#mine is that they blame each other for the kids
i s2g if one more person asks kaneki "what happened to you" "what changed" HE GOT PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY TORTURED?!?!?! FOR LIKE A MONTH?!?!?! SORRY THAT CHANGES A GUY!?!?!?!?
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
My Excessively Detailed, Heavily Opinionated Catwoman Comics Timeline (Major Spoilers)
Selina Kyle is born in the East End in Gotham, in the area’s typical poverty, to Cuban immigrant Maria and Irish American Brian. Maria is a loving and protective parent, if troubled and sometimes emotionally distant. She loves cats and in some stories explicitly keeps several at home, preferring them to humans. Brian is your classic abusive alcoholic archetype with a side of racism - he isn’t confirmed to have physically abused his daughters, but he is verbally aggressive toward them and Maria is shown to make a point to send them away when his anger is peaking. He also regularly mistreats her, including in front of their daughters, and generally has no observable love for his family.
Yes, I said daughters, plural. Selina has a little sister named Maggie. (Their exact age difference is never specified, but it’s probably about two or three years. Maggie is drawn noticeably smaller when they’re kids. In one flashback she has toddler proportions when Selina is clearly older than that. Also, her hair colour oscillates between ginger, light brown and blonde, and her eyes are usually brown, but sometimes blue.) The two are polar opposites. Where Selina’s idealism rapidly degrades, Maggie’s persists; where Selina sharpens her edges and puts up emotional walls, Maggie openly seeks love and validation; where Selina lashes out at the world and looks out for herself, Maggie is kind, selfless and pacifistic. It’s easy to conclude that Maggie gets to be softer because her big sister is growing up too fast for her. Basically, they’re both put through early childhood trauma, and as Maggie puts in in the Relentless storyline, “[they] both survived [it] in entirely different ways” and both “thought [their own] way was right” for years.
Age is still never specified, but Selina is consistently described as ‘just a girl’ when Maria kills herself. The girls find her in the blood-filled bathtub. This moment will be recalled repeatedly, including in full-on traumatic flashbacks, and is agreed to kinda be Selina’s ‘equivalent’ in defining traumatic childhood events to Bruce’s night in Crime Alley.
Selina has been doing gymnastics since she was a little kid, BTW, supported by Maria. It’s said to be all she was still interested in once her mother died.
Brian’s parenting does not improve now he’s a single parent. The time of his death is another thing disagreed upon: in the Kyle sisters-centric Catwoman origin story Her Sister’s Keeper, he dies two months before the plot when both his daughters are adults, the news of which shocks Selina but she doesn’t seem to particularly mourn him for what a great guy he was. However, later tellings quietly retcon this to him dying ‘not long after’ Maria (the constant imprecision is very annoying to me. Give me numbers, dammit!).
Either way, just a few years after Maria’s death, the girls end up orphans and homeless. Selina goes to Sprang Juvenile Hall because Gotham’s social safety net is fantastic, but rather than let Maggie be cast to the winds of chance, before she’s locked up she takes Maggie to a children’s home run by actually good people - nuns - and abandons her there. Why doesn’t she stay and grow up there too? Well, given her intense self-hatred, bad luck and how throughout their interactions she puts Maggie before herself, I read this as her not believing she deserves it and/or believing she’d ruin any happiness she had, and Maggie had with her present, due to her supposed inherent badness. That’s just my interpretation, but I think it makes the most sense. So Maggie has a much healthier, happier and more stable late childhood and adolescence. She becomes a nun herself called Sister Magdeline, in fact. And always feeds the stray cats outside the convent.
Meanwhile, Selina is abused in juvie until she breaks out at thirteen and lives on the streets. Namely Alleytown, a slum between the East End and Old Gotham. She starts her career as a thief and swindler here, in the Alleytown Kids gang run by Mama Fortuna, who lets them stay in her house, nicknamed the Nest, and teaches them to use people’s underestimation of kids against them. Selina takes to crime like a cat to hunting, earning the woman’s respect. She befriends a fellow kid there, Sylvia Sinclair. But Mama Fortuna takes all the kids’ loot for herself and makes them do her chores and dirty work, so Selina and Sylvia run away together.
A pimp named Stan hires Selina as as sex worker. You get three guesses if he’s an abusive bastard; the first two don’t count. Sylvia likewise becomes a sex worker, and when they have their first times at fourteen, Sylvia volunteers to go first. Selina has no idea how to comfort or help her in the wake of this extremely traumatic experience, so she just… doesn’t. Unbeknownst to her, Sylvia holds a grudge over this. They’re pulled apart quickly after that by the chaos of the streets. Years later, Selina fails Sylvia again when she ditches her to get arrested during a diamond heist Sylvia asked for her help with. Sylvia goes to prison.
When Selina’s seventeen, she meets thirteen-year-old homeless girl Holly Robinson (whose hair oscillates between blonde, red and strawberry blonde because again, comic books are as consistent as Greek mythology). Holly’s turned to sex work too after running away from her abusive junkie parents, leaving her older brother behind. She’s at that moment being assaulted by a cop. Selina punches him out and rescues her, taking her under her wing. This is the first time Holly realizes that she doesn’t have to passively accept whatever cruelty life subjects her to, and she becomes Selina’s sidekick and little sister figure. Selina canonically has strong Big Sister Energy.
Comics Timeline
Her Sister’s Keeper. Selina learns martial arts from Wildcat and becomes Catwoman, inspired by the early appearances of Batman, initially to get her revenge on Stan. (Her age is vague, but a cop guesses that she’s sixteen or seventeen and Holly looks like a young teen, so she’s probably in her late teens to early twenties. Except Maggie is a fully fledged nun, and you need to be eighteen for that. Damn comic book chronology. Maybe Selina and Holly look younger than they is because of their chronic childhood malnutrition stunting their growth?) She reunites with Maggie, Stan captures Maggie to hurt her, Selina technically doesn’t murder him but does in spirit, Holly also gets beaten up by a cop, Batman is just trying to do his job and the Batcat ship is born in what else but a fight where she neatly summarizes their stage one relationship with a kiss immediately followed by a scratch. It all escalates into a whole debacle. Selina ultimately comes to three conclusions: 1. she’s gonna be a badass thief now; 2. Batman is hot and they’re into each other, but he’s a little too much like a cop for her to trust him; and 3. she’s willing to take the risks of her lifestyle, but not to let her loved ones get hurt, and so sends Holly to live with Maggie in the convent. That last one is important! Though Selina is habitually selfish in practical terms, she also will always want better for those she loves and has a responsibility/guilt complex about needing to protect them from harm. Her foundational self-concept is to some degree inherently a Bad Person, therefore pushing people away from her is her idea of doing what’s best for them. Almost every time someone she cares about gets hurt by a villain’s own actions or something else beyond her control, she believes it’s her fault! When she cares, she cares so much!
Ahem. I have strong feelings about this character. She has broken into my head and is stealing my time and mental energy.
HSK is Catwoman Volume 1. For a long time after this we’ve got the classic status quo. She’s the best thief in the world. She steals from the rich and gives to herself, mostly, to the point that she becomes a self-made socialite with fabulous outfits. She and Batman have their on-and-off enemies-and-lovers relationship, or alternatively, they speedrun enemies-to-lovers arcs and back again over and over. Sometimes as a socialite she flirts and has flings with Bruce Wayne, who’s nice, but her real love is Batman! (Cut to Bruce and Clark commiserating in a bar that their crushes have dumped them for themselves in a costume.) Occasionally she and Bats dare to dream of something more serious and committed between them, but his strict moral code and her amorality and both their intimacy and trust issues keep getting in the way. Go to therapy, you two. Please.
Volume 2 gives Catwoman her own rogues’ gallery. This includes bitter copycat rival She-Cat, who Selina rejected as a friend when they knew each other as orphan kids and must now deal with as an enemy; the scientist Cyber-Cat who uses shiny feline power armour and gets just a tiny little bit obsessed with the thief who humiliated her despite it; and Hellhound, her former classmate at a martial arts dojo with an ego even greater than his actual skill. Selina’s also presumed dead for a few years at the end because comics. The list of comic book characters who have never been truly, functionally or presumed dead is getting worryingly short…
I will summarize its major events, but before you read any further, I implore you to read Ed Brubaker’s run of Volume 3 (2002) if you have the time. Please. It is the Catwoman run. Brubaker is the best writer the character has ever had and - the abomination that was Selina and Slam being a couple notwithstanding - his writing is overall some of the best DC’s ever had in my opinion. Just read it if you want to know who Selina Kyle is and what she’s about.
I’m serious. I’ll wait.
Okay! Offscreen in the years before Volume 3, Maggie and Holly leave the convent and Gotham and part ways. Maggie fit in great there until an apparent crisis of faith, but Holly never felt like she fully belonged in that world and this feeling of discontentment only worsens. Maggie gets a degree in psychology, falls in love with a good man named Simon and settles into a comfortable life of domestic bliss. Holly in contrast spirals downward, returning to sex work on the streets and doing heroin.
Volume 3 proper starts with the story Catwoman: Anodyne. A series of murders of working girls gives Selina a blast from the past and makes her take a look at herself in her penthouse with her collection of lavish ball gowns and jewels. She realizes that she’s lost sight of her roots of standing up for people like herself and Holly against corruption and abuse. So she reinvents her Catwoman identity to be an antiheroic vigilante actively championing social justice, particularly focused on the East End. Respect. Because as this story’s events remind her, the cops don’t care about the poor and marginalized like sex workers. Private investigator Slam Bradley is her contact in legal crime solving, rather than a police officer, and he consistently disdains cops. Obviously she still steals, but it’s less of her defining characteristic. She’s more generous with the spoils too. For example, she funds Bruce’s charity projects. Stealing with no noble ulterior motive is presented less as empowerment from now on and more as a self-destructive compulsion, a symptom of her unhealthy, trauma-based survivalist mindset that she’s trying to escape.
Her change of heart improves her relationship with Batman. They get to know each other’s secret identities. The more cooperative Batcat, with the added intimacy and domesticity of Brucelina, is pretty much the Batman franchise OTP with Brutalia having petered out. I don’t want to get into ship wars, but at present canon, ever fickle mistress that it is, does largely lean my way.
Selina reunites with Holly in Anodyne, Holly only a few months off heroin. She starts pretending to be homeless, truly acting as Catwoman’s eyes and ears on the East End streets, and later becomes the new leader of the Alleytown Kids. She’s also a lesbian and has a girlfriend named Karon (whose hair is finally a consistent colour - purple). Selina tracks down and reunites her with her long-lost brother Davey in a nice roadtrip story. In One Year Later, the timeline in which Selina and Bruce have Helena Wayne, she succeeds the Catwoman mantle when Selina quits to be a more devoted mother. And in the buildup to Infinite Crisis, she befriends the antihero Harley Quinn and lives with her for some time.
Speaking of Harley Quinn, Selina has close friendships with her fellow morally flexible badass women, Harley and Poison Ivy. They collectively form the Gotham City Sirens. Their comic run of the same name brings this to the fore with them sharing a home and on paper all going straight. (They don’t, obviously). Bruce actually encourages these bonds because Selina keeps the other two in check and their friendship brings out their inner altruism; he knows Selina will side with him if Harley and Ivy, traditionally outright villains, fall too far into the darker shades of grey. The three still hurt each other, all having their own issues and different worldviews, but overall they’re a heartwarming, fun, awesome trio.
Selina trains Stephanie Brown as rookie Spoiler for a bit. Another interesting relationship given how similar Selina and Steph’s childhoods were that writers refuse to explore, because DC doesn’t let us have nice things. At least not for long.
Leslie Thompkins is another good friend of Selina, supporting her in helping the East End community.
But wait! Did you think DC would be satisfied with the amount of pain these characters have already gone through? Hell no! Catwoman: Relentless, chronologically before Gotham City Sirens, is a great big kick in the teeth. Buckle up. Selina’s been a significant thorn in Black Mask’s side, stealing $28 million from him in diamonds to fund an East End Community Centre, and he wants to make her pay for it with interest. He blows up the centre and kidnaps first Simon, then Maggie. Sylvia comes back into Selina’s life leading the Alleytown Kids (before Holly does it, sorry if my ordering is confusing) and seemingly is a friend and ally. But it’s revealed that due to her animosity toward her she’s been working for Black Mask the whole time and luring her into a trap. She was the one who told him her secret identity, enabling him to do all of this. Meanwhile, Black Mask is holding Maggie hostage. How does he hurt her to hurt Selina? Well, he tortures and murders her husband in front of her, cuts his eyes out and makes her eat them. Under-fucking-standably, Maggie’s sanity is… broken. Holly, who naturally also gets captured and tortured, ends up shooting Sylvia to save Selina’s life. Not just wilfully allowing her to die, actively shooting her. Selina also basically breaks her no-killing rule here. She kicks Black Mask off his balcony, then stands right in front of him and watches him slowly lose his grip on the ledge he caught in disgust while he begs her to help him. So that’s cool. But she and the people she loves are very, very hurt and traumatized, and she blames herself for all of it for trusting Sylvia and not being able to protect them.
