#messages from heaven
exploiting-heaven · 9 days
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Ayzin WIP
TRYINF to show more WIPs but I also don’t draw a lot these days but I want to fix that
4 notes · View notes
espiritogato · 7 months
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If you pay close attention, you’ll notice your loved ones in heaven are always leaving you signs everywhere, to let you know they are still around
11 notes · View notes
A Conversation with Joan of Arc
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This conversation has been a long time coming. I remember she came to me when COVID hit but I wasn’t able to sit and channel her…give her my full attention. As with all things in life, the time and place need to match up. It wasn’t until my daughter and I were talking about her that she came in again. She’s very sweet. She’s soft spoken. She has a heavy French accent and talked some French that I needed to translate or I decided to type as she spoke it. Google…God bless Google for helping a girl out! I assumed that when I got to talking with her, she would be this fierce warrior energy, but she wasn’t at all. I feel like that was her job but it wasn’t her. Joan is a beautiful light. Quite the angel.
J: I wish to offer to you a great thanks in speaking with me. (bows her head while she sits in the chair)
K: The honor’s mine, Joan. Thank you for coming in.
J: I have wanted…desired…(She’s choosing her words in a way that I will be able to understand. I can hear a thick French accent.) to speak with you for many of your years but it is only now that I have been able to come.
K: I totally get it. There needs to be a time and a place.
J: Oui. Yes. A time and place.
K: Are you able to answer some questions about your life and maybe, through your answers, the readers will find relevance in their lives?
J: I would like to. Very much. Yes. (nodding her head)
K: Great. What I usually do is start from the beginning until the time that a person dies which, I find, can teach a lot about life and where it can take you.
J: I agree with you. I feel like there are many…lessons that people learn and when a child learns, it is not very different from when an adult learns. They are just different lessons.
K: That’s really cool. Yes.
J: I believe that adults, sometimes, believe that they do not have much to learn now that they have grown and that is how they get set in their ways. But, even when a woman or a man becomes old and age takes them and they appear to be feeble and weak, they are still learning. The feeble and weak…it begins in the mind (points to her temple) when, if one continues to learn, one continues to evolve and evolution, while changes appear in the body, it keeps the body young.
K: Is that because there is still movement in the body when a person decides that the learning or the lessons don’t stop once they become adults?
J: Because there is still searching. Because there is still…(pauses, thinking what to say) travel. When one is hunting or pursuing, there is still movement even if it is slight.
K: Got it.
J: It is a gift to keep the mind young and the mind continues to be young when it is learning. Even if there is expertise, it is not the end. To some, expertise is the glass ceiling. An expert breaks the glass and continues to ascend.
K: Wow. That’s awesome. Thank you for that.
J: Oui.
K: You lived during the Hundred Years’ War. More the tail end of it.
J: Oui. I lived like many lived at that time. I lived in…poor…a poor state. But…I did not know anything different so I liked my life. I was safe and I did much with my family. We worked together for what we had.
K: Did you get along with your family?
J: Yes. I did. It was friendly. I had a…um…great respect for my mother and my father. I felt they taught me well. We were happy.
K: You’re showing me the love in your house. It feels very cozy.
J: Yes. My father could be harsh sometimes because he felt very tired of France and the fighting that was happening. He wished for an end because he grew tired of seeing our people sick and hungry. We could rarely see the riches because of the poverty that was around. We worked very hard for our riches. We were better…prepared…
K: More well off?
J: Yes. Oui. We were more well off than many so, you see, how large even the poverty of people…how wide that could be in those times. We felt rich because we had a home, and we were warm and dry. Many did not.
K: I get that. I see that. (visually showing me). And you were raised in the church?
J: Yes. We abided by God’s word, and we felt very blessed. Because we felt taken care of, but we were taken care of because we abided by God’s word. We had a deep relationship with God.
K: That was for your family but what about you?
J: I learned from my family and so, my relationship with God grew from the example that my mother and father showed me. I knew no different.
K: So, when you prayed to God…
J: It was not of duty that I prayed to God. It was out of comfort and belief that He took care of me. My relationship with God was in my heart. It was not in my mind.
K: Understood. (feeling a lot of emotion and love in my heart that’s starting very small and then expanding…radiating outward)
J: All times, when I prayed, I would grow in my heart.
K: Thank you for sharing that feeling with me. That’s amazing.
J: Yes. Amazing.
K: When you started to hear the voices, how did you feel. I ask because when I look back at the bible stories or through history…when someone starts hearing voices, it freaks people out.
J: (smiles) Yes. I felt…uncertain. It was gradual. It did not happen all at once. It happened over many months. The voices were louder when I grew more comfortable with them…when I felt the same feeling in my heart that I did when I talked to God.
K: Oh! Okay. I understand. So it wasn’t one day you got a message saying, fight for France.
J: Non. (shakes her head) It was…building a relationship.
K: Interesting. Was it always Archangel Michael that you heard at first?
