#might delete later idk
shouty-y · 2 years
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overwhelmed ✨
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redroomreflections · 21 days
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Notes: I listened to Beyonce's album and wanted to write something to this song
Summary: Natasha Romanoff and Reader reluctantly team up for a couples retreat mission. Despite initial resistance, they find themselves drawn together by unexpected circumstances and shared experiences.
w/c: 4.5k
It will be like five chapters.
"Any leads on who's joining Natasha for the upcoming couple's retreat mission?" Steve's gaze shifted from the itinerary to the team gathered around him, his tone commanding authority.
"I believe Natasha's our primary agent for this one," Wanda replied, her head tilting in contemplation.
"Indeed, but it's a couples retreat, so we need another partner," Steve clarified, a slight frown creasing his brow. "Someone who can blend in seamlessly."
"Can I offer myself up for sacrifice?" Sam quipped, raising his hand in mock enthusiasm before quickly retracting it under Natasha's icy glare.
As the meeting progressed, you were drifting away, lost in your thoughts. It wasn't your first time excluded from the team's high-profile missions. They always cited your need for further training, claiming you could not work as a cohesive part of the team. But deep down, you knew it was just an excuse—an excuse to keep you sidelined while others got to shine.
You couldn't help but feel frustrated by the situation. You'd worked hard to hone your skills, to prove yourself worthy of being part of the team. Yet repeatedly, you found yourself overlooked, and relegated to the sidelines while others took center stage.
As Steve discussed the details of the upcoming mission, you couldn't shake the feeling of resentment that gnawed at you from within. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that once again, you wouldn't be chosen to join Natasha on the mission.
Not that you particularly want to. You and Natasha aren’t exactly bosom buddies. You found yourself mostly keeping your distance from her. There was an unspoken tension between you, a mutual understanding to maintain a polite distance.
Instead, you gravitated towards Wanda and Vision, joining them for several movie nights. As a third wheel in their relationship, you often found comfort in their company, even if it served as a temporary distraction from your own frustrations.
Occasionally, you'd join Sam and the other guys for some lighthearted banter and training. But even then, you never found yourself alone with Natasha. She remained elusive, keeping her distance and maintaining her mysterious persona.
Despite the distance between you and Natasha, you remained focused on your own goals and aspirations. You refused to let her presence—or lack thereof—determine your worth as a member of the team. You were determined to prove yourself, even if it meant forging your own path separate from hers.
Joining the Avengers has been an exhilarating yet unexpected journey for you. It couldn’t be more different from your wildest dreams. The initiation process felt more like something out of a gangster movie than a superhero team induction. Three months ago, you decided to defect from the government organization you once served. Spectra Intelligence Bureau had built you up to do their bidding. Only to let you down time and time again. You had seen women come and go from the field, only leaving behind shadows of their former selves.  You hadn’t known so soon you would be following the same path. You joined the Avengers for a chance at redemption and freedom. But your defection was far from voluntary, despite what everyone else believes.
You had always been a skilled operative, adept at blending into the shadows and manipulating situations to your advantage. You were a master of espionage, trained from a young age to infiltrate enemy organizations and extract valuable information without leaving a trace.
But beneath the facade of a loyal government agent, you harbored a deep-seated resentment towards the organization you served. 
For years, you played by their rules, carrying out missions that blurred the lines between right and wrong, morality and duty. You became disillusioned with the endless cycle of violence and deceit, longing for a way out of the tangled web of lies you had woven around yourself.
Now, as a member of the Avengers, you keep your head down, wary of drawing too much attention to yourself. You know that the consequences of your past actions could come back to haunt you at any moment, threatening to unravel the fragile semblance of peace you’ve fought so hard to achieve.
“I volunteer y/n,” Tony said with a slight smirk. 
Tony's declaration draws your attention back to the meeting. His smirk doesn't escape your notice as he volunteers you for the mission with Natasha. It's a typical Tony move, laced with a hint of mischief and a touch of amusement.
