#merry and pippin play fighters
invisiblewashboard · 4 months
Small Child’s Thoughts on “The Uruk-Hai” Part 1
Hey, I thought we were just reading about Aragorn or Strider. Why are we reading about Pippin? Does this mean he is really not dead?
I got bound up in yarn one time when I played in your crochet bag and that was not fun, so I think it is worse to be tied up by orcs.
Hey Mama, Merry was fighting. You told me a long time ago that hobbits were not fighters but you were just wrong then. But I thought only Frodo was a fighter. But Merry is too.
I think Pippin is sick because the orcs didn’t give him any good food. Hobbits need food.
I do not like any of these orcs. They say mean things.
Oh. They think Merry and Pippin have the Ring! But they don’t have it. What will they do when they find out that they do not have it? Will they chase Frodo?
(Small Child! I don’t think I’ve seen you smile this much since we started reading these books. What’s got you so happy?) Bad guys taking each other out! That gets a big thumbs up from me!
Pippin is very smart. I think he is way smarter than me. Maybe when I am older like him I can be as smart as that.
Hey! Orcs can’t pull Pippin’s hair! I hate it when Smaller Child pulls my hair. It’s rude.
Kicking people is not nice!
I do not think the orcs are going to give Merry any bed or any breakfast, so probably he shouldn’t bother asking.
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reality-warp · 1 year
Someone asked me about a year ago if Modern AU versions of the Ravame’s Bane cast were to play in a DnD campaign together (which they absolutely would), what race/class/subclass combos would they choose to play as? And look what I found scribbled at the bottom of one of my old notes documents:
The Main Party:
Eleanor – half-high-elf warlock (celestial patron) – chaotic good
Aragorn – half-wood-elf ranger (gloom stalker) – neutral good
Legolas – tiefling rogue (scout) – neutral good
Gimli – goliath barbarian (berserker) – chaotic neutral
Boromir – halfling paladin (oath of redemption) – lawful good
Gandalf – silver dragonborn wizard (school of abjuration) – chaotic good
Merry – dwarf artificer (artillerist) – chaotic neutral
Pippin – gnome sorcerer (wild magic) – chaotic neutral
Frodo – gnome cleric (life domain) – neutral good
Sam – dwarf druid (circle of the land) – neutral good
Tink – aasimar barbarian (path of the totem warrior) – chaotic neutral … (alternatively the chaotic neutral cat who sits in the dice trays and knocks over the drinks)
Guest Characters:
Arwen – human druid (circle of stars) – lawful good
Merileth – air genasi bard (school of glamour) – neutral good
Haldir – half-drow paladin (oath of devotion) – lawful neutral 
Sarra – half-orc fighter (battlemaster) – chaotic good
Elladan – autumn eladrin monk (way of shadow) – chaotic neutral
Elrohir – spring eladrin rogue (thief) – chaotic neutral
Eowyn – dwarf cleric (war domain) – neutral good
Faramir – human wizard (school of transfiguration) – lawful good
Abrazir – human cleric (light domain) – lawful good
Var – The DM
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thorinsghivashel · 11 months
I've been playing DnD for a month+ now and I just can't help but to see the Fellowship of the Ring as a cool large badass party who do the quest of the Ring.
Aragorn is the crownless malee king ranger with a dark past, who was raised by elves.
Legolas the playful and tireless elf archer, the fastest member of the party who likes competing with the dwarf.
Gimli the suspicious dwarf barbarian threatening to stick his axe in every badie on his way, has a special bond with the elf
Boromir a random human Prince of Gondor who happens to have some Fighter skills.(Could he be a paladin?)
Merry and Pippin the chaoticly foolish halflings of the company complaining about Second Breakfasts cause that's What they were made to do. Eating
Sam and Frodo the serious rogue/burglar/thief halflings of the company who carry the whole main quest of the party.
Gandalf of course there is a wizard. There's no party without wizards.
For some reason I also see Galadriel as the DM(Dungeon Master). Cause she kind of opens the movie and the story. She sees every thing that happens. Kind of...
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daincrediblegg · 2 years
2, 4, 28, 30, and 33 for the film questions!
2.Favorite director(s)?
Oh god there are so many to list and I know I’m going to forget so many but here we go- I’m also gonna include some showrunner directors in here bc honestly there are way more talented female directors making shows than there are those who make feature films and I need to give them credit for how much they inspire me too. Some of these may be painfully obvious and others not so much but here we go:
Guillermo Del Toro, Mike Flannagan, Peter Jackson, Hiyao Miyazaki, Akira Kurosawa, Orson Welles, Lily and Lana Watchowski, Todd Phillips, Wes Anderson, Robert Eggers, Bong Joon-Ho, Mel Brooks, Taika Watiti, The Coen Brothers, Jon Favreau, Terry Gilliam, Makoto Shinkai, Jim Henson, John Hughes, Chris AND Jonathan Nolan, Lisa Joy, Amy Sherman-Palladino, Noah Baumbach, Sergio Leone, Jordan Peele, Ari Aster, Jonathan E. Steinburg, Sam Mendez, Kenneth Branagh, Vince Gilligan, Spike Jonze, Spike Lee, Rian Johnson, Tarsem Singh, Billy Wilder, Alfred Hitchcock, Francis Ford Coppola and begrudgingly Quentin Tarantino (bc even tho he is way overrated in the film bro community he does make some fun movies it has to be said)
4.What’s a movie you watched over and over again as a child that you still love?
Another that I remember watching a LOT is legally blonde. When I started sleeping by myself at night my parents let me keep a tiny DVD player in my room and I used to watch movies on it to go to sleep (also bc I was afraid of the dark for a long ass time) and I distinctly remember Legally Blonde was the first one that I put on every night to sleep to lmao.
28.Recommend three completely different movies.
Aight. First if you haven’t seen Top Gun Maverick you should bc it’s all practical and that’s fucking insane to do and nobody else has made a flight movie like this ever. The original looks like fucking tinker toys in comparison I mean like literally but it walked so this film could fucking SOAR so… yeah. There u go.
Next is a deep cut: Bicycle Thieves. Italian Neo-Realism at its finest (which basically means none of the “actors” in it were career actors- just normal people, and no extras either- nothing is staged it’s all 100% just footage from the real world, and also probably the best child actor I’ve ever seen playing the kid in this ever. Also this was Sergio Leone before all the spaghetti westerns and frankly I think this might be my fave film of his to trump them all).
Another deep cut but since we’re thinking about star wars and obi wan kenobi I can’t help but mention The Hidden Fortress by Akira Kurosawa. If you want to know where Star Wars comes from? Thats it. In its entirety. And Toshiro Mifune essentially plays the original Obi Wan Kenobi (and god what a perfect world that could’ve been if he had but this is a great window into that- also I think he’s a better sword fighter than Alec Guinness for sure). I might have to even re-watch again for further parallels to the Kenobi series man.
30.Favorite movie with a pet/animal as an important aspect?
I mean god where do I start. First that comes to mind is Babe bc I watched that so much as a kid it’s burned into my head now. Then I thought Okja because jesus that fucker got dark (but god damn important as a film for sure)… but fuck all that we’re gonna go with Balto because that was my fave as a kid I even had a wolf stuffie I named Balto after him so there u go.
33.Name a film you could write an entire 10+ page essay on. (If you’ve done it, what was the focus?)
Well I mean I have written many 10 page papers on many films lmao. My first was on LOTR and it was focused on Merry and Pippin but in hindsight it wasn’t the most well thought out theme or execution (but then again whose first college paper is?) but WITH that hindsight it’s really a think piece about the vitality of side characters to the movement of plot- using both the book and the films as examples to how Merry and Pippin shape the story of LOTR way more than they’re given credit for. Yes I have always been a slut for them.
Another one I wrote more recently was a comparison of horror director methodology to edgar allan poe’s essays on writing structure in which I of course used GDT and crimson peak as my prime example- given time I would’ve delved more into mike flannagan and robert eggers films and shows too as examples of the grander cinematic gothic revival, but alas, that’s a whole ass thesis and it was only a 7 page assignment and I didn’t have that kind of time. Also I did a critical analysis about the ending of Apt Pupil once that correlated the nazi imagery to the american male teenager that earned me a handshake from my professor and an A for the course but like y’know no big deal. And of course y’all know how bad down I am about midnight mass I mean Y’all have seen the meta posts that are somehow still circulating. I have so much about that series living in my head and never enough time to put it to paper lmao. In fact thats true of a lot of things I literally have so many essays in my head happening all at once and I am always looking for some kind of excuse to write it but never getting one lmao
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
How the Fellowship+ Play Minecraft
Merry: Never builds anything. Just fights monsters. Has a dirt hut lined wall to wall in chests filled with loot dropped by the monsters he killed. The most he’s ever done with redstone was seeing how many TNT he could set off in a row by pushing one button. Has twelve mob grinders for no reason. Has defeated the Ender Dragon seven times just for fun. His favorite weapon is a Multi-Shot crossbow with fireworks. Has three of them on him at any given time. Never changes the difficulty to Peaceful.
Pippin: Never changes the difficulty off Peaceful. Would die immediately if you took it off Peaceful. Would find some way to get killed in broad daylight the moment you took it off Peaceful. Sucks at combat. Uses cheats.
Sam: Has collected every single plant in the game into one incredible botanical garden. Explores the entire world and fills out maps upon maps just to find the species he’s missing. Eagerly looks forward to updates because “NEW PLANTS I’VE GOTTA FIND THAT AZALEA TREE”. Also collects rare animals like mooshrooms. Has the most beautiful farm imaginable. Surprisingly good at combat even though he rarely does it.
Frodo: Capable of combat if necessary but needs very advance warning. Generally the one who builds the house, because he’s the one who wants an enchanting room. Makes sure everyone is fully equipped with enchanted gear. Collects rare and exotic-sounding items. Has beaten the game once to get the Ender Dragon Egg and never wants to do it again.
Aragorn: Has everything. No, literally, everything. “Hey Aragorn, do you have—” YES HE DOES. His own world has chests filled with stacks of diamond blocks. Rarely returns from a mining expedition without another stack of diamonds. Carries an ender chest filled with shulker boxes filled with nearly every resource imaginable. Has a house FILLED TO THE BRIM with chests upon chests upon chests. Nobody knows how he has the time to collect all this stuff, but the answer is that his job is stressful, so every spare minute he has is spent mindlessly mining or fishing to decompress. Always hides the entrance to his enormous strip-mines in an out-of-the-way place that nobody else can find. Always the most welcome in everyone else’s worlds and servers. Has every achievement in the game and quietly completes the new ones within a week of updates.
Gandalf: Utter completionist. Very uptight about it. Has beaten the game multiple times and expects everyone else to be like him. Has every achievement in the game and updates it religiously. Constantly annoyed by Pippin and berates him for “cheating”. Gets along best with Aragorn in Survival, but has also done massive Creative builds with Gimli.
Gimli: Redstone master. Builds things with redstone that defy physics. Has a youtube channel where he quietly posts video tutorials of his builds and nobody else in the Fellowship finds out about them until later. Has a gorgeous castle built in Survival that’s tastefully decorated with diamond, gold, and emerald blocks. Nobody believes he got those in Survival until he shows them his mile-long strip mines. Also does enormous builds in Creative. Has completely recreated Orthanc on a superflat world and installed redstone mechanisms to flood it. Has built the Death Star with a beacon as a working laser. Has built a realistic Ent that actually walks. Has built EVERYTHING.
