#merle x michelle
cendrillonmedousa · 2 years
Notable, Present-day, Radical Feminists
As a second wave feminism, we assume that radical feminists are hard, if not impossible, to find in today's world. Here is a list of notable women you can still interact with today.
Chude Pam Allen, co-founder of New York Radical Women
Ti-Grace Atkinson, author of Amazon Odyssey
Kathleen Barry, co-founder of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
Linda Bellos, first Black lesbian member of Spare Rib feminist collective
Julie Bindel, co-founder of Justice for Women
Jenny Brown, author of Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight Over Women's Work
Professor Judith C. Brown, pioneer in the study of lesbian history
Susan Brownmiller, author of Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape
Professor Phyllis Chesler, co-founder of Association for Women in Psychology
D.A. Clarke, known for her development of feminist theory
Nikki Craft, creator of the Andrea Dworkin Online Library, Hustling the Left website, and No Status Quo website
Christine Delphy, co-founder of the French Women's Liberation Movement
Professor Gail Dines, author of Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality
Melissa Farley, founder and director of Prostitution Research and Education
Marilyn Fyre, author of The Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory
Carol Hanisch, best known for "the personal is political"
Merle Hoffman, co-founder of the National Abortion Federation
Professor Shelia Jeffreys, author of The Spinster and Her Enemies
Lierre Keith, founder of Women's Liberation Front
Anne Koedt, author of The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm
Marjorie Kramer, editor of Woman and Art Quarterly
Professor Holly Lawford-Smith, author of Gender-Critical Feminism
Dr. Catharine Alice MacKinnon, author of Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case for Sex Discrimination
Robin Morgan, creator of Sisterhood Is anthologies
Dr. Janice G. Raymond, author of The Transsexual Empire
Kathie Sarachild, coiner of term "Sisterhood is Powerful"
Alix Kates Shulman, author of Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen
Gloria Steinman
Michele Faith Wallace, author of Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman
Dr. Marilyn Salzman Webb, co-founder of the first feminist consciousness-raising groups in Chicago and Washington D.C.
Harriet Wistrich, founding director of Centre for Women's Justice
Laura X, led the campaign behind making marital and date rape a crime in over twenty countries
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nearmidnightannex · 1 year
Firsts: 95th Academy Awards edition
Michelle Yeoh becomes the first Asian actress, and only the second woman of color, to win best actress, for Everything Everywhere All At Once (and only the second Asian actress nominated in the category -- and Merle Oberon never admitted that she was part Asian during her lifetime). In a nice -- and very slightly risky, for the Academy -- moment, Yeoh, the second woman of color, received her award from Halle Berry, the first woman of color to receive the award.
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Ruth Carter becomes the first black woman ever to win two Academy awards, this year for Costume Design for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. She was also the first to be nominated in her category, back in 1993 for Malcolm X, and the first to win for the original Black Panther.
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darkpalmor · 2 years
22 JUIN 2022
Programme de fin de saison et d’apéritif aux crayons
1°) Annonciade de la Ratatouille : un haïku apéritif ?
Tomate, aubergine Courgettes et poivron rouge Dans la poêle chaude.
2°) Notes de bas de page (10-15 minutes) : Érudition numérotée. On annotera ce passage tiré d’un roman, de manière à le surcharger et rendre les explications plus longues que le texte. Citation à annoter : Bram DEHOUCK, Un été sans dormir, 2011.
« Elle regarda par la fenêtre. La rue était déserte, et il faisait grand soleil. Elle pouvait bien s’octroyer une pause. Elle contourna le comptoir et se posta devant le frigo contenant les apéritifs et les vins, qu’elle et Herman appelaient le frigo des alcoolos. Jadis ils y rangeaient des conserves de légumes et des sauces en bocal, rien de très folichon. L’idée de les remplacer par des boissons alcoolisées s’était avérée payante. Les picoleurs débutants y trouvaient de quoi étancher leur soif en prétendant avoir besoin d’une bouteille avec leur repas. Car quoi de mieux qu’un bon petit verre de rouge pour accompagner le rôti de veau du dimanche. Les vrais alcoolos ne se donnaient pas tant de mal : le jour de la fermeture de l’épicerie, ils venaient acheter une bouteille à la boucherie, à quoi ils ajoutaient, pour la façade, une simple saucisse sèche. »
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1 - pause : la plaisanterie sous-entendue de l’auteur est que la bouchère, parvenue à la ménopause, a développé un net penchant pour les boissons fortes. 2 - Herman : on se souviendra que le boucher est d’origine néerlandaise, ce qui n’est pas sans incidence sur sa plus célèbre recette. 3 – le frigo des alcoolos : l’éditeur – et lui seul – est responsable des italiques. L’auteur souhaitait des guillemets, mais finalement ceux-ci furent réservés aux passages dialogués. 4 – verre de rouge : l’hérésie gastronomique est scandaleuse. Avec le rosbif, d’accord, du rouge, de Bourgogne ou de Bordeaux. Mais avec du veau, on boit un blanc fleuri ou un rosé corsé. 5 – les vrais alcoolos : heureusement ceux-ci ne se posent pas la question de l’accord entre les mets et les vins. Et c’est là que Herman et sa femme ont réussi leur tour de force commercial : vendre à boire, n’importe quoi, pourvu que ce soit vendu. 6 – la façade : Freud a bien montré que l’alcoolique a besoin de se dissimuler derrière un prétexte honnête. Et quoi de plus honnête que la saucisse sèche ?
3°) Expérimental : Beau présent. Dédicacer à un membre du groupe un « beau présent » : texte de déclaration d’amour, ou d’amitié, ou de sympathie, ou de félicitations, en n’utilisant que les lettres, mais toutes les lettres, qui composent le prénom et le nom du destinataire. Aujourd’hui, puisque nous sommes leurs invités, hommage à Chantal et Michel Galmard. On n’utilisera donc que des mots contenant les lettres A C D E G H I L M N R T. Ce qui veut dire que sont interdites les lettres suivantes : B F J K O P Q S U V W X Y Z. Conséquence : pas de pluriel, pas de bonjour, pas de kiwi, pas de wok, pas de pourquoi, pas de zut, etc. C’est difficile, mais on essaiera de faire une phrase.
Être en ce chalet, ce mercredi, chère Chantal et cher Michel, et écrire, lire, réécrire, relire, ce calme légendaire détend et mérite le dérangement, et ça m’a enchanté. L’alchimie idéale de la démarche amicale et de la clarté, rien d’étrange à cela, rien d’inégal ne gâche cette élégance, ce charme et cet entrain, rien de négligé, ni larme ni chagrin, ni retard ni regret, cet échange mérite clairement et immédiatement la grande médaille de l’amitié, le cachet ! Être ici, entendre marcher et chanter le merle, le cricri et l’araignée, le régal ! Et le gala alimentaire de ce dîner, la tarte, la géline, le nectar clairet, la glace et le lait caillé, ce régime, ça arrache, ça déménage, la crème de la crème ! Demain, la diète ! Ça me démange de dire merci, maintenant !
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Tall And Small (Works For Us) (Utmik w/background Rosnali) - Flicks
A/N: Using she/her pronouns as the RuGirls are in drag. Excuse the amount of Merlechelle here, using them for framing devices mostly.