You felt a surge of mixed emotions at his words. On one hand, you're grateful for the opportunity to finally be included in one of the team's missions. But on the other hand, you can't shake the feeling of apprehension at the prospect of working closely with Natasha, especially given your less-than-amicable relationship.
Still, you know better than to protest. This could be your chance to prove yourself, to show the team—and Natasha—that you're capable of rising to the occasion. With a nod of acceptance, you steel yourself for the challenges ahead, determined to make the most of this unexpected opportunity.
“Y/n and Natasha as a couple?” Bruce spoke aloud. “How would that work out?”
Natasha remained composed, her expression unreadable as she met Bruce's gaze. There's a flicker of something in her eyes—maybe surprise or curiosity—but she quickly masks it behind her usual poker face. She offers no comment, keeping her thoughts on the matter to herself.
Tony chuckled lightly, clearly amused by the idea. "Well, they do say opposites attract," he quips, flashing a grin in your direction. His tone is light-hearted, but there's a glint of mischief in his eyes, hinting at his underlying intentions.
From his side of the table,  Sam raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Well, that should make for some entertaining mission reports," he quips, his tone teasing. 
Natasha's voice cut through the air, her tone firm and unwavering. "I need someone who's going to pull their weight," she stated, her gaze piercing as she addressed the team. There was no room for ambiguity in her words, each syllable laden with expectation and determination.
 "Well, I assure you, Natasha, I'm more than capable of pulling my weight," You replied, your tone cool but tinged with an edge of irritation. 
Natasha's gaze lingered on you for a moment, her expression unreadable. There was a hint of apology in her eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the unintended slight in her earlier statement. "I didn't mean to imply otherwise," she said quietly, her voice softening slightly.
“If we’re going to do this, I want to lead,” You turned away from her understanding gaze. Your competitive and cutthroat attitude had no business here but you were determined to prove a point. 
Natasha's response was measured, her voice carrying a hint of steel beneath its calm exterior. "I understand your desire to take charge, but this isn't about proving a point," she replied evenly, her gaze steady as she met your eyes. There was a silent challenge in her words, a reminder that leadership wasn't about ego or competition—it was about trust and cooperation.
You felt a surge of defiance rise within you, unwilling to back down from the challenge Natasha presented. "Maybe not for you," you countered, your tone edged with stubborn determination. "But I know what I'm capable of, and I'm not going to sit back and play second fiddle."
Natasha's expression softened slightly at your words, a flicker of understanding in her eyes. "I respect your confidence," she conceded, her voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "But leadership isn't about proving yourself—it's about putting the team first and making the tough decisions when they need to be made."
“Leadership is also knowing when to let go of the reins,” You shrugged. “Unless you’re wound too tight to do that?” 
Natasha's expression hardened at your words, her jaw tightening imperceptibly as she met your gaze with a steely resolve. "I may be many things, but 'wound too tight' isn't one of them," she replied, her tone cool and controlled despite the undercurrent of irritation that simmered beneath the surface.
There was a palpable tension in the air as the exchange hung between you, the unspoken challenge lingering like a storm cloud on the horizon. Despite your attempts to provoke a reaction from Natasha, she remained composed, refusing to let your barbs get under her skin.
"You may have your way of doing things, but don't mistake confidence for arrogance," Natasha continued, her voice quiet but firm. "True leadership requires humility and the willingness to listen to others, even when it's difficult. I can’t have you out in the field making mistakes."
You felt a surge of frustration at Natasha's response, the sting of her rebuke cutting deeper than you cared to admit. But beneath the surface, there was also a begrudging respect for her unwavering commitment to her principles.
As you exchanged one last tense glance with Natasha, a silent understanding passed between you. 
“I’ll do it,” You said. From the corner of your eye, you could see Natasha’s eyebrows shoot up. You had to admit you liked a challenge. This should be fun. Your declaration hung in the air, a bold assertion of your readiness to take on the mission. You could feel Natasha's gaze on you, sharp and assessing, as you made your decision known.