Legolas: Doesn’t understand the game. Played once because the others suggested it. He used Creative, built an ugly house out of gold and diamond, and said, “Well, that’s it! I don’t know why the rest of you spend so much time with this.” “Uh…because we actually like it as a challenge?” “Why would you do that?”
Boromir: Plays the game socially. The hobbits introduced him to it, and now he only plays it when they’re around. Always takes the combat role to defend the non-fighters. Enjoys PvP and gets way too into it. Loudly defends Pippin’s use of cheats whenever Gandalf is getting on his case. “He’s just trying to have FUN, Gandalf, let the young hobbit be!” Died once by falling off a cliff.
Bonus under the cut!
Eowyn: Was introduced to the game by Merry. Initially thought it was just a combat game and became very good at it until Faramir showed her the building aspects. Is a surprisingly well-rounded player—nice house, good at fighting—but also has a stable full of very fast horses with name tags and horse armor. Plays PvP with Merry on the weekends. Like Boromir, she usually takes the combat role when joining other people’s worlds. “I’m on my way! Don’t die before I get there!”
Faramir: A builder. His houses aren’t anything incredible, but they’re easy on the eyes—with sloping roofs made of stairs and window shutters made of trapdoors—and he still takes pride in what he makes. He and Eowyn have a private Survival world that they play together in the evenings. Watches Eowyn and Merry play PvP but doesn’t participate. Prefers when they play Spleef because it’s funny.
Bilbo: Builds houses. Beautiful, homey houses that use existing blocks to mimic real furniture. Watches and takes inspiration from video tutorials. Hosts his own Bag End server where he’s built an absolutely gorgeous hobbit hole in pure Survival, complete with a realistic-looking and functional kitchen. His pride and joy is the enormous library—not an ugly one that’s wall-to-wall with books, but tastefully decorated with candles and lanterns and lecterns and vines on the windows and a “reading nook”. Eagerly looks forward to updates to see what new decorative blocks come out. Frodo and Sam are often on the Bag End server; Frodo maintains the local village and keeps everyone stocked with enchanted gear, and Sam keeps his magnum opus botanical garden adjacent to the hobbit hole.
Aragorn sometimes pops onto the server to go mining and keep the hobbits stocked up with resources. Nobody knows where his strip mine is. He secretly loves being there, because he’s got a heart for beautiful things, and Bilbo’s home and Sam’s garden are just that.
Gimli was on the server once and, at the hobbits’ request, installed a secret door in the library, a harvesting mechanism in the farm, and a hidden Nether railway. The hobbits were equal parts impressed, delighted, and horrified, because this is way more technology than they’re used to, but Gimli’s builds are very clean and he hides his redstone well so they got used to it eventually. (Aragorn was secretly glad for the Nether railway; he wasn’t gonna build one until the hobbits asked for it, but he’d been wanting one for a while.)
Bilbo rarely goes adventuring, but for when he does, there’s a room in the basement with a wall full of maps, and a chest marked “for Sam” containing any new plants and flowers he finds.
Merry and Pippin are not allowed on the Bag End server.
Gollum: Tries to eat the console.
Elrond: Plays Call of Duty.
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Random Cool Uncles Pippin and Merry headcanons
I was talking with @roxycake about the fact that considering hobbits' lifespan, Pippin and Merry have definitely met Faramir and Eowyn's kids. We got talking about our headcanons, and they asked me to make a post. Here it is, I hope you like it!
I can't find the list of names anywhere, but I refuse to believe Faramir and Eowyn don't have a son called Boromir. If the institution exists, Pippin is his godfather (like Faramir is little Faramir Took's), and he takes it very seriously. Every time Bergil gets close to the Shire on official business from Faramir, he comes back with a gift. They are of a strange craft, and they can't always figure out how they work, but they are always beautiful.
When they were small, the kids never thought to question why Uncles Pippin and Merry were so short, or walked without shoes, or threw smoke from their mouths. They just were like that.
Also, they always have funny stories to tell. They love telling stories of their pranks to 'dear old Sam'. The day Boromir realized that he was Samwise the Stout, Frodo Ninefingers' steward, he almost fell from his chair from his surprise.
But most of all, the kids love them because they never, ever, talk down to them. They also are always up for a play fight, and they don't go easy on them, but they aren't very good fighters, and they end up puffing and moaning about "not being in shape anymore" (they're very fat, even more than the old king of Lossarnach!). Nobody can match Uncle Merry at board games, though.
Uncles Merry and Pippin are also always up for mischief, and their parents are always so much more forgiving when they are around. They feel safer, knowing the hobbits are with them (and also Merry and Pippin aren't above using the 'I saved your life' card if strictly necessary).
The day the kids grow taller than them, they pretend to be super offended for a while. "Do you know how hard I had to work to get to this height?" moaned Pippin, and threatened to go to Fangorn. The kids don't understand what the old forest has to do with anything, but Merry laughed for hours. They have a lot of in-jokes like that.
As they grow older, though, they start to realize that beneath that fun and games their Uncles are actually pretty wise. Their advice isn't always the best, but it always has a good dose of optimism and common sense. They get used to asking for their advice whenever they have a big dilemma, and they've never regretted it.
I hope you liked it! Feel free to add stuff if you want. ^^
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haleths · 3 years
One thing I don't get is why glorfindel didn't go on the quest and I googled it and everyone was like it's a stealth mission is he went epople would notice and like.. no? Gandalf is there and it's not like he's not super powerful, if sauron would notice glorfindel why would he not notice gandalf who is more powerful? Not that I don't love legolas but I just, what was the reason??
a very good question anon, but i’m afraid i’m not really sure either!! he would’ve been a great asset to the fellowship being as powerful as he was. and i have issues with the “stealth” argument too cause yeah, surely gandalf is just as recognisable as glorfindel?!? however in the book they do discuss the fellowship at great length, and gandalf says that power and wisdom will only get them so far, and actually supports pippin’s pleas that himself and merry come too:
'There remain two more to be found,' said Elrond. "These I will consider. Of my household I may find some that it seems good to me to send.'
`But that will leave no place for us!' cried Pippin in dismay. `We don't want to be left behind. We want to go with Frodo.'
`That is because you do not understand and cannot imagine what lies ahead,' said Elrond.
`Neither does Frodo,' said Gandalf, unexpectedly supporting Pippin. 'Nor do any of us see clearly. It is true that if these hobbits understood the danger, they would not dare to go. But they would still wish to go, or wish that they dared, and be shamed and unhappy. I think, Elrond, that in this matter it would be well to trust rather to their friendship than to great wisdom. Even if you chose for us an elf-lord, such as Glorfindel, he could not storm the Dark Tower, nor open the road to the Fire by the power that is in him.'
The Fellowship of the Ring: Book 2 - Chapter 3: The Ring Goes South
it’s very possible of course that gandalf knows more than he’s letting on, and is able to see how each of the members as we know them will play their part. destiny has a big part to play in the story and maybe it simply wasn't glorfindel’s destiny to be a part of this quest
some other things to consider - maybe glorfindel had already made plans to leave middle-earth along with the rest of the elves and so couldn’t join the fellowship. or perhaps the elves wanted to keep some of their best fighters at rivendell in case sauron attacked. remember that elrond stayed behind too, as did his sons (initially at least). also they were choosing members to represent the free peoples of middle-earth, and maybe legolas being a much younger elf than glorfindel was a more appropriate choice to represent the current generation of elves
or taking a step back and and thinking about it from tolkien’s perspective, maybe he just wanted to introduce a new elf?? glorfindel already had a story and maybe tolkien wanted to write about somebody new. likewise, he didn’t bring bilbo back and make him the ring-bearer but chose to introduce frodo instead
it’s worth saying as well that in an early draft of fotr glorfindel was actually meant to accompany the fellowship, but tolkien replaced him with legolas. perhaps he just wanted to change it up like i said, or because he, like us, recognised how powerful glorfindel is and knew that having him with the fellowship would make the quest too easy, and render the whole story a bit boring
this is all speculative and i don't think anyone really knows for sure, but i’d love to hear other people’s thoughts on this!
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certifiedskywalker · 4 years
Under the Stars - Legolas
While traversing Middle Earth, on a quest to deliver the One Ring to Mount Doom, you and the Fellowship try to move stealthily. Some are better at sneaking around than others. For instance, you seem to struggle in masking your feelings for a certain Elf. The rest of the Fellowship can so easily see the affection you hold for Legolas while you believe you’re being quite slick. Turns out, you’re the only one that was fooled.
AN: This is purely a selfish writing endeavor. I’ve been stressed and watching the LOTR and Hobbit movies to relax...I forgot how much I love Elves….Human!Reader X Legolas...
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“I’m sick of smelling of grass and grime!” Merry announced. As he spoke, he dropped his cloak on a patch of nearby dirt beside the fire Boromir had begun to build. Silently, you hoped for Aragorn and Legolas to return with supper soon. Once the Hobbits’ stomachs were full, they would quiet.
Legolas had described them as ‘children’ to you one evening: once fed, quick to bed. It had been one of those first nights, back when you were too nervous, too giddy, to sleep. You would stay up with Legolas as he took watch. Despite what Gimli had told you about Elves, you found Legolas to be good company during those restless nights, a great comfort even. He would tell you stories from the centuries he had lived through and you would listen, hang off every word. When you finally did fall asleep, rare as it was those first days, it was because you felt safe with Legolas by your side.
If you dwelled too long on the memory, your face would warm with longing. How simple it had been before your heart began to complicate matters. Luckily, the Hobbits, hungry and noisy as ever, pulled you from your thoughts.  
“We’re all sick,” Sam sighed as he took a seat next to haggard Frodo. “But we’ll be back at the Shire soon. Drinking and eating Rosie’s lovely supper roast.”
Boromir scoffed and shook his head at the Hobbit’s squabbling. “We have many more weeks of travel yet. Do not kid yourselves.”
Pippin frowned and plopped down beside a freshly disappointed Merry. This was the first time any of them had been away from the Shire, from their home; especially for so long. Due to that new homesickness, Boromir’s true words hit hard for the Hobbits. You gave them a sad smile before looking to Boromir. You bumped your shoulder against his to get his attention. 
“Take it easy on them,” you said softly. “They’re not like us, not ready to leave home to save it at a moments notice.” 
“They’re not fighters, you mean,” he countered as he struck the flint and steel. Sparks shot out from the metal and stone. After another strike, small flames began to burn. With a sigh, Boromir set his tools aside and sat back.
“You could change that, you know.” Boromir stole a glance at you, an eyebrow raised at your words. “You could teach them to fight, to defend. It would make things easier.”
There was an edge to the man’s voice that caught you off guard. It was the same tone his father had used with you and Faramir when the pair of you tried to get Boromir to ditch his ‘steward prince’ duties as children. You cringed that familiar cruelty. Boromir was annoyed and you, already tired from the days travels, were not equipped to handle his irritability. You started to stand, brushing the dirt off of your trousers. 
“It was just a suggestion, Boromir,” you explained, already starting to turn your back to the man. As you started to take steps into the forest, to find Aragorn and Legolas, Boromir let out a hearty laugh. 
