#moon knight thoughts
gucciboots · 2 years
Episode 5 spoilers!
Back in my thoughts again, you know the drill. A bit lengthy!!
I cannot stop thinking about this scene—how Steven clearly remembers that this was his room,
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And how he remembers the exact thing he said during this part of the scene, which proves that he was, in fact, in control for at least a couple seconds.
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BUT. He doesn’t remember anything from this moment forward. That’s why he wanted to see what their mother did to them, and that’s why Marc was set on getting him out of the room before he saw something that would severely taint his memories and what he knew of their childhood. At the same time, Marc knows EXACTLY what happened.
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I’m positive that Steven dissociated at that moment and Marc took over. In general, he didn’t want Steven to remember what truly happened. It’s his way of making up to Randall/RoRo, I would like to believe. He treats Steven like the younger brother that he lost when he was a child. The one who loved drawing the one finned fish. The one who was always eager for adventure. The one who was screaming for help back in the cave.
Remember? His mother explicitly stated:
“Marc, what do you do? Keep an eye on your brother, okay?” And Marc is set on fulfilling that promise to Steven.
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Marc let Steven keep all the good memories, while he himself lived through all of the bad ones, just so that he could protect him from getting hurt and feeling pain. Steven, his alter, who he considers to be his little brother.
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That’s the reason why Marc was so adamant about simply telling Steven what had happened in that room at the top of the flight of stairs, so Steven wouldn’t have to watch the memory play out in front of him. Seeing what happened would definitely hurt more than just knowing what happened. By telling Steven himself, he would have control over what he would reveal to him, and how he would tell him.
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That’s why Marc’s first thought when waking up in the Asylum was Steven. That’s why Marc never complained about fronting right after Steven was pierced by the weapons back in Mogart’s. That’s why Marc probably set up a line for Steven to contact “his mother”, and why Marc replaced Gus with another fish. That’s why Marc didn’t want Steven finding out about him in the first place.
Marc spent most of his life protecting and saving Steven the way he wished he could’ve protected and saved Randall. I am literally bawling over this.
Also ending this with another appreciation for Oscar Isaac because he’s a damn legend for the breathtaking portrayal of Steven AND Marc. He better earn awards for this series or I will riot.
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mknightgrant · 2 years
tiny and excited fist of vengeance!
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ivystoryweaver · 9 months
Moon Knight s2 wish list (part 1?)
Read part 2
Mercenary Marc flashbacks
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2. Let these babies hug without being stuck in separate bodies or dying?? Idk, work it out marvel
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3. There is no s2 without Jake Lockley front and center. Or should I say co-front
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4. If MarcLayla is a thing thing let these gorgeous people KISS
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5. Speaking of Layla, MORE OF MY GIRL
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6. catchphrases, please
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7. I don't want them to be hurting, but Oscar gotta cry
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8. I will accept Marc manhandling anyone, friend or foe
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9. Peeks into the headspace
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10. Find a way to bring back some of the scary element (even though we know about Marc and Khonshu now)
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11. More fighting and action sequences that are stunt and practical effects driven. Oscar trained hard and has a great stunt team behind him, let them show off
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What do you want to see?
My Masterlist
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Ok, so!
You know all the "Doctor Strange Astoprojects the mk system and we cinematically see the three alters slipping out of the body.
But but but hear me out!
What about Dr. Strange trying to push one person out of his body and failing because it is actually a system and he needs more strength to push them away.
So Strange would hit their chest multiple times expecting something to happen but uh-uh nothing and poor Steven tries to get away from him.
Eventually he puts more effort and manages to do something, that is making Jake front by pushing Steven away from the front and suddenly gets slapped by him.
Jake gets into a fist fight with Strange while Strange tries to use his powers to teleport Jale away from him.
Eventually he manages to astroproject them for a second and he sees Jake and Marc splitting from the body holding hands until Steven pulls them back in.
They are together in this they won't let anyone separate them, Strange needs to try harder.