A faint smirk tugged at the corners of your lips as you met Natasha's gaze head-on. You liked a challenge, and this mission promised to be anything but easy. 
As the tension between you and Natasha lingered, a familiar voice broke through the silence. "Alright, let's get down to business," Steve's voice rang out, commanding attention as he stepped forward. 
With a glance at Natasha and you, Steve cleared his throat before launching into a rundown of the mission details. "The retreat is called 'Shady Corners,' owned by Ilanka and Maxim Belinsky," he began, his tone businesslike as he relayed the information to the team.
But before Steve could continue, you found yourself interjecting, unable to resist the urge to jump in. "Actually, I've already compiled a dossier on Shady Corners," you stated, your voice cutting through the air with confidence.
Steve paused, a hint of surprise crossing his features as he turned to you. "Oh, you have?" he asked, eyebrows raised in curiosity.
You nodded, a smirk playing at the corner of your lips. "Yes, I took the liberty of gathering all the pertinent information," you replied, producing a file from your bag and handing it to Steve.
As Steve flipped through the dossier, his surprise was evident. "Well, it looks like you've done your homework," he remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice.
Natasha's gaze flickered between you and Steve, a ghost of a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Looks like we're in good hands," she quipped, a subtle acknowledgment of your preparedness.
“I would kill to be a fly on the wall,” Sam whistled.
Sam's remark drew a few chuckles from the team, his words laden with playful insinuation. 
Natasha's lips quirked into a wry smile, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes as she exchanged a glance with you. 
"I have a feeling it'll be quite the performance," Natasha replied, her tone dry but tinged with a hint of something you can’t quite place. 
Tony's announcement brought a sense of finality to the meeting, his hands clapping together with a decisive clap. "Great, you'll have a flight booked for the morning," he declared, his tone brimming with anticipation. With a nod to the team, he declared, "Meeting adjourned."
The tension in the room dissipated, replaced by an air of excitement and anticipation. 
With a grin, you exchanged a final glance with Natasha, a silent acknowledgment passing between you. 
This should be fun. 
So this marriage was turning out to be something you’re not fond of. Natasha had J.A.R.V.I.S. wake you up at the ass crack of dawn which you were able to ignore for a long while. Then came the pounding on the door of your bedroom before you finally awakened from your slumber to open it. You didn’t even bother to wipe the drool from your chin before you ripped the door open with a frown. 
As Natasha stood in front of you, her expression bordering on disapproval, you couldn't help but feel a surge of annoyance bubbling within you. Her disdain for your choice of attire only fueled your defiance, and you squared your shoulders, refusing to back down.
"What?" you retorted, your voice tinged with irritation as you met Natasha's gaze head-on. "Flight is in three hours," she informed you, her tone clipped and businesslike.
You blinked in disbelief, the early hour registering belatedly in your sleep-addled mind. "You're kidding..." you muttered incredulously, turning to glance at the digital alarm clock on your nightstand. "It's three a.m."
Natasha's expression remained impassive, her gaze unwavering as she waited for your response. Despite the early hour and your less-than-ideal state of readiness, there was a steely determination in her eyes that took no argument.
With a resigned sigh, you realized that there was no use arguing with Natasha. 
"Come in, I guess," you grumbled begrudgingly, gesturing for Natasha to enter your less-than-impressive bedroom. It was far from the tidy, organized space you typically preferred, a reflection of your rebellious attitude toward your former living standards.
With a roll of your eyes, you strode over to your closet, rummaging through it to grab a suitcase. Meanwhile, Natasha remained near the door, her posture tense and guarded, as if she were bracing herself for whatever chaos might lie within your room.
You couldn't help but feel a bit of annoyance at Natasha's standoffish demeanor, but you pushed it aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. You began to toss clothes into your suitcase and prepared to leave. 
"We should maintain a few basic things between us," Natasha suggested, her tone matter-of-fact as she broached the topic of their fake marriage. "You know, for the sake of appearances."