“It would be easier if you did not fawn over our dear Elf companion as well, but you seem to be falling just the same.”
You stopped dead in your tracks and felt your skin, every inch of it, warm with embarrassment. Slowly, you turned to meet Boromir’s bright eyes and knowing smirk. His expression resembled his younger self, the boy that affectionately tease you as you trained with Faramir. Growing up in Gondor with Boromir had toughened your hide to his ribbing; but this struck a chord. This was not the good-natured jokes you were used to. 
Despite the truth in his teasing, Boromir’s tone was changed, twisted into something kissed by darkness.
“I know nothing of which you speak,” you replied through slightly gritted teeth. You had gone so long without anyone seemingly noting your admiration of Legolas that you were clambering for a defense.
“Oh deary me,” Gimli, groaned. You looked over at the Dwarf and saw his saddened eyes. Behind him, the Hobbits watched, wide-eyed, as you seemed to seethe. 
“Everyone here sees it,” Boromir continued, “except for possibly the Elf and yourself. Blind to your own feelings and you talk of making things easier.”
Your heart leapt in your chest. For a moment, your thoughts are clouded by Legolas. 
His blonde hair, flicking with the wind as you walked towards destiny, towards Mount Doom. Those first nights spent chatting about adventure. His eyes, soft as he explained to you the significance of his braids and recounted the sternness of his kingly father. For the past few days, when he wasn’t scouting ahead, he was walking by your side, letting his hand brush ever-so slightly. In those moments, you tried your hardest to keep calm, stay steady while Legolas seemed wholly unfazed by the incidental touches. 
If anything it was the Elven prince who was blind, oblivious to how his mere presence was driving you mad with want. No, Boromir was wrong. You were not blind to your feelings, you were just ignoring them. Or, at least, trying to ignore them. After all, how could an Elf like Legolas, beautiful and immortal, want you?
“You are mistaken, Boromir,” you snap coldly. “I have no...inclination towards the Elf. Perhaps it is you, who is blind.”
Boromir shook his head and sighed. “You are grasping at thin air, Y/N. Even from the low spots at which they stand, the Hobbits can see your fonding eyes towards the archer.”
“Hey!” Merry stood in a flash, “we see lots of things.”
“So you agree with him?” You asked, turning to the four halflings perched beside the fire. Frodo was stunned in silence, as was Sam who had even stopped nibbling at his lembas. You imagined such human drama rarely reared its head in the Shire. Merry and Pippin, however, used to causing chaos, nodded. 
“I mean, it’s the truth. Is it not?” Pippin asked, a hopeful half-smile on his lips. Despite his kind expression, you felt a bolt of hot anger in your heart. 
“Aye, the man is right,” Gimli stood before you. Stout and strong, he looked up at you with true Dwarven candor. “Everybody sees how you look at ‘im. I don’t begin to understand it, the pointy ears and all, but-”
“Neither do I.”
The words left your lips edged with a saddening truth you were not expecting. You didn’t understand how you could fall for someone so hard, so swiftly. Let alone someone who was an Elf, an entire world away from yours. The thought brought stinging tears to your eyes. To hide them, you turned your back to the camp and started to walk into the surrounding forest. 
As you left, you heard Frodo finally speak up. 
“It feels that we have just begun and we are already crumbling.”
For a moment, you’re tempted to stay. Whatever feelings you had for Legolas, they were not worth tarnishing the Fellowship. But the thought of facing Boromir, the others, after they so plainly set your heart’s affection on display made you feel ill. So, you kept walking.
You walked until you found a clearing lined with grand, old trees. They towered but their branches did not dare to obscure the stars that shone down. Moonlight gleamed along the green blades of grass in the center of the clearing. The glow was soft, inviting, and you felt drawn to it.
When you moved to stand in the light, you found yourself looking up. Away from the fire light and pyres of Minas Tirith, the stars shone with abandon. Never before had you seen anything as breathtaking. Though, that wasn’t quite true.  
You had seen Legolas in the heat of battle: graceful and deadly, slinging arrows with startling accuracy. From the first moment you saw him at the Council of Elrond, you knew there was a fire beneath his skin and you felt honored to see it burn in battle. You had seen his gentleness too as he studied particular flowers along the trail. As you walked with the Fellowship, you would steal sneaky glances at the Elf when he wasn’t at your side.
Apparently, your awe and stolen looks had not gone unnoticed. You winced as you thought back to the camp, to Boromir’s borderline cruelty. He had seemed different ever since you left Rivendell, ever since he learned of the Ring. Could a little band of gold, a promise of power, change a man so quickly?
You pushed the thought from your mind and tried to focus solely on the stars. In the silence, there was a brief peace. Worries slipped away, melted under the light of the Moon. The next day would come and bring fear with it. For this moment, you closed your eyes to better savor the quiet and its strange joy.
“Stars never seem to shine as brightly outside Mirkwood.”
Your eyes opened wide at the sound of Legolas’ voice. When you craned your neck and saw the Elf standing at the edge of the tree line, your breath caught. In the starlight, he looked all the more fair and handsome. His eyes, darker in the limited light, met yours and he dipped his head.
“I did not mean to frighten you,” he raised his open palms and approached you. 
“No, you didn’t, I...I wasn’t expecting you.” You tore your attention away from him and looked back to the sky. It took all you had to keep your breathing steady as Legolas moved to stand at your side. From the corner of your eyes, you could see his strong shoulders, his chest, so close. Why must he stand so near?
“You were expecting someone else then?”
“I-I,” you looked back to him and saw that he was looking at the stars. Though your floundering reaction to his question did not go unnoticed. The slightest of smiles played on his pale lips. “No. No one.”
You moved your eyes back to the stars in the hopes of recovering some of your dignity. A sudden fear flooded your senses. Had he returned to camp with Aragorn? What had the others told him? You thought back to Boromir’s attitude and tensed. Before you could ask after anything, Legolas spoke up.
“Tonight, they remind me of home.”
You swallow hard before you dared to look his way. “What do you mean?”
“The stars,” he whispered, turning his gaze to yours. There was a gentleness in his features that made your chest warm. “And the company.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his words. “I fear I don’t understand.”
“You remind me home,” Legolas replied smoothly. You let out a forced laughed and frowned at him. Elves, by nature, were poetic but did Legolas did not see how his words could have a double meaning? He must see the pain on your face, the desperate hope his words gave you. Everyone else did, apparently.
“How could a human remind an Elf of his woodland home?”
“You are beautiful.” Legolas didn’t miss a beat with his reply.
“Legolas.” When his name fell from your lips, it was heavy and full of warning. Yet, the Elf seemed to care less as he turned his eyes back towards the sky. Silently, you cursed yourself for thinking he meant anything by the compliment. 
“When I was younger, my father would bring me to the canopy to study the constellations. He would tell me the stories that accompanied them.”
Frown still firmly planted in your expression, you commented, “that doesn’t sound like the grim man you described to me.”
“He could be bitter, but beneath the asperity there was always love.”
His words stirred up for you an image of Boromir. While you heart still stung from his teasing, you could not forget the childhood you shared with him. The boy you once played with, trained with, alongside his younger brother, was still there. Buried beneath the hardened, stubborn man, but he was there all the same. There was hope for him yet.
“Love endures,” you added softly. The chilled night air gave your breath the form of a small cloud. Instinctively, you pulled at your cloak and fastened it a bit tighter around your shoulders.
“It endures all of Time and wild weather,” Legolas agreed. His eyes found yours once more and, with a look of concern, he leaned close to you. “Are you cold?”
“No, I’m not, I…”
You trailed off, unable to think clearly with Legolas so near and looking at you like that. His eyes were kind, framed by the long, fine strands of his blond hair. With his dark brows furrowed together with worry, he looked older despite the Elven gift of eternal youth. How tempted you were to reach out and pull his lips to yours. Your fingers twitched and itched to do so, but you forced your hands to stay still. Bitterly, you imagined that those in the Fellowship would smirk at you if they could see how you were acting.
“Y/N, you sh-”
“Did they tell you?”
Legolas cocked his head to the side like a confused hound. “Tell me what?”
“The Fellowship did they...I am tired of being played for a fool,” you pressed. “I have been parading about as if I have masked my every feeling yet I could be read as plainly as any tome. I refuse to believe you, with your Elven sight, could not see what mere men and Hobbits have.”
At you plea, Legolas’ straightened his posture. While he leaned towards you no longer, his eyes remained soft and as watchful as they ever were. You took in his furrowed brows and slight frown before pressing a hand to your forehead with shame. In an attempt to calm yourself, you hung your heavy head and took a deep breath.
“I, I am sorry, Legolas. I think it’s time I had some rest.”
With your hand hiding a portion of your downturned face, you did not see him move closer to you until you saw the toes of his boots before your own. Still embarrassed because of your outburst, you did not dare to move. Only when you felt slender, warm fingers wrap around your wrist did you allow your hand to fall away. When you lifted your head, you were met with Legolas’ eyes focused solely on you.
“Do not apologize, you are right. They did not tell me; they do not need to. I have seen the feelings of which you speak and I am sorry that I have been so quiet.”
A breath was hard for you to find, but when you did you used it to ask the question balanced on the tip of your tongue. “What do you mean?”
“I mean to say there are many differences between your world and mine. I should have made my feelings more clear.”
Legolas’ grip on your wrist loosened slightly and you thought he was going to let go. Your stomach dropped with the dread of an affection gone unrequited. Then, just as you felt true doom, Legolas joined his hand with yours. Your gaze fell to watch how his fingers entangled with yours. Nervous, you looked back to Legolas and found there was a tender smile playing on his lips. 
“At night I do not sleep but with these long evenings, with you slumbering so near, I have wished to. I have lived through many centuries and never once wanted to sleep. Never once did I see a beauty and longed to hold it dear until I met you.”
“Legolas,” you whispered, breathlessly, “I now truly feel like a fool.”
He lifted his free hand, the one not holding yours, to your face. Light as feathers, Legolas’ fingertips traced along your cheek. The touch sent a shiver down your spine that you did not even try to hide. There was no point now. Everything was clear for everyone to see. You did not want to hide from Legolas any longer.
“Perhaps we are both fools,” he said softly. This close to Legolas, even in the dim light of the stars, you could see the depth of blue in his eyes. The itch in your fingers returned as the smell of him flooded your senses: beech bark and pine. Before you could even think of holding back, your hand reached up and pulled his lips to yours.
Legolas was quick to respond. Both his hands moved to cup the sides of your face and he moved his lips eagerly along yours. Your hands gripped his armor, holding him close. Every feeling you had held in poured out into the kiss. Each stolen glance and longing stare finally coming to a head. Still clinging to him desperately, you pulled away from Legolas to catch your breath.
Slightly winded, you rested your forehead against his, sharing the air between you. Relieved of your worries, you felt a surge of bravery overtake you. Laughing lightly, you pulled away to meet Legolas’ gaze. 
“I wonder if the Fellowship saw that coming.”
Legolas smiled at your joking, the widest smile you had seen from the Elf since meeting him. With his hands still holding your face, he brought you in for another kiss; less needy than the last but all the more passionate. Warmth surrounded you both but you hungered for more. Just as you were about to pull on Legolas’ armor, you heard someone clear their throat.
