#mermaid ghiaccio
jojos-bizarre-sirens · 11 months
for mermay draw Ghiaccio next
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he's an icefish thats practically fused with his stand at all times
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abbacchiosbelt · 8 months
merman ghiaccio in the aquarium. he's pissed off about being in a tank and wants out
FREE HIM!! he's constantly scaring guests and handlers are TERRIFIED of being assigned his tank. he's a danger to everyone - but this danger is what keeps him at the zoo because he draws a massive crowd. (it'd be cool if you freed him, though... he might not kill you then.)
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kattartsblog · 1 year
fem la squadra but mermaid au
One too many mermaids
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Oh boy, here we go again. O_O
Designing the rest of Fem! La Squadra as Mermaids was quite the challenge. I have drawn Fem! Illuso as a mermaid in the past but not regular Illuso. 🤔 Anyway, if you want in depth species check out the links down below. I hope you like the art Non. :}
Pesci || Prosciutto || Risotto Nero || Sorbet and Gelato || Ghiaccio || Formaggio || Melone || Fem!Illuso
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beach-boyzz · 2 years
Girlll godd thinking bout GhiaPesci mermaid au…
(I had one where Pesci was human and Ghia was a Mermaid but I’m thinking about a different one where they are both mermaids)
Ghiaccio being this gorgeous octopus mermaid who’s colors change off of his mood (I THINK THEY CAN DO THAT DON’T CANCEL ME IM A LITTLE SEA SLUG AND SHARK GUY NOT AN OCTO GUY)
And then Pesci’s a nudibranch (sea slug) and a really colorful one at that too he’s very beautiful. Ghiaccio probably noticed him and was lost staring at the colors for a while before snapping out of it to start screaming at Formaggio and Melone because they were teasing him for it
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faline-cat444 · 2 months
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Peach's remaining forms go beyond the round earrings over the first batches.Mighty seems to lack them as a whole due to her headset,Mermaid has pearls,Dashing Thief has tiny green ones,and Figure Skater has blue diamonds.
As for how these names shifted in the other languages...
Spasnish-Peach Superheroína(Portuguese adds a hyphen while Italian removes the accent mark)
French-Peach Superhèroïne
German-Superheldin Peach
Spanish and Italian-Peach Sirena
French-Peach Sirène
Portuguese-Peach Sereia
German-Meerjungfrau Peach(The word is a combination of what in English would be calling her "Young Sea Woman" but directly translates into Mermaid)
Dashing Thief
Spanish and Portuguese-Peach Furtiva(Sneaky/Rogue)
French-Peach Voleuse(Thief)
German-Meisterdieben Peach(Master Thief)
Italian-Ladra Misteriosa(Mysterious Thief)
Figure Skater
Spanish and Portuguese-Peach Patiniadora
French-Peach Patineuse
German-Eiskunstläuferin Peach(Essentially calling her an "Ice Artist Skater")
Italian-Peach Pattinatrice sul Ghiaccio("Ice Skater" in simplest terms but in long form,"Skater On the Ice")
I also don't think I looked up Italian during the first round of form reveals so let's see how they took to it...Ninja,Cowgirl,Detective,and Kung Fu retained those names.Swordfighter is "Peach Spadaccina"(Swordswoman) while the baker gets a little feminine as "Peach Pasticciera".
I'd say we have a pretty decent set of performances to go through in this game going by these previews.If there's one I would really see about adding now it'd be something like Sorceress/Witch Peach.
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squadrah · 2 years
From My CuriousCat
"La Squadra at the beach. What would they do?"
This will be jumbled, but bear with me:
Imagine Illuso going into a mirror and Man In The Mirror taking the mirror underwater so Illuso can look around from what is essentially a magic underwater cabin. The others beg him for rides and Illuso has half a mind to charge for these before he starts getting threats. Melone is one of the first volunteers because he can't swim and has never been underwater, plus he gets to study the marine life without endangering himself or Baby Face (the laptop is not allowed near water).
