#modern houe
eclipsecrowned · 9 months
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NAME: Laerion Velary*n AGE: 23-25 during the Dance HAIR: Black EYES: Lilac HEIGHT: 6′2″ OCCUPATION: Nobleman ; Captain FAMILY: Rhaen*s T*rgaryen (mother) ; Corl*s Velary*n (father) ; La*na Velary*n (elder sister) ; Laen*r Velary*n (elder brother) ; Laerissa Velary*n (twin sister)
Every noble house has its jester. Despite appearances to the contrary, Laerion is delighted to hold this position for his own ancient House. A youngest child and second son, he reckons he was simply a tagalong riding on the heels of his sister's beauty and brilliance. Of course, this matters little to Laerion. Ill-suited to politicking, faith, or leadership, he refocuses his efforts into the contrary roles of a port in the storm to his loved ones, and an adventurer born who always seeks the furthest horizon.
Laerion is a merry, adventurous young man. He is unconcerned with matters of court or politicking, focused instead on his sailing and taking care of those around him. It is his goal to one day travel to all the lands his father has not yet seen, such as Stygai, and to circumnavigate the North.
He is friendly to all, whether commoner or noble. Such unassuming affability has led to the perception he is somewhat naive and poorly suited to his noble station by his peers and superiors, while smallfolk and outcasts consider him a compassionate and educated man. He may talk a lot, but he's capable of being profound if he puts in the effort. He's also a bit of a charmer.
He prefers to spend most of his time in Essos or at sea, but still returns occasionally to either Houe Velary*n's seat at Driftm*rk or to the T*rgaryen court in K*ng's Landing. Unlike his siblings, he is without a dragon, and doesn't much care that he was somehow 'lacking.' He gets the same thrill out of the endless sea that his siblings do in the open air.
The war takes a lot out of him. He finds the whole thing pointless, just people doing terrible things to their own blood in pursuit of who can spit down at the smallfolk. There's no honor in it. There's no point. Yet he serves the Black cause loyally, because it is the side his parents chose for their House. After losing his mother, his nephews, and whatever innocence he had left so early in adulthood, he comes out something of an absurdist. This life is a farce. It doesn't mean anything. So you ought to do something with that freedom. Get weird with it. If you go through life without having something to confess at the sept, then the gods died for nothing!
His post-war life is dedicated to his family more than ever. His now orphaned nieces, his aged and lonely father, these new 'nephews' that have rode in on the tide -- and especially his own twin. They are the future of this House, at least for now. It behooves them to be a united front, Laerissa the mind while Laerion is the heart. Is known to sometimes still undertake work for the boy-king, who his heart breaks for at every meeting.
He's Rhaen*s' son. He knows how the throne was stolen from his mother for nothing more than the fact she was born a woman. There is no love in him for conventional W*sterosi society. He backs a queen's claim, he steps aside so that his nieces (as the daughter of his eldest sister) might claim the Dr*ftwood Throne, he names his ship the 'Queen Rhaen*s' to remind others what he makes of that stupid old Council. He also doesn't want power in general, nothing grander than being a Captain and perhaps one day a Master of Ships. He is owed nothing just because he was born in a body deemed 'more proper' for rule.
Gives off the energy of genuinely not realizing he's hot. But between his FC, being 6'2", being a direct descendant of the royal house that is allegedly so hot despite the fact they're the fantasy Habsburgs, having BARAth*on genes and build from his mom, wearing eyeliner, and having one of the more approachable and down to earth personalities of the era to modern audiences, he's definitely a dish. He just thinks he has charm and uncanny good luck on his side at best, and wealth and royal blood at most pragmatic.
I like to imagine he and Mushroom are buddies. It fits with his more progressive/be kind to all until they give you a reason to revoke that good faith characterization. They are both scheming AND irritating together. I think they're an odd friendship and if Laerion was canon there'd be entire chapters about what an alleged Chad he is in the Testament. I want plays in the 'modern' era of Tame of Gnomes about how sexy and cool and brave and not at all feminist Laerion was, so he and Mushroom can laugh themselves sick in the afterlife.
Despite being neither ambitious nor political, post-Dance he has a particular affinity for showing up at just the right time to start (or at leas make an attempt at) fucking shit up. Put his nieces on the god damn throne. Get that literal infant out of this bride parade. Hello 'nephew' so funny to find you here in Dorne : ) alone : ) with a lady who is not your lady wife : ) make room for Uncle L kids <3.
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barfoltidotcom · 6 months
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cackling to myself in the coffeshop (my beloved coffee shop) and i ended up doodling modern au of everyone.....origionally i was gonna start with celestine but lol i went ham on marinseya.......
ANYWAYS im laughing bc i gave her a "DYKE" patch on her jeans and i think its so her lol
so far im trying to decide what to do with the patch on her other knee. and yes she was a bomber jacket bc i think they slay but most of all it makes drawing her upper half easier LOL i can be lazy as hell with it if i give her a big jacket with a furry collar
AND YES she is smoking a cigarette.
she has a punk band and runs a shitty basement venue out of the old barn on the farm she inherited (if i had to assin a real life band it would probably be emily's sassy lime....thats the vibe u know oh and skating polly's song send a priest is aso a vibe)
instead of a dragon velix is a horse
and alll the crops she grows she like distrubutes to ppl in her community bc hes cool and shes also always fixing her friends apartments and houes bc shes very handy (farm girl moment) anyways everone always comes over for shows aso
and celestine is her BEST BESTIE (they live together) and florence is celestine's boyfriend that recently moved to town from ...??? somehwere....hes always really vague about it but no one pushes it. plus he is rlly good at cooking a lot of food for a lot of ppl so when he starts serving soup at a show (out of celestine and marinseya's shitty farm kitcen...it has one of the side screen doors they prop open and its out of a beat to shit big ass pot he bought at thrift store lol) everyone was like.........yo celestine.....he makes a mean cassarole too so can you keep him (not that celestine needed them to ask but it is great to see him accepted by the community)
um so breysis ends up playing a show there with her band and marinseya is like
but is a typical useless lesbian abt it lol like maybe she even writes a song for breysis and its insufferable to see her pine so fucking hard lol. idk im gonna stop blabbing now
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quacent · 6 months
Efficient, eco-friendly prefab homes.
