#monster prom out of context
fishyfishyfishtimes · 4 months
This isn’t like the usual posts I make but, I played through Monster Prom Second Term’s True Calling ending, and what the fuck!!?? TToTT I’ve read before that the reason for the True Calling ending is to expand upon Miranda’s character, but why like this?? Why make fun of their own writing and ignore all they’ve already worked up to? :(
Miranda is heavily reliant on her servants and refuses pretty much all work, that much is obvious. She has her serfs do everything for her while she does whatever she ever desires on a whim, lost and aimless and without a clear purpose, but… wasn’t it always implied that she’s that way for a reason? That reason being her father spoiling her with gifts and money and royal privileges. Her parents already conditioned her to see torture, murder and genocide as normal things! I always figured that her talking about true love and romance and romanticising not-so-good-or-healthy fairytale tropes was a part of that, that her parents more or less raised her to be the perfect little princess whose only purpose is to be married off to a prince of another kingdom to strengthen ties or as a peace offering or something (or for political reasons overall? It is strange that a princess would find herself in a high school of a foreign land, hmm…). That would explain why she really has no aspirations, besides love! She was raised to be that way and she didn’t just decide to be selfish one day.
So, how come the game comes out of left field and has Miranda’s own sister yell at her for being selfish and vague??? Suddenly it’s her own fault that she's spoiled with serfs who’ll do whatever she says? Hello, who gave her those serfs???? Yeah, maybe her sisters are crown heiresses or high priestesses but clearly they were taught those roles! Those were roles that already existed, waiting to be filled! And now Miranda suddenly is the only one who needs to figure out what to be all alone?
Worst of all I can’t believe they’d insult their own writing and literally call Miranda flat :( I know that’s the fandom perception of her but this is your own damn game!! You know how you wrote her! Did you not keep track of all you wrote!? Maybe Miranda’s twist (“sweet mermaid princess is murderous”) is open and out for all to see but that hardly makes her flat. She loves tradition and finds it very important, she’s super into silverware and napkin-folding, she loves singing and water sports (water polo and gymnastics to name two) and fairy tales and stories and she dreams of romance and even though her family’s immoral and murderous ways have been hammered into her so hard she doesn’t know it’s not normal to torture and kill serfs, she’s still kind and worries for people and their well-being, even if they’re commoners! She’s not very “bright” in many things but in the Revenge ending we see her formulate and execute a blackmail plot without any serfs at all, which does require intelligence. Dare I say, just like how everyone has a twist in their personality, another twist of Miranda’s is that she can be cunning when she needs to be? I just can’t believe that they’d go and agree with the people saying that Miranda is flat and make a WHOLE SECRET ENDING TALKING ABOUT HOW FLAT MIRANDA IS instead of… I don’t fucking know. Making a route where they feel they’re actually giving her more depth? They’re just lampshading the issue! They’re talking about how they made Miranda into a flat character and how sad and awful that is instead of doing anything about it.
And they could’ve explored so much too. A character lacking direction in life is already a really interesting thing to explore. They could’ve surely done something with her basically being a tool for her family and kingdom! Alas… Maybe it’s silly to get so worked up about a video game but I don’t know. The game made me feel things. I love Monster Prom but sometimes it is a love-hate relationship :/
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rxttenfish · 10 months
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kaiidos · 1 year
I saw this trend and thought it looked fun. Unfortunately half of the characters on my kin list don't have bingo cards but eh 🤷‍♂️
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I'm sure it seems like a weird combo to others, but it makes sense in my mind. For some reason.
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checkpointgaming · 1 year
Monster Prom out of context...
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luckybyler · 1 year
Many ST fans, including us Bylers, need to tell the difference between uncommon and unrealistic.
There have always been comments by anti-Bylers saying that a gay teen's feelings being requited would be unrealistic for a small town in the 80s, therefore Byler would be too. Generally, the answer I've seen is that it may be unrealistic, but it's a better /more beautiful/more fulfilling ending and we have monsters and kids with superpowers anyway.