Immediately, you and Legolas pulled away from each other. You both looked over to see Aragorn, smiling smugly at the two of you as he walked out from the shadows created by the looming trees. A new sort of embarrassment rushed through you as the Ranger took in the sight of you and the Elf. You could only imagine what you both looked like with lips kiss swollen, chests heaving, and all wild eyed. 
“I can not speak for the rest, but I saw this coming.” 
You snuck a glance at Legolas and saw his pale cheeks had pinkened. Never before had you seem him flustered and you felt overwhelmed with pride that you had played a part in it. The starlight made the Elf’s features all the more pleasing. You wanted to kiss him again but, before you could reach for Legolas, Aragorn spoke up again.
“Come now, you’ve worried the party with your extended absence. And the Hobbit’s have supper ready.” As he turned to walk back, he added, “there will be time for that when our journey comes to an end.”
You and Legolas start after the promised king. Not before sharing a look that told the other that neither of you would be willing to wait that long. For so long you had both waited, danced in silence around the other. Now, there was no holding back.
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artsy-hobbitses · 3 years
How does Soundwave meet Rumble and Frenzy in your human au??? Do they adopt the lil rascals or do they find sounders first???
Soundwave actually doesn’t meet them until they meet Megatron!
I wanted to go with the IDW background for them as two miners who were caught up in Megatron’s riot after one of their own was killed by Decimus’ men.
Ramsey (Rumble) and Friedel (Frenzy) were born on the penal colony they ended up working in from childhood. Both also have Achondroplasia (a form of dwarfism) though that didn’t stop them from being able to work as miners (they’ve got decent upper body strength and have their tools retrofitted to work with their size, they just have some difficulties moving from one area to another as quickly as everyone else since they’re a little bowlegged) though more often as scouts whose small statures made it very easy for them to move into crawl spaces to inspect and map out areas ahead for safety purposes. They’re pretty much accepted by the other miners there (who know that these two are responsible for their safety going into a new area and are often amused by their presence because y’know, dwarves and mining) and befriended a lonely, aloof Megatron when he first came there from Messatine.
Megs protected them after the riot and while escaping from the vessel transporting them back to earth to sit trial, and all three were a tight-knit trio while they were attempting to survive and thrive in the underground pits, where they did not have the same protection and acceptance that they did in the microcosm of the mines.
They’d provide entertainment, spy and gather intel and help Megatron forge and weld armor and weapons to use. While they didn’t really understand everything Megatron wrote, they knew Megs cared deeply about changing the way things were here and they were fully behind him in that aspect.
They meet Soundwave when Soundwave came to meet Megatron to discuss an offer from Senator RatBat! And think that while Megatron is badass af, that this person was cool af and there’s some kinship going on with this whole team of societal oddballs—-two dwarves, a blind spy, a cat man, a goth Tengu and a grumpy Garuda—-and were frankly pretty ecstatic when they were told that they’d be part of the intel division under Soundwave’s jurisdiction.
They’re not fighters, they’re primarily intel-gatherers who use their size and stealth to their advantage but if they need to clash with someone, their sound and vibration based weapons usually help level the playing field against them.
They’re good-natured (they’ve got a little Merry and Pippin going on with them) if not somewhat prone to pranking the team and get along extremely well with Laserbeak (who sometimes enables these pranks), and both Soundwave and Megatron are pretty protective of them. (And in turn they get pretty feral when the safety of their unit is threatened)
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legolasoftherings · 3 years
Pairing: Legolas x elf!female reader
Warnings: teeny bit of angst, fluff
Word Count: 2036
A/N: This has been a WIP basically since I started this tumblr, and I’m so glad to finally be finished with it :) it really isn’t that long, but I lacked motivation to finish it for a few months (whoops). Happy reading, my darlings!! 
Request: @aeryqueen​ “heyyy I hope your requests are still open! Could you please do a one-shot with Legolas x elf!female reader?? It would be amazing! Thank you!! ❤️”
I hope this does your request justice, love, and I’m so sorry it has taken so many months 🧡
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A bouquet of wildflowers hung from your hand, waving slightly in the wind. Tears stained your cheeks, and you looked out onto the mostly barren landscape near your camp. You had just gotten into a heated argument with your closest friend, Legolas, and both of you left quickly in opposite directions. 
You had come with the Fellowship along with Legolas only because he insisted that you were a powerful fighter and he wouldn’t go without you. At the beginning of the journey, you had been fast friends, but now, there was perhaps something more; both of you recognized it but were too shy to address the feelings.  
You reflected back on the argument as you walked away. His words replayed in your mind over and over, as your tears stung your eyes. Legolas had gotten in between you and a threat, and had almost been gravely injured. 
“I’m trying to do what is best for you! Why can’t you see that, Y/N?” he yelled.
“Just because I’m your best friend doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself! You yourself said that I was a skilled warrior!” you shot back. 
“I just want to protect you! Are you seriously that brainless?!”
“Legolas, you don’t mean it!”
“Maybe I do, Y/N!”
To distract yourself, you were picking flowers from the surrounding hills. As you walked, you found a small, safe cave to hide in, and in there, you cuddled yourself into a ball and sobbed bitterly at your predicament.  
Everyone back with the group knew that when you were in a mood like this, it was better to leave you alone for a little while. Eventually though, it had been long enough, and they were worried. The sun was beginning to set, and the surrounding lands were dangerous at night. 
The fellowship appointed Aragorn, against his better judgement, to try and talk to you, knowing that you just might talk to him. He had become somewhat of an older brother to you, and the only one that you could trust with your true feelings. 
“Y/N?” Aragorn called apprehensively, approaching the little cave, “Are you up here?”
“No,” you answered, “Go away.” He chuckled softly, and walked up to the entrance of the cave. “What do you want?” you questioned, bleary eyed. Picking up a stone, you began to sharpen your dagger as a way to busy your hands.
“I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Everyone is worried about you, Y/N,” Aragorn said, taking a seat next to you, “Do you want to talk about it?”
You laughed without mirth at his question, and he stared at you in confusion for a second; blinking back his confused look, he replaced it with a concerned one. 
“Y/N, please. Be reasonable.”
You huffed and put your head in your hands, “It’s stupid, really. Legolas and I had an argument, and that’s that.” 
“I hope you can understand that he wishes to apologize to you. Would you please consider coming back to join us?”  
“I’ll consider it, Strider,” you mused, while a tiny smile played on your lips, “On one condition.”
Aragorn sighed, guessing where this was going, but replied, “What is it, Y/N?”
“He has to give me a flower to make up for it,” you answered with a watery grin, making him chuckle.
“You’re quite obstinate, Y/N, but I’ll fetch him.” he said, standing up to leave. 
“You’re a jerk, but thank you.” 
A few minutes later, you barely heard light footsteps from outside the cave.
“Are you in there, Y/N?” you heard his normally strong, now shaky voice ask.
“Yes, Legolas,” you answered, adding an icy edge to your voice for dramatic effect.
He appeared at the mouth of the cave, holding a torch and a wildflower, face full of concern. He opened his mouth and words tumbled out like a waterfall, “I am so incredibly sorry for what I said earlier. I didn’t mean any of it, and I was just being utterly ignorant.”
“Yeah, you were,” you replied, sighing, “But, I forgive you.”
A look of relief washed over his anxious face, and he crossed over to you and leaned down. “Y/N, I believe this is yours,” he stated, handing you the delicate flower.
“I believe it is,” you replied, “Thank you, mellon.” 
He smiled at you and stood up to leave, but you grabbed his hand.
“Don’t leave,” you said, a pout on your face, “It’s cold.” 
“Alright,” he stepped back and sat down close beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. Leaning slightly into his side, you smiled at his comforting warmth. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, causing you to scrunch up your nose. Legolas laughed softly at your adorable expression and tightened his grip around you, inching you closer to him. Finally, he pulled you all the way up to his side and you leaned your head against his collarbone. 
Because you were such close friends, you had been this close to him before, but this time, something was different. All at once, you reached out for him and captured his lips in yours. He started in surprise, but immediately grabbed your waist and pulled your body into his lap. Deepening the kiss, your hands tangled in his hair, eliciting a groan from his lips. You were the first one to break away for air, and you held his face in your hands.    
His bright eyes only held adoration for you, and at that moment, you discovered something about yourself. 
“I love you,” you blurted without thinking, causing him to grin in surprise. You stared at his expression and groaned, “Oh, Eru. Did I say that out loud?”
“I love you too, Y/N,” he replied smoothly. 
“Oh good, I was a little worried that you didn’t,” you bursted out, relieved. 
“Why would you think that?”
“You were mad at me, Legolas.”
“Right, sorry, meleth nìn,” he apologized, letting the term of endearment fall from his lips easily. 
You threw your arms around his neck and embraced him, murmuring, “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to call me that.”
He chuckled as his strong fingers traced patterns on your hips where he held them and kissed the tip of your nose.          
“We should probably return to camp,” he whispered, a slight frown on his face. 
“Can’t have Gimli eating all the food, eh?”
“Be quiet.” 
You snickered, and began to lift yourself off of his lap but were immediately pulled back down again by Legolas’ hands. 
“We really should be going, Leggy,” you groaned.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Whatever, Leggy.”
“I’m warning you once and for all, Y/N. You call me that again, and I’ll…”
“Hm? Are you threatening me?” 
“You don’t want to know what I’m threatening.”
“Well, maybe I do, Leggy,” With that, you jumped up and, picking up the torch, ran out of the cave.
He chased you out, following the torchlight, and caught you by the hand. Pulling you back to him, he took the torch and smashed his lips into yours aggressively. You stumbled back, but his other arm wrapped around your waist, steadying you. Kissing back, your arms snaked around his neck. 
At that moment, you heard a twig snap behind you, and, by instinct, you quickly turned and drew your sword. To your surprise, you were greeted by the terrified faces of Sam and Merry, who were no doubt sent to fetch you. 
“Oh, boys! I’m so sorry about that. I promise, that’s just an instinct,” you reassured them, taking a step toward them, but realized Legolas’ arm was still around you, “Oh.” 
“So Y/N, uh, are you and Legolas courting?” Sam asked, toying with a piece of rope in his hands.
You looked at Legolas, who nodded with a smile at the young hobbits. They grinned back, Merry more suggestively than anything, and began to trot back to camp.  
“If you were planning to keep this a secret, it’s a little late for that,” you commented with a smirk at the retreating backs of the hobbits. 
“Why would I want to keep us a secret?” he asked, his eyes blatantly betraying his confusion, “I’m in love with the most beautiful elleth, and you expect me to want to keep that hidden?” 
You flushed shyly, looking away from him, making him smile and lift his hand to your cheekbone. He traced the top of your cheekbone, eventually replacing his fingers with his lips. 
“For the last time, Legolas, we have to go.”
“Alright, alright. We can go.”
You led him by the hand back to the camp, where the Fellowship was waiting expectantly. Boromir pretended not to notice the two of you, but you were pretty sure he winked at you when Legolas wasn’t looking. 
Legolas pressed a kiss to your cheek as his arm wrapped around your waist, and you smiled at him sweetly. A slight blush slowly crept across his face, making you giggle, only reddening his face more.  
“You alright, lad?” Gimli asked, guffawing loudly at the annoyed glare Legolas reserved especially for him, as he briefly tore his eyes from you. You grinned at the dwarf, who raised his lembas in your direction as a toast. The hobbits huddled together against the cold, but watched the two of you from a distance with small smiles. 