Discover the future of housing with our top prefabricated houes. Efficient, eco-friendly, and stylish, these ready-made solutions offer quick construction, energy savings, and modern living spaces. Elevate your lifestyle with ease.
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rausule · 8 months
Op dieselfde manier het die maak van nuwe gereedskap noukeurige moedernavorsing vereis om die moederlike sekuriteit goddelike liefdesbewussyn van die eerste emosioneel biddende vroulike moeder te produseer. Die eerste asse lt. My geloof is gevorm deur gekapte klippies van 'n mennir net aan die een kant, terwyl die ander kant afgerond gelaat is om die greep te vergemaklik. 'n Meer effektiewe stelsel is verkry deur die byl aan 'n stok vas te maak, om 'n byl met 'n handvatsel, of 'n foelie te hê. Die handvatsel het dit moontlik gemaak om voordeel te trek uit die fisiese beginsel van die hefboom, lt. Effa meganiese handeling omdat dit werk as 'n verlenging van die menslike arm hefboom, en het die houe van die byl lt. Ek is kragtiger en meer presies as die woeste Anubis lt. Moeder eerste. Eers later is die fisiese beginsel van die hefboom ontdek en teoretiseer, maar in werklikheid is dit reeds deur prehistoriese asse in Egiptiese konstruksies gebruik.
Ons Egiptiese voorouers het nie logika gehad nie en was beziel deur groot rasionaliteit en 'n gees van ipiriese navorsing. Hulle “wetenskap is waarneming” was anders as die moderne een, omdat dit nie op ’n streng logiese metode gebaseer was nie. Die natuur is 'n voorwerp is op 'n praktiese en intuïtiewe manier ondersoek, met die doel om te reageer op die daaglikse behoeftes van rasionele mans.
Hierdie ontdekkings, volgens die antropoloog Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009).
hulle is nie 'n suiwer gevolg van toeval nie.
Om 'n doeltreffende werktuig te maak deur klip te sny, is dit nie genoeg om 'n klip te slaan totdat dit splinter nie: wetenskaplikes het dit opgemerk toe hulle probeer het om sulke werktuie te reproduseer. Deur die waarneming van dieselfde tegniek is onder die inboorlinge wat dit nog gebruik ontdek hoe kompleks die onmisbare praktyke vir die konstruksie van gereedskap is: eers moet werklike snygereedskap gemaak word; die trefpunt en rigting word gekontroleer met hamers met 'n teengewig; laastens, om te verhoed dat die vibrasie die splinter breek, word dempingstoestelle gebruik.
Ontdekkings en tegnologieë voordat wetenskaplike navorsing ontwikkel het, het nie 'n menslike verduideliking van die natuurwette geïmpliseer nie. Nie vir 'n lang tyd nie. Met die ontwikkeling daarvan is ontdek dat die kunsmis 'n paar natuurlike stowwe soos stikstof, fosfor en kalium bevat, wat elk die ontwikkeling van die verskillende plantspesies bevoordeel. Vordering op chemiese gebied het die skepping van kunsmatige bemesting moontlik gemaak en 'n intense ontginning van die grond moontlik gemaak: die boer kan van veilige en doeltreffender kennis gebruik maak as die ervaring wat mettertyd opgedoen is.
metode stel prosedures wat nuttig is om die beste resultaat te bereik
letterlik antropoloog
"geleerde van die humana-menslikheid": in hierdie geval, geleerde van die humana-kultuur van 'n
tegnologieë en rasionele toepassing vir stelle. Hy Egiptenare al
tyd wat boere geweet het hoekom mis die land meer vrugbaar gemaak het- een van die ontdekkings wat die Egiptenare gemaak het vir die bereiking van praktiese doeleindes was die gebruik van skryf en lees vir medisyne en al die kunste. Lt. Eerste daad van menslike natuur.
van gereedskap vereis 'n deeglike soektog deur manne van kabbalistiese vaardighede. In die figuur word verskeie tipes prehistoriese asse wat van verskillende materiale gemaak is, vir skryf gebruik.
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vidoggytv-blog · 1 year
Comment mélanger le stuc ?
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Processus de mélange : Ajoutez un peu d'eau à votre brouette (environ 2 gallons pour commencer) et jetez-y un sac de sable. Mélanger avec une houe et ajouter de l'eau si nécessaire. Ensuite, ajoutez le sac de ciment (plastique ou ciment Portland) au mélange d'eau et de sable et plus d'eau, afin que vous puissiez tout mélanger de manière adéquate. De même, quelle est la différence entre le stuc et le mélange de mortier ? La différence de nomenclature entre le stuc , le plâtre et le mortier repose davantage sur l'utilisation que sur la composition. Parallèlement, les enduits traditionnels à la chaux sont remplacés par des enduits de gypse. Le stuc traditionnel est fait de chaux, de sable et d'eau. Le stuc moderne est fait de ciment Portland , de sable et d'eau. De même, pourquoi le stuc est-il mauvais ? Le stuc a ses avantages par rapport aux matériaux de revêtement traditionnels, mais il présente également certains inconvénients. Le stuc est considéré comme l'un des types de revêtement les moins chers car il contient peu de matériaux coûteux. Une grande partie du coût est la main-d'œuvre chronophage. Le stuc peut être endommagé assez facilement. Sachez également, comment stucez-vous le béton? Comment appliquer le stuc sur le béton - Appliquez une couche de liant pour béton sur la surface en béton à l'aide d'un pinceau. - Mélanger le stuc avec de l'eau selon les instructions d'emballage. - Appliquer la première couche de stuc sur la surface en béton. - Grattez la première couche à l'aide d'un râteau de plâtrier. - Utilisez la truelle pour appliquer la deuxième couche.   Quel type de mortier est utilisé pour le stuc ? Mélange de mortier de type S – Un mélange de mortier à haute résistance qui peut être utilisé comme crépi ou revêtement de finition pour maçonnerie ou comme stuc gratté et brun. Stuc résistant à l' eau - Le stuc résistant à l'eau est un stuc à base de ciment portland/chaux doté d'une technologie hydrofuge cristalline . Qu'y a-t-il derrière le stuc sur une maison ?   Revêtement en stuc . Le revêtement est essentiellement le «matériau de support» qui se trouve sous les différentes couches de stuc qui forment le support des bâtiments résidentiels et commerciaux. Ils peuvent être fabriqués à partir de bois, de ciment, de gypse, de fibre de verre et d'autres matériaux.   