mittai · 2 years
white leftists need to learn that anti-imperialism isn’t just blindly supporting any group or movement from another country and claims to be protecting cultural values or whatever. not all people in the global south are progressive organizers. there are various other forms of discrimination and people are marginalized on account of religion, ethnicity, skin color, and caste within those countries. how hard is it to understand that other countries have their own politics and conservative factions and ethnoreligious supremacist nationalist movements? that’s not an anti-imperialist from india talking about how “christianity is a colonizing religion and we need to protect our hindu traditions and cultural values” that is a modi bhakt.
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lagacetadealmeria · 5 years
La candidata del PP al Parlamento Andaluz, Rosalía Espinosa, y la concejala popular ejidense, Delia Mira, han denunciado hoy la “pésima situación” en la que se encuentran los profesionales sanitarios de la Atención Primaria de El Ejido. Y lo han hecho aportando cifras que dejan claro “el nivel de saturación que sufren tanto las urgencias como las consultas de los Centros de Salud de este municipio, especialmente el de Ejido- Norte”.
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De hecho, según explica Espinosa, “son muchos los médicos de este Centro de Salud los que superan en un 66,6% los ratios de atención sanitaria al tener a su cargo a más de 2.500 pacientes cuando está establecido que nunca deberían de sobrepasar los 1.500 por facultativo”. Por tanto, “se está reduciendo, y mucho, la calidad asistencial que reciben los ejidenses, ya que con esas cifras los médicos se ven obligados a estar muy por debajo del tiempo de diez minutos de atención por paciente que los propios profesionales están reivindicando para realizar un buen diagnóstico”. Un asunto que, como bien recuerda la candidata, “es una de las grandes preocupaciones de este colectivo y uno de los principales motivos de la huelga que hace pocos días han llevado a cabo en Almería”.
  A este respecto, Espinosa explica que “el gobierno socialista de Susana Díaz lleva años incumpliendo sistemáticamente su compromiso de dotar de más medios la atención primaria, de reforzar las urgencias en el Centro Salud y el Hospital de Poniente, así como hacer realidad el servicio de Oncología a este último”.
  A su juicio, “los ejidenses están cansados de tener una lista de espera de casi dos años, las ratios más bajas de camas hospitalarias por habitante en el país y, por supuesto, de tener que desplazarse para recibir sus tratamientos de oncología o neurología”. Situación que ha asegurado que “cambiará tras el 2-D, ya que el gobierno del PP ya se ha comprometido a elevar la categoría del Hospital para que cuenten con las especialidades que necesita, redimensionar sus urgencias a los crecimientos poblacionales y mejorar las condiciones laborales de los profesionales sanitarios para acabar con la ‘fuga de médicos’ existente”.
  Subasta de Medicamentos
  Por otra parte, Rosalía Espinosa ha anunciado que “Juanma Moreno y el Partido Popular acabará con la subasta de medicamentos en el Servicio Andaluz de Salud, si el próximo 2-D consiguen llegar al Gobierno de la Junta”. Con ello, “erradicará los problemas de desigualdad que provoca en los andaluces, quienes sólo pueden acceder a una lista de 400 medicamentos distintos frente a los 1.400 del resto de españoles”.  Se trata de un sistema que “no sólo produce un gran rechazo entre los pacientes, especialmente entre las personas mayores, sino que crea alerta entre los profesionales sanitarios médicos y farmacéuticos, quienes aseguran que los principios activos de los genéricos son un 40% menos eficaces que los fabricados en Europa o Estados Unidos”.
  De otra parte, Delia Mira ha asegurado que “será el gobierno del PP el que acabe con la lista de espera a la Dependencia y la situación de bloqueo en la que se encuentran más de 200 ejidenses que, desde hace años, están pendientes  de que se les aprueben sus ayudas a domicilio, plaza para acceder a una residencia o prestación económica para contar con un cuidador”. Además, “más de 60 mayores superan ya el plazo de espera legal establecido por la propia Junta para acceder a la Dependencia”.
  Para la concejala “es una de las razones para apoyar el cambio de Gobierno, ya que los mayores ejidenses no merecen la falta de compromiso que el PSOE y Susana Díaz ha demostrado con este municipio en los últimos años tanto en materia sanitaria como de Dependencia”.
  Rosalía Espinosa denuncia “la saturación en consultas y la sobrecarga que sufren los médicos con 2.500 pacientes a su cargo, un 66,6% más de lo recomendado” La candidata del PP al Parlamento Andaluz, Rosalía Espinosa, y la concejala popular ejidense, Delia Mira, han denunciado hoy la “pésima situación” en la que se encuentran los profesionales sanitarios de la Atención Primaria de El Ejido.