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shorlinesorrows · 2 months
don’t mind me I’m just busy having Feelings over the scene in the Moon Knight tv series where Marc meets the avatars/gods for the first time.
words can’t describe how distressed I got when Harrow showed up and started speaking, dripping poison into the words “he is unwell” with a tint of false concern, just the right amount condescension, and a spoonful of pity
thinking about how from that moment Marc (and the whole system) was disregarded as unreliable despite the fact that the situation had nothing to do with their DID. thinking about how the avatars and their gods stopped listening to him.
thinking about how the moment someone is neurodivergent, or disabled, or different in any way that isn’t palatable, that’s “scary”, they stop being worth listening to
not a person, just something to disregard, lock away, or pity.
And how Harrow got away with it, how he was able to frame himself as the caring “good guy” for revealing this incredibly personal piece of information to a group of people who had no business knowing it, effectively silencing someone who desperately needed to speak. For his own gain.
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wortsandall · 28 days
thinking about my aroace jake lockley headcanon again
people seem to like the idea of alters in a system all dating the same person and some of that might stem from not actually seeing alters as separate. individuals in their own rights with their own wants and needs.
so if marc loves layla then so do steven and jake right? because they are a part of marc. and no, they don't have to. after reading the 2016 and 2021 run of the moon knight comics-its clear to me that jakes values lie in the community.
hes the one who gets intel from the ground, the rough places. and he fits in there with those people and that kind of camaraderie. and it makes so much sense for that to be the kind of companionship that he needs and runs on. those platonic connections are enough for him.
and for the show, and even the comics I guess, he doesn't front that much. he's not in control most of the time, and for the show definitely, not used to touch that's gentle. I think there would be an element of not enjoying physical touch and whether that's a side product of fighting or unrelated it's still there. or maybe it's being touch starved and not knowing how to handle a gentle touch.
anyway jake valuing an intimate relationship with his friends and the alters in his system > romantic relationships
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Moon Knight Thoughts
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So I am rewatching Moon Knight and I’m watching the scenes where Steven stands Dylan up for the date and my question is this... Who arranged it?
Steven obviously didn’t as he has no memory. I’m not sure Marc would as he has the thing with Layla hanging over his head and he intentionally missed it to go to Hungary to get the scarab so does that mean Jake did?
I would genuinely love to know your thoughts.
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fdelopera · 2 years
An Autistic Perspective on Moon Knight (or, Why Steven Grant is not the only autistic alter)
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Sooo Moon Knight really hit me hard. Especially as an autistic person. It hit me so hard, in fact, that it’s brought me back from my Tumblr hiatus. (I haven’t posted since 2018? what???) It was euphoric for me to see an autistic character operate as a superhero within the MCU. Especially Steven. Though Marc and Jake are also autistic — we’ll get to that.
Steven Grant as the audience surrogate wasn’t written as autistic in Jeremy Slater’s original script for the series, but Oscar Isaac took one look at him and basically said, “I’ll relate to this guy more if he’s on the spectrum.” As an autistic person, I actually love that. This choice doesn’t feel exploitative to me, like Rain Man does, for instance; instead, it feels like I’m being seen. I found it meaningful hearing Oscar Isaac say that part of his way into figuring out this role was through delving into a character who happens to be on the spectrum.
I will say that at least to my eye, Oscar Isaac has created a reasonably authentic on-screen portrayal of an autistic character, at least compared to the typical overblown Sheldon Cooper-style of characterization. It is also amazing to see an autistic superhero who is capable, courageous, and strong, even in their most vulnerable moments. Too often, we are portrayed in media as being incapable of having agency within our own lives.
So, in the future, I want to rewatch Moon Knight and analyze the scenes that were particularly impactful for me from the perspective of autistic experience.
But for this post, I want to talk about autism within the context of trauma and mental health. There is an important distinction to be made between Autism Spectrum Disorder and DID in relation to this show, and I haven’t seen a lot of people discussing it in depth.