Suddenly, Sam spoke up with a heartbroken sigh, “I may never see Rosie again.” 
“Oh Sam, don’t say that!” you replied, untangling yourself from Legolas and moving over to the bundle of hobbits. Taking his hands, you looked into his eyes and murmured earnestly, “I promise that I will protect you on this journey as best I can. Love is one of the most wonderful feelings, and Samwise, I hope you can live to see your Rosie again.” 
“Thank you, Y/N,” he replied, sniffling slightly. You pulled him in for a hug, and found yourself surrounded by shivering hobbits. 
Pippin wormed his way under your left arm, Merry under the other, and Frodo wrapped his arms around your shoulders. Soft sobs came from the halflings as you held them tight in your arms, and you gave each one of them a sweet, motherly kiss on the forehead. 
“You four had better get some sleep,” you murmured, standing up. The hobbits nodded tearily, and laid down on the ground. You covered them in their cloaks, and let them drift off. 
Returning to Legolas, you sat against the log he was sitting on and stretched yourself toward the fire. 
“I see you made up,” Aragorn commented, a smirk on his face. 
“Thanks to you, Strider, and I won’t forget that,” you replied earnestly, reaching over and squeezing his hand, “I just hope we can make it out of this journey alive.” 
“For your sake, I hope so too.”  
The firelight and soft voices lulled you into relaxation, and you found yourself leaning against Legolas’ legs. His comforting presence made you forget where you were, and you began to climb into his lap. Aragorn’s eyebrows shot up, and you realized what you were doing. Stopping your motion, you began to move away, but Legolas pulled you right back to him. 
“Stay,” he murmured. You returned to your intended destination, and he cuddled you close to his body. You finally felt safe and warm in his arms, and your eyes began to feel a little heavier. He began to sing softly, something he had done since you were children. Recognizing the melody, you smiled and hummed along, shifting in his hold to look up at the stars. The soft twinkling mixed with the moonlight washed over the camp, and you finally felt at peace. Realizing that you hadn’t slept in days, you retreated further into his hold. 
You smiled sleepily, and murmured, “‘Night, Leggy.” 
He chuckled and rubbed your arm, saying, “Get some sleep, meleth nin. I love you.” 
“Love you too,” you said, and your eyes finally were able to close. Soon, your slow, even breathing affirmed that you were fast asleep, and Legolas stroked your hair gently in the pale moonlight. 
“Goodnight, my sweet wildflower.”
@elles-writing​ @guardianofrivendell​
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idjitlili · 4 years
Some Aragorn love?💖
PoTato buddies
Aragorn x reader
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summary: imagine being apart of the fellowship,falling for aragorn,yet you feel like you stand no chance,turn tables he is very protective of you when another male is in the way.
word count:2299
You had been apart of the fellowship since Rivendell,you weren't much of a fighter but Gandalf insisted you come ,you were good at cooking potatoes ,and some other things. But the really reason you came was because you were a healer. You were shy around new people, you soon developed a bond with Sam you had one major thing in common you both loved potatoes. Sam was the main person you spoke to,he was not judgemental and was a kind soul.
You would burst out with laughter with Sam making the others stare at you,you were always quiet,you were all currently walking through the snow. You were freezing but Sam was distracting you with stories such as when Frodo had made him jump when he was gardenering ,and he ended up accidently throwing a potato at him,before rush to see if the potato was damaged. Pippin was also very humerus,and childish,well he was barely an adult so it made sense. "what's so funny?" he had questioned you confused ,you stopped laughing and stared at him briefly before answering. "I would tell you but...the jokes aragorn." Sam snickered next to you,Gimil burst out laughing, pippin didn't understand straight away but eventually got it, Aragorn sent you a smile before walking again.
He was surprised at your outburst, not hearing you speak that much before, when you did it was just one word answers.  He would often see you giggling with Sam , he thought you liked the hobbit, he couldn't deny he found your shyness adorable , and he found you very attractive. Sam would often tease you about Aragorn because he knew of your feelings for him.
"You are going to talk to him, y/n tomorrow, promise?" He had been trying to get you talk to Aragorn for ages, today was the closest you had gotten. You had simply nodded at the hobbit.
After Gandalf had died, you had all made it to the elves, well lady Galadriel. You had been sat with Sam and Frodo when legolas had walked by. "Uh..mister legolas?" He had stopped turning to you, nodding for you go on. "Uh..right..if you had no legs what would your name be?" You face was heating up,he looked at you with an confused expression. "I assume , it would be the same." You shook your head at the elf. "no mister legolas, your name would be leg a less , because your legs Aragorn." He have you a look at said 'really? ' before sending you a small smile.
"You are going to be teasing Aragorn with that for the rest of the journey,aren't you?" Gimli had asked you , you had nodded in agreement, Aragorn had heard the whole thing from nearby.
Boromir was dead, you had been separated from Sam, and was with Aragorn, Gimli and legolas. You had held onto Boromir's hand as he passed away. You had wept as Aragorn had led you all after Merry and Pippi, you cried the whole first day, there was no time to rest .Legolas had basically carried you the whole day your head on his shoulder. As much as Aragorn wanted to carry you , Legolas had much more strength , being an elf and all and Gimli did too but he was too short.
The third day you four had ran into Eomer, in the lands of Rohan. He had already introduced himself , and briefly questioned you all before turning his attention to you. He had stood infront of you , eyeing you. "Why do you travel with these men?" He had asked holding his posture. "Uh..I am their healer." You had spoken quietly, avoiding his direct eye, he was indeed an handsome man. "She does not need explain her reasons," Aragorn had stated simply.
"Oh I see now, she is with you." Eomer had eyed you then Aragorn , who wrapped his arm around your waist, making you flush red. Legolas had smirked at Aragorn, "yes we are." Aragorn's grip on you became tighter, Eomer had just smiled and soon enough you were told where the hobbits were, but they may be dead. That worried you , you had already lost two of your group. Eomer had given you two horses, you having to share with Aragorn, you had lift you on , sitting you infront of him. You decided not to question what he had just done. As you set off after the hobbits.
"I am sorry , if I made you uncomfortable back there." He had told you sincerely , his left arm around your waist to keep him steady. "..no you didn't." You spoke , causing him to hum in response , as you continued after the journey after the hobbits. You couldn't help but blush at Aragorn's body being so close to yours. His strong arms holding tightly around you to control the horse , his head on your shoulder to see where he was going. His breath on your neck , sending tingles down your spin.
The next time you were both so close was after the battle of helms deep, in celebration of victory. Theoden had toasted in celebration, Gimli and Legolas were having a drinking competition, as you ,Eomer and Aragorn watched. Eomer had discovered that you weren't actually with Aragorn, but it was clear that you liked him. As you would blush every time he would speak with you, he decided upon himself that he was going to do something about it. Well at least after Gimli passed out, causing Legolas to win.
As soon as a new song was played, which happened to be a fast paced one , he had asked you. "Miss y/n, would you dance with me?" He had asked you gently, you had blushed ,nodding "I am not very good though." You had spoken quietly , making your wast to Eomer. "Don't worry, I'll guide you." He had spoken grabbing your hand gently , leading you to the dance floor. Aragorn watched envy, Legolas nudged him, "I believe that he does that on purpose." Aragorn had scoffed at this, staring still.
Before you had both started dancing Eomer had let you know that he knew of your feelings for the future king, you had denied it , but he had just smirked at you in response. Before you began dancing fast paced with Eomer, with twirls and turns. He had even lifted you with ease , causing you gasp and giggle, as he spun you. Your face went red as he dipped you , it was like dirty dancing , yes there were some hip movements, you looked great with Eomer especially in the dress Eowyen had given you. you had to tuck one side up into your shorts so you didn't trip dancing revealing your whole bare leg. In finale Eomer had grabbed that leg by the knee , guiding you down to one final dip. As your cleavage was fully exposed to Aragorn, yes Eomer did that on purpose, before pulling you up, you had embraced him.
"You are a very skilled dancer , Eomer." You had spoke quietly to him as merry and pippin clapped. Gentlemen. "As are you." He spoke breathless letting go off you. In which as he did merry ran at you jumping up on you, wrapping his arms around your neck, you had grabbed a hold of his legs to keep him steady , giggling. "Will you dance with me ,my lady?" He had asked smiling up at you, you had nodded at him , dancing with him you in your arms , because he was too small on the ground.
Afterwards he would not let go of you, so you kept a hold of him , sitting back down next to Aragorn with the hobbit sat your lap. Aragorn smiled at you, and eventually Merry had fell asleep on you , using your breasts as pillow. After a while of being in that position, you began to ache you had only had one ale, it was just you were so tired. You had let out an "uGh." And a groan causing Aragorn to look at you. "What's the matter?" He had asked eyeing Pippin, he couldn't help but be jealous of him. Pippin had already made his way to bed well forced by Gandalf ,leaving Merry on you.
"It hurts him laying on my..after a long time." He had accidentally looked down at your burst when you had said it , blushing , He had pulled Merry from you gently , ushering you to stand, once you did he followed carrying Merry. "Are you tired , y/n?" He had questioned you ,you had nodded. "Take him." You had looked at him confused but did, turning to leave in embarrassment, but you didn't even get the chance to walk as you sweated off your feet in ease by Aragorn who began carrying you bridal style.
Merry laid upon your chest yet again, as Aragorn held you tightly. Eomer had smirked at the three of you in success, you and Aragorn hadn't even told the others goodnight, as he carried you away. Your eyes fell heavy ,"I'll will get Merry to bed, then you okay?" He had told you , you had nodded tiredly. Your eyes flutter closed, falling asleep in Aragorn's' arms, he smiled at your sleeping form as he took you to the room that Theoden had gave you to sleep in for the night.
He had laid you in the bed , Merry next to you , before he sat down in the armchair going to sleep. You had woken up with Merry laid across your stomach, and Aragorn changing. You had blushed harshly at his bare back before you turned so your face was faced down in the pillow so he would t know you were awake from your blushing face. Pippin groaned , now using your ass as pillow.
Aragorn had turned to see your position, before walking over to you , now dressed poking your shoulder,"y/n,Merry , wake  up ." Merry groans , you sit up rubbing your eyes, to act as if you just woke up. You push merry off of you ,shaking him awake."w-whats going on?" you question,remembering how you ended up here. "Gandalf has to Pippin to Gondor for safety." he states at the side of the bed,as you stand up from it ,yawning as merry stood on the bed. "why?" Merry asked panicked. "sauron thinks he has ring,they are leaving soon." Merry had gasped jumping from the bed,running out the door,slamming it shut. 
You looked at Aragorn ,who was already looking at you. "is Pippin going to be okay?" you questioned ,showing your concern for the youngest hobbit ,Aragorn simply nodded. You looked down to see you were still in your dress from last night,you grab your bag that is sat next to the bed pulling out your clothes. You were used to having to get dressed infront of Sam,frodo,and some other fellowship,but not the point you were naked ,or they could anything. You tried pulling the dress off but it was tied on too tight,you groaned and turned to aragorn ,who was looking away,red. "uhh..could you please help me untie this." he walked closer to you,so you turned away so he could untie you.
