#merlin Eira
xviruserrorx · 4 months
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MerlinRewatch2023 -> "Diamond Of The Day II" The Bad List ~ Masterlist [Prev <-]
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lonesomedotmp3 · 2 years
the finale really was some of the most dull pointless scenes sprinkled amongst the most harrowing deranged compelling narrative possible. I'm sorry but this whole thing with percival and gwaine was stupid.
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sneakyboymerlin · 4 months
If no merwaine, then why…
Transcript and analysis below ⬇️
Gwaine: Thanks for everything that you did for Eira.
Merlin: There’s no need to thank me, it was the least I could do. And you seem to care for her.
Gwaine: I could hardly leave her for the Saxons, now, could I?
Merlin: [teasing] Was that your only reason for rescuing her?
Gwaine: [lying] Of course.
[Saxons attack. Gwaine fights them off, but one knocks Merlin to the ground. He curls up and shields his face, completely helpless.]
Merlin: [screaming] Gwaine!
[Gwaine turns his back on the man he’s fighting and saves Merlin. He finishes off the last Saxon without even looking, eyes still on Merlin. He helps Merlin off the ground.]
Gwaine: Are you okay?
Merlin: Yeah, I- I think so. Thank you.
Gwaine: There’s no need to thank me, Merlin. It was the least I could do.
aaaaaaand END SCENE!
To start off with, we have a self-aware parallel in Merlin and Gwaine’s dialogue. We’re going to be examining the subtext of this conversation.
Subtext is simply what can be inferred without direct statement or revelation. It is not, as fandom is wont to believe, inserting any meaning you want between the lines: it is a cohesive message expressed by indirect means. Here’s an example:
A student goes to turn in his paper. After looking through two pages, his teacher asks, “Are you sure you want to turn this in?” The subtext of this question is the intended clue to the student that the paper is not ready yet to be turned in and he should edit through it again.
Moving forward… The repetition of, “There’s no need to thank me, it was the least I could do,” is a deliberate allusion to a core theme of Merlin and Gwaine’s relationship through the years: helping another soul—soon to be friend—in need, with no expectation of a reward.
The subtextual reading of this parallel, of course, is that Merlin does not owe Gwaine, and vice versa, because that is not why they help each other. They do it because they care about one another. As a result, they’ve both helped each other innumerably. Gwaine alludes to the help Merlin’s given him as a way of saying that there is no need to return the favor, because 1) he didn’t do it expecting a favor in exchange, and 2) Merlin has more than repaid the favor already.
Another instance where we see this kind of exchange between them is in this deleted scene from 4x07 The Secret Sharer (scene 47 at 15:10).
Gwaine: We’ll find him.
Merlin: I won’t forget this.
Gwaine: I haven’t done anything.
Merlin: One day I’ll repay the favor.
Gwaine: Considering the trouble I get into, that may prove to be a rash promise.
[Gwaine offers Merlin some food]
Merlin: I’m full.
Another deleted scene (they really did just delete every meaningful Gwaine scene in s4 huh) which we have only a script for (though it’s possible it was recorded and the audio edited out) is when Gwaine and Arthur ride out to find Merlin in 4x06 after he’s been captured by bandits. Although this scene did not make the final cut, it is referenced again when Gwaine calls Merlin “Bog Man,” so it clearly has a place amidst the canon material.
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(Find the transcription here.)
I think it speaks for itself here, but, “And finding him will be reward enough?” truly captures the selfless devotion that Gwaine feels for Merlin.
Fandom generally accepts the idea that Gwaine would do anything for Merlin, but that Merlin never seems to do the same in return. However, this is likely a misconception of what counts towards a returned favor. Merlin is a physician, not a warrior. Or, as Morgana puts it, “a lover” (not a fighter). We cannot expect Merlin to help Gwaine in the same area of expertise that Gwaine helps him in. He applies himself in other ways.
When they meet in 3x04, Gwaine offers Merlin and Arthur aid in a tavern brawl where they’re clearly outnumbered. Gwaine is injured when his opponent pulls out a knife in a fistfight, and Merlin rushes to tend to his wound. Already, a favor is given and returned between the two.
And, while Gwaine does intend to help both Merlin and Arthur, not to mention the tavern employees, he takes a special interest in Merlin. Merlin is the only one who Gwaine takes the time to introduce himself to mid-fight, even as Merlin shouts for him to watch out as he is being actively attacked. And then, of course, Gwaine does fall to an attack. Merlin treats his injuries both on the spot and back in his own chambers.