Requited young gay love has never been unrealistic - not now, not in the 80's, not in the 1080s, or ever. What it was is less common, which is a completely different thing. Let me give you an example:
Max ended season 4 in a coma, technically braindead. This are the possible outcomes:
Common/expected: she dies or is lifelong profoundly disabled.
Less common: she wakes up and is left with a permanent, but manageable disability (or several) and can lead an independent life.
Uncommon: she wakes up with disabilities but recovers completely or in great part with therapy and discipline.
Unrealistic: she wakes up as if nothing had ever happened.
Unreal/fantastic: she wakes up with laser vision and the ability to fly.
While the less common and uncommon options aren't as frequent, they can and do happen, and are in accordance with the reality of the world, unlike the unrealistic and fantastic options. The same thing happens when we talk about a gay kid's love in the 80s:
Common: Young gay love is unrequited.
Less common: Young gay love is requited, although they don't say anything to each other.
Uncommon: Young gay love is requited and communicated, and a relationship blossoms.
Unrealistic: One boy asks the other out in public and they become Prom Kings.
Unreal/fantastic: One boy takes the other on his spaceship to their home planet.
This applies to our boys, and this is when talking about a completely spherical Byler in a vacuum. Once you add context (and I mean context, not Byler proof specifically), the odds go up: Will and Mike became friends not because their parents were friends, or the teacher grouped them for an activity, or one of them joined a group in which the other was; but because Mike, by himself, looked at Will specifically and something about him drew Mike in. Let's keep in mind that the show tells us that Will is visibly gay or delicate/sensitive, so Mike most likely felt that vibe and either it didn't bother him, or he actively liked it.
There were gay teenagers who got together. Even in the 80s, even in small conservative towns. In secret of course, but it did happen. Even in Rebel Robin she tells us about two boys who seemed to be dancing together during prom in a classroom, so its canonically a thing that can happen in Hawkins, Indiana.
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vind3miat0r · 2 months
seen this going around, thought i'd join in :)
things my boyfriend does/has done that are very Asher coded <3
once texted me at 2 AM asking if giving anal was criminal
can will and has serenaded me (and it was BEAUTIFUL it made me CRY)
invoked the fury of our friend group by asking if a hotdog was a sandwich
has a true crime hyperfix
also like gorey things
is chronically on twitter
hypes me up continually when i think a good art/fic/audio thought
remained the token straight+cis friend for about a year until he had a bi+trans awakening
theatre kid (derogatory) (affectionate)
“babe, you’re dating an NSFW writer AND artist”
sends stuff that sounds horribly out of context until he elaborates
insert btw/adhd creature here
smiles and nods when i send him my incoherent thoughts and analyses on Redacted lore (“i have no idea whats going on, but good for you!”)
average conversation between us: “BABE BABE” “WUH??” “*insert something insane*” “WHAT???”
as seen above, most commonly calls me “babe”
loves starkid musicals
unfortunately not a star trek fan, but i talk to him abt it and we’re gonna watch it together when we get our own place <3
joined in on the “youre not straight” jokes early on (in reference to my having scoliosis and being gay)
despite being orchidsexual, he is the kinkiest person ive ever met, PLEASE SIR YOU SCARE ME SOMETIMES—
“do you have a piss kink?” “MJSJHDSJ WHAT??”
^ keyboard smashes
“‘look at that high-waisted man, he has feminine hips!’” “and i was like ‘NOOOO THATS THE THING IM SENSITIVE ABOUT’” “this is why i love you”
once sent me a very detailed message about how he would body that one goth chick from monster prom 2
“youre literally Asher” “who?”
the most supportive boy ive ever met augh i love him <3
one could also say that he’s Guy-coded :)
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talkingbl · 1 year
Two Things Can Be True At Once: Prom, Phuwin, Yui & Mark (aka MSP + Phuwin)
I have a lot of thoughts about each of these scandals and reactions to them that I want to address. We'll go in order.