You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Natasha's suggestion, a hint of skepticism creeping into your voice. "Such as?" you prompted, curious to hear her ideas on the matter.
Natasha paused for a moment, considering her response carefully. "Well, for starters, we should probably establish some ground rules," she replied, her gaze ripping from the dropped thongs you’d scraped up from the floor to toss into the hamper to your eyes. "Nothing too elaborate, just enough to sell the illusion of a real marriage."
You nodded in understanding. "Agreed," you replied, a sense of determination settling over you. “So quick to set up rules though. Shouldn’t we know more about each other? I mean, we’re supposed to be a married couple right.”
“I suppose,” Natasha sighed. “Is this going to turn into a 21-question thing?”
“No, not right now,” You shook your head as you zipped up your suitcase before you pushed it to the side. You grabbed another carry-on bag, stuffing your makeup and the rest of your toiletries inside of it. You disappeared into the bathroom where you quickly brushed your teeth and washed your face. 
This left Natasha alone to her vices. Though she never moved from her spot she noticed things only a spy would. Her eyes landed on the books haphazardly stacked on your nightstand, and one in particular caught her attention—the "Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois." The choice of literature spoke volumes about your intellectual depth and cultural interests.
Moving her eyes around the room, Natasha's eyes lingered on the movie posters on the walls. 
In the corner, she noticed a collection of paint easels. 
With each observation, Natasha's respect for you grew. There was more to you than met the eye. 
“Right now, I need coffee,” You mumbled as you dragged yourself out of the room and past her. J.A.R.V.I.S. would lock the door for you. 
“Seriously? “ Natasha asked asked incredulously, her voice cutting through the air as you hurried past. 
“You won’t like who I become when I’m hungry,” You rolled your eyes. If she was going to have you up this early, the least she could do was not judge your choices. 
You made a beeline for the kitchen, groaning as the harsh fluorescent lights automatically flickered on. Tony needed to update these settings for something dimmer and less jarring. Ignoring the discomfort, you forced a K-cup into the Keurig, desperate for the promise of caffeine to wake you up.
As you turned around, you were met with the sight of Natasha sitting at the counter, her gaze fixed on you with a fierce intensity.
"I hope you're going to take all of this seriously," Natasha said, her tone firm and unwavering.
You paused, meeting Natasha's gaze with determination. Despite your initial reservations about the mission, you knew that Natasha was right. This wasn't just a game—it was a high-stakes operation that required your full commitment.
"Of course I am," you replied, your voice steady despite the tiredness that still lingered in your bones. 
Natasha studied you for a moment longer, her expression unreadable. Then, with a nod of acknowledgment, she rose from her seat and joined you at the counter. Together, you prepared your coffees in silence, each lost in your thoughts. 
"You take it black?" You asked, tilting your head inquisitively as you prepared your coffee.
"What? Like my heart?" Natasha replied with a wry smile, her tone laced with a hint of humor.
You couldn't help but chuckle at Natasha's retort. "Fair enough," you remarked, handing her a steaming cup of coffee. "To black coffee and black hearts, then."
Natasha raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "To get the job done," she countered, clinking her cup against yours in a silent toast. “Now can we get to the airport please, before we’re late?” 
“Oh, we won’t be late. I want to enjoy this.” You hummed. 
It was then that Natasha reached up to remove the baseball cap from her head, her movements fluid and practiced. As she fluffed her hair, you expected to see her familiar luscious red locks cascade down her shoulders. However, to your surprise, the vibrant red was replaced by a cascade of blonde hair.
You blinked in astonishment, momentarily taken aback by the sudden transformation. How had she bleached it so quickly? Had she slept at all? Natasha's hair was iconic—her fiery red locks were as much a part of her identity as her skills as a spy. 
As you adjust to the surprise of her sudden hair transformation, you couldn't help but blurt out, "Whoa, blonde? I never would've guessed. You look... different."