J: Oui. Michael. He came and went, came and went. It is better to…be introduced than demanding to be heard. I was introduced.
K: Very interesting. Did you keep it to yourself?
J: Yes. I did keep it to myself.
K: So, trust came as you grew to feel like the voices were from love?
J: Yes.
K: I ask because when people first start to dabble in communicating with spirits or angels, it takes a lot of trust to believe that yes, you are actually talking to something real and then there’s always the second guessing.
J: Mm hmm. (nods) The mind will tell someone they are…ils sont fous…crazy. Or they are communicating with ghosts…dark things.
K: Yes.
J: It is a conversation that one will have with themselves to talk themselves out of speaking with love because of a view or an opinion of another. This is why, it is best to spend much time with what you are hearing to build a relationship before belief.
K: Did you use blind faith?
J: (shakes head) No. Because my faith was not blind.
K: Ah. Got it. When did you tell your family?
J: I told them…quite quickly.
K: Did they believe you? Or did you have to show proof?
J: Because I spoke of the war, of things I did not know (about). Because I spoke of politics that I did not know about. Because I asked questions that I had not learned because I was not well-schooled, my family believed me. I spoke of things that my mother and father heard from others but that I did not understand.  L'ange, Michael would share, with me, truth about the war and the countries because he was…educating me before he requested that I go to war on behalf of France.
K: Why France and not England? Why was Michael choosing sides?
J: He was not choosing sides. He was preparing for the future. The angels of Heaven only intervene in life when there is no divine order. For the future to unfold in the order that was orchestrated by God, there needed to be divine intervention.
K: Wow! On that big of a scale??
J: Yes. Even in times of war and chaos, there is balance. Balance is not dictated by people. Balance is dictated by divinity.
K: That is crazy to me because if we look back at history, there are parts of it that don’t look divinely orchestrated.
J: Oui. (nods in understanding) But…for there not to be repetition, there requires destruction. There requires…um…great human error to understand what cannot be repeated. And this is balance. A war that is outstanding and at a crossroads puts a very deep…um…compromise in a divine plan and so there requires intervention.
She’s showing me the life of Jesus.
K: So, was Jesus sort of that divine intervention in that way? At that time?
J: Uh…yes. It was that time where the darkness of the world required to be pulled back to the balance of light. It is not just for a people. It is for Earth as well.
K: Do you ever compare yourself to Jesus?
J: No. Never. (grins humbly) I am only a soldier of light. I am only a soldier of Christ. There were many throughout history that…is it said to save the day?
K: Sure. That’s a saying.
J: In that capacity, it is a soldier of light. It is a soldier of Christ. He was the first, but he is a soldier of God.
K: Soldier…sometimes people come with images that don’t necessarily describe what or who something was correctly.
J: A soldier of God does not have to go to war…to a physical war to be a soldier. (she’s showing me the Knights Templar) It was not always war they walked into. It was not always battle. Many times, it was teaching. Being an example of Christ and sharing God.
K: And you don’t speak of the politics or the religious…mindset.
J: Non. (shakes her head) I speak of the…why they become soldiers to begin with. It is because of their relationship with God, their relationship with Christ. It is the feeling in the heart that grows, and it is a desire to share that love and not always to fight for it.
K: I understand. Thank you for that. So, when you heard Archangel Michael, did you see him also?
J: (shakes her head) Non. He did not have…form.
K: Did you see anything?
J: I saw…always…a light…a door…(twirls a finger above her head) above me to the side or behind…in my…(thinking of the word)
K: In your peripheral?
J: (nods quickly, grinning) Oui! In my peripheral…sight. It was…deep. A deep hole made of light. And that is where he spoke. Sometimes I would catch a…it looked like a face but only a face.
K: YES!!!!
J: (nods quickly) We have this in common, non?
K: Yes! 100% It’s like…there’s this really golden light but then…for a moment…an image of a face will come…sort of lightly…
J: Oui! Yes.
K: But it doesn’t hold. It sort of shrinks back into the light.
J: Very good. Yes. That is how it was with Michael.
K: And what about St. Margaret and St. Catharine?
J: They were…uh…what I was to become. They were…my teachers.
K: They were your example.
J: Oui.
K: Did you know that was the reason when they first started coming to you?
J: Non. (shakes head) They say…hindsight is 20?
K: 20/20.
J: Yes. If I had known, I would not have gone to war.
K: Oh! Got it. Did they tell you anything about your future? That France would win?
J: Because they came…to me…I had faith that France would win. But I was not shown my death. I was not shown the future. I had faith. They did not tell me that France would win. Only what I was to do to participate in ending the war.
K: Did that scare you? To go to war?
J: Yes. I was scared but I also felt peace that I was protected and that is why I went to start my journey. Because I was protected. When someone goes into a mission, there is always fear. There is always a question if you are doing the right thing. It is a normal human response. But when one goes into a mission while having faith in something much larger and knowing that you are a child of God, it is easier to be brave.
