#minority deport
burstfoot · 7 months
I can't believe Velliv is homophobic
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iamdeltas · 1 year
Like I've said a million times before, I love Steven Universe and think its resolution of the Diamonds fits well with its overall themes and its only big issue is that it was rushed (due to circumstances outside the crew's control). But I wonder why I'm cool with Steven talking the Diamonds into reforming while rolling my eyes at The Falcon and the Winter Soldier having Sam do essentially the same thing to the GRC and the senators.
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thenuclearmallard · 1 year
Nov 2nd 1943 (79 years ago) - 70,000 from the Karachay population of the Caucasus were deported from their native lands by Stalin.
Just a portion of the crimes committed by the government.
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katherines · 5 months
People continued to die and are still dying from Covid or long term Covid. Under Biden, they stopped counting the deaths. Do whatever you want, but do not try to shame people from not voting or for voting third party this time. There was so much that Biden could've done or could do now during his presidency to codify Roe v Wade or even stop the genocide of Palestinians. Under Biden, more money went towards the police, miltary, and Israel then when Trump was in office. There is no lesser evil, that is bs to keep liberals voting and getting nothing in return. Democrats holds your rights and your healthcare as hostage and then do absolutely nothing to protect said rights or healthcare while in office. Politicians HAS TO EARN your votes or they straight up don't deserve them. It's simple as that.
Are you saying you'd rather have a dictator as president cause that's all I'm hearing out of this monologue.
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kuroimarzipan · 1 year
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during yesterdays session we had to meet the duchess of the realm and we had less than 12 hrs notice and as it turns out. they dont sell clothes for people with four arms off the rack. anyway she got deported
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sambaldyke · 1 year
"For many immigrants, if you move here with trauma, you're going to do what it takes to get by. You cheat. You beat your wife. You gamble. You're a survivor, and like most survivors, you're a god-awful parent.
Watching Dao, I thought of my father watching his own father being dragged out of his own home. I thought of [Asian people] throughout history being dragged against their will, driven or chased out of their native homes, out of their adopted homes, out of their native country, out of their adopted country: ejected, evicted, exiled."
Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning
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vydumaj · 2 years
someone needs to conduct a study on why spaniards online are more happy to spread russian government propaganda more than any other demographic outside of american tankies. no, ukrainian people aren’t nazis for speaking ukrainian or fighting in the war. they’re not “selfishly prolonging” the war, but trying to stop the russian army from killing more people… (nothing here is a strawman I’ve seen literally hundreds of “progressive” spanish people say these things)
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prigorie · 13 days
they fucking beat a 17 year old girl with heart problems to death in front of everyone else. because she was scared and hiding. just to make a point about what happens if someone tries to escape
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anticurses · 3 months
lrb this + members of our far right party - who are in our parliament - wanting to ‘remigrate’ every non citizen AND people who do have german citizenship but who migrated here plus their children :)
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bijoumikhawal · 2 years
It is wild seeing people go "nasser sucks on a whole because he betrayed orher communists" okay cool what about the horrible shit he did to ethnic and racial minorities
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batboyblog · 7 months
In speeches, interviews and campaign videos, Trump has promised to:
Use the military to participate in the largest deportation of undocumented immigrants in American history;
Order the National Guard into cities with high crime rates, whether local officials want it or not;
Prosecute Californians who protect minors coming to the state for gender-affirming care;
Impose a 10% tariff on almost all foreign goods, increasing prices for consumers;
Appoint a special prosecutor to “go after” his political opponents, beginning with Biden;
Purge the federal civil service of anyone who questions his views.
lets be clear here, Donald Trump wants to use the military to hunt immigrants and if you think it'll stop at "illegal" immigrants I have a bridge to sell you. He wants to place major American cities, Democratic cities under military occupation, oh also while he fires any Democrats from the civil service and "goes after" his political enemies. And as a cherry on top he'll make being trans illegal.
right now the world is trying to distract you from this, trying to act like this is a normal election with two more or less equal choices that both have problems and draw backs, thats not true. One side is selling an authoritarian dictatorship that wants to carry out a genocide of trans people, the other side is not.
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opencommunion · 4 months
"My father was born in 1905 in Bethlehem as an Ottoman citizen with Ottoman identification papers. As a teenager he witnessed the Ottomans being replaced by the British, and suddenly, almost overnight, he became a citizen of Mandate Palestine with a Palestinian passport issued by the British Mandate government. In 1949, when Bethlehem became part of Jordan, he became suddenly a citizen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. And when he died in 1975, he died under Israeli occupation with an ID card issued by Israel. But he was the same person throughout those geo-political vicissitudes and had no choice but to adjust to changing political and imperial realities.
