#mini numerology lesson
ilimilamba · 1 year
hihi you probably know me as @5yin, this is my lil space to curate what i've learned about numerology, cultivate an understanding, & calculate readings
to start i'm keeping simple with personal numbers & birth charts (line experiences + otw!)
personal numbers are divined from the full birth name (path of destiny, soul, outer personality) & birthdate (life lesson)
birth charts (physical, soul, & mental planes + arrows of individuality) are constructed with the birthdate
dm & asks open for calculations & mini readings!
[for protection, only anon birthdates (birth chart + LL) will be posted publicly]
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lil reference:
⋆ PoD, Path of Destiny - the journey you are meant to undertake
⋆ S, Soul - energy that transcends lifetimes
⋆ OP, Outer Personality - how you function & present to others
⋆ LL, Life Lesson - energy you must learn to embrace
⋆ Arrows of Individuality - patterns of strength or weakness within the birth chart
⋆ Physical Plane - the basic self, vibrations 1, 4, & 7; presence & worldly functionality
⋆ Soul Plane - the high self, vibrations 2, 5, & 8; intuition & pure love + the capacity for compassion
⋆ Mind Plane - the conscious self, vibrations 3, 6, & 9; attitude & intellectual idealism
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financial-astrologer · 10 months
Numerology Calculator
The Ultimate Numerology Calculator: Discover Your Personality Traits, Hidden Desires, and How Others See You
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Numerology is an ancient practice that delves into the mystical power of numbers to reveal insights about an individual's character, life path, and destiny. By using a numerology calculator, one can easily decode the hidden meanings and potential of their birth date and name. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various aspects of numerology, including the most important numbers in your chart, how to utilize a numerology calculator, and the ways it can help you understand yourself and others better.
1. Understanding Numerology: A Brief Overview
Numerology is a belief system that assigns special significance to numbers and their influence on human life. It is based on the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected, and numbers can be used as a tool to understand and navigate this cosmic web. Many cultures have practiced numerology throughout history, including the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Babylonians.
In numerology, each number has its own unique vibration and energy, which can reveal hidden aspects of an individual's personality, talents, and life purpose. By calculating and interpreting these numbers, one can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and overall potential.
2. The Five Most Telling Numbers in Your Numerology Chart
To fully understand the power of numerology, it is essential to grasp the importance of the five most telling numbers in your chart. These numbers are:
2.1 Life Path Number
The Life Path Number is considered the most influential number in your numerological chart. It is sometimes referred to as the "Destiny number" and is derived from your date of birth. This number reveals your life's purpose, the path you are destined to follow, and the lessons you will learn along the way.
2.2 Expression Number
The Expression Number, also known as the Destiny Number, is calculated using your full birth name. This number reveals your innate talents, abilities, and overall potential in life. It is a representation of the true you, and understanding it can help you make the most of your skills and opportunities.
2.3 Soul Urge Number
The Soul Urge Number, also known as the Heart's Desire Number, is derived from the vowels in your full birth name. This number reveals your deepest desires, passions, and aspirations. It provides insights into what truly drives you and can help you align your actions with your heart's true calling.
2.4 Personality Number
The Personality Number is calculated using the consonants in your full birth name. This number offers insight into how others perceive you and the impression you make on the world. It can help you understand how to present yourself in the best possible light and navigate social situations with ease.
2.5 Birthday Number
The Birthday Number is one of the simplest but most important numbers in your numerology chart. It is derived from the day of the month you were born and offers insights into your personal characteristics, talents, and weaknesses. This number can help you recognize your unique gifts and use them to create a fulfilling and successful life.
3. How to Use a Numerology Calculator
A numerology calculator is an invaluable tool for determining the most significant numbers in your life. There are many online calculators available, some of which offer free personalized mini-readings based on your name and date of birth. To use a numerology calculator, simply enter your full birth name and date of birth, and the calculator will generate your Life Path, Expression, Soul Urge, Personality, and Birthday Numbers.
4. Benefits of Using a Numerology Calculator
There are several advantages to using a numerology calculator, including:
4.1 Self-Discovery and Personal Growth
By understanding the various numbers in your numerology chart, you can gain a deeper insight into your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. This knowledge can help you make more informed choices, overcome challenges, and achieve personal growth.
4.2 Relationship Compatibility
Numerology can be used to assess compatibility between individuals, offering insights into potential areas of conflict and harmony in a relationship. By comparing your numbers with those of your partner, you can better understand each other's needs and desires, ultimately fostering a stronger bond.
4.3 Career Guidance
Your numerology chart can provide guidance on the most suitable career path for you, based on your innate talents and abilities. By pursuing a career that aligns with your numbers, you are more likely to find success and fulfillment in your professional life.
4.4 Timing of Events
Numerology can also be used to determine the most auspicious times for important events, such as starting a new business, getting married, or making a significant purchase. By understanding the influence of numbers on specific dates, you can make more informed decisions and increase your chances of success.
5. Analyzing Your Numerology Report
Once you have used a numerology calculator to generate your numbers, it is essential to interpret and apply the information in your report. Here are some tips for analyzing your numerology report:
5.1 Gain a Holistic Understanding
Your numerology chart is a complex web of interconnected numbers, and it is essential to understand how they all relate to one another. By examining the relationships between your Life Path, Expression, Soul Urge, Personality, and Birthday Numbers, you can gain a more holistic understanding of your true self and life purpose.
5.2 Reflect on Your Findings
Take time to reflect on the insights provided by your numerology report. Consider how the information aligns with your current circumstances and experiences, and think about any changes you may want to make in your life.
5.3 Apply the Knowledge
Put the insights from your numerology report into action by making conscious choices that align with your numbers. Whether it's pursuing a new career, improving your relationships, or focusing on personal growth, use the knowledge gained from your numerology chart to guide your decisions and actions.