K: For sure. I believe that. Absolutely. If you didn’t fight…would France have been lost?
J: I would fight.
K: Okay. (smiling at her response) If you weren’t born…
J: Non. (shakes head) It was never a possibility. It was supposed to be.
K: So, there was no…other option. What happened at that time with you was…divinely decreed.
J: Oui.
K: This was all, hard core, going to happen. No ands, ifs or buts.
J: Yes. Absolument.
K: Got it. I just…in these times, it’s still hard for people to believe someone when they say they talk to spirits or angels or whatever. It must have been very difficult for you when you lived.
J: I had much…I could only speak the truth. I could only share the messages that I heard. Another’s disbelief…can be frustrating but when you only share the truth, you can continue to share it until you are heard because truth never changes its story. Lies do.
K: So you could just keep insisting because your story or your messages never changed.
J: Yes.
K: I do want to talk about dressing like a man…looking like a man because now, identifying as the opposite sex or not identifying with any sex is something that is part of humanity right now. Did you identify as a man. Were you more drawn to a masculine side of you?
J: That is not something new. That was always something that people practiced or struggled with depending on…confidence and bravery of a…esprit…spirit. I dressed as a man because it was easier to do a man’s work looking like one. It was safer to do a man’s work appearing as a man. I did not resemble a man. I appeared as a boy. (grins) I did not have…(pats her cheeks) whiskers?
K: (chuckling) You’re super cute.
J: (shrugs and smiles) I was a…um…young woman doing the work of a man.
K: So, you identified as female.
J: Oui. I understand the… la question. But…I did not desire to live like a man. It was…important…to look like one. This way, I was taken more…serious.
K: But did they take you seriously?
J: I was…required…to prove myself, always.
K: No kidding. They could just take your…or Archangel Michael’s word for it.
J: Non. Faith, to many, was and still is…literal.
K: I understand.
J: By the book. (shows me a bible)
K: For sure. Yes. It seemed you had to prove yourself constantly. Did that ever get frustrating? Tiring?
J: Non…(hesitant) It was my truth and my duty that I accepted from God. I was resolute and I was…I received patience from Christ. Jesus was an example of patience.
K: For sure.
J: I believe my patience was a gift from him.
K: Wow. That’s beautiful.
J: Yes.
K: After you got through to the heir and you had permission to start freeing France, what did it feel like to write that letter to England? And I say it very simply. I know there was more to it than that.
J: Yes. (thinking of the words to say) I did not write the letter to England. I was a simple…vehicle. Archangel Michael wrote that letter through me. It is for that reason that I was confident in sending it. If I was to write the letter myself, it would not have been convincing, and I would have questioned my worthiness in sending such a note.
K: (stunned) You used automatic writing to write a letter to England…of demands????
J: You must remember. I was a soldier of the light. I was a soldier of the Christ. This was not my personal fight. I worked on behalf of something much greater than I. This was divine intervention and so, the communication required to be divine. Then the message will be heard. Divination is divine when used appropriately and for high cause.
J: Being a tool of God is not anything new nor is it anything that has not been done by others. Many written works, painted…sculpted, are channeled from a divine source. It is Sourced if it is out of love and passion.
J: It is why these things are an offering of love…an offering to love. An offering to God.
K: That’s how I’ve been looking at my work recently and it gives it so much more meaning than before.
J: Oui. It begins to feel…correct.
K: (grins) It feels right. What was it like to command a bunch of men?
J: It was…not me.
K: Sorry?
J: In the history, it is me. It is my image you see. But inside of me, it was not me that moved. It was…angels…you say spirit?
K: You were moved by spirit?
J: Oui.
K: So, were you aware of what was going on around you?
J: Of course. Please understand, I was not possessed. I used my body. I was moved by God. This is where my confidence came from. (points to her solar plexus) To go to battle, I did not have time to prove anything anymore. It was by my actions and my leadership that needed to prove why I was there. When I rode on my horse and rode into a battle, that is what proved…why I was there.
K: Then learning the sword and learning…the art of war…I know it’s a book…
J: Yes.
K: Was it easier because you were moved by spirit?
J: Yes.
K: How did it feel to you, as Joan, to witness that horror? You must have witnessed so much…so much blood.
J: Um…yes…(shifts in her seat) It was…um…emotional for me to see death in such a way as this. I was very…empathetic and I felt…very much…the pain of death because it was around me. I would beg God to help me with this because it was something that was very difficult for me to witness as well as…continue to ask those men to do…to risk. I did not…want the death but in war there is death. I had my faith and I believed in heaven, but I didn’t like the path to get to heaven…in that time. It was not beautiful. Death was not beautiful. Death on a battlefield was not where God was. It was where hell existed.
K: Did you believe in a heaven/hell place?
J: Yes. I did.
K: And now?