Throughout Palestinian history empires have occupied the land for a certain number of years but were then forced to leave. Most of the time an empire departed only to make space for another empire. The majority of the native people of the land seldom left. Throughout history and starting with the Assyrian Exile, only a small minority was deported, and only a small percentage decided to leave. The vast majority of the native people remained in the land of their forefathers (2 Kgs 25:11). They remained the Am Haaretz, the native 'People of the Land,' in spite of the diverse empires controlling that land. This is why in this book I choose the people of the land as the description for the native inhabitants throughout history, for it is they who are the enduring continuum.
Their identity, however, was forced to change and develop according to the new realities and empires in which they found themselves. They changed their language from Aramaic to Greek to Arabic, while their identity shifted from Canaanite, to Hittite, to Hivite, to Perizzite, to Girgashite, to Amorite, to Jebusite, to Philistine, Israelite, Judaic/Samaritan, to Hasmonaic, to Jewish, to Byzantine, to Arab, to Ottoman, and to Palestinian, to mention some. The name of the country also changed from Canaan to Philistia, to Israel, to Samaria and Juda, to Palestine. ... And yet they stayed, throughout the centuries, and remained the people of the land with a dynamic identity. In this sense Palestinians today stand in historic continuity with biblical Israel. The native people of the land are the Palestinians. The Palestinian people (Muslims, Christians, and Palestinian Jews) are a critical and dynamic continuum from Canaan to biblical times, from Greek, Roman, Arab, and Turkish eras up to the present day. They are the native peoples, who survived those empires and occupations, and they are also the remnant of those invading armies and settlers who decided to remain in the land to integrate rather than to return to their original homelands. The Palestinians are the accumulated outcome of this incredible dynamic history and these massive geo-political developments."
Mitri Raheb, Faith in the Face of Empire: The Bible Through Palestinian Eyes (2012)
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makerinthemaking · 6 months
neil gaiman is a fucking zionist.
"b-but neil gaiman simply said both israel AND palestine have a right to exist!! that doesn't make him a zioni--" yes the fuck it does u privileged ignorant fucks. i shouldn't have to fuckin say this but y'all will say anything for the sake of defending the brits ig? even throwing those being mass genocided rn under the bus?
i used to admire the guy 'til i found out what he's believed, the genocidal state he supports the existence of, & continues to stand by what he said.
israel DOESN'T have a right exist.
not as it is, not as it's been & will always be. a genocidal state built on stolen land. its very citizens have shaped into a culture of discrimination, see the shit they post about palestinians. see questionnaires & statistics. segregation laws many of them gladly endorse. this ain't just the politicians (who have been loud in their prospects of ethnic extermination to allow for more land stealing) nor is it abt jews, abt neil's or anyone's jewish background. plenty jews speaking up against this bullshit, & already there were jewish ppl living in palestine before colonization (brought by an illegitimate act of imposed imperialism & not one palestinian representative in sight. the UK must also be held accountable but they won't be). dare y'all to tell me it shouldn't be the goal to give the land & the power back to its indigenous colonized peoples, regardless of the oppressing settlers already being... settled. it ain't the native peoples' problem to figure out, esp when so many of the colonizing settlers will support the shit thrown at palestinians. there's maybe like 1000 palestinians losses for very israeli casualty. US cops r trained by Israel, not to mention Israel equips them w shit to k1ll minorities in the US. Palestinians stand by BLM & gave advice on how to dodge gas & bullets during protests. they stood by Malcolm X & Black Panthers. BIPOC oppression & fight has always aligned w Palestinians'. israel freely enjoys basics & luxuries & will fuss abt the silliest shit like not getting enough diet flour at the moment, while publicly segregating & making racist mock of palestinians for literally not having access to basic shit like water & shelter & for getting their population violently cleansed & decimated while in an open-air prison. they're not even allowed to try & leave without risk of getting killed, & they're bombed even where Israel directs them it's safe to go (like South Gaza!) but why should they leave? it's THEIR land. would be successful cultural genocide. & now Israel declines offers to recover Israeli hostages just bc they don't wanna return infant Palestinian hostages, & instead Israel bombs places where ISRAELI hostages may be kept. even target-bomb hospitals, houses. freed Israeli hostages come out saying how appalled they are at how Israel failed them & keeps failing them. Israel's also been stealing & jailing/target killing palestinian children for ages. this mass killing's been going on for decades, yet Palestine is demonized by media when they try defend themselves. ain't no matter of "two sides" & "neutrality" when one side is oppressed & the other the oppressor. hamas is israel's oppression fault (& their politics actually see them as a convenience). actual palestinians have stated again & again they don't just want the genocide to end, they also want their stolen land back & the genocidal invasor state to be dismantled. which is what's right. the state of israel often has to delete its own posts cuz they're always found to be fabricated, falsified shit against palestinians, now western jewish AND christian celebrities post abt how "scared" they are, from the safety of their mansions & limos. it was already illegal to wear traditional muslim attire in anti-muslim countries such as france, now it's illegal to even peacefully protest for palestine & if u do ur thrown in jail as a terrorist or deported. these countries publicly support israel. israel has the army the means & the world's support, palestine's been in need of support & neilman ain't helping. should just shut his goddmn mouth. ain't he the one getting genocided this day. i dare that moron neilman to come at me i'll fucking have him, he's just like any other people who won't let themselves be educated anyway. not by us, much less by the oppressed people of palestine, the ones actually getting the shitty end of this situation. im so done. bland fuckin spineless "liberals". so quick to defend the british. stop fucking defending rich public figures online & do something for the persecuted ppl actually getting killed rn.