One could argue that the introduction of Gwaine to Eira follows a similar format, with Gwaine coming to her rescue, only for her to save him when their attacker knocks him to the ground. Perhaps Gwaine even takes on Merlin’s role as caretaker from 3x04 when he brings Merlin in to treat Eira in 5x12, as opposed to receiving the treatment himself. Then again, it might be more similar to the scene in 4x07 where Gwaine jumps in to battle against Alator’s guard. Like Eira, Merlin also rescues Gwaine when he’s knocked to the ground (though Gwaine doesn’t know it).
As we can see, though, Merlin is not lying when he tells Gwaine, “I’d do the same for you,” in 3x08, nor when he tells Gwaine, “One day I’ll repay the favor,” in the deleted scene from 4x07. Merlin and Gwaine have different services to offer, but they offer to help all the same.
The next portion of the aforementioned 5x12 scene on our to-dissect list is the actual subject matter of the conversation, followed by a visual representation of the very same act.
After Gwaine thanks Merlin for helping Eira, Merlin mentions that Gwaine “seem[s] to care for her.” Gwaine, in an effort to avoid the sexual and romantic implications, diverts to the chivalrous explanation: “I could hardly leave her to the Saxons, now, could I?” Merlin teases him with no relent, though, and asks, “Was that your only reason for rescuing her?” Gwaine responds with a curt, “Of course.”
The subtext of this conversation is that Gwaine’s hurried involvement to protect/take care of Eira stems from a crush on her. This is true, as there were many enemies around, but Gwaine chose the one attacking the pretty “damsel in distress” to fight. He then takes one long look at her and decides to forgo the battle to take her to safety.
Merlin can’t help but notice Gwaine’s feelings for her. She is, after all, staying in his bed even after her wound has been treated, so there is a connection between them… much like Gwaine stayed with Merlin for the remainder of 3x04 until he had no choice but to fulfill the demands of his banishment. This is especially interesting, since the wound that Merlin treats Eira for is on her leg, which is the same spot where Gwaine was stabbed when they first met. Merlin similarly wrapped his wound at the time.
But the main point is the fact that Gwaine rescued Eira from the Saxons with a single-minded fervency, in part because he was attracted to her, and then quickly grew attached.
Gwaine then proceeds to rescue Merlin from Saxons a matter of seconds after this is established.
Allow me to remind you of Gwaine’s sudden change of course in saving Eira.
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Now compare this to his rescue of Merlin.
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Let’s take a closer look at their dialogue:
Merlin: You seem to care for her.
Gwaine: I could hardly leave her for the Saxons, now, could I?
Merlin: [teasing] Was that your only reason for rescuing her?
Gwaine: [lying] Of course.
When applied to Gwaine’s rescue of Merlin, the conversation about Gwaine rescuing Eira takes on a more powerful meaning. After all, Eira is a virtual stranger who ends up being the traitor in the court. Gwaine sends her to her execution on Merlin’s word (via Gaius as the messenger), whereas Merlin is someone Gwaine has known for nearly a decade. There is a consistent history of Gwaine acting as Merlin’s body guard, which is being enacted again now as Gwaine escorts Merlin through the Valley of the Fallen Kings.
This is also one of the last ever scenes between Merlin and Gwaine. In truth, we are being shown a brief summary of their relationship as it comes to its narrative end—one last hurrah, if you will. And what they choose to show us is Gwaine protecting Merlin in an act of unconditional love.
Eira, like any character, is a plot device. Her interference leads to Merlin being trapped in the Crystal Cave, and Gwaine being tortured for information on Merlin and Arthur’s location. However, her presence as a person Gwaine wants to protect is meant to evoke the memory of every time Gwaine has protected Merlin. The chosen method to imply this was by creating a parallel between Gwaine’s protectiveness over the woman he’s currently sleeping with to his protectiveness over Merlin. Take that as you will.
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theroundbartable · 4 months
Guys, correct me if I'm wrong but...
Was anyone actually burned in BBC Merlin?
Fake Helen's son, Eira and even Cara were hanged, right? The only people I remember ever being brought before the pyre were Gaius (and my memory on that is foggy) and Dragoon (which I know for certain, because he lit the fire to escape.)
Also, and this isn't to paint Uther in a good light or anything, the accused were only ever put in the dungeons (to starve). Did Uther use other torture methods?
Stocks (yes, but in BBC Merlin it looks fun)
Flogged (but he doesn't do that anymore*)
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I'm just checking some facts. For future Uther characterizations.
(*I mean, according to the GIF. Merlin was put in the stocks afterwards, which suggests that this isn't happening anymore. I know it sounds weird, lol)
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merlincersei · 9 months
Merlin BBC UK TV Show - A Psychological Analysis Series Part 8
“ The deterioration of Arwen in season 5”
My biggest takeaway from Season 5 is how the Arwen ship was dismantled piece by piece by the show creators.