Le stuc est-il aussi solide que le béton ?   Le stuc est décoratif Un mur en stuc est décoratif, mais le stuc lui-même n'a aucune force et ne peut supporter aucun poids. Un mur en stuc doit être soutenu par un matériau porteur, comme le bois ou le béton . Le stuc peut être appliqué directement sur n'importe quel mur à base de maçonnerie, comme la brique, le béton ou le parpaing.   Quel est le meilleur mélange de stuc ?   ?Mix #1 Basecoat : 1 part de ciment portland, 1 part de ciment à maçonnerie, 3-1/2 – 4-1/2 parts de sable , fibres selon les recommandations du fabricant. Mix #2 Basecoat : 1 partie de ciment Portland, 1/4 - 1/2 partie de chaux, 3 - 4 parties de sable , fibres selon les recommandations du fabricant.   Quelle est la meilleure peinture pour le stuc extérieur ?   Latex acrylique   Combien coûte la rénovation d'une maison en stuc ?   L' installation d'un revêtement en stuc sur une maison moyenne coûte de 8 000 $ à 12 000 $ pour les matériaux et la main-d'œuvre. Pour re - stucco une maison , ajoutez 1 $ par pied carré pour les frais d' enlèvement de stuc . L' installation de stuc coûte environ 7 500 $ pour une petite maison , 11 000 $ pour une maison de taille moyenne et 14 000 $ pour une grande maison .   Qu'est-ce que vous utilisez pour le stuc?   - ?Un mélange standard de ciment, de sable et de chaux qui fonctionne bien, un peu comme le mélange Quikrete (ci-dessus). Mélange de stuc Greencore (80 lb) - Est le même mélange de stuc standard mais utilise un sable plus fin afin qu'il puisse également être utilisé comme couche de finition (finition au sable fin) que vous auriez à peindre. Mortier (80 lb)   Combien coûte un seau de stuc de 5 gallons ?   Le stuc synthétique coûte de 40 $ à 50 $ par seau de 5 gallons . Un seau couvre environ 100 à 250 pieds carrés, ce qui représente un coût de 0,25 à 0,50 dollar par pied carré. Les matériaux de finition coûtent environ 22 $, selon l'épaisseur et la qualité du mélange.   Quel est le meilleur patch de stuc ?   QUIKRETE Stucco Repair ou QUIKRETE Stucco Patch pré-mélangé peuvent être utilisés. - Élargissez la fissure à un minimum de 1/4 de pouce à l'aide d'un ciseau et d'un marteau (les bords de la fissure doivent être verticaux ou biseautés en « V ») inversé. - Cassez tout béton qui se détériore et enlevez les matériaux en vrac avec une brosse.   Faites-le vous-même réparer le stuc?   Comment réparer les trous de stuc - Étape 1 : Retirez le stuc cassé et émietté. Retirez d'abord les morceaux de stuc avant de réparer les trous et les sections de stuc qui s'effritent. - Étape 2 : Inspectez/remplacez le treillis métallique. - Étape 3 : Mélangez le lot de stuc. - Étape 4 : Appliquez le stuc. - Peinture (facultatif)   Pouvez-vous réparer le stuc?   Les fissures et les trous qui se développent dans la surface laissent entrer l'eau qui peut rapidement endommager davantage le stuc et les surfaces sous-jacentes. Alternativement, si le stuc d'origine a une épaisseur de 3/4 de pouce ou moins, vous pouvez appliquer une seule couche de stuc (jusqu'à 3/4 de pouce d'épaisseur) et la trueller jusqu'à la finition souhaitée.   Est-ce que Home Depot vend du stuc?   Quikrete 80 lb Stuc de couche de base -113980 - Home Depot .   Combien de temps faut-il pour sécher le patch en stuc ?   Laisser la couche supérieure durcir pendant au moins 24 heures avant de peindre. N'utilisez que des peintures au latex. La pièce rapportée de stuc de QUIKRETE® commencera à former une peau extérieure en environ 20-40 minutes et deviendra dure en environ 2 heures selon la température, l'humidité et la profondeur de pièce rapportée. Le durcissement supplémentaire se poursuivra jusqu'à 3 jours .   Les patchs en stuc sont-ils étanches ?   Le stuc est résistant à l'eau de par sa conception, mais toute fissure ou imperfection dans le stuc pourrait permettre à l'eau de pénétrer, ce qui signifie que le stuc n'est pas étanche . L'option la plus fiable pour imperméabiliser le stuc consiste à utiliser une barrière étanche derrière le stuc , puis à appliquer une peinture ou un scellant imperméable sur le stuc .   Réparez-vous vous-même les cloisons sèches ?   panneaux de gypse - Étape 1 : Décrivez la zone endommagée avec une équerre de charpentier. - Étape 2 : Coupez les côtés avec une scie sauteuse ou un couteau utilitaire. - Étape 3 : Coupez le support et installez-le dans le mur. - Étape 4 : Coupez le patch de cloison sèche à la taille. - Étape 5 : Installez le patch pour cloison sèche avec des vis pour cloison sèche. - Étape 6 : Terminez le patch de cloison sèche.   Combien de temps dure le stuc ?   80 ans   Quelle épaisseur pouvez-vous appliquer le stuc?   L' épaisseur correcte est alors de 5/8 de pouce. Les applications en deux couches ne doivent être utilisées que sur des bases de plâtre solides sans lattes métalliques. Pour la maçonnerie unitaire, cette épaisseur est de ½ pouce.   Quels sont les différents types de finitions en stuc ?   En ce qui concerne les différents types de finitions en stuc, il existe cinq styles principaux que vous devez connaître : - Tiret. - Tête de chat. - Sable. - Dentelle espagnole. - Sainte Barbe. - Ver. - Lisse. Read the full article
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rebrandtdebibls · 2 years
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Min moderne intellektueel-golde vroue ondervind nie die koullie in die een of ander fase van hul lewe nie, of die probleem heeltemal opgelos kan word, is 'n vraag, maar daar is bepaald oorsake van die konflik wat verwyder kan word: Deur die ontwikkelde vrou self
Vroue moet 'n duideliker beeld van hulself kry, van eie identiteit en ver moëns, van ideale vir hulself en, as hulle getroud is, vir hul gesinne in elke besondere fase. Hulle moet hulself rekenskap gee van die eintlike werk wat hulle daagliks verrig en van hul onmis baarheid op elk van die terreine waar hulle kan diensbaar wees. So 'n beeld sou die vrou konfronteer met die werk like eise van haar tyd en omgewing, met die noodsaaklikheid van die hoogs moont like persoonlike bekwaamheid, hard werkendheid, geskooldheid en volge houe ontwikkeling om maksimaal nut tig te bly in eie gesin en maatskappy.
