decepticrew · 6 months
Allies In Grief || @twcwheeler
Since losing Breakdown, Knockout had only one thing on his mind. Revenge. He'd left the nemesis behind and headed for Jasper. He knew the autobots were based somewhere around here from prior Deception Intel.
He couldnt take Airachnid down alone, he stood no chance if Breakdown...
Anyway, that was enough thinking about that. The spider-like Decepticon used to boast about killing Arcee's partner, if he was going to find an Autobot who would be sympathetic to his cause Knockout knew she'd be the best one to start with.
It'd taken him a few days of hiding to finally see her on a patrol alone. This was his chance to convince her to help him, so he followed her at a distance until they were out in the desert when he pulled closer.
"Don't shoot yet, Autobot, I just want to talk. I'm here with an offer that should benefit us both."
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janusa · 3 years
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Kara and Lena work at the same night club, both of them greatly indebted to its shady owner. They are the best part of each other’s days so one day they decide to steal the contents of the vault and run away together.
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yearofdays · 3 years
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queenandexile · 5 years
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Found a cute dealmaker, so I had to make the top. With additional bonus mix ‘n match choice of El or Ellie!
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triviataes · 6 years
the weather in busan // fruitily
Pairing: Yoonkook
Word Count: 6.5k
Summary: on sundays, jungkook listens to a strange little radio show while painting and may or may not be slightly in love with a voice. on sundays, yoongi and taehyung host a strange little radio show out of the back of their van while fighting about things like maps and portable coffee makers and yoongi has no idea whether his voice is reaching anyone. until they get lost in busan.
Opinons: This fic was so sweet, it made me melt. I have such a soft spot for yoonkook, and this made my heart full. 
Warnings: None
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sherlollyresources · 6 years
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Aesthetic + AU Material Gifs
These are for you to use all I ask is that you follow the rules (Please give credit to this blog)
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noncanonexo · 7 years
Title: Unwritten by unniebee
Pairing: Kris/Baekhyun; Kris/Baekhyun/Lay
Rating: NC17
Summary: On a planet that has no plants, Baekhyun suddenly acquires one.
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creepypastaromania · 4 years
Ceasul de mana
Tatal i-a oferit cadou ceasul cand a implinit varsta de zece ani. Era un simplu ceas de mana, gri din plastic. Singurul lucru iesit din comun era ca acele se miscau in directia opusa ca un cronometru.
“Asta este tot timpul pe care il mai ai in aceasta lume, fiule. Foloseste-l cu cap.” Si chiar asa a facut. Pe masura ce…
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eternizou · 6 years
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apwsldfnjksh · 7 years
Uneori, când atingeam lucrurile pe drum, le dădeam viată.
Mă intoarceam cu spatele si in felinare stătea să izbucnească lumină, componentele gardurilor, scanduri, dansau, boschetii inverzeau, frunzele se miscau cumva, toate într-un fel al lor magic.
Acum le ating să le iau viata, ele rămân ofilite, aspre, indiferente.
Rămân obiecte
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decepticrew · 6 months
@wild-at-spark liked this for a starter
Breakdown stumbled in, servos clasped over a wound that was still leaking energon despite his best efforts to stop it. He was too far out to make it back to decepticon territory before he bled out, so he just had to hope this place really was neutral.
"Hey, uh...a little help here?"
The bulky bot wobbled on his feet, uncertain how long he could stay standing in his current state.
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janusa · 3 years
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Kara wouldn’t call herself a womanizer (she also sleeps with men, sometimes), she just doesn’t believe in relationships and why would she need one? She has Lena, her best friend and only constant in her life besides Alex.
When Lena leaves for a long business trip Kara starts to realize that maybe she wants a bit more, she is ready rto confess her feelings as soon as Lena comes back but there is one thing she doesn’t expect; Lena doesn’t come back alone.
Jack seems too good to be true and Kara doesn’t trust him one bit but if that’s what she wants, she’ll support her. That’s the duty of the maid of honor, after all.
+ Bonus
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De 1 iunie, inapoi la copilaria noastra
Ca mulți copii, mi-am petrecut cea mai mare parte din copilarie pretinzand ca sunt în alta parte. Intotdeauna dorind și sperand sa fie altundeva decat acasa într-un tinut indepartat unde se intampla lucruri magice.
Indiferent daca am copilarit la tara sau la oras, daca am fost incadrati la generatia "cu cheia la gat" sau "Mac Donald's", exista cateva jocuri care ne vor aminti mereu de copilarie. 