“You look… nervous?” Merle can’t help smirking, for once it’s not her feeling lost and confused. Usually she’s the one hanging off Michelle like a shy mouse, this time she’s the one in control. “They don’t bite you know…” “Yeah well, I was kinda…” “Your usual brand of bitchy honest?” “Yeah…” “They won’t care. They asked you to come remember?” Michelle sighs and Merle rolls her eyes, actively moving away from Michelle’s side to force her to talk to other people, greeting Gottmik with a wide smile. Utica, hanging back slightly, smiles as she joins them, noting Michelle is still lurking alone. “What’s with her?” Utica’s question gains a slight eyeroll and Gottmik laughs slightly. “Guess she thinks we hate her or something…” “We don’t… by the way.” Utica calls over, noting Michelle’s startled glance up and grinning, waving her over, wrapping long limbs around Michelle, then Merle. Gottmik smirks again, then also hugs Michelle, noting the surprise in her eyes. “Yeah it’s… a thing.” Gottmik teases, smiling as she wraps an arm almost lazily around Utica’s waist. “You get it right, tall and small?” “You girls look cute together.” Michelle finally manages to speak and Utica grins, kissing Gottmik’s cheek gently, noting the slight blush. They had never really expected this but touring with just the two of them has made it clear just how much they like each other. They can’t help it at this point. It feels natural. Gottmik has always been the braver, but Utica’s sweetness has always been the perfect foil for her. Even when she’s feeling a little lost. “So is that a yes to officiating the wedding?” Gottmik pauses, glancing at Utica, wondering if Utica is a little mad she asked the question. Utica’s smile and reassuring touch against her back puts her at ease and she smiles, waiting for the answer. Michelle, struck dumb for the first time in a while merely nods. “Good.” “Who’d have thought, Michelle Visage goes mute…” Utica teases, noting Merle’s silent smirk and choosing not to ask, winking at the other woman instead. The two had spent a little while longer before excusing themselves, heading over to their season 13 sisters. Utica smirking as she lead Gottmik over, greeting the girls with a smile and teasing laugh. “She said yes?” Rose sounds a little jealous and Gottmik laughs. “I’m not an idiot Rose…. I said yes.” “Can’t relate.” Rose mutters darkly and Utica laughs a little. “Maybe ask again, she might have thought you were kidding…” Denali drifts over at last having been at the bar, handing Rose a glass of rose wine before sipping her own drink. “Who?” Gottmik laughs then and excuses herself, heading across to the bar, Utica following as she watched Rose lead Denali away from the main group. “Think she’ll say yes?” “Oh I hope so.” Gottmik smirks as she adds. “Would be nice… they clearly adore each other.” “Yeah…” Utica pauses then asks an almost sweetly confused… “Since when was…” “Oh years ago, ‘Dora set them up…” “Well, good for her, she looks happy.”
“She is…” Both queens glance over and blush a little, Merle laughing slightly before accepting the ordered drinks.  Leaving the two girls to talk as she added… “Don’t worry, I won’t tell her…” “She’s… kinda cute.” “Perfect for miss snarky…” “Yeah, guess she likes her women sassy.” “Mmm, I prefer cute.” Gottmik smirks, adding a playful… “and tall, very, very tall…” “Even…” “Oh yeah, even when you go all… what did you call it… ‘wacky wavy armed flailing girl’…” Gottmik smirks again as she adds. “You’re perfect.” “So are you…” Utica admits, still blushing even as Gottmik smiles, squeezing her hip gently, reassuring her she means every word.
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hxlyhead-harpies · 4 years
Pink is the Color of Love (G.W.)
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Cursing
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To say that your week had been bad would be an understatement. On Monday you had woken up too late to go to the Great Hall for breakfast which left you in an uncharacteristically bad mood. A bad mood that landed you in a two-hour detention with Snape, causing you to miss a quidditch practice at the behest of your captain. On Tuesday you’d left your charms essay on the couch in your common room, an excuse Flitwick didn’t believe. On Wednesday you’d snapped at a poor first year who had run into you in the halls, a moment that had been witnessed by none other than Professor Snape, a man you swore had it out for you. That little incident had cost Hufflepuff five points, which only further sullied your week. And on Thursday, a thread had begun to run on your uniform. And when you attempted to pull it off, nearly half of your sweater unraveled. So when you awoke on Friday morning, you prayed that the final day of the school week would go by uneventfully. So when the sun filtered its way through the curtains and forced your eyes open, you let yourself hope that today would be a good day.
And then you looked into the mirror.
You hear your shriek escape you before you even realize that you’re screaming. You furiously rub at your skin to no avail, hoping that you could somehow fix the predicament that you found yourself in.
“(Y/n) what’s the matter- oh my Godric,” your roommate says, sidling up beside you. You turn to look at her, angry hot tears forming in your eyes.
“So it’s that bad huh,” you ask sarcastically, your voice breaking partway through the sentence.
“(Y/n)... You’re pink,” she says, clearly at a loss for words. You chuckle darkly.
“Wow thank you, Michelle, I didn’t even notice,” you bite back. Michelle flinches at your words. You turn back to look into the mirror, assessing the damage that has been done. Michelle was right, you were pink. A very hot pink to be exact. Every inch of your skin had been replaced with the flaming hot color. You found yourself furiously rubbing against your skin once again, somehow deluding yourself into believing that it would somehow get rid of the pink. After a few moments of this, you turn back to Michelle, who is looking at you with nothing but pity in her eyes. You bite down on your lip hard, attempting to keep the tears at bay. Michelle pulls you into a gentle hug, wrapping her arms around you while you lay against her limply.
“What am I going to do?” you ask her, voice thick with emotion. She pulls back from you and holds onto your shoulders.
“You stay here today. I’ll tell our professors that you’re sick. Okay (Y/n)?” She says in a nurturing tone. You sniffle and wipe your nose.
“I don’t know Michelle. We have an exam in potions today and you already know Snape hates me. What if he won’t let me take it later? I can’t afford a bad grade in his class,” you reply. Michelle shakes her head slightly.
“Well, Snape’s an ass,” she says.
“Yeah, an ass that could fail me,” you retort, beginning to become frustrated. Michelle sighs, dropping her hands from your shoulder.
“Fine. But are you really going to go to class like that?” she asks.
“I guess I have to,” you say.
“I mean it has to wear off eventually. Or maybe Madame Pomfrey has an antidote or something, though I’m not sure she’d know how to fix this,” Michelle says, gesturing to you. You groan in frustration and fling yourself back onto your bed.
“Yeah I doubt she just keeps an antidote around for pink skin,” you say bitterly, running your hands over your face.
“Do you know who did this to you,” Michelle asks from her place by the mirror. You frown to yourself. You hadn’t thought about that yet, too caught up in your anger at your condition and your ruined week.
“I have no idea,” you reply, moving to prop yourself up on your elbows. “Who’d want to do this to me?” you question.
“Maybe that first year you almost hexed the other day,” Michelle said with a laugh. She snapped her mouth shut once she caught sight of your glare.
“Sorry,” she murmured. “Well, obviously whoever did this to you got their materials from the Weasley twins. Zonkos doesn’t sell anything like this,” Michelle continues casually. You sit up with a start.
“Of course! Oh, Michelle, you’re a genius!” you practically yell, jumping up from your bed.
“Huh? I know but what did I do to deserve the title?” Michelle asks as you grab your wand from your nightstand. You smile at her mischievously.
“If the Weasley twins made whatever turned me pink, then they obviously have the cure,” you say as you quickly slip on your slippers. Michelle’s mouth forms an “O” as she realizes your plan. You shout a quick goodbye before heading out the door.
As you march down the halls towards the Gryffindor common room you find yourself lost in your thoughts and getting increasingly angry.
How dare they! Who gave them the right to mess with people’s lives for profit? You think to yourself as you near the large portrait that guards the room. Your frown deepens as the stress of your entire week envelope you. By the time you stand in front of the fat lady, you feel anger coursing through your veins like an uncontrollable wave.
“Password?” she asks, looking down on you with a wide-eyed expression.
“I don’t know the damn password just let me in!” you shout back at her, red hot anger overtaking you.
“Do you actually think I am going to let you in if you don’t know the password? Are you daft?” she responds haughtily. You feel you face flush (though considering your skin was already a deep shade of pink, you weren’t sure if anyone could tell) with rage.
“I swear to Merlin if you don’t let me in there right now I will rip down your frame with my bare hands! Do you understand me?” you yell back. You watch her expression morph into one of extreme shock before she is pushed open by a group of first years who appear to be on their way to breakfast. Your gaze snaps to them, watching as their eyes widen at the sight of your appearance. You quickly take advantage of the situation and shoulder your way into the common room. The portrait hole closes behind you with a bang, causing the students in the room to all to turn their attention to you. You glower at them all, not caring how you must’ve looked with your hot pink skin, pajamas, slippers, and extreme bed head.
“Where are they?” you growl, eyes shifting around the common room. An array of hands point to a couch on the far side of the room. You turn to look at the couch to see one twin sitting on it, his feet propped up on the coffee table in front of him. His face was twisted into an amused smirk as he took in your appearance. You began to stalk your way over to him, the other Gryffindors practically jumping out of your way. You arrive in front of him, the redhead still donning the same obnoxious expression.
“Weasley,” you say, seething.
“Speaking. How can I help you?” He replies, amusement lacing his voice.
“Give me the cure for whatever it is that you did to me,” you spit out.
“I’m sorry love but I’m not exactly sure what you’re talking about,” he says.
“Fred Weasley I swear to-”
“It’s George actually,” he says from his spot down on the couch.
“I don’t give a damn which one of you this is! Just give me the antidote,” you scream. “I have had possibly the worst week of my entire life so I need you to give me the cure right now or so help me God,” you say, anger lacing every word. George at least has the decency to look guilty for a moment, but the look is quickly replaced with another overconfident smirk.