Maggie has to live in a mental hospital after Relentless, trapped in an unresponsive catatonic state. What happens to her afterward… well… yet again, comics can’t give a straight answer. Blackest Night, that big crossover event with with loads of dead characters being revived as evil Black Lanterns, has Black Mask return to life and kidnap her to hurt Selina again, only for the Sirens to rescue her. But Maggie runs away and the chronologically later Gotham City Sirens run picks that thread up with her being homeless and now believing Selina is possessed by a cat demon and that’s why her life is full of sin, misfortune and general bad things. In the course of seeking to exorcise her, she gets possessed herself by an apparent (though suspiciously harmful and violent) genuine angel who not only causes her hallucinations that make her delusion look true, but gives her supernatural powers and possesses Harley too at one point. Maggie turns into the Christian extremist antivillain Sister Zero determined to ‘save’ her sister’s soul whether that keeps it in the mortal plane or not. It’s very weird. The nature and goals of the ‘angel’ are literally never explained, and that itself isn’t necessarily bad, but… I personally don’t like or agree with that direction, the whole thing just comes out of nowhere for me and I think the sisters have had enough angst and division already. I haven’t seen Sister Zero appear outside that series. The ongoing Volume 5 ignores all of that and begins with her still hospitalized and catatonic, having been so long enough that her straight bob has grown to be shoulder-length and curly. This run immediately follows the failed wedding fiasco in Tom King’s Batman run that I know a lot of fans, myself included, disdain and disregard. Here Maggie gradually improves. She’s taken to live with Selina to save her from villainous scheming. She regains her speech, she’s happy, she makes peace with Selina being Catwoman and the risks and pragmatism it entails. However, by issue #35 another villain, Christian fundamentalist assassin Father Valley, nearly kills Maggie just because of her association with Selina, and both sisters are pretty damn sick of people doing that. Maggie also wants to live on her own and reassert her independence. So she leaves Gotham and isn’t planning to come back, last time I checked.
During the time where Dick is Batman, we’re introduced to (vaguely aged, of course) adolescent Kitrina Falcone, the youngest child of the notorious Falcone crime family. She’s raised by her abusive, negligent uncle Mario. She spends a lot of time on the streets to avoid him, running jobs for criminals like the Penguin and getting prodigiously skilled at theft, breaking in and out of places, escaping restraints and mapmaking. Catwoman is her hero. Selina meanwhile wants to get ahead in an evolving crime scene, so she infiltrates the Falcone home and steals Kitrina’s maps of the new Black Mask’s territory alongside other valuables. The family accuse Kitrina of helping her and try to murder her. Lovely. She escapes sleeping with the fishes, confronts Selina and impresses her by escaping her and stealing her maps back. A familial bond forms between them and Kitrina is reborn as Catgirl! Catwoman’s very own Robin equivalent on the frontline. We joke about Bruce’s pattern of taking in traumatized young boys with nowhere else to go, but Selina has exactly the same pattern with that type of girl. I guess after she left one behind in Maggie, in repentance she’s proceeded to open her heart to every new one she comes across. Bruce is a massive hypocrite and disapproves of Kitrina being endangered like this, even though he’s permitted multiple Robins and Batgirls by now, and wants her to go to a boarding school upstate and improve her life the mundane way. Kitrina nearly dies one too many times and she and Selina concede that as hypocritical as it is, his argument holds water. Kitrina promises to return, though. A promise DC has yet to uphold!
Volume 4 confirms that Selina Kyle is canonically bisexual! She has a romance with Eiko Hasigawa, a Yakuza heiress and admirer of hers who takes up the Catwoman mantle while Selina temporarily operates as a crime kingpin. But in a good way. It’s complicated. No wonder she hangs out with Harley and Ivy as much as Bruce…
Volume 5 has Selina declare herself the ‘queen of Alleytown’ and take over the Nest, rebranding the Alleytown Kids the Alleytown Strays and teaching them to protect and provide for themselves with genuine care unlike her predecessors except Holly. It’s nice. But a lot of shit goes down involving Selina matching wits and trading blows with villains like the aforementioned Father Valley, the Penguin, the Riddler, and more! There are always more! The issues in the Fear State crossover overarching storyline are the climax, wherein the corrupt mayor and GCDP put Alleytown under siege at the same time as the villains’ overlapping schemes, and the Token Good Cop supporting character Hadley is killed for trying to help Selina. Alleytown is in ruins, but Selina sees it’s always been the people that are truly important, not the place. The people of this neighbourhood, her people, will endure. Deciding that mentoring them in professional crime is actually kinda counterproductive to giving the Strays better lives in the long term, she ‘abdicates’ her throne and gives the Nest to them as a safe haven in issue #39, the conclusion of Ram V’s run. Oh, and special attention is placed on one member of the Strays, a teenage girl known only by her nickname Shoes, and connected to the assassin Cheshire *SPOILERS* because she’s her and Arsenal’s long-lost presumed dead daughter Lian Harper. I personally disagree with this entire concept, but oh well. That makes four traumatized adolescent girl protégés from broken homes plus one token biologically related family member. Selina, you really are Bruce’s match.
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cordiformity · 8 months
really dreading the annual tri-family camping trip this yearrrrr
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farlooms · 1 year
huh. i really am the string holding the kids raised by dad/stepmom together huh
#kage rattles#just had a really eye opening talk w one of my sisters#i knew the 2 of them dont have the same kind of relationship w each other that that they do w me#and thats okay. i cant really blame either of them#but i love both of them a lot and i cant say that having a complicated thing w family going on is something thats new to me#but its just really. wild i guess. that im basically the reason either of them see each other for more than just the odd holiday#not that they see each other terribly often but they live in different areas of the province so like fair#but they dont really...talk either#and im not mad about it or anything like theyre more than allowed to not talk much or have much of a relationship like it doesnt affect#mine w either of them at all thats not quite what i mean#i guess its just sorta strange to think about#i wont lie & say it does put a bit of pressure to basically be the one thing keeping this part of my family together#but its not intentional on my sisters part and i know that & i absolutely dont resent either of them for it#and its not really News that 90% of whats keeping them together is me bc i knew that as well#but i guess HOW true that was is a...surprise?#its just sort of a lot to take in i suppose??#and theyre a LOT closer in age than they are to me (30 & 27 vs 21)#so i was really young when a lot of shit happened. so theres so much i know i dont know#and its not really my business but i dunno. on top of how im the only one of the 3 thats not stepmoms kid i cant help but feel this#massive disconnect in one way or another#& again its not their faults and never will be but. i dont know. im just sorta feeling things without understanding what im feeling#its been a weird day
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fantasylandloser · 2 months
Not Flirting
Pairing; Rafe Cameron x Reader
Summary: You and Rafe want each other so bad.
Warnings: smut, mdni, Public sex, smoking, shotgunning, two uses of slut and one use of good girl, Rafe calling the reader kiddo in flirty way
You’re not flirting with Rafe Cameron. That’s what you’ve been telling yourself anyway. The casual touches, and the constant bickering that presents like foreplay is how the two of you have always been. Right?
The two of you don’t even talk outside of when you’re with your mutual friends. That’s probably why you seem so focused on each other. And the only reason the air around you is so charged with sexual tension is because- well he’s Rafe. He could have chemistry with a doorknob. It is not flirting. 
You’ve told nearly every person that’s been in contact with you something similar to those words that you’ve been trying to convince yourself of. Nobody believes you, sadly you’re not even stupid enough to believe it. That doesn’t stop you from trying though.
It helps you feel less guilty about wanting his attention, and having it. He’s a known fuck boy on the island and you’ve been sort of friends since high school, but after graduating your friend group got smaller and it was hard to ignore him. 
You tried to sometimes, but it never worked. The pull the two of you had on each other was too damn magnetic. Like at this party you were at. He’d found you accidentally, laughing with some people, your bikini practically melded with your skin after a dip in the water. 
You don’t see him when he walks behind you, but the way the hairs stand up on the back of your neck, you know it’s him. So, you don’t panic when his arms wrap around your shoulders, or when he takes your cup and drinks out of it, even though he knows you hate that. 
“Hey, kid.” You roll your eyes at the nickname he’d given you when he found out about the one year age gap between the two of you. You hate yourself a little for the smile you feel making its way onto your face. 
“Don’t start.” Rafe doesn’t acknowledge that, or the people that were around you because he starts pulling you away from them. “Where are you taking me?” You wish you could sound like you actually cared but you’d go with him regardless. 
“We’re smoking.” He whispers, his breath fanning the outside of his ear. 
You twist your lips in apprehension and Rafe must have a sixth sense for you at this point because he eases your mind immediately. 
“Don’t worry, kiddo. It’s more your speed than mine.” Again, you roll your eyes. You don’t stop him from walking you towards wherever he’s going though. 
“I don’t even-” 
“I know, I know. “ Rafe groans. You reach back to flick him for interrupting you and he finally lets go of you since you’re walking with him willingly. “Just trust me.” You miss his body heat the second that it’s gone but you’re going to blame it on being cold, even though it’s ninety degrees out. 
You mock him childishly, to ignore the heat that crawls through your body when you look at him. You remember him saying something about cutting his hair off, and then you teasing him and saying it would look bad. You just thought his long hair added to his cuteness. You were very wrong. 
“Oh you did it.” He lets you run your hand over his buzzed head, while you walk beside him. 
“Mhm.” He smirks and you already know what’s coming. “Is it as bad as you thought it would be?” But he knows it isn’t because you are not subtle in checking him out and his ego is bigger than the sun. 
“It’s somehow worse.”You taunt only to be met with a tug on your hair. It’s childish and violently in character for Rafe. He smiles at the squeak you let out and laughs when you push him back. 
“Yeah, whatever you like it.” Your conversation is cut short when your presence is noticed by your other friends.
“Where have you been all night?” Kelce asks from the hammock he’s lying in. 
“Up your butt.” You answer obnoxiously, skipping over to your friend Natalie’s lap and giving her a hug. You could tell she was a little high on something you didn’t want. 
“I think that is the last place you’d wanna be.” Topper says, patting your head and you can tell he’s been drinking by the way he slurs. 
The conversation between you and your friends is mindless while Rafe rolls the blunt on the patio table. You tried not to stare at his fingers as he did so. Or look at him too hard as he licked the paper. You failed. 
You try not to think too much of it when he’s finally done and he beckons you over, or when he pulls you in his lap, like that's normal. Once again, you fail. It takes you all over two seconds to get comfortable once he wraps his arm around you though and you’re used to ignoring your friends' looks by now. 
You’re a little nervous once he lights it but he brings it to his lips first and you really want your lips to be on that blunt all of a sudden. When he hands it to you, you try to mimic what he had done but you can tell you did it wrong immediately. 
“Inhale, kid.” You try again, you kind of feel it this time. 
“Lemme see.” He takes it from you and inhales the smoke, which you’re pretty sure is like illegal when it comes to rotation, but you don’t say so. You’re a little surprised when he grips your jaw firm and gentle, before blowing the smoke into your mouth.
“Inhale”  You do so, trying your best to ignore the heat creeping up your neck.
 “Good girl.” He says finally releasing your jaw. You choke on the smoke in your lungs as he passes off the joint. Rubbing his hand on your back, immediately reminding you how naked you are in just your bikini. 
“I hate you.” You say once you’ve finally gathered yourself, but it holds no weight as you lean back into him. 
You’re horny. That’s all you can think about by the time your friends and you stop smoking. Everyone had dispersed by now and it was just you and Rafe with you still sitting sideways across his lap. 
“I can feel you.” You squint eyeing your position.
“It would be concerning if you couldn’t.” You're well aware that your skin was touching his. He shakes his head, propping his hand right to the pulse in between your legs that was only covered by the thin layer of your bikini bottoms. 
“You’re fucking throbbing.” Your words are caught in your throat at the sensation of him rubbing you. Intensified by your high and how long you’ve been wanting him.
“Someone is gonna see.” You finally get out, trying to shift your legs. 
‘Good for them.” When he grabs your jaw this time, it’s to kiss you and you immediately forget whatever it was that you were worried about. He lets you shift around until you’re straddling him, kissing him back with equal fervor. 
“So you do like my hair.” He says panting once, you finally give him room to breathe. 
“What hair?” You softly scrape your nails down the nape of his neck. He sniggers, when you begin grinding against him. And he’s a little shocked when you pull his hard dick out his shorts. 
“And what’re you gonna do with that?”
“Sit on it.” Rafe moans, he’s not sure if it’s at your words or the hickey you’re currently sucking into his neck. Possessive. He finds himself noting. “Unless you don’t want me to.” You add, and he almost laughs at the fact that you’re giving him an out. 
“I do.” You’re so excited to fuck him you forget how much of a stretch he would be. But it’s too late to care once you start, you brutally force yourself to take half, ignoring your own pained whimpers at the sound of Rafe gasping into your neck. 
Despite himself, Rafe grabs your ass so that you can’t go any further. “Eager little slut.” 
“You started it.” You accuse after catching your breath. “You’re the slut.” Your voice is whiny, which is unlike you and Rafe can’t help but wonder if that’s a result of you being out of your mind horny or high.
“You’re the one that’s making a mess all over the both of us.” He says gesturing to the slick skin in between the both of you. While he’s talking you continue to take him deeper, nipping at the skin on his neck. He stops you again from taking more of him.
“Too much for you, kiddo.” You push past his hand in an act of rebellion, your ass meeting the top of his thighs. The stinging pain only makes you regret that action a little, but the look in his eye makes it worth it. 
‘Fuck” He lets you continue to bounce on him for a minute, but once you start to finally find your rhythm he starts bucking his hips back into yours. He’s pleased when you can no longer hold back your moans.
“Rafe!” And he knows that warning anywhere, especially mixed in with the way you clench around him. 
“Yeah? You like that?” Your answer to him is nearly gibberish as your body begins to convulse. And initially Rafe had every intention of pulling out, but the thought washes from his memory at the feeling of you. He groans as he finishes inside you, not utterly appalled by the idea of getting you pregnant. 
Once you catch your breath, you laugh a little to yourself. “I guess I like your haircut.”
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vagabond-umlaut · 11 months
every rose and its 'twin prickles'
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Or: you and the two fearsome monsters, your knightly husband must wage a war against everyday, for the sake of a glimpse of you.
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▸ dad!gojo satoru x mom!reader; 1.45 wc; fluff, fluff, gallons and gallons of fluff; a pair of cute, possessive and too-wise-for-their-age babies who love their mama wayyy too much; poor miserable deprived 'toru; sprinkles of humor too added in there; implied no curses!au
▸ i dump the blame of this on @afortoru's shoulders. A, look what you made me do ▸ writing this genre for the 1st time! characters, image or divider used aren't mine. please don't plagiarize or translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
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Do you know what’s the best thing about work? 