Your words hung in the air for a moment, and you immediately regretted them as you noticed a subtle shift in Natasha's demeanor. Her smirk faded, replaced by a stern look that hinted at a simmering annoyance beneath the surface.
Natasha's jaw tightened imperceptibly, her green eyes flashing with a hint of irritation. "Different?" she echoed, her tone cool and clipped. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"
You winced, realizing too late that your comment had struck a nerve. "I... I didn't mean it like that," you stammered, scrambling to backpedal. "I just meant, um, it's a change, you know? But you still look great, of course."
Natasha's expression softened slightly at your attempt to smooth things over, but the tension lingered between you. "Thanks," she replied tersely, her tone still tinged with annoyance. “We’re going to be late,” Natasha mumbled as she dumped the rest of her coffee into the sink. 
“We’re not going to be late.” You called after her. 
"So, you're telling me no more flights are heading to Miami today?" You asked the flight attendant, a hint of irritation coloring your voice.
"No, ma'am, unfortunately, we're booked up for the entire week," the flight attendant replied apologetically, her tone sympathetic.
You sighed, frustration mounting as you realized the setback to your plans. "Is there anything you can do? It's urgent," you pressed. 
The flight attendant shook her head regretfully. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but all our flights are fully booked. You might have better luck with another airline," she suggested.
You couldn't believe it. You can't believe it. Because you were late, your seats were given to some other lucky couple.
Frustration bubbled up within you as you stood there, watching helplessly as the plane doors closed without you. 
Natasha's sharp gaze bore into you, a silent reminder of the consequences of your tardiness. You knew you had messed up, and now you were paying the price.
"We need to figure out our next move," Natasha stated firmly, her voice cutting through the chaos of the airport.
"We could rent a car," you suggested, hoping to salvage the situation with a practical solution.
"And drive a car to Florida for twenty-three hours with you?" Natasha replied tersely, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
You bristled at her sharp retort, feeling a pang of offense at her implication. "Of course," you nodded, trying to maintain your composure. "Unless you have any other suggestions. Flying a Quinjet into Miami isn't exactly subtle of us."
Natasha's expression softened slightly at your response, a flicker of understanding crossing her features. "Fair point," she conceded, her tone less biting than before. "I’m choosing the car."
“Anything for you honey,” You shook your head, your voice dripping with sarcasm. 
Natasha shot you a pointed look. Apparently, nicknames were off the table. 
As you and Natasha approached the rental car lot, you expected her to gravitate towards something sleek and inconspicuous. So, when she pointed towards a sporty sedan with ample trunk space, you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise.
"Really? This one?" You asked, your voice laced with skepticism.
"Trust me," she replied cryptically, her tone giving nothing away.
“Okay, but you’re driving,” You tossed your suitcases in the trunk. 
“Why can’t you drive?” Natasha frowned. “You are the one that made us late.”  
You winced at Natasha's accusation, knowing she had a point. "Fair enough," you conceded, feeling a pang of guilt for your role in the tardiness. "But I'm exhausted from all the stress of the morning. Besides, you're the expert driver, remember?"
Natasha's frown softened slightly at your admission, but she remained skeptical. "Fine," she relented begrudgingly, sliding into the driver's seat. "But don't think this lets you off the hook."
“I wouldn’t dream of it, honey,” You grinned, pushing your sunglasses onto your face. 
Natasha shot you a withering glare at the nickname, her expression bordering on annoyance. "Don't call me that," she muttered shortly, her tone leaving no room for argument.
You raised your hands in mock surrender, unable to suppress a smirk at her reaction. "Got it," you replied, making a mental note to refrain from using any more nicknames in the future. “Can I call you baby?” You asked unable to resist pushing her buttons further. 
Natasha's expression darkened, her icy glare intensifying at the suggestion. "Absolutely not," she retorted firmly, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.
You chuckled softly, realizing you had crossed a line, but the temptation to tease Natasha was too strong to resist. "Just thought I'd ask," you replied with a shrug, settling back into your seat as Natasha revved the engine, ready to hit the road.