J: I have seen places of hell. But, I must specify, it is the darkness in the soul. If a soul is full of contempt, rife with hate…it becomes their belief…part of their faith and creates a place that is considered…hellish. It is when one asks if there is light…where is light when all is dark, that is when the light…when the spirit can show itself. A human battleground…warzone is where there is contempt and hate. It once was a place where freedom existed, in the destruction. But repetition…cycles that need breaking live in war. Peace brings freedom.
K: Thank you. That’s beautiful. Now we have the UN peacekeepers or soldiers that go into a place to maintain peace and fight against the hostilities there so people can be as safe as possible. In the Hundred Years’ War…was it one against one or…were you there to restore peace?
J: Peace would not come as long as England continued to…they were brute…um…a bully in those times in Europe. For peace to come, France needed…freedom and as a soldier of light and a peacekeeper, I took on the responsibility to ensure that happened but there were consequences because it meant more war. I felt, in my most…I became tired…that even God’s involvement would not end it. I was only human, and I had darkness inside of me that felt hopeless.
K: And what did you do when you felt that way?
J: I was resolute in my relationship with God. I prayed frequently. I asked and was thankful for all assistance even when I could not see an end. I was always…picked up…told to stand tall when I asked God for help.
K: During the battles, did you still hear the voices?
J: Yes. I still could hear. I still could see. I was promised that the comfort from the angels and saints would not stop until balance was restored.
K: And you believed that?
J: Always. If I did not believe, I would have asked to be put to death when death was near me.
K: Was death near you? Could you sense it?
J: Yes. I could sense that death was just out of reach and depending on my relationship with God, would come or would stay away.
K: When you won the battle…when England was so defeated…I mean, you and your army pretty much destroyed them.
J: Yes.
K: How did that feel? That the prophecy came true?
J: I knew it was true and so I did not feel relief. I felt gratitude for being a part of such a victory. I gave my gratitude to God for allowing me my part to play.
K: Then, I want to ask you…after the coronation…why did you insist on continuing to fight England even when everything that was ordained by Archangel Michael had happened, why did you insist on more?
J: As I said, I was only human. The victory was celebrated by so many. My army thought that since we had freed France, we could free the land. They wanted England out of France. They didn’t want a trace of England in their country. I agreed. I thought it was important for England to leave. That was not what was willed by Archangel Michael. That was not what was willed by God. Their will was that when balance was restored, there would be agreements made. I sided with my army. I did not want agreements and treaties and contracts. I wanted them gone. And so, I continued my personal mission and not the mission that was bestowed upon me by Archangel Michael. My intention was pure. I believed in my intention. It was not the intention of God…what I did.
K: Do you believe there were consequences to the choice you made to fight England again?
J: Do I believe I was punished?
K: Sure.
J: No. I believe in an outcome that I could not predict. It was to go no further than freeing France. I took it further and so I went in…um…blind.
K: And when you were captured, did you want to take it all back? Turn back the hands of time? Did you feel regret?
J: Of course. Of course I did. I was imprisoned and in imprisonment, I begged on my hands and knees for forgiveness and pleaded and made deals with God to free me. Because this was my choice, I had to face what I had created for myself.
K: What was the difference between being interrogated when this journey began and when it ended.
J: When I was questioned in the beginning of my journey, it was more of curiosity, and I received the attention because my prophecies were in the favor of France. When I was questioned at the end of my journey, it was to condemn me…to find lies, deceit and evil in who I was and what I did. England was a bitter man and wanted to end what had ended them. They wanted to destroy what had destroyed them. That was me.
K: And when you were captured, did you understand that?
J: Oui.
K: At any point in your capture, did you want to lie about your connection to Archangel Michael? Did you want to deny your connection to God?
J: (thinks) Yes. There were times that I was scared and wanted to turn away from God and tell the English what they wanted to hear. I knew if I did, I would die. I knew if I didn’t, I would die. I believed that if I could escape, that I would survive and so I attempted but of course, as you know, it was futile. When actions are taken because one is…in desperation…they fail. When I attempted escape a second time, that is when I knew that there was no going back, and I had to face the outcome of what I had done.
K: Did you feel abandoned by France?
J: Yes. I believe that King Charles had grown tired of me when he got what he desired and anything above that, he did not want a part of. His efforts to free me were very little. Now that there was a war and I had assisted in ending it, he did not want me to be a part of war beginning again. There was much to do in France to bring the country back from poverty. I was dispensable at that point.
K: Even after everything you had done?
J: I was a sacrifice that was made for France.
K: You really believe that?
J: My life in war was always meant to be a sacrifice. All saints…defended what was held so sacred even if it turned into a sacrifice.
K: Did you hear voices when you were imprisoned by the English?
J: No. No, I did not.
K: I don’t want to go too much into your death because that’s not something that I’m okay with seeing…
J: Yes.
K: But you cried out to Jesus, and you just showed me Jesus on the cross calling out to God asking why he was forsaken. Did you cry out to Jesus with the same question?
