#mob psycho 100 s3
pherre · 2 years
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mob! mob! mob! mob!
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lordsmaf · 1 year
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Respect the hustle, Tome
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exxaltioras · 1 year
Something about Mob Psycho 100 I truly adore is how beautiful and real the platonic love is. I know this has been said again and again but as a younger brother it just slaps me in the face sometimes. I feel like casual platonic intimacy between people who care about each other is so undervalued in media in general, and the way Mob loves people unabashedly and with open tenderness is so important to me.
His open adoration for Ritsu, despite the hurt underneath. My sister and I have hurt each other like breathing over the years, but there is no one on this Earth I would give my life to protect like her. No one else knows me like her. And I see that in Mob and Ritsu.
Mob’s deep love and appreciation for Reigen. The way Mob sees his own loneliness reflected back in Reigen. The way Reigen is the only person who can tell Mob it’s going to be okay and make him believe it. The way Mob collapsed into his arms when he said his family was okay, even when Reigen was lying through his teeth. Not even Dimple’s word was enough. He finally felt safe enough to sleep. How Mob disrupted and terrified an entire room of reporters on purpose, when he’s already scared of his powers, so Reigen wouldn’t have to look so sad and cornered and alone anymore. Remembering his birthday, even when they’d been apart for a long time. Reigen always crouching down, hand on his shoulder, eye-to-eye; mutual saviors. They both entered each other’s lives at the perfect time to say, “You’re going to be okay.”
Even Mob’s love for the ones who have hurt him. His unwavering resolve to help Toichiro Suzuki apologize to his wife and his son—to see them again, to make amends, to build a better life than the one that saw him wandering the world for years and years alone, looking for something more. To channel his vision and his drive into a future that Shou deserves. The way he embraced Serizawa when he felt his fear and his pain and welcomed him into a better life without a shadow looming over his shoulder, accepted him as a peer and a friend that he never had. How Shou burned down his house and nearly made him destroy the world in horrible grief for his family, but still he was roused with anger to defend him from his father’s hand. “I’m sure you have a lot going on. I mean, look at what your own father has done to you.” Look at what the pain has done to all of you. What has it done to me?
Mob and his heart full of love, and the story of how, eventually, that loving heart learns to love itself. God. Shit.
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
animation nerds this month:
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exilepurify · 1 year
No! He shouldn’t be held down by trauma!
An AMV I made thinking about the three traumatic near-death experiences that led to the confession explosion: Mogami, Toichiro, and the car accident.
Song is Sleep by My Chemical Romance
Warning for flashing lights and eye strain!!
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amii-dump · 1 year
This episode was so epic, here's some manga and anime comparisons (mostly mob)
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I especially love how they changed some things for the anime. Such as teru still keeping that dumb pose of his when he is paralyzed by mob and in the preview where dimples finger is super long for some goddamn reason
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wojtekaneko · 1 year
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It's to become the little brother you can speak your mind with!
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ezdotjpg · 1 year
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Heya. You seem well. 
quick redraw of this shot because I cried 
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"Goodbye, Mob."
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laurenillustrated · 1 year
Who would I be if I didn’t draw Reigen???
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pistashxo · 1 year
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the prez’ dream
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sebbyisland · 2 years
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lordsmaf · 1 year
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mumuqings · 1 year
hi can I just take a moment
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bc this? vs this?
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if anyone needs me I will be in recovery for the next week
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deweystuber · 2 years
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Holy shit it’s autistic girl autumn
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exilepurify · 1 year
Shigeo and Mob omitted scene dialogue translation
I felt like the way some of the dialogue in the MP100 manga during the Confession Arc “No one will save me” scene (not included in anime) was a little confusing, so I got my hands on the raws for that chapter and translated it from the Japanese to English to get a better feel for it.
Translation under the cut! (It’s long)
This scene happens in the manga directly before Reigen’s scenes start. It’s basically Shigeo’s internal dialogue that happens as Serizawa and Reigen are attempting to reach Shigeo using the umbrella as a shield. It’s also one of my top three scenes in the entire manga and I was crushed it wasn’t included in the anime.
