#milton friedman
culturevulturette · 5 months
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No lie!
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Milton Friedman was a crank.
The archduke of neoliberalism, chief conspirator to the Chicago School of Economics, cheerleader and enabler of genocidal maniacs like Augusto Pinochet, Friedman had one project: to roll back the widespread postwar prosperity produced by wildly popular programs like the New Deal and the Great Society.
At the moment when excluded groups — racialized people, queer people, women, colonized people — were demanding the benefits of these programs, Friedman and his clutch of Ayn-Rand-pilled economists wanted to throw the whole program in reverse, to go back to Gilded Age inequality and a system of hereditary servitude, where people born to the working class lived short lives of hard work, as did their children, and their children’s children.
This was an implausible project! The ruling class had long cherished their delusion that the forelock-tuggers they relied on actually enjoyed their servitude (this is a recurring folly, one that usually ends up with goggle-eyed startlement when the plebs start building guillotines on the lawn of one’s estate).
The post-war years — what the French call “Les Trente Glorieuses” or “the Thirty Glorious Years” — made it abundantly clear that no one wanted to go back to bending the knee to their social betters. Reinstating hereditary poverty was not a popular idea.
- Ideas Lying Around: Milton Friedman was a monster, but he wasn't wrong about this
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kindwarrior · 5 months
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oldshowbiz · 6 months
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The "school voucher" concept, frequently presented as a "school choice" and "parental rights" issue, was first conceived in the 1950s as a way to maintain segregated schools after Brown v. Board of Education.
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older-is-better · 4 months
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Milton Friedman.
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Marxists say that property is theft. Why, in your view, is private property so central to freedom?”2 Friedman responded: Because the only way in which you can be free to bring your knowledge to bear in your particular way is by controlling your property. If you don’t control your property, if somebody else controls it, they’re going to decide what to do with it . . . there’s a lot of knowledge in this society, but, as Friedrich Hayek emphasized so strongly, that knowledge is divided. . . . How do we bring these scattered bits of knowledge back together? And how do we make it in the self-interest of individuals to use that knowledge efficiently? The key to that is private property, because if it belongs to me, you know, there’s an obvious fact. Nobody spends somebody else’s money as carefully as he spends his own. Nobody uses somebody else’s resources as carefully as he uses his own. So, if you want efficiency and effectiveness, if you want knowledge to be properly utilized, you have to do it through the means of private property.
Milton Friedman, In Commanding Heights: The Battle of Ideas,
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waiting-eyez · 1 year
The reason for the propensity to
overreact seems clear, the failure
of monetary authorities to allow for
the delay between their actions and
subsequent effects on the economy.
(Milton Friedman)
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majestativa · 7 months
Thousands of years before Marx and Friedman we knew that Penelope's heart would not stay cold to the Tyrian purple and that Odysseus, cavorting with naiads, really hopes the journey home will never end.
— Jüri Talvet, Estonian Elegy: Selected Poems, (2008)
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notasfilosoficas · 2 years
“Cuanto más te conoces a ti mismo, más paciencia tienes hacia lo que se ve en los demás”
Milton Erickson
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Fue un psicólogo, medico hipnoterapeuta estadounidense nacido en diciembre de 1901 en Phoenix Arizona.
Pasó a la historia por revolucionar la concepción del subconsciente, ademas de utilizar la hipnosis como una herramienta terapéutica dentro de un contexto clínico serio.
Milton tuvo una familia conformada por 7 hermanas y un hermano, los cuales junto con sus padres, emigraron a Wisconsin para trabajar en una granja propiedad de la familia.
A los 17 años contrajo poliomielitis, lo cual le provocó una gran discapacidad, no obstante, la vivencia de esta enfermedad resultó fundamental para e desarrollo de su carrera.
Para hacer frente a la enfermedad, Erickson comenzó a utilizar sus propios recuerdos de movilidad, para poder poco a poco recuperar el control de su cuerpo, a tal grado, que pudo llegar a recuperar el habla y mover sus brazos con normalidad.
Cuando el médico recomendó a Erickson ejercitar la parte superior de su cuerpo, realizó un viaje en canoa con la intención de reforzar su cuerpo y poder asistir a la universidad, y tras recorrer 1600 kilómetros en canoa, pudo volver a caminar con la ayuda de un bastón y asistir a la Universidad de Wisconsin para estudiar medicina y psiquiatría.