Prom: What Prom said was absolutely horrendous. I could not believe my ears and eyes and feel like he deserves every bit of criticism being tossed his way. He openly admitted to violating the human rights of CHILDREN, all for a weird cool-guy fantasy he wanted to portray for his damn near grown friends. That is maximum creep behavior and I hope he learns a powerful lesson from all of this. In spite of his apology, violating a child's right to privacy in those moments is way too much for me to feel comfortable with. Plus, the fact that he felt comfortable enough to say it on national TV until he got a little backlash speaks volumes to me.
Yui: Look, I'm not claiming to be in that woman's mind or know why she dismissed the reaction to Prom's disgusting statements--I only know that she has a job to do. For her to all but tell a much younger, more impressionable person that his dangerous words and actions were okay since it'll all blow over anyway was wrong and garbage can behavior. Being the adult in the situation, regardless of what her intent was, the effect is to become a pedo-apologist. She should have never told him his actions were okay, regardless of if she was just trying to talk him off a ledge or whatever. It is NEVER okay to do what Prom said he did--and it's completely fucked up that I even have to say that.
Phuwin: What Phuwin said was completely inappropriate and, unfortunately, a very common incidence even today. As someone who has ADHD, I can totally see why many are hurt by his words. Him using the r-word was indecent and deserved the criticism being lodged against him. And while I personally thought his apology was well-crafted, people have the right not to accept it. For me, I go on peoples' general feel in addition to their actions and words and Phuwin doesn't feel like this big bad monster to me. Again, totally up to other neurodivergents if they want to accept his apology.
Mark: This situation is a bit different than the others IMO, because I don't know the full context behind the most incriminating-sounding statement "it's normal." There is a very strong reason to believe Mark was stating "it's normal [to be stressed about this]" (since the sentence immediately preceding "it's normal" is about Prom being stressed). I want to be clear that I've not heard the full audio myself and every translation seems to attribute different words to Mark (but Yui's message stays consistent). Like, seriously, even Thai people don't even know what was said. For that reason, I am hard-pressed to feel the need to personally cancel Mark (but if you want to, that's your business). I think it would be misguided of me to feel the need to end this person because of something I barely understand myself. But this leads me into my next point when these scandals start piling up...
Folks on the internet do not live in the real world. For chronically-online young people, it takes not even a scintilla of evidence against someone to rip their entire livelihood away from them. Not only that, but these folks will hear a lie or exaggeration and RUN with it. They will hear that Mond, who was on the same Safe House season as Gemini, did Blackface (he did); Prom, who was on the same show as Gemini, spied on kids in the shower (he did); and Gemini colonized Namibia (he didn't) and will believe each allegation as if there's any truth to the last claim simply because Gem is associated with those two in some vague way. I'm not saying Gem is (or will turn out to be) an angel but the way some of these folks will just believe any characterization of things without looking at the evidence for themselves is dangerous.
I want to be clear. Calling Prom out is not dangerous to anyone. If anything, you're protecting more poor children from being spied on. However, running with lies, half-truths, or yet-to-be confirmed speculation is dangerous. I just wish more people would approach things logically instead of going on witch-hunts and calling anyone who exposes that tendency a "sympathizer" or "apologist".
That said, I want clean up the trash in our media (Build, apparently now Prom, etc.), but don't see the point in calling everything trash and taking it to the dump indiscriminately.
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blueinkie · 2 years
Can y’all give some more attention to Mustard cookie, please
Quick note: I’m not shitting on anyone here for not writing/drawing mustard content, I honestly don’t really care that much
Another note after writing: this starts hella serious and then it has a sudden mood change. Be ready for that lol don’t take this too seriously
Okay so I’m back to rambling about my head canons and what not.
There’s some potential with Mustard’s character and I want to express my thoughts on that or whatever.