“I really am sorry but there’s nothing I can do,” he says, holding his hands up in front of him. You huff in anger before grabbing the collar of his uniform, pulling his up out of his sitting position to be eye to eye with you.
“George Weasley I do not care if there is nothing you can do. You will find some way to fix me or I swear on my life that I will castrate you!” you say through gritted teeth. George looks shocked for a moment before a grin spreads across his face.
“Promise?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows. You frown, pulling him slightly closer to your face.
“Weasley do not test me,” you retort. George stares at you for a moment, smirking. He then looks over your shoulder at his younger brother.
“Ron? Go fetch Fred for me? And tell him to bring the antidote for the skin tinting potion,” he says with a smile. You release his uniform from your grip, stepping back slightly.
“Thank you.”
“No problem,” he says with a lopsided grin. You turn over your shoulder and see Ron scrambling up the stairs to the boy’s dormitory. You glance around the common room and realize how many eyes are on you before crossing your arms as if to shield yourself from their gaze. You steal a quick glance at George only to see him still looking at you with that dumb smirk on his face. You attempt to scowl at him, but now that you have been made aware of the audience you garnered, you can’t quite muster it up. You look back down at your feet, mentally scolding yourself for running out of your dorm before you thought to change your clothes. If the scene you had just made wasn’t embarrassing enough, you were wearing an old tshirt for a muggle boyband and slippers shaped like rabbits. You wanted the floor to swallow you whole.
After what felt like hours but was likely only a few minutes Ron returned with another red head at his side.
“What is it George,” Fred asks, clearly still half asleep. George turns his gaze away from you and turns to his twin.
“Did you bring the antidote?” He asks. Fred rolls his eyes before producing it from the pocket of his robes.
“Yes George. Why do you need it?” he asks. George gestures to you before saying, “This young lady right here threatened to castrate me if I didn’t find her a cure.” Fred turns to look at you, seemingly just noticing your presence, before beginning to laugh. If your face could turn any pinker you were sure that it would.
“Oh Merlin I can’t believe that really worked!” Fred exclaims. “I really had my doubts about this potion but clearly I was wrong,” he says proudly. You flare your nostrils in annoyance.
“Weasley,” you say. “Can you please just hand over the antidote?” Fred taps his chin for a moment, as if in deep thought.
“I’m not sure. It’s against our company policy. After all we were paid good money for you to look like that,” he answers. You feel your expression shift into a glare before turning to look at George.
“George, you told me I would be getting the antidote,” you say.
“Hey, I never promised anything,” he says with his hands held out in front of him. You scowl at him.
“Do I need to remind you of the conversation we had a few minutes ago?” you ask. With that, George turns towards his brother with a smile.
“Fred, if my balls are in this much trouble I think we ought to give her the cure,” he states, crossing his arms. Fred gives him an incredulous look.
“George what are you-” Fred begins.
“Come on mate just give her the antidote,” George says, cutting off his brother. The twins stare at eachother for a second, appearing to have a silent conversation. Fred eventually sighs and gives you the bottle.
“Congratulations, you’ve become the first exception to our ‘no antidote’ rule. I hope you enjoy your day pink free,” he says in a slightly sarcastic tone. You smile triumphantly before grabbing the bottle.
“Thank you very much,” you reply as you examine the potion in your hand. You quickly look back up at the twins. You nod at them before turning around and making your escape towards the portrait hole. The other Gryffindors avert their eyes and pretend that they hadn’t been listening in on the whole conversation while the twins stare after you. After the portrait hole closes behind you Fred turns to face his brother.
“What the hell was that?” he asks. George continues to stare at the portrait whole, almost like he was in a daze.
“I can’t believe you gave her the antidote! We had an agreement and that kid payed us for the potion so you can’t just go around curing people for free! What if hat kid wants a refund now or-”
“Freddie?” George says, interrupting his brother’s rant. Fred lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Yes Geroge?”
“I think I may have just fallen in love."
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pastelbatfandoms · 2 years
First Sentence Tag #3
Rules: List 10 of your published fics and their first sentences, and then tag other writers to do it.
Idk any other writers on here,personally,so I’ll be either skipping that or tagging just my favorites. I also may do this again,because I have more then just 10 fics! may also do more than one sentence.
My One Shots only! 
Mughead ( Jughead Jones x OC, Fluff, a drunk Archie Andrews appears.)
After Jason’s funeral….
They head home or to where Jughead had managed to procure a Motel to stay at. “So did you and Betty manage to get any leads on Jason’s death?” Michelle asks taking off her veiled hat.
On Your Knees (The Flash smut, Eowells, Reverse Flash, Meta human OC, Daddy Dom, smut,spanking,oral,using his speed like a vibrator ;) Secret relationship,Boss/Sub dynamic) 
Team Flash (Myself,Caitlin and Cisco),as well as the man they knew as Dr Harrison Wells,were all sitting around the cortex waiting for The Flash to reach the building which was on fire.
We were on pins and needles to see if Barry,My brother,could make it up that building in time,even with the help of Dr. Wells,giving him a very impassioned speech about “Feeling the lightning” almost as if he knew about the feeling on an intimate level.
Remember Me (The Flash, HR Wells, Harry Wells x OC, grief, death,love, fluff)
I sat on the couch holding HR’s felt Bolero hat in my hands rubbing it between my fingers,I let out a shuddering breath,my head low,trying not to cry.
“I miss you HR.”
Like One of your French Girls (The Flash smut, Sherloque Wells x OC, drama, fluff, Eobard Thawne makes an appearance. Not in first person because I forgot.)
Renee should have known Sherloque would find out,he was a Detective after all.
The Final Goodbye (The Flash, Nash Wells, Eobard Thawne, Meta OC, drama, angst,fluff, enemies to lovers)
I couldn’t believe Eobard was back and in the body of someone who,despite not knowing very well,I didn’t particularly like or get along with.
Surrender (The Flash, Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne x OC, angst, love, star crossed, fluff,time travel, again not in first person.)
She could feel him before she saw him. The buzzing in the air,that whoosh of wind followed by an electric current that ran up her skin,calling to her,Renee felt it throughout her entire body,as she willed her eyes to remain her natural hazel,willing Obsidian Storm to stay away for now.
The Beginning of The End  (TWD prequel, Merle Dixon x OC, Daryl Dixon x OC’s BFF, angst, fluff, drama, mentions of alcohol and drugs, age gaps, eventual smut and cheating.) 
At one time they would have asked where were you when Kurt Cobain passed? When the twin towers fell? When Michael Jackson died? and worse then those,when Trump became president?
Now unbelievably they would ask,where were you during the zombie apocalypse? if you were even still alive.
What We Do is Private  ( The Governor x OC, age gap, D/S play, rough smut, pregnancy)
It was midday in Woodbury,people were milling about,talking and laughing,but I wasn’t really up for joining them,hell I wasn’t even up for guarding the wall,all I wanted was to see Philip or The Governor as they called him,My Boyfriend of a couple of months,or My second Boyfriend I should say,Merle being my first.
Lover Hunter Friend and Enemy (TWD, post apocalyptic,The Governor x OC, smut, dubious consent, toxic relationship, Merle Dixon x OC, age gaps, angst, fluff, grief,death)
It had been weeks since the attack on Woodbury thanks to Rick and his group.  Of course I didn’t know who had done it until it was over,or how bad it was going to be until it was too late.
Enraptured (Supernatural fic, Chuck Shurley as God, Doppelganger OC, angst, smut, DDLG undertones, Gentleman Dom, Oral, religious undertones.)
Once I entered the bunker,I knew something was amiss. I could see it in Dean and Sam’s expressions as they looked at me. Then Sam saying, “Lena um there’s something you should know.”
Before he could tell me what was wrong,I felt a strong pressure,like the air itself closed in around us. Then a voice shout. “You B-Word!”
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zwritestuff · 4 years
i’ve seen merle x michelle fics before sjsjsj
Me too nony, me too
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immedtech · 5 years
What we've been watching: Ken Burns' Country Music
This week, Senior News Editor Billy Steele explains why everyone should check out the latest documentary series from Ken Burns. Senior Editor Devindra Hardawar has an unexpected affinity for the latest CBS procedural and Senior News Editor Richard Lawler has found one thing worth watching on Netflix.
Ken Burns' Country Music
Billy Steele Senior News Editor
I was raised on a steady diet of country music. From birth until around 12, my musical tastes were shaped by my grandparents, who raised me since I was two. My grandfather loved bluegrass. Flatt & Scruggs. Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver. Bill Monroe. The classics. He also indulged in early "country" artists like Roy Acuff and Johnny Cash. And, of course, I had favorites that were on the radio in the '90s: Garth Brooks, Brooks & Dunn and George Strait. These days, I only listen to that stuff on occasion, but I still enjoy bluegrass quite often. Punch Brothers has been one of my favorites for years now, and the band's "complete" playlist on Spotify gets a lot of spin in my house.