they're never on equal footing when it's 15 goliaths against 1 david.
no, israel shouldn't fucking exist & neil gaiman is a fucking zionist for even saying it should. not sorry i said this - palestinians r getting worse than rudely worded posts.
not a war. GENOCIDE.
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regina-bithyniae · 2 months
Finished The Wages of Destruction.
Solid 9/10.
Core ideas to take away:
work creation was a minor element of Nazi economic policy, a distant secondary concern after rearmament
rearmament had widespread public support in germany
shifting to autarky took extremely hacky and likely long-run unsustainable export controls, and even *export subsidies* because imports were still an inescapably vital input to industrial production in
controlling big business was largely a "soft co-opting" project while the agriculturalists were insane morons who were much more staunchly pro-nazi
once at war, Germany was going for broke from the very beginning and there was near-zero slack they could've squeezed out more war production from
truly pitiful productivity rate from Germany's conquered continental empire - the workers were far far more productive if deported to Germany than working in home countries
German surface navy seems useless, they didn't even have the oil to run the ships, and metal would've been better used elsewhere
Speer was a shit, Tooze hates hates him
bombing campaign actually was successful! specifically taking out the Ruhr
"blitzkrieg" doctrine was developed as they went; original 1940 invasion of France battleplan was to go "right up the center" not through the Ardennes and pre-battle production focused on heavy artillery ammunition
Bigger points: German "Strategy"
Germany escalated from diplomatic crisis to war with Poland/UK/France, and to war with the Soviet Union, and then America, out of a series of perceived closing windows of opportunity. First one was seeing UK/French production overtaking them in rates and catching up on stocks. In 1940 the US fully commits to aiding Britain, creating sense of "the bombers are coming eventually" and need to gain immediate advantage by conquering the Soviet Union.
Bizarrely, German production was focused on the Luftwaffe in preparation for fighting US/UK air war as Germany was getting ready for Barbarossa!
Declaration of war on US pitched as confirming alliance with Japan, but still feels stupid. Germany could just stay quiet and force US to either engineer entry to European conflict another way or stay out. Still seems less stupid, considering this is at a time when Barbarossa is coming apart.
But overall, a sound if massively risky plan assuming you accept the insane basic assumptions. Hitler's strategic vision often gets assumed to be terrible out of disgust for the consequences of his actions and their failure.
I really do wonder what the vibe was among German economic elite from 1942 onwards, it's obvious the war is not winnable, that you're very fucked, and that everyone is coming to kill you.
Anyways, good book and worth reading/listening to. Tooze could've slimmed down on the pre-war stuff. I find him vaguely irritating with how he brings up irrelevant things just to show how smart he is but that's probably just envy.
The original Volkswagen was just a massive scam with no actual civilian cars being produced despite taking all the payments for the vehicles. Possibly suggests two dominant strains of conservatism? Former is old aristocratic conservatism of the nobility or classic US elite; latter is the populist oppositional culture right-wingism which is about 64% scam artists.
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1americanconservative · 2 months
Here are just a few recent murders, rapes, and high-profile crimes committed by illegals in Joe Biden's America:
-Venezuelan illegal Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, allegedly beat University of Georgia student Laken Riley so brutally he disfigured her skull.
Ibarra faces eight charges including murder, kidnapping, and assault.
-Salvadoran illegal Nilson Trejo-Granados, 25, killed a two-year-old boy in Maryland and is currently being charged with first- and second-degree murder.
-Venezuelan illegal Renzo Mendoza Montes, 32, raped a 14-year-old female in Virginia and is being charged with sexual assault of a minor.
-Honduran illegal Angel Matias Castellanos-Orellana, 19, allegedly raped a 14-year-old Louisiana girl and has been arrested for first-degree rape, aggravated assault and stabbing.
-Jamaican illegal Stephen Claude Rattigan, 48, shot three DC police officers in a 13-hour standoff, who were serving an arrest warrant for animal cruelty. His criminal history dates back to 1995. He was previously deported in 2001.
Joe Biden let the entire Third World into America, so now America is becoming the Third World.
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