In season 5, Arthur and Gwen are married, but their relationship was shown to be exceedingly formal, chaste, without true communication and lack of personal touch. Let me elaborate:
Formal : They never kiss in season 5 !!!!!!!!!!
2. Chaste : Arthur and Gwen are always shown completely dressed even in the bedroom
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whereas other couples are shown in a more sexually charged light than them.
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Shirtless Gwaine and Eira who are not married
3. Lack Of Communication : Scene From Season 5:
Gwen: I know you sometimes desire time alone away from me… If you don’t wish me to accompany you I’d rather you told me yourself than have Merlin do it
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4. Lack of Personal Touch :
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It looks more like an intentional reference to the episode where Arthur and Gwen first kissed:
Arthur: I can kill a chicken from a thousand paces, just don’t ask me to cook it. That’s what servants are for.
Gwen: I’m not ashamed to be a servant. At least I’m not a liar.
Arthur: We had a nice meal together. What does it matter where it came from?
Gwen: Because I thought you’d shown some humility. You had done something kind for me even though I’m just a servant.
In cannon stories, Arthur and Gwen are married. Gwen has an affair with Lancelot. Their affair brings about the fall of Camelot.
In the TV series, Lancelot is dead, so the series creator try to highlight another love triangle
GWEN ------------------ARTHUR---------------- MERLIN
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They could have Gwen out of this scene, but they didn’t. And if you know how these things are shot, then you also know it wasn’t a mistake on the filmmakers part, it was on purpose.
There are always 3 people in this marriage, and I don’t think that Gwen is very happy about that, even though she doesn’t always voice it out loud:
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Gwen’s dissatisfaction of her marriage shows in the Dark Tower episode. Gwen: “Arthur doesn’t tell me anything”. And it wasn’t just a flippant statement.
It all plays into her greatest fears (as Morgana confirmed once again: “The mandrake root is cruel. It pierces the depths of your soul, twisting your unconscious into the very image of fear and dread.”)
So why would Gwen fear her husband lying and mocking her the most? As well as her brother and Arthur’s knight Elyan and Arthur’s best friend - Merlin?
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It’s because she doesn’t fully believe Arthur on some subconscious level. This is what Morgana plays into. She knows that Gwen was feeling a little alone even before the Dark Tower (we see bits of it in the earlier episodes, when Gwen asks Arthur to stay with her and he politely refuses and goes with the knights to yet another mission.) “Gwen, you’re not alone now. You need never be alone again. I am the only one you can trust.”
Arthur acts as a knight should with his wife, he gives her beautiful compliments. You can’t really accuse him of abandoning his wife:
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But what he does immediately after that? After all, it’s a Gwen/Arthur’s date, he pays attention to Merlin.
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And if you ask me, Gwen doesn’t look happy about it:
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The last Gwen/Arthur moment in the show ends with Arthur saying ‘Merlin’ and bolting out of bed because he dreamed his servant was talking to him.
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LOL at Gwen’s face
And no goodbye :
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More importantly, In the final episode of the series there is not a single scene between Arthur and Gwen. What happened there? They gave 'proper’ goodbyes to Perceival/Gwaine and Merlin/Gaius, even Arthur/Gaius. It was actually a stunningly disrespectful ending to the relationship they seemed to prioritize for so long.
It is because the show creators finally emphasized what the show was about in their finale episode:
Arthur does not mention Gwen once in his dying moments what so ever.
2. The Arwen romantic theme plays between Arthur and Merlin. The musical score is shot from Arthurs perspective showing Arthur falling in love with Merlin. LISTEN CAREFULLY
3. And the final clue to the puzzle, Julian called the final episode a love story between 2 men.
Mind you, I’m not saying Arthur didn’t love Gwen and vice versa. They did, but their marriage just wasn’t working as it should have. Give the show creators some credit for drastically reinterpreting the Gwen-Lancelot-Arthur triangle into a Merlin-Arthur-Gwen plot point.
Gwen certainly deserved better than this, so I’m glad sir Leon will be there for her. 
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From Season 5 Episode 13 Commentary:
Katie: But she has Sir Leon, why would she need -
Julian Murphy: See, that’s another undercurrent in Merlin. Isn’t it? Sir Leon. Him and Gwen.
And some people like to say that Julian was joking and his words don’t count as a confirmation (And why is that, exactly?), but I disagree. Because Leon is heavily hinted to have feelings for Gwen in the show itself And there is this official promo photo. Mind you there is not a single photo of Gwen with any other knight for season 5 except Leon.