His hands pulled gently at the strings on the dress,loosening it ,you breathe in feeling less caged now. His hands soon fell away as he walked away ,facing away from you again. You went back to trying to remove the dress,you groan as it gets stuck under your shoulders,leaving your arms in the air ,looking pretty stupid ,if I am being honest. You werent sure why  Aragorn was still here with you. "um...I hate to ask again,but this dress is a little stuck." of course the man you like as to see you in your underclothes.
He chuckled at you ,before pulling the dress up above your head ,but it was no use,it was completely stuck. "uh..would you care if the dress is ripped?" he had questioned you ,he had now idea how anyone could fit in a dress like this ,too many layers,and buttons. "no..I'll j-just get Eowyn a new one." thats all he need ,as he ripped the dress in half  with his bare hands ,you had gasped ,and blushed at the thought of him doing that in some particular actitives. "woah...thank you."he smiled at you as you began now dressing.
"I have been meaning to tell you something ,y/n." he had spoke ,as you pulled the undershirt off,before throwing a navy tunic over your chest."o-oh?" you had replied nervously."for many months ,I have admired you...and it is clear to me you have captured my heart." you were shocked at his words ,not believing it at all. "a-are you being serious?this isnt a joke is it?" he had walked over to you ,your trousers  half on as he brought his hand to your cheek,before leaning down to press a short gently kiss it your lips. You hadnt kissed anyone before ,it had came natural to you even though you were clueless. "believe me now?" you nod at him,he wraps his arms around your waist ,your hands on is chest.
"hey,um  maybe we should go find merry?"
"in a minute,will you court me?"
"yes ,of course.Darn I could do with some mash or a grilled cheezus right now."
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meteor752 · 3 years
The Gamgee-Baggins children
I have mentioned a few times Frodo and Sam’s army of kids that they adopted and that Aragorn and Legolas love to babysit, and now I’m gonna go more in-depth because why not.
Also, they are based on Sam’s actual children, but I do have to tweak a few things because we switched out an entire parent here, so yeah.
The oldest, adopted when she was two
Was a very calm and kind child
Took up her dad’s love for gardening
Worked in Rivendell as the head gardener as an adult
Still remained her kind self though
Got the nickname “The Fair” by the elves because of her golden locks, which she appreciated
The second child, was adopted when he was just a few months
Was often teased by other young hobbits because of his strange name
Loved his namesake though, whenever they babysat he would just cling to him like a Koala
Is honestly just a very sweet boy that constantly craves physical contact
He became a pretty good chef in his adulthood, mainly working with Potatoes because he’s a gamgee to the core
This is where Frodo and Sam got their first devil child
Rose is their third child and was adopted when she was three, where she already had a tendency to just scream if she felt like it
Was not allowed to be around Merry and Pippin too much, it was too dangerous
While both Elanor and Aragorn used to watch and care for their younger siblings, Rose hated it and would often just ignore their existence
Gained a passion for painting, as it allowed her to truly express herself
Her paintings were all very wild though, but she enjoyed it and her parents were just happy that she was happy
The fourth child of Sam and Frodo, adopted when he was five
Was surprisingly calm and obedient, despite his namesake
Used to sit on the floor and do puzzles by himself while his parents and older siblings tried to keep track of the younger ones
Has a problem with reading and spelling however
Incredibly shy
Still doesn’t know what to do with his life as an adult, and is honestly just flowing through it
The fifth child, adopted when he was two
This boy takes after his namesake, and they are pretty sure he’s a Took by blood
Loves his older sister Rose, looks up to her a lot, but she practically hates him.
Is often off going on his own adventures, though he stays in the Shire 
Often used to under a tree in a pasture with the ponies, eating some food he’d stolen
Befriended a small chestnut colored pony named Peanut
Still goes there when he’s an adult
Child number six, adopted when she was seven 
Her real parents drowned, and Frodo couldn’t not adopt her
Picked up her papa’s love for storytelling, and started writing books
She secretly writes fanfiction sometimes about the fellowship, but shh only Primmy knows that
She often takes care of the youngest hobbits of the shire together with her sibling Primrose, where she often entertains them by reading
Is very sought after by other hobbits of the Shire, but she is not interested at all
The seventh child, adopted when he was just a few months
Has a lot of anger issues
Is *that* sibling. You know, the one you just get the Cain instinct every time you see them
Neither Frodo or Sam knew really what to do about his constant tantrums, as they are both very soft spoken
So they had someone teach him how to box, just so he could get it all out
Is as an adult one of the best ring fighters in middle earth, and does not take it lightly when someone teases him for being a Hobbit
All of his siblings except for Rose are kinda scared of him
Child number eight and twin sister of Primrose, they were both one when they were adopted
Is baby
Just a pure ray of sunshine basically
Used to take flowers from their garden to make flower crowns
Sam and Elanor never minded, mostly because she was so cute when she did it
Managed to get a real talent for flower braiding, not just into crowns but also into art
Is always in charge of flowers when it comes to weddings
Still remains baby as an adult
Child nine and twin of Daisy, they were both one when they were adopted
A real social butterfly
Gets along with absolutely everyone
Their best friend is their sister Goldie however, who is pretty much the opposite of them with her love for books and the indoors
Often takes care of the younger Hobbits of the Shire with their sister Goldilocks, where they entertains them by playing with them
Falls in love with everyone
The tenth child, adopted as just an infant
Ever heard of social anxiety? Yeah this is the embodiment of it
He does not like people, and would rather just be by himself thank you very much
The only people he’s really comfortable with are Frodo, Sam, Daisy, and Legolas
Kinda just goes unnoticed by everyone because of his many siblings, and likes it that way
Is actually rather talented when it comes to music, but would rather die than show it to anyone
Child eleven, and proudly the two minute older twin of Robin, both adopted when they were seven
A really smart cookie, and a future entrepreneur in the making
Spend most of her childhood scheming on ways to get her grubby hands on sweets
Developed a secret underground trading network of food and pastries with the children of the shire, and sat on top as a small mafia boss
Became a skilled merchant as an adult, and has a goal to become incredibly rich
She’s a real scammer when it comes to buisness, but his able to hide it behind her big dark eyes and curly locks, because who so cute could be so wickedly clever?
Not the most lawful thing, but hey, you do what you gotta do right?
Child twelve, and sadly the two minute younger twin of Ruby, both adopted when they were seven
Pretty much instantly became friends with Brand son of Bain of Dale, despite the almost ten years age difference
While Brand is very rebellious and does everything to pester his family, Robin is a kind of sweetheart who just follows along and tries to keep him out of trouble
Loves his twin very much, but is unsure if Ruby is choosing the right path for herself
When Brand is crowned king of Dale, he becomes his royal advisor that mostly tries to keep him from getting himself killed
Nothing’s changed really
The thirteenth and youngest child, adopted when he was an infant
Was adopted when Ruby and Robin were practically adults, unintentionally
They just found him abandoned on their doorstep, and were just like yep we’re keeping him
Had a hard time connecting with his older siblings as he’s so much more younger
Loved that he was the focus of attention with his parents however since everyone else had moved out, and all of his siblings are jealous
Will become a skilled drink mixer as an adult, but is currently just a small wittle bab that likes to play
And yeah that’s it! Now onto the other stuff!!
Elanor is Biromantic Asexual
Aragorn is Bisexual
Rose is a trans lesbian
Merry is Pansexual
Pippin is Gay
Goldilocks is Aromantic Asexual
Hamfast is Heteromantic Asexual
Daisy is panromantic Demisexual
Primrose is a non-binary pansexual
Bilbo is Gay
Ruby is a lesbian
Robin is Polysexual
Tolman is a child and doesn’t care about all that kissing stuff
Goldie is missing an arm
Daisy has a problem with her foot that makes her limp
I don’t have any romantic thing planned for any of them, but who knows
I kinda like Robin X Brand though (Robrand????)
They are in the order they were adopted, but some are older than others, like Ruby and Robin are three years older than Bilbo
Maybe I’ll make a chart of it some day, who knows
The only name I changed was the second child, who was originally named Frodo, to Aragorn, otherwise these are Sam’s actual canon children
I love all of them
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winntir · 3 years
The Fellowship of the Ring as D&D characters/players
Frodo Baggins, Halfling Rogue. Maxed out the Stealth skill and uses an enchanted ring he used in the last campaign to sneak around, but has to roll percentile dice for how long it takes for the BBEG to find him. Only plays because he wanted to spend time with friends. He only knows how Stealth works.
Samwise Gamgee, Halfling Fighter. First time playing, Frodo's player convinced him to join. Didn't really know what to do, so he made his backstory tied with Frodo's so he didn't need to overthink it. Really into the RP. Needs to just end this pretense and confess his love for Frodo's player, but he doesn't have the courage.
Gandalf, Aasimar Sorcerer. Doesn't know the difference between Sorcerer and Wizard classes. Doesn't have a lot of time to play, so he misses a few sessions on "Wizard business." Ended up dying the one time the DM decided to give him something cool to do. Didn't have the time to write another character, so he just reused his character sheet. The DM thought he'd be playing Radagast.
Aragorn, Human Variant Ranger. Uses the Ranger Revised homebrew. Really overthought his backstory. Thought about making his character a Half-Elf, but didn't want to accused of being an edgelord. Too bad, everyone already calls him an edgelord.
Legolas, Wood Elf Ranger. Liked the Wood Elves from the last campaign and decided to use their lore for his own character. Still decided to name his character Legolas Greenleaf because he likes dumb in-jokes. Has an extensive dice collection/addiction and a dice jail incase he rolls badly. He never rolls badly.
Gimli, Dwarf Barbarian. Really into Dwarves. Wanted to connect her character from the last campaign, so made him the son her last character. Met her boyfriend because of the last campaign. Kinda wants to make her character and her boyfriend's a thing, but everyone gets weird with romance in D&D.
Boromir/Faramir, Human Paladin/Ranger. Really proud of his original character until he started playing him. Got jealous of the Rangers and didn't like how he RP'd him, even if Aragorn's player thought he was cool. Got really busy after Boromir died, but managed to appear in a few sessions.
Meriadoc Brandybuck, Halfling Rogue Mastermind. Doesn't have the courage to come out, but isn't happy with his character being called "Merry" so often. Is kinda the guy who comes up with the crazy plans. DMs other campaigns and even stood in during the last one when the DM got sick.
Peregrine Took, Halfling Fighter. Friend of Meriadoc, kinda has a crush on him. They're a seasoned player with a laundry list of characters played to perfection, Pippin included. Posts memes on the Discord server. Everyone thinks they're the coolest person at these games.
The DM. Doesn't do campaigns often, mostly one-shots and tinkering the setting, but people love his sessions. Give distinct descriptions of events, if not the most detailed. His wife doesn't get it, but it doesn't matter. Tells his kids stories of what happened during the campaign.
Bonus: the last campaign. Biggest party they've ever had, destroyed the Discord server. Entire party was meant to be made up of Dwarf Fighters, but Bilbo and Gandalf's players didn't get the memo, so the DM overhauled the first session to explain why Bilbo was a part of the party. Kinda screwed the pooch on balancing the encounters. Not much RP. Everyone still had fun somehow.