But! The translated dialogue can be pretty confusing. The subject matter is already a bit abstract and nebulous, and it’s made even harder to fully grasp translated out of its original language. It’s the curse of translated media to always be slightly less clear than the source material. This is why I wanted to go and translate the Japanese myself.
The first page I translated is this one:
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Below is the translated dialogue, separated by speech bubble, going right to left and top to bottom:
Mob: なぜこんなことを?— Why do something like this?
Shigeo: 僕のためだ。— For me.
Shigeo: やりたいことをやるためだ。— To do what I want to do.
Shigeo: 僕は僕のためにいる。— I am here for my own sake.
Shigeo: 僕には僕が必要なんだ。— I need myself.
Shigeo: 車にはねられたのを覚えているか? — Do you remember being hit by a car?
Shigeo: そして身体だけじゃ動けなくなった。— After that, I couldn’t move with just my body.
Shigeo: だから意思で動くしかない。— So I had no choice but to move with my will.
Mob: 何を言っているんだ。お前は僕の意思じゃないよ。— What are you talking about? You’re not my will!
Shigeo: わかってないな。それが偽物だっていうんだ。— You don’t understand, do you? I’m saying that it’s not true.
Shigeo: ツボミちゃんに会いに行くための強い気持ちがあるだろう。— You have strong feelings about going to meet Tsubomi-chan, don’t you?
Shigeo: 僕にとってそれはとても大事なものだ。— To me, that is a very important thing.
Mob: そんなもの… こんなに人に迷惑かけてまですることじゃない。お前の考えは普通じゃないよ。— Something like that… isn’t worth making trouble for people like this. Your mindset isn’t normal!
Shigeo: 普通ってなんだ?またそうやって僕そのものを否定するのか?What’s “normal”? Are you going to keep denying me like that?
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Shigeo: アンタはいつもそうやって納得したつもりになってた。— You were always pretending you understood like that.
Shigeo: そして割りを食うのはいつも僕だ。— And it was always me who scraped by as a percentage.
Shigeo: このままアンタが壊れて消えれば… — At this point, if you break apart and disappear…
Shigeo: もう僕は我慢しなくていい。— I won’t have to endure it anymore.
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Shigeo: 僕の好きにやらせてもらう。— I will be able to do as I please. 
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Mob: 自分勝手に力を速って… — Using my powers for selfish reasons…
Mob: 誰かに迷惑をかけることが「自由」なのか?— and making problems for everybody… Is that “freedom”?
Mob: 僕はそんなことを求めて生きてない!— That’s not what I want, or what I’m living for!
Shigeo: 誰かって誰た?誰に迷惑がかかるんだ? — Who is “everybody”? Who are you making trouble for?
Mob: え… — Uh…
Shigeo: 誰なんだよ。— Who??
Shigeo: その誰かが僕を幸せにしてくれるのか?— Will those people bring me happiness?
Shigeo: いつか助けてくれるのか?— Will they save me someday?
Shigeo: 思い出すんだ。Remember.
Shigeo: …いつも僕を助けてたのは…僕だろう。— …The one who always saved me… was me.
Shigeo: そんなこと… 利用されてたんだよ。— You always used me… for that sort of thing.
Shigeo: しかもそれをわかってて喜んでた。なぜ?— And yet, knowing that, you were pleased. Why?
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Shigeo: 臆病だからだよ。自分の行動に…力に…責任を持ちたくないから… — Because you’re a coward. Because you don’t want to be responsible for your actions… your power…
Shigeo: だから他人のためにしか自分の力を使わない… — So you only use your power for the sake of others…
Shigeo: でも力を認めて受け入れてもらえるのは嬉しかった。なせ?— But you were happy that your powers were acknowledged and accepted. Why?
Shigeo: 力を使う僕こそ本当の僕だから。— Because the me that uses my powers is the real me.
Mob: 違う。力は関係ない。力がなくたって僕は僕だ。— That’s wrong. Power is irrelevant. Even without power, I am me.