I am writing this analysis because I believe that an autistic perspective can add some context to certain crucial aspects of this show.
I also want to acknowledge that there is a high degree of co-occurrence between autism and dissociative conditions, including DID. The extreme and constant overwhelm caused by our autistic neurology can lead to dissociative coping mechanisms.
For example, in addition to being autistic, I also depersonalize and derealize, which stems from my sensory processing and social processing issues. Ever since childhood, I dissociate when my nervous system gets too jangled and I’m unable to process the chaos of the world around me.
If Steven Is Autistic, So Are Marc and Jake (and here's why):
I've been seeing a lot of people online celebrating Steven as an autistic character, as in, “Steven Grant is the MCU’s first canonically autistic superhero!” Now, don’t get me wrong, Steven totally is a well-portrayed autistic character; however, I haven’t seen very many people involving Marc and Jake within that discussion of on-screen portrayals of autism.
But if Steven is meant to be on the spectrum, Marc and Jake should be recognized as being on the spectrum as well.
To treat Steven as the only alter who is autistic can inadvertently raise the specter (pun intended) of a harmful and outdated theory on the cause of autism.
So, I want to address two questions: What does (and doesn’t) cause autism? And why are Marc and Jake also on the spectrum if Steven is?
1. Autism Is Epigenetic:
Autism is a genetically inherited neurological variation. It is epigenetic, meaning that there are both genetic and environmental factors that affect each individual’s experience of autism, but you can’t “become” autistic without the genetic factors being present. And if you do have the epigenetic makeup for autism, it is likely that you will have some degree of autistic experience. We still don’t know exactly what this epigenetic makeup is, and I for one hope that we never find out, because Autism $peaks is ready with pitchforks and a eugenics campaign to remove us from humanity as soon as this discovery is made.
Autism’s etiology is not trauma-based. In other words, traumatic experiences can’t “make” someone autistic. However, back in the 1940s, Freudian psychiatrists Bruno Bettelheim and Leo Kanner came up with the “refrigerator mother” theory of autism (they applied it to schizophrenia, as well). They believed that if a mother was neglectful or abusive towards a young child and withheld her love during a critical developmental period, she could cause her child to become autistic. They believed that autistic people could be “cured” of their autism with the right amount of psychoanalysis. These psychiatrists and their disciples subjected countless autistic people to this “treatment” (i.e., torture) for decades.
The "refrigerator mother" theory of autism (and schizophrenia) has since been disproven. The theory was finally rejected in the 1990s when studies of identical twins showed that autism has a high degree of heritability (current research shows that autism’s heritability may be as high as 90%). If you are autistic, the environment (i.e., the people, places, and things around you) will shape your experience of autism, but your environment alone can't “make” you autistic if you don’t have the genetic predisposition for it.
2. If a System Is Autistic, Each Alter Can Have a Unique Experience of Autism:
To frame all of this within the context of Moon Knight, Wendy Spector’s abuse couldn’t “cause” autism within Marc’s system. To put it more bluntly, trauma couldn’t “make” one alter autistic (i.e., Steven), while the rest of the system remained completely allistic.
I know that a lot of you know this; I’ve just seen some troubling posts about this online from people who are neither a system nor autistic, and I needed to say something. Steven isn’t “the MCU’s first canonically autistic superhero” — the system is.
If we describe Steven as autistic, it’s important to acknowledge Marc, Jake, and the other alters within the system as autistic, as well. They would each have their own unique experiences of autism.
Now, there is a whole other discussion to be had about whether the writers and directors of Moon Knight knew this (that’s a big topic for another time). However, my understanding from listening to Oscar Isaac’s interviews and watching his performance is that his intent was to portray the system as neurodivergent, and not just Steven.
As portrayed in the show, Steven seems to do the least amount of masking (i.e., learned behaviors that hide autistic traits in order to protect the individual from harm), which makes him “appear” more autistic to an outside observer.