Sorbet and Gelato keep rubbing sunscreen onto each other every ten minutes, just lovingly smearing it on for safety as well as display. After a while they mysteriously disappeared from the beach, and the others later found out that they discovered a nearby a bar and just started drinking and chatting it up with the baristas.
Formaggio asks the others to bury him in the sand and make a cool sculpture on top of him. He wanted to be a sand mermaid with big boobs but Ghiaccio isn't into that, so instead he went ahead and erected a huge sand castle completely surrounding his victim. Formaggio later shrank himself hoping this would not disturb the castle, but due to its foundation shrinking away, it collapsed and Ghiaccio was furious. Nobody knows what else he expected. (He expected Formaggio to just stay there forever, thanks.)
Pesci uses Beach Boy to water surf. He is surprisingly good at it too, at least until a large jellyfish spooks him into dropping Beach Boy a pretty long way into the ocean. He ends up having to swim back and then spends the rest of his time collecting cool shells by the shore.
Prosciutto arrived in a white linen summer suit and as far as they know, he never removed any articles of clothing while at the beach. In fact, he spent most of the time lying in a chair drinking cocktails and letting his cleavage get some sun, at least until he fell asleep, at which point the others decided to play a hilarious prank on him and laid him gently on a water mattress to get him into the water. Just, imagine these wonderful idiots very carefully carrying a water mattress with a sleeping and full clothed Prosciutto on it and gently pushing it across the water with bated breath, ready to explode with laughter as soon as he stirs and realizes what they had done, and then just starting to choke on said bated breath when Prosciutto drifts out to sea like that and disappears. Terrible. He later woke up on a completely different coast, very confused, and Risotto had to steal a boat and go after him because nobody else was brave enough. Did they think this prank through? Absolutely not. (Were there consequences? Absolutely.)
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sorbet-and-gelato · 1 year
and now with your ideas on a mermaid squadra all i can think of rn is...
MERMAN GHIACCIO LMAO. god just imagine
Fish who is full of rage!!!
I imagine he'd be a very speedy swimmer and probably a good hunter! His tail could have a sheen to it that makes it look like it's icy, even.
I like to think mers communicate with lots of body language and sounds, so I bet Ghia would bare his teeth and flare his fins and snarl and hiss a lot when he's not yelling. Also, I feel like he'd be less trusting of humans and feel more comfortable in the water. (Maybe Melone is more curious about humans in his weird "studying people" way and tries to get Ghia to come with him to observe them... To varying degrees of success.)
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ghiacciowife · 9 months
can you draw mermaid ghiaccio lying face down in a bucket of water
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its ice water :)
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mermaidemilystuff · 2 years
🍦✨ Mermaid Emily IceCreams ✨🍦
#9 Estathé Ice al Limone
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(Prima di iniziare la lettura: probabilmente tra le cose che più fanno partire una discussione tra persone italiane è la preferenza di gusto dell'estathé. Anni di lotte, urla, cazzotti e soprattutto giudizi verso chi la pensa diversamente da noi. Confido di non dover leggere insulti rivolti verso me o terzi e di una generale educazione nell'esporre, in caso, la propria preferenza o punto di vista. Grazie.)
Con delle temperature così elevate il minimo che potevo fare era una recensione sul primo ghiacciolo della rubrica! Benvenuto Estathé Ice 👏🏻
La Ferrero ormai da un paio di estati ha deciso, come già abbiamo ben visto, di allargare il suo impero anche tra gli scaffali del banco frigo. Il primo esperimento con Estathé è stata la proposta di un ibrido tra un calippo e il brick classico che, una volta messo in freezer, poi si gustava ghiacciato. Dall'anno scorso, invece, ha poi deciso di proporre direttamente la versione ghiacciolo che si può trovare nei due gusti più classici (limone o pesca) e menta e lime.