Shigeo: 関係ある。力があってこその僕だ。— It is relevant. It’s precisely because of power that I am me.
Shigeo: 自分の本性を、裏を、半分を、隠して安心?— Does it give you peace of mind, hiding your true nature, your hidden side, half of yourself?
Shigeo: 嘘だな。— It’s a lie.
Shigeo: 自分に嘘をついたまま長いこと忘れちゃってたんだよ。— Telling yourself lies for such a long time like that, you ended up forgetting.
Shigeo: 部活に入って自分を変ようとしたけどそんなのは無理だ。— You tried to change yourself by joining your club, but that’s not possible.
Shigeo: 簡単に新しい自分を作ろうとしてるだけ。— You’re simply trying to fabricate a new self.
Shigeo: 一番難しい問題を先送りにして努力した元気になってるんだよ「モブ」は。— You tried to put off the most difficult problem by working out and getting fit, “Mob”.
Shigeo: ずーっと… 僕を見てなかった。— You didn’t look at me… for a very long time.
Mob: だって… もしこれが本当の僕の姿だっていうなら… — That’s because… if this is my true form…
Mob: 本当の僕になんて誰も近寄られない。誰も… — If this is the real me, no one will want to be near me. No one…
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Mob: 誰も助けてくれない。そんなの嫌だ… — No one will save me. I hate it…
Shigeo: 本当は僕は誰も信用していない。まあ…律はわかってくれたみたいだけど。— The truth is, I don’t trust anyone. Well… Ritsu seemed to get it, though.
Shigeo: こうやって暴れる僕だって本当の僕だ。— The one violently raging like this is the true me.
Shigeo: まだ認めたくないの?— Don’t you want to admit it already?
Shigeo: まだ逃げるのか… — You’re still running away…
Shigeo: 本当に弱い… — You really are weak…
Shigeo: だから認めるんだ。これが僕だ。— Admit it. This is me.
Shigeo: 誰も助けてくれない。No one will save me.
Shigeo: それならそれでいい。それが僕だから。— If so, that’s fine. It’s me, after all.
Shigeo: 次に目覚めたときは僕は僕になってる。— When next I open my eyes, I will become me. 
Shigeo: さようなら、モブ。— Goodbye, Mob.
1) In the most widely-used scanlation, this line:
Shigeo: そして割りを食うのはいつも僕だ。— And it was always me who scraped by as a percentage.
is translated as:
Shigeo: “And it always put me at a disadvantage.”
It’s generally correct, but I think it loses some of the impact that the original, seemingly very intentional wording has. 割り means “percentage” or “proportion” in this sense, and 食う, though most widely used as a masculine slang word for “to eat”, has a secondary usage meaning “to survive/to make a living (through hardship)” My version of this line is not the most strictly dictionary-accurate one but I feel like it captures the feeling well, which is the point of translation when done well.
2) The line:
Mob: 誰も助けてくれない。そんなの嫌だ… — No one will save me. I hate it…
is translated in the scanlation as:
“No one will save me. I don’t want that…”
This is still technically correct, but I’ve always thought 「嫌」 to be a bit stronger than that. It’s most often used to express dislike of something, so it’s correct to say “I don’t like it…” but it’s also the kanji used in 嫌い (I hate…), and it makes more sense to me to think of it as “I hate it” because it also parallels Ritsu’s “嫌いだ/ I hate it” statement in his vs ??? sequence.
Anyway, sorry this was so long! I hope it makes sense. I feel like it cleared up a few of the murkier statements for me.
A list of interesting vocab used here, for Japanese language learners:
偽物 「にせもの」:(n) counterfeit, imitation, sham
迷惑をかける 「めいわく」:to cause trouble (for someone), to bother, to inconvenience
否定 「ひてい」:denial, disavowal, repudiation
我慢する 「がまん(する)」:to endure, to bear with (something)
臆病 「おくびょう」:cowardly, timid (kanji literally means “timidity sickness”)
近寄る 「ちかよる」:to approach, to draw near
暴れる 「あばれる」:to act violently, to rage, to be riotous
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