Within Marc’s portrayal, he seems to have learned to mask more consistently (which would make sense, since he protects Steven physically), and so he behaves in a way that could be interpreted as more allistic. 
EDIT: On further re-watches of Moon Knight, while Marc often protects Steven physically, Steven is more of Marc’s emotional and spiritual protector, as I write about in this post. Marc is more of a trauma holder, and he may mask to keep people at bay to avoid further trauma.
As for Jake, it’s hard to tell his degree of masking, since we see him for only a few brief scenes. But extrapolating from his role as an physical and emotional protector in the system, it’s possible that he has learned to mask quite effectively, as well.
As we grow older, many of us autistics learn to mask quite convincingly, myself included. Masking is exhausting, and I hate it, but for me it is what is necessary to have a job. A few people that I work with know that I’m autistic, but most don’t, and I’m careful about who I tell. It also helps that I run my own business, and so I have some say in the clients that I choose to work with.
In the future, I want to talk about scenes from the series that spoke to me as an autistc person, and I'll include Steven, Marc, and Jake in that analysis. There are so many moments where Oscar Isaac makes character choices that resonate with me from an autistic perspective. But that’s for another time. Anyway, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. :P
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romanarose · 2 years
Ok this isn’t an end of the world thing with Marc’s character but it slightly bugs me when fic writers act like Marc’s childhood was never good, that Wendy was always abusive. Marc’s childhood can be split in to before and after Randall’s death. The after us usually right on
The before is what a lot of people seem to forget. Before, we see Marc and Randall in a bright, happy backyard. A happy loving family. A family that did cookouts, probably had family dinners on Shabbat, and was probably fairly normal. Wendy probably took care of Marc when he was sick, sang him to sleep, took him to the beach. I’m not saying this is necessarily worse than living your entire childhood in abuse, but I think it creates a different characterization for Marc.
Marc isn’t someone who never felt love or happiness or family. He absolutely did. And it was taken away. In Marc’s head, not only did he kill his brother, not only dies he think he deserved what What his mom did, but in his mind, he destroyed what was previously a happy family. Wendy’s love was obviously conditional from the start, and I don’t doubt that she was likely flawed as a mother, but I don’t think it’s a complete understanding of Marc to act like he never felt motherly love. I think it’s probably fair to think Wendy favored Randall (anyone with younger siblings knows how this goes) but I think it has a very different effect on your life when the person you spent 8 or so years trusting with everything, suddenly completely turns after something you perceive as your fault
Additionally, (sorry, I write a lot of essays in college, this is how I write now) Elias is shown to continue to treat Marc with love, perhaps over compensating for Wendy. He tries to create some semblance of normalcy for Marc (I.e. the birthday) but I think this has another effect on Marc. Here his dad who is showering him with love, but Marc still isn’t safe. Elias let’s the abuse happen.
Marc can never feel safe bc through all this, he learned the people who love you can turn on you, love is conditional, love will let you be hurt, and you are never safe in love.
Jesus Christ I sound like an insane person huh
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gucciboots · 2 years
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these spot the difference games are getting harder nowadays 🤨
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mknightgrant · 2 years
🍺+Moon boys<3
Sorry this took a while!! Here's my take on Drunk Moon Boys <3
🍺 : A drunk headcanon
Steven: Steven is an affectionate drunk for sure. He’s the type to turn down drinking in bars but say yes to having a couple glasses of wine at home with you. To be quite honest, he only drinks during social events, but it’s only ever a couple of sips before he’s retreating to his comfy apartment, away from the people he can barely consider to be his friends. He’s always feared the possibility of losing control, having heard the stories of other people becoming somewhat reckless and, well, horny when they’re under the influence. He also fears the possibility of becoming vulnerable in public.