Io ho optato, visto la mia netta preferenza (vi vedo.) al gusto limone. Al primissimo assaggio l'unica cosa che ho sentito in bocca è stata una presenza troppo elevata di dolcezza. Continuando le varie slinguazzate e ciucciate (pure qui, per favore, educazione.) l'elevata dolcezza si conferma la protagonista di questo stecco. Il ghiacciolo in un primo momento risulta molto solido: non tende a sciogliersi rovinosamente e nonostante le varie ciucciate non ha il comportamento tipico da ghiacciolo acqua e sciroppo, per il quale se succhi troppo tiri via tutto il gusto e il ghiacciolo sbiadisce, rimanendo quasi solo ghiaccio. Il che è un grossissimo punto a favore se solo il gusto fosse buono. L'Estathé è una bibita molto dolce e zuccherata e siamo d'accordo, ma questa dolcezza è contrastata dall'amaro dato dall'infuso di tè che rimane in bocca e di cui, nel ghiacciolo, non vi è traccia. Successivamente, nonostante il fondo fosse ancora ben solido e non abbia sgocciolato nemmeno una volta, mi si è spaccato in due durante una ciucciata.
La terza foto che vedete è un esperimento che ho fatto, ovvero un ghiacciolo fatto direttamente con un Estathé in brick. La differenza è sostanziale: non ha un gusto particolarmente accentuato ma non ha nemmeno come unica caratteristica la dolcezza. Si comporta, rispetto a quanto detto sopra, molto di più come un vero ghiacciolo acqua e sciroppo: gocciola un bel po' e se si succhia molto rimaniamo con del ghiaccio e basta sullo stecco.
Questo ghiacciolo non mi ha minimamente convinta: se sono al mare e muoio di caldo ho bisogno di qualcosa di rinfrescante e dissetante, non una bomba di zuccheri. Non oso immaginare quello alla pesca, con un gusto ancora più dolce di quello al limone. Forse si salva menta e lime? Non sono curiosa di saperlo. Se volete un consiglio: prendete dell'estathé e fatevelo in casa.
Voto: 🍦/5
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anxious-changeling · 3 years
GN Monster!Reader x La Squadra
I have a love for monsters so I figured I’d make a monster!reader collection, enjoy!!🥰
Tw: Monster x Humans, mentions organs in Melones part, mentions blood in Risottos part!
Vampire!Reader x Risotto
Both met when Risottos hit on you went sideways! Vampires don’t need to breathe oxygen so him removing the iron in your blood didn’t affect you to his confusion.
He was also confused how it seemed like you could always track him while invisible, little did he know his scent was giving him away-
After an excruciating stalemate you invited him back to your house as a peace offering. He felt strangely obligated to comply.
He didn’t find out you were a vampire until you were both knee deep in courting. Honestly he just thought you were some weird night owl who had light sensitivity.
He’ll do little things for you like put a bottle of his blood out before leaving or draping his coat around you on dusk dates.
He always makes sure to know when sunset and sunrise are because he wants to keep you safe.
Even if all you get is a really bad sunburn if some sunlight touches you he isn’t going to take the risk.
He always makes sure to have Melone test any blood he takes from a hit to make sure it’s pure.
Once he brought home a whole gallon of blood for you, how sweet ❤️
He runs very hot so he’s glad that you run a bit under normal temperature, and cuddling with you is nice because he isn’t constantly sweating!
The rest of La Squadra find you a little creepy at first, you move silently and have never been seen in sunlight. But alas you’re the perfect companion for their Capo!
Bring them some human food and you’ll find them sucking up to you. Not that they weren’t already-
Werewolf!Reader x Formaggio
Formaggio is more of a cat person but you made him love dogs!
He gets so excited to play fetch with you on the full moon, and he’s bought so many kongs for you to destroy!
Belly rubs galore! He loves how soft the fur on your stomach is in wolf form!
You rolled in mud while playing in the forest? He’s going to roll his eyes as he turns on the hose to fill the cattle trough you bought to help wash your wolf form!
Will gladly spend his paycheck at the butchers for you to have some meat to chew on! He freezes it so it’ll last longer!
He loves cuddling with you because you’re so warm! Your wolf form is the perfect size to be the big spoon!
He’ll gladly run and get a heating pad and warm bottle for you pre and post full moon muscle cramps!