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mittai · 2 years
i'm hardly an expert on this but the degree to which discussions of transphobia (transmisogyny especially), radical feminism, and homophobia seem to center "these ideologies support western, white supremacist gender norms" is a bit weird. at some point, it feels like we're losing sight of the primary victim (trans people) and implying that cis woc aren't enforcers and beneficiaries of traditional gender roles, especially in their homelands. yes transphobia is based on white supremacist ideas of gender, but it would be harmful and violent even if it wasn't. there are of course relevant reasons to bring up this connection between racism & transphobia, like when talking about how trans woc are degendered twice over, but overall i don't think we should be categorically lumping in cis poc as victims and not perpetrators when it comes to transphobia.
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mittai · 3 years
for literal decades, US schools have policed the clothing of young girls and the clothing and hair of black students so meticulously it’s straight up harassment, but now that they’re being asked to enforce a mask mandate in schools, which, btw, is a million times simpler and easier to enforce than these absurd dress codes, they “can’t control students in that way” because they “value student’s bodily autonomy” stfu and tell us with your whole chest that you’re scared of the rich white soccer mom PTA head cutting funding and you don’t think anyone who’s a girl or black deserves bodily autonomy.
EDIT: please reblog this version which has some clarifications!
EDIT: stop reblogging this at all! leave me alone! if you want it on your blog that bad literally copy paste and repost it idc!
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mittai · 3 years
despite the fact that many digital communication platforms (gmail, slack, discord, google chat, teams, etc) like to market the concept of “streamlining communication and workflow”, i feel like the explosion of digital communication has lead to more complex and overwhelming experiences for people who now live in a digital society. obviously it can do marvelous things (ex. keep families scattered across the globe in touch), but this focus on “ease of use” ironically results in a very overwhelming experience. like now i’m getting 24 college announcements about some other department and spam emails from writing contests i’ve aged out of and i’m getting 20 pointless messages in the group project chat. none of it was necessary or important or helpful i just got sent this stuff because people could contact me easily so they did. who decided email was a good idea who decided forcing people to be constantly accessible in order to navigate society was a good idea who decided that it should be considered rude to not respond within 24 hours. it’s not “streamlined” it’s cluttered and invasive! i feel like the immense amount of constant communication and digital engagement that’s required from us stresses us out and prevents us from prioritizing what matters in our lives! we’re forced to allow so much irrelevant nonsense into our lives solely by virtue of living in a digital society.
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mittai · 3 years
Tumblr media
this is fucking inhumane i hate the west so much you can’t even put your fucking nationalism aside in the face of a humanitarian crisis. (x)
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mittai · 3 years
everyone needs to stop using rhetoric that throws other marginalized people under the bus. please be thoughtful in how you phrase things bc words matter. i see people constantly trying to draw attention to celebrities’ bigotry by saying “if [x] was racist, everyone would care” (ex: jkr). first of all she IS racist, and people DON’T care. and even if she wasn’t: stop acting like nobody gets away with racism anymore. stop acting like racism is less serious than your marginalization.
i see nonblack poc talking about blm the same way. implying that black hypervisibility results in black issues getting more support than ours (that’s not how it works: more attention doesn’t automatically equate to more support), erasing the decades of work that went into raising awareness for this issue, implying that black people have privilege over us, and erasing the fact that we ourselves are complicit in antiblackness. this happens with a lot of the “us centric” rhetoric too. nonblack people will unironically use blm as an example of “american issues getting more attention”. people will act like increased awareness of the blm movement implies black people in the us have “us privilege.” is your primary example of “american privilege” really black people? it doesn’t take a history pHD to know that the us has never given black people anything close to “privilege.” or ripping off of their work by using the “[x] lives matter” format – which they have repeatedly explaines dilutes the power and specificity of the slogan, which was specifically designed to bring attention to antiblack police brutality.
another example of this that pops up all the time is with genocide. people will unironically say things like “how come everyone agrees the holocaust was bad but thinks [x] is a complicated issue” or use holocaust imagery or comparisons to make your point. actually you can easily argue genocide is bad without being antisemitic. not only does the repeated use of this rhetoric erase the uniquely horrific nature of the holocaust, it’s also offensive given rising levels of holocaust denial & antisemitism. jewish people have repeatedly asked us to avoid this rhetoric, and explained why it’s offensive.
you can make the exact same points without randomly throwing other people under the bus. it doesn’t help you get more attention but it does contribute to discrimination against them. also: stop reblogging posts with this rhetoric, even if you agree with the other points. you cannot justify antiblackness or antisemitism in the name of activism for other issues. find (or make) another post that doesn’t use antiblackness or antisemitism to make its points.