J: I did not believe I was forsaken. I simply asked to be taken quickly. How could I be forsaken when I did the will of the divine and brought balance to the world?
K: This is true.
J: I was tired.
The emotion that she has me feeling brings me to tears.
J: I was at a point where to prove the existence of God became pointless because the existence of God existed in only certain ways to each person…differently. I spoke my truth. That never changed. My story never changed. They could find no lies in my truth. It was fear that sentenced me to death and nothing more and I was very tired of the fears. When I was sentenced to die, I went traveling through my memories. I remembered my home, my family, the work, my church. I remembered France and its beauty in the spring and fall. I remembered where I slept, where my mother taught me the word of God. I remembered the times of play. I remembered when my father would show me affection even when he was weary with the fighting in our country. I remember the support of my home and I wondered if they remembered the same things I did.
K: Do you think you remembered all of these things because…you needed to, to get through that moment where it was all coming to an end?
J: (thinks) Oui. I need to think of things that brought me a sense of peace…a sense of life lived because I was now faced with death.
K: Did you think it was incredibly unfair? That you were put to death?
J: It did not matter anymore.
K: When you died, what was that like? When you left your body?
J: Some mention that they stay with their body. This was not what was meant for me. I remember that same light that we spoke of…the light with the face inside…
K: Yes.
J: But there were many faces. I remember many angels. I remember singing. I remember being brought up and up and up and up, past the clouds and past the sun. I remember being brought to angels and I remember being brought to God. I was reminded about the good I had done, what had been restored and not what I failed at.
K: Is there a difference between the places a saint goes then just a person, living their day to day, goes?
J: Non. (shakes her head) There is no difference. I have welcomed many who have just lived their day to day and their sainthood was in the smallest of actions that made the biggest difference…that brought balance to the smallest thing but had a lasting impact.
K: Wow. That’s amazing and so…comforting. How did you feel when your conviction was overturned.
J: That was not for me. That was for the living to not feel guilty any longer. I lived in truth my entire life. I had no vengeance to obtain. I had no guilt to swallow. I did not falter in my faith. Those that overturned my conviction…did.
K: Wow! Really?
J: How do you say…justice is for the living, not the dead even if the dead are an excuse for the justice.
K: How do you feel about your sainthood?
J: I have learned that being declared a saint is not…no one sets out to live their life in the hopes that they become a saint after they join God. They live their life on behalf of Love so they can make a difference…a highest change that the world is in such great need of. I am grateful that they see my acts, my relationship with God as something miraculous but it was not. It was my simple…innocent and virtuous relationship with God that was just…it was what I knew. It was what was gifted to me. It was the love in my heart that started as something small and grew and grew and grew until it took a hold of all of me and not just one part. But that is not a miracle. That is what love is. God saw something in me and sent His Holy Messenger, Michael, to remind me of what I was meant to do. I only listened to direction. This is not miraculous either.
K: Could you equate it to one…listening to their intuition and following that?
J: I hesitate to say it is intuition. I would say it is the Love in all…the God in all that is connected. When one speaks to the divine, it is all connected. It is just that in that one moment…it takes the imprint of what has been connected to you since before you were born. Everything has always been connected in all ways at all times.
K: Do you feel like you completed that life as Joan how it was meant to even when you went after England and lost?
J: Yes.
K: So, you believe that even though you weren’t told to continue fighting, that that was meant to happen? Your death?
J: In one’s life, there are a series of choices and outcomes that are chosen from. Sometimes, there is only one…me freeing France. Sometimes there are several each giving a different course…path to walk. But any choice…multiple or singular are meant to happen. It’s just each choice looks very different from each other. There is…many choices that people can make. Um…you say…all paths lead home, yes?
K: Yes. They certainly do.
J: (nods satisfied)
K: Was there any choice that you would have made that kept you alive?
J: For a time, yes but my death brought awareness. My life brought freedom…my death brought awareness.
K: What is one awareness…one or two.
J: Human error.
K: Obviously.
J: Fear.
K: Fear of?
J: Being wrong and being wronged. Being made a fool of. Fear of losing control. Fear of doing what was right in the face of popular opinion that speaks of doing wrong.
K: Do you think there were people that just went with having you killed because they feared of standing up and fighting for you…maybe fearing charges of heresy as well?
J: There was much danger in siding with a witch.
K: Do you believe that’s what they thought of you?
J: Yes.
K: Very interesting. Did you feel like you were in the same company as witches?
J: Only to say that many of them were wrongly accused and died on the lies and heresy of others. I did not practice witchcraft. I only spoke to angels and saints…to Jesus…to God.
K: And…back then…witchcraft. Prophecy and stuff.
J: It was an issue of class. If you had someone prophesize for the aristocrat, they were usually revered. If you had someone prophesize for the poor…within the poor…they were not safe. They were disposable. There was a time I was safe and there was a time I was not. When I was side by side with the rightful king, I could not be touched. When I was just a soldier, fighting without support or cause, I was dispensable. I believe it was an issue of class.