I think it totally counts as canon, because it would have been insensitive to show it explicitly in the show right after Arthur’s death. But still Leon was deliberately shown standing near Gwen and the throne in the last scene.
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quinnoliver · 6 months
Merlin: Arthur, where did you take Eira's baby? She's coming back to town this afternoon.
Arthur: Heath has her. Gwaine almost got his turn and I had to do something about it.
Merlin: Heath is terrified of babies.
Arthur: well, then they will go to Wilfred and finally make up.
Merlin: since when are you a matchmaker?
Arthur: ....you rubbed off on me.
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If Gwaine didn't have such a good heart and such a hot head, he wouldn't have felt Eira's betrayal so much that he had to ride out to kill Morgana.
Morgana wouldn't have captured him and Percival.
She wouldn't have tortured Arthur and Merlin's whereabouts out of Gwaine.
And she wouldn't have delayed Merlin taking Arthur to the Lake of Avalon.
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shitakimooshrooms · 1 year
ok so my notes on season 4-5(I don’t think I did any for season 4 so yeah). Lancelot coming back made me upset. I did like the drama and we got to see that really nice dress Gwen wore at some point. Isolde and Tristan my beloveds. We got to see Hunith again! I don’t really have many notes on season 4. It was good. Definitely pushed my Arwen shipping to the max. Season 5; I loved evil Gwen but Elyan dying was really painful. I loved the use of Stockholm syndrome with Morgwen. Beautiful. Eira sucks and I hate that she played Gwaine. QUEEN GUINEVERE!!! More Leon screen time! KILGARRAH IS A BITCH!! I cried when Gwaine and Arthur died. The Dolma was an icon. Mordred and Morgana having a better sibling relationship that Morgana and Arthur. I honestly do feel bad for mordred. Like, if Arthur accepted magic into Camelot, would they come back to find him dead? Would he just no longer want to turn on Arthur because magic is free? Like what was the deal with that? BACK TO SEASON 4! HOW THE FUCK DID NO ONE WUESTION HOW MERLIN SURVIVED GHE DOROCHA!?!? ALSO WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING WHEN THEY DESIGNED THE DEIMAR OR WHATEVER!?! ALSO IF UTHER KNEW THAT ARTHUR MARRIED GWEN, HOW THE HELL DID HE NOT KNOW THAT MERLIN HAD MAGIC??? CONTINUITY IS BULL!!! Also they did Kilgarrah and Aithusa dirty. Like, Killgarrah’s design had a lot of thought out into it but you never get to see any of that because he’s always in a dark dingy cave or in the dead of night. And I didn’t realize that dragons don’t have ears until aithusa showed up. Like they legit made aithusa look like a sick horse mixed with those white dogs with the red eyes. I’ll add more notes when I think of them.
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tairona-is-taken · 3 months
So I finally finished Merlin ...
I had seen parts of the show over the last 15 years and loved the parts I saw, but for some reason, I never sat down and made an effort to watch it from beginning to end until last summer. Anyway, I finally got to the finale a few days ago. I knew what was going to go down already because I am a person who's alive and on the internet, but man, was that still crushing to watch. T_T
I have a thousand thoughts on the show and who knows if I will ever have time to write them up, so for now I will just dash out my immediate thoughts after the finale ended (aside from "I just had my soul ripped out and will never recover"):
The intense emotional bonding between Merlin and Arthur in the last episode, as well as Colin and Bradley's incredible acting in it, just swept me away. I have since read a review that points out all the logical holes and characterization issues in Diamond of the Day 1/2--and in retrospect, I agree that the finale has a ton of issues--but still, it hit me hard in the feels and I love that they allowed Merlin and Arthur to be so unabashedly ardent about what they mean to each other.
I was prepared for Arthur's death (or about as prepared as one can be), but what I did not know was that GWAINE was going to die, too. D: I have since read that apparently he is one of the knights who frequently dies in different versions of Arthurian legend, but still ... that one got me.
Gwen was a total badass at the end! Battlefield medic! Stabbing Saxons! Unmasking Eira the traitor! Figuring out Merlin's secret all on her own! And I love that Camelot is not actually going to fall with Arthur's death, because it has been left in her capable hands.