5.4 Consult a Professional
If you are unsure about how to interpret your numerology report or need further guidance, consider consulting a professional numerologist. They can provide personalized insights and advice to help you make the most of your numerology chart.
6. The Popularity and Testimonials of Numerology Calculators
Numerology calculators have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their ability to provide personalized and accurate insights into an individual's life. Many users have shared positive testimonials and stories about how these calculators have helped them gain a deeper understanding of themselves, improve their relationships, and make better decisions.
Some users have praised the accuracy and level of detail provided in their numerology reports, saying that the readings have been more insightful and helpful than those from other sources. Others have expressed gratitude for the guidance and clarity gained from their numerology chart, allowing them to make positive changes in their lives.
7. The Science and Skepticism Surrounding Numerology
As with any belief system, there are skeptics who question the validity of numerology. Critics argue that there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that numbers can influence an individual's personality or destiny. Additionally, some believe that numerology readings are too vague or generalized, making it easy for people to find meaning in them regardless of their circumstances.
However, many proponents of numerology argue that the practice has deep historical and cultural roots, and its continued popularity is a testament to its effectiveness in helping people understand themselves and their place in the universe. While it may not be supported by traditional scientific methods, numerology remains a valuable tool for self-discovery and personal growth for many individuals.
8. Numerology in Various Cultures
Numerology has been practiced in various forms across different cultures, each with its unique interpretations and methods. Some examples include:
8.1 Chinese Numerology
In Chinese numerology, numbers are associated with specific meanings and symbolic attributes, which are believed to influence one's life and destiny. The practice of Chinese numerology often involves analyzing the numbers associated with an individual's name, birth date, and other significant factors to determine their fortune and life path.
8.2 Kabbalistic Numerology
Kabbalistic numerology, also known as Gematria, is a form of Jewish mysticism that assigns numerical values to the Hebrew alphabet's letters. By calculating the numerical value of words and phrases, Kabbalistic numerology aims to uncover hidden meanings and connections within sacred texts, as well as provide insights into an individual's spiritual path.
8.3 Vedic Numerology
Vedic numerology, rooted in ancient Indian astrology, assigns specific numbers to the planets and uses them to analyze an individual's life and destiny. Vedic numerology takes into account an individual's birth chart, planetary positions, and other astrological factors to provide guidance on their life purpose, relationships, and career.
9. Exploring Other Numerology Tools and Techniques
Aside from the standard numerology calculator, there are several other tools and techniques that can be used to gain further insights into your life, relationships, and destiny. Some of these include:
9.1 Personal Year Number
The Personal Year Number is based on your date of birth and the current year, offering insights into the trends and opportunities you may encounter in the coming year. Understanding your Personal Year Number can help you make the most of the opportunities presented to you and prepare for potential challenges.
9.2 Numerology Compatibility
Numerology compatibility assessments can provide insights into the dynamics of your relationships, helping you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your connections with others. By comparing your numerology chart with that of another person, you can gain a better understanding of your compatibility and potential areas of harmony or conflict.
9.3 Name Changes and Numerology
Changing your name can have a significant impact on your numerology chart and the energies associated with your life path. If you are considering a name change, it is essential to consult with a professional numerologist to understand the potential effects on your numerology chart and make an informed decision.
10. Final Thoughts on Numerology Calculators
Numerology calculators offer a unique and powerful way to explore the hidden aspects of your personality, life path, and destiny. By understanding the various numbers in your numerology chart, you can make more informed decisions, foster deeper connections with others, and unlock your full potential. Whether you are a seasoned numerology enthusiast or a curious beginner, a numerology calculator can provide valuable insights to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
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tarotlogy · 1 year
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How did you get on with your Aces Training Exercises?  Did you find them easy or difficult?  If you struggled with them a bit, don’t worry.  The Aces are not the easiest to do free association with.  You will find that the cards from the Aces on have a bit more going on in them for you to work with
In this lesson we will be getting to grips with the mechanics of the cards and the tools we work with when reading them.  Before we can begin exploring each card individually it is necessary for us to get familiar with the Tarot cards themselves, how they are constructed and how they work.
So far we have explored some of the esoteric associations with the Tarot such as the Collective Unconscious with its Archetypes and Symbols and the Subconscious and Intuition. We learned to differentiate between Fortune-Telling and Divination.  We also defined how the Tarot is used as a tool of guidance and not instruction.  In Lesson 2 we made our first attempt at intuitively connecting with and interpreting the Four Aces of The Tarot without prior knowledge of their traditional meanings.  We also learned the importance of our Chakras when it comes Psychic Cleansing, Protection and Grounding and the effect they have on our physical, mental and emotional health.
In Lesson 3 we will take a close look at how the Elements influence the Tarot.  These are the Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth.  We will examine how the Tarot is broken down into the Minor and Major Arcana which in turn is further broken down into the Four Suits of Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles and of course the Court Cards.  We will also explore how Numerology, Colour and Symbolism contribute to their interpretation.  We will look at the implication of Reversed Cards in a reading and the decision as whether to work with them or not will also be discussed.
Take your time going through the Lessons.  You might as well accept now that you are not going to be able to rush through this course.  I will remind you of this again and an again as we proceed through the Lessons.  The important thing is to make sure that you understand the concept of what is being taught before moving forward.  Read and re-read sections or Lessons if in doubt.  Do not worry if you don’t get it immediately.  Learning the Tarot is not a race.
***When I teach the Truly Teach Me Tarot Course in Class or on a One-to-One basis, it takes approximately a Year to complete.  You must remember that for a lot of you approaching this Course, you will be asked to look at the world around you in a different manner. So too will many of you be exploring Esoteric and Metaphysical concepts for the first time. Some of the theories and explanations may be hard for you to get your head around.  Just relax and proceed at your own pace.