K: That is super interesting. I never thought of it that way. Wow. Thank you for that. Do you think that divide will ever be mended?
J: In time…(slow smile)…I believe there will be balance restored.
K: By you?
J: Qui sait?
K: Have you been back? I guess the term would be reincarnation…
J: Non. It is not my time. I am not needed in this time.
K: Thought I’d ask. People get curious.
J: Oui ils le font. Oui. It is…important…to stay curious about such things to keep…learning. To…break the ceilings made of glass.
K: To make experts out of experiences that continue to elevate towards a higher learning…a higher calling.
J: Yes. Yes.
K: I don’t really have any more questions. That’s about all I wrote down. Do you have anything to add?
J: (shakes her head) Non. Merci, Kimberly. Cela a été un grand plaisir. A great pleasure. Thank you. Thank you.
K: No no, Joan. Thank you. Thank you for coming again. I’m really grateful we got this chance to connect. Thank you.
J: It is with great…love…that I leave you now. Thank you. Merci beaucoup. Be well.
K: You too. Thanks for helping me with my French. It’s been some time since I heard it or had to write it.
J: Of course. Bye bye. Thank you.
Fades away. I’m being totally honest when I say this was a real treat but now…I’m exhausted and need a break. Chat soon!
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love note # 2
You are never alone!
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1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 1 year
8:58 angel number! ✨😇✨
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theoracleofnyx · 1 year
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Page of Swords, The Chariot (reversed), King of Pentacles
You have finally realized what you want to do in life after being lost for so long. You have struggled for a long time and endured a great deal to get here. You know what career you want to pursue or whatever path you want to take which will bring your financial abundance. You will be prosperous and you will want to want to give back through donating to charities or volunteering. 
Knight of Cups (reversed), 9 of Wands, Page of Swords
Be careful of clout chasers and leaches as you are navigating your new-found success. As you become more and more successful types like these will come out of the woodwork. 
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traumatixx · 1 year
I’m getting married tomorrow
I’m getting proposed to I know that
You know that
But who else knows that?
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patsliftedgifts · 1 year
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girl-kendallroy · 2 years
to quote my bestie and pulitzer prize winner tony kushner “hope isn’t a choice, it’s a moral obligation, an obligation to the cells in your body” and “it is an ethical obligation to look for hope; it is an obligation not to despair.” like god. it is so fucking hard it is harder than anything in the world to wake up and have faith that things will be better and we can change things but it is the only thing we tangibly have and can pass on to other people. idrk where i was going with this but yea
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juicedaloe · 9 months
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What if he just left
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pollyna · 2 years
Mav is that type of person who leaves cheesy messages in Ice voicemail when he knows he has done something™️ but he doesn't know if someone has informed his husband yet. Ice stores them all because they're the perfect blackmailing material because he knows he will need them someday.
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exploiting-heaven · 1 year
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Heehee Cass Doodle
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espiritogato · 9 months
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🧸 As I Sit In Heaven Watching You!
I see you staring up looking for me. 🕊️
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talkingwithghosts555 · 2 months
The Objectification of Human Beings-A Conversation with Norma Jeane aka Marilyn Monroe
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K: I see you poking around. Come in. Please, sit down.
N: (she gives a small wave and a shy smile) Hi.
She sits in the leather chair. She’s wearing black pants from the 50s and a white blouse. She has a red checkered handkerchief in her hair and she’s wearing sandals. She has very little makeup on. She’s off the job in more ways than one.
N: Hello.
K: I have to tell you, I asked the kids before they got out of the truck this morning, what they would ask you because I suddenly saw your face in my mind. Ireland said, “Do you need a hug?” I laughed out loud out of surprise. She then said…for you, “Are you okay?” and it hit me that I don’t know if you were ever asked that.
N: I really, really appreciate the question. I really do. The immediate way she asked that…was what I craved from someone when I lived. Seeing me and seeing what was behind my eyes, the eyes that I could change for whoever was around me, not very many people could see behind my eyes and when I heard your lovely daughter ask that, I got…(she leans forward and talks quietly) I got a little bit teary-eyed.
K: Awe!!!! Absolutely. You deserve the hugs. There is something you should know about me.
N: What is it?
K: When I’m shocked, I laugh.
N: (understanding smile) I know. And isn’t that a better reaction than anger or bursting into tears?
K: Maybe to some people.
N: Nothing was offensive. What I have come to learn is that when people laugh as a reaction instead of cry or yell and scream…they have a shy heart.
K: What do you mean by a shy heart.
N: A shy heart is a heart that has been hidden away because it has been hurt many, many times. Laughter wants to burst through it, and it…will given the chance regardless of what was said. That’s a shy heart. A shy heart is a little timid to show itself and it holds itself back but sometimes it can’t help itself and it bursts through with the first emotion it feels and to a heart, that’s happiness and joy. It doesn’t always happen that way. I’m not talking about hearing news that is very painful such as death or injury or accidents. I’m talking about…announcements as if out of the blue that wasn’t expected and it’s a little surprising and so the heart laughs. A shy heart, when it’s terrible news…will shy away. It will only allow the person to respond in private but while in public, the shy heart puts on a brave face to support others and takes care of themselves when no one else can see…releases when no one else can see.