What really gutted me more than anything, though, is that we never get a denouement where Gaius, Gwen, and Merlin reunite, take comfort in each other, and mourn Arthur and Gwaine together--and that we never even see Merlin in the throne room scene when Gwen is crowned???? What the hell, show? I've seen the theories that--especially given the very last scene in the modern age--that Merlin never returns to Camelot, but I just ... refuse to believe that. So instead, I'm going to go with this excellent theorizing in an old LJ review by ravenya03 as my head canon for what happens after that coronation scene:
Though there’s been some speculation, I’m sure that Merlin will return to Camelot and Guinevere. How could he not? I assumed he already had, and that’s how they all knew that Arthur was dead. They’ll grieve together, they’ll talk about Arthur’s final moments, she’ll tell him that she knows his secret. She’ll legalize magic, she’ll appoint Merlin as her chief advisor, she’ll give him a seat at the Round Table, and she’ll make him her liaison to the druids (essentially, she’ll do all the things that Arthur was meant to do). She’ll arrange for Hunith to come to Camelot so that she can be with her son. Together, they’ll send out envoys to other kingdoms, creating an alliance of Queen Annis, Queen Mithian, Queen Elena and (a disenchanted) Queen Vivian which heralds in the Golden Age (I’ll consider this compensation for five seasons of rampant misogyny). Mithian will visit and comfort Gwen with what Arthur once said about her: that without her, his kingdom meant nothing. With Arthur dead, the love spell on Vivian is finally broken and she hooks up with Percival. Gwen will realize that she’s pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. Gilli will return so Merlin will have a magic-buddy that isn’t deranged. Gaius will die and be replaced by Alice as the new court physician. Guinevere will track down Sefa and make her peace with her. Merlin teaches her how to use the Horn of Cathbad so that she can talk to her father, brother and husband every year.
Anyway, I have now entered my traditional period of mourning that happens when I finish a beloved piece of media. Time to drown myself in fanfiction (and possibly start watching the show over from the beginning?) in an attempt to fill the Merlin-shaped hole in my heart.
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knightofmordred · 1 year
if gwen was sent into a trap with the potential of being killed (or maybe had already been killed) would you expect arthur to spare the person who betrayed them? hmm? so why would you expect gwen to spare eira?
eira caused the loss of many, many knights in camelot's army, arthur being stabbed was one of the casualties of eira's betrayal. by the time gwen and co got to know of eira being a traitor the damage had already been done and arthur was literally dying.
too often people think gwen was harsh in eira's punishment, meanwhile treason was punishable by death, nothing changed in camelot regarding that.
arthur also executed kara for attempted murder and yes before anyone says "well he gave her a chance" he only gave her a chance after merlin convinced him too!
kara was young and impressionable and eventhough she attempted to harm arthur, she didn't - and he knew that.
eira had already caused harm.
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update on how my family’s managing after DotD
“tell them we’re devastated” HAHA
no joke christmas was ruined- felt the evil energy of the bbc merlin writers ten years ago, running through my veins, as I clicked on part 2 on prime video ;)
they soldiered through the first part like champs, only small comments on Arthur’s round table speech they wondered how Elyan’s seat had been replaced and immediately clocked Eira as a traitor bc ‘that’s something the show always does 🙄’
sisters were crying when Merlin was stuck in the crystal cave, and I was crying when he walked up the landslide of rocks after Balinor and disappeared into a halo of white light..
then the second episode started and I was
s h a k i n g
(still hearing the words ‘just really sad’ and ‘I can’t believe it’ and ‘she tricked us 😦’ in the living room as I type this up, and it’s been way more than 24 hours later…)
Gwen was so badass! 🥰 and Merlin was out there winning! And I remembered why this was so terrible the first time, the show works hard to give us this false sense of security.
I clicked on the episode knowing that within 5 minutes Arthur would be stabbed and I’d be able to retire from my long career as a loving older sister.
It was literally a ‘gasps hears around the world’ kinda moment, they all sat up and then, my second youngest sister the Mordred stan (she dressed up as him for our s2 finale costume contest) burst into tears! and I actually felt really bad.
But then the magic reveal!
It was deadly quiet when Merlin revealed his magic and there were a few long sighs when Arthur turned away to say ‘leave me’. I was pretty much inconsolable and this is my third rewatch personally. They did! make the connection between Merlin’s ‘fire dragon’ from ‘Moment of Truth’ and the one from this ep however :)
Then we had the long haul of waiting for the beginning of the real end really, and I was relieved to hear them giggle when Arthur and Merlin reminiscenced about their first market place fight, and Merlin’s ‘charm’.
then… The Real End
Of course my little brother (if you remember him from his story ‘Morgana’s Weak Quickening) had to gloat about how Merlin had ended her, just as he’d predicted, and everyone was shushing and glaring at him because it wasn’t the time lmao
I was already crying for real by the time Merlin had Arthur in his arms and they were exchanging their last words, and I was surprised to find later that they did! hear Arthur say ‘just hold me… please’ because I hadn’t heard it on my first watch.
