camilleflyingrotten · 10 days
That time Crowley was a jester and Aziraphale a minstrel…….
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alpaca-clouds · 4 months
What are Minstrels, Jesters and Bards?
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Keeping it up with me rambling about the middle ages and fantasy, let me talk about one of the things that seems to confuse a lot of people - especially because most fantasy media just kinda mixes this one up. The difference between Minstrels, Jesters and Bard. Given that all the words are so often used interchangably. But, indeed, there is a big difference, if we look at it from a historical perspective.
The very, very basic differentiation is like this:
A Bard was a Celtic song writer and storyteller
A Minstrel was a medieval travelling singer, poet, acrobat and storyteller
A Jester was a medieval singer, poet, acrobat and storyteller working at a cort. In the late medieval time they were more acrobats and people telling jokes though.
Also there is Troubadoures, who were mostly singers and storytellers at the courts.
Let me talk a bit about the different groups in detail, though.
Bard as a word comes specifically from the Gaelic word for "poet", which basically tells us most about them. as with so many things concerning the celts, the early history of them is not very well known. We do know, though, that they played a certain role within the Gaelic and Welsh societies both in keeping the oral history of the societies alive, as well as celebrating chiefs and warriors with their songs. Other than other aspects of Celtic societies, the bards did remain for a long while into the medieval period, though how the societies treated them did vary a lot by region.
While in some areas due to their connection to the Celtic (and hence indigenous) religion and culture, they were seen as "second class poets" in some areas - especially in Ireland - with the true poets being connected to the church.
Never the less: Whatever we still know about the Celtic mythology of the British isles is all only known thanks to bards. Because bards kept those oral traditions alive at times till the late and post-medieval period, allowing them to be written down.
Minstrels developed a lot in what their role was. In the early medieval period they were often still bound to courts of kings and lords, where they would perform a wide variety of things. Songs, poems, theatre, acrobatics and dance being most among them. But in the high medieval period it became more and more common that the courts would employ jesters and troubardores, who were more specialized. With those a lot of minstrels became travellers. They would travel the lands and always remain in cities and villages for a while, collect stories, perform their arts and then move on. As such they helped to spread stories throughout the lands - though people could not always be sure whether the stories they told and sang were true or not.
Minstrels often had close networks among each other, though. Exchanging stories and songs they had written and collected. As such they often had a very wide repatoir that they could share with the people.
It should be noted that while there were people like this throughout the entire medieval world, minstrels as we would call them were most common in Medieval France and England, with some also being around in Germany (that is the Holy Roman Empire). Travelling singers and songwriters in the rest of Europe had a bit of a different background, often being closer to the celtic bards.
And yes, minstrels are very much the closest thing here to what bards in DnD are displayed as.
Among those noted here, jesters are probably the one occupation people have the best idea of, given that they are fairly big in even modern popculture - even outside of fantasy. I mean, in your standard deck of cards the "Joker" usually is portrayed as a jester.
Jesters were fairly interesting. While they also would at times do poetry and songs, they often were more acrobats, joksters and magicians, who most of the time were bound to the court of a lord, duke or king. In these positions they did however often serve a very important role, as they were allowed to hold a mirror to whoever they served and give them the truth. Basically: They were allowed most of the time to criticize even kings. (Which does not mean that they always got away with it - but usually they got away with way more than most people.) As such a common idea of a jester was, that they were supposed to be wise and also act as a sort of advisor to whomever they served.
Interestingly enough there is a lot of historical evidence that often enough this specific roll was filled by disabled and disfigured people, who could not work in other rolls. Which in hindsight is interesting especially because it gave some disabled people a very important role within the society.
Finally we have the troubadours, who were most of all singers and poets working at the courts. Their art was seen as more "high class" than the work of the normal minstrels. They often would entertain nobility during their feasts and on festivals and celebrations. While they were not the same as jesters, they often were however allowed to parody and do satire of the lords, with that also reflecting on their actions.
So, yeah. There is a difference between these words. While there definitely were bards that served as troubadours, and troubadours who ended up becoming minstrels... It was a bit of a difference between those roles.
The fact that the bards were so tied to celtic cultures is especially a fact that so often gets overlooked.
So, there you have it. xD Maybe some food for thoughts for my dear fellow bard players.
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enbycrip · 1 year
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thecrowinggriffon · 3 months
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Homebrew bretonnians! Got my copy of the now Big Blue Book and started printing and converting some Bret units I've had on my mind for a while now. Bretonian Demi-hippogriff Knights; These'll play like their Empire counterparts. Vaulter Knights; So these guys know vaulting and don't need their reins to steer; they direct their steeds with ther legs and weight. which means they can use two swords for an extra attack instead of a shield. Dragonblessed Knigths; Like grail knights, but flaming swords instead of lances.
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captainkurosolaire · 8 months
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[Insight]:悪 Sheik Sphere🎼
Everything thou know dearest, is but a story.
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danskjavlarna · 8 months
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Source details and larger version.
My modest collection of vintage musicians is humming along.
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tchejko · 21 days
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Elias Corpion, Travelling Bard!
this guy is a cool skumble from the lands of Kestramore! He gains notoriety and performs all over the continent, probably accompanied by a bunch of goons
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hippography · 4 months
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AK Belgischer Trompeter in Tracht auf einem Pferd
75e anniversaire. - Grand Tournoi historique.
Ménestrel du Comte de Charolais
N. 16 L[]gaert, Brux.
Alte Ansichtskarten.