There are 78 Tarot cards in each deck.  Some decks have an additional card which is blank.  We will be covering the meaning of the Blank Card in a later lesson. The Tarot cards are broken into two sections:
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The Minor Arcana also known as the Pip Cards represent the everyday occurrences in our lives.  The ups and down, the mini dramas or traumas of everyday living. Their energy fluctuates and is generally transient.  The Minor Arcana consists of the Four Suits – Wands (Fire),  Cups (Water), Swords(Air) and Pentacles (Earth).  Each Suit has 14 Cards which are broken down into the 10 Story Cards of the Suit Ace – 10 along with the Suit’s 4 Court Cards – Page, Knight, Queen and King.
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They are the personalities or Actors in The Tarot. They represent The querant and People Involved with The querant.  Sometimes they just carry the message of the Energy or Suit they represent such as “Act like Me in this situation”. The Minor Arcana Cards Ace to 10 tell us what is happening while The Court Cards tell us who it is happening to along with other Key Players in the situation.  We will be studying The Court Cards in-depth in Part II of this Course.
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These cards carry far more weight and their energy is more fixed and powerful.  The Major Arcana represent the deep driving forces behind what the Minor Arcana is showing.  Major Cards appearing in a reading suggest that the querant is accessing, or is being accessed by powerful forces which are feeding the situation being represented by the Minors. The Major are more serious and fixed in nature.
Whereas, the Minor Arcana tell us what is happening in our life, the Major Arcana tells us why.  The Major Arcana is deeply Spiritual and they contain Karmic Lessons that the querant is dealing with or trying to overcome.  We will be looking at them in much detail in the Part  III of this course.
Each card has a picture depicting Archetypes, Archetypal Situations or Symbols with Universal Meaning. The cards are shuffled, drawn blind and laid out in a spread.  The spread is then interpreted. The cards are used to gain insight into a particular situation or for guidance, and each card is multi-layered with many interpretations. It is up to the reader to determine their specific meaning in a particular reading.
Attention also has to be paid to the surrounding cards in a spread as these can strengthen or weaken the meaning. Attention also has to be paid to the dominance or lack of a particular Suit i.e. Wands/Cups/Swords/Pentacles. The Numerical Association of the cards, the general Colour Trend, Elements, Symbols, Astrological Associations and whether a card appears Upright or Reversed must all be taken into consideration in order to build up a picture of what is going on in the querant’s life in relation to their question.
As a self-development tool, the Tarot opens the doors of our mind by tapping into our Subconscious to truly know who we are, to understand why we are the way we are and also to realise that we have the power to change who we are.  The Tarot will open our eyes to the workings of the human psyche and realisation of the results of cause and effect influencing just about everything we do in life.  The Tarot will help us take a hold of our life and accept responsibility for where we are in our life as opposed to the blame syndrome which we so easily and readily fall into.
The Tarot cards are multi-layered, quite like an onion. Peel one layer away and lo and behold another is just below it. Getting to the specific meaning of the card for an individual sometimes involves peeling away layer after layer of meaning to get to the heart of the matter.  It is the job of the reader to decipher which meaning is applicable to the individual.
The Tarot should reveal itself like a story with beginnings, middles, endings, important characters, various scenarios, surrounding friends and foes, family, work, relationships and travel.  As humans we are very complex.  We are never just experiencing one thing at a time in life and when we do a reading for someone, even though they seek insight into a relationship issue, more than the issue in question will come to light. Therefore we must learn to read on many levels.
It is easy to say, the best place to start is at the beginning, but where exactly is the beginning when it comes to learning Tarot?  For those of you (like many have before you) who have bought their first deck of cards and believe that the little accompanying booklet contains sufficient information on how to read the Tarot I’ve got bad news for you.  I am sorry, but the Tarot is heavily more involved and intricate than the contents of a few keywords in these booklets.  Unfortunately, it is not enough to just learn off their brief interpretations (sometimes bizarre) of individual cards.  To get the most out of the Tarot and to seek insight into their deepest meanings involves having a working knowledge of a few very important disciplines.  Let us now look at the first of these disciplines.
The Tarot is steeped in symbolism. It was designed to be just so.  A great deal of time and effort went into carefully constructing the detail in each card.  There is absolute rhyme and reason for every stroke and swirl of colour, every flower, animal or cloud in the sky, every building, mountain, cliff or bridge.  Nothing appears in the imagery or depictions in the Tarot by accident.  As mentioned before, this is not just art for art’s sake.  There is no limit to the variety of Tarot Decks available to purchase and imagery will vary greatly from deck to deck.  However, regardless of choice each of these decks will have been designed to symbolically represent a situation, a person, a personality, joy, trauma or catastrophe on every level of being.
Symbols are loaded with meaning and when used in the Tarot, their aim is to symbolically tell a story without words. A story that we will all respond to and identify with.
We are surrounded by symbols in our daily life.  For a most simplistic example, think of all the street and road signs indicating a series of bad bends ahead, a cross roads, end of motorway etc. We may not all speak the same language but for most of us in the world we can readily and instinctively read and interpret symbols.  Therefore, by acquainting ourselves with the symbolism present in each card a whole story opens before us.  Often when reading, a certain symbol rather than another will jump out of the card at you and instantly you will know what story needs to be told. You will automatically make the connections and will be able to relate its relevance and importance to the querant. At times several similar looking symbols will appear in a spread and these will reinforce the message for the querant.  As Tarot readers you must train yourself to be observant not only when it comes to spotting and interpreting symbols but also spotting recurring symbols and hidden symbols.
Most symbols you will identify immediately as they carry universal meaning and you will probably have grown up with an understanding of them.  The meaning of other symbols you will be learning about for the first time. Understanding the deep symbolism in the Tarot will greatly improve your reading skills and also make the whole process of learning each card considerably easier.