Every evening it ends early. 
Do you know what’s the best thing about home? 
Every evening you’re there.   
Walking into the barely-lit flat, a soft smile lights up the expanse of Satoru’s face as the quiet sounds of snoring float over from the bedroom. Dumping the bag on the sofa and shrugging off the coat, the man moves silently further into the apartment – weary mind conjuring images of you in an oversized black tee [of his], curled into yourself in the king-sized bed, the cutest little pout on your lips as you babble in your sleep – then pauses, a hand on the doorknob.  
Two pairs of blue eyes sparkle at him from the almost-darkness of the room.  
Satoru closes the door behind and slumps against it.  
Two matching grins aim at his heart from the human blanket over your form. 
Sharp. Shrewd. Cruel. 
You wrap an arm round each of those two monkeys – the latter back here from their grandparents', two days before schedule.  
Ten years ago, were anyone to tell Satoru there would be a day in the future when he would have to fight for you, only to taste defeat, again and again and again, the man would have emptied his glass of champagne on their clothes, then kicked them out of the reception party. 
Yet, now... as he trudges closer to the door and extends a hand to brush a few wily wisps of hair away from your forehead – only to have it slapped away harshly by a little palm – he can’t help but wonder what sin he committed in his previous birth, to have received an angel like you as his wife, but two demons like them for his children.  
Sachiko, the older of the twins, glares up at her father. “Papa, no!! Mama’s sleeping,” She whisper-yells, eyes darting from him to you than back to him, lips tugged down in a scowl, the likes of which he has only seen in a mirror. On your other side, a mop of white hair nods, albeit not without a tiny yawn – Sachiro’s definitely inherited your sleepiness in a rainy weather.  
Satoru lifts an eyebrow in return. “I can see that, you two. Now go, play with your toys or something. I wanna cuddle with my wife.” 
“But we too wanna cuddle with Mama,” Sachiko retorts as she slips out from under your arm and sits up on the bed. The tiny ponytail on her white head stays in a complete disarray; your husband watches your daughter tug at it a couple of times, frowning, before she gives up, returning her glower to him as she continues, “So, you can’t cuddle with her. Mama is ours now.” 
Your son again gives a small “yes” at her words, followed by a yawn – a reaction which Sachiko doesn’t deem to be enough, apparently, given how she throws a glare his way next. “Hey, whose team are you on, dumbo? Mine or Papa’s?” 
The answer arrives in an instant, in the most matter-of-factly voice possible from a five-year-old. “Yours, obviously. I don’t want Papa to steal Mama away. She’s ours.” 
The smug grin directed his way next makes Satoru want to flick two foreheads pretty hard – but he doesn’t. Any rash or impulsive action can only do him more harm now, driving him further away from his goal.  
So, cogs whirring in his brain, he crouches down to his kids’ eye level and smiles.  
“What do you think of a compromise, kids? Why don’t you make a deal with me?”  
Two pairs of blue clash with the original pair of blue for a while, suspicion in one, suspicious curiosity in the other, while challenge swirls in the last; before a huff breaks the staring contest and your daughter folds her arms across her chest. Exchanging a glance and a nod with her, your son too sits up and announces, “Okay, we’re interested. What’s the deal?” 
Your husband lets out an internal whoop of victory. 
“Belgian chocolates in exchange for a cuddling session with my wife.” 
“Bleh!” Sachiko makes a disgusted face – something which takes him back to his younger days when Suguru and Shoko used to imitate his expressions – and whines, “They are so bitter, yuck! Suggest something better.” 
“A doll house for you and a car for Sachiro, if that’s the case.” 
The latter is the one to turn down this time. Tone brimmed with disappointment – something he can only ever learn from you – he says, “But you just bought us one last month, Papa! Mama always asks you to save money... why don’t you ever listen to her?” 
A knife of guilt lodges itself into his heart and twists. Satoru sighs. “I do... I try to, always, but you two make it so difficult for me to! Why are you like this? Is it so unfair to want to spend some time with her? She is as much my wife as much she’s your mom.” 
“We know,” The addressed two answer in unison with sage little nods of their head. The girl continues with a grave expression matching her brother’s, “But we can also ask you the same, Papa. She is as much our mom as she’s your wife. Is it so unfair to want to spend some time with her?”  
“Besides, you spent five extra years with her, before we were born. We just want to make up for the time lost,” Sachiro chimes in with a pout. “Tell us, Papa,” The two again speak in a heart-wrenching chorus, “Is it so unfair to want to spend some time with her?” 
“The kids are right, y’know?” A mumble pops the gravity of the situation at hand, and Satoru looks down to find you awake, cracking an amused smile at them. He huffs, rising from the floor and plopping on the bed next to you, arms folded against chest.
“Can’t believe I am so unloved and unwanted in this world. My kids don’t love me. They don’t listen to me. My wife too doesn’t love me. She never supports me. Welp, got to be the unluckiest to be in my shoes right now, I guess.” 
Your husband pauses, giving a small break for the words to sink into everyone, before you let out a long exhale and send him a minor twitch of your lips. Sachiko moves to pat his head, the same moment Sachiro reaches over to clasp his small arms around his neck. You too rise and embrace him from behind, placing a small kiss in between his shoulder blades.  
“Y’know, it’s not like that,” You say, placing your ear on his back, “Just ’cause the kids love me more doesn’t mean they don’t love you. And it’s not even your fault – my personality is so awesome, everyone can’t help but adore me the moment they see me – isn't that right, babies?” 
“Right, Mama,” A pair of wonderstruck voices ring out in reply to your jocular question – you continue in the same note, with another kiss, this time on the nape of his neck.
“And because your awesome Mama’s asking you now, will you two be good babies and let Papa too sleep here with us? Look at him: he’s so tired and sad. You don’t want your dearest Papa to be sad and tired, right? You will let him cuddle with us, won't you?” 
Satoru watches the twins look at each other for a second, then the younger acquiesce, “Papa can cuddle with us. That’s okay, maybe.” The two then proceed to shoot a particularly sharp look at him; one he responds to with a cheeky smirk, which disappears into a soft smile when he feels you manoeuvre his face towards yourself, a light grasp on his chin.  
“See, the kids agreed. Now, are you feeling loved and wanted?” 
“Infinitely more,” He replies with a peck on your lips – however, before he can deepen the kiss a tad more, you bring him into a sleeping posture beside you, the kids immediately piling on top of the two of you. You offer him something between a cute pout and a sorry smile, which earns a wink from your husband. 
Turning to one side, Satoru drags you, Sachiko lying on top of you and Sachiro lying in between him and you, into himself, letting him be lulled to sleep by the melody of your laughs and your kids’ half-hearted harrumphs.
Do you know what’s the best thing about life? 
Every tiniest bit of it he gets to spend beside you, the light of his life, and the two imps, your and his love brought into this world – even if he knows he’s going to get kicked out of bed the very microsecond you fall asleep again. 
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lorarri · 9 days
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summary , taking the reason off has done daniel some good as he now shows it and his cowgirl girlfriend off at his home grand prix, and laughing at mclarens downfall
pairing , daniel ricciardo x fem! gf! texas cowgirl! reader
main masterlist | f1 masterlist | daniel ricciardo masterlist
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liked by maxverstappen1 danielricciardo 25,798,827 others
yourinstagram btw this is danny's hat
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danielricciardo dass my baby
danielricciardo never looked better ❤️ ⤷ user danny ric Y/N stan first f1 driver second ⤷ danielricciardo always
danielricciardo god you look so hot ⤷ maxverstappen1 mate you've hyped her up enough save some for the rest of us ⤷ yourinstagram shut up max go get kelly to complement you since you want praise so bad ⤷ user girlie went in 😭 ⤷ user nah that's a violation
danielricciardo look people my gf's wearing my hat 🤠 ⤷ user the people that get the joke rn: 💀 ⤷ user what's the joke? ⤷ user you don't want to know
user icon
user daniel won fr
landonorris can I wear danny ric's hat? ⤷ yourinstagram no. ⤷ user hahahhaha ⤷ user lando is such a drama starter ⤷ user he def knows the rule ⤷ user not lando and Y/N fighting for danny in the comments ⤷ user I mean I don't blame them tbh
user our favourite cowgirl
user how do you feel about mclarens downfall ⤷ yourinstagram they had it coming ⤷ yourinstagram still love Lando and Oscar though
user best wag tbh
user everyone’s serotonin levels after seeing this 📈
user omg the caption ⤷ user what's wrong with the caption? ⤷ user do yall know nothing about the cowboy hat rule
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danielricciardo . 15hr ago
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seen by landonorris maxverstappen1 and 39,990,994 others
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liked by yourinstagram brotherone and 67,783,782 others ➻ tagged yourinstagram
danielricciardo shoot your ex day dump before home gp next week
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yourinstagram I know this is meant to be on a Sunday but I'll make an exception for you
yourinstagram god you are so hot ⤷ brotherone shut up please we get it your man is hot ⤷ yourinstagram ain't my fault you 28 and single
yourinstagram are you taken?
yourinstagram god aussie and a cowboy god I lucked out
yourinstagram no one talk to me for the next 24 hours as I recover from danny riding a horse shirtless ⤷ user so real for this
yourinstagram when he looks good in your cowboy hats >>>
user Y/N being the ultimate simp for her man
user nahh danny and Y/N hyping each other up will never not be cute
user god when will it be me
user cowboy danny does things to me that should not be stated in the comments section ⤷ yourinstagram yeah [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] ⤷ user this is why I'm obsessed with you
user idk who I want more
landonorris I feel left out
landonorris I thought our friendship meant more to you danny ⤷ danielricciardo sorry mate mrs come first ⤷ landonorris I see... ⤷ user not lando being salty on the main 🤣
user plz one chance that is all I ask for
maxverstappen1 where was my invite? ⤷ schecoperez and mine ⤷ redbullracing and ours ⤷ yourinstagram how about this week? ⤷ redbullracing sounds good ⤷ landonorris wheres my invite? ⤷ yourinstagram not this time champ redbull fam only ⤷ christianhorner can I bring the kids they want to see the horses ⤷ yourinstagram ofc! bring my angel geri as well
user my parents 🥰
user okay we need to know was zak brown's face shot at for shoot you ex day? ⤷ yourinstagram yes ⤷ user your so real for this 😭 ⤷ user zak brown gonna have extra security after this ⤷ user does zak brown even count as an ex? ⤷ yourinstagram ex-boss so he's close enough
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liked by danielricciardo christianhorner and 67,783,782 others ➻ tagged danielricciardo
yourinstagram always knew I would marry a cowboy
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liked by yourinstagram maxverstappen1 and 67,783,782 others ➻ tagged yourinstagram
danielricciardo always knew I would marry a cowgirl
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etherealstar-writes · 3 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: thirteen
part one here
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liked by ellatoone, alessiarusso99, leahwilliamsonn and 5000 others
yourusername: i'm so proud of you guys!! euros champions wooh!! 🤍💙
lottewubbenmoy: 💙💙
ellatoone: tysm!!
alessiarusso99: 💙💙💙
leahwilliamsonn: nahh what is that photo of me ↳ yourusername: lookin buzzin ↳ ellatoone: buzzin fr
stanwaygeorgia: still can't believe you wore that old rusty metal's jersey instead of mine 😔 ↳ lucybronze: it's because i'm her fav ↳ stanwaygeorgia: you wished
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
(doing a bit of timeskip and let's pretend it's been like around two months since the euros bcuz yeah)
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ guys look at what leah and i found this morning
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ well i was gonna offer you but leah said you were busy
stairway WHAT NO I WASNT
willlybum oh well that's so sad
earpsy so this is why you were late to training
willybum i forgot we had training
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ more like wanted to forgot
willybum oi don't expose me like that
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ :)) so how's training going
neev y/n save me from this torture we'll go to nandos together and drag jessie along too
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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neev added flaming hot
flaming hot stoppp not this nickname 😭😭 and we can't go to that nandos place anymore did you two forget? we're banned from last time
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ and who's fault was that miss flaming hot
flaming hot i blame niamh for all that
neev bruh you were literally the one that said you could handle the flaming hot sauce fleming and then practically screamed dramatically about how you were dying which got us kicked out
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ it was incredibly funny ngl i mean you couldn't really tell the difference from jessie's face and her national jersey colour
flaming hot stop ittt you two are meanies it literally wasn't that bad i recovered fine
neev um you were literally crying the whole day jessie
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ and we had to buy you like twenty iced drinks for you to finally cool down
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look this is you finally calming down after your twelfth drink
neev yeah not our fault you can't handle any spice flaming hot fleming but we're still kidnapping you and taking you to another nandos place tonight
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ we sure are
flaming hot i'm gonna pull a houdini
lotte oooh i wanna come along to nandos!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you're very welcome to
stairway me too!
neev absolutely not
stairway excuse you how can lotte come with you guys but not me?!
neev bcuz she isn't annoying like you are
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elton no wayy you guys
willybum oh my god i do not have the effort for this today what is she going to say
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh no
the REAL karate kid
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ona batlle uh should i be scared?
kie very much
flaming hot what is happening?