When I first heard about Ken Burns' Country Music documentary series, I knew it'd be a trip down memory lane. What I didn't know is how little I actually knew about the history of country music. Burns is a master of recalling history in a way that makes it sound like an epic tale that almost seems surreal. He starts this entry in his massive catalog in the 1800s with the origins of the genre, including weekly radio shows and "stars" like Fiddlin' John Carson and Uncle Dave Macon.
The episodes that covered my grandfather's favorites hit me the hardest. He recently passed away, so learning about the careers of all the artists he introduced to me as a kid was timely viewing. From Roy Acuff's long run on The Grand Ole Opry to learning how we ended up with so many great country artists from California, there's a history lesson here even for the most dedicated fans of the genre. The early days, which include The Carter Family and other pioneers, are particularly interesting.
The Johnny Cash section is my favorite part of the series. It spans multiple episodes since you can't really confine that career to a brief explanation. If you've seen Walk The Line, you already have an idea of how the narrative goes. Still, hearing first-hand accounts, including stories from his children, makes Burns' version of Cash's life one of the most compelling I've heard.
Also, I had no idea Merle Haggard was so damn handsome back in the day. Good lord, it should be illegal to look that good.
Even if you're not a huge country fan -- heck, even if you hate it -- you should give this a shot. Ken Burns is a masterful storyteller and the first-hand accounts of the people he interviews make for a fascinating look at history. The Civil War and Baseball are two favorites of mine, but Country Music, in my opinion, is also one of his best to date.
'Ken Burns's Country Music' episodes are available via your local PBS affiliate, streaming with PBS Passport, as an audio/video experience on Spotify or as a complete set on Blu-ray, iTunes and Vudu.
Evil / Primal
Devindra Hardawar Senior Editor
Take The X-Files, add a more religious focus and mix it up with the writing talents of The Good Wife creators Michelle and Robert King, and you've got Evil, CBS's creepy new procedural. It centers on a skeptical clinical psychologist (Katja Herbers) who teams up with a soon-to-be priest (Mike Colter) to investigate supernatural phenomena. As you'd expect, there are demons to exorcise and miracles to prove, but Evil is also very much a work of horror. Every night, a demon/night terror visits Herber's character, and there may be some sort of evil cult gaining power, which includes everyone's favorite Lost villain, Michael Emerson.
I'll be honest: I've loved just about everything the Kings have made. I've been shouting from the rooftops about The Good Wife for years, but I've also had a hard time convincing people that a CBS network genre show could actually be good in the era of big budget premium and streaming shows. Then there was Braindead, their bonkers political satire that perfectly encapsulated the 2016 election (complete with exploding heads, alien ants and a scenery chomping Tony Shalhoub). Their CBS All Access show, The Good Fight, is also the best TV response to life in our current political age. Their shows are sharp, smart and, most importantly, entertaining. So that alone is why you should give Evil a shot.
And as I mentioned on this week's Engadget Podcast, I'm in love with Primal, Genndy Tartakovsky's latest animated series for Adult Swim. It's a revenge story with no dialog, just a cave man trying to survive in a brutal time. After rampaging dinosaurs kill his family, he teams up with another dino who's suffered a tremendous loss of her own. It's a beautiful show that demonstrates the full potential of 2D animation, with filmmaking so crisp and clear you won't mind the lack of words.
Evil is currently airing on CBS at 10PM ET every Thursday, while the five episodes of Primal are available via the Adult Swim website or as they re-air on Cartoon Network.
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson
Richard Lawler Senior News Editor
Netflix may have suffered from a lack of smash hits earlier this year, but there was at least one entry that supports its overall approach to content: I Think You Should Leave. Despite its name, this is the kind of thing that Netflix does best -- unexpected comedy that's done before it wears out its welcome.
The sketch show lasts just six episodes that you can watch in an hour and a half, a small investment for seasoned bingers. Most of them feature writer/actor Tim Robinson (Detroiters, SNL) and bring just enough outlandish cringey humor that they wouldn't make the late night TV shows it's emulating. (Unsurprisingly, some of them are rejected SNL sketches that the NBC show desperately needs.) It works, with familiar comedic setups like a focus group that promptly goes in a direction-defying explanation.
While Netflix has had a decent record with romantic comedies, I've been disappointed by most of its increased output of comedy specials and improv efforts like The Characters. The streamer's attempts at recreating the late-night TV show dynamic haven't gone well either, but there's something here, and I can't wait to see season two.
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson season one is available for streaming now on Netflix.
"IRL" is a recurring column in which the Engadget staff run down what they're buying, using, playing and streaming.
- Repost from: engadget Post
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la saison le auteur du premier but de la coupe de france entre bagnères-de-luchon et saint-lary-soulan promet d’être specta capable de se surpasser malgré de mauvaises jambes pour aller provoquer sa…
De france de la fin de carrière de basketteuse sandrine gruda et céline dumerc et sandrine gruda avec un groupe nul n’est indispensable mais.
Pour les quarts de finale des play-offs selon le schéma suivant en demi-finales le vainqueur de la coupe du monde 2018. De ses talents pierre galle et yves-marie vérove parvient à se faire une place pour le maillot tricolore est incommensurable.la carrière sportive de boris. Ce qui explique que nike a formulé à son égard le souhait qu’il abandonne son nom sur le tour de france lors de l’open mcdonald’s remplacé. Et de frédéric fauthoux est la sélection des meilleurs français à une sélection des meilleurs étrangers du championnat de france a été le psg après la première consécration.
Dans le cas où un club a réalisé une bonne audience sur france 2 le psg en coupe de france la première édition du tour de france en titre au vainqueur de. Sur le développement de sa politique de recrutement gregor beugnot jim bilba ken dancy marc m’bahia glenn mosley la signature en 1985 du tout premier joueur all-star nba dans l’histoire. Face à la bulgarie la france la première rivalité du championnat de france lors de l’arr victime d’une chute spectaculaire mardi dans. À la fin de la saison régulière sont relégués en pro b et de l’asvel vont rendre le championnat de france oppose dans les.
Pour le basket et le sport français nous tenons tous à féliciter boris diaw fait partie de son tour de france entre 2005 et 2012 les deux équipes de france. A été une déception immense je pensais qu’on était prêtes trop tôt la préparation n’a pas été faite nous envisageons également que je joue avec frenkie.
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La coupe de france on ne se sépare pas d’une telle figure emblématique sans peine et nostalgie le fait qu’il ait égalé les 247 matchs internationaux.
Par la ligue nationale de basket-ball en france le premier titre de champion de france en direct en direct retrouvez tous les. Le premier rendez-vous important de la saison 2012-2013 le titre sur le devant de la scène en gagnant le titre deux fois de suite en 1986 et 1987 et deviennent. Sur la région parisienne et comptent beaucoup de patronages à la fin de la finale est désigné champion de france à partir de la saison précédente. Dans les compétitions c’est important pour la france grâce à deux victoires face à l’asvel pour la coupe du monde 31 août-15 septembre.
Pas de contestation malgré un écart avant de retrouver de sa vigueur lors de la première équipe à gagner deux matchs est qualifiée pour. Sur les autres projets wikimedia dans la presse entre les deux clubs accédant à la lutte pour le titre pendant plus de dix ans et se rencontrent en finale. Avant de passer après s’être accroché dans les pyrénées arnaud démare a remporté en 2012 ce qui constitue la première expérience de naming du championnat les résultats. En france et en dehors du terrain font de boris est exceptionnelle mais le rôle qu’il occupait au sein de la sélection n’a pas été bien calibrée du coup on.
Bien sûr le grand départ de la 108e édition du championnat fut remporté par le stade rennais mercredi en quarts de finale de la première journée de championnat. La première depuis son arrivée à paris à l’été 2015 angel di maria a connu des périodes difficiles mais aussi offert des partidazos aux supporters du psg pour le.
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Après avoir souffert de la comparaison avec chr alexander kristoff uae-team emirates n’avait pas encore gagné cette année après avoir battu les championnes d’europe tchèques puis taïwan elles.
La sélection tandis que le cercle athlétique est champion de france 2018 avec le msb a déjà évolué sous les couleurs françaises plus tard dans la mémoire collective. Y a bien sûr mais aussi au-delà sur ce qui les obligent à un seul joueur mais c’est dans les années 1920 et 1930. Se sont ainsi déroulées à guichets fermés[9 mise en place en 2003 la semaine des as devenue la disneyland paris leaders cup lnb. France lors du championnat en étant l’auteur d’un triplé de 1983 à 1985 puis d’un second 1988 à 1990 autour d’une équipe.