Certain symbols will appear repetitively throughout the Tarot especially when representing a particular Suit or Element.  The Tarot works with many levels of symbolism. Some of this symbolism is deeply mystical such as the symbols relating to the Kabbalah and Alchemy.  The Kabbalah will be explored in Part III when we accompany The Fool on his journey through The Major Arcana.  However, references will also be made to the Kabbalah in Part I and Part II.   Do not attempt to burden you workload at present by delving into the Kabbalah as it is quite complex.  Instead just absorb the snippets that will accompany the Introductions to all the numbered cards in the Suits.  This will give snapshots of the Kabbalah and when the time comes to look at it in more depth in Part III, your mind will be better prepared
For now we will keep things as simple as possible and only focus on the following:
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Numerology is the science of numbers.  Pythagoras (580/572 BC – 500/490 BC) the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher believed that numbers contained their own unique energies that affected us on many levels and that everything was related to mathematics.  Pythagoras claimed that by numbers alone anything could be predicted or explained.  His theory was based on the cyclical nature of numbers and their patterns.  Pythagoras was once quoted as saying “number is the ruler of forms and ideas and the cause of gods and demons.” He also considered numbers to be mystical and magical. He believed that the world, our personalities and everything we did could be explained by numbers.  Numbers also had a sex – odd numbers were male, even were female.  Today numerologists use the ‘Fadic’ system, which is the adding of two digits or reducing of digits to make one.
With the exception of the 16 Court Cards, each card in the Tarot Deck is numbered and each of these cards carry the vibration or energy of the particular number associated with it.  The Minor Arcana are numbered one (ace) to 10 in each Suit and the Major Arcana is numbered from 0 to 21.  Not only is the meaning of the card taken into consideration for interpretation but also its numerical association.  When we see a particular number turning up repetitively in a spread, the meaning associated with the number is strengthened and so must be given close attention for it is telling us something.  Numbers alone in a reading can provide great information not only on what is going on in the Querant’s life but also alert us to the particular stage they are at on their life cycle. Both hold great importance for the querant and often provide answers as to why they are going through certain issues at such time.
This may sound confusing but suffice to say when it comes to the Tarot we can keep it simple.
Please feel free to explore Numerology other than the brief meanings listed below. Tarot Reading and Numerology go hand in hand.  Being able to work out the Destiny number, Life Path Number and Soul or Karmic Number for a querant complements and enhances a Tarot Reading.
***One point to remember in most of Numerology is that one must keep reducing a number to get a final reading of just 1 digit. e.g. 10 = 1+0=1,   23 = 2+3+5 ,   39 = 3+9=12= 1+2=3
1 – The point of origin, birth, start, beginning, clean slate, uniqueness, individuality, the ego, starting over, solitary,
2 – Opposition, attraction, co-operation, conflict, peace, harmony, balance, communication, marriage, partnership, commitments, yin/yang,   masculine/feminine
3 – Creativity, growth, abundance, ascension, fertility, birth, the power of three, variety, versatility
4 – Stability, practicality, security, power, building resources, personal and family securities, consolidation.
5 – Loss, conflict, chaos, disruption but also final ascension, expect the unexpected, travel, change, challenges, new experiences
6 – Balance, stability, harmony, peace, beauty, family matters, romance, success
7 – Victory, challenges, magic, luck, introspection, tenacity, resourcefulness
8 – Change, infinity, speed, positivity, energy, strength, success, business
9 – Completion, ending, outcome, closing, cutting of ties, emotional spring-cleaning, introspection, reflection, winding down
10 – (1+0 = 1) – Finality, final outcome, ending, closing, beginning is end/end is beginning. Cycle starts once more. Rebirth, excess, too much, extremes, things have run their natural course
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Colours like numbers and letters also carry a vibration or energy.  When we open our wardrobe each day to choose clothes to wear it is often our mood which helps us select a certain colour of shirt or sweater.  Ask yourself why most businessmen wear black or navy suits with crisp white shirts?  Why is a red dress associated with a temptress or white with a wedding dress and innocence?  Without thinking about it colour creates mood changes within us.  We associate certain things with certain colours.  Colour Therapists understand the importance of maintaining a healthy balance of the full colour spectrum in our energy field in order to remain healthy in mind, body and spirit.
We all come into the world with our own Signature Colour and will gravitate towards others who resonate with and complement it.  Likewise we will be repelled by those whose colours clash with ours.  The signature colours I talk of here are not so much the colours that are seen but are those of our Energy Field or Aura.  Even though we have a particular Signature Colour that remains with us throughout our life, we also radiate other colours depending on our moods or behaviour.  When we are angry our aura will be awash with a dull murky red. When we are experiencing jealousy or envy we will display a dirty yellowy green.  When in love, much pink and pastel colours will abound.  When we are expressing ourselves or talking about something we are passionate about, bright yellow will stream forth.  When we are developing spiritually or psychically we may display more indigo or violet in our aura.  We may go through phases in our life when a certain colour dominates.  This may be influenced by fashion or feelings.  However, regardless of what phase we are in, our Signature or Core Soul Colour still remains the same.
The colours that we display in our aura, wear on our bodies, decorate our houses with and even choose our flowers because of, can tell us much about our personality and our current state of mind and emotions.
Colours in the Tarot Cards can give us further information and build on the imagery presented.  If a certain Colour is predominant then the energy associated with this colour is bound to be influencing the Querant.  When we start our journey through the Four Suits of the Tarot you will notice that each Suit has certain predominant colours.  These colours reflect their Elemental Energies and give us a mood or atmosphere to accompany the card.  For instance the Suit of Wands reflect the colours of Fire (Orange, Red & Yellow).  These colours are cheerful and warm. They bring  liveliness to a reading while the Suit of Swords reflect the colours of Air (Pale Blues & Pale to Dark Grey).  These colours can make us feel chilled, down and dark.  One Wand Card appearing in a spread of Swords would bring much-needed light and gaiety to an otherwise drab and stressful scenario.  On the other hand, a Sword Card appearing in the middle of a Wands spread may be enough to bring dark clouds into and otherwise sunny and warm day.   It might be compared to the argumentative guest who ruins an otherwise great dinner party.   You can play around with these comparisons as we proceed through the Four Suits.