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hobbitforhire · 6 months
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Kai, that's not -- that's not how harps work. You should know this by now
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solottrpgchronicles · 3 months
3a. Secret Passage - The Last Tea Shop
Shop name: The Vagrant Tea Leaf
Supplies: sea salt, ginkgo leaf, giant puffball
Days: 11
Visitor: a minstrel
It's been a few days since the last visitor, and the insistent drizzle still isn't letting up.
While I'm lost in my daydreaming, the door opens, startling me.
"W-welcome!" I greet my new visitor. They're carrying a lute, so I assume they must be a musician of some kind.
Tired, yet exuding self-confidence, the visitor nods at me and sits down at the table.
As I brew a cup of Gumboot Tea for the mysterious stranger, I fire off my first question: "You look like someone who might have traveled a lot. Have you ever seen something unusual, and if so, what was it?"
"It must indeed show that I've traveled, and in fact, I feel so very tired. You could certainly say I've laid eyes on a myriad of peculiar folks, visited strange places, and encountered wondrous things. The oddest of all was perhaps that book…" They sigh, getting lost in their thoughts for a moment before resuming; "I was roaming the hallways of a castle, one night after a show. Truth be told, I sought the castle's kitchens, for I always feel a hollow pit in my stomach around midnight.
The surroundings were shrouded in darkness, and my only companion was a flickering torch. I stumbled over an unseen obstacle, my face nearly meeting the cold stone floor; right then, I heard the clanking of heavy armour and turned to see it sliding aside, along with the wall behind it. I had found a secret passage.
At that point, I couldn't resist, so I ignored the protests of my hungry stomach and ventured inside. I had only heard of secret passages in fantastic tales before; can you imagine the excitement I felt?
The passage led me to a chamber lined with bookshelves. A singular, small tome rested upon a reading desk at its center, open. Its pages were covered in intricate symbols, similar to runes.
As soon as I touched its pages, I was taken by a powerful vision: I suddenly had knowledge of everything happening within the walls of castle and outside, in the nearby town; I glimpsed into the lives of its denizens, witnessing their actions and emotions…
I was aghast. That was devilry of the highest order, and while I was tempted to turn the tale of my adventure into a song, my instincts urged me to put miles between me and that cursed place. Initially, at least. Then, I decided I couldn't abandon such a book."
"Fascinating," I comment earnestly, while bringing over the tea. "So, what did you do? Did you hide it?"
I hover around with my serving tray under my arm as they take a few sips and then reply.
"Hmm, marvellous tea. Yes, I deemed it prudent to steal and then hide the tome. Perhaps I should have followed my instincts instead and let it be; I might have lived longer, in that case.
Yet, as fate wanted, I had to perform again the following night - this was a private encore for the Sovereign and select kin; the night ended earlier than usual.
I feigned sleepiness, and soon after I sneaked out of my room. I recalled the location of the secret passage; identifying which floor tile to move was child's play. It seemed like a big flaw in design, but it certainly worked in my favour.
I infiltrated once again, grabbed the tome, and hastened away. I fled the castle using a makeshift rope woven from tied-together sheets.
After many days of traveling, I reached a vast lake and threw the accursed book into its depths, hoping no one would ever find it; perhaps the water damage would put a stop to the tome's evil magic.
Alas, the Sovereign noticed the theft, and it required little imagination to pinpoint the culprit. Admittedly, my scheme could have been more artfully devised... and now I find myself here."
They stare in the distance, theatrically, their soul clearly warmed up by the tea.
With a smile, I observe them stare at every little detail within the shop before leaving.
"I don't suppose you know my last customer?" I ask, as they stare at the portrait of the gambler.
"I do not, but I recognize the expression of someone who had a hard life. Well, I'll be off then, and thank you for the tea!"
They happily close the door behind them, grab the lute and play a song, the echo still lingering as they disappear in the warm drizzle.
This is a playthrough of a solo TTRPG called The Last Tea Shop, by Spring Villager.
You can check it out on itch.io: https://springvillager.itch.io/last-tea-shop
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reginaplaysthesims · 4 months
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I know it's been a while, but...
Merry Christmas from Whispering Lake!! ✨❄️
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bilociraptor1990 · 11 months
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The Tale Of Jenny & Screech [Screech]
Enjoy some of the lyrics:
Sirens sound approaching like a Banshee in the night The shrill cry of justice cutting like the sharpest knife But Screech was never one to run, not one to miss a fight One hand upon his blade, he turned to face the blue light
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gonechoo · 2 months
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Movie Time Tails 036: Sudden Realization
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destinysquared · 6 months
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Fox Minstrel (COMMISSION)
Drawing I've made for XepherSicarius of their OC playing in the street.
Thank you for commissioning me! Commission Prices/Info Here
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abbee-normal · 7 months
Of course I'm affected by altitis on LotRO too. I have plenty of characters already, but you know how it goes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kaimira Silverstring
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Raised by her grandparents who traveled as tinkers. Kai would play for the villagers as they traveled, gaining a few extra coins for the family.
Pulled into service by Meneldir because she happened to be handy with a blade the night the orcs attacked Mossward. Dragged along in the adventure, she's bewildered as how her life has changed since that night.
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aasteraarts · 4 months
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Hey everyone! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
So the last time I was here was in October\(〇_o)/ Somewhere all the desire to create something has disappeared, I just want to lie down and do nothing, /_ \ but the new year is coming soon, I hope in the new year I will start working more productively*^____^*
Oh yes, here's a beautiful bard for youヾ(•ω•`)o
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