Twenty-three hours until Miami. -------> part 2
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rylusussy · 4 months
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nil-elk · 2 months
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I drew my...fursona?
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lightprkdraws · 3 months
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Request I got from r/RoleReversal but it turns out that mpreg are isn't even allowed there, so good on me 🤡
It really cracked me up because the post that this comment was made on was just a cute drawing of Leon, it didn't have anything to do with pregnancy!
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thornsnvultures · 4 months
eddie munson x reader
feeling meh so here's some angst I guess
"Get fucked."
"That's what I'm trying to do," Eddie grabs your arm as you try to dodge around him. He's got a smile on his stupid face that falls when he realizes you're not joking. Not this time.
If your eyes look wetter than normal you try not to let him see it, turning your head when he tries to meet your gaze. Blinking away unshed years because you're not gonna cry over a stupid boy.
"I didn't come here for that, Eddie."
"Then what did you come here for?" His voice is hard like his grip on your arm. He's not letting you weasel away.
The clock on the kitchen wall ticks while you find the right words to say. They're buried somewhere under the lump in your throat. That clock has been off by a few odd minutes for years. No matter how many times they change the batteries or rewind the thing, it never syncs right.
"We're friends right?" Eddie's grip loosens but he doesn't let go. Those calluses fingers slide down your arm and nudge their way into the warmth of your palm.
You close your eyes. The clock sluggishly ticks away.
"I don't think we are anymore, Eddie. I don't think we- I can be. Your friend."
"You're fucking with me," Eddie leans further into your space and it's like all your bones lock up. He kisses your shoulder, leans his chin on it. "We're fine. We said nothing would change. Right? We can be friends. It doesn't have to mean anything."
"It was a mistake."
You feel Eddie's jaw clench before he pulls away, a nasty, snarling look on his face.
"What being my friend? Is that it? You're finally too ashamed to be seen with the freak?"
"You're ashamed of me!" You shout, throwing up your hands. "Ever since we started sleeping together you don't want me around! I haven't seen you and the guys in weeks, you keep canceling plans with me. Last I heard you were at The Hideout with some girl!"
"So you're jealous? You said you didn't care-"
"I don't! I don't give a shit where you dip your stick, Munson!" It all comes pouring out, shouting at him with your finger digging into his chest, only now you're too mad to cry. "But if you really want to be my friend then why is sitting around the trailer smoking weed and fucking all you want to do? Don't tell me it's my fault, that I said we'd still be friends and blame me when it's you. It's you, Eddie."
"I didn't fuck her."
"I don't care! And you don't listen- ugh!" You tear the front door open, tired of trying. You don't care enough to look back and see if he's following you, if he even moved.
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nexysworld · 24 days
There's no way you're claiming to be a victim of sexual assault while defending stories about that kind of stuff. Get help. None of this is normal and I'm sorry that you think it is.
For anyone's confused they're talking about this post I made. That's the thing though Anon, it IS normal. I even linked a study showing how normal it is. Just because YOU don't want it to be, just because you don't FEEL like it is, that doesn't make it so.
And while I don't owe you any information about my trauma - when I was in therapy the discussion was about absolving myself of guilt for having fantasies relating to my SA - which my therapist expressed was incredibly normal, not STOPPING said fantasies or kinks. She also knew about what I would write and consume. So I did "get help" and they didn't agree with your take, sorry to say.
And that's the thing. I don't want other people who may be dealing with similar feelings of guilt and shame to be bullied out of what helps them cope by people like you, especially when I think back to younger Nexy and how she was feeling. And even people who aren't victims shouldn't feel guilty about consuming or creating that kind of content, being a victim isn't a requirement. No one's trauma looks the same. No one's coping looks the same. No one is a perfect victim. If I see content that makes me uncomfortable (because yes even DC writer's have boundaries) I don't look at it. I block that person. I move on. I wouldn't tell them they can't write it because it makes ME uncomfortable though. And trust, I've seen stories that made me have visceral reactions - that's for ME to deal with though.