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mittai · 3 years
i think the most annoying part of tumblr feminist discourse is that nobody seems to be able to comprehend “there is no universal experience of womanhood and to claim one is inherently essentialist” side by side with “misogyny is systemic and pervasive” so you end up with people incapable of understanding that systems of misogyny and acts of misogyny do not need to affect all women or only women in order to be recognized as part of the system of misogyny.
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mittai · 3 years
types of people in the notes of any popular post about racism ever:
don’t forget lgbtq+ ppl this applies to us too!! (yt lgbtqs)
op forgets not all of us live in the us 🙄 (yt europeans)
oh so you hate white people?
well sweetie in europe race works differently (yt italians)
this is so americentric!!! (more yt europeans! yay! it never ends.)
omg i had no idea! i can’t believe we didn’t learn this in school!! (person who spent history class drawing realistic eyes)
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mittai · 3 years
actually some of you have taken “kids’ shows can handle complex themes and have good storytelling” too far. i DON’T watch kids’ cartoons anymore because they were made for kids and i find them too simplistic both in the story being told and the storytelling methods used. they bore me and i categorically believe that it’s bad to solely watch kids’ cartoons as an adult. and i also refuse to pretend that lgbtq+ rep in kids’ cartoons is enough for me, a grown ass adult. the relationships are not mature enough and not complex enough for me. and i don’t think kids’ cartoons provide good enough lgbtq+ rep for anyone beyond middle school. i want to see lgbtq+ characters & stories told with a complexity and depth beyond what is achievable in kids’ shows. i don’t want to resort to steven universe & she-ra because they and their rep are not entertaining or enriching to me.
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mittai · 3 years
everyday i log on and another white woman is talking about “harassment” and “bad faith interpretations” after people point out their racism.
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mittai · 2 years
i do actually think that writing excesses of violence or abuse or suffering has no literary merit on its own. if you write that content you are in fact responsible for deriving narrative value from it. “suffering is and will always be a fact of reality” isn’t a meaningful message on its own, and definitely not one that justifies indulging so heavily in trauma or torture porn. suffering for suffering’s sake has no literary value. the value comes from what you can say about the experiences in your book. if you have nothing meaningful to say about the suffering you write, then why are you writing it?
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mittai · 3 years
actually one of the things that makes me the most angry is when men bring up “oh well men aren’t allowed to express emotions besides anger or we’re ridiculed for it” as like a rebuttal to women talking about misogyny. because the assumption there is that because women are stereotyped as emotional and sensitive those emotions are considered valid and acceptable when in fact the entire basis of the stereotype is that those emotions are irrational / invalid. it’s literally been used as a tool of discrimination to argue against giving us equal rights legally for centuries. it’s used as a tool of discrimination in psychiatry. where tf did you get this idea that men are uniquely punished for showing emotions?
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mittai · 3 years
i’ve been retagging all the posts in my archive like the perfectionist i am, so i thought i’d drop the tumblr cleaning supplies i use here!
mass tag replacer (can search & replace multiple tags at once!)
untagged post finder
find all the tags you’ve ever used (maxes out at last 2000 posts tho)
another all tags ever used (no max, but less controls than prev. one)
original post finder
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mittai · 3 years
i get that there’s a lot of racism in the lgbtq+ community, and poc have a right to criticize white lgbtq+ people, especially when they use their marginalized status to shield themselves from allegations of racism, but occasionally i see some of you loop right back around into being homophobic. criticizing white gays for racism is necessary, but you don’t need to go after their marginalized identity. like joking that you’re homophobic against white gays and you hope they lose the right to marry and joking that white gays deserve homophobia because they’re annoying. i’ve even seen 1 post making an AIDS joke. that’s homophobia. ur da homophobe. what’s not clicking?
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mittai · 2 years
the people in the lgbtq+ community online who aggressively demand respect and deference from lgbtq+ youth on account of being older and having more experience and knowledge of lgbtq+ history are somehow also the same ones who treat lgbtq+ teens and children online with attitudes ranging from condescension to mockery to outright harassment. the same people mock teenagers for having the wrong identities or too many identities, experimenting, and even just taking expressing their sexuality in a “cringe” way. no wonder they don’t respect you, you’re a bully. they’re not ruining the community by simply existing and behaving like normal children. if you make posts mocking “all these stupid 15 y/o asexual kids,” stop expecting lgbtq+ youth to respect you. clearly you don’t respect them. if you’re not interested in being a positive, encouraging force in lgbtq+ youths’ lives, then just leave them alone. it’s that simple.
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