En su época estudiantil, se interesó en el campo de la sugestión en la experiencia humana, misma que aplicó en él mismo para calmar sus dolencias a causa de la polio.
Al aplicar la hipnosis en un contexto clínico, ayudó a recuperar pacientes que se consideraban imposibles para otros terapeutas que utilizaban otros métodos psicoterapéuticos.
Cuando tenía 30 años, Milton ya había ganado cierta fama dentro de la psiquiatría norteamericana, y sus trabajos sobre hipnosis y su forma de aplicarla le valieron una gran reputación.
Se especializó en la terapia de familia y en el uso de la hipnosis clínica. Durante su carrera fundó organismos como la sociedad Americana de Hipnosis Clinica y participó en la creación de la Asociación Americana de Psicología y de Psicopatología.
Sus aportaciones han sido de gran influencia en diferentes métodos psicoterapéuticos tales como la programación Neurolinguística, la terapia de familia y la terapia breve.
Erickson fue director de varios hospitales del Norte de Estados Unidos y dió conferencias por todo el mundo sobre su forma de hacer hipnosis y aplicarlo en trastornos mentales en hospitales.
Con el paso de los años la condición física de Milton fue empeorando, sin embargo mantuvo relativamente una vida profesional activa.
Muere en Arizona en marzo de 1980 a la edad de 79 años tras inaugurar la fundación Milton Erickson, en donde se llevó a cabo la mayor reunion de psicoterapeutas jamas ocurrida.
Fuentes: lifeder.com, Wikipedia, biografiasyvidas.com, institutoericksonmadrid.com
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eaglesnick · 11 months
Double Whammy
According to Diabetes UK 4.3 million people in Britain have diabetes, 90% of these having the avoidable type 2 diabetes. Diabetes costs the NHS £10 billion a year, and in some hospitals over a quarter of beds are taken up by  people with diabetes. The number of people with diabetes has doubled in the last 15 years and is continuing to rise.
The great tragedy of type 2 diabetes is that it is largely avoidable. 
“Research shows that living with obesity is the single greatest risk factor, and accounts for 80-85% of someone's risk of developing the condition, and our previous data revealed that the number of people living with obesity in England has almost doubled in the last 20 years from 6.9 to 13 million."  (Diabetes UK: 05/04/21)
One of the major causes of obesity is the consumption of ultra-processed foods such as mass produced bread, pre-packaged meals, breakfast cereals, sausages and other reconstituted meat products, yoghurts with sweeteners or stabilizers, chicken nuggets, frozen meals, crisps, soft drinks, biscuits, etc.
We may think we can avoid ultra-processed foods but the evidence suggests otherwise. According to the Guardian (02/02/18):
“Half of all the food bought by families in the UK is now “ultra-processed”, made in a factory with industrial ingredients and additives invented by food technologists and bearing little resemblance to the fruit, vegetables, meat or fish used to cook a fresh meal at home."
As bad as ultra-processed foods are for adult health, think how much worse they must be for the heath of developing children, yet
“Almost a third of baby and toddler foods sold in the UK are ultra-processed, risking children’s long-term health and development."  (Guardian: 08/05/23)
This Tory government has known about the links between ultra-processed foods and the rise in diabetes for years.
“MPs have criticised the Department of Health and the NHS in England for being "too slow" to act in preventing and treating diabetes… Being overweight is the main risk factor for type 2 diabetes, and 90% of adults with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese.” (BBC: 22/01/16)
Despite this knowledge, the government, rather than introducing policies to wean people off ultra-processed food, is actively promoting its consumption. As recently as February this year Sunak’s Tory government was recommending ultra-processed food as part of a healthy diet.
“An app launched by the UK government, supposed to encourage healthy eating, has been found to be promoting ultra-processed foods.” (www.schoolfoodmatters.org:01/02/23)
The Grocer magazine (25/05.21) asked this question:
“Why is government incapable of saying ‘avoid ultra-processed food’?”
The answer is provided in Great British Life (18/05/23) when it reported:
“The Soil Association said it was “deeply concerned” about the influence of the food and drink industry on UK health policy as the NHS Food Scanner app continued to recommend biscuits, cakes, crisps, chocolate puddings and fizzy pop as “good” options for a healthy diet.”