She’s obviously a teenager( I personally feel she’s like 17-18 years old) and a somewhat rebellious one but also kind of responsible too. This responsibility that she has steams from Wasabi and her tendencies to make a “monster of the week” adventure for her to clean up. She’s a mad scientist after all lol
But you can take just that and make some hella good content out of it. For example, how mustard feels a lot of resentment towards her grandmother due to the messes she causes. She feels more like the parent than Wasabi is, and ( for a long time) felt the need to grow up or act more mature to make up for Wasabi’s immaturity and thoughtlessness. See that would be a pretty cool story ngl
Adding on to the whole needing to grow up, Wasabi could also be neglectful. Not in a traditional way ( I mean this as in not providing the basic necessities a child needs, I worded it wrong aaahh-) but in an emotional and physical way. She’s too busy working on mad sciencey shit to really pay attention to mustard, not that she doesn’t love her, she just feels that mustard is capable enough on her own and that science is more important. But it’s been like that for as long as Mustard could remember( tho she remembers it really starting to take some type of emotional pain on her at age 10).
This would add some context to the graffiti stuff she does( oh yeah hc that she is making her own motorcycle with kiwi cookie’s help) and how it’s kind of like a cry out for attention. Of course it isn’t always, sometimes she does graffiti for activist reasons with gumball since the patriarchy sucks ass.
Oh yeah also, why isn’t their more strawberry x mustard content. I’m sorry to any gingerbrave x strawberry or gingerbright x strawberry shippers but 1. Those two ships are literally the same thing, one is just gay
2. It’s boring as hell. No flavor at all! None! No shame to you tho, I don’t care what you ship just don’t make it weird ( looking at you proshippers)
Like we have a goth girl and a gamer girl guys. That would be soooo cute. (Hc strawb to be around 16-17) I also feel mustard would definitely get strawb out of her comfort zone and in a good way. She would probably have her join in on her and gumball’s wacky scheme/adventures they have after school/ on the weekends.
I am, however, okay with pumpkin pie x strawberry shippers tho ( if they head canon pump as a child/teen) her status as a child/teen cookie or an adult is weird tho.
Mustard x gumball is trash lol. That’s literally a lesbian and a gay man yall. Gumball x Soda for life. Okay but in all seriousness I could see but like no. They were those two obviously gay kids in high school that pretended to date each other that one time for prom since they thought it would be funny. They’re more like siblings than anything and butter pretzel is their adoptive parent ( yes they adopted them, after the butter affair event thing).
Butter pretzel probably gives them adult advice ( since again, they’re both in their last year of high school and both want to go to college) like paying taxing/bills, how to save money, which art school to go to ( mostly for gumball there tho, mustard would probably just go to a community college) and how to roll a blunt. (Very educational, sadly they already knew how :( )
Mustard and Gumball probably called either butter pretzel or cheese cake mom at least once. Actually it was probably both of them.
Okay I’m done.
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feelin-kinda-cocky-bmc · 11 months
FKC Update 6/12/23
Alright, we're moving quicker than we have been this time around. As always I'm not writing everything to completion just yet, just the basic premises I'm looking to write, but will be filling in the rest.
But good news, Dustin Route days 3 and 4 are both done! Which leaves day 5, the dance day, and the date day. These tend to be easier to write just because it's at the stage with the most romantic tension, which for ships you love, is fun as hell to write. The beginning of routes tend to be harder because it's a lot of setup and context and world/relationship building, it be like that. But I'm making headway.
Thanks to a helpful video I found from an ADHD writer, my writing production has improved drastically. Basically my process is open a Google Doc, copy paste the bullet points/ideas I already have, and then just absolutely spitball incoherent, unpunctuated, slang shit for what I want to happen for the day. Then I just copy and paste the spitballing and just write and it works. It's also funny as hell, but I'm gonna be embarrassed as hell when I do eventually release it to the public. But it just helps me get all my thoughts out and not feel pressured, and I end up writing better because of it.
Anyway, looking ahead while I'm here. After Dustin's route, I'm going to be tackling Jake's, because P&P my beloved. That's gonna be a bit messy because I have not written Jake that much, but hey, whatever. I'll get through it. And then after that, obviously, is the Jeremy route. And I'm sorry to admit but I'm not the biggest Boyfs fan. HOWEVER, stay with me here, I think I'll like them more by the time I finish Feelin' Kinda Cocky. I know there's the Boyfs haters and the Boyfs lovers and everything in between, so I want to see if I can make something that will appeal to anyone in the BMC fandom, especially because it's not at all a bad ship. But anyway, I'm not having that discussion here, just letting y'all know my plans for the future.