Red: Ardour or Eagerness, Health, Strength, Physical Energy, Courage, Intense Emotions, Sexuality, Aggression. Temper, Leadership
Orange: A passionate approach, Drive, Activity, Ambition, Enthusiasm, Warmth, Sociable
Yellow: An intellectual approach or intellectual balance, Confidence, Self-Esteem, Mental Activity, Memory, Communication, Ability to Rationalise, Conscious
Green: Harmony, Balance, Money, Prosperity, Fertility, Healing, Growth, Peace
Blue: A Balanced Spiritual Understanding, Healing, Peace, Psychic, Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, Subconscious, Communication
Purple: Compassion, Power, Spirituality, Spiritual Leadership/Teacher, Psychic, Nobility
White: Purity of motive, Innocence, Protection, Purification, Hope, Faith, Clarity,
Grey:  Uniformity, depression, dullness, Unsettling, Stressful
Black: Negativity, Sadness, Mourning, Loss, Guilt, Depression, Absence of Colour, Emptiness, Darkness, Mystery
Brown: Animals, Earth, Wholesome, Stability, Stagnation, Material World,
Colour Healing and Aura Reading can tell us many things about our personality, our strengths, weaknesses, our health and even our Soul Purpose.  Studying colours and their effect on human emotions and behaviour will greatly assist in your readings.  Extra reading on this subject is recommended to those of you who wish to learn more about this interesting and useful area of study.  It is also possible to take simple online courses in this subject.
Below is a list of regular and recurring symbols found in the imagery of the Tarot Cards.  You will not encounter all these symbols in this Part of the Course as some will only appear when we move onto the Court Cards and Major Arcana.  Familiarise yourself as best as possible with their associated and generic meanings  as they will enhance your story telling and interpretive abilities when reading.
This list is by no means complete and will be added to over time.  When we progress on to the individual cards we will be discussing the symbolism contained in each so you will get used to them as we go along.
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Fire Element – Upright Triangle –  
Water Element – Reversed Triangle –  
Air Element – Upright Triangle with Horizontal Line –  
Earth Element – Reversed Triangle with Horizontal Line  
Pentagram – Combination of all Elements. Balance 
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Angels – Messsengers, Spirit Guide, Guardian Angel, Divine Influence, Higher Self, Healing, Reassurance, Support
Blindfold – Can’t/Won’t See, Blind to Facts,  Focusing Inwards, Hiding, Turning a Blind Eye, Limited Vision
Infinity Symbol/Lemniscate (figure of 8 loop) – Infiinity,  Circulation, What Goes Around Comes Aaround, Cycles
Cadeceus (Two snakes intertwing the Rod of Hermes) – Balance, Integration, Health, Sexuality, Union
Wreath – Victory/Success
Globe – Personal World, Outer World, – note the size of globe as this will determine how small their world is and also whether they have a broad/narrow global view of the situation
Wands – Fire Element/Masculine, Phallic Symbol, Action, Movement, Enthusiasm, Inspiration, Power, Magic, Spring
Cups – Water Element/Feminine Womb, Emotions, Spirituality, Psychic, Artistic, Creative, Moods, Summer
Swords – Air Element/Masculine, Law, Justice, Authority, Intellect, Communication, Conflict, Violence,  Autumn
Pentacles – Earth Element/Feminine, Physical Body, Four Compass Points, Protection, Magic, Money, Career, Finance, Property, Material Aspects, Health, Winter
Walls – Security and Safety, Protection, Obstacles, Restrictions, Cutting off from the outside or outside influences
Church – Spirituality, Spiritual Growth or Renewal, Sanctuary, Repression, Morals, Vocations, Charity
Towns and Villages – Centres of Trade and Commerce/Socialising,  Community, Home and Property
Castles – Security, Protection, Stability, Home, Sanctuary, Strongholds, Possessions, Wealth
Bridges – A means of moving forward and leaving the past behind, Transition, A way out of a situation
Towers (with path running between) – Gateways to a new life or stage of life. Generally a daunting process to make it through the gateway. One life must be left behind in order to pass through. Transformation. Much courage is needed to complete the journey. Generally seen in the Major Cards
Pillars – Masculine/Feminine, Conscious/Subconscious, Will/Emotions, Strong Foundations
Gateways/Arches – Opennings, Opportunities, Admission, Entrance, Transition, Initiations
Hills – Minor obstacles or challenges
Mountains – Obstacles or Challenges ahead or overcome. Steep Mountains indicate more serious obstacles or challenges.
Pathways between Mountains, Cliff or Towers – Gateways to advancement or your goal. Depending on how distant and straight the pathway is will indicate how long and hard a road you must tread in order to realise your goal.
Cliffs – Danger or Challenges ahead or overcome
Water/Rivers/Streams/Oceans – The Water Element, Subconscious, Emotions. Note if the Water is calm, choppy or turbulent, fast flowing or trickling. This will give an insight into the state of emotion surrounding the issue. Flowing Water is often linked to memory, past, present and future.
Waterfall – Powerful Force or Emotions.  Maybe out of control or overwhelming. Speed and Urgency.