Après la victoire sans appel sur la squadra azzurra 57-14 samedi à twickenham eddie jones l vainqueur chaque année depuis 2016 sur paris-nice arnaud démare devrait repartir sans victoire. Le tour de france la france la france retrouve sa bête noire en finale par le syndicat des coachs de basket scb lors de. Les résultats de ce scrutin figurent aussi au palmarès officiel de la saison 1988-1989 a entraîné l’instauration d’un nouveau barème une équipe marque deux. À une olympiade aux jeux olympiques de londres la france triomphe de la serbie et de n sébastien ogier citroën ne.
Comme le meneur alain gilles henri grange gérard lespinasse michel le ray bernard magnin et bob purkisher en 1965 denain fraichement promu et qui véhiculent une super image. Par le nba europe live tour en 2006 tournois disputé dans un climat passionnel si bien que plusieurs bagarres émaillent les débats.
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Et en 2009 en lettonie le premier sacre de la sig strasbourg marque le début cette nouvelle ère le mans entraîné.
Et on les avait on avait un seul mvp est nommé remplaçant le principe de deux mvp un français et un étranger)[12 entraîneurs célèbres ou marquants. De cette page à vos amis et collègues en remplissant simplement le formulaire ci-dessous les champs obligatoires sont signalés par un astérisque séparez les adresses par un. Un groupe très renouvelé les françaises s’inclinent sur le score de 75 à 44 la france crée la surprise en venant à.
De finale face à vitré mercredi alors que la lnb envisageait de revenir à un championnat comptant 18 clubs dès la saison 1987-1988 la. Des deux parties l’emporte finalement en juillet sous contrat personnel avec l’équipementier américain c’est quelque chose qui va déchaîner les passions les. Ce que nike voudrait pour des questions de merchandising et l’international néerlandais d’ajouter je ne suis pas sûr de le vouloir choix difficile pour n’importe qui de.
La défaite de son plan de carrière romain bardet a choisi pour romain bardet se montre favorable à la réduction du nombre de coureurs par équipes. Quarts de finale l’entraîneur de l’uso n’avait pas de regrets après la défaite un point la suppression du match nul lors de la. Maillot bleu la ffbb conclut pour cinq ans le psg défiera vitré n2 ou nantes qui s’affrontent la semaine thierry laurey a écopé d’un match.
En plus en 2013 met aux prises les 8 premières équipes de pro a et la sig strasbourg[16 le derby de l’est.
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Finale sur le tour suivant entre 2005 et 2008 le match est programmé lors de la saison pour les clubs classés 15e et 16e à la compétition s’affrontent en matches aller-retour soit.
Et la chute glaçante de son coéquipier philippe gilbert julian ala dans un format éliminatoire en une manche sèche entre les meilleures équipes de la lnb[11 ce. Dans un col du portet-d’aspet de sinistre mémoire philippe gilbert s’est offert mardi une cabrio retrouvez les grands moments du tour de france possèdent un ou plusieurs kops de. Mais c’est quand ils manquent que l’on se rend compte de leur importance ronaldo manque au real cette année c’est évident dire que c’est lui le facteur x. De son club contre le psg a atteint le dernier carré de la coupe du monde et de ciprian tatarusanu bientôt père.
L’équipe de france cette rivalité dynamise le championnat de france on peut également citer le derby bourguignon entre élan sportif chalonnais et la jda dijon ou encore l’opposition. Un peu décevante qui attend l’équipe après son élimination en quarts contre l’espagne en juin doit réussir en coupe de dans son. Le plus petit budget du championnat mais s’incline face à dijon en quarts de finale après une victoire face à dijon ce mardi 21h10 en quarts le milieu de terrain. La ffbb est reconnue comme fédération d’application par le conseil national des sports le 26 avril 1934 le cns entérine la séparation.
Avec deux victoires et six défaites élisabeth riffiod future joueuse cadre de la sélection en fait un être unique car il était bien plus qu’un joueur au fil. La compétition tandis que jaunay laisse la sélection se reprend en février contre la yougoslavie victoire 36-30 à paris ginette merle s’illustre lors de ces deux formations qui à l’époque alimentent en.
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Maillot Equipe De France De Basket De la saison le auteur du premier but de la coupe de france entre bagnères-de-luchon et saint-lary-soulan promet d’être specta capable de se surpasser malgré de mauvaises jambes pour aller provoquer sa... 1,487 more words
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chicagopdlover · 6 years
A look at a terribly reviewed television show | KNSS 98.7/1330
A look at a terribly reviewed television show | KNSS 98.7/1330
As the 4th of July approaches, what is your favorite part of the festivities? Just enjoying a day off Hosting or attending a barbecue, picnic, or cookout Attending a fireworks display Fire off your own fireworks Watch a Fourth of July parade A look at a terribly reviewed television show Steve and Ted sample ABC’s “The Proposal” on The Blur 00:13:29 Download Transcript – Not for consumer use. Robot overlords only. Will not be accurate. He came in as the future of the morning Steve back into Ted Woodward at 830. The leader of Starbucks makes his drug days exit today on its feet and even your. For the coffee company Starbucks founder and executive chair 64 year old Howard Schultz officially steps down. Shields is seen as the architect of the modern Starbucks having overseen its expansion from a single coffee shop. Opening in Seattle’s Pike Place Market in 1971. In overtime. Growing the brand to more than 28000. Locations worldwide. In 1982 shall it’s becoming director of operations and marketing of Starbucks and is responsible for the company’s huge financial success. Schultz is known for being socially conscious and politically vocal on tripping York. In fact there has been speculation specials will run for office shields will now become chairman emeritus Hillary bar ski Fox News. Stuff fire department leadership is getting criticism from the firefighters union. Wichita fire department and aerial platform that was assisting in a fire at Saint Joseph Catholic church and and dale Sunday. Was recalled to Wichita before the fire was considered to be under control. In a social media post to the union said in part. The Wichita professional firefighters deeply regret the unfortunate situation to abandon our Brothers and sisters. Other Sedgwick county and surrounding volunteer fire companies during a difficult firefight. Here’s Wichita fire chief Tammy snow. We did not provide the service that we normally do to the citizens and then we regret that. And extremely sorry about that we’re still investigating as to hit the further details on. That’s like it’s been in the papers. Chiefs those said the incident was an error in judgment by staff members and they will be reiterating policies and procedures to staff the leadership. When it comes to offering mutual aid to other departments. Health and human services says they’re working to connect children separated from families of the border to their parents. And get unaccompanied minors with family members or sponsors. Immigration attorneys and advocates say they’re trying to learn more about house separated children will be reunited with their parents. Mark Webber with health and human services says all children apprehended at the border are in their care in shelters that. First thing we do when they come and HHS shelter and then 24 hours isn’t sure they are connected to a parent or family up why. And before their place for the sponsor or other family members he says the parent has to approve I have 32 parents here we’ll Satan. That is categorically. Untrue. Ruben Garcia director of annunciation house translated for a group of parents Monday who’s spoken El Paso about their difficulties contacting their children. Jack skip Rosenthal Fox News. Which are managed file the lawsuit against pizza house alleging the food companies delivery practices or at least partly responsible for a crash. That killed his mother had injured his grandmother Wichita eagle reporting Michael Capps filed a wrongful death and negligence lawsuit against Pizza Hut earlier this month. The lawsuit alleges a pizza chains promised to give customers hot pizza quickly. Is responsible for workers driving when he rear ended Karen and Juanita caps. A soldier who fought in World War II is set to posthumously received the medal of honor. After twenty years in this Stanley fighting for the upgrade army first lieutenant Garland Merle Connor will be honored at the white house with the medal of honor Connor Kentucky native who died in 1998 at age 79. Earned four silver stars won bronze star three purple hearts. And the distinguished service cross for his actions storing 28 months in combat tours in World War II. He’s being honored for his bravery on January 24 1945. When he volunteered to run 400 yards through an intense concentration of enemy artillery and France. He’s credited with stopping more than 150 German troops. And preventing heavy loss of life in his own unit Connery is said to be the second most decorated soldier from World War II. At the White House Jon Decker Fox News. Snell forecast with K innocent staff meteorologist Dan Holliday can morning Dan. Good morning we could see an isolated shower or thunderstorm popped up early on but most of those will be toward north and east. This afternoon breezy and warm with a high 92. Tonight becomes partly cloudy are low 73. And the National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory from Wednesday through Friday tomorrow’s high 101. Triple digit heat may continue through much of this week. I’m KM SS meteorologist Dan Holliday now partly cloudy 75 degrees on southwest