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zevthejewitch · 4 years
Merry woke up feeling rather groggy. It was hot in the apartment though it was relatively cool in front of the fan. Peony had woken him up several times in the night. He was never quite sure why. Perhaps she didn’t understand that he also needed to sleep and that he couldn’t play with her whenever she wanted. For now, though, Peony was resting on her scratching post-turned-bed. Merry looked at his phone and saw the time read 12:30. Not the best, not the worst, he thought. He had been trying to set his sleep schedule earlier for months. And the sad truth was going to bed at 2 am and waking up at 12:30 was earlier than usual. Pippin wasn’t helping in that department. He usually went to bed around 3, 4, or even 5 and would get up whenever. The late night labs certainly contributed to this but Pippin had always been a night owl so it had never bothered him. All in all, probably the one with the healthiest sleep schedule was Peony.
The Men of Minas Tirith (and of most of Middle Earth from what Merry gathered in his limited experience) would wake up at ungodly hours. Merry knew several men and women who boasted of waking up at 5 am. Still he had met a few others who woke up at the unbelievable hour of 3 am. What’s the point of waking up in the middle of the night, Merry thought, you might as well say they’re staying up later than the rest of us. But Merry felt a twinge of guilt for not being like the others. That was a wound that his mother often put salt in. The idea that everybody had their life together more than Merry. Everyone worked harder. Everyone was smarter and more efficient. Only Merry stood out as so particularly inferior. The hobbit shook his head: enough of these thoughts!
He got off the bed and rather regretted it. He felt awful. But he made his way into the living room. Pippin wasn’t on the couch so he didn’t have to be as careful about being quiet. Although it seemed that Pippin could sleep through an earthquake. Merry put some toast in the toaster and looked out the window. The sun was shining its light across the landscape beautifully. It came in at an angle and the reflections and shadows played in the yellow-green leaves. Beyond the tree, his tree, he could see the Fields of Pelennor. There were alternating patches of gold and deep green. Beyond that were the mountains of Mordor. Merry liked to imagine he was looking directly at the trail he and Pippin had climbed the previous week. The mountains now held a more special place in his heart than they already had.
Pop! Merry had a mini heart attack and turned back to his toast. He had originally thought of putting either honey or jam on it, but he realized he was hungrier than that. He set to making some scrambled eggs. “Well that’s unusual,” said a voice suddenly from behind him. Merry let out a yelp. “G-d, Pippin, please don’t sneak up on me like that.” Merry implored. “Oh, sorry,” Pippin said, “I didn’t think about your PTSD. I’ll try to do better next time.” “Thanks,” Merry breathed. “Anyway, what’s so unusual?” he demanded, straightening up. “Oh just that you’re actually cooking something,” Pippin answered. “Pippin, please, I don’t need this right now” “What’s wrong?” “I just...don’t appreciate being reminded I never cook. Like, I know ok” Pippin hadn’t realized he would strike such a raw nerve with his words. He felt bad about startling his friend as well. Merry turned back to his eggs and took them off the stove. “I’m sorry, Merry,” he said earnestly, “I shouldn’t have made fun of you for cooking. I won’t do it again. Can you forgive me?” Merry turned to his friend. “Thanks for apologizing, Pippin. I forgive you. But I just...I need some space right now,” he said, feeling a bit guilty. “Of course!” Pippin replied. Merry figured Pippin wanted to eat soon so he grabbed his toast and eggs and stepped outside onto the balcony.
Merry was mad at himself for being upset. But he was also trying to work on speaking up about things that bothered him and determined that this was just an uncomfortable step of the growing process. And why is everything startling you today, he asked himself exasperatedly. Having PTSD was a pain because he knew he shouldn’t be startled by a thing but he was. His body was on high alert, expecting danger at every turn. Even when as far as he knew he was alone in the house with his close friend and cat. Did I even have any right to criticize Pippin, he thought. After all, he was right, and I’m sure he just thought he was being playful. But he caught himself again: I’m allowed to have feelings even if those feelings inconvenience others. Or, at least, he was pretty sure. Maybe he had heard it somewhere.
Merry put the eggs on his toast and took a bite. He had come across this way of eating toast when he was on a trip to the southernmost point of Harad. This was long before Peony or Pippin were in his life. It was even before Jamie. He was fascinated with the culture of South Harad. He missed the great, spicy food and the kind people. He missed the bright colors everywhere--mostly in the clothes of the women there. At the time, Merry also dressed in those clothes. However, since he was the only hobbit around and one of the few most Haradrim had ever seen he didn’t exactly blend in as hoped. He came across eggs and toast on the grounds of a palace (more of a large house really) in a small but influential city just inland behind the mountains. The city had once been the home of one of the greatest fighters and leaders in all of South Harad’s history.
It had been awhile since Merry had thought much about his trip to Harad. He had spent about three months there years ago. He hoped to go back there again. As his real self. And maybe with a friend. Merry finished his breakfast and looked out again. He saw the banner of Gondor fluttering in the breeze on a lower wall. It had a white tree with stars and a crown surrounding it against a dark blue background. In the distance, thankfully not directly below him, he could hear shouts and the quiet whirr of cars as they drove past. Sounds that the city was very much alive and awake this afternoon. And he could hear that blasted ice cream truck again. How many times?? How many times must it circle the block, Merry lamented desperately. He had really had enough of this and determined to go back inside at least to put his plate away.
Merry turned around to see Peony standing at attention in front of the balcony door. He stealthily slid by her, not allowing her to escape, and put his plate away. Pippin was playing a video game in his room. He was sitting on the floor in front of his bed facing the door. He found video games were a good way to not think of much of anything and with his anxiety, that was a true blessing. “Dammit!” Merry heard him shout from the next room. Merry didn’t know the first thing about video games. His parents had never bought any for him and when he did occasionally play one, he felt dizzy and didn’t much see the point of them. But as a result he did feel like he was lacking a useful, fun coping strategy that all his friends and acquaintances his age used. And so he felt left out if it ever came up--though it was not something he’d ever bother anyone else with.
It was getting on towards 1:30 and Merry realized he needed to be at Boromir’s office by 2. The boy dashed into his room, got dressed, brushed his teeth, and made sure Peony had enough food and water for the day. Then he knocked on his friend’s door. “Yeah? Come in” Pippin called.
“I’m just heading out now to do some research for Boromir. I’ll see you tonight”
“Ok, have a good time!”
“Thanks, love you”
“Love you too”
Merry smiled, closed the door behind him, and made his way out the front door.
The University campus was at the highest point of the city. One could walk it, but it was far easier and faster to take the gondola. Merry went down the side street, turned onto the main thoroughfare and came to the gondola’s green line station. There was a decent sized line ahead of him, but the cable cars came so quickly and continuously he knew he wouldn’t be waiting long. This gondola line went from his neighborhood to the University. Because of the convenience, many graduate students and even a number of the younger professors lived in the area.
Boromir was in his office. He was very absorbed in reading and responding to his letters. He also needed to finish preparing for the classes he was teaching the next week. He had quite forgotten that Merry was coming to the office to help him this afternoon. And that evening he needed to go to the opening of his brother, Faramir’s, art exhibit and support him. He knew their father certainly wouldn’t show up, but it seemed really important to Faramir to have his family’s support. Boromir understood the feeling. Since their mother left they had continually sought to gain acceptance from their father who was typically too busy with matters of the State as he was the Steward of Gondor. Growing up as the Steward’s son had its own host of challenges. Boromir always felt like he was being watched and that his worth was being redetermined anew every day. As such, he had turned into a perfectionist and a workaholic. He took on too many projects and faculty responsibilities. He was the youngest ever chair of the Humanities Department--something his father Denethor was exceedingly proud of and boasted of whenever he got the chance. But if Boromir was really being honest, the pressure of being Chair on top of teaching three classes and the expectation to continue writing his own book was too much to handle.
Faramir on the other hand could never seem to live up to his father’s expectations. He had tried to study law for many years, but he found the work soul-crushing, and he had never enjoyed reading or writing to start with. No, Faramir’s love was with brush and canvas. And with many other supplies. He specialized in collages and his art had been displayed at institutions and art museums all across Gondor. But Denethor had very little patience or care for the arts (something evident in the city’s lack of arts funding) and so he had never approved of Faramir’s occupation.
A knock came at the door. Who on Middle Earth could that be? Better not be some wizard giving me a hard time. “It’s open,” Boromir called, sounding nonplussed. “Sorry I’m a few minutes late.” At the door stood Merry dressed in a white shirt with a yellow vest, brown pants, and a green cape. Boromir was relieved to see his pupil. “Ah Merry! Do come in, I’m so glad you’re here. Are you feeling any better?”
“Yes, they gave me some medicine to help with the pain in the meantime while they try to figure out what’s wrong.”
Boromir gave him a concerned look. “Well I hope they figure it out soon”
“I’m supposed to meet with a doctor in two days so hopefully that will help”
“Good, good,” Boromir hesitated. “Are you sure you’re feeling up for work today?” “Yes, I’ll be alright I think,” said Merry, trying to sound reassuring. “Would you mind rewriting the responses to these letters? I’m afraid my poor handwriting won’t be good enough. I’ll look over them when you’re done but I’m sure they’ll be fine.” “Sure,” Merry responded. He always enjoyed getting to write with a quill pen. The hobbit took off his cloak and hung it by the door.
Merry found Boromir’s office to be peaceful and loved spending time there. There was a fireplace behind one of the desks, some large, definitely-not-hobbit-sized chairs, and another, larger desk that for whatever reason Boromir used less. There was a wide, slightly bumped out window across from the door. Merry left a cushion in Boromir’s office for sitting on the desk chair so he could reach everything--everything but the ground anyway. Really! There ought to be some hobbit-sized chairs at this school, Merry thought. He had grown used to Boromir’s sketchy handwriting and was more than comfortable transcribing it out in his more legible hand. Secretly, Merry was grateful that he wasn’t being asked to do something more cerebral as the pain had been a bit touch and go all day.
Boromir paced around the room a bit as he often did, muttering inaudibly to himself. Occasionally he would go back over to the larger desk and write something down with a pencil. After about an hour, Merry finished the letters. He took a brief break and then returned to see what else Boromir needed. The Man asked him to do some research on Westron scholars across Middle Earth. Merry had brought his own laptop and began to make a spreadsheet of all he could find. There were many more than he had imagined. Most in Gondor, Mordor, and Rohan but a few in places as far as Harlindon, the Misty Mountains, and Harad. Merry meticulously made sure to include scholars from more far afield regions as he wanted to make sure they were represented. As one of the few hobbits in the University, he understood feeling alone or like people like him were not appreciated. He hoped to find an (out) trans scholar but alas he was now alone in that too. After an hour or so Boromir left to go to a meeting. When he returned Merry was still hard at work on the spreadsheet. Finally around 6 o’ clock, it was time for Merry to be done for the day. “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Merry asked. Boromir continued to be lost in thought. “Professor Boromir?” Merry tried again. “What? Oh look at that, it's already 6!” he exclaimed suddenly, “you know my brother’s art exhibit opening is now, would you like to come?” Merry was a fan of visual art. But he also remembered he needed to eat.
“I’d love to, but I haven’t eaten dinner yet”
“I believe there’s food there if you like but I understand completely if you need to go”
“Oh, actually that sounds alright then”
“I didn’t know your brother was an artist!” I didn’t know you had a brother at all, he thought. Merry donned his cloak and the two made their way down the outdoor corridor. The floor was of red brick and to their right was a green moss lawn. Smooth, white columns with swirled capitals flanked their right side, opposite the building’s outer wall.
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darfeld · 4 years
What makes two story the same?