Then I'm planning on simultaneously revising each route (in order of progress, so Rich-Dustin-Jake-Jeremy) and working with my artists to get some shit done there. Ideally I'd like to make the sprites since I kinda know what I know how I interpret the characters. They won't stray far from canon, just will have different outfits for some flair. Except for Dustin and the secret route characters, which I would need to be in charge of either way. But I'm also not that great when it comes to art yet, so I might have to hand it off to someone else. But beyond sprites, the artists I'm working with will (ideally) be helping out assets (like the title screen and GUI assets) and backgrounds. I'm also planning on including some Monster Prom-esc elements like images occasionally appearing in between the sprites when something during a scene happens, and would love to have a similar photo gallery for endings, special events, secrets, fanart (if I get any) and more.
Anyway, tl;dr, I finished Dustin day 3 and 4 in the span of two days and I'm planning on writing Jake's route next. I'm just trying to give as much detail as I can right now because doing sneak peaks for lines of code is kinda boring.
As always, thanks to everyone for supporting the development of Feelin' Kinda Cocky!
Discord | Community Idea Drop
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
Netflix's 'Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story' Deserves The Backlash
"From their actions and the content, it's clear this show was not for the victims, it was for views."
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Last week, Netflix quietly released Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, a series about notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Between 1978 and 1991, Dahmer murdered 17 men and boys, the majority of whom were queer and Black or Brown. The 10-part series focuses on Dahmer’s upbringing, trial, and narrative of the vulnerable victims he groomed and manipulated.
I believe this series is pointless and futhermore, hurtful. No new perspectives or interviews from those directly impacted (who this production claims it intended to prioritize) were included. In line with my own concerns, the series has received backlash because its necessity is in question. 
The series further desensitizes viewers to a serial killer by compacting the story, making it inaccurate.  
“Given [Ryan] Murphy’s history of disrespecting the LGBTQ+ community, it was irresponsible to allow him to produce Dahmer.”
The co-creator of the series, Ryan Murphy, has been repeatedly critiqued for how he narrates gay storylines. For the second-ever episode Pose, he was slammed for centering the story around Black gay men’s trauma. His musical The Prom was also called distasteful for curating the scene of a teenager being bullied for ‘coming out’ as goofy. Murphy was also called out for American Horror Story: Hotel for showing a gay character being gruesomely sexually assaulted. Murphy, who is gay, is usually unresponsive to the criticism but when he does address horrific scenes, he justifies them. With the American Horror Story: Hotel scene in particular, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, he said that it was supposed to represent the “terror and that hold that [addiction] has over people.” Ryan Murphy seems to believe grisly scenes add value to his story-telling. It’s a part of his brand and what differentiates him from other writers. 
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The series also made it appear as if Dahmer’s choice of men was coincidental—but it wasn’t. 
The first several episodes revolve around the killer’s childhood and his inability to adapt to society. As a result, he’s in between low-end employment and can only afford an apartment in a Black neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In episode five, a Black detective questions Dahmer about purposely moving to an ‘under patrolled and underserved’ community, ‘targeting’ his victims to get away with crime easily. The series portrays Dahmer as shocked that it was an accusation. He said, “It was just about if I thought they were beautiful,” and that the apartment was “all he could afford.” 
When you look at the historical context though, it can be perceived that Dahmer consciously targeted queer men of color and Black men. 
“Black gay men were an especially vulnerable group during this era.”
In the 1980s, there was a 49 percent increase in Black people living in poverty across cities in the United States from “Reagan’s Recession.” In addition to the economic crisis, the HIV/ AIDS epidemic was flaring. It was commonly referred to as the  “gay mans disease” and stigmatized the gay community. Black gay men were an especially vulnerable group during this era. Dahmer would seduce gay men by offering them money for photographs. Dahmer did not address this background, which provides more insight as to why Dahmer’s victims might have considered going with him. That background would have personified his victims more, but it’s clear this series wasn’t for them—or their loved ones.   
