#minz's rumblings
minzart · 3 years
since yuu and grim both share a ghost (well. technically two but im lazer focusing on chernabog) do you think that if one of them were to overblot, the other would get pulled into it as well? the idea of grim overblotting and everyone relying on yuu to help stop him, only for them to keel over and start transforming themselves, the blot monster looming over grim growing larger and larger....whew
That's exactly how I imagine it
I know the game won't do it but hey
I think it would be cool if the bond Yuu and Grimm share is so deep and dependable that once Grimm starts to Overblot, bc of too much magic in his system (that's how I see what is happening when he eats the black stones), Yuu starts to go into so much stress: school, homesickness, betrayal, worry and fear, that this might affect Grimm too
I made a quick Google and found here some information in familiars that you can see used in midia, if I'm not mistaken Lucius is Trein's familiar however he's a cat, Grimm is a monster
So let's say in this au I'm seeing Grimm as Yuu's familiar, bc in that site it says:
Familiar: "a small animal or imp given by the devil to a witch", latter it states, "this familiar sustains itself by eating the witch's blood", and I remember seeing many variation of this line in today's stories as a soul bond
So the way I'm doing it is, Grimm is slowly becoming Yuu's familiar and their souls are interconnected, Yuu contributed to the overblot in their stress and Grimm in the magic, both ending up overbloting bc of that and the boys need to finaly learn what Yuu was teaching all along, team work
If I remember correctly an overblot occurs when the Magician uses too much magic together with too much stress that's why if you squint this game is a psychological horror
And I'm a little bit tired of using the shounen formula of "beating the thing until it's friendly", so, just letting it here that I would love to see somebody comfort Yuu out of their overblot, specialy bc they are the stressed part, not the strength one
Disclaimer: I know this isn't how the game is going to go, this is valid in my AUs only, in the game it's probably going to be only Grimm who overblots, Yuu leads the battle, yada, yada, they go home and probably thinks it was all a dream but theres a Crow watching over them with a key or something
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