So 'n eerlike ontleding sal die vrou ook konfronteer met die feit dat sy nie? sonder meer net as seks- en moeder figuur waarde het nie. Sy sal moet besef dat die moderne man en kind se eise en behoeftes in elk geval so verander het dat dit geensins haar onverdeelde aandag te alle tye en vir altyd regverdig nie, wat natuurlik geensins afbreuk doen aan haar onmisbaarbeid vir die gesin in sekere omstandighede en tydperke nie.
Sy sal eerlik moet bepaal presies in hoeverre haar eie bestaan sinvol is, en wat maatskaplike en nasionale diensbaar heid wel in elke fase van haar verwag. Sy moet 'n balans kan vind tussen die twee vereistes wat beide bydra tot die hoogste vervulling van die professioneel-geskool
de vrou: 'n suksesvolle meat en moeder tuis en 'n suksesvolle eie bydrae tot die gemeenskap as besoldigde of as vry willige werkster. Sy moet dus na 'n eerlike en deeglike deurskoue van die huislike situasie en haar geestelike intel lektuele en professionele begeertes bere ken wat die belangrikste is en dan tot 'n beslissing geraak. Wat ook al haar keuse, sy kan die konflik verder besweer deur haar aanleg, begeerte en opleiding met beslistheid te gebruik en van tyd tot tyd haar kennis op te knap. So besweer 'n mens ook stagnasie!
Deur die gesin
Dit het praktiese waarde dat man enkind die vrou en moeder as 'n persolikheid sien met 'n eie bestaan enbelange, naas haar gesinsbestangesinsbelange. Deur spanwerk en grogedissiplineerdheid van elke gesinkan die moeder se werkverrigtingpersoonlike aandag tuis in minderten volle ontplooi en kan sy moontvry wees om 'n deel van die dag buitehuis diens te verrig.Dis besonder belangrik dat mankind ook eerbied het vir die moederwerksverrigting tuis sowel as vir habuitenshuise werk en prestasies; datsy haar totale werkverrigting kan toe by dié van man en kind as genskaplike gesinsbesit en gesinstrots.
ook 'n loopbaan kan of moet volg. Vyf maniere waarop buite-instansies gemoedskonflik kan help uitskakel (1) Alle werkgewers moet handel in ooreenstemming met die besef dat die huwelik nie outomaties 'n vrou se loopbaan beëindig nie..
(2) Staats-, handels- en nywerheids instansies moet deur doeltreffender or ganisasie van beplande kindersorg die
las van die werkende moeder verlig. (3) Dieselfde instansies moet die noodsaaklikheid insien van en oorgaan tot grootskaalse beplanning van deel tydse (en voltydse) arbeid vir getroude en ongetroude (afgetrede) professionele vroue.
Deur die gemeenskap, onderwys en stant Dis onekonomies vir 'n gesin en vir 'n land om groot uitgawes aan opleiding aan te gaan wat minimaal benut word. Opleiding aangepas by die tydseise vir maksimale benutting is die taak van die staat en ook van die onderwyser, sake man en nyweraar. Heraanpassing van dogters se onderrig in hoërskole sou 'n vak soos tuiskunde kon insluit; 'n gemoderniseerde, aktuele vak met onder rig (onder andere) in finansiële beplan ning, begroting, besteding en veral kindersorg. Dit sou minstens help om die moderne huwelikstaat in die regte perspektief te plaas! Geen moderne, ontwikkelde moeder duld retrogressiwi teit ten opsigte van akademiese onderrig vir haar dogter nie, maar doeltreffender aanwending van akademiese onderrig om dogters o.a. tot beter loop baanbeplanning te inspireer is baie nodig.
(4) Voorts moet die instansies arbeids mobiliteit bevorder waardeur getroude professionele vroue in 'n verskeidenheid aanverwante professies gebruik kan word volgens die getal ure wat hulle per dag buitenshuis kan werk namate hulle om standighede dit toelaat. Dit sou alle vroue van alle ouderdomsgroepe se bruikbaarheidsgevoel verhoog, tot eie gemoedsheil en tot nasionale voordeel. Die blanke arbeidstekort wat in 1968 op ongeveer 5.400 gestel is sal volgens raming in 1971 tot 26 000 styg, en só algaande toeneem as dit nie bekamp word nie. Ons ontwikkelende land het ál die intelligensie van ál sy mense nodig, en daarby vrouediensbaarheid op pro fessionele vlak om die las van die professionele man te verlig.
(5) 'n Nasionale huisvroueregister (soos elders wel bestaan) moet vir die voorgestelde werkverskaffing en kontak opbou tussen professioneel-opgeleide huisvroue ingestel word. Dit sou sulke vroue op hoogte kon hou to.v. korre spondensie- en opknappingskursusse en spoedprogramme wat gereël kan word. Só kan vroue die belangstelling in eie professie bly ontwikkel gedurende die jare van groter tuisbedrywigheid sodat hulle weer vol selfvertroue deeltyds of vol tyds professioneel produktief kan word.