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elton did you guys know that you can lick someone's elbow (also known as their wenis) and they can't feel it
lotte righttt of course i needed to know this
flaming hot HELP WHAT 😭😭
neev the fact that i just saw georgia look at me after reading that seriously concerns me
the REAL karate kid unfortunately it's true 😭😭 she licked my wenis
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ ..... yeah i have no words
ona batlle 😭😭
steph what the hell 😭😭
rusty metal i wondered why everyone stopped working out and started looking at each other ella, i do not wanna know why you know that, and can everyone stop trying to lick each other's elbows it's freaking me out 😭😭
kie i'm convinced ella has no thoughts behind those eyes it is just elevator music. on repeat. all day. every day.
stairway i think lucy's wenis needs a licky lick
rusty metal georgia get the hell away from me
elton ALSO if you look at any object near you right now you know in your head what it would feel like when you lick it like the texture and stuff
mccard nahh that's insane i haven't licked everything near me so why would i know how it would feel?
lotte why did i just see rachel and millie taking glances at each other
flaming hot of course she would do that 😭😭
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steph is this just a daily occurrence for you guys? is this normal?
door knob i'm sad to admit that it is
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ i'm kinda glad i'm not near any of this rn
flaming hot fr
neev well i wanted to know if my brain was tricking me or not
esme you didn't need to lick it tho mate 😭😭
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alex nahh i'm done i'm leaving the gym just saw daly start walking towards bright like she was preparing to lick her i can't witness this today 😭😭
kie why am i not surprised that it's ella that started this again?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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ona batlle amen to that
steph seconded so glad kyra and charli aren't in this chat to contribute to this chaos omg
flaming hot amen fr 😭
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ omg kyra and cha cha! we need to add em in here too
stairway wait a sec y/n YOURE NOT BRITISH?!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ nopee lived in england almost all my life but proud aussie here 💪🇦🇺
steph ayeee 🇦🇺
willybum i cannot believe this
elton you're an imposter fr
neev and here we thought you were one of us
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ heyy i am an honourary lioness member isn't like lessi half italian?
thet REAL karate kid yeah?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ see and she's playing for england i can support both the lionesses and tillies
willybum okay but now that the wsl is starting the more important question is which club do you support?
stairway oh yeah
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh uhh i gtg do something really important rn talk to you guys later! bye!
neev y/nnnnn dont forget our nandos!! i'll be waiting!!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ i won't! better be prepared fleming
flaming hot oh no
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
part fourteen here
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holllandtrash · 1 year
simp | pierre gasly social media au
pairing: pierre gasly x reader
request: yes pierre is tired of everyone saying he's the simp in your relationship (he is, but you are also a simp and he wants the world to know it)
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liked by pierregasly, paddockgf and 54,109 others
yourusername golden hour
view all 1,322 comments
pierregasly oh man
pierregasly beautiful
charles_leclerc what do the kids call it? simping?
yourbestfriend stunning!!!!!!!!
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pierregasly added to their story
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liked by pierregasly, estebanocon and 31,108 others
yourusername weekend photo dump
view all 1,082 comments
pierregasly is that my shirt
yourusername you left it at my place so its mine now pierregasly it looks better on you anyway
paddockgf she wears the pants in their relationship
liked by pierregasly
yourusername added to their story
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yourusername added to their story
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 319,982 others
tagged: yourusername
pierregasly little road trip
charles_leclerc that is a death grip on y/n's hand
yourusername he didn't want to let go pierregasly you reached for my hand first yourusername i reached for the volume and you misread what i was doing
landonorris simp
constructorstroll he is literally so in love with her
paddocksleuth pierre gas(simp)ly
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liked by pierregasly, alpinef1team and 71,023 others
tagged: pierregasly
yourusername self care
view all 2,863 comments
landonorris ohhh he's whipped
pierregasly mate
pierregasly why would you post this
pierregasly i still love you but why yourusername hehehe
alpinef1team self care king and queen
yourusername added to their story
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yourusername added to their story
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liked by yourusername, charles_lecerlc and 513,221 others
tagged: yourusername
pierregasly cherie
view all 13,441 comments
yourusername i am so in love with you
pierregasly now who's the simp yourusername im just saying i love you there's nothing simpy about that
f1 get you someone who looks at you the way yourusername looks at pierre
fanclubhamilton paddock's cutest couple fr
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pierregasly added to their story
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 431,887 others
tagged: yourusername
pierregasly will the real simp shady please stand up
view all 28,902 comments
yourusername i can't believe you would expose me like this
pierregasly 💜💜💜
landonorris ohhhh SHE'S whipped
yourusername well don't announce it to the world pierregasly too late, everyone knows
alpinef1team this is brand new information (it's not)
paddockgf i mean....i dont blame her
happylewis at least we know they're perfect for each other
masterlist here
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kraviolis · 11 months
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i told y’all. i told y’all i was gonna go crazy over this post made by @gummy-goat-galaxy​
full disclosure i drew literally all of this before looking into the details of the AU so this is 70% my interpretation of his original post but i need to explain my thought process so. here’s the post explaining the details of the actual AU!!! and below is what my brain made up on the spot
ok so belos finds tiny child luz and is like “fuck everyone. this is mine now” and treats her like a goddamn princess. to him, she is a Gift From God to remind him to stay on his Righteous Path. an innocent little girl who is just so bubbly and always tries to see the good in everything, including him. she is a reminder of how Pure and Good humanity is, and seeing as though she’s the literal only human he’s had any contact with besides caleb in 400 fucking years, he is never letting the demon realm corrupt her like it did to him.
she’s basically his Lamb and he the Shepherd, and because he’s so desperate to keep her “““pure”““ he strictly keeps her within the castle and even then not all of the castle is available to her. he keeps her contact with witches to an absolute bare minimum.
he entrusts her protection specifically to hunter, despite the fact he’s only 2 years older. his reasoning is “caleb did a pretty good job raising me so this’ll be fine probably.” when belos himself cannot keep an eye on her, it’s hunter’s job. luz and hunter end up being raised in a sorta similar situation to catra & adora from she-ra but they are actually siblings and not just best friends.
(if u havent seen she-ra, basically its their abusive caretaker creating a golden child + scapegoat dynamic, where one kid can do absolutely no wrong (which doesnt mean they cant still be abused/manipulated!!) while the other kid is blamed for literally everything that goes wrong. the caretaker also regularly pits them against each other to encourage competition & keep the all power in the caretaker’s hands.)
similar to catra & adora, the whole competition thing doesnt really work. luz is just too damn kind and too damn good for hunter to ever resent her, and she’s all he really has. because hunter is the scapegoat, he grows wise to belos’s manipulations WAY sooner. it’s easier to figure out when you’re being mistreated when you literally watch ur guardian treating ur sibling so much better than how they treat u.
unfortunately, because luz cannot help but see the good in absolutely everyone and can be empathetic to a fault, she doesnt realize belos’s game until she ends up sneaking out of the castle. she actually really loves belos and is thankful for him taking her in for a long time. she calls him uncle like hunter, despite belos nudging her towards seeing him as a father bcus he sees her as a pseudo-daughter. (but luz remembers her dad, and has no desire to replace him with someone else no matter how much she cares for belos)
belos does love & adore luz, he would do almost anything to keep her happy and “innocent” and “pure”, but not to the extent that he could still end up redeemed. he still manipulates & subtly emotionally abuses her to keep her in line, but it’s only when she sneaks out and meets eda the owl lady does she start getting clued into this. and once luz learns what belos has done to hunter it’s all fucking over.
hunter loves luz. she is his sister and always will be. but while he’s stuck to belos because of his duties as golden guard, she sees how green the grass is on the other side and doesn’t even hesitate to hop over there. watching her slowly grow more and more distant while she keeps sneaking out to visit with her new friends (eda, king, willow, gus, amity, etc.) is one of the most painful things hunter has had to deal with.
he feels betrayed at first, as if luz is replacing him with other people who arent broken like he is, and when luz actually leaves for good- belos lies to the public and says she was kidnapped- hunter is the one who leads the hunt to find her and bring her back home safely. when they confront each other, luz tries to do her whole dramatic speech about how wrong belos is and how he’s been lying their whole lives, but hunter already knows. the only reason he stayed was for luz, but she couldnt even stay from him? it fuckin hurts man.
they end up on opposite sides for a minute. hunter gains no satisfaction from trying to ruin this new life she’s found for herself but goddamnit, he has a job to do. he cant just defect. and then he defects after watching belos try to kill luz because she’s let herself become corrupted by the witches.
thats about all my brain got for this so far. TL;DR basically just listen to the “first time in forever” and “mother knows best reprise” and “broken crown” by mumford & sons and thats pretty much the gist of it.
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jakexneytiri · 6 months
okay but dilf!jake hating your bf and when he’s fucking you hes making fun of you for hanging out w that boy
⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰
“does he ever have you like this?” jake’s words come from above you, while his glistening skin smacks against yours in sharp, rough thrusts.
“does…he…hmmm?” you hum gently, too fucked out to fully think straight.
“does he make you feel this good? d’ya ever go dumb on his dick like this?” jake asks. he raises a calloused hand to grip your jaw, forcing you to look up at him.
your walls immediately clench around him, loving the feeling of his aggressiveness.
jake continues his rough pattern, rutting into you like he hasn’t fucked in weeks. except, it’s only been 24 hours.
desperate, filthy moans are the only noises escaping your lips, truly getting fucked dumb by your olo’eyktan.
“he’s- ohh, mmmm……..not you, if that’s what you’re asking.” you pant softly, inhaling sharp quick breaths.
“s’ not what i’m askin’. does. he. make. you. feel. good?” jake repeats himself, each pause delivering a sharp rut of his hips into yours.
“oh, fuck…” you whine, as his cock continues to repeatedly hit that perfect spongey spot inside you. “does neytiri make you feel this good?” you smirk, attempting to change the subject. sure, your boyfriend gets the job done eventually, even if you have to imagine him as jake to do so. but jake’s just…better. in every way. but you won’t dare admit that to him, his ego’s big enough as it is.
jake chuckles darkly, gripping your jaw so hard you’re swear it’ll leave bruises. “we’re not talkin’ about me, hon.”
a low grunt escapes his lips as the tip of his cock bulges just beneath your navel, earning a satisfied moan from you.
“does he fill you up like this? huh? does he even reach this spot of you, sweetheart?” jake’s thumb runs over the bulge, smirking as he looks over your body. “c’mon, what do you even see in him anyway? candy ass bitch. he’s small, isn’t he? that’s why you need a nice, thick cock like mine, yeah?” he questions, even though he already knows the answer.
“he…he’s…..nice!….and he….fucks me whenever i ask.” you moan out, eyes closed from the pleasure building deep in your womb.
“do you even come? how long does it take him, five minutes? ten?” he teases, smirking as he settles himself in the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent. “you shouldn’t have to ask, hon. ‘course he’s gonna say yes, who would be dumb enough to say no to you?” reaching his other hand up to your breast, he gives it a hard squeeze, thumb and index finger pinching your sensitive nipple.
“of course i come.” you state, eyes rolling back as you playfully shove at his chest.
“that right? i think if you did, you wouldn’t have my cock buried in your cunt right now, baby.” jake smirks as he says this.
“and he’s terrible in training. tuk could shoot better than he does. then again, can’t blame him if he’s thinkin’ about this sweet pussy all day…..” raising his thumb to his lips, jake sweeps his tongue across the calloused skin, lowering it back down to press against your sensitive clit. slowly, his thumb works in circles as his cock continues to abuse your cunt.
jake feels your walls clamp around him, groaning as his thrusts begin to pick up an even faster rhythm. “jesus, baby. you keep squeezin’ me like that and i might just send you back to that loser with my load inside ‘ya.”
“do it. see what he does.” you pant, challenging him. but jake just smirks and shakes his head.
“kid’s terrified of me. won’t even make eye contact during training. maybe i should mention what a good fuck his little girlfriend is, hm?”
“ohhh, fuck. shut up and fuck me!” you plea desperately, clinging to the nape of jake’s neck.
“so filthy when i’m fuckin’ you dumb, huh? is that any way to ask?” jake tsks, slowly pulling out of you.
“nonono! i’m s-so close, please!” you beg, thrusting your hips upwards in a desperate attempt for jake to slide himself back in.
he just shakes his head as he grabs your hips firmly, turning you over onto your stomach. his fingers dig into the skin on your hips as he raises them up. he grips his cock, tapping the tip of it against your abused hole before he plunges back inside of you.
you let out a loud moan as jake uses one hand to hold your hands behind your back, while the other grips your queue, allowing your back to arch just the way he likes.
the sensation of pain and pleasure is too much for you as your orgasm rips through you, violently shaking and coming undone on jake’s cock. all he needed was to feel your walls fluttering against him to come undone, as well. hot, thick seed coats your womb, filling you so deep you begin to feel bloated from how full you are.
jake continues to ride out his release, mumbling soft “fuck”s while his seed fills you completely. once he’s positive he’s emptied himself entirely, he pulls out of your abused hole ever so gently, watching his seed seep out. “fuck, i love this view. wishin’ i had my camera right about now.”
you just slump against the forest floor, nodding and mumbling nonsense, truly too fucked out now.
jake chuckles, grabbing your loincloth to lace back up first before tying his own. “same time tomorrow?”
you smirk, as he helps you to your feet. “if you’re lucky, old man.”
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Hi I love your soulmate au, consider Ace or Deuce as soulmate but not touching each other until much later.
rules for au/prev posts can be found on my masterlist
So I could not quite tell if you meant ace x deuce or aceyuu/deuceyuu but since I am a Yuu focused blog (and you said "or... but not untill later") I am going to focus on x yuu.
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I think the first potential time for them to touch Yuu is after beating the phantom at the end of the dwarf's mine. They're cheering, you're cheering, there's a half second where they scoop up Grim and swing him around and half reach for you but... hesitate. It's like everything stops for a moment before he shakes himself out of it. You're just Yuu, some magicless human he literally met today, why's he feeling so... strange about it???
I could see Ace knowing about soulbonds. His best subject is magic analysis/theory, he's far from unaware of theoretical concepts. But he's also Ace. The bratty kid who hates being seen as vulnerable, who thinks romantic things are uncool, whose way more comfortable being someone's friend than he is their boyfriend. He doesn't want a destined mate, he wants someone he can laugh with and likes being around... and he sort of hates how much you fit that description. So! Only solution he can think of is trying to bait you into making physical contact first, that way if anyone makes a big deal about this all consuming need to be close to each other it's you and not him.
