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By michiking
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deepshapes-2 · 1 year
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"Lewd Editor Azato-san" by Michiking
Deepshapes' links | my art
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444names · 8 months
rromi names + japanese forenames
Akaga Akaomori Akarō Akazusza Akeisa Akeja Akeri Akizō Akumasa Akumi Akuni Anamali Ariko Arunsu Asakio Asugio Atohiro Ayaeko Ayasako Ayokichi Ayoshisa Ayuki Ayuko Ayuraha Azane Azueizō Beika Beizuako Betatsuo Boriol Botoji Buyuko Chide Chige Chiko Chiro Chirō Chizō Coichi Danobu Djora Doorihi Driko Duken Eikey Eruko Eruya Eshōji Esuko Etheichi Everko Frikogo Fushi Fushisa Fuyumi Gemiko Hachi Handeya Haritsu Hatsuzō Hayasue Hayuke Hiakuni Hidehi Hidel Hidem Hideru Higeko Higeru Hikana Hikentam Hikiya Hikuyabu Hikōnobu Hinaga Hinjiko Hinori Hinorila Hiroka Hiroy Hisabi Hishiya Hitabu Hitarō Hiyosuji Ichiro Ieiko Inobu Isakie Ishirō Ishuniko Itohi Jeshi Jetsuo Jinia Jiroe Juneji Junobu Jōtaki Jōtako Jūshi Kagenko Kaisa Kaldoko Kanehirō Kaneyuki Kansaru Karri Katomoki Katosho Katsuhi Katsukon Kaunji Kayugu Kazuhiki Kazuke Kazukeru Kazura Kazuyuko Kehira Kehirō Keikuken Keisada Kenaruyo Kerin Keshiko Ketsu Kihiha Kihiko Kimeru Kujiko Kujirvo Kujirō Kunobu Kutei Kyoshi Kyoshisa Kōhel Kōsuhihi Lenjivo Lenobu Lenori Lenzolai Loica Lorishi Louzsami Ludja Ludji Lulilasa Maimi Mairō Malpato Mamasa Maminobu Manao Manaofri Manaoiki Manaro Manko Manobu Marihina Marina Maruhie Masada Masaeko Masakin Masam Masanoro Masayako Masayasa Masen Masheigo Mashinji Mashoki Masuhi Masuji Masuki Masuko Masumio Masurō Matsu Matsugu Matsushi Mayake Mentaka Miawnis Michi Michik Michiro Michisa Michisae Mideko Mikasa Minarō Minasamu Mitakay Mitake Mitomi Mitoto Mitsu Mitsuhi Mitsuke Miwaki Miyake Morihon Motare Moyosh Muneko Munisao Munji Munpei Murami Murawai Murri Muruhika Muruhiro Mutada Mutokur Nadana Naeko Nagaru Nagatsuo Nagehirō Nagenzo Nakerin Namompi Namoto Naohi Naohirō Narihiro Naruken Natsumio Niawnori Nihiko Nobuke Nobukezō Nobumiyo Noburiyo Nobuya Noriaka Noshirō Noshisa Oakunisa Omitari Omoto Oshimasa Oshirohi Otakie Otoko Otoshi Ottoyoto Palpani Panaki Patshiro Patsu Peiko Plabu Popov Poyojira Poyutoko Ramito Rendahi Reriko Rharuro Rhavo Rikuki Rukeiiko Ryōheru Ryōjin Ryōmal Ryōshi Ryōsu Ryūjirō Ryūko Ryūno Ryūse Sabari Sadaizō Sadami Sadjime Saitsun Sakanka Sakeya Samiu Saomo Saoyas Satako Satsu Sayakuo Sayuke Seige Seizu Setakihi Shachiko Shidiko Shige Shiichi Shika Shiko Shiku Shinaga Shirena Shiri Shiro Shiroji Shiron Shirō Shisaka Shisaki Shisako Shitsu Shiya Shiyasu Shuneto Shuneya Shunio Shōjiro Shōtaki Shūheli Shūsune Sideko Steiharu Sugio Suguako Suhimich Syeruhik Sōsei Tadahi Tadaip Tadairō Tadaito Tadaoku Tadarito Tadoko Taiko Tairō Takai Takaru Takazu Takazue Takazuri Takifiko Takika Takiko Takimizō Takrei Takromo Tamasako Tanao Tanen Tanoru Tariko Tatadaru Tatsu Tatsuhi Tatsuki Tatsun Tauneizō Tereika Teriharō Terkah Terkojo Tetakuo Tetari Tetshi Teval Teveshun Tobuyasa Tohilizu Tokumi Tomideto Tomiron Tomisa Tomomarō Tomoto Tomotomi Tomoyuko Toshihi Toshina Toshiro Toshisa Tosho Toshwa Toshō Trihi Trile Tsatsun Tsugu Tsuhi Tsuji Tsuki Tsuko Tsunobu Tsusuke Umichiro Umitosh Umitsuo Umiyoshi Vadaiji Vadatako Veshō Weshi Yasakeri Yasari Yasatsu Yasayuko Yasayumi Yasugu Yasuhi Yasukicu Yasukin Yeihei Yofon Yoharuru Yohiminy Yoikuria Yokuteru Yomor Yoshili Yoshima Yoshiro Yoshitsu Yoshūshi Yoson Yosono Yosuhi Yosuo Yotake Yozuran Yukayuki Yukehi Yukei Yukeiji Yukihi Yuzsato Yōhey Yōmane Yōsayuki Yūdatsuo Yūher Yūshio Zenji Zentsumi Zentsuo
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87294 · 1 year
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1/6 Usaki Tsuzuhara Illustration by Michiking 💜
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ryoki-ph · 1 year
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rehkzero · 2 years
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黒葛原兎咲 illustration by みちきんぐ (Tsuzuhara Usaki illustration by Michiking)
零售价 : 23,000日元 发售预定日 : 2023年4月内 预约截止日 : 2022年8月7日 商品编号 : 000281157
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kyousukebei · 3 years
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Chaldea Summer Adventure! 2021 CE’s
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kurrusu · 4 years
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fiddle-the-new-faun · 2 years
Welcome back! Any lingerie pics?