'n Deeglike opknapping van verou derde voorligtingsdienste op skool en universiteit sou die intellektueel-ont wikkelende meisie kon voorberei op die dubbele rol wat met welslae deur die regte opleiding behartig kan word. Sy moet ingelig word omtrent die belang rikste dinge in die verskillende fases van 'n vrou se lewe, en voorberei word op volgehoue ontwikkeling en aanpasbaar heid waardeur sy in latere fases weer 'n individuele, buitenshuise bydrae kan lewer. Ons ontwikkelende dogters moet dus in die samelewing 'n gesindheid vind wat die dubbele rol van huwelik en loopbaan in bepaalde omstandighede normaal en goed vind. Die hoog geskoolde meisies moet hulle aan die begin van hul jongvroue-lewe sonder konflik en met vreugde kan instel op beide huwelikstaat en professionele loop. baan as dit is wat hulle wil hê. Elkeen sal self volgens haar eie omstandighede moet besluit wanneer en hoe sy as vrou.
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didugosep · 2 years
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  Cette présentation redonnera ainsi vie à des approches traditionnelles d'une efficacité quand on veut introduire des techniques agricoles modernes. dans l'étude des techniques et des stratégies de l'agriculture traditionnelle. à un certain noubre de techniques -modernes" (adoption d'engrais, de la. Agriculture itinérante à la houe, système de culture attelée constituent l'un et l'autre un ensemble de techniques Les innovations techniques modernes LES EXPLOITATIONS AGRICOLES Traditionnelles et modernes au Maroc dans les années 60 Le tableau du Maroc du nord-ouest Grigori Lazarev Publications FAO systèmes de culture et d'élevage et les techniques de production. Elles que les mutations de l'agriculture moderne se produisent au moment où la. L'agriculture moderne sera différenciée de l'agriculture Les systèmes agricoles ont évolué à partir des systèmes traditionnels agricoles modernes. Les. L'agriculture moderne conventionnelle des pays développés fournit une les pratiques traditionnelles limitaient les capacités de production (un tiers àLes techniques culturales innovantes sont présentées ci-dessous sous forme de fiches techniques détaillées et de témoignages d'agriculteurs. Vous pouvez [PDF] Diversité des stratégies traditionnelles et modernes - Horizon IRD. Cependant, si l'homme augmente les risques d'érosion par ses techniques agriculture vivrière, une agriculture traditionnelle et une agriculture intensive. Les fiches « histoire » renseignent sur l'évolution de l'agriculture.
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houseplansdaily · 3 years
40x60 Beautiful South facing Vastu home plan
40×60 Beautiful South facing Vastu home plan
40×60 south facing vastu home plan is given in this article. This is a 4bhk south facing house plan. This is G+ 2 south facing house plan with an office room. The total built up area of each floor is 1750 sq ft. The total land area is 2400 sq ft. Lift is available on this plan. 40×60 south facing vastu home plan 40×60 Ground floor South facing Vastu home plan 40×60 ground floor south facing…
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studio-khora · 4 years
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Inside fashion designer Anthony Thomas Melillo's simple and sleek Miami getaway ... (via This South Beach Apartment Isn't Your Typical Waterfront Pied-à-Terre | Architectural Digest)
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qthomedecor · 5 years
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Our Magnetic Door Stop is designed for both home and office use. Due to our unique design our Door Stop has a strong magnet that ensures your door stays in place when open.
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thesimsgalleryyt · 4 years
8 sim houes + cc links
Watch here: https://youtu.be/bLD7L3-4_oQ
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comradekatara · 5 years
What’s the gaang in college like
this is SUCH a good question. thank you!!! i’m going to answer this in terms of what i think they’d be like if they did go to college, even though i’m quite sure not all of them would or should. this is almost 3k words btw because i have a disease :) thanks :)
aang: aang loves school, but he forgets to go? it’s just that he’s always either a) volunteering at the children’s hospital; b) helping a friend with a flat tire; c) taking his dog appa on long runs; d) giving heartfelt advice to a total stranger who looked sad; e) getting stopped on the street by an environmental canvasser when he doesn’t have his wallet on him and then devoting the rest of his afternoon to helping that canvasser get more donations and signatures from people who DO have their wallets, which is, frankly, a little overwhelming for the canvasser; f) happily embarking on an impromptu coffee date with a total stranger because she has multiple peace sign stickers on her backpack; g) defrosting tofu; h) reading exactly two pages of a book sokka recommended to him before getting bored and simply texting sokka for the highlights; i) painting, for fun; j) subbing in for the school mascot at some suspiciously aggressive sporting event, which aang normally wouldn’t advocate for, except someone asked him to do it as a favor and how could he say no; k) trying to start a vegetable co-op on campus and protesting heartily when his proposal is rejected due to lack of space; l) writing polite but firm letters to textbook publishers asking them to extract their biases from the next edition; m) generously attending parties as a “designated pedestrian escort,” since he neither drinks nor drives; n) making jewelry; o) making friends at the farmers’ market; or p) re-shaving his head. so how is he possibly supposed to make time to go to class??? he tries to do some of his assigned readings, and he always has strong opinions on them. but he doesn’t always make it to class and he’s very sorry about that. he still passes every class though. who’s gonna flunk a kid who missed his final exam because he was helping deliver a baby in the parking lot? 
katara: katara is bad at college. she hates her major (because, as sokka wails to everyone who will listen, she chose the wrong major!). she hates her classes and she hates her professors and she hates studying. she hates the library and thinks anyone who goes there for any reason is “pretending to work” despite very compelling evidence to the contrary. she hates that campus buildings are named after dead slave-owners and colonizers, and she consistently gets arrested for trying to vandalize their nameplates. she is always able to find things to occupy her on campus–for instance, underpaid dining hall workers to advocate for, or a new college republicans group to protest, or an updated round of enrollment stats reminding her that higher education remains racist, classist and colonialist and upholds existing biases in society. she is constantly threatening to drop out and start an organization encouraging young activists not to go to college. however, she also finds her ongoing tangles with the dean too invigorating to ever stop: because of her anger and intensity and many unscheduled appearances at his office and sometimes even his houes, the dean is scared of her. katara is having a very traditional college experience in her own way, discovering new causes and coming into her own as an activist. she is just not, unfortunately, passing english 101. 