Even though he's the one who proposes sharing a bed. It would have been your fault if you said yes! He's unprepared for what it feels like to get his wish, after Vil curses him to spend the night on the floor with Deuce and Grim he expects you to just abandon him to your room... but you creep back with blankets and pillows for your friends and hesitate when you go to give them to him. Slowly, so gently it makes a mockery of the searing undeniable realization that tears through him as you lay yourself next to him and lay your hand on his shoulder and rest.
While he lies there awake cursing Vil (he refuses to blame himself) for denying him the ability to hold onto you like he should.
Deuce is different, I don't think he would be aware of soulbonds nor does he seem to believe in soulmates. I don't think he's thought much of romance at all really, so he doesn't fully understand what he's experiencing or why he's so nervous to touch you. He wants to though. Badly. It's all he can think about sometimes, he's never had a friendship this close or intimate. He really treasures you and this closeness, he doesn't want to break it. While Deuce might not know what is driving this desire, he knows that if he touches you he will understand. And that scares him, what if he breaks you with touch? What if nothing good can come from this connection, what if he is unable to let you go? He really wants you to be able to see your home again... but the thought of losing you leaves him strangely listless. Like you would be taking a part of him with you...
I don't think he ever finds the correct word for it. Maybe sometime way in the future Malleus or a professor will make him aware, but somewhere in a dream he finds it; the understanding of just what this bond means. Physically, he is unconscious in a hospital bed after failing to dodge the shards of Ramshackle Dorm's ceiling, but mentally he is wrapped in the warm, heavy sensation of his love for you. When he wakes and you aren't there he almost tears himself in half looking, and when you come back he holds you so tightly you can feel the tension shaking through his body. The only thing that soothes him is your gentle touch on his back, rubbing soothing circles into his soul as he breathes the bond between you in.
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
Gonna request an Alpha!Natasha with pregnant!omega!reader ;) but the angsty part is that reader past relationship was with Wanda, but she cheated on her w vision they had a rough break up after 1 month of the break-up reader discovers that she's pregnant w Wanda's pup, she goes to Wanda to resolve the situation but wands doesn't assume the child saying it's not hers, afterwards reader goes full pissed off and crying to Nat bc she doesn't know what to do and Nat says that she's gonna help raise the kid Months go by, and they fall for each other, only to the both of them confess after the birth of the twin girls when the visits are allowed wanda comes in to see the twins and reader gets protective and starts growling at her while Nat is scenting marking both of the pup's and reader
Ending fluffy bc it's Christmas time
(The pup's name can be Slavic cultured)
My Omega
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Pairings: Alpha!Natasha Romanoff x omega!reader, (past) Alpha!Wanda maximoff x reader
Word count: 2407
Warnings: ABO universe, pregnant reader, giving birth, cheating, angst, fluff, mentions of vomiting, think that’s all!
Summary: After you caught the love of your life, your alpha, cheating on you when you were pregnant, you left. Nat cared for you and took you in, caring for you the way Wanda never had. You couldn’t help but fall for her.
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
Grabbing the test you walked back to you and Wanda’s shared room, your heart full of joy as your life would forever change. You opened the door without knocking, seeming as it was your room so you assumed there was no need to announce your entrance. The sight you walked in on made your heart full of joy turn to an aching pain. Betrayal. That’s what it was. You felt betrayed seeing Wanda on top of Vision, the two in bed making out. She gasped and got off of the man hearing you walk in.
“Y-Y/N..” Your head shook back and forth, trying to convince yourself this was some time of dream, a nightmare. Her hands rested on your arms, the stick dropping in the process. She looked down for a moment before registering what it was, leaning down to pick it up.
“Baby, what is this?” You walked backwards slowly, her trying to follow you.
“No! Don’t go near me, you cheating bastard!” She flinched lightly at your words but continued to look at you with pure shock.
“Is it mine? Are these pups mine?” She gripped your arm tightly before you could leave, making you whine out in pain. She removed herself from your body, looking down at the red mark in shame.
“Yes they’re yours! Unlike you, I don’t cheat.” You could see the anger in her expression start to boil, scoffing in your face.
“Oh really? Because you seem to be real close with Nat, wouldn’t be surprised if you two fucked. Hey, maybe even it’s hers!” You fake laughed and ripped the test out of her hands aggressively.
“You’re fucking insane Wanda! You cheat on me and now you’re trying to also put the blame on me? What did I ever do to you?” At this point, Vision had already left. He must’ve gone through the walls like a coward. Nat was currently walking through the halls, planning on going to her room until she heard yelling. She knew it wasn’t her business, but when hearing her name she had to intervene. She stood close to the door, hearing every word filled with emotion. She could hear the hurt in your voice, the pain. And she could hear the anger in Wanda’s, she had no right. Even if Nat barely knew what was going on, she could understand by the words you two were shouting at one another. Wanda had cheated, Nat wishes she could say she was surprised. All of her sneaking around, it was suspicious. When she warned you, you only denied it saying she could never hurt you. But here she was, doing that exact thing.
She saw you run out of the room and stop in front of her, looking into her eyes with sorrow before continuing your voyage to your room. Wanda rushed out and made eye contact with the woman as well, a scowl marking her face. Nat considered going to your room, would you yell at her? Would you accept her caring nature? She decided to go with her guts and followed you, softly knocking on the door only for you to dismiss her. She didn’t give up though, she stayed there until you opened the wooden entrance and let her in.
“What do you need?”
“I don’t think it’s about what I need, what do you need?” You sighed and sat down on your bed, sitting criss crossed and codling your knees as support. She sat beside you and rested her hand upon your thigh, trying her best to soothe or comfort you. You grabbed the small tests and handed them to her, not being able to look at her shocked face.
“Oh. Oh, this- this is great! You’re going to have pups!” She said excitedly, only to remember why you were so down.
“But, not with Wanda?” You shook your head and tried your best not to let the tears flow once again, but when she cuddled you into her arms, you couldn’t stop it. You cried like a child into her shoulder while she whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
“It’s going to be alright.”
“How do you know that? I just caught my partner cheating on me when I was going to tell her that I’m pregnant, with her fucking pups!” You exclaimed loudly, the fear and hurt in your voice evident.
“I know it’s going to be alright because I'm going to be with you the whole time. I’ll take care of all of your needs, it’s what you deserve, what you need at this moment.” You felt bad. This wasn’t her job yet she was stepping up and doing what Wanda could never.
“Nat, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking, I’m telling you that’s what I’m going to do. I don’t care if they’re not mine, I will treat them as though I’m their mother. I will show you and these little pups so much love, you’ll even reconsider ever having Wanda by your side.” She muttered the last few words jokingly, getting the first laughs out of you in the night.
“See! I’m already doing amazing, aren’t I?” You nodded and she chuckled lightly before helping you get into bed, the crying and screaming making you tired. She got a bottle of water and rested it on the nightstand for when you awoke, along with an Advil pill as she knew you’d have a headache soon enough. You fell asleep quickly and she admired your peaceful state, one that she hasn’t had the privilege of seeing for awhile. Nat made her way down to Fury’s office and explained your situation, requesting that you and her would not have to go on mission until a few months after the baby is born and you’re all recovered. He agreed, already planning for this day with each omega in the building.
The months went by quickly, Nat keeping her promise and making sure you were healthy and happy. Every craving you had, she got, even in the dead of the night. Whenever you were bent over the toilet puking, she’d hold your hair back and cradle you afterwards. She’d figure out anything that made you nauseous and threw it all away, banning the team from having it in the compound until after you’ve given birth. When the pups kicked for the first time, she was there crying gently and talking to them as if they could hear her, she liked to believe that they could. Every doctor's appointment, she was there holding you. During the gender reveal, she cried when finding out she’d have two little girls. She’d pretend that they were hers sometimes, it made her smile. Touching your stomach alone made all her worries disappear, knowing that they’d be here soon enough. She’d sing them lullabies, ones that her mother sang to her and Yelena when she was little. Whenever you two slept in the same nest, her arm would protectively wrap around your stomach. And when she slept alone, she’d toss and turn relentlessly. She knew she was falling for you, if anything, she has loved you since you were with Wanda. For the longest time, she tried to deny it, deny her feelings for you. She tried so hard, even going so far as to try and ignore you for weeks to months. But it was too hard, she couldn’t go a day without seeing your beautiful face. And when she heard about Wanda cheating, she knew that was her time to step in and be what she could never. She gave you time, let you adjust to the new heart break that Wanda left behind. But she wanted you to be hers once and for all, she wanted you as her omega, not anyone else. She wanted to mark you as her own, no, she needed to.
The moment your water broke, she went into action. It was terrifying, all the practice and training went to waste as she panicked. But she kept it under control, monitoring your contractions and getting you to the med bay as fast as possible. She didn’t trust hospitals, she wanted someone she knew to deliver your baby. You both agreed to give birth in the compound’s medical wing, it was faster and more efficient anyways.
You pushed and pushed, yelling at the doctors and even at Nat who was supporting your back and holding your hand. When the first baby started crowning, she moved to watch as tears escaped her, her pups were finally here. They were hers, she may not be related to them biologically, but they were still hers. The first was born, Alla. You both took months to decide good names but eventually figured the perfect ones out, Alla and Ania. They were Slavic cultured, Alla being a mix between Russian and Ukrainian meaning up while Ania meant grace. She held her baby like it was the last time, cradling her small face with her finger. The nurse took her and Nat prepared to help you push out the second, well, give you emotional support.
Not long after you got to hold your little girls, Alla in your left arm and Ania in your right. Nat leaned over your body and stared at the two with love in her eyes, she couldn’t believe it, her pups were finally here. Her little own family was together. The nurse soon took your bundle of joys into the other room while you were left there with Nat.
“Oh Y/N, you did amazing today, I’m so proud of you. You pushed out two little angels all by yourself, you did such a great job, baby.” You leaned into her touch, staring at her lips as she did the same.
“Please, I need this. I want you to kiss me, make me yours.” She complied and connected her lips with yours, it felt like heaven. The moment you both have been dreaming for finally happened, you were connected.
“C-can I mark you?” She asked in a low whisper, seemingly nervous for your response. You only nodded and she smiled before moving down to the junction between your neck and shoulder, biting and sucking the skin lightly. You moaned lightly as her saliva hit your scent gland, completely marking you as her own. She looked you in the eyes and gave you a teeth showing grin before resting her forehead against your own.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” You silently agreed with her before yawning, being quite exhausted after giving birth.
“Rest, my love. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” You let your eyes shut as sleep took over you. Nat moved a strand of hair away from your face before kissing your cheek softly.
After two days, you were finally able to take the pups. You both held them carefully and walked over to the team as they all excitedly held and cradled the baby as you two did not long ago. They all congratulated you before catching their eye on your neck, you put your hair in front of it nervously as a way to cover it up. You could see Wanda out of the corner of your eye glaring at you and Nat. As much as she wanted to hold the baby, you didn’t let her just yet. She ran upstairs, causing you to glance at her before Nat turned your attention back to your friends and now, family.
Later that night, you and Nat placed the pups in their cots and got ready for bed happily. Nat went to go grab a glass of water and a book she left downstairs when you heard a knock on the door. Opening it you were greeted by the sight of a teary-eyed Wanda.
“W-Wanda, what are you doing here?” She sighed and looked down but shot her head back up when hearing a soft giggle from Alla.
“I came here to see my pups, they’re not just yours and they sure as hell aren’t Nat’s.”
“Oh really? Weren’t you the one insisting that they were Nat’s when you cheated on me?” She tried getting through the door but you stopped her short, blocking her from seeing the two. She was about to forcefully move you until a loud growl-like sound came from behind her. Wanda turned to see who it was but was met by Nat’s angry glare.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She asked, her arms crossing against her chest. Wanda didn’t back down, she stood proudly and returned the look.
“I’m going to see my pups, that’s what I’m doing.” You speed walked towards the two and protected them from the women fighting at the doorway. They wailed heavily, making Nat look over at them in fear and protection. She pushed Wanda aside and carefully took Ania and Alla in her arms, kissing each of their precious little faces while rocking them back and forth. She whispered sweet words to the two as Wanda scurried off, muttering a small ‘fucking bitch’ under her breath. When the crying came to a stop, Nat settled them back down and let you lay down in the nest.
“Thank you Natty.” She smiled and laid beside you, peppering little pecks on your lips. Her arms wrapped around you protectively, the same way she’d do when you were pregnant.
“There’s no need to thank me, you know I’d do anything to protect our family.” You were so grateful for her, she never even got mad at you. She went from yelling at Wanda to holding you tightly, you were the only exception.
“Ijust want you to know how much I love and appreciate you, the little ones too. They’re going to grow up loving their momma and mommy, I bet they’ll like you more, you’ll spoil them rotten I know it.” Hearing you call her the pups momma made water leak from her green eyes. She couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her from your last words, you were right. She would give those little angels anything they ever wanted and more.
“Oh baby, I’m going to love and cherish you forever, I love you so much.” She placed kisses all over your sweet face before speaking once more.
“Rest now, my little omega. I’ll be right here when you wake up, I promise.”
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gegewrites · 11 months
James Wilson- make her mine(smut)
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Requested by- @flowercrowns-goodvibes
(I hope I did your request (some what) justice)
Words- 5.9k
(In my nature, it’s skim edited and in 4 months when I get a surge of Motivation I’ll edit it)
Wilson's pov-
There's a new doctor in the hospital, (y/n) (l/n), neurology and general surgery. she's been here a few months. I see her quite a bit around the hospital, never going to the same place though. I'm coming, she's going. Though we've spoken, I've bought her lunch a few times before but couldn't stay afterwards or she was still working during her lunch. we've had chats on the elevator, or at the coffee machine a few times. But still no longer then five minutes. Yet, I can't seem to get out of my damn head. She's plagued me. I can't even ignore her, I see her I have to say something. Playing this...slow game is getting too annoying. I gotta make her mine.