1 iunie, haideti sa incercam sa uitam putin de grijile vietii de "adult" si sa rememoram impreuna cateva dintre jocurile care ne-au adus in fata parintilor cu genunchii juliti sau cu hainele pline de praf, insa fericiti si mandri de "ispravile" noastre.
Era jocul care starnea cel mai mare amuzament. Mingea era pasata de la unul la altul, iar "un magarus" trebuia sa o prinda sau sa o atinga (in functie de regulile stabilite ad-hoc). Daca reusea sa faca asta scapa de titulatura de magarus, iar cel care o pierdea ii lua locul. Imi aduc aminte si acum glumele care se faceau pe seama celor care, pe rand erau magarusi.
Imi aduc aminte si acum cum alergam cat e ziua de lunga... La jocul asta nu sunt prea multe de spus, poate doar ca ar trebui sa-l practic si acum, poate asa as scapa de kilogramele in plus.
Jocul emblema al oricarei copilarii apuse. Orice copil stie de "omuletul" conturat pe trotuar cu ajutorul cretei, numerotat din cap pana in picioare, pe care trebuia sa sari intr-un picior. Acesta este un joc pe care il poti juca lejer cu fiul/fiica ta, pentru ca nu necesita mai multi copii.
Imparate luminate, cat e ceasul
Retraiesc si acum momente inedite ale copilariei, chiar daca doar prin prisma amintirilor. Mai stiti cat arata ceasul imparatului: o mamaliga, 10 pasi de furnica, un crocodil si asa mai departe. macar el era scutit de blestemul trecerii impasibile a timpului.
1, 2, 3 la perete stop!
Il jucam intotdeauna in fata blocului, folosind drept "perete" unul din zidurile exterioare ale cladirii. Nu-l jucam niciodata foarte multa vreme, pentru ca ne plictiseam repede, dar il jucam destul de des. Smecheria era sa spui "unudoitrei" mai lent -asta tin minte- si "la perete stop" foarte foarte rapid, ca sa te poti intoarce repede si sa ii prinzi pe cei care se miscau.
Flori, fete sau baieti
Anul acesta de 1 Iunie,cu ocazia Zilei Copilului Opera Comica pentru Copii organizeaza in Parcul Herastrau si la Muzeul Satului Festivalul Opera Copiilor. (https://www.facebook.com/events/406918326357675/) Acesta dureaza 4 zile si intrarea este gratuita.
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queenandexile · 5 years
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Outfit swap, featuring the girls being cute. Ellie has no idea how Kitani walks around all day so... exposed. Kitani, on the other hand, feels like she can take on the world. This lasts for about 5 minutes, and then the armor gets too heavy for her. 😅
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hopernicus · 7 years
mama mea e din zilele acelea / acum ea respiră / mama a murit în ziua de Shavuot- autor Yehuda Amichai
mama mea e din zilele acelea / acum ea respiră / mama a murit în ziua de Shavuot- autor Yehuda Amichai
Mama mea e din zilele acelea
Mama mea e din zilele acelea, când se pictau frumoase fructe în frumoase vase de argint și nu cereau mai mult. Oamenii se miscau prin propriile lor vieți precum corăbiile, cu vânt în pânze sau împotriva acestuia, credincioși destinului lor.
M-am întrebat cum e mai bine, să mori bătrân or să mori tânăr. Ca și cum aș fi întrebat ce e mai ușor, un kilogram de pene sau un…
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decepticrew · 7 months
Timeline and AU tags
Most of my rps will take place based on before the end of the series, but here's just a quick rundown of my timeline/alternate universe tags and what they mean
This is based mostly on the first 2 seasons of TFP before Beast Hunters, all RP's default to this universe unless stated otherwise
This is for rps based specifically in season 3 and the TV movie of Prime. This is canon coherent and rps with Breakdown are not possible in this timeline
This is for rps based after the events of Beast Hunters, the decepticons are no more and have to try and reconcile their differences with the autobots to move towards peace
Breakdown lives and gets to see peacetime with his partner, an alternative universe of PrimeAftermath. This is only available for rps with Breakdown and/or Knockout included
This is for rps based before the events of the series, usually early on in the decepticon/autobot conflict
This is for rps based in the Earthspark universe, I may make a separate rp blog for it at some point but I just had a super fun time watching it and if anyone wants an rp in this universe it'd be awesome
The decepticons reimagined as humanoid aliens, this doesn't have one central Canon yet as I'm willing to build different versions of this with different rpers, I just wanted people to be aware it was on the table
Not covered above? It'll probably get this tag
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