There were no gasps or shouts when Arthur died, just silence…
No one jumped when the truck came on scene as a jumpscare (I was kind of mad at myself for getting startled even though I knew!), and then Merlin crossed our tv screen for the last time and I let the end credits play in full.
They shushed me after I attempted to speak in the two minutes after the credits ended, and it was so quiet for the next ten minutes I thought I broke them…
Their reactions:
Sister 1: ‘Wh-hat..?’
Sister 2: ‘HE DIDN’T DESERVE TO DIE’ (Mordred😵‍💫)
Sister 3: ‘But Gaius didn’t die?? I didn’t put ‘Arthur dies’ on my theory list…’
Brother: ‘I TOLD YOU SO. But… now I’m a little sad :(‘
Afterwards, I promised I’d let them all loose to look up any ‘spoilers’ for the show they wanted. (We have an unofficial rule that whenever we’re watching anything for the time, we can’t look up anything related for fear of spoilers. And I’m a very strict drill sergeant about this 🫡)
But they weren’t very interested…
Our Christmas morning was noticeably sadder. And I wondered again how families in 2012 had coped when their kids had struggled through the unfairness of the finale and still had to open presents the next morning… a mystery really…
They spent the whole. day. watching edits and playing sad music in the living room (to which my parents were very confused) and coming up to me to either rant or fight about the finale haha
Now my sister (the piano playing one) is learning how to play ‘Solas’ by Jamie Duffy on the piano bc she says it reminds her of Diamond of the day and she’s been very determined! All break, she’s been getting up to play ‘Solas’ and ‘Bond of Sacrifice’ and ‘The Love Theme’ and I’m proud of her, for getting this far and only a little concerned
- I think the kids are gonna be alright? lmao
They’ve made plans for fanart and fanfics and alternative endings and I think I’ve fully recruited them into the immoral fandom (if not happily) although I’m sure they’ll recover soon enough to join us in bittersweet reminiscence next year :)
oh! forgot to add one last thing
after rewatching ‘A Dragon’s Call’ last night my brother had one thing to say. “Arthur says ‘there’s something about you Merlin’ …but that something was that he would die in Merlin’s arms…” LMAO I almost died on the spot but I’m glad to see they’ve inherited the fandom’s morbid (or Mordred ;) sense of humor
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I just had a thought and so I'm curious to ask you, what do you make of Mordred's feelings for Kara in a Mordana context? You've filled in so many gaps for Morgana and Mordred during s5 and have also written so many wonderful aus for them but I'm curious what Morgana would think to know of Mordred's past with Kara given that she was allied with her as well. What do you think of Kara's character? Could there be a bit of a love triangle there? Or do you prefer that Mordana are completely loyal to each other (even with their disagreements at times)?
Well, basically I think that she was another Freya/Eira, a filler girl-in-the-woods-a-maidservant, not a heroine but a driver.
Also I have a hot-take like theory that all these one-episode girls mirror Morgana, one of the two main female characters of the show, mirror some aspect of her(yes, I'm a big Morgana fan, and since no one of them exists they will not be offended by this comparison, I guess 👽 😎) Freya was an innocent cursed girl struggling with her dangerous magic whom Merlin wanted to save and open his own magic to her, but he failed; their story brought him closer and readier to sacrificing Morgana later in this season. Eira was a S3 Morgana: an insidious enemy in their midst working to destroy Camelot from the inside. Kara is a rebel reckless side of Morgana, "it's not a crime to fight for you freedom", sounds like S1 and S3(the "another way" scene with Merlin) Morgana; Kara would have become like S4/5 Morgana later if she lived, like being cruel and assured in her righteousness for the sake of the change and magical revolution. So, we know that this is a Mordred's type 😎 He also was displeased by some of her actions, so it all repeats itself.
As for my aus, I write the dead Kara in some of them; maybe Mordred even can see the similarities between them; or, in other things, she doesn't exist/affect that much, since I want to be focused on Morgana. In the druid AU I'm writing now she exists along with Morgana and Mordred, he had also had a past with her.
I think that Morgana is sympathetic to her. In some fic Morgana used her memory to reproach Mordred for not siding with her earlier what could have prevented the tragedy. I don't think, at least now, that she could be jealous of him for Kara, but for Merlin, Arthur, Camelot — definitely, I write many negative feelings here. There's also a thing that the events had been happening in such way that Morgana and Mordred could be together only through someone's death — his father and Kara, a wish to see Arthur and Merlin's deaths. Gothic, isn't it? 💀
I haven't thought about the love triangle for them yet, maybe in a modern au?