With you, though, he lets himself go because he trusts you. He allows himself to become vulnerable, knowing that you wouldn’t pick at his weak spots or make fun of him if he starts crying out of the pure emotion of feeling loved by you. You make him feel safer than he’s ever felt before, and the alcohol makes him clingier, more affectionate, and a lot more touchy than he usually is. His head is nuzzled in your neck, and his arms are wrapped around you while he mumbles sweet nothings by your ear. He was very much touch-deprived before you, so a drunk Steven also entails cuddling and pawing at your waist when you move away, even by the slightest bit. Even on the nights when it’s pretty hot in the flat, you could never pass off the opportunity to have his body pressed up against yours in a cuddle. Sometimes it escalates into something more than a cuddle when he’s feeling particularly needy, but that’s a story for another time. 
Marc: When under the influence of alcohol, Marc laughs at everything and anything. The cheap bottles of beer you both decided to purchase that Friday night were doing quite the number on him, but in a good way. He laughed at the way the streetlights looked from afar as you walked back from the store, and he giggled at the mere sound of you having a good time. He also laughed at the way the glass looked, and the way the ice melted into the drink while you stirred it for him.
To say that his laughs were contagious would be quite the understatement since a small smile from you would cause him to giggle, and that giggle would cause you to laugh. The effect dominoes between the two of you, and it’s one of Marc’s happier core memories–to be seated with you on the floor in the middle of Steven’s flat, drinking and laughing at anything and everything under the sun. 
On most days, the laughter continues until you’re both too sleepy to function, and you fall asleep snuggled up against each other right then and there. Marc complains of a back pain and a headache the next day, but it’s a small price to pay, in his opinion. He’d never trade those nights out for anything else in the world. On the other hand, you were glad that he was laughing and letting go of the problems Khonshu had placed into his brain, and you were glad that the alcohol was enough to make him forget about them, even if only temporarily. 
Other days, the laughter dies out a little earlier than usual, and you two talk about more serious topics, such as his past, your past, and your future together. The jokes get placed aside for a deep heart-to-heart, and Marc appreciates how well you listen to him and how good of a partner you are. It always gets to a point when he’s sober enough to realize and acknowledge that you’re it for him, and he refuses to ever let you go. 
Jake: Jake? He’s a flirty drunk, but only with you. His mind seems to go into tunnel vision once the alcohol gets to him, and all he could ever focus on is you. All other thoughts seem to leave his brain once that happens, and he doesn’t seem to mind it at all, wanting to devote all his attention to you. 
It isn’t often that Jake shows his affectionate side, especially when you’re in public, but alcoholic drinks just flick a switch in him. He forgets that he isn’t openly affectionate with you when you aren’t in the safety of your apartment and their flat. You find it rather cute and endearing–how flirty he becomes under the influence. His pickup lines seem to get more and more risqué as the night grows old, but you don’t mind. 
Another thing you do notice, though, is the fact that he drank enough alcohol to make his brain all fuzzled and woozy, getting to the extent that he simply forgets that you’re already his. That’s what brings you both to this moment, with him against your front, pressing your back to the bar counter. To be fair, the place isn’t as populated as usual, given that it’s a Thursday night, and you would be rather aroused if the lines leaving his mouth weren’t so hilarious. 
“You have a boyfriend?” Jake slurs, his lip jutting out in a slight pout. The expression on his face is a stark difference from his looks, having donned a pair of leather gloves, a dark jacket, dark washed denim pants, and his usual newsboy hat. “Querida, I think you deserve someone better, no? Someone more worthy of your love? Of your time? Of your attention?” 
It’s funny that alcohol wipes the fact that you’re both together out of his brain, but it also warms your heart to know that even in the state he’s in, Jake Lockley chooses to flirt with you to win you over. 
“I don’t think your boyfriend could treat you as well as I could, hm?” 
“I think you’d be neck-in-neck, really, considering that you would have to compete with yourself, Jake.” 
“Hm? Already saying that I’ve won, huh?” He grinned, bringing his face closer to your neck and simply taking in your scent as his hands gripped your waist. “I like the way you think.” 