K: Wow! That’s sad and beautiful at the same time.
N: Awe…it’s honest.
K: Honesty can be sad and beautiful…poetic all in one big talk.
N: I find that truth and honesty is so poetic. Did you know…that poets are a different type of person. Not everyone can be honest. Truth is a very…fleeting thing but a poet lives truth and creates poetry from it. A poet is one of the most truthful and authentic people. I spoke to Oscar Wilde once.
K: You did???
N: I just loved his work. He had his…issues…(shy smile) but he was so honest and that’s why he loved to be in the presence of children. Not as a monster but he said he felt more himself with children than adults because children were always honest…they still lived in the purest sense before life tainted them. He’s a wonderful man.
K: Thank you for sharing that.
N: You’re welcome.
K: How did you come to find me?
N: I have a close friendship with a mutual friend.
K: Who’s that?
N: Cory.
K: Oh really?
N: Yes. Cory…(she looks up and remembers with a beautiful smile on her face) he introduced himself to me, after he died, and we got to talking. He was curious if the person he always saw in the pictures was actually the person because he wasn’t. What he showed the world wasn’t what he felt inside, and he wanted to talk with me. I didn’t understand it because there are a lot of people who feel that way and died that way but I guess, even in life, he often wondered.
K: That’s…very Cory.
N: Yes. He’s just so…he’s a very loving man.
K: Well, I’m happy that he told you about me.
N: Me too.
K: I don’t really do the interviews…where I like to talk about how a person lived…what happened to them, what they faced.
N: I know. It’s kind of relieving. I’m always asked so much of that.
K: Anything that you want to share? Or is this just…introductions?
N: Umm…yes. There is something. (feels like she’s finding her brave) I understand that people are curious about me and the mental…perplexity that was me. In these current times though, I look and I see the objectification of human beings…especially women and children has come to a rather alarming level of concern for me.
K: I agree with you.
N: And I feel that I was a part of that, and I want to offer something different.
K: How do you mean?
N: I feel as if the only way I could get ahead in my life; that I could get out of situations or become something to someone was to put myself on display and be an object that could be passed around from here to there. Sometimes I was willing and sometimes I wasn’t. I was being numbed (I hear a whisper in my ear while I’m editing “they created an addict out of me”) so my defenses were always down and after I came back to myself, I was always so ashamed of being abused and being manipulated. It was easy for men to take advantage of me that way because I was tortured in my mind. I did have mental illness that I struggled with and that was used against me. They also knew that I craved to be wanted and loved and used that too.
K: You’re showing me that the medication you were given wasn’t helpful. Almost like you were being drugged under the pretense of getting prescriptions that would help you?
N: Yes. That’s true. I was given medications that I was told would help but really, they were given to me so that I was easier to control and that’s why, when there were times that I wasn’t taking them so much, I realized what was happening and I was ashamed, and I was upset that I couldn’t stop it because I had no voice. I had doctors explaining to me what they thought I needed to hear but it wasn’t correct. Sometimes they were told what to say to me to keep me at the mercy of people that sold me. Money in those days…and these days…is a big influencer.
K: Hhmmm…I see that. When was it not…when did the prescriptions become more than what you required?
N: I would say very soon in my career. At first, I felt better than ever. I felt alive. What they gave me offered me courage so I could be anything to anyone. But those medications were the correct ones. It was when I felt better and more in balance that I started to speak my own heart and my own mind and stand up for myself. That’s when the medications…increased or became different and I started to feel numb.
K: Whoa. This is heavy.
N: I am not the only one that suffered from manipulation of a mental illness.
K: Who else?
N: My friend, Michael. (Michael Jackson)
K: No way!!!! I talked to him a few years ago…nicest guy.
N: And had a target on his back. He lost his childhood, as I did, and, like Oscar, just felt…he hadn’t matured and was a preteen in a man’s body. He didn’t get the help he needed, and he spiraled and the control of others became worse. It’s the same thing that happened to me.
K: Why do you bring this up?
N: I just see…(clenching her fist) I work with supporting the victims of sex trafficking and I work with the victims of abuse. I try to offer them support and love from where I am…to show them that they aren’t alone. I wish I could pull them out of their situations. I understand the whole life…experience thing but I don’t wish for these experiences to continue to grow and grow as much and as fast as they do and are.
K: For sure. It’s so painful for me to see.
N: I wish to use this talk to let women know…girls know…that you do not need to…it is not required to show yourself…how do I say this politely…
K: Beats the hell out of me. This can be a difficult subject.