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How can someone look at Gwaine, that beautiful man and be like "imma betray him"
*sobs in a corner
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 month
random ask inspired by your post about gwaine being merlin's ride or die and how he was the only knight who went to see merlin released in 5x07. first of all so many points being made. second of all your tags about how leon probably led merlin's arrest were validating for me personally as someone who has always found leon a bit annoying. or at least, who's always found the accepted idea that leon is like this beacon of morality and goodness as really boring, canonically unrealistic and unimaginative. this is an unpopular opinion but i do kind of feel like the fandom's idea that all of the round table knights love/protect merlin is somewhat exaggerated. and esp irt to leon, i think it's potentially interesting to explore the way his loyalty to the throne, his personal code of chivalry, and the ideals he likely grew up with as a noble-born child of uther's camelot interact with each other. then again i truly do understand why no one wants to give him much thought as he is basically just a piece of stale white bread.
Gwaine is Merlin’s ride or die! There’s truly no one quite like it besides Will or maybe Lancelot. But what makes Gwaine unique here is a combination of beliefs/behaviors:
Gwaine never knew about Merlin’s magic! He saw how special he was without his gifts and his destiny. He saw it before Arthur’s life was in danger, just from being around him under casual, non-life-threatening circumstances.
Gwaine’s loyalties aren’t divided—or at least, as far as they are divided, he’s already prioritized Merlin above his other loyalties (whether that’s Arthur, Eira, Gaius, and by extension, maybe the greater good…)
Gwaine always implicitly trusts Merlin, even when he himself doesn’t have all the information… even when Merlin admits to Gwaine’s face that he is lying to him. This is why he assumes that Merlin is right about Gaius in 4x07, despite having no evidence. It’s also why he lets Merlin go in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. And it’s why he was the only one who believed Merlin didn’t do it in 5x07, as evidenced by his appearance in the cells.
The only time Gwaine questions Merlin is when Merlin is potentially endangering himself. He doesn’t ask any questions about why Merlin needs his protection in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. He only asks what they’re there for when Merlin tries to send him away.
Gwaine is the only one who’s still alive when Merlin needs him 💀💀💀 so by deduction…
Anyways, 5x07 is one of those rare episodes where it’s actually interesting to look at Leon! (Non-canon events notwithstanding—I once played a good game of Merlin-themed DND where someone made Leon interesting which, in the spirit of this post, is an impressive feat).
Now, in my personal opinion, Leon’s significance is over-inflated by fandom in the sense that the attention and depth his character receives is highly disproportionate to what we see of him in canon. I think the reason that Leon isn’t included much in canon isn’t because he’s being screwed over but, simply, his characterization narrows down what roles he can fit into.
His unquestioning loyalty to the crown means that he’s unlikely to ever prioritize protecting Merlin, and it shows that he has no issue with the ban on magic. Therefore, he fits well in 5x04 when he worries that Arthur is risking too much on his quest, and in 5x07 when he has Merlin arrested on the word of his queen alone. These two episodes provide a great contrast to Gwaine’s respective roles in them, where he stays behind when Merlin is injured in 5x04 and releases Merlin from the dungeons in 5x07.
This is why I posit that Gwaine and Leon are the perfect foils to each other. Both of them are unquestioningly loyal, protective, and caring towards the person/people they prioritize. However, for Gwaine, that person is Merlin, a “mere” servant, while for Leon, it’s the royals.
Gwaine’s devotion is towards his best friend—one irreplaceable person—while Leon’s is more of a distanced loyalty that follows a line of heirs (though Leon does show some preference to Arthur and Gwen, despite his steadfast loyalty to Uther). Leon also strikes me as a very methodical, rules-adhering fighter, which contrasts Gwaine’s more resourceful, bar brawl-based style.
And let’s never let ourselves forget that Gwaine and Leon’s first-ever interaction was when Leon—under Uther’s orders—arrested Gwaine for protecting Merlin! It’s a miracle they can tolerate each other on quests and patrols.
This difference seems to be the source of their tension in 4x08 as well. Under Lamia’s enchantment, Leon calls Merlin “nothing but a servant,” which Gwaine apparently takes offense to despite also being enchanted against Merlin:
Leon: Why don’t you watch what you’re doing?
Gwaine: Why don’t you watch your damn tongue?
Leon: You’d do well to learn some manners.
Gwaine: Nothing I can learn from you, Leon.
At this point, Leon has said nothing in this scene for these remarks to make much sense. However, Leon’s last line before this is where he insults Merlin. And as we know, Gwaine is no fan of nobles who devalue people for being servants.
So, imo, if you want to bring out Leon’s full potential: instead of turning him into a clone of Gwaine, fans can take his loyalty towards the royals to the exact opposite extreme. As Gwaine takes Merlin’s side, Leon takes Arthur’s >:)
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gwaine-lover · 2 years
What are your favorite Gwaine moments?