"You're dummer then you look if you think she wants you." House said, not looking away from the sudoku on his computer. I was sat in the chair in front of his glass desk, it was lunch, we already ate.
"Why wouldn't she want me? I'm nothing like you."  I remarked and he glanced at me before  turning his chair to face me fully,"here we go."
"Is she broken?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders,"how much have you talked to her?"
"We've talked in passing, a couple elevator rides. I've even bought be her lunch before." I pointed at him and he rolled his eyes and turned back to his computer.
"You've boughten me lunch before, does that mean you wanna fuck me too?" He gave me a fake concerned look at I scoffed at him.
"I think if I wanted to I would've already." I joked, a chuckle tinting my voice,"but seriously, why wouldn't she like me?"
"If she's broken- like I'm sure she is, then she's gonna get bored of you like all the others after you start mending her back to health." He closed the tab on his computer, finishing the sheet, and turning back to me.
"What if she's not broken?" I pressed,"what if she's perfect?"
"Everyone's broken. You have brother trauma and you blame yourself for it all, and let's not forget the depression. Which will spike when you start to feel her becoming detached from you." He crossed his arms and glanced over at the conference room before groaning. I looked over and saw that chase and foreman were in there.
"Ya know what-" He cut me off.
"I've seen her at the pharmacy getting a prescription filled two times a month since she's been here. She broken trust me."
"this is a perfect time to end this conversation." I stood up from the chair and looked at my watch,"she's working the clinic right now."
"So now it's time to go creep around?"
"More like get my hours for the day in, be there to offer assistance if needed." He looked at me plainly before holding his face in his palm shaking his head.
"You are desperate." He finally looked back up at me.
"And now I'm leaving."
Your pov-
I signed Into the clinic and grabbed a folder from the stack on the desk and took a look inside. Kid has a fever, a rash on his chest. Easy enough.
"Hey (l/n)." I heard behind me to I looked over my shoulder and saw Dr.Wilson signing in.
"Hey Wilson." I smiled, holding the folder in one hand against my side,"how's that patient by the way?" The last time we were in an elevator together he told me about a patient of his, It sounded interesting so I wanted to catch up.
"I think we caught it just in time." He grabbed a folder from the Stack,"what did you get?"
"Kid has a fever and a rash, room three. You?"
"Four day headache." He answered,"room five."
"Then I guess I'll see you in a bit." I started walking away and he smiled and nodded.
He was charming. His presence was charming. It was a bit sad that I didn't see him all the time, I specialized in general surgery and neurology. You'd think we'd see each other more, neurology and oncology work close together in most cases, but that hasn't happened yet.
I opened the door to exam room three, and closed it behind me. A brunette mother was standing next to the bed, her seven year old son playing with a Gameboy.
"Hello I'm Dr.(l/n)." I greeted them as I opened the folder again, holding it in my left arm.
"Mary." She introduced her self.
"so..Conner here has a rash and a fever?"
"A hundred point two this morning, and it's On his chest." She looked down to him, and gently took the gameboy away from him and out in her purse which was over her shoulder,"he's had the rash for two days, the fever came this morning."
"Any history I should know about? Recent trav-"
"No nothing like that. He just got this rash the other day, sore throat." I nodded walking past her. I put the folder down on the counter and grabbed a pair of gloves, starting with my right hand.
"I see you like Mario?" I looked at Conner and he nodded with a smile. I put on the left,"so how are you feeling?"
"My throat hurts." His voice was a little scratchy. I grabbed a popsicle stick from the drawer, taking off the paper wrap and putting it in the counter.
"I'm gonna check your throat alright? Open wide and stick your tongue out." I grabbed a mini flashlight from my pocket, placing the popsicle stick down on his tongue and shining the light,"have you looked at his throat?"
"It was red the other day." Mom said waling around to look. His tonsils had some white around and in them,"oh god."
"Mm." I hummed, taking the stick away and placing it on the paper wrap, putting the light back in my pocket,"can you lift your shirt for me so I can see this rash?"
He lifted it and I saw mini hives on his chest, a few bumps spreading onto his lower neck.
"Those hives showed up today."I gave her a nod, motioning for Conner to put his shirt down.
"We'll run some tests. It's  most likely a strep. There a breakout at school?" I picked up the popsicle stick and paper, pressing my door down on the lever of the trash can and dropped it In. The lid closed with a metal thud.
"Not that I'm aware of."   Gave her a nod and heard the door open.  So I looked over, Wilson in the door.
"I need you to take a look at this patient."  He said.
"Excuse me," I pulled the blue gloves off and threw them in the trash,"I'm gonna have a nurse  come and do your strep test, and I'll be back when that's ready."
"And if it strep?" This is definitely her first child.
"Then I'll prescribe Conner  some antibiotics and a lidocaine throat gargle for his throat."  Wilson walked out of the door and stood outside of exam five. I flagged down a nurse and told her what to do as Wilson handed me the blue folder for the patient.
I skimmed it through, his name was Mark, and it seemed like he was a healthy man. Participated in 2ks and 5ks regularly, works at the college teaching anthropology courses.
"Migraine." I said, noting the reason for coming here.
I kept it in hand as I pushed the door open.
The room had the blinds shut, the patient was laying down, his legs hanging off the exam bed, and arm rested on his head covering his eyes.
"Mr.Swan?" I asked gently as Wilson closed the door. He slowly sat up, as if trying to not make his head pound, which didn't work when he winced as he fully sat up,"bad one?"
"Yeah." He lightly chuckled and I handed the folder back to wilson.
"You're gonna hate me for a bit." I grabbed my flashlight from my pocket and held it up,"but I need to check your pupils. Wilson will you open the blinds?"
"This is gonna suck." Mr.Swan closed his eyes as Wilson twisted the blinds open, the room quickly lighting up with natural light.
He soon let his eyes open, blinking a few times. His eyes were a bit red, common with migraines. I clicked the flashlight on, snd gave him a look asking if he was ready, he nodded.
I shined it in his right eyes. The pupil retreated and i moved the light away before doing it again. Same response. I shun it in his left eyes. He had brown eyes so his pupils blended into the corneas in normal light. But, when I shun the light in his eyes, his pupil was dilated, and didn't react.
"Your left pupil is dilated and non reactive." I told him, dropping the flashlight into my pocket. I looked over at Wilson who was already looking at me, leaning against the counter, I looked back to Mr.swan,"have you been training hard lately?  Going through some stress?"
"No." He answered and I nodded, I looked over at Wilson, his arms crossed over his chest," get an MRI, a CT, and some extra strength Advil for while hes waiting. Bring me the scans when they're done, and focus on the left side."
"Of course."
Wilson's pov-
An hour later-
I walked down the Neuro hallway, walking to the conference room. I had the file with the  patients scans in my hand. I know after she left the patients room she picked up another patient and checked in on the kid with the strep when his test came back, but I asked one of her colleges when I left the clinic and they said she was up here. And she was.
She was sitting at the conference table, looking down at a blue folder, her left hand wrapped around a mug. No one else was in there, just her. It'd be easy to close the blinds around the glass walled office, push her up against the table-okay that's enough. 
I let out a  breath and walked up to the door and pushed it open. She looked up at me and then down to my hand.
"There's those scans." She out her mug down and reached for them, I handed her the file as I pulled the seat diagonal from her and sat down.
"Mri  had a bit of a waitlist." I said as she opened the file, I finally noticed how nice the baby blue color of her blouse looked one her, I didn't pay attention to it before. Probably because her coat is off.
"I heard some people complaining about it." She looked at the mri scans quickly before moving them to the side, and looking at the Ct scans,"it's definitely a migraine."
"But for four days?" I questioned as she stood up, grabbing the mri scans and the Ct.
She put them up on the light board against the wall. Standing with he hands on her hips, her weight shifted to her right side as she leaned on her leg. I just looked at her as she looked at the scans. Im actually working with her today. Fuck you, House.
"Did you look at these yet?" She looked back at me and I shook my head standing up, taking the clue to come look. She pointed to the CT scan,"a tumor."
"Didn't catch that in the MRI." I crossed my arms over my chest,"so it's pressing against the nerves, causing the headache."
"That thing needs to be out by...I say nine AM tomorrow, that's if it's not brain cancer." We looked at each other and back to the scan.
"I'll get him in to get it biopsied." I took note of the scent of her perfume. A sweet rose scent, and undertone of almond. Light enough to not bother you, yet strong enough to make you near addicted.
"Preferably within the next half hour, he's in room Forty two A if you wanna stop by." I said as I slowly back up to the door as she took the scans off the light board,"if I don't see you when he's done then ill come find you."
"Ill see you then Wilson." She smiled as She went back to her seat, putting the scans back in the file. I opened the door and took a left.
Your pov-
Twenty minutes later-
I pressed the down button for the elevator. The numbers quickly changed, coming up from floor two.  The door opened and immediately I saw Dr.House leaning against the back wall.I knew he had a thing about sharing elevators.
"This is perfect, we need to talk." I nodded and walked into the elevator quickly because the door was staring to close.
"This about Mark Swan?" I asked unsurely. Maybe Wilson told him about it. I looked at the buttons and the button to the second floor was already pressed, weird considering he just came from there. I leaned against the right wall.
"No, this is about Wilson." He leaned off the wall and walked to the front of the elevator, repeatedly pressing the door close button when it reached the second floor. My brows furrowed at the action and the elevator resumed going down.
"Okay?"  He leaned against the wall in front of me, his grip on his cane shifting.
"I haven't even talked to you since you've come here, yet everyday I hear about you." I gave him an even bigger look of confusion,"you have Wilson on a string and you don't even know it."
" we've barely even talked."
"The amount you two have is enough for him." The doors opened to the basement,"follow me."
"So Wilson's got a school girl crush on me?" I asked following behind him.
"Oh I wish." He shook his head and took a right going towards the labs,"prefer him blushing then obsessing."
"He's not obsessed." I denied and he stopped walking, turned around and looked at me like I was fucking dumb.
"He buys your lunch often, makes an effort to talk to you whenever he can but won't interrupt you, and all I hear is how much he wants you."  He looked at me for a second, and I took a breath, not realizing I was even holding my breath,"so for my sake...fuck him already."
"Are you broken?" He randomly snd promptly asked. I didn't know what he meant,"never mind, surgeons are usually broken in some way."
I went to speak but he turned and walked away, again, so it felt useless to say anything.  I was kind of stunned. I enjoyed seeing Wilson when I did, I enjoyed talking to him, I appreciated that he buys my lunch like three times a week. I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't feel something for him,
I spun on my heel and walked back towards the elevator, my mind running over what I just heard from House, starting to connect dots.
But broken? I couldn't understand that one.
Wilson's pov-
I walked out onto the porch connect to my office, I came out cause I saw House leaning on  the wall next to mine, looking into my office.
"How's your case going?" He asked as the door closed behind me.
"Fine." I answered him,"hell get it removed tomorrow, he's jacked on meds to keep his pain down."
"Lucky fella." He sat on the edge of his wall,"how's the other thing going?"
"Also fine." I sat down on the edge of my wall like he did, my right foot acting as some stability. I was facing the hospital, my back to the scenery.
"No details?" He leaned back a bit but then leaned back In, his forearm sitting on his left thigh.
"So now you want details?" He gave me a slight shrugged and I rolled my eyes with a sigh,"I think we work well together."
"That's it?"
"Yes? What do you want me to say?" I slid off the wall, standing in both feet and looking at him,"that  She looks hot when looking at scans? That The shirt she's wearing fits in all the right spots and don't even get me started on how her ass looks in Her pants?"
"That's more like it," his grip on his cane tightened as he stood up,"I'll be back, don't move."
I watched him walk away as I put my hands on my hips. He walked into his office, and a minute later he came back out with a tan folder.
"She's definitely broken." He handed it over. It's was (y/n)s files.
Your pov-
I walked past diagnostics, seeing the light on in Houses Office. I didn't stop there, I turned down the short hall after it and stopped in front of Wilson's door. The blinds were closed so I Gave it a light knock before pulling it open and letting it close behind me.
"I thought you went home?" He put down what he was looking at to give me his immediate attention.
"No, not yet." I slid off my doctors coat and draped it over the back of the chair in front of his desk, the same one I took a seat in,"what are you doing?"
"Going over a patients medical history." He answered and closed the file,"seeing if they're on any medications or have taken anything. Just trying to find something."
"For Mr.swan?" I questioned and he shook his head, leaning back in his chair,"did you get a consult planned for him?"
"Tomorrow at 8am." I nodded, there was silence between us for a bit but I spoke again,"why'd it take you this long?"
"To do what?" The right corner of his lip curled in a slight smirk.
"To talk to me, get me on your case." I leaned towards the desk.
"I had to make sure it was the right time. You were working the clinic today, i had the same time free, it was perfect." He shrugged his shoulders."plus, I kinda got pushed to do it."
"House?" He raised his brow at me,"we talked in the elevator."
"Really?" He leaned forward, his forearms on the desk,"and what's he tell you?"
"Not much, just how much you talk about me." I stood up a bit to look at the record on his desk, and he didn't try to hide it,"he asked me if I was 'broken'."
"Well, you're not as broken as the others."  The file on his desk was my file. My medical history,"just antidepressants that you've been taking since seventeen."
"And don't forget the bi-weekly therapy." I reminded him.
"Which you haven't been to since you moved here." He noted,"noted that you promptly ended a session and told her you weren't coming back."
"That's how I remember it." I shrugged, for some reason I didn't feel violated that he looked at my records without my permission, and I desperately wanted to know where this was going.
"What made you do That?" He asked getting up from his chair, taking off his doctors coat and placing it on his chair and I leaned back in mine.