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tortiefrancis · 3 months
Okay, no, I'm tired. "Free Palestine" isn't a trend, it's not a slogan to put on your bios for brownie points. You can't be for a free Palestine and be a zionist or be neutral or be supportive in any way of Israel. Being "critical of the goverment" isn't enough, Palestine needs to be free from occupation and colonialism and Palestinians should return their homes. That's the bare minimum.
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kheprriverse · 4 months
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Silly littol doodle
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tubbytarchia · 23 days
why do you acknowledge joel's boundries on shipping and then still ship him im so confused
Using read-more for easier avoidance for people who dgaf
Because of people who will inevitably come and white knight for him. What I think is that when he said what he said in that one old video clip (that he finds it weird to be shipped with anyone but Lizzie), he didn't realize exactly what was even being asked of him and that he really doesn't give that much of a fuck. He's the one who keeps the "neck kisses" and boat boys bit going, he made two neck kisses playlists with a bunch of songs about sex (never change Joel), he constantly has shippy exchanges with people like Jimmy, he and Jimmy had a whole "babymaking" ordeal in Empires and had casual suggestive exchanges with Sausage for an extended period of time regarding their child Hermes thing, his friends and Lizzie have acknowledged him being shipped with no issue, eg Lizzie saying that he ships Jimmy and Joel (or maybe it was Boat Boys. Knowing Lizzie it could have been both, she loves joking about that lol, especially to Joel in streams) or his Hermitcraft friends making similar comments about him and Etho
If Joel didn't fully get what shipping entailed back then, be probably does now and I'm inclined to believe that he doesn't care enough to say anything or he finds it funny to not say anything. He is constantly asked about how he feels about it on streams and he always ignores it, and I don't believe in a million years that it's because he's uncomfortable, otherwise he would have said as much. He just recently acknowledged "Tumblr found my neck kisses playlist", there's absolutely no way he doesn't know of the shipping too and is choosing not to comment. I can't stop it if people wanna white knight for him, I know they always will but that's my stance on the that 👍
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myewt · 3 months
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My first ever comic !!!! yay I've made this using an incorrect quote generator u can tell
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cupcakeshakesnake · 10 months
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Relevant news article in English
Anyway today in Korea the Daegu mayor tried to stop an LGBT+ festival from happening by bringing in a bunch of civil servants to stop festival vehicles.
The police force had to intervene to let the gays go their way.
Priorly, the mayor complained that the festival was "illegal" to which the police department said “No???? It’s a legal assembly?????” and then he proceeded to complain on his Facebook about the ‘qUeEr fRiEnDLy PoLiCe TrYiNg To lEcTuRe Me’.
I'm not a news account; read up on the link for more detailed info.
Also I'm NOT saying our police is all that great; there have been recent accounts of police violence against workers on strike and whatnot. I just find it ridiculous that the police had to step in to keep a very legal assembly from being dismantled.)
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arthursbubblebutt · 10 days
Okay while I'm still in this fever-dream state (my autocorrect fr picking up the pieces rn)
I think... I think I remember a fic rec post of Arthur being so down bad for Merlin and something like
"Arthur is so horny for Merlin in this, the first chapter he's basically drooling" or something like that
I want that I I want that blonde dude making an absolute fool of himself cus he want that wizard staff AHAHAHHA
Need to find this is note to self mayhaps
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Does anyone know where I can find these playmat prints of Lucifer? I really want to use these as wallpapers for my laptop and phone, but I’ve never seen them, much less there full size art, outside of edits on TikTok and I can’t find them anywhere else.
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hyperfixatedfandomer · 11 months
When you see sweet fanart of Quaritch and Spider but then check the artist’s page and see porn of them as well:
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I’m just venting at this point but. Please bring me back to three months ago when the sickos didn’t get their their sweaty, clammy hands on this movie yet 😭 looking for wholesome found family art feels low-key like treading a mine-field now.
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