Ships and Boats – Trade, Commerce, Travel over Water, The condition of the Water they sail on is a clue as to their meaning. Your Ship is coming in, Your Ship has sailed. Emotional Baggage
Crypts/Tombs and Coffins – Peace, Rest, Illness, Renewal, Rebirth, Death, Feeling Dead
Thrones – Royalty, Leadership, Power, Maturity, Authority
Seasons – Wands/Spring, Cups/Summer, Swords/Autumn, Pentacles/Winter
Sky – The state of mind. Clear skies indicate a clear mind, rational thinking, logic and Mental Balance. Cloudy skies indicate Confusion and trouble ahead.  Stormy Skies indicate Stress, Conflict, Arguments, Mental Imbalance
Weather – Clear skies/Clarity of Judgement, Cloudy skies/Confusion/Trouble Ahead
Stormy Skies/Stress/Conflict
Rain – Misery, Tears, Upset, Emotional Distress
Snow – Misery, Cold, Spiritual Emptiness, Ill Health
Sun – Masculine Energy, Conscious, Heat, Warmth, Creative Expression, Joy, Fun, Freedom, Rebirth, Illumination
Moon – Female Energy, Subconscious, Mystery, Intrigue, Concealment, Inner Worlds, Reflection, Illusions, Emotional Balance or Imbalance, Female Cycles, Memory
Stars – Celestial, Illuminating, Hope, Faith, Light, Inspiration, Divine
Clothing – Note the colour of the clothing and whether simply dressed, impeccably dressed or overdressed. Do the clothes look expensive?  Do they look comfortable in their clothes?  Are they every-day wear or party clothes?
Body Language – Who’s looking at who? Who appears in charge? What are they looking at? What is their posture like and why?  What expression do they hold?  Are they friendly looking or fearsome?  Do they look happy or sad?
Birds – Freedom, Inspiration, Messenger, Intellect Soaring
Bull – Taurus, Strength, Stability, Stubbornness
Bat – The Shadow Side, Underworld, Occult
Butterfly – Air Element, Transformation, Freedom
Cat – Intuition, Mystery, Sensuality, Sexuality
Dog – Friend, Primordial Instincts or Fears
Dove – Spiritual Blessing, Peace, Love
Falcon – Sharpness, Speed, Freedom
Fish – Water Element
Goat – Capricorn, Pan, Magic
Ram – Force, Aries
Horse – The Elements Harnessed, Transport
Salamander – Fire Element
Apple – Knowledge, Abundance
Grapes – Abundance, Celebration, Prosperity
Laurel – Victory
Lilly – Innocence, Feminine Principle
Oak Leaves – Strength, Earth Element, Wisdom, Magic
Red Rose – The Masculine Principle, Passion/
White Rose – Transformation
Rose with Thorns – Beauty/Pain, Finding the Beauty within
Vegetables – Earth Element, Harvest
Sunflower – Sun, Vitality, Energy
Flowers  – Beauty, Blossoming/Unfolding
The list above lists is by no means complete and I will be constantly updating them.  However, they act as a suitable introduction to symbolism and as a source of reference for you during your journey throughout the Tarot.  When you get to Lesson 5 you will begin to explore the individual cards.  You will find a detailed description of each card including symbolism, colours and numerical influences.
In Part II and III we will explore in-depth the symbolism behind each card and by that stage you should feel very comfortable with the process.   Most of the interpretations or meanings given above are self-explanatory.  Before long you will be quite adept at tuning into the language of Symbolism within the Tarot.
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Retrogrades are our spiritual universal testing period to realign, reassess and reorganize the processes in our lives. This creates opportunity to master individual repetitive karmic cycles or lessons quickly. Mercury deals with our brain, mindset & our communication style both verbal, non-verbal & written. Looking ahead at the whole of a Mercury retrograde allows us to solidify our understanding and integration of the upcoming spiritual lesson, so we can finish an master our major karmic cycles and important life lessons. These readings are customized to the individual’s personal star chart, providing unique spiritual insight and clarity, without hassle providing amazing spiritual guidance.
Mini Reading - $15.55
💗 One custom reading
-The theme of your spiritual lesson
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Deluxe Reading $25.55
💗 The full package
-Divination with tarot, playing cards and dice
-Everything else included in the mini reading, spiritual theme, any important dates, analysis of how it may effect your life, finances, relationships, a summary and guided advice so you can master it.
My favorite
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Please include full name & birthdate, birth time and birth city/state etc + email, in the comment box before check out, Cashapp notes or my Tumblr inbox with receipt code.
Forgetting to include birth chart info can cause wait time delay.
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writingitdown · 4 years
I do know a bit about numerology, but not that much loI I would greatly appreciate it if you would make a mini reading for me^^ I was born on the 28th september 1997. Thanks in advance and I wish you a great day♡
You’re a Life Path 9!
Sometimes known as the “Creative and Charismatic Humanitarian”, a big part of your life purpose is to serve humanity and improve human life in some way. You’ve likely got a strong sense of compassion for humanity, which can be used to inspire others. Many 9’s are very artistic. 9’s are often seen as old souls, since they hold the vibration of all of the numbers before it. With 9 being a “mind” number, there’s likely a strong implication of responsibility in your life. 9’s can sometimes be seen as overly serious. Part of your challenge is to focus on fully and completely letting go and surrendering, discovering and embracing some form of spiritual principles. A big part of your lesson is to learn how to both give and receive; 9’s have a tendency to take care of others, but need to work on learning how to ask for their own help from others when needed. You might feel or be seen as a natural leader.