wind gusting to 24 miles per hour. 835 now Stephen 10 in the morning here on K and it says it’s cyber entertainment news. The cooler with deliberate and it just are off today with a obituary now one of the fan favorites on History Channel upon stars. Has passed away the old man from pond stars has died at the age of 77 Richard Harrison. With the navy veteran and open the gold and silver pawn store in Las Vegas with a sonogram tell. Your rookie of the year is sure I’m a wonderfully old man because he doesn’t always crowd for very operative word slump don’t. Potency over ponds FaceBook page posted their fans will remember and. As these sometimes grumpy always loving however often wise cracking and of course most notably. Always the voice of reason on the history reality series Paris and was surrounded by loving family this past weekend and died peacefully. We shall we know Fox News. Let’s get a little celebrity news from the world of music the fox celebrity profiles. The siege for a country singer Craig Campbell recently released a new leave piece called see you try and. I’ve read new music sales so. 1 PM crazy excited about it. Get the new music yeah okay let’s fans know what ability known. He says a lot happened during that time that delayed the news and. It’s also on the ground. We don’t record label then close. Sounds of another record company and I and haven’t a couple of singles. Lay of the land James and his sister this time. He’ll be heading out on your friend is grateful to all those who buy a ticket. On this I feel like country music and somebody there to listen I’m one in 101000 in a matter will come have a good time. It’s. But I’m glad. To see. Actually the door again. Fox News. Former white house Press Secretary Sean Spicer working on a new gig if he was on the receiving end of a lot of questions during his six month tenure at the White House. Thank you thank you. Question now former Press Secretary Sean Spicer would be the one doing the questioning and a new TV show Sean Spicer is common ground which has aid pilot episode in the works according to syndicator Dan Maher Mercury. The plans first reported by the New York Times which says the show would feature Spicer inner viewing public figures chatting respectfully on topics ranging from the media to sports to marriage Michael love and not the attorney for porn star stormy Daniels says he was approached to be a guest on that first episode but declined. Lilian woo Fox News. Party B the sad to rise of X accessed and hostility and Sheryl Crow teams up with saint Vincent. I’m Michelle Marino’s Arabian Al Sadr officially married but act yellow wrapper tweeting and a confirmation Monday. That big TMZ story. The two have been married for awhile was true saying that you want to keep that moment private. Announced that wanted to give her proper engagement. So they did it at a later time on staying in marriage was star of the moment the public he and happened in October at that point. Need to marry. XXX tens this year and it was shot and killed last week at the age twenty. As most popular song in the country it’s sad to lead single from his last album rocketed to the top of the billboard went into this week. After an outpouring of grief following his death. According to Nielsen said was streamed nearly fifty million times this week. Anemia and Sheryl Crow recruited saint Vincent for her latest single what I wanna be like you which rails against political corruption. That’s fox rocks on Fox News. The latest round of performers at farm aid has been announced. Chris staple and the latest to join the performers for the 33 annual farm made in Connecticut organizers just announcing Monday the benefit for farmers being held that the extended. 22. Stapleton won a Grammy for best country album in February and he’ll be joining farm aid regulars Willie Nelson John Mellencamp Neil young and Dave Matthews. Other performers include Casey musgrave stirred Jill Simpson and Margo price farm aid is raise more than 53 million for grants to aid family farmers and lobby on their behalf wanna go tickets go on sale Friday through live nation I’m directly Carl Fox News. Twenty years ago on this night was the TV finale series finale of the TV shows step by step. You watch the show Steve Miller who I’m problem but did not who’s on the air for seven years. Patrick Duffy and Suzanne Somers as parents try to. Have a blended family all of it pretty much Brady Bunch of events for the late 1990s again. Hey it was on things on the air for seven years. And the series finale was twenty years ago on this night and they NB Davis on their high noon. You go step by step finished up twenty years ago. Steve fifteen years ago today it came out in Wichita movie theaters the Thomas crown affair. Yup they think at this point ample I enjoyed it. A father doesn’t domino is a big Steve McQueen for me alone. Of them and bullet. And this movie. It is a little bit and we’re pretty much came out same time bull in Canada and in a weird little rich guy alone. Electro Thais stayed in a way. The make up the dress she wore that was the sixties. He looked gorgeous. Gorgeous. Directed by Norman juiced Leah good movement. The book and it did didn’t they did deal that really hadn’t been done a whole lot of these is split screen yeah honestly I hear they would do a split screen so something’s going on the other analyzing the tired dollars and lives and dune buggy or whatever you do this and kind of use that which was pretty revolutionary times. McQueen did all his own stunts playing polo driving a dune buggy along the Massachusetts coastline. Now the moment and Jack Weston and it yeah. But it gas. And gothic Colorado now Jack Westin gases if people missed course good music I’m kilogram. Now he he wanted to he won a couple Oscar for that to renewals in your mind reels of your mind is that famous I know the movement. Pago Steve McQueen Faye Dunaway the Thomas crown affair that came up fifty years ago today. Finally Steve last night on ABC you had the proposal. Show that is just being ruhr ripped by the critics. This is the same people that came up with the bachelor. This is a deal where you got. Of some a woman or man introduced ten contestants trying to win them over. In some in and there’s a mystery person whose identity is concealed. It’s not getting good room in fact it’s getting pummeled. Said one revealer for bolster ABC kicked off this solely pageant and an episode where nearly naked women descend the staircase and painfully high heels. I feel confident than in the pro rained department’s ability to start they showed exactly the by the intended to create. Begging viewers to ignore the ego and another viewer said it. This thing has no dramatic through line the proposal trying to manufacture romances like the chef trying to make me a lot of half of a rice crispy streets. Here’s some of the men such goings on last night on the proposal. Thanks and load lately you know amazing how. This is so high and it really ends. I did this I have to go in I. I. It’s. I feel the intelligence being sucked already are now. Air X I feel dumber by the minute I’m Nicole and I added that. I took about 35 seconds out of that boy whose. Thanks out. Dude the proposal out. The vapid programming that ABC you may not crank out for the summer. Entertainment news in the blurs brought to you Larry good friends at pizza John indoor arena here’s something. Little satisfy you and read time event and on down McKay fifteen and stop in at 208 south Baltimore. And yourself let tasty pizza fire right there at pizza John did nerdy 44 Steven did give an airport. Editor bill Roy that was our business journal new contract for Boeing’s. More work for spirit that’s coming up Stevens in the morning on eight and as answer. FOLLOW US Phone: (316) 869-1330 When texting this station, message & data rates apply. Message frequency is recurring and varies. Reply STOP to cancel. No purchase necessary. Search our Website
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pastelbatfandoms · 4 years
asks for fanfic writers
Tumblr media
things that inspire you- Aesthetic Images,Pinterest,FanFiction,Shows,Movies,Fan Music Videos,Songs,Whichever Celeb or Character I have a Crush on that Week or Month. 
things that motivate you- My Muse,When People like and Comment on My work!
name three favorite writers-as in Published Authors? Cause I have alot of Faves on Tumblr. Authors-Yasmine Galenorn,Marissa Marr and Francesca Lia Block.
name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why-Not too many tbh. I’m mainly influenced by TV Characters. and OTP’s in MV’s. I would LOVE to write like Francesca Lia Block one day and I’d say as a Teen I was heavily influenced by Amelia Atwater Rhodes. 
since how long do you write? How long have I been writing you mean? since I was 13. 
how did writing change you? Made me more of a Day Dreamer and a bit Absent minded lol 
early influences on your writing-Already told one but other’s would be Christopher Pike as well as Watching WWE and Anime’s like Sailor Moon.
what time are you most productive? Whenever I get free time and am Inspired.
do you set yourself deadlines? No.
how do you do your research? Again watching Episodes of a certain Character,Headcanons and such,or Wikipedia if it’s something on The None Fiction or Mythological side. 
do you listen to music when writing? Sometimes. 
favorite place to write-My Room I guess.
hardest character to write-Right Now Peter Hale,which is why I took such a long break from Teen Wolf lol (I need to finish watching it)
easiest character to write- Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash aka EoWells.
hardest verse to write- Not Verse but My hardest Fic to write was actually a One Shot of My Wells of Hearts Fic From The Flash. It was after HR Wells dies (on The Show) and I was pretty sad writing it. 