What makes two story the same? For example, is David Linch’s Dune the same story as Frank Herbert’s Dune (I’m talking about the book here). On one hand, one is an adaptation of the other, so logically it should be the same story right? In both cases, it’s a political war between the Atreides and the Harkonen over the control of a very valuable monopoly of the spice, orchestrated by the Emperor himself for his political gain.
On the other hand, so much change from the book, like the characterization of the Harkonnen as inherently evil, the Atreides inherently good and noble, the Fremens who are the poor endemic population that only wants to claim there rights to the lands, the bullshit weapon using voice, the Bene Gesserit are now some mystical convent. Some of those changes are merely esthetic, like the bullshit voice powered weapons, but some other change the themes and the meaning of the story. In the book, the Harkonnens are bad, but they are not cliché villains and utter buffoons like they are in the movie. The Bene Gesserit is a much more important player and much more science focused group. The Fremen’s goal is to start a Jihad on galactic scale. Which means the movie is more a struggle of Good vs Evil, when the book is absolutely not that. So are they still the same story? Now let’s see another example : Take the 7 samurais and the magnificent 7. Both are about a group of seven individuals warrior fighting for money that are persuaded to protect a village of poor people from a group of raiders, for less retribution than they would normally demand for such a task. The parallel goes even further since the characters of the western mirror those of the samurai movie. Yet the story happens at very different places, in different times, which leads to a loads of differences, small and not so small. The end in particular, is quite different for the protagonists. A particular note worthy change is that while the samurais have some code of conduct and are above the peasant, socially speaking, the mercenaries are not, they are only intimidating because they are fighters.
This should perhaps change the nature of the story a lot, but... strangely, I don’t think is does on a fundamental level. I would say those stories those stories are more similar than the book Dune and it’s movie adaptation are. I can go on with remakes that actually change every thing and movie judged to similar that are actually very different if you understand what they are about. Or story that build new words and cultures but mimics to a fault other stories to the point the peripeteia and the themes stay pretty much the same.
One might ask “Can 2 stories really be the same, even if one is merely a retelling of the other?”, but then we are left with nothing to analyze.
So maybe a better question would be : “What characterize a story?” and “In what significant ways two stories can resemble each others?” If I look at the example I gave so far, the keys to a story are the characters themselves, the peripeteia and the themes of the story. In some case, it seems you can modifies some of those if they are not too essential to the story. Which means there are a hierarchy of essentiallity in every story. Which also means than changing this hierarchy should in theory, change the story itself. Obviously, if you make Ron Winsley the protagonist of Harry Potter, you can tell the same events with a different point of view. If you elevate his relevance to the plot, then the event will necessarily change, thus the story will be different. In the lord of the Ring, if Gandalf doesn’t disappear in the Moria, the rest of the story will obviously not be the same, even if Gandalf just stand there doing nothing until rejoining Merry and Pippin at Isengard. ( wouldn’t that be weird... ) And if you make Gandalf reappear in Lothlorien just after beating the balrog, you diminish the importance of it’s disappearance, so the rest of the story will again differ greatly from the story we know. Then, there are themes. Themes are somewhat trickier to analyze, because not very story are very obvious about them. Some even try to hide them as much as they can. Theme can be as obvious as good vs evil, or the subversion of it. It can be the sacralization of Heroism, or it’s deconstruction. It can be about depression, a struggle against addiction, or even about how to live a simple life. Story have generally several themes and sometimes conflicting ones. In Star Wars, there is the theme of good vs evil and how a Jedi should not attack because they are the good guys or ‘I won’t kill you because killing is evil’. But at the same time, the rebellion alliance exists and ultimately triumph only because they choose to fight, rather than not, and yes, that means killing people. It works because the stakes are different for Luke as a Jedi and the Rebellion as a force to oppose a Fascist Empire. But they are still conflicting messages. ( Which by the way could have been resolved in the Rise of Skywalker, but instead we got that trash, and I’m probably not done being salty about it... ) Now imagine that instead on focusing on Luke’s journey, you focus more on the rebels, downplaying the role of the force and the struggle between good and evil. Luke’s involvement become a lot less important, and suddenly the story doesn’t look the same at all. The events might be the same, but suddenly the Force isn’t playing that much of a role. Or at least it is very less tangible. The whole “family” thing also disappears, and overall we are left with a story much more science-fiction and much less Fantasy. It would make for very interesting spin-offs to be honest. A bit like Rogue One, if you will. Themes are constructed on a lot of aspect of stories, so maybe I should break it down more. If one change of one aspect can change a theme, maybe this is a thing I should focus more on. On the other hand, I still think that theme is a level of abstraction more useful to see if a change modify a story significantly or not. In any case, it comes down to what ihmo makes a story at all : Characters, Peripeteia and themes. If we go back to my two example from the beginning : I don’t think Frank Herbert and David Linch are telling the same story, because the characters are just not the same and the Movie makes it a story of good vs evil. I think the 7 samurais and the magnificent 7 are the same story, because the characters are very similar, the peripeteia are alike and the team of 7 strong guys defending poor peasants despite it not being their best interest is kept.
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elvencantation · 4 years
just went to see tros. major spoilers ahead
so i’m gonna try to go through this as in order as i can
- rey doing the avatar pose with the rocks orbiting her was super cool. as was her training with leia
- her getting distracted (and becoming somehow angry) by kyle ron staring at his grandads melted skull? not so much
- leia in general i think they handled pretty well. i even was okay with her death, though it did feel rushed. either way any glimpses of our beloved carrie warmed my heart
- i fuckin love bb8’s little sidekick. him being narratively incredibly important? felt forced
- lando? YES!!
- the weird rey doing force lightning? NO!!!
- i just have so many issues with this ‘dyad connection’
- stop trying to make more jedi powers. first the connection, then healing, then the lightning tree?? seriously?
- speaking of which, sith rey was way overdone. i could have understood her appearance in the first place, hearkening back to the dark cave luke went into on dagobah. but once again, it was played into the ground. and the teeth? seriously? (yes it was very attractive but that’s beside the point. evil versions are always hotter)
- kyle ron just kept pissing me off. but that’s a whole nother post entirely. i would’ve liked the helmet kintsugi for purely aesthetic reasons if it had any emotional impact at all. kintsugi is repairing a broken object and making it more beautiful for its having been put together again, and the love put into fixing it. none of that fit with the weird reforging of his helmet. he didn’t even do it himself palpatine’s little slaves did it. it looked cool but felt wrong
- hux being the traitor because he just ‘wants him to lose’? made absolutely no sense whatsoever and came completely out of left field. unless i’m just missing something. which i definitely could be
- rey getting completely distracted on the way to get the knife and letting her friends get captured? dumb. stupid narrative decision. it felt dishonest to the rest of her characterization up until now
- and it made for another weird connection scene with ofc i didn’t enjoy. vader’s helmet has great symbolic importance. it being left on that planet just to tell kyle ron that rey was on his ship? another stupid narrative decision!!
- also what the fuck was zorri and the whole spice runner being a secret thing? are we in dune? like let’s shoehorn in a backstory that has no emotional impact because there was no buildup or investment whatsoever. yes i understand they were trying to draw han solo parallels but it was just- once again- awkward and forced
-jannah just rubbed in our faces all the lost potential of finn leading a storm trooper rebellion from the inside. we were ROBBED
- if they had played with the c3po losing his memory storyline it could’ve had much more potential. but once again there was no emotional impact because it was badly written and awkwardly placed just to give us another ‘cute’ character. which yes. i fell for. i love babu. sidebar: i just looked up that characters name and they were voiced by moaning myrtle??
- the scenes on the destroyed death star. the fight looked beautiful, it was well shot and the set was amazing. i loved the giant waves, everything. but han? seriously? at least they didn’t try to make him a force ghost. that’s literally all i can be thankful for. leia reaching out to him could’ve had that very same narrative outcome of him throwing away the lightsaber. and it would’ve made so much more sense
- merry popping up everywhere without pippin was both sad and jarring for me personally
- and then we get to the final battle
-i’ve been drawing a lot of parallels between storylines in the movie and from the thrawn trilogy
- admit it, Exegol doesn’t sound half as cool as Mount Tantus
- cloning tanks, secret super powerful fleet, all of that was in thrawn but done much better
- i absolUTELY hated the view palpatine gave rey of the battle scene. it was done in the return of the jedi, it was done in the last jedi, it just felt overdone
- i’m not even going to talk about the reveal of rey’s identity. it’s just fucking stupid. her choosing to call herself a skywalker would have been just as impactful, if not more, if we’d kept her parentage a non plot point
- also don’t think that i didn’t notice the parallels to the alien at the festival asking her last name to the lady on tattooine. since when have last names ever been so stressed in star wars. it just felt awkward
- whats with the red storm troopers? yet another awkward detail added for #aesthetic with no reasoning behind it whatsoever?
- and onwards we go- to whatever the fuck happened when kyle joins rey in front of palpatine. this isn’t harry potter. he isn’t a dementor. it’s just- completely out of place. like wtf
- i am 100% convinced the weird chanting ‘audience’ was just rows upon rows of empty cloaks palpatine was animating because he’s a fucking drama queen. like if not, where did he get that many people? who are they? are they more force ghosts in inappropriate places?
- speaking of, i guess i could see what they were trying to do with the whole ‘i am all the sith/jedi’ thing, but it really didn’t make any sense, even with the ‘be with me’ thing rey was doing at the beggining of the movie. yet another new jedi power. ugh
- my brain personally has disassociated the re*lo kiss from the scene completely. it feels like something out of a different movie. there’s no lead up, it feels like two completely different characters than the ones we’ve been watching these past three movies
- we could’ve just had him die killing palpatine, or shielding her or giving her the chance to kill palpatine by sacrificing himself
- and no, i don’t count the part where she healed him any sort of lead up to the kiss. it felt just as awkward and forced as the rest of the directors/writers trying to redeem the relationship. no. emotional. impact. and the parallels they tried to draw between him and rey? also didn’t work
- the lightsaber trick did look really cool i enjoyed that a lot. i also surprisingly enjoyed kyle ron out of armor. he looked a lot more... real? in fact he looked so much like a different character i was even kinda emotionally invested in him in that scene. maybe i have a weak spot for ‘strong’ characters being vulnerable? or beat up angsty people? both? either way i actually enjoyed watching him onscreen those like five minutes. adam driver’s a good actor. ain’t his fault his character was written badly
- what’s with their bodies disappearing?? are we pulling a voldemort here? only yoda did that and he’s special. also leia’s body waiting to vanish until kyle died? i understand what they were getting at but it just doesn’t make sense
- that all being said, finn and poe’s screen time was lovely. they work so well together. that hug after the battle, thank you oscar isaac it was so gay. finn’s hair looked amazing, them being generals together felt so right, it had such potential
-the sandstormpilot hug was also amazing. poe kept grabbing rey’s hand and finn tearing up and- i’m gonna pretend they’re all together and everything is good with the world. they just make such an amazing team i love them so much
- most of the filmography and settings were gorgeous. the recreation of the podrace was eh, but rey wrecking the TIE fighter was better than that entire scene and pretty much made up for it in my mind. also since i’m in that scene, the scare of losing chewie was just plain cruel. it wasn’t a good plot twist, it didn’t work, it was just mean
- why did rey get a sentinel lightsaber?
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