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The series was created without the consent of the victims’ families. The viral scene of Rita Isbell, the sister of Errol Lindsay, delivering her victim impact statement was accurate in its re-creation. Yet, Isbell had no idea the film was being produced. “When I saw some of the show, it bothered me, especially when I saw myself — when I saw my name come across the screen and this lady saying verbatim exactly what I said,” she told Insider. 
Netflix did not consider how chilling it would be for the victims’ families to see heart-wrenching memories turned into entertainment. They were too worried about “getting paid,” Isbell also said to Insider. 
“From their actions and the content, it’s clear this show was not for the victims, it was for views.”
Dahmer did attempt to address some aspects of the political and social climate at the time. It shows Milwaukee police ignoring the calls of Dahmer’s neighbor, Glenda Cleveland and law enforcement dismissing a victim’s Laotian American family. It also shows the military giving Dahmer a slap on the wrist when two men accused him of sexual assault while he was in the military. While these moments were approached with care and accuracy, they are juxtaposed with attempts to humanize the killer. That choice dismisses the impact of his actions. 
We should not be desensitized to the pain Dahmer caused because the story has acclaimed actors and flashy production. How and why podcasts, films, docuseries and more media continue to sensationalize Jeffrey Dahmer is disheartening. True crime is popular, and Netflx’s audience demands it—but this show’s approach is inappropriate and irresponsible. It is marketed as a project that focuses on “centering victims and unsung heros.” Meanwhile, the victims’ families were not notified of its production nor asked to participate. Netflix turned real-life murders into content. From their actions and the content, it’s clear this show was not for the victims, it was for views.
Officer Who Killed Atatiana Jefferson Charged with Murder
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someone-online · 2 years
Deh p5/R au playlists-
I HAD to cut them down to 7 each! so here are some of the songs that fit the best for the teens and Mark, at least (i’m still working with Larry’s but it’s hard), also is in chronological order (tried).
Where is the justice? (Death note the musical)
Hip (Mamamoo)
The Night the lights went out in Georgia (Reba Mcentire)
Ship in a bottle (Steffen Angus)
Rät (Peneloppe Scott)
Surface pressure (Encanto)
Prom dress (Mxmtoon).
Santa Ana winds, part 1 specially. (Crazy ex-Girlfriend)
Deathly Loneliness attacks (BOTW english cover)
Boys will be bugs (Cavetown)
Who is she? Reprise (Centaurworld)
Frustration tears (Centaurworld)
Eight wonder (Lemon Demon)
Who was she? (Centaurworld).
Daijobanai (Perfume)
Bugbear (Chloe Moriondo)
New Light (John Mayer)
Cooking with Abigail (Jack Stauber)
Rises the Moon (Liana Flores)
Here comes a thought (Steven Universe)
Faded (Alan Walker).
Rather Sleep (Kero Kero Bonito)
The angry river (True Detective)
Look who’s inside again (Bo Burnham)
The game begins (Death note musical)
Monster (Dodie)
All eyes on Me (Or3o)
Last Lullaby part 1 (not in a romantic context tho).
Let’s face it, I’m cute (11 Acorn lane)
Honeypie (JAWNY)
est-ce que tu m'aimes (maître gims)
Hurricane (Death Note musical)
Lifetime Achievement award (Lemon Demon)
Bad romance (Halestorm cover)
The family jewels (Marina and the Diamonds).
Bezoz I (Bo Burnham)
The ruler of Everything (Tally Hall)
Kiss me, son of God (There might be giants)
Kira! (Death note Musical).
If you have any questions about it (songs or the AU) feel free to say!
Edited formatting bc Tumblr sent it as one big paragraph and i wanted it more readable, hope i separated them right, but ooooh!!
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mpooc · 2 years
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the-possum-lady · 3 years
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Let me be the slight breeze and start this little Org... Monster Prom out of context blog!
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Oh no she’s so cute oh no oh no oh no-
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lazy-kraken · 4 years
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