"My psych wanted to try a new medication, threw me into a spiral. I'm switched back to lexipro now, as I'm sure you know." Broken, this is what House meant by broken.
He leaned against the edge of his desk and nodded. I kept my eyes up at him, and he kept his eyes down on me.
"You asked me why it took me this long to get you on my case...but you never asked me to get on your case." He crossed his arms over his chest, flattening out the white button up snd his red tie.
"Wasn't really sure what the head of oncology does with his hours. Never was really sure how busy you were." I held my hands in my lap and he chuckled, his normal light chuckle.
"I've always got time for you." He answered,"the doors always open."
"I'm glad I know that now." I smiled, my head turning to look at the door to his offices porch, and then I looked back at him again,"wish I'd known it sooner, instead of eating lunch alone in Neuro, I could've been in here."
"At least now you know." His eyes still haven't left me, I knew there was something else he wanted, I coukd just feel it.
"I've heard stuff about you." He pushed uff the desk and walked over the couch, I turned s bit in the chair to look at him better when he sat down,"got a list of ex wives."
"Only three, they got bored. I have a tendency to go for people on the..unbalanced side do the scale." His eyes finally shifted to the window and back to me.
"So I'm on the unbalanced side?"
"Don't take it offensively, most people are. That includes me as well, believe it or not it's clinic depression." He admitted snd i nodded, taking in the information.
"People who struggle tend to grab onto others who struggle. Makes them feel better watching the other thrive, but then the healer they doesn't thrive." I explained and he nodded to every word, relating to it.
"All three marriages."
"What we're they missing?" I stood up from the chair and walked over the couch, sitting on the right side of him, angled into the corner to look at him better.
"I don't even know. I did my part I know that. People just get bored, they move on while being committed."
"Because you healed them."
"So what I'm getting is that I can't heal you, so that means that you're a top choice?" He twisted s bit to look at me better, his right arm resting on top of the head of the couch.
"I guess?"
"Because that what I see. A top choice." His eyes trailed down and back up my body in the last part. I felt my pulse being harder, more prominent in my neck and chest. All that from his look,"you're smart, you walk and talk with confidence. By what I've heard you don't second guess yourself, not in s risky way."
"Because I know what I'm doing, the one thing I don't know what I'm doing...is how I'm affecting you." He looked away from me, his eyes at his desk,"because House said that I should fuck you for his own sake."
"Did he really?" He looked back st me quickly and I nodded,"cats out of that bag now."
"What do you think about me?" I moved closer to him.
"You want the truth?" His brow cocked a bit and I nodded,"I can't help but imagine what you would look like bent over a desk or a table any time I see you at one. Your clothing always fits in the right spots, makes it hard to ignore you in the hallway, I simply can't, and after you leave my presence you're in my mind till I see you again."
"Do I keep you up at night?"
"You have no clue." His left hand sat on my thigh now, that's how close I was to him,"crazy dreams about you."
"Like what?" I wanted to pick his brain apart. He didn't answer, but he was seeing the dreams in his head,"tell me."
"How badly I wanna fuck a kid into you." If I was gonna have anyone's children, it might as well be his, and that sentence went right to my pussy.
"I'm not carrying a child without a ring and a marriage license." I marked and he nodded and quickly responded.
"I get easily get you one tomorrow."
"Make it six months, minimum." I took the chance to lean forward, and catch his lips to mine which he quickly reacted to. He held my thigh tighter, the hand that was on the head of the couch came to hold my jaw. I grabbed his tie, pulling him closer.
His lips were soft and near addictive, and he moved them with mine, his grip holding my jaw a bit harder along the edge of it by my ear.
I leaned back, taking him down to the couch with me his hand sliding up my thigh to my hip, his right knee in between my legs. His right leg and my left leg both off the couch. In seconds it was heated, our tongues clashing against each other languidly, I loosened his tie and started undoing the buttons to his white shirt. Taking my time, feeling each button, my brain obsessed with his lips and tongue at the moment. He pulled away from me, his lips a bit more red then before and he slid his tie off over his head, dropping it to the coffee table. I finished off with his last button and he slid it off, letting it hit the floor. He looked good with his clothes on, and he looks even better when they start to come off.
Wilson's pov-
A little bit later-
"Jesus."I sighed out,, my head resting on the head of the couch, my hand in (y/n)s hair, one holding into the arm of the couch  as she held my thighs. Her head bobbing up and down as she sucked my cock. Mouth of an absolute Angel, everything I thought it'd be. My top teeth bit down and dragged lightly over my bottom lip, letting it go as I exhaled. 
I looked at down at her, meeting her gorgeous (e/c) eyes looking up at me through her lashes. She still had her panties on, light blue like the shirt, lace trim on the upper and bottom hems. She looked gorgeous on her knees, the way her back arched slightly, and when's she's sitting up, not sucking my dick, her waist has the perfect curve to it, her thighs plush, and her breasts looked absolutely fantastic.
I felt my right lip rug up into a smirk, the tip of my tongue brushed under my top teeth and she closed her eyes. I let my head fall back as she took me deeper in her throat the next time she bobbed down, he tongue running flat along the underside of my cock and I felt it tenfold. My fist held her hair tighter, just holding. I'd be crazy to try and take over what she was doing. Her tongue slid up my base, swirling around my tip, and sliding back down my base, her lips still sucked around me.
I took a deep breath as my abs  tightened, I let out a groan and a "fuck" followed after it. I felt her hands slide down my thigh and leave once it reached my knee. She sucked harder, which i didn't know was possible, and she hummed around me.
"My god." My hips rose a bit , but not much, just a reaction from the deep breath I took. Her hand never returned to me so I opened my eyes and looked down at her. Her hand was inside her panties,rubbing her clit slowly, her hips rocking lightly.
I couldn't stop looking at her, feeling my cock Twitch against her tongue and the inside of her cheeks. My breathing became deeper and faster, my eyes closing on their own. I could feel the high in my head as my head fel back again. Her hand left my thigh and gripped the base of my cock, Pumping it as she focused on the upper half.
"Just like that." I groaned out, and with a few more pumps I was shooting into her mouth, she kept sucking and pumping, as groaned out her name, my hips bucking up slightly. My whole abdomen tightening as I came. She swallowed around me before popping off, her hand slowing  down to a stop shortly after. 
I left out a sharp sigh as my hand released her hair, I looked down at her again, her lips wet and puffy, her eyes glossed over, her cheeks blushed, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath.
"You are..fucking amazing." I chuckled out and she smiled, putting a hand on my thigh to help her stand up. I leaned forward to grab her hips to help stabilize her.
"And you have a good diet." She pointed out, I let my fingers hook into her panties, and I pulled them down her legs. She took over and then kicked them away to join the rest of our clothes on the floor. She stood up straight, looking down at me,"how do you want me Wilson?"
"Get on the couch." I could feel myself getting harder again as I stood up. She knelt down on the couch, her forearms on the head of it, sticking her out at me as she shifted to widen her legs.
I let my hands slide down her waist, along her hips, and she rested her left cheek on her forearm as she looked back at me. I took hold of my cock, stroking it from base to tip.
"Fuck me Wilson." Her voice was breathy and needy, sounding like a whisper but it wasn't. I took hold on her left thigh and pulled her closer to me, running my tip in between her wet folds savoring the feeling of it. Swiping it against her clit, gaining a whimper from her as she looked forward, as much as she could with the wall in front of her. I circled my tip around her soaked core, before sliding my tip in. I groaned and she let out a moan at the same time, she was tight. Just perfect though.
I slid in a bit more and she pushed back to me, so I pushed my full length into her. Her walls squeezing me as she pushed her chest into the couch. A shaky moan that came from her throat, but never left her mouth came from her. I held onto her waist as I slowly pulled back from her before pushing back in, feeling the resistance of her walls yet ease because of how wet she was.  Her forehead sat on the back of her hands, soft moans leaving her lips each time my tip came back to hit that soft spot in her.
"Please go faster." She breathed out, so I did. Suck my dick like that and I'm gonna do anything you say. I started building up a rhythm, pulling out to my tip and rocking my hips back in to her deeply, my hip bones pressing against her ass,"ohmygod."
"You feel so fucking good." I groaned out, leaning down press a kiss on her shoulder,"so good."
Your pov-
Wilson was pounding up into me, a hand holding onto my throat, to keep my shoulder blades against his chest, I was holding onto that's hands wrist, keeping him there. I reached behind me, my nails digging into his shoulder, his other hands rubbing my clit. My moans were uncontrollable due to how deep be fucking into me, his tip rubbing against my gspot without missing a beat. My head head felt dizzy as it fell against his shoulder, my abdomen muscles were tightening and loosening, nearly spasming. My thigh muscles twitching from the constant harsh attention to clit, setting my nerves on fire.   My walls fluttered around him, his groans filled my ear, along with the shirt praises he whispered to me. Small kisses under my ear and side of my neck.
"Gonna cum." I shuddered into him his hand leaving my neck to hold firmly onto my ribs, I didn't let go, my grip tightening around his bone. Electric spiked up my spine, my walls convulsing around him, and i felt his cock Twitch. Once. Then twice.
"Just a little bit longer."  So I waited, my brain focusing on how his fingers moved without stopping or faltering. How he held me closer to his chest.
"Let go." He said, and I did. Crumbling in his grasp as my orgasm broke through me, kept kept fucking into me. My cum coating his cock and the inside of my thighs. A "fuck me" came out of his mouth before he released into me, he kept pounding up into me, but his hand left my clit and held onto my waist.  My back was hot against his chest, my hairline dampened, my breathing fast, same as him. 
He slowed down, and I let go of his shoulder and wrist. he leaned forward and I grabbed the top of the couch, both his hands sitting on my hips, holding my lower half up as my upper half relaxed onto the couch.
"Holy fucking shit." I breathed out, my voice higher in pitch.
"Amen." He breathed out. Slowly pulling out of me, feeling his cum drip down the inside of my legs as he let my hips go. My lower half sitting down. I felt the couch dip next to me as he fell into the couch, a hand on my back rubbing up and down my spine. I took deep breaths and moved my head to rest my cheek on my hands and look at him for the first time in..I don't know how long it's been, all I can count it by was how that was the second time I came.
He had a blissed smirk on his face looking at me with awe.
"What time do you get out tomorrow? I could take you out for dinner." He offered I smiled.
"I get off at five." I answered and he nodded sharply.
"I'll make reservations in the morning." I moved to sit down properly on the couch, leaning against him as his arm wrapped over my shoulders.
We talked for a bit as we came down, before being interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Busy!" Wilson called out looking over at  the door.
"Sounds like it!"  It was house,"these walls are very thin by the way!"
"Noted House!" He yelled back, he waited a second for a response but it didn't come.
"Should be interesting for you tomorrow." I giggled and he shook his head.
"Never gonna hear the end of it, but at least i proved him wrong. He didn't think you had any interest in me."
"He should stick to medical diagnosis's, not social ones." I sat forward, his hand falling from my right shoulder,"I have to go, got a consult for a tumor removal at eight AM."
"At least-" I cut him off begire he could offer to clean me up. How charming.
"Clean up your couch, ill be fine." I picked up my blue panties as I stood up, slipping them into my legs and pulling them up.
"I can walk you to your car." He sat forward, I picked up his pants and boxers and handed them to him, his shirt was somewhere else in the room.
"How charming." I put my button up on the arm of the couch as I stood up with my pants starting to put them on,"you can walk me to elevator."
"Sounds great."
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kaylalovesmaneskin · 1 year
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A/n:heyyyyy loves I’m back with another story i promise i will try to upload a lil more but I have been busy with my personal life and I would hope y’all would understand stand and I will get back also for my next story please comment or suggest someone bc I’m running out people to write but with out future a do let’s get into this story also by the way y/n will be in college in this story so she’s like around the age 20-24 and rheas her own age 🙌❤️‍🩹 Taglist @ellior1111 @tommy-lee-slash
Paring:Rhea Ripley xFem!reader
Warnings:lesbian sex teacher x student relationship and swearing and a whole lot of smut🤭
"Well that's stupid." Your friend muttered, looking at her phone. "Seriously. If I get stuck with Mrs Jackson. again, I'm going to die!" I cried out, hitting my head on the lockers. "Oh, you'll be fine. It's just one hour anyway." she said, putting away her phone. "Yeah, one hour that I could be spending with you...or sleeping." I added. She giggled, "Go to detention you trouble having ass kid." "Yeah, whatever. See you tomorrow." I chuckled. I sighed, flung my backpack over my shoulders and walked down the hallway. People passed by me, bumping into me without so much as a side glance. Just like the fucking airport... I scoffed and headed to my homeroom where detention is to be served. It's not like I was bad kid or whatever but I blame Ms. Ripley. Every since she fucked me in math class 2 weeks ago, I've been horny as hell for her. What does this have to do with detention? Well, I'll tell
"Duuuuuuude, I'm so fucking horny right now." I whispered to my bestie. "And you feel the need to tell me this why?" she questioned, looking up from her phone. "Because you're my bestie and you should know everything about me." I teased. ”l don't need to know that much about you. But just do it in the bathroom. No one's gonna catch you as long as you're quiet." she shrugged. I chewed my bottom lip. I didn't have much of a choice really. I can't keep ignoring it and I have Ms.Ripley next hour! My horny vibes are going to be through the fucking roof. I sighed and rushed into the girls bathroom, locking myself in a stall. I stayed quiet for a couple minutes, making sure no one would walk in. I slowly reached into my pants, moving down my stomach to my panties. I closed my eyes and pictured Ms. Ripley’s tits and the feeling of sucking on them. My mouth started to water just by the thought of it and I found myself quickly rubbing my clit on my panties. I let out soft whimpers, just wanting to touch her again. I held onto the stall, rubbing faster just about to reach my climax. I opened my mouth to let the moans flow out a little louder than before. Oh my God, it was so risky yet so fucking hot and I could feel my juices flowing down my inner thigh as I moved my hand into my panties. "Oh, Ms. Ripley.." I moaned, gently sticking a finger in. I rode my finger, wanting to scream with pleasure. I exhaled shakily, wanting more than a quick release. I wanted her body pressed against mine and our chest rising and falling as we fucked each other endlessly. Fuck, I want her so bad! I slammed my finger into me and I let out too loud of a moan. I covered my mouth as the bathroom door flung open. I kept going though, because I was so close and if I'm being honest, I loved the feeling of being risky. Loud heels clacked on the floor as my eyes rolled to the back of my head, about to cum. "Oh, y/n you naughty girl. Touching yourself without me watching is so bad." Ms. Ripley whispered through the door.