He might be a little distant because he doesn’t like seeing you in pain but he’ll still dote on you!
La Sqaudra is very fond of you! Not only can they get stress out by rough housing with your wolf form! But they can also enjoy how much warmth you bring to the house!
Even though you and Formaggio throw the cheesiest pins back and forth that leaves them groaning, you’re pretty cool to them!
Naga!Reader x Illuso
When he first stumbled upon you he was in shock, and once he felt your constricting grip he realized how deep in shit he was.
He felt petrified as you hissed lowly asking what he was doing there. You looked beautifully dangerous in the low light, fangs gleaming.
It took him a bit to get out of your grasp and away, but he found himself coming back the next day.
Suddenly he found himself courting you! While he doesn’t like snakes all too much he does like your horde of mirrors!
He likes to talk about the history of each mirror of yours and you can’t help but listen!
Give him one of your antique mirrors that you’ve seen him eyeing and he’ll stop working.
Illuso.exe has stopped working.
He’s aware how much of a big deal it is for you to give him a piece of your hoard and is so incredibly flustered 💀
He also likes how cool your scaled feel against his skin! He runs hot because of his ridiculous clothing but beauty is pain!
He finds his best sleep cradled in your embrace and nothing short of the world ending could wake him up once he’s in your arms!
Before he knows it he’s important enough to be considered a part of your hoard ;)
The rest of La Squadra find you terrifying at first, I mean your tail is like 30 feet long! Who would t be terrified!
They think you and Illuso go very well together even if you’re the most terrifying couple they’ve ever seen-
Kitsune!Reader x Melone
He had found himself entranced by you while on a mission, and sadly didn’t get to pursue you because of the hit.
He found himself staking out the place he saw you last and within amazing luck ran into you!
At first his behavior was was strange to say the least but you decided to entertain the human with a date.
Surprisingly once you got past the weird game of 20 questions he was very intelligent! His quick wit made the date all the more interesting!
He narrowly dodged becoming your next meal, literally dodged that fate by the skin of his teeth 💀.
His strange humor and sharp tongue made him all the more interesting! To which your courting became all the more genuine!
He had a sneaking suspicion you weren’t human when he saw sharp fangs peering behind a demure smile!
The more he watched you the more he saw your illusion flicker during periods of high emotion.
When you finally revealed your true self, kitsune with 3 beautiful tails, he was ecstatic! He never thought he’d meet a member of the supernatural!
If you show him your fox form he’ll demand cuddles and likes to bury his face in your silky fur!
When you reveal your specific diet of hearts and livers he researches how he can be of help! From staking targets to make sure they keep their liver and heart healthy or going to the butchers for some animal organs! He’s got you ;)
He really enjoys bonding with you by playing pranks on the rest of La Squadra! His favorite prank being putting Ghiaccios keys in a solid block of ice!
Ghiaccio of course lost his shit but you and Melone laughed so hard you cried.
La Squadra thinks you’re amusing in an annoying way, but it’s not hard to get in their favor when your fox form is so adorable!!
Mermaid!Reader x Pesci
Pesci first met you while he was fishing at a secluded dock that hadn’t seen anyone in many years.
He found himself stammering an apology to you as you peered up curiously from the water.
With a single flick of your tail Pesci found himself drenched but at least he had stopped his stuttering.
As you held up a string of pearls demanding he take it he blushed deeply, gently cupping the stunning pearls between calloused hands.
He found himself at the end of your demands for him to visit you again as soon as he could. Thus starting your courting of him!
At first he stumbled his way through interacting with you, asking shyly if he should stop fishing to keep your friends alive.
He was very shocked when you laughed and wheezed that you eat fish too so he’d be okay.
Slowly but surely his confidence built enough for him to present you with a beautiful brooch, his ears flaming hotly.
He was very happy to hear the purr you let out at the sight of such a gorgeous gift!
He would bring you books and magazines to get a glimpse of the world above, and you would gift him with priceless treasures from the sea. A beautiful exchange from above and below!
When he finds the courage to bring La Squadra to visit you, they’re amused at how similar you and Prosciutto are.
