#midna calls her out for being a performative socialist
peevishpants Β· 3 years
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πŸ“š πŸ‘‘πŸͺ”Meet ZELDA, the daughter of the University Principal, Gaepora. She has a lot of standards to live up to, and stretches herself thin to maintain her grades, her leadership in her department's student council, and strive for perfection in all aspects. She feels weird about her extremely affluent background, so she funds her education through scholarships instead of her dad's money, and rents a dinky little apartment instead of living in her father's mansion. Her father made her major in political science, so she can follow in his footsteps, but Zelda rediscovers her love for research through joining dig expeditions with Impa and Link. She convinces her dad she can handle 2 majors and adds History to her list! While she envies Link's natural talents at everything, she also marvels at how completely idiotic he can be sometimes. Zelda truly appreciates his levity in treating her like a regular kid and it makes it impossible for her to hate him.
Zelda also enjoys playing the Harp in concert club.
Link/Impa/Beedle/Midna/Groose/Pipit/Ghirahim and Fi
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