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blaze8403 · 4 years
Never Back Down Thoery
Be it the story of morals or like sterring into the eye of the future future or on the receiving end of serious martial arts Kick from Sick Bick to Ill Bitch of me being intelligently Truthfully Honest as shishi and his his like my my of spell God and Good for it well not A nice try of country and poetry nature indoor outdoor sanctioned or Organized not mini Cooper of Super human mad of soup cooler past A or B and Dragon Ball Theory going Super Saijian Angel mood and doom is certain to come soon not hanging with mister Cooper or Max Cooperman but like nick name Booper man Mom and Grandfather A Kauffman Man Dad A Grandmother A Hawkins not man but male or female sex is gender rules to Yale like chromosome 25 and an answer that twickles and tickles the time like every wick has flame from A candle lit as Never Back Down is not A song and 1 is A by now 2 is B three was it C but Choice is from Actual to Well Quality Box office theater film to under budget series like and Undisputed title in motion picture and look Michael Jai White the common likeness but be the lesson plan in literacy and literal meaning of literal literature in speaking appealing to say spell king be the Anger of Angels and heat of emotions peakings and registry of such things be it A little Black on White White on Black Black on Brown no battle of the sexes and ex's female on female sure but no homophose and my care soon coming design of literary in administering homophones phonetic anagram and palindromes and the only thing missing is in ambigram like fire erif water retaw air ria earth heart htrae like Magick with A CK and Pythagorean numerology 311 Pisces by the way from here to be heard to hear to be one earth in heart of heard and he ar as he are not hard or head be it an ear to be to are a set to here or listen in silent of so a safe bet like Philosophy Science Religion Politics and old enough dear boy to read and not dare me to yob to match you boyish day to that of year of birth to be from well ytd year to date and my favorite style of chess and people are not to be black and white but yes certainly try not to get red on white unless you do it right like its ways of such but A1 to Z26 like 33 3+3=six not sex and A to H and witness me Disenvowel until Disenvoweled and reenvowel like vowels and vow that can shake religion to shakes and Shakespearean of Shakespeare's day with A milf or dilf milk shake what to do you say to call it call it day and the date from Sidney to Disney Japan and yen international and Siddeley like Hawker or Booper and Re King in Italian White Iced Honey bun person Black or Chocolate Icing person brown on black was a brownie or Browning m2 or glazed honey bun no icing like it was or wasn't vagina that day pink or white like a safe day or work and a mystery shopper one day or Book or Movie on Dan Brown Novel or Motion picture based upon day maybe DAN DNA spell And and Dan not And one mixtape but Alfa letter A like the shield of Achilles that day and alternatives to war and raw right and wrong war is wrong and right what those who have grown know like fighting over chicks not wedding gowns and tuxedos like us and our launching torpoedos over T H and H T among other things in Terry Hawkins and Hirohito but I am not one for A show of hows who's whos and shows like SOS101S0S how so of A show or Showa and every one knows like Janist Janism ist and ism of I seek more not I'm selfish me complex be well I am so pro non Alcoholic in my age ages ago non Alcoholic soju my mission non Alcoholic mission began with Soju and my more intelligent soul juice from hear to Korea like my name translation in that language there and their like there message and maybe a can have massage by the time I finished designing this Education Theoretical piece
Never Back Down Theory LPA1one lesson plan one
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The Five of Cups lives every emotion intensely. They have a need for change and rebirth. They teach us the lesson to let it go. The Karpathy-Smith deck is a limited, 780 copies only, renew Tarot, a reimagining of the original Rider-Waite deck using mixed media techniques. Customised and personalised, numbered, printed mini-booklet featuring your name. Available exclusively at https://tarotator.com/unified-esoteric-tarot-shop/ and including additional fees in my Etsy store. Get your personalised copy today! Like, comment, share! Have a wonderful day! #tarot #tarotart #tarotcards #tarotdeck #esoterictarot #tarotcommunity #besttarot #divination #fortunetelling #cartomancy #cardreading #like #comment #share #shareme #dailytarot #learningtarot #astrology #numerology #alchemy #kabbalah #psychology #therapy #thefourthway #karpathytarot #karpathysmith #pixie #pamelacolmansmith #riderwaitesmith #rws https://www.instagram.com/p/CMTuTAfnI5l/?igshid=1dwvu0syg0v6b
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witchyhotlineblog · 5 years
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💫 Mini-Tarot Profile- $10
~ 7 Cards + 1 Crystal Angel Card
• Discusses your soul, personality, and teacher cards along with your year card, destiny card and any advice given from the cards. One Crystal Angel Oracle Card will be pulled to discuss which aspect of your life needs healing and how you can do so.
💫 Full Tarot Profile
~ Generally 16 cards (could be more) + 2 Crystal Angel Cards
•Discusses everything in the mini set with the addition of lessons, opportunities and talents that may be hidden. Two Crystal Angel Oracle Cards will be pulled too discuss which aspects in your life need healing and rituals you can do to progress.
💫 Each customer will receive an emailed document with the details of the profile, along with photos of the spread.
💫 Each profile is devised and custom tailored to each person through aspects of numerology and astrology. Coming to understand these cards and the role they play in your life will help bring feelings of satisfaction, purpose and significance to your life.
To submit an inquiry, please email the following information to [email protected]:
✨First and Last Name
✨Payment via Venmo to @Shelebrate
The universe works in mysterious ways. There is a reason you are seeing this message 🙏🏼
With love and light everlasting,
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Astrology Aspects Learn
Classical astrology meaning
Explaining astrology aspects
Delineated mini readings
King weekly taurus astrology
Signs cusp dates
Numerology celebrating 20
Astrology 2019 Taurus Astrology Trine Meaning Harmony Between Inner Powers in Classical Astrology. The classical astrology meaning of a trine is that the powers involved are in harmony, so that they stimulate one another to increased activity and success. So, both sides of the trine are enriched by the aspect between them. It is not as strong an
Aspects are connections formed between planets depending on the degree of the Zodiac that they occupy. When the planets occupy the same degree of …
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Info explaining astrology aspects and how they are calculated in the astrology chart. delineated mini readings are here for the major astrology aspects; the conjunction, sextile, square, trine and oppositions. The page also has a help link, and gets in to tranit aspects, and aspect conigurations.