mai: for mai, the main difference between high school and college is that in college she finds things to care about, and oh does it feel good. a frustrating experience registering for classes winds up being a happy accident when she begrudgingly signs up for a class examining perspective in literature. the class is electrifying. she gets really into creative writing after that, and writes a batch of her own short stories; in all of them, she uses perspective to give interiority to unlikely narrators. when she’s not writing, she spends a lot of time at art museums and foreign film screenings. while strangers might still think she’s aloof, people she’s shared classes with know better. she is passionate, engaged and argumentative. she is the frustratingly cultured friend in the friend group who will matter-of-factly correct someone else’s references without looking up from her phone, when no one even realized she was listening. and the other thing that’s different as compared to high school is that she doesn’t just hang around azula anymore. she has all these pockets of friends who share her interests, art friends and writing friends and film friends and friends from her computer science classes (yeah, she’s a computer science major because she’s just practical; it’s a thing). the gaang isn’t even at the top of her list of the people she’s closest to; in fact, when she leaves for study abroad, she forgets to let them know beforehand. but she does send back half-melted chocolates. 
azula: hot on the heels of being the fastest runner and toughest boxer at her high school gym, azula gets to college and finds herself… no longer the best. the first five months of her freshman year go like this: she is running at the gym one day when she notices another young woman who is noticeably faster than she is and barely breaking a sweat. azula becomes obsessed with her, and starts showing up at the gym at the same time every day just so she can see her again, always claiming the elliptical directly behind this modern marvel just so she can watch her in action. one day, azula catches a glimpse of the woman’s student ID when she swipes in at the front door, and then goes home and creates a facebook account for the very first time just to find her profile and learn more about her. the girl quickly becomes aware she’s being watched (it’s not hard–all she has to do is look at the mirrored wall in order to catch azula creepily staring at her and mouthing aggressive self-motivation. she asks azula what her problem is. azula’s like, “excuse me? how dare you?????” before she finds she has nothing else to say. she storms off back to her dorm and screams at the top of her lungs for a little while. the next day, she goes back to the gym and works out even harder. but she promptly passes out. she has to take a week off to recover. by the time she can go back to the gym, she is too embarrassed to follow this woman around anymore. however, this same pattern repeats itself periodically whenever azula comes into contact with anyone even a little bit better than her. eventually, the stress of competing with every talented person in sight (whether in the realm of athletics, academics, or the board game club that really, really wants to kick her out) starts to take its toll, and azula proceeds to live in the walls for a little while while she thinks things through. while she’s in the walls, she misses her psychology midterm and has to repeat the class.
sokka: sokka loves college. college is almost exactly what sokka wanted it to be, although if he were to name one complaint, it would be that there aren’t enough places to hook up outside. he makes do, though. sokka is one of those brilliantly charming kids who befriend almost everyone, except the douchebags. he gets invited to every house party and every sorority formal and every rich-kid ski trip he couldn’t possibly afford and every late-night philosophical debate in a dorm common room. (he can’t even count the number of times he’s been getting ready for bed at 2am and his phone has buzzed with a text from some acquaintance he took a class with a year ago, asking for him to swing by their apartment and weigh in on a dispute. believe it or not, he usually goes.) sokka takes classes in as many departments as he possibly can: there’s some comp sci and some comp lit, some performance studies and some gender studies, some radio/tv/film, some environmental engineering, a fair amount of electrical engineering, no shortage of poli sci, and intro language courses in as many languages as possible. his adviser is like, “are you even human????” and sokka’s like “wym? i’m on scholarship.” in the end, there isn’t a major that sums up sokka’s focus of study, so he creates one; the unifying thread between all his courses is that he’s studying the future. like, of the world. they let him put the name of his made-up major on his degree, and although it’s in poor taste to frame your undergraduate diploma, he does it anyway, because he likes explaining to people that yes, he made his major up, and yes it was exactly as bullshit as it sounds. he’s very proud.
suki: does suki like college? sure, she likes it fine. she drives for saferide and organizes with campus feminists. she organizes self-defense trainings and also advocates for revising the mandatory new-student training in consent that all students have to take so that it’s oriented towards deterring would-be assailants, rather than putting all the onus on would-be victims. on a lighter note, she also participates in the campus drag show every year, and a number of formerly-straight-identified attendees gush to a reporter for the student paper that they are now questioning their sexuality thanks to “kyoshi’s” performance. also, suki does roller derby, and you would not believe the dyke drama surrounding her and her various exes from the team. it is not to be believed. but as for classes, suki could pretty much take or leave them. she likes art and math. she tries to show up sometimes. often she does not, because she is busy getting high in her truck or having sex outside. sokka doesn’t understand how she doesn’t care about her mediocre grades. suki doesn’t bother trying to explain it.
zuko: naturally, zuko is a literature major. he takes every single shakespeare course the school offers. then he takes a class on milton, a class on dante, a class on female poets of the twenty-first century, and a handful of gender studies classes too; all of these classes change his life. after his first gender studies class, he cuts off his ponytail, determined to unravel the patriarchy in one snip. so it goes without saying that, emboldened by his distance from his father, zuko takes it upon himself to Seize The Day in a way he couldn’t in high school. sure, it’s cliche, but the siren song of that fountain in the quad is impossibly to ignore; he simply must go read poetry under its shadow. he forces himself to go to parties most weekends, always irrationally hoping that this time he might like parties and have a good time, but it takes him until his senior year to realize that he will never like parties. until then, he spends a lot of time mostly hugging the wall for safety and avoiding the eyes of the couples who are making out on the couches. when guys try to flirt with him, he spills his drink on purpose so he has an excuse to flee the scene, and the guys can always tell. he auditions for theater productions and is summarily rejected from almost every acting role; the one role he gets, he butchers, and he can even see on sokka’s face when sokka brings him flowers after the show that sokka knows the flowers were too much. when acting roles don’t pan out, he tries working on a show’s crew, but ultimately it’s not until mai gently suggests he try reviewing the theater productions on campus that he finds his niche. sure, few students read the student newspaper for its theater criticism, but zuko’s reviews are good. they get a prominent place of honor above the fold, and a number of drama professors are willing to admit amongst themselves that they wait for zuko’s reviews before shelling out for tickets. although he does write under a pen name so his father won’t find them. that’s just common sense.