They all find your special brand of dry humor hilarious and even Risotto chuckles say a few of your jokes.
Prosciutto is very happy Pesci found a partner in you because you’ve done so much for his confidence!
Harpy!Reader x Prosciutto
He hadn’t meant to crash through and into your nest while taking a stress hike but fates funny.
When you had screamed at him for ruining your roof, he snappily shot back that maybe you shouldn’t have nested under a major pathway.
With a building fury you pointed out that your home was no where near a major pathway, he flushed deeply.
Once the shock wears off he’ll be sent right back into shock from realizing you’re something straight from mythology.
When you snap at him to help you fix your roof instead of catching flies he rolls his eyes but starts to help.
After everything he comes back a few days later with a gift as an apology, to your suprise it’s a stunning handheld mirror made of pure silver.
He presents the gift with a light flush and you can help but preen a little under the attention~
You spend hours adorning your wings in thin gold chains and adding colorful powders to your wings to help court him!
When he visits you again he coughs into his hand and you catch a glimpse of flaming red ears.
You can help but feel smug that your preening was well worth it.
Once you both officially begin courting he loves to pet where your feathers are thickest and it feels wonderful!
When molting season comes around you shy away from letting him see you
He makes sure to shower you in praise and reassure you that no matter how many feathers you lost he still thinks you’re stunning ❤️
On really bad days he’ll find something shiny to gift you because he know a new stunning addition to your hoard brings you joy!
When he gets shows you off to La Squadra they can’t help but be amazed at your beautiful feathers.
You’re both a stunning couple capable of taking countless peoples breath away~
Naiad!Reader x Ghiaccio
Ghiaccio had a tendency to come to your small pond to skip rocks and think. Often venting aloud to your calm waters.
You enjoy his company and rants so you decide one evening to reveal your humanoid form to him!
He was very surprised to see you sitting on the ponds bank where he usually skips rocks! But your demure smile made him reconsider briefly about yelling at you to scatter.
As you explained you’re a naiad he started his rant about the Greeks and you could it help but stifle a quiet laugh behind your hand.
He can’t help but flush when he notices how intensely you listen to his ranting, almost as if you were holding onto his every word.
He visits you every day he can and slowly it goes from him venting to you both having quiet conversation.
When you present him with a beautiful crystal tear he flushed deeply, face flaming like the sun. He listens very closely as you tell him the significance of a naiad gifting their tears!
Courting doesn’t start until late in the winter when Ghiaccio coaxes you onto the frozen surface of your pond to iceskate.
He shyly broaches the idea of dating which you gleefully accept his offer!
When Ghiaccio bring La Squadra out to meet his partner they’re surprised to meet a shy naiad!
But they can’t help to see how you’ve rounded off Ghiaccios sharp edges and eased his anger with your patient demeanor!
They enjoy how you’re re quiet and eager to listen to their stories, and even Risotto takes comfort in your soothing company!
You’re all in all his perfect match!
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cesca-untoldstories · 2 years
Eeee if risotto is a ray i wonder what the rest of la squadra would be. formaggio would be a sardine and he is also sardine sized
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I'm really putting some time to headcanon about Mer-Squadra doing fraud in the deep blue sea~! also Formaggio been a Sardine is something that would be so lovely tho- little sardine friend!
Risotto Nero (Riccio Castiglier)
Specie: Mobula Ray -Devil Fish (Manta-ray) - Mobulidae Family Brief Description: Despite their colossal presence, mantas are gentle creatures. They have the largest brain of any fish, and their intelligence and curiosity make them natural leaders for other fish. its striped tail has a poisonous stinger at the end which only becomes active when it feels close to predators.
Specie: Gold Marble Angel fish / Pterophyllum Scalare Brief Description: commonly called gold angelfish by the aquarists. The cichlid belongs to the group of angelfish species. This cichlid can gain massive heights due to the oversized dorsal and tail fins that grow past their body’s length.