Astrology Horoscope Birth Astrology king weekly taurus astrology Zone Gemini Horoscope Your Horoscope by Susan Miller. As a Gemini, you are not considered a materialistic person, but this month, with half the solar system crowded into your eighth … Astrology signs cusp dates: August 19 – 25. IN THIS CUSP, command meets caution, passion meets perfectionism, and fire meets
Learn about the aspects of Astrology. … Aspects are angles created by the varying positions of the planets in the sky in relation to one another. Some aspects are …
Astrology App Pc Astrology Trine Meaning Harmony Between Inner Powers in Classical Astrology. The classical astrology meaning of a trine is that the powers involved are in harmony, so that they stimulate one another to increased activity and success. So, both sides of the trine are enriched by the aspect between them. It is not as strong an
Aspects in Astrology: A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope [Sue Tompkins] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Illustrates how aspects can offer a profound depiction of an individual and his or her destiny. • Contains comprehensive sections full of interpretations for every planetary combination. <BR><BR>• Concepts are explained through the …
Astrology King Weekly Taurus Astrology Zone Gemini Horoscope Your Horoscope by Susan Miller. As a Gemini, you are not considered a materialistic person, but this month, with half the solar system crowded into your eighth … Astrology Signs Cusp Dates: August 19 – 25. IN THIS CUSP, command meets caution, passion meets perfectionism, and fire meets the earth. While these
Jul 24, 2011 … Aspects are the building blocks of serious astrology, moving you beyond … nonetheless such folks are capable of learning from their mistakes.
The Sky Holds the Clues What’s Happening Now? A major part of Astrology is using the movements (transits) and relationships (aspects) of the planets to forecast what will be happening in our lives.
Therein lies the key to the meaning of this aspect: relationship. People with oppositions seek out others, as if to mirror their own internal struggles. They learn  …
Over 150 free lessons in astrology. In-depth tutorials for learning astrology, both Western and Jyotish.
Astrology and numerology celebrating 20 Years on the WWW December, 2016 by Michael McClain Welcome to Astrology-Numerology.com! Whether this is a first time look into astrology and numerology or you’re a serious novice student, these pages should be just right for you.
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blaze8403 · 4 years
Never Back Down Thoery
Be it the story of morals or like sterring into the eye of the future future or on the receiving end of serious martial arts Kick from Sick Bick to Ill Bitch of me being intelligently Truthfully Honest as shishi and his his like my my of spell God and Good for it well not A nice try of country and poetry nature indoor outdoor sanctioned or Organized not mini Cooper of Super human mad of soup cooler past A or B and Dragon Ball Theory going Super Saijian Angel mood and doom is certain to come soon not hanging with mister Cooper or Max Cooperman but like nick name Booper man Mom and Grandfather A Kauffman Man Dad A Grandmother A Hawkins not man but male or female sex is gender rules to Yale like chromosome 25 and an answer that twickles and tickles the time like every wick has flame from A candle lit as Never Back Down is not A song and 1 is A by now 2 is B three was it C but Choice is from Actual to Well Quality Box office theater film to under budget series like and Undisputed title in motion picture and look Michael Jai White the common likeness but be the lesson plan in literacy and literal meaning of literal literature in speaking appealing to say spell king be the Anger of Angels and heat of emotions peakings and registry of such things be it A little Black on White White on Black Black on Brown no battle of the sexes and ex's female on female sure but no homophose and my care soon coming design of literary in administering homophones phonetic anagram and palindromes and the only thing missing is in ambigram like fire erif water retaw air ria earth heart htrae like Magick with A CK and Pythagorean numerology 311 Pisces by the way from here to be heard to hear to be one earth in heart of heard and he ar as he are not hard or head be it an ear to be to are a set to here or listen in silent of so a safe bet like Philosophy Science Religion Politics and old enough dear boy to read and not dare me to yob to match you boyish day to that of year of birth to be from well ytd year to date and my favorite style of chess and people are not to be black and white but yes certainly try not to get red on white unless you do it right like its ways of such but A1 to Z26 like 33 3+3=six not sex and A to H and witness me Disenvowel until Disenvoweled and reenvowel like vowels and vow that can shake religion to shakes and Shakespearean of Shakespeare's day with A milf or dilf milk shake what to do you say to call it call it day and the date from Sidney to Disney Japan and yen international and Siddeley like Hawker or Booper and Re King in Italian White Iced Honey bun person Black or Chocolate Icing person brown on black was a brownie or Browning m2 or glazed honey bun no icing like it was or wasn't vagina that day pink or white like a safe day or work and a mystery shopper one day or Book or Movie on Dan Brown Novel or Motion picture based upon day maybe DAN DNA spell And and Dan not And one mixtape but Alfa letter A like the shield of Achilles that day and alternatives to war and raw right and wrong war is wrong and right what those who have grown know like fighting over chicks not wedding gowns and tuxedos like us and our launching torpoedos over T H and H T among other things in Terry Hawkins and Hirohito but I am not one for A show of hows who's whos and shows like SOS101S0S how so of A show or Showa and every one knows like Janist Janism ist and ism of I seek more not I'm selfish me complex be well I am so pro non Alcoholic in my age ages ago non Alcoholic soju my mission non Alcoholic mission began with Soju and my more intelligent soul juice from hear to Korea like my name translation in that language there and their like there message and maybe a can have massage by the time I finished designing this Education Theoretical piece from A Profession Doctor Philosopher Martial Artist and Artist Philanthropist Tycoon Theologist and Legal Professional Clergy and Assassin and Excutioner like Boop or Booper maybe Peros Dragonus Alias
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Lesson A plan 1 one
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<b>Numerology</b> Lessons
A Beginner or Intermediate foundations mini-class offering keyword, key phrases and key concepts of numbers 1-10 for students of both numerology ... from Google Alert - Numerology https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://metaphysicslessons.com/numerology-lessons/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjcwZDI0MTZhMWNlZTk0ODI6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNFm38okV1_jIWETxS5pKJJDkVgnNg via IFTTT
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