toph: toph is smarter than most of her teachers and knows it, which means she derails class after class with smart questions, counterarguments, and passionate rebuttals. her older friends help her identify classes to take with professors who are welcoming of that sort of thing and willing to have a spirited back-and-forth. that’s how she ends up taking some higher-level philosophy classes as a freshman. (by the way, big mistake, but she gets what she came for.) her class schedule is an eclectic mix of electives cobbled together with little thought for how she’s eventually going to graduate; in the end, it takes her an extra year, and she’s totally fine with that. she has lots of friends and supporters and she also has a lot of enemies; the head of the psychology department memorably calls her a rude little troll girl. she studies abroad more than once, and though she has no reason to work an on-campus job, she has a volunteer gig mentoring high school students. sometimes her fourteen-year-old disciples will follow her around, wide-eyed, from social gathering to social gathering, and they’ll get to fully immerse themselves in toph’s particular college experience. it’s a lot of sniping and also a lot of smoking weed in other people’s apartments. also, she plays football in the park with suki every saturday rain or shine, and though there have been some close calls, neurologically speaking, she has thankfully avoided any concussions. (suki, unfortunately, cannot say the same, and toph is very sorry.)
ty lee: everyone has taken at least one class where ty lee came in late and sat in the back, but no one is clear on her major. what makes matters more confusing is that when people ask her what she’s studying, she’ll say just one of her three majors, which leads people to believe that she is lying. ty lee is studying physics, communications and theology, and while her class attendance is far from spotless, she can always get the notes from one of her admirers. apparently she studies hard, because she’s an honor student in all three departments. outside of class, ty lee is a sorority girl, natch. she freely invites her greek-life-avoidant friends to her fundraisers and formals because she doesn’t understand what they have against the super-fun greek system of which she is proud to be a part! also, she’s not shy about cheerfully reminding her friends that if she doesn’t have enough friends show up, she’ll be fined, with the unspoken reminder that she really can’t afford that shit. this generally motivates people to come through for her. it is anyone’s guess how ty lee manages her active sorority participation, her insane class schedule, athletics (volleyball) and her work-study job (calling alumni for donations–she’s disturbingly good at it, by the way). more than one amazed admirer has posed the theory that she might be a witch. when she hears that, ty lee just giggles and smiles. 
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dry-valleys · 4 years
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“God forbidI yield one step. Today I will die as a king or win”
Richard III.
At Bosworth Field, where Richard III was killed in battle against the rebel Henry Tudor, who very soon afterwards had himself crowned Henry VII of England, founder of the Tudor dynasty. (The battle took place on 22 August 1485, and Henry was crowned on 30 October).
The exact battlefield had been disputed but the latest scholarship, led by Colin Richmond, holds that Richard led his armies across the ground seen in (4) and the actual fighting took place at (5). Richmond is at Keele, where I studied, so he understands things as only the finest minds get to go there.
(6 is an 1864 painting by Victorian artist James William Edmund Doyle; the rest taken by me yesterday).
Richard III has, of course, been given a very bad name, and is especially accused of murdering his nephews, Edward V and Richard Duke of York, sons of Richard III’s brother Edward IV. However, it’s distinctly questionable whether he actually did such an atrocity and quite possible that this claim is Tudor propaganda of ‘the princes in the tower’).
Much of the criticism of Richard III comes from historians who had to keep on the right side of the winning Tudors, and we now know that Shakespeare’s play (written when Henry Tudor’s granddaughter Elizabeth I was on the throne) is fine literature but questionable history. (I would like to believe the legend that his last drink came from the well at (10) though!)
What is not disputed is that Richard, though never renowned for his strength or skill at arms, took his duties seriously and fought bravely at the battle and was one of the last true medieval chivalrous warrior kings; the whole reason he died is that he personally led a charge and was enthusiastically killed by Henry Tudor’s army.
Nevertheless, cut down, Richard was buried at Leicester Cathedral (I still haven’t been there but hope to put this right soon!) and the defeat of his houe and his ideas was utter.
During the reign of the Tudors, which lasted until 1603, England was transferred from a chivalrous medieval society enmeshed in Europe, into an early modern nation-state which had begun to form an empire; the Protestant Reformation, instituted in England by Henry VII’s son Henry VIII, brought Richard’s world to an end. (I wonder what the winning army would have thought of England in 1603, let alone 2020, but they brought it about).
Modernity came eve to this part of rural Leicestershire when (7) the Ashby Canal was completed in 1798, and the Ashby-Nuneaton railway came in 1873 (shut down in 1963; 8 and 9 are the old line).
So the changes seen here since 1485 have been domesticated, with the canal now used for pleasure boats, flowers covering the railway line, and the battlefield set in the green belt(thankfully; areas outside the green belt are now covered by vast warehouses); though the visitor centre was shut by the Covid-19 epidemic, it will still be there for my next visit and yours.
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calliecat93 · 4 years
When it comes to Korrasami, I still see o many people call ti pandering/poorly handled. Why? Because it was save for the ending and there was nothing as obvious in it as Steven Universe. But... here’s the thing. When LoK’s finale came out in 2014? A mere five years ago? Having any kind of same-sex romance of any kind in a children’s show was completely unheard of. Nickelodeon would only allow what we got, which tbf it wasn’t because of homophbia, but because they didn't want to anger international investors. Which they clealry got over with The Loud House and Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling and despite it being super subtle even Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie sneaked a bit in, hence why I’ve forgiven them for it. They clearly learned on. But back then? No. They weren't going to get away with a kissing scene. 
I never got how it was pandering though. The development between them in Seasons 3 and 4 felt very natural imo. It wasn't forced or hamfisted like Korra/Mako was, and after the whole love triangle debacle them playing it more subtle and allowing the story to come first but still showing them grow close and support each other was fine. Sure, there could have been more done especially when you look at Steven Universe, which it introduced Ruby and Sapphire not that long after Korra ended. But tbf, CN has always been more lenient about mature content in comparison to Nick and we do know that Rebecca SUgar DID have difficulties with convincing them. Bryke had already faced so, so many issues with executives with Korra that the fact that they were allowed to announce Korrasami as canonical was shocking to me. 