Specie: crocodile icefish or white-blooded fish / Channichthyidae family Brief Description: the Antarctic Icefish lives in the icy cold waters. Most animals, like people, have red blood. The red of our blood is caused by hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout our body. Icefishes don't have hemoglobin, thus they have a whitish, nearly transparent blood. Their gills are also white. Despite this lack of hemoglobin, icefish can still get enough oxygen
Specie: common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) Brief Description: Training experiments have shown the common octopus can distinguish the brightness, size, shape, and horizontal or vertical orientation of objects. It is able to change colour to blend in with its surroundings, and is able to jump upon any unwary prey that strays across its path. Using its beak, it is able to break into the shells of shelled molluscs. It also possesses venom.
Specie: ornate wrasse / Thalassoma pavo Brief Description: native to the rocky coasts This small colorful wrasse is named for its vivid markings: the pinkish head is marked with horizontal green lines; the throat and belly are blue; scales on the fish’s sides are marked by a vertical, crescent-shaped stripe followed by blue. The dark red dorsal fin is highlighted with green spots and traced by green and blue lines. A large dark spot on the dorsal fin and one just behind the eye are useful in identification. The colors are more intense in the larger males
Specie: yellow-edged moray / yellow-margin(ed) moray / leopard moray / speckled moray (Gymnothorax flavimarginatus Brief Description: Despite having a fairly drab body coloration, since morays hide most of their bodies inside the reef and rocks, their head and wide open mouth is usually most of what we see of moray eels. is usually a solitary fish, tending to hide in a crevice or submerged in the sediment with just its head protruding. Sometimes it shares its shelter with conspecifics or with other moray eel species. It is mainly nocturnal, but also swims around freely in the morning and evening.
Specie: bullhead sharks /(Neoselachii) Brief Description: All are relatively small of the largest size species of sharks These sharks hunt at night within small home ranges, retreating to a preferred roost during the day. Their daily activity cycles are controlled by ambient light levels.
Specie: Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) / broadbills Brief Description: Mainly, the swordfish relies on its great speed and agility in the water to catch its prey. It is no doubt among the fastest fish,They are frequently found basking at the surface, airing their first dorsal fin. Boaters report this to be a beautiful sight, as is the powerful jumping for which the species is known. This jumping, also called breaching.
Specie: narwhal / narwhale (Monodon monoceros) Brief Description: is a medium-sized toothed whale that possesses a large "tusk" The pigmentation of narwhals is a mottled pattern, with blackish-brown markings over a white background. They are darkest when born and become whiter with age; possibly an evolutionary adaptation to swimming easily under ice, to facilitate rolling, or to reduce surface area and heat loss. Instead narwhals possess a shallower dorsal ridge.
Sorry for taking so long but I tried to work them the better with their personalities and stand powers!
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yamsgarden · 3 years
Day 1: Underwater
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connor-dioda · 3 years
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Just saw #meloghiaweek2021 by @yamsgarden with a mermaid AU and oh well, guess Mermay came early this year folks 😂
Not really following any prompts, just saw their day 3 #fairytale AU with Ghia as a pirate and Melone as a mermaid and thought "what if it was the other way around?"
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magma-cjay · 3 years
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May or may not have gone over board with this-
This? I think you can guess where I was inspired from but it's @theclockworkkidart 's mermaid au (again yeah I love it alot)
I know like- none of the mermaids are THAT detailed, but I did have alot of fun with it! Originally the shit around his eyes and on his shoulders was going to be red, but then i decided against it since it might have contrasted too much if you get what I mean? He could just only wear the glasses on shore possibly. But yeah! I hope you like it ClockWork! I'm happy that you appreciate our support for your AU and it definitely deserves it's praise <3 Have a Happy New year!
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beka-kei · 4 years
Ghiaccio and his crew mates are sailing some very treacherous waters when they come across something inexplicable that turns Ghiaccio's whole world on its head.
This fic is dedicated to @yamsgarden for her birthday! Happy Birthday, Yams! <3
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ciliegia-sours · 6 years
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@bluesmoody & @forza-ghiaccio I bet u were expecting a nice mermaid, nah. have this abomination >:3
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