I want those! I'm jealous...
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By michiking 
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blissful-dreaming · 4 years
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gurikajis · 7 years
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flowerwreaththings · 5 years
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Royal Couples in 2018 : Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko
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quwandathornton · 4 years
(Light Skinning) Whitewashing vs BlackWashing: 
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and boy did it-
Like Pharrell Said: The Truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. (Pharrell Williamns - Lemon Ft Rihanna.)
Since we on the topic of RiRi....
Here is a cursed picture of a white washed version of her and Beyonce, look a double--
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1. lack of representation of Black Women in Hollywood, Media, Art Community, Gaming Communities. (or just ignorance in general.)
 *It’s off topic about art but...it’s still historial and informative. Take a Look at Beyonce, She was the first black woman to ever perform in 2018, We are very much behind when it comes to equality in anything really.*
 White Washing is a problem because of lack their of Black Female Characters in the art community/Anime/Comic/Cartoon Industry. There is many versions of the same (pale)(Light) skin toned, of every character imaginable, and never really any dark-skinned obviously very VERY much BLACK characters.
 Black Washing: People wanting to see their favorite characters if they were from another nationality, African, Haitian, etc. What would they look like? Darker yes but with fuller lips? Pointer cheeks? who knows? it's u to the artist. 
 Reason for this: Lack of Equality, Education, Respect, Motivation, and acknowledgment. The Lack of people imagining how or knowing how Black women look, act, speak, talk (other than Ghetto or Angry). 
When they make a black woman, it's always, stereotypical or wishy-washy simpled down, Afro or Straight hair. 
It's out of frustration of not seeing ourselves, the fact that many people choose not to acknowledge it on purpose, is the reason they changed the tones of many other characters. 
We Yearn to see ourselves, especially in Romance Visual Novels.
By saying they can't see or understand the problem, even with intensive research, an explanation from said Black Women, Girls, etc. 
 What's even sadder is our counterparts, Black Men Have all of the love and attention, but are draw overly Sexual Bodies(and Angry/ Overly Hyper Stereoscopic Gangster Persona); most of the time.
 Lately, it's been dying down, since we have characters like EKKO in League of Legends and Lucian, Rock Lock, and Not as mainstream anime Michiko to Hatchin's Satoshi Batista and even Light Skinned Black men are getting in on the attention. (Note:  Rock Lock Is Definitely Afro-Japanese, His name is Ken Takagi (My Hero Academia))
rock lock: 
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Satoshi Batista: 
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 Ekko: My Favorite Boy
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We rarely see ourselves to the point we don't even know how to start, drawing ourselves once we do learn to draw, especially me.
I know how to draw straight hair, but not natural African/Black curly hairstyles, at all. I'm just as tired of seeing black women not portrayed in anime, don't even get me started on the lack of Muslim representation- or even Eastern Indian, and Natives being drawn and portrayed Stereotypical; *sigh*. 
Also miss me with the bullshit about how Japan is Japanese and all Characters are Japanese when I’m sure There is Foreigners who live in JAPAN and they exist, as well as  in Anime too, especially the White girls with BLONDE HAIR and BLUE EYES.
I’m also very happy to see more Black characters being portrayed, with natural looks, not overly exaggerated characters of racist depictions of us.
Sorry I ranted On I needed to blow off steam with the countless racist white people (in the anime community) who’ve told me that “force diversity is shit.” or “You complain to much.” or “Then you draw it.” like we arealy don’t and it’s rejected for funding because it’s not enough white people in our art, or it’s too black. 
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Gif Above: Normani Kordei
MIchiko To Hatchin: MIchiko Malandro: who was arguably the most arguable when the anime first came out. “Is she Black, Is She Japanese?” No and No, She is Brazilian Black, Afro-Latina. Her Character Design is referenced off of the R&B Singer, Aaliyah Haughton:
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But here is a list of Black Female characters with Dark skin who are indeed African/Japanese, African/Black/ etc; with dark or brown skin: The list is very short.
If you have any, list it below:
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Baby Michiko: 
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Atsuko Jackson (Rival to Michiko; but low-key cares for bestfriend.)
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Them Together:
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I recommend this Anime to EVERYONE <3
Michik e Hatchin
Hunter x Hunter: Canary! (she’s so cute awwwlrjoej)
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Get it Mamass!!!
and my new obsession is this gorgeous cartoon that needs so much love (It’s on NETFLIX)
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts:
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If there are anymore Brown-Dark Skinned Character list them below: I will update the list.
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myhentaimanga · 4 years
히토미 작가 추천 모음 1탄 [20.09.14]
- 동인지/상업지, 능욕물/순애물 차이없이 배치함
- 오로지 주관적인 꼴림도로 선정함
- 개인적인 의견 받음
- 계속해서 추가할 예정
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  Miyamoto Issa Saemon Murasaki Syu Atahuta
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Meganei Yamada Gogogo Bonske Kuromotokun
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Ame arare Hisasi Asanagi Hinase Aya
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Doumou Ishikawa shisuke E-musu Aki Koto(Maron☆Maron)
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Homunculus Michiking Onetouch Toritora
  source https://nsfw-manga.tistory.com/43
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kiwiecchi-blog · 5 years
Artist is Michiking
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