You can’t bring yourself to try and correct him again, so you just allow him to bathe in his so-called ‘achievement.’ You’ll be sure to tease him tomorrow, but for now, you’ll enjoy the affection he’s openly giving you. 
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ivystoryweaver · 9 months
Moon Knight s2 wish list pt. 2
Read part 1
1. Marc's sheer badassery and skill sets
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2. Suit up! I want to see all the suit transitions INCLUDING JAKE'S
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3. Moon Knight is famous for blood showing on his white suit. I know the armor heals him but...damn, Disney, show some blood
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5. Steven infodumps, fanboys and shows off his intelligence
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7. Let this baby boy speak all the Spanish he wants. I will read 60 straight minutes of subtitles since I don't speak it
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8. Speaking of Spanish, more languages from the system. I wanna hear French and Arabic too, plz. Or whatever they each speak. (with better effort on subtitles and such, Disney?)
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9. Marc calls Steven buddy some more. And they call Jake something too? (What should they call him?)
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10. Steven's moral center shines
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11. Jake gets this close to his alters (preferably without death)
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12. Steven's bravery and brutality (what a mix!)
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13. If the system is on the spectrum, let them be so. They are Jewish, let them be so. Let them be who they are. Same goes for all aspects of their culture. I know it's a superhero show, but represent where you can.
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What do you want to see?
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My Masterlist
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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Two bullets.
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jakelcckley · 2 years
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No, I am definitely, certainly, unquestionably, undeniably, and beyond any doubt not a simp.
(gifs used are not mine)
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the-archxr · 2 years
hi!!! can i put a request in: going to sleep with the mk boys? love your writing style bae <33
awe thank you 🥺
also fuCK I’m yearning, this shit is too. good.
MARC - so I feel like it’s the presumption that Marc has insomnia, or at least has an incredibly difficult time falling asleep. and it’s not like Steven, where he wants to be awake. Marc desperately wants to get some fucking rest, it’s just his body betrays him. yet somehow, some way, that’s never the case when you’re with him. like if lavender and other sleepy scents were a person; it’d be you. he could be hyped up on caffeine and sugar, and would still effortlessly fall asleep beside/on you. it starts with you in bed first, and then some time around 1 in the morning (cause he still likes to stay up and watch tv or some shit), Marc finally joins you. you’re asleep by the time he settles behind you, though he considers you have a sixth sense, because you’re always waking up just a little to roll over to face him. the two of you cuddle like that: limbs intertwined with your faces nearly pressed together. BONUS: Marc always places his hand overtop your heart to assure himself that you’re still alive and there with him.
STEVEN - now Steven is actually incredibly similar to marc in the sense that he needs to be wrapped up in you; it’s just his execution is a lil’ different. regardless that Steven has come to terms with Marc and is no longer afraid of staying up, he still slips back into those old habits. he tries to stay awake as much as possible, though his efforts prove to be worthless because he’s the type of person that can fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. on your shoulder on the trolley? happened more times than he can count. curled up in his chair at his desk? absolutely. standing up in the kitchen as he’s burning your eggs? all. the. time. though his favourite way to fall asleep is with you on the couch: underneath him with his head stuffed in the crook of your neck, and your arms around his back. Steven Grant is the big spoon that wants nothing more than to be engulfed by you, and you have no problem with that.
JAKE - so contrary to popular belief, I like to think that Jake is incredibly affection, and actually loves being romantic (with the right person, of course). Just like—besides him straight up having no threshold of “oh no, murders wrong”—he’s actually quite put together. He’s far more responsible than both Marc and Steven combined; very much aware of routines, what’s needed and what’s missing (especially when Steven forgets to buy milk for the third day in a row). So I like to think that when he’s not out working for Khonshu, he actually has a decent sleep schedule. He goes to bed roughly the same time every night, and wakes up no later than 8:30 every morning. But, his main rule is he will not go to sleep without you, and he will not leave the bed in the morning until you’re both awake. He’s extremely protective in the sense that he needs to know exactly where you are when he goes to sleep and when he wakes up. especially since he knows anything can happen when he’s unconscious. which is why he needs to be touching you, similar to Marc. either he’s holding you from behind: your frame tucked into his, or when your on your stomach, his arm will be under your pillow, with your leg draped over his. he just needs you to be as close as possible.