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Okay that actually is connected so i will answer to both asks here.
First of all: is that even a questions? Everything with Gwaine is my favourite.
But favourites form favourites?
Obviously all 3x04 there's not one bad moment there. All season 3 Gwaine actually. This is the best Gwaine. This raw, still free and most happy him.
Nobility is defined by what you do. Not by who you are.
I stepped in to protect Merlin.
She's a maiden in a tower, damsel in distress. I was born for this moment.
Not Arthur.
I think we've no chance. But i wouldn't miss it for the world.
"What do you think?" answering Elyan's "Gwaine? You still alive?"
Are you alright, Merlin? 3x04/3x13
I thought I'd come and see how you were.
Merlin, old friend, you look terrible.
No manners, you royals.
You know. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong drink.
You have my word on it, Merlin.
You the best friend i ever had.
Such a waste, huh?
I was having a dream about eating a cheese that tasted od apple pie.
Don't worry. Merlin knows what he's doing.
All from the quotes above.
This. THIS. They running but he still have time to move hand through his hair like "Still fabulous, yeah."
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All merwaine moments. (I could elaborate about them all day long. Every look at Merlin, every smile, every touch. Sjskdkkdksk 💕 ✨ SEND HELP ✨)
All his in tavern moments.
He bringing wepons in 3x13
He fighting to save people: Arthur in Melee, Gaius in 4x12 and 4x13, Eira in 5x12
His hug with Gwen in 3x13
Instinct to reach the dagger: 5x06
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He being annoyed by Arthur (and his every eyes roll at him, expecialy a lot of them in 3x08) and he annoying people ❤️ (Especially Lancelot 3x01, they have so much potential 💕)
And i don't know what else especially. I could point out more and more and would be entairly satisfacted when i would point every single moments with Gwaine from entire series. So yeah, i think that's everything what comes to me easily without thinking much about what else, what else.
Thanks for this ask, always pleasure to talk about my boy 💖
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amewinterswriting · 9 months
Name Meaning Tag
I've been tagged by both @winterandwords and @ahordeofwasps! Thanks! My character names are either really carefully thought out for hours (with multiple dictionaries, google translate and enough baby name websites open that advertisers think that I, a committed childfree lesbian on birth control is pregnant...) or I give them a quick placeholder name that somehow sticks. Some highlights from Magic's Servant:
A common Welsh name, so I didn't research much when I named her - I was aiming for a name that wouldn't raise any eyebrows to a Welsh audience. According to some sources, it means: “shining brow” or “shining forehead” (from “tal” = forehead/brow + “iesin” = shining). Unfortunately, as someone with just enough Welsh to be dangerous, I'm pretty sure that's entirely made up, given that tall = tal and shining = disgleirio. In my humble opinion, it's probably a modernised version of the name Taliesin, who was an early Brittonic poet of Sub-Roman Britain whose work has possibly survived in a Middle Welsh manuscript, the Book of Taliesin.
Obviously named for the Greek three-headed dog guarding the underworld. He's a cat. That does get pointed out. Even Talli doesn't take his name at face value. It's almost as if he's deliberately chosen an ill-fitting name, but why?
Welsh for snow. She's a white dove, and there is a significance to the idea of white feathers falling like snow in her name. That's about as much as I can say there...
Short for Aderyn, which is bird in Welsh. This one would raise eyebrows to a Welsh audience - it's not really a name, it's a noun. That's intentional - she has hippie parents who liked the sound of a nature name in a language they don't speak. Kinda the cultural equivalent of getting a tattoo you believe says 'courage' but actually says 'chicken fried rice'. Hence why she prefers to shorten it.
Actually short for Violet, which is fairly obvious in terms of meaning. In universe, she has a very solid reason for disliking her given name and preferring her nickname, namely: [redacted for spoilers].
Amato and Desidero
Beloved and wish/desire in Italian, respectively. Similarly, not actual names, but they do tell a heck of a story just by close proximity to each other, huh?
Original form of Merlin. So fun fact, we can pretty much trace the name change in Arthurian myth to one Geoffrey of Monmouth, who was a cleric who wrote down and embellished a lot of the original myths and legends, mostly to sell on the continent. France was particularly into chivalrous romances at the time so a lot of his changes were made for a French audience and apparently Myrddin sounds a little too close to merde...hence the name changed to Merlin. But since this is a story steeped in Welsh culture and experiences, I'm deliberately using Myrddin.
Tagging: @red-pen-ally, @jay-avian, @sam-glade and OPEN for anyone who read this far and wants to give it a go!
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