and magic silent fidget. Textured or smooth these are perfect for fidgetity kids and adults alike.
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ambitious-woods · 25 days
My Beloved ♡
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lifebydesign66 · 2 months
Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery
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In the fast-paced rhythm of life, it's easy to lose touch with ourselves.
Journaling isn't just about words on paper; it's a act of self-reflection and exploration. 🌟✍️
It opens doors to your inner world, helping you understand your thoughts, dreams, and the beautiful complexity that makes you uniquely YOU. 🌈💖
Use these journal prompts to help you get started. If you would like more mental health tools, click the follow button and sign up for our newsletter!
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somethingnubian · 2 months
A Time for Bold Beginnings: The Aquarius Super Moon and the Lunar New Year
Engage in activities that stimulate your imagination.
By La Trecia Doyle-Thaxton In the celestial dance of the cosmos, the New Moon in Aquarius—a fixed air sign—marks a period of profound creativity and innovation. This Super Moon, occurring just a day before the Lunar New Year, ushers in the year of the Dragon, symbolizing potent energies of transformation and growth. As the Moon squares Uranus in Taurus, and aligns under the watchful gaze of…
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ekkarma · 7 months
Depression — Epidemic of sorts. We are all in this together
Is it Real More than what we want to acknowledge or think about. Diseases which are physical get more attention. The instances of covid, which was an epidemic of some proportion was reduced as people were affected physically and so everyone researched, came out with medicines, vaccines etc. to tackle it. Unfortunately, mental diseases do not get the same attention. We had few instances of…
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glitchdollmemoria · 8 months
please can we stop describing bigots as delusional. please. im so fucking tired. someone being sucked into a hate group surrounded by others who believe minorities should be oppressed and encouraging them to believe in conspiracy theories that the rest of the group believes, is fundamentally different from someone having a mental illness that causes delusions.
delusions, by definition, cannot be explained by things like cultural background - such as having a belief constantly reinforced by intentional attempts to rationalize it for the sake of maintaining power over minorities. yes, someone can be both delusional and a bigot, and yes conspiracy theories can feed into delusions, but the two are not fucking synonymous.
i did not spend my teen years convinced that i was being stalked by demons just to hear so many of you people equate my disability with incel behavior and genocidal propaganda. stop reinforcing harmful connotations about mental health struggles.
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dipnots · 1 year
Overcoming Fear and Anxiety: Taking Control of Your Emotions
Overcoming Fear and Anxiety: Taking Control of Your Emotions
Overcoming fear and anxiety is an important aspect of personal development. Fear and anxiety can hold people back from achieving their goals and can have a negative impact on one’s mental and emotional well-being. The first step in overcoming fear and anxiety is to understand it. This means identifying the source of the fear or anxiety and understanding the thoughts, feelings, and physical…
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chroniceverything · 2 years
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turns-out-its-adhd · 10 months
AI tools for the neurodivergent brain
As AI application starts to expand rapidly in it's uses and abilities, there is an understandable amount of scepticism and discussion about how it can negatively impact how our society develops.
On the flipside of this, I'd like to share a couple of AI tools which I've found incredibly useful. As someone with pretty severe executive disfunction, I've always dreamed about being able to have a personal assistant to help me out when I am struggling.
If you haven't already tried it out, take a look at goblin.tools
This AI tool helps me in so many ways. From finding the right words, assembling ingredients into a meal, checking how my tone comes across in a message, to breaking down overwhelming tasks into manageable steps.
I also really like mymind
It's like a pinterest board, bookmark manager and general braindump tool that has helped me organise all the different projects, ideas and general digital hoarding into one place - that I can actually search and find all the relevant things without agonising over file organisation and bookmark labelling.
If you have trouble with keeping a hundred pinned tabs on your browser like I do, this tool can actually really help letting go of the anxiety of losing those things without the fear you will never come back to it again.
As much as I share some of the trepidation about this powerful new tech and we should definitely keep questioning how it is being rolled out into every facet of our lives - it can also be a very real accessibility aid for neurodivergent folks.
No amount of notebooks, lists, alarms and calendar reminders comes close to how these have helped me with ADHD symptoms.
I'd hate for that to be overlooked in all the backlash against AI in general.
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lemonsharks · 4 months
Yeah I feel personally spoken to. Original/downloadable video at Instagram.
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marshmellowtea · 10 months
i think one of my favorite dumbass ways people talk about nope is when they treat jupe not being healed from the gordy incident as a plot hole or something like lmao. what kind of support system as a child actor in the notably exploitative hollywood system in the 90’s do you think he had exactly
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danneroni · 10 months
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⛈️ On a scale from 1-10... ☀️
This design will be available as a magnet in my Etsy shop next month! 🌈🙂 etsy.com/shop/danneroni
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shitivelearned · 1 year
Some people don't care about hearing the truth or how you were impacted by something they did because they were looking for any reaction you'd give to be a scapegoat for a narrative about you they've already decided is true. Try to explain your perspective? Pushy and overstepping. Apply logic and reason? Harsh and unempathetic. Defend your boundaries? Narcissistic and egotistical. Don't focus energy into people that are dedicated to intentionally misinterpreting you.
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fakegamercomics · 1 year
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made this chart for processing anxiety/worries. it is is just for myself, but some people have found it helpful or interesting, so I wanted to share ~~~💕
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