✨the-archxr thoughts✨
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wortsandall · 1 month
Jake Lockley-the lies we tell ourselves au
buckle in, this one's long next
my biggest inspiration for this whole au was this man right here. mostly from reading fanfiction and thinking-who is this man to me? and noticing the pattern that jake had become kind of one note.
the fanon jake lockley had become a kind of stereotype-the rough macho man, slinging Spanish and banging ladies-and rarely did I see anything go past those interpretations. now there's nothing really wrong with that and I don't mean to shit on anyone's perception or enjoyment of the character.
in the show, the only things we know are that
he fronts in violent moments to get marc and jake out of a bind
he speaks spanish
he has to be the one who asked the woman out at the museum
and thats exactly why we get the jake that we often see.
personally, I just wanted to explore beyond that. maybe as a black person as well i found that one note portrayal to almost be in poor taste and starts to infringe on some Latino stereotypes even if it's not purposeful. (again you do you. and I don't mean to speak over any Latino voices who may feel differently)
but jake to me can go so much deeper than that. the framing of him as the "violent" alter is so harmful when it comes to D.I.D. we all remember split. those that are uninformed about disorders like D.I.D usually don't see the harm that can come in that kind of portrayal or can be dismissive. I don't have D.I.D myself, but I do have an unfinished psych degree focusing on abnormal psych and dissociative disorders and a LOT of free time.
my main point being that I didn't want jake to just be the violent alter. it was so obvious to me that jake engages in violence as a form of protection. and that alone brings so much more depth to his character. jake only fronts in the show to get them out of a dangerous situation. and when he doesn't have to kill-he doesn't. like with the kid.
so jake immediately screamed protector to me. and the violence that comes as his form as protection is the most effective that we've seen. it's not about making sure that marc feels okay with what's been done or happy. it's about keeping them physically safe.
tw for discussions of abuse, bullying
the show shows us that marc, and in extension all the boys were abused by their mother. it may be jumping to conclusions but my next thought would be that's where jake gets the violence from. and I don't mean that he enjoys it or wishes to hurt people like he was hurt as some sort of outlet. but that now they get some kind of control over when and how they are hurt.
to make some more leaps, I thought that it's not far-fetched to believe that there could be bullying in their childhood due to potentially being seen talking to themselves. or if I wanted to make it sadder, for being both Jewish and Latino. I've seen my fair share of mixed people being forced to "pick" one or being ostracized for not fitting in the way they are supposed to.
hell, I'm fully black and have had to deal with not fitting the standard due to the way I speak, or dress, or what music I listen to, etc. if something like that was going on, I can imagine dots being connected. that in order to be left alone-violence can actually be the answer.
my mom beats me -> I tend to stay clear of her as much as I can -> these kids are bothering me -> I can make them steer clear of me
and if I'm hurt -> then its my choice -> a side effect of being in a fight -> not something done on purpose to me
I imagine that's jakes origins. he's not great for anything else in his eyes, that's all he's used to. marc wouldn't register these fights as anything abnormal. marc sees himself as broken and angry, and even as a child I think that's what he would boil these fights down to. he wouldn't remember the specifics of it-just the aftermath. feeling so angry then nothing but seeing the bully on the ground holding his nose. and just fill in the blanks for himself.
as a physical protector, jake's concern is physical safety. as they get older and they end up in psych wards or other mental facilities after their dad's growing concern about the out of character behavior. (steven, not knowing how to be covert) jake would be more aware. they are in this strange place, away from what's familiar and being treated like an invalid.