N: It is, very much. Okay…(straightens and pats her knees) Sex does not equate to love. You do not need and you are not required to offer sex or to offer your body to be seen and to receive love. You are not an object…you are not just a photo or a poster. You are a human being and deserve true love…maternal, paternal, romantic, friendship. Like your daughter, I’m asking the men, women, children who have found themselves the object of someone else…do you need a hug and are you okay?
K: Awe Norma Jeane…you’re going to make me cry.
N: I don’t believe, in these circles, (spiritual circles) that these conversations are being had. Does anyone ask us, who have lived it, what we would like to say about it?
K: I haven’t come across that.
N: People are so special and yet, they don’t know how special they are. They go out looking to become something special when they already are. Mental illness does not make a person unworthy of love. Mental illness does not give permission to take advantage of someone nor does the fact that a child, to some, is a helpless soul…that does not give permission to people to abuse that…piece of innocence that people now-a-days seem to lose so quickly. Cory said this would be a starting point for me to be a voice for those who have experienced life in the ways that I did.
K: For sure. I’m holding space for you to do this.
N: Thank you.
K: Do you find…and this just popped into my mind…that the idea of power or the definition of power has become…really screwed up?
N: Oh yes. Oh, my yes. (nods her head quickly) There is no definition of power now or when I lived there…there is no definition of power that I would honor or agree to. I don’t like that word. I find the word confidence would be enough. Personal power is confidence. I don’t agree with the word because it has been manipulated to be something to use in vicious ways. (she’s very adamant) 
K: What do you think was your most overlooked quality? You seemed to be categorized as this “dumb blonde”. I don’t feel that from you at all. I feel…not just by what you’re saying but by your energy…you could have been in politics and fought the good fight.
N: (sits straighter and wiggles her shoulders with a playfully smug look on her face) Thank you. I would have loved to be that. It wasn’t my purpose though. My life lesson was being a dumb blonde and learning from that experience that there really isn’t any such thing and that there is an opportunity to redefine who you are when you stand up for yourself and say, no. I didn’t get that. I was trying but I was up against so many other people that disguised themselves with having “my best interests at heart”. (finger quote) My most overlooked quality was…(laughs shyly)
K: Go ahead. I’d love to know what you honestly thought of yourself.
N: My most overlooked quality was how smart I was. I was really smart. I loved to learn. I absorbed my studies. I tried really hard. I was smart. I think…if circumstances were different…I could have been a doctor or a lawyer. I loved law. I just loved it…seeing both sides of a situation or a person. Maybe because very few could see all sides to who I was. That’s why I so appreciated your daughter this morning. Oh my gosh…when she said that, part of her opened her arms and I gave her the biggest hug. I often ask people for hugs. Some feel me there and some don’t, but I always get one. Children see me all the time and I get so many hugs from children. I had one child ask if I could be their mother because they felt that I was trying to do my best to take care of them. I told them of course I could be there mother. It’s an energy that children crave sometimes…often when they aren’t getting what they need in life. It’s not the person because mothers are there. It’s the mother energy that’s missing. The father energy that’s missing. I took Cory with me to a certain little boy…he’s about six…almost seven. He’s often left alone but he’s very aware of spirits. I introduced him to Cory. They often play together. They read together. His mother gets worried about her son’s imaginary friend but she’s accepting of it. She sees nothing bad happening and I try to help the mother understand.
K: You are absolutely blowing my mind right now.
N: I know! There are so many things that happen that people aren’t aware of. There is so much assistance for them if they would open themselves up to it.
K: Do you come to help a lot?
N: Oh yes. Every day. I think that’s why Cory introduced me to you because you introduce people to spirits that are still here to help and live…in a way. That could be confusing to some people though.
K: Yeah. It is. Confusing or unnerving…freaky so they don’t like to hear about it.
N: And that’s fair. It’s very fair. I would like to thank you, Kim. I feel so much better.
She does. It feels very light in my heart now. Very happy.
K: I’m here to talk or share or just…hang out any time.
N: That sounds fun. Us shy hearts can be friends.
K: Absolutely. Thank you.
N: (clasps hands in her lap and shakes her head while smiling) I’m so happy right now.
K: I feel that. Thank you for sharing what you needed to say with me. I’m humbled.
N: Please share my message.
K: Oh, for sure. Always.
N: I’m going to go thank my friend now. May I come again?
K: For sure. You’re always welcome.
N: Great. (stands) I have a farm, you know.
K: Do you?
N: (nods) It’s small…very small. I have a cow.
K: (laughs) You do?
N: Uh-huh. It’s a life that I…love. Something completely different than what I lived. It’s my home base. You’re welcome to see it whenever you want.
K: Thank you. You’re very sweet.
N: Thank you, Kim. Thanks so much. Have a happy and joyful day.
K: You too. Chat soon.
N: (waves and happily walks off)
She’s so friggin’ CUTE!!!!!
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love note # 3
Be kind to yourself when no one else is!
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1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 1 year
12:10 angel number! 😇
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