triste-pensante · 13 days
La soledad es dolorosa. Pero si juegas con ella, se convierte en tu compañía.
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asylum-inside · 1 year
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shining, the band that holds my back
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thegretchenimages · 2 months
"Ma perché sei misantropa e terribilmente asociale? "
Perché porco il cazzo sono le 18 e io sto aspettando la ragazza che si sposerà questa estate per darmi la partecipazione e parlare da più di due ore!! Io nemmeno volevo farla sta cosa ma ha insistito lei da settimane, ha deciso tutto lei e pur prendendo lei in mano la situazione è riuscita a cambiare piani, fare ritardo e probabilmente a presentarsi per le 21.
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shiutsu · 4 months
I hate when mfs trash on ppl who crush on something besides an irl mf & they then describe relationships in the most dull, boring & torturing way. Claiming that desiring a perfect,flawless relationship (or person) is beyond dumb since it's not realistic & that you should go through difficult things & expect your partner to do douchebag stuff & accept it instead.
Like who the hell thinks that everyone's perfect in this year? Are we going back to the old times again?
And why would you want to even like someone by aiming your interest at their flaws? Like looking at people based on their flaws doesn't seem good, especially not if you want to suffocate to them?
Plus no fucking character has no flaws, unless they're a Mary Sue.
Just why would you even describe a perfect relationship in the most boring way & think that's a great thing?
Plus arguing with that "its human" is the worst & overrepeated thing that can exist. Like do you also know whats human nature besides being confusing & throwing a tantrum over dumb shit that has nothing to do with them?
Mūrd3r, cānnîbalism & cruelty.
Even sêx could be considered as a form of cannibalism since..you're basically interacting mouthly w another human body, along with other forms of touch. Besides actually consuming them or ending their existence.
And like...
Why the hell would I want to replace my f/o, who's hot, has a great voice, is nice, relatable & would never do any shit that could happen in an irl relationship or just would get done by any existing person, with some unpredictable mf that can do anything anytime that I hypothetically tried go caught their attention somehow.
Does that sound appealing to you? I don't think so.
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kitzaya · 1 year
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the older I get...the more I understand what drove him...
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psydiot · 7 months
Como dejo de sentirme mal por ser el weon mas disociado del carrete? Es tan malo no querer ser percibido? Me llena un sentimiento de culpa ambiguo por no poder socializar como una persona "normal".
Me siento lleno de inseguridades pero, al mismo tiempo, firme misántropo. Sentimientos enfrentados y opuestos, que me llevan a un espiral de no saber como deberia sentirme ni actuar.
Ojala escribir esto me alivie un poco la mente, me repito que no esta mal ser como soy pero al mismo tiempo siento que me voy aislando cada vez mas.
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6soul6sucker6 · 2 years
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blublublu2 · 1 year
hoje errei.. conversei sozinha.. falando ALTO
isso tira minha privacidade .. porque falo alto
eu detesto vizinhança e queria desconhecer 99,999999999999999999 % das pessoas que eu já conheci
ainda bem que nem sei quem mora na minha vizinhança
preciso manter minha calma... pra evitar a fofoca covarde
ou qualquer tipo de ...: especular sobre minha vida
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triste-pensante · 12 days
No estamos hechos para amar ni ser amados. Nosotros los humanos de baja categoría tenemos una misión en esta vida: encontrarnos a nosotros mismos y ver la realidad con ojos de extrema lucidez. 
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profesor-javaloyes · 2 years
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En mi “molesta” opinión… desde las entrañas más profundas de la misantropía.
“La ley que considera a los animales “seres sintientes” logra el aval definitivo del Congreso de los Diputados. Los animales han dejado de ser cosas para la legislación española. A partir de ahora, se considerarán “seres sintientes” y como tal tendrán un tratamiento legal diferente a la de cualquier objeto inanimado.” (Periódico El País) Bueno, algo es algo. En estos tiempos en los que nacer genéticamente humano de sexo masculino conlleva ser directamente considerado en el mejor de los casos somo sospechoso  de ser un potencial violador y maltratador derivado de la herencia de una sociedad construida en los cimientos del “machismo heteropatriarcal falocéntrico opresor”, es decir y en expresión popular ser un auténtico “animal”, es bueno saber que al menos la Ley tiene por otro lado la deferencia de considerarnos “seres sintientes”. Y a modo de experiencia señalo un ejemplo:
“Te quiero pero como amigo” Así es como se siente… una patada en los huevos.
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israelpritchard · 2 years
Últimamente siento tanto repudio por la raza humana que solo busco una pequeña oportunidad para joderlos, hacerlos sentir incómodos, inútiles.
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shiutsu · 1 year
Reddit’s not friendly even on misantrophy
So a few days ago, I posted on the r/misantrophy subreddit that thing that I posted here on tumblr, but with several changes, like added explanations and few other things.
And since for some reason the posts need to get approved by the moderator, I had to wait for the entire day to get some result. 
However, no notification has arrived, no message..Not even the bot’s notif that I got yesterday.. And when I went to the post.. It apparently got removed for spam..
The godsaken post had over 1300+ words, it took me 2 hours to write it and.. It wasn’t any different from most of the content that’s usually here..
Like people here talk about the economy, some human hypocrisy, depression.. And when I talk about how better the world would be if other humanoids were present and in a co-relation with humans, how hypocritical the aspec communities are, how human anatomy is gross and how nonsense hate towards self-shippers is and it is apparently wrong?..
Like it’s the same shit, dunno what are you on 😀
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loreber · 2 years
Intente no rendirme, intente continuar, pero a pesar de dar bastante, a pesar del esfuerzo, de la poca esperanza que quedaba, de tener las mejores pocas intenciones que sobraban, no esperaba nada, y aun así me han decepcionado tanto… que decidí cambiar el rumbo del camino, fue así, un gran hito pasar del camino blanco, a elegir el camino negro.
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joribeiro · 2 years
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yuhooland · 3 months
“Qué alegría, qué placer sentirse libre, disponer de sí misma a su antojo, no ver, no escuchar a nadie.”
Algo tan feo en la vida de una señora bien. Marvel Moreno
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