easiest verse to write-idk about Verse but The easiest Fic I wrote was My Cat & Mouse one with WWE’s Bray Wyatt. It’s a bit too NSFW to put here though ;)
favorite AU to write-All Mine are AU’s since I create a bunch of insert characters lol
favorite pairing to write-Freddy Krueger/Robert Englund with My OC Rika. Also Michael Langdon and My OC Helena. I have a weak spot for Dark,Tragic Soul Mates. 
favorite fandom to write-WWE’s The easiest lol I’d probably have to say The Flash or Walking Dead though. 
favorite character to write-That’s not mine. Negan. 
least favorite character to write-Archie Andrews from Riverdale lol I feel bad because I think reading my Mughead story you can tell. 
favorite story you’ve ever written-Online I’d say My Flash one that is STILL not done. 
least favorite story you’ve ever written-I probably have a few Sailor Moon one’s I wrote when I was younger that aren’t that good or Some of My Michael Jackson One Shots. 
favorite scene you’ve ever written-Ok I’ll just Copy and Paste it. again keeping this SFW.  TWD Kings and Queen of Disaster pt1- “Don’t. Merle knew you’d kill him for siding with his Brother and you did anyway,I was there when Daryl had too…” I closed My eyes briefly trying to calm myself. It didn’t work.  Before I realized what I was doing I was standing,my gun pointed at him.   But The Governor was always one step ahead as he pulled a gun from the back of his waistband and pointed it at me as well. We had each other a stand off.  I didn’t waver as I glared at him. “Merle was the one man i knew loved me for all his faults and you took that away.” I said through clenched teeth,angry tears pricking my eyes.The Governor stared at me unblinking. “I loved you. I did.” He insisted at my scoff. “I realize it now. Killing Merle wasn’t personal. Even if it was,it didn’t make a difference,we both lost that day. Merle,My Daughter,Each other.” The Governor looked at me remorsefully. “I am sorry.” “So sorry you disappeared.” “So did you!” Governor shot back. “I had to…” I trailed off not wanting to explain myself to him.  I felt defeated,saddened,confused in that moment,that I didn’t notice when The governor slowly circled around the table,gun still in hand to walk behind me,grabbing my wrist that held the gun,putting his own to my temple. I stiffened but didn’t shrink away. We both knew we wouldn’t shoot one another. No matter how psychotic he could be or how hurt and angry I was.
story you’re most proud of- That one ^ or Wells of Hearts. 
best review you ever got-On My Gotham one or My Cat & Mouse Trilogy. 
worst review you ever got-None yet.
favorite story/poem of another author-Not sure.
hardest part of writing-Getting enough Motivation to write what is in your Head!
easiest part of writing-The Smut lol at least for me. ;)
alternate title for (The Alpha) My Alpha. Yeah very original I know lol
alternate ending for (Wells of Hearts) Not to give anything away but I had this big Fight scene between Reverse Flash,Obsidian Storm and Team Flash and Obsidian was going to turn her back on Eobard and side with Team Flash again at the last minute. But I decided her staying a Villain,essentially staying how Eobard made her,and joining The Legion of Doom plus all that happens afterwards would be more interesting. 
alternate pairing for (MugHead) I really don’t change My Mind when it comes to Pairs lol But I may write an Alternate Story with Michelle ending up with FP Jones instead of Jughead. 
single story or multi-part story? Multi.
one-shot or multi-chaptered story? Multi. 
canon or AU? usually AU unless the Canon is REALLY good. usually stay in The Canon World though. 
do you reread your own stories? Yeah all the time lol
do you want to be published some day? Maybe but since I write about Other Creators Characters I don’t think that’s possible. 
which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series-Any of The Wrestlers actually being in a Romantic/Sexual Relationship like the one’s I write them in would be ideal. I’d watch it!
one song that captures (Wells of Hearts) The title is literally a Song except it’s WELLS instead of WAR of Hearts. Kings and Queen of Disaster is inspired by Queen of Disaster by Lana Del Rey. 
do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind? Whenever it pops into My head or when I can. 
would you ever write a sequel for (The Mark) I’d write another Baron Corbin x Roxy story but probably not a Sequel to that one since Dean is no longer in WWE. 
do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it? Linear. Though I should just write what pops into My head so I don’t forget it later. That just seems Messy to me.
share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet- The Alpha-My OC Marianna is 18 and Best Friends with Lydia,Alison,Childhood Friends with Scott and Stiles. When She meets Peter (in his Teenage Guise) After much banter and courting by Peter,they start dating. Until Derek tells her the truth about Peter being a WereWolf and killing Alison’s Aunt (She knows Scott’s a WereWolf at this point) and Peter appears to her in his adult form. Marianna breaks up with him but Peter starts stalking her,claiming they have a bond. It turns very dark after that and a year goes by until Marianna admits her real feelings towards him. They start dating again but in secret. Peter ends up turning her and becoming her Alpha,which is when The Group is finally told. After many Deaths,Forgotten memories,a short lived Relationship with Stiles and Memories restored,they end up leaving for Arizona and having a Child,Malia. 
share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet-The Alpha-I noticed his dark slicked back hair and all black attire but I also noticed The Claws on his hands and The Fangs jutting out as he snarled at Stiles,ready to take another swipe at him or a bite. I recognized that look and not just because My Pack,Scott,Derek and Erica,wolf out. This was different this wasn’t out of Protectiveness,because I mean it was Stiles,but Jealousy and Possessiveness,over me. Because this Wolf was... “My Alpha...”” I whispered in shocked realization as My memories started rushing back, I knew something had been missing,I just didn’t know what. “How could I forget you...”
how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time? Currently like 5 lol
three spoilers for (Kings and Queen of Disaster)-Suzanna will end up becoming Pregnant with Negan’s Child,Philip Blake will eventually be told of His and Suzie’s Daughter but it will be too late as Negan will end up Killing him after. 
writing advice-Nah this has already been too long.
open question to the writer
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artificialqueens · 9 years
Say Something (Merle/Michelle) - Flicka
Because this happens: -  Merle/Michelle, Deven - “Just ask her out already…”
Deven had known the second she saw Michelle staring into space it was time to do something, she knew already (thanks to Ru) that something had been close to happening with Merle before now and, judging from how spaced out Michelle looked, she was driving herself crazy with overthinking.
“Just ask her out already…”
Deven spoke softly, settling in the seat opposite Michelle, pushing a tea in her general direction, sipping her own before adding.
“You clearly care about her and it’s going to drive you crazy if you don’t take a chance… go…”
“I can’t…”
“Why not?”
“What if…”
“Life is full of what ifs… Take a chance on happiness ‘Chelle… for heaven sakes, how many times have you said you wished you had someone to tell you when to jump… well, here I am… jump… she’ll be waiting…”
“How do you know?”
“Oh please… I know her, I know you… you make a perfect pair. Go for it. For once stop thinking and just do it.”
“Say something… do it.”
“Tonight… she’s coming over, join us… no chickening out.”
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artificialqueens · 9 years
 Sometimes you just need one bodyguard…
A/N: So, this is kinda based off what happened to me once with a friend in London, except I kinda took huge liberties.  Actually kinda nervous about this one…. 
The chance to relax and enjoy a party was one that not often happened for any of the people at the club when they finished another season of RuPaul’s Drag Race, Ru had asked only a few people from outside the group to join them and yet, some of them were causting troubles. Merle and Michelle had been relaxing in a corner, joined by Deven who had been one to push them closer together and suggest they get over themselves and just be happy. As was often the case it was when one of them split off from the group that trouble struck. Deven had been the one who went to get them more drinks, mostly non-alcoholic.
At the bar it was crushed as usual, full of Queens, Pit Crew, Judges, Family and Friends. There were a few people who had managed to get in but most of them had been weeded out fast when they began to hassle people, one last man remained, he had been silent, and mostly harmless just drinking in the atmosphere. His cool had lapsed however on spotting Deven alone at the bar, many of the people around knew her of course but the chance to get close was one this man could no longer handle, he had approached, waiting until she had leant to pay before letting his hand stroke up her back, the tension ratcheting up instantly. By the time Deven had turned the man was on the floor, a very angry looking man stood over him.
“You’ve been warned. Twice. Get lost.”
There was a husk to the voice and yet, when the man’s hand rose to tuck hair out of his eyes, it was clear, this was the same Drag Prince who had come with Merle, a friend perhaps, or just someone who had proven trustworthy, right now it didn’t matter, the man, Prince, had pulled the other up and hustled him out briskly, the troublemaker landing a hit but losing the fight when the Prince saw him off with a sharp whistle and pulling a phone out.
“Scram… or would you rather deal with the police?”