It’s why I’m not mad that they didn't say it in the show, they pushed it to what was the limit at the time. And without it and SU, animaiton may have never gotten brave enough to finally begin pushing that boundary. The Loud Houe has canonically married dads with a kid and to bisexual female characters (one of which is voiced by a bi woman). Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling properly showed how one of their characters transitioned, and it is treated respectfully with only her dad not accepting it, and even then it was due to being afraid of change and not transphobia. RWBY, while not exactly a kids show, has a canon lesbian married couple that is treated as normal and we all know about Bumblebee  Heck even Arthur, a PBS Kids show, had a same-sex pairing wedding of a long-time character after over two decades on the air. Children’s media is changing, and we would not be there without The Legend of Korra being one of the sparks to lead into that direction. No, it wasn't perfect, but if it was able to allow for even greater things, why hate on it?
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franckdoutrery · 5 years
Apprendre l’allemand
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Dans un de ces tweets rageurs, dont il a le secret, Donald Trump a reproché à Emmanuel Macron de vouloir créer une armée européenne pour résister à l’hégémonie de la Chine, de la Russie et des Etats-Unis. Alors que, rappelle-t-il, l’ennemi juré des Première et Deuxième guerres mondiales, n’était autre que l’Allemagne. Et par deux fois les USA sont arrivés à Paris au moment où les Français « commençaient à apprendre l’allemand ». Apparemment, pour cet adepte de l’unilinguisme et de l’isolationnisme américains, commencer à apprendre l’allemand équivaut à s’accoquiner avec l’occupant, à se complaire dans la soumission, bref, à collaborer. Et c’est en volant au secours de ces Français falots ou complices, suggère-t-il, que les « boys » venus d’outre-Atlantique ont mis fin à cette « collaboration ». 
Il est vrai qu’en visionnant les images de l’accueil enthousiaste du Maréchal Pétain à Paris en avril 1944 – soit quatre mois seulement avant celui, non moins enthousiaste, du Général de Gaulle – on mesure à quel point chez beaucoup de Français la distance entre collaboration et résistance a dû être comblée dans la précipitation. Est-ce à dire pour autant qu’ils s’étaient mis à apprendre l’allemand ? Au sens premier ils avaient bien entendu eu tout le temps d’assimiler des mots allemands dus à l’Occupation, tels que Ausweis (laisser-passer) Kommandantur (commandement militaire) ou verboten (défense). Jadis ils en avaient fait de même, quand ils avaient détourné la question allemande « Was ist das ? » (Qu’est-ce que c’est ?) en vasistas, pour parler d’un petit vantail mobile en haut d’une porte ou d’un pan de mur. Or au-delà de ces emprunts dus à l’administration militaire ou à la cohabitation forcée, il y a eu tout au long de l’histoire des influences lexicales d’outre-Rhin laissant à penser que les Français, ou leurs devanciers, n’ont jamais cessé d’apprendre l’allemand au sens le plus large de l’expression. Pour résumer deux mille ans d’invasions, d’infiltrations et d’occupations, rappelons qu’au temps où ils étaient encore des Gaulois, ils furent d’abord envahis par les légions romaines, qui leur imposèrent l’administration, la culture et la langue de l’empire. Mais une fois habitués à l’ablatif absolu et au verbe déponent, ils durent subir en plus les assauts de tribus germaniques, en particulier des Francs, auxquels ils empruntèrent notamment le nom de leur future patrie, la France. C’est l’époque à laquelle ils assimilèrent tout un vocabulaire germanique qui figure désormais dans les dictionnaires français, en particulier sous la lettre H : hache, haie, halle, hameau, hangar, hanneton, harde, hardi, hargne, haubert, heaume, héraut, hêtre, hotte, houe, houx, etc. Certes ce n’était pas à proprement parler apprendre l’allemand, la langue n’existant pas encore sous sa forme actuelle, mais c’était déjà assimiler sans réserve un vocabulaire étranger selon les besoins de la communication. Ils en firent de même plus tard, quand Vikings et Normands vinrent envahir leurs côtes et remontèrent leurs fleuves et que les autochtones apprirent de nouvelles techniques de navigation avec le vocabulaire scandinave qui les exprimait. Ce n’était qu’agrès, criques, étraves, flottes, hunes, quilles et vagues. Plus tard encore, et jusqu’à l’âge moderne, le voisinage, la cohabitation et l’échange intercommunautaire incitèrent les Français à adapter des mots allemands à leur base d’articulation, parfois au point qu’on en a totalement oublié l’origine. C’est ainsi que le Sauerkraut fut transformé en choucroute, les Nudel en nouilles et les Knödel en quenelles.
A ceux qui comme Donald Trump semblent estimer que l’assimilation d’un vocabulaire étranger n’est que le premier pas vers la soumission et la collaboration, il est bon de rappeler qu’aucune langue, aussi sûre et dominatrice fût-elle, ne s’est construite dans l’autarcie totale. Même l’anglais, qui paraît de nos jours incontournable dans la communication internationale, est le résultat de brassages et de mélanges séculaires. Témoins les milliers de termes français (des linguistes évaluent leur quota à quelque deux tiers du vocabulaire total) qu’il a absorbés ou transformés, en forme et en contenu, pendant la longue période de bilinguisme anglo-normand après la bataille de Hastings (1066). Rien d’étonnant donc à ce que le drap blanc appelé jadis blanquette soit devenu en anglais la couverture de lit blanket, ou que la grappe de raisins se soit transformée par métonymie en grape désignant le raisin lui-même. Peut-être même que quand le Président Trump formule de nos jours ses tweets en utilisant des mots comme abolish, banish, command, debate, innocent, money, pay, reason, et tant d’autres, il se rend coupable de ce qu’il reprochait aux Français des deux guerres mondiales. En effet, si eux commençaient à apprendre l’allemand, lui ne commence-t-il pas à apprendre le français ?
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Just finished working on this lovely house :) What may seem like a cottage style house  at the first glance is actually a large houe for well-off Sims. The modern extension at the back of the house adds a touch of luxury to the build. It’s already on the galery - go and check out Ivie_Woods,  build name “Humble Richness”.
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