#mi post
beldrw · 21 hours
Mutuals (y gente en general que si va tmb) a la marcha, POR FAVOR cuídense y llévese un trapo o algo para taparse la boca y la cara en caso de que tiren gases de cualquier tipo.
Un periodista también recomendó antiparras de pileta.
Edit: Antiparras NO son lo más recomendado. Pueden hacer mal a los ojos.
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Y un par de cositas que leí que puede que sirvan, más vale prevenir que curar.
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nicky-olives · 1 year
Today I was peeing in a public restroom and overhead a bunch of women with babies st the basins talking about how much they wished genderless toilets existed because it would make caring for children all that much easier.
Their arguments was that caring for children is easier when you can have two parents nearby, especially when you need to manage multiple children. Not only that, another one added, but sometimes single fathers need to help little daughters go to the toilet and are faced with the choice of 1) occupying the disabled people toilet or 2) risking taking their little girls into men's restrooms and having her see someone at a urinal because that's the only way they can keep a proper eye on them. And another one complained that sometimes she needs to change her crying baby's diaper while her little girl needs to go to - and all of this would be easier if only mums and dads were allowed in the same spaces at the same time.
And all I could think about while I finished peeing and heard this was that genderless public restrooms are a female need and would probably be an unanimously held feminist demand (similarly to reproductive rights) if it wasn't for radfems who are so gassed by their hatred towards men and trans people that they refuse to move forward with what should be a very simple and reasonable demand.
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vithcy · 2 years
Me carefully selecting the gifset I will reblog to let my followers know I've watched a new show
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cpr0phetx2 · 7 months
You've been such a good girl *creampies you*
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amarantoo · 7 months
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dark-sxdness · 1 year
El acto de amor más grande que hice por ti fue ponerte como prioridad antes que a mí.
Que triste, nunca lo notaste.
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miesconditesec · 9 months
La ganas de salir adelante y el fastidio de hacerlo con el corazón roto.
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laurismitty · 8 days
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¡ Hola !
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i-indigo · 8 months
Dulzura Primaveral
Hay algo encantador en quererte así,
Amigo y amante.
Es un amor dulce y ligero,
Como jugo de frutas,
Uno que me inspira a salir a la plaza
Y escribir sobre vos
Sin saber si pensas en mí.
Dulce y liviano,
Como si fuera algo pasajero,
Pero la fantasía nocturna y diaria,
Que me llena la garganta con tierno dulzor,
Me dice que no.
Repito, transformo y reciclo la palabra
Porque no puedo dejar de pensar
En lo azucarado que sos.
Te conté cómo dejé de engullir azúcar,
Ya no me gustaba;
Creo que es porque ahora me gustás vos.
Vos, que tenés una dulzura que me es suficiente.
Y no me importa
Qué tan poco práctico es insistir con vos,
Yo soy así.
Y poco me importa
Que te puedas ir cualquier día,
A mí me gusta vivir.
Así me gusta vivir:
Como si nada supiera,
Que la atrocidad de tu adiós me sorprenda.
Y si sé algo,
Es que no hay algo que no valga la pena,
Es que no hay pena alguna en quererte
Sin perdón.
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idontknowmyownmind · 2 months
Do you ever felt dissapointed when the fanfiction writers you followed posted a new story of different fandoms than what you followed them for?
I meant, I know that he/she has other fandoms he/she followed and write for.
I KNOW this fact, clearly, especially when I can see the list of them (like in Ao3) in their profile.
It's just, I felt kinda dissapointed when I got a notification of them posting a new story, expecting it from the fandom I expected, but I got it wrong.
Especially when I really really like their writing.
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happi-feliz · 6 months
My mom and i were reading some basic spanish texts online and she read "dormitorio" as "dorito" 😭😭😭
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nicky-olives · 5 months
chiques, este es mi mensaje de esperanza. en Brasil, al Partido Trabajado lo sacaron con un golpe de estado. asumió Bolsonaro, un militar, la mezcla más nefasta entre milei y villarruel. y qué pasó? terminó su gobierno de mierda y Lula volvió con más fuerza que nunca.
No hay que desistir. No hay que dejar de luchar. Van a ser quizás los cuatro años más importantes de nuestra vida porque ahora más que nunca hay que salir a pelearla.
No pierdan la esperanza, compañeros.
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“Supe que te quería desde el momento en que empecé a planear ir a verte, apesar de la distancia”
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cpr0phetx2 · 7 months
Come lay in bed with me and listen to some music
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lionwoman · 1 year
Another thought
Since I can't post this/discuss these anywhere else (for spoilers and my friends still need to beat the game). The AIs are probably dead. I mean they couldn't leave the Zero Lab because of the crystals. The way they tell that seems to imply it's their power source and even enhances them as we see during Paradise Protection Protocol. If there aren't any in the past or future they're essentially fucked up. AI Sada the most, because in the future at least AI Turo could still be repaired. But AI Sada is left to rust. And that's sad. At least they got their dreams of being free fullfilled, at least for a short time, in the timeline they wanted to see the most. Thought that last one dream could be fueled by real Sada/Turo's memories. Pokémon SV had an ending but not a happy ending. I'm thinking about these thoughts because it is bittersweet.
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artposilipo · 1 month
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