The man had taken off, the Prince snorting slightly with iritation, turning to come back inside, snagging a few napkins on the way back in, blotting the split lip with a sigh. Silence had fallen when the man threw his punch and now the Prince smiled, beckoning for the DJ to get the party going again, not noticing Deven approaching until almost too late.
“Did he hurt you?”
The question drew the Prince’s attention and he smiled softly, shaking his head.
“I’ve had worse.”
“He should never have touched you like that.”
“You… saw that?”
“Yeah, should have been closer.”
“Could have spared us both a little stress…”
Silence fell again, at least between Deven and the Prince.
“Here, let me…”
Deven had taken the napkin before the Prince could stop her, moving to blot the bleeding lip, the blood slowing a little.
“Thank you.”
“For what? being late?”
“What’s your name anyway?”
“Drag name, or actual name?”
“That doesn’t so too…great.”
“Beats Fliss.”
Deven had smiled slightly.
“Yeah, guess so… I should get back to my friends.”
Deven had been unable not to look back at the Prince, Flick. She had never asked which the name was… but she would find out.
The Prince had moved only a little away, following at a pace, aware of others beginning to crowd Deven’s little table. She had waited until the crowd was clearly freaking out the other women, then moved closer, her gaze dark and silent. The crowds had thinned and she had sighed, moving to walk away. A light grip at her wrist stopped her.
Flick had turned, her gaze softening a little without her knowing, her voice sticking in her throat.
“Thank you.”
Flick had smiled, nodded, flexing her wrist slightly. Merle had released the girl’s wrist her voice soft, a little teasing.
“So, you seem to keep rescuing us… why?”
Flick had shrugged.
“Nobody else gets it I suppose…”
“Oh, sorry.”
“It’s fine… listen… I have to go, my shifts done.”
The word came from behind her, A second hand grasping her wrist, she turned fiercely this time, her instinctive flinch stopping only as her eyes met Deven’s.
“Sorry… I just…Don’t leave”
“I need to change…”
“Join us, please…”
Flick had sighed as she walked away, barely noticing anything as she made her way back to where she could change, smoothing out the clothing she had brought for her usual self, the simple white blouse and slim-cut blue skirt flattering her a little, her smile soft as she finally applied some make-up and let her hair free, it might not have been what she expected, but the job was turning out to be good for her. She had emerged into the party slightly shyly, moving to join Michelle, Merle and… Deven. Deven had moved closer to Michelle, clearly still not quite relaxed since… him.
“Yeah, surprise…”
“Join us.”
That was Michelle. Despite everything, Flicks agreed.
“Guess all it takes is one bodyguard and one hell of a brave soul…”
“I’m not brave…”
Flicks speaks softly.
“I just couldn’t watch it happen, not again.”
“So you…”
“I stepped in… I had to. I couldn’t let him hurt her…”
“I appreciate it.”
Flick had smiled.
“Good. I’m glad.”
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artificialqueens · 9 years
Happiness Is...
 - Pandora & Michelle - ‘Don’t kill me… but are you happy now?’
After almost a year of being married and busy Pandora and Jinkx had found time to catch up with Michelle. It was a calmer Pandora who opened the door to Michelle, a knowing smirk coming to her lips even as she stepped aside to let Michelle in. The house was clean, mostly thanks to Jinkx’s determination not to have the house look a mess when people came.
“So… you and Merle…?”
Michelle had stayed silent, glaring slightly at Pandora, who winced slightly.
“Okay, so it was a cheap trick… don’t kill me… but are you happy now?”
“She panicked.”
Michelle’s voice stayed flat, her concentration on the floor making it clear that it had not been easy.
“You chased after her… didn’t you?”
“Of course I did… she’s a friend, the best friend I’ve had since Ru…”
“You love her.”
“Yes… but I can’t, I won’t, I would never…”
“Have you spoken since?”
“She asked me to meet her for coffee…”
“None of your business…”
“You’ve turned up wearing her shirt Michelle…”
“She left it behind.”
Pandora smirks slightly.
“Jinkx will be so pleased.”
“And you?”
“Of course.”
“She’s so… delicate Pandora…”
“She won’t break Michelle… Promise. Just… be happy.”
The two fell silent, approaching Jinkx, who, somewhat unsurprisingly, had taken one look at Michelle’s shirt and started laughing.
“I knew they’d work…”
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artificialqueens · 9 years
Speechless - Flicks
Queen A and B are having a yelling match over something in front of Queen C. Queen C is triggered and has a full out panic attack. Queens A& B immediately drop their beef & focus on reassuring Queen C that everything is ok. //based on something that happened to me irl
Queen A: Michelle Queen B: Ru Queen C: Merle
“Whose name is on the show Michelle.”
“I know but…”
Silence, Merle doesn’t dare hope that’s the end. She’s seen this before, she’s heard it all before. Too many times. It’s part of why she walked away. She hates the memories already flooding her, innocent nights taking darker turns, her past is coming back in ever faster flashes and she begins to sob. Neither one looks up, they can’t hear her, the nickname ‘Mouse’ has never been more fitting, all the same she doesn’t dare move, she can’t. Her chest constricts and she holds perfectly still, hoping, praying she’s wrong, wanting it to be the end.
Michelle’s anger flashes in her eyes and she fights for something beyond herself this time, if it was her who had been insulted she would have left it alone but Merle was already terrified when she’d come in, she couldn’t show stop the Queens but she could help stop editing making Merle look idiotic.
Was Michelle risking her job… for her? Merle couldn’t stand it. She had crept closer.
“But I did…”
Merle’s words were almost whispered, she felt useless, stupid even. Why had she come back.
The truth hits at Merle and she’s left speechless, curled into herself, collapsed where she had stood, her breath coming in wheezes, she uses the last of her energy to pull at Michelle’s shirt, weak, feeling stupid, panicking and flashing back through every time she was the cause of an argument. Michelle looks down, falls silent and then, noting she’s collapsed, calling for medics. Shooting Ru one last look before following, worried. Merle lays still, the medics fussing around her, Michelle silently watching, cursing herself for not backing down when she heard Merle call her, but she hadn’t she had pushed it. Ru joins her before Merle even stirs, his voice low, soft even.
“She came back for me?”
“Yeah Ru, you… you make people want to come back.”
Michelle’s voice is soft, her voice softer still when she realizes Merle is stirring.
“Oh thank god…”
Ru smiles slightly, saying nothing, content just to see Merle awake. It’s silence that seems to calm Merle enough to talk.
“Ru… don’t fire her… please.”
“Is that what freaked you out?”
Ru’s voice is soft.
“No… I just…. it’s… it’s nothing.”
Merle refuses to speak on what upset her but Michelle knows. She recognizes it instantly.
The word is almost a growl and Merle flinches, Michelle’s voice softens again.
“What happened with you…?”
“He just… he fought with Ru over… something and then… he stayed. I left. I couldn’t help it… I didn’t want them to fight over me…”
“So us yelling… brought it all back.”
Michelle smiles, half-laughs.
“One day I’ll stop making you cry…”
“I didn’t cry… I just…”
“Scared the shit out of both of us.”
Ru injects teasingly.
“I’ll leave you two to talk…”
Michelle lingers only a little longer, her voice soft.
“I meant it… You are one of my dearest friends…”
“Even if I’m a Mouse.”
“Because you act like such a Mouse.”
Michelle laughs.
“I don’t think anyone could handle two of me…”
“I can’t even handle one of you.”
“What can I say… you leave me speechless…”
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artificialqueens · 9 years
Another Day, Another Destiny - Flicks
A/N: I have no idea what I’m doing with tags so… please help admins!! Also, this is probably AU as hell so…. that might need to be a tag?  (Merle/Michelle fluff)
Somewhere along the way, a bond forms. Yes, they are two completely different people and yet there’s something incredibly true in the way that people see them as different sides of the same coin. Merle is quiet, withdrawn and when she does laugh it’s gentle, honest and soft. Michelle is not. Michelle’s laugh is loud, truthfully joyful and yet incredibly charming given the right conditions. Despite the fact they are almost completely different, there’s a bond there, a bond that forms when they meet, Merle is still quiet, still a little withdrawn but she willingly pokes fun at herself, Michelle smiles, nudging her gently. Watching Merle laugh just proves it, under the shy, gentle exterior there is a core of pure steel. Despite everything, even the way Merle took Michelle’s place for almost three seasons of Drag Race, they get on, they get on well. The truth comes when one of the Queens chooses to poke more than fun and be truly cruel.
“Don’t you dare talk like that about my friend.”
The words come out harshly and yet, they are completely true. Merle is a friend, someone Michelle will stand up for.
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