The sad truth is, this Tory government puts corporate profit before public health. Our health,  and especially that of our children's, is being put at serious risk so that the giant food companies can continue to reap massive profits.
“Millions of people in UK facing food poverty as supermarkets announce record profits.” (Sustain: 22/05/22)
But this isn’t just a UK problem.
“Top 100 Food and Beverage Companies for 2022: A Year of Succulent Profits. 2021 could be called the year of meat and soft drinks. All of the top companies in those two categories had blowout years, adding billions of dollars to their top lines and similarly handsome increases to their bottom lines.”  (Food Processing: 05.08.22)
The food-processing companies and the big British supermarkets are both powerful and influential when it comes to determining government food policies. They are motivated by one thing only: profit. If the largest profit to be made is by promoting and selling ultra-processed food then so be it. To the supporters of neo-liberal free market economics the only duty of corporate management is to maximise profits for their shareholders. Any concern for the health or social consequences of their actions is in the words of Milton Friedman ”pure and unadulterated socialism” and no Tory government wants that.
But where is the “double whammy” of the title? It is in the insane situation whereby the government is now offering a “cure” for obesity by making a drug, costing millions of pounds, available on the NHS.
“THE UK should be "front of the pack" in dishing out weight loss drugs to obese Brits, Steve Barclay said today.
The Health Secretary last night announced a £40million two-year pilot that will look at ways to make obesity medicine accessible to patients outside of hospitals.” (Sun: 07/06/23)
Rather than curing obesity at source, by reducing the amount of ultra-processed foods we are being sold, the government is giving taxpayers money to the big pharmaceutical companies to produce weight-reducing drugs. The message is clear, people are to be to encouraged to go on eating ultra-processed food, and then be supplied with a drug to reduce the excess weight gain that results. It’s a win-win situation. The food-processing companies and super markets  go on making massive profits, and the pharmaceutical companies go on making massive profits. The only losers are our children and the 28% of England’s population who are already grossly over-weight, but who cares about them? Clearly not Steve Barclay or Rishi Sunak.
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kaydub80 · 1 year
Watch "How Milton Friedman Broke The American Economy | The Class Room Ft. @FDSignifire" on YouTube
Once again, Biden is Reagan's 11th term and everyone running in the duopoly party system is competing for Reagan's 12th.
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Friedman’s paymasters had their limits, though. To keep the money flowing, they demanded a theory of change that explained how the gains of working people could be stripped away. Same goes for Friedman’s most promising acolytes, whose belief in their cult leader’s vision required some reassurance that it wasn’t all a pipe-dream.
Friedman had a tried-and-true answer to these skeptical queries: someday, there will come a crisis. When the crisis comes, people will look for answers. The answers they choose will be those “ideas lying around” that have been promoted by the status quo’s loudest critics. In that moment, ideas can move from the fringe to the center.
Friedman was right.
In 1973, the OPEC nations turned off the world’s oil supply. Deprived of energy, the world’s economies were plunged into deep recession. While the cause of this shock was obvious —the oil rich nations didn’t keep it a secret or anything — what should be done about it wasn’t nearly so clear.
Enter Friedman: to people reeling in crisis, Friedman insisted that the missing oil was somehow the product of unionization, pollution controls, women’s lib, and the civil rights movement. Though this was transparent nonsense, akin to blaming witches for a crop failure, the crisis was so dislocating, and Friedman’s ideas had been lying around for so long, that they moved swiftly to the center.
- Ideas Lying Around: Milton Friedman was a monster, but he wasn't wrong about this
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objectivistnerd · 2 years
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oldshowbiz · 7 months
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Economist Milton Friedman, a hero to Republicans and Libertarians, praised economic freedom which denied political freedom.
Friedman criticized "this fetish for democracy," complaining that "political democracy has elements which tend to destroy economic freedom."
He claimed repressive societies like Hong Kong, Singapore, and the dictatorship of Guatemala were the freest societies in the world.
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My all time favorite economist. Everyone has a favorite economist right?
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“Government has three primary functions. It should provide for the military defense of the nation. It should enforce contracts between individuals. It should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property. When government—in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost comes in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.
Milton Friedman (From a 1979 interview with Phil Donohue)
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