I gasped quietly, stopping all fingering movements. Oh fuck... I slowly pulled out my finger and unlocked the bathroom stall with my other hand. I hid my cum filled finger behind me. There Ms. Ripley stood, her black short hair beautifully hanging by her ears down her hourglass figure body. Her chest was bulging out of her shirt and she looked down at me with a smile."M-Ms. Ripley ..." I whispered, my pussy throbbing. "Y/n..." she replied, making me wet. "Hm...detention." was all she said. "W-What!?" I cried out, exposing my other hand. She stared at it before quickly grabbing my arm and holding it up. I whimpered as she licked her lips before sucking on my finger. She dropped my arm and trailed her eyes up my body. "Detention." she muttered, walking out.
So yeah, that's what happened. Am I mad.. yes. Hell yes. But she was so fucking sexy that I couldn't stay mad. I entered the classroom and threw my backpack on the ground next to my desk. I rolled my eyes to find an empty teacher's desk. Big fucking surprise. I scoffed just as the door opened and in walked the sexiest person alive. I gulped and sat up in my seat. She looked at me before turning around and locking the door. Oh...? She closed the blinds to the windows and stayed by the wall. "Here." she said, pointing in front of her. I quickly stood up and walked over to her. I stood so close, her tits were almost in my face. She had a fake thinking look on her face as she decided my fate. The air in the room was so thick you could cut it with a steak knife. "Now why. would you think it was okay to pleasure yourself without me?" she questioned, grabbing my tits. "I-“. "You.. you?" she squeezed. "I was just feeling really horny so I-" "Who did you think of?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "You." "Good girl." I blushed. She massaged my breasts for a little, making me wish she would just fuck me already. I bit my lip as she gave them one final squeeze before undoing my shirt. She pulled it over my body and stared at me and my exposed breasts. The more she stared, the more I wanted to hide. Her gaze was so intense it felt like she was judging my boobs. "You have amazing tits, did you know that?" she inquired, taking one in her mouth. "Oh I- ngg~gh" I moaned, as she sucked on one. "God, they're so good." she whispered, teasing the other one. Her tongue swirled around my tit, making it feel special. She roamed the well known tits, claiming them as hers. I resisted the urge to touch myself as I let her know how much I loved her mouth. She sucked on one making a long drawn out moan before letting it go with a loud POP. I exhaled with a lip bite as she slid her hands up my breasts so my tits went through the gaps in her fingers. I swear I'm getting high just by her touch my God. "On the desk for me." she said. I looked back before slowly backing into the desk so I could sit on it. I got on the desk, spreading my legs slowly just to tease her. She flashed her pearly whites and walked closer, grabbing the bottom of my pants and ripping them off of me. I gasped as she left me in my black panties. The cold air hit my legs, making me go stiff. "Relax...Lay back." she whispered, pushing me back against the desk. I lifted my legs waiting for her to do something. She pulled off my black underwear and threw them somewhere. My vision was to the ceiling as she kissed my pussy so gently I could barely feel it. I whined to which she slapped my thigh. I gasped and shot up. "Do that again." I demanded. "Again..? Like this?" she asked, slapping my thigh again. "Yes..." I moaned breathlessly, leaning back down.
"Or like that?" she questioned, hitting my other thigh. I moaned loudly, knowing I would bruise later. She rubbed the spot she recently hit as she used her tongue to just get the surface of my pussy wet. I shivered, wanting more. She stopped rubbing and used her other hand to open up my flower. She moaned happily before applying her warm, wet, wonderful tongue to it. She stuck it in me and tasted every part, wanting to get to know me and my body. "Fuck, you taste good." she whispered."Fuck!" I moaned loudly, closing my eyes. She sucked my clit before adding in two fingers. I clenched, not ready but got used to it quickly. I sighed as my body moved with her fingers as she pleasured me. She used her thumb to rub small but quick circles around my clit as she licked and sucked other areas of my pussy. I squirmed on the desk, whimpering and moaning her name constantly. "Oh fuck I'm so close! Don't stop..." I begged, wanting to just cum all over her face. "Mmm.. cum all over my finger you naughty girl..." she taunted. My body was shaking and my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I reached my limit. I gasped as my cum shot everywhere on her fingers and boobs. I moaned, satisfied. "Oh, you didn't think I was done did you?" she asked, unbuttoning her shirt. "What?" I asked, trying to catch my breath. She let her shirt fall to the floor and she unhooked her bra with a smile. She leaned over the desk and her tits hit me in the face. "Suck." I stuck her tit in my mouth and did as I was told. Her moans turned me on as I kept going, rubbing the other one. She giggled, slowly but surely touching herself. Fuck, I feel another orgasm coming! She moaned louder as she took her tit away from me. She climbed on the desk, resting comfortably on my hips, her pussy just barely touching mine. "Scissor me mommy." I pleaded. She sat on my pussy and rocked back in forth. I hit the desk with my hand and moaned loudly. She went faster, so fast to the point where she had to hold onto the desk for support. The desk rocked with us as we fucked and our bodies become one in this classroom. I screamed happily as she rubbed directly on my clit again. “Fuck!" I moaned, her boobs moving with us. Her moans collided with mine as we both released ourselves together. I moaned tiredly as she got off me, panting. I rolled over, laying on my belly, trying to breathe. She smacked my ass and laughed. "Good fucking girl."
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 month
meet you where the sky meets the earth
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to love is to listen to your heart, not your brain. to dream whilst in love, is to make your brain listen to your heart.
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▸ gojo satoru x fem!reader; former teacher x former student [gojo is six yrs older than reader]; bittersweet fluff; you're so in love w satoru, it shd hurt- but it doesn't because you've grown numb to the ache; one-sided feelings [are they really?]; few mentions of food; gojo calls you 'cookie'; this is way too tender even for me, istg; 1.5k wc
▸ belongs to the series 'you make my heart flutter and fibrillate' but can be read as a stand-alone fic if you wanna! 😊
▸ the header is from pinterest, the dividers are by @benkeibear, the characters used here aren't mine. pls don't plagiarise, translate or repost this. hope y'all enjoy reading this ❤️❤️
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the first time you think of marrying gojo, you're only twenty years old.
hardly the age to be dreaming of wedding bells at, right?
yeah, right. that's very, very right— still, your heart is your heart, just how your brain is your brain, the former easily swaying the latter by a few skipped beats— and you find your cheeks growing warm, laughs stumbling past your lips as you place the box of cornflakes into your shopping cart.
gojo sputters from beside you, eyes comically wide behind his shades as they dart from you to the elderly woman before.
you take a second to compose yourself before answering the ask that created this mess in the first place, a polite smile lining your face, "oh, no– not at all, ma'am! we're not married. i'm just an old friend helping him with the groceries, haha."
"oh," that's the only thing the woman says in reaction, kind smile now a tiny frown before it reappears. and she apologises, "i'm sorry, dears. just thought you two to be newlyweds from how giddy and loving you seemed to each other... time i went for an eye check-up, yes?"
"hey, please don't be sorry..." you start to say, but before you can get any further, the woman has already walked away with her shoppping basket.
you fall silent.
the same way the man next to you too has grown quiet, an awkward silence taking up the foot between you both. until you break it with a strained chuckle.
"we were acting giddy and loving to each other, eh?"
"were we?" comes the contemplative question to your comment. you look up to find gojo looking at you, the blue of his eyes weirdly bright in the dim lights of the supermarket as he repeats, "were we, cookie?"
yes. no. you don't really know—
yes, 'cause you know you love him.
not since forever, no, but close enough to it: your once-fascination for the supposed mortal deity of the jujutsu world, the mitochondrion on which the cellular structure of the society banks to survive; that grew into something made of wonder, respect and fondness, as you slowly came to know not only the icon but also the man behind it; that grew into something so profound, nestling deep within your existence– so much so that you feel the earth shifting on its axis everytime he calls you or grins at you or just looks in your direction—
no, 'cause you know you aren't loved back.
not the way you wish to be... not that you blame gojo for that, though!
you know he is way too busy to be thinking of such topics– what with being the strongest sorcerer ever, the head of the one-man gojo clan, the teacher to the first-years at tokyo high, the legal guardian– but in fact, the father figure to the two kids, 'gumi and 'miki– or maybe, just maybe, he is busy, alright, but not too busy— gojo simply doesn't see you that way; he sees you to be nothing but his former student— one he knows he can rely on to help with his children, or the groceries, or a variety of other menial daily tasks he can just hire help for—
you don't know.
yeah... you really, really don't know– and by now, you think you don't even want to know anymore. it's easy, it's safe, it's nice to remain not knowing. the word 'yes' comes with too many dreams– the word 'no' serves the perfect haven to nightmares.
the three words "i don't know" bear no such burden on their back– an untroubled answer you decide to offer, decide to escape using for the time being— until a slight knock on the head interrupts you, followed by an entertained set of chortles.
you peer up to find gojo beaming down at you, his eyes crinkled and cheeks dimpled. something twists in the middle of your chest, but it isn't painful; it's grounding. pleasant, even.
"it's too easy to get you worried, y'know? you're unbelievably easy to manipulate, heh."
"oh, am i now?" you retort, eyes narrowing into a cross glare– only to be betrayed by the fond smile grazing your lips not even a beat later. the man hums, grin simmering down to a knowing smile.
"mmhm," he says with that musical sway to his tone that never fails to make your fingers tingle, "you should have seen your face when i asked you the question– so pale and stiff– almost as if i was asking you to leave then and there, hearing that granny's comments—"
"you would have asked me to, if they were true– wouldn't you?"
gojo's smile vanishes in the blink of an eye. and you think the hand he has stretched out to the shelves of biscuits might fall too– but it does not, and you see him take a packet of your favourite bourbon biscuits followed by a packet of the digestives you've been forcing him to eat, and place them into the cart.
he checks the shopping list in your hand before he looks back at you.
before he smiles back at you: so soft, so solemn, so un-satoru— you instantly regret interrupting him with such a question.
but you do know how it is, don't you? what with a thudding heart and a thinking brain...
the handle of the cart digs deep indents into your palm as you press the weight of your worries into the cool metal and lean towards your companion on this grocery run, the same way a moth flies towards a flame, towards its doom–
"don't you ever dream of falling in love, gojo-san?" you let your voice drop to a murmur, audible only to you and the object of your desires, the subject of your worries, "do you not dream of a happily ever after with your 'one'– do you, gojo-san?"
"no," the response to your words comes in the very same instant. the man's shades slip a touch down the bridge of his nose as he pins his sharp gaze on you– though it can do nothing to hide the mild tremor in his grin from you when he says, "and i don't plan on dreaming ever. dreaming is only for fools with too much time to spare– do i look like a fool with too much time to spare, cookie?"
no. not at all. you don't. you look the farthest from it, in fact— is what you know you should say, and just drop the matter. for now. forever—
but you don't... just don't.
retorting instead, still a murmur but with the faint lick of a fire now, "and what do you suggest should be done to those fools, gojo-san? punished severely for their grievous crime of dreaming, hm?"
"oh, don't be too harsh," he tuts with a breezy chuckle, "what people do is honestly their business; one i've got no interest in interfering in— but..." his grin twists into something wry, a change you find tough to tear your gaze away from, "i don't think i would give such folks the time of my day– it's simply not worth it to talk with those whose feet are not on the solid ground, floating around meaninglessly in air–"
"why are you talking with me then?"
interrupted, gojo blinks. once, and twice, then thrice.
you watch your face crumple in the dark tint of his shades, withering and cracking in the dull light and stale air of this stupid supermarket; but definitely not as stupid as you:
messing things up when they're perfectly fine and alright, only 'cause you do not, rather cannot, keep your mouth shut, no matter what– all your inhibitions let gone of as your heart gains control over your brain and your stupid damned mouth—
you feel a tiny knock on your forehead, the second time this evening, followed by strands of hair being gently brushed away; too careful for your breath to not get stuck in your chest. you peer up at the man in front, teeth lightly gnawing the inside of your lower lip.
gojo's features shift into something between fond and worried– you just hope you aren't misreading him right now– the man tucks those strands of hair behind the shell of your ear.
his fingers still right above your jaw, touching yet not really touching, features finally, finally, settling into a smile– "maybe because i enjoy talking with you, cookie, no matter how foolish you are."
some people say, marriage is a holy act, a sacred institution, in and of itself— connecting hearts, binding souls– cementing the promises of staying together forever... whilst few see marriage to be meaningless— paltry affair of papers and signatures and people, none bearing any significance, 'cause nothing can, not when it comes to the matters of the hearts, neither in proving nor in disproving them–
no matter what people think, you think you will be okay, irrespective of whether you marry gojo or not, irrespective of whether gojo loves you or not– provided– and this is a weird, still important 'provided'—
you and he end up shopping together in the supermarket, feeling and seeming so happy and comfortable with each other— others mistake you for a pair of newlyweds, blissfully deep in love.
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tysm to my dearest andy [@andysdrafts], mimi [@avatarofstars] & dilay [@roseqzpd] for constantly motivating me while i was writing this. ilysm my darlings 😘😘😘
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