I think jake would front much more often, even if he's just watching from a corner of marc's mind. he'd be used to that kind of hyper vigilance. I don't want to demonize mental health facilities, though I know that a lot of them can be very harmful. but I don't think marc would be the one causing "trouble" in there, nor is steven.
this is where the other alters that I want to add for this au to come in. where marc remembers these wards as no big deal and steven has zero memory. but jake remembers more of the unpleasant aftermath caused by outbursts of a different alter leo. I'll get into him and what I imagine his character to be in a different post but just know that this is leo's origin: the wards they were in and out of as a teenager.
I think that once they left, they weren't fully an adult. maybe 17, about to turn 18 but marc hits the bricks. tired of his mother's abuse and his father's enabling of it. I imagine that in those couple months before 18, marc would rather be anywhere else. and jake would be the one helping with that, guiding marc without him realizing. turning them away from potential areas of danger, fully fronting in order to fight off a robber. I don't think this would be a long period-maybe a month or two. and that's why marc thought they could just leave until the military. (jake, tired of being the one to watch marc's stupid ass would wish that marc had just toughed it out at home until their 18th birthday. their mother was a known danger, the streets are not)
joining the military and everything after is mostly marc. jake only fronting similarly to the show, in life and death situations. steven and the other two alters wouldn't be fronting at all. and in these long year periods is where I think jake's role would change slightly. as marc learns how to better protect himself on his own, jake would become more of a gatekeeper. maybe not a great one, still concerned more about their physical safety than anything else.
"survive. don't die." that's jake's priority. so in these combat scenarios it is impertinent that alters who can't fight, won't. in this sole endeavor, he becomes a gatekeeper. anything that might trigger steven and the others gets heavily locked down. he has a tight hold on the front, making sure only he or marc could possibly do it. I can't imagine he'd be able to keep that tight hold at all times. maybe there's small moments where their guard is down and any of the others could front for a moment. but for the most part, he's successful.
and when he gets tired of this, maybe the others are starting to front more or marc's fatigue starts to impact him, he makes the decision that in order to stay alive, they have to go. and that he's the one who tried to leave in a fugue state.
we all know what happens next and fast-forwarding through that, jake has less of a need to front. marc has the suit now. but jake is still a gatekeeper. marc's belief that steven and everything that came with that was over is partly due to jake keeping them all neatly held back and marc unaware.
due this backstory of jake's I don't imagine him getting out much. he hasn't had time for much else and doesn't know who he is outside of protecting them. after their mother's Shiva, I think jake would be the reason why marc and steven's life start to recombine. that he'd notice how shaken marc is after her death and know that it's not a problem that he can fight. so steven starts to front more, taking the brunt of these emotional moments. jake takes an even further step back, thinking steven has his role. as a caretaker and emotional protector this would be good for marc.
in this relative calm, where marc is trying (and failing) to balance his life and steven's, jake has a lot of time on his hands. maybe he watches how marc crafts a fake life for steven and thinks that it'd be nice to have one of his own-but not know how to go about it. he's never really been a person. in his eyes. he doesn't know how to be. so maybe he takes a small step on asking out the woman at the museum (I can't remember her name or if it's ever been mentioned, sorry)
thats the last part of fanon jake that I would like to dissect. I know in the comics I've read (and its only the 2016 and 2021 ones I apologize for that) there are references to this "woman-loving" personality. there are scenes where marc, steven, and jake are all talking and jake is in a club environment with dancers. and for me, it's never read as him being some kind of playboy hounding or thirsting after woman. in most of these scenes, jake is namely talking about finding community and people to care for in the rougher crowds. the crowds that might frequent these types of areas and crowds.
that's what I'd like to focus in on. jake may be a part of a system but it is a fairly isolated one. and part of that is due to his choices, but that doesn't mean he can't yearn for community. jake would be around during the time that marc was with layla. I imagine he'd probably have fronted a number of times as well. jake wouldn't know to navigate more emotional and intimate moments making him uncomfortable around her. he's covert enough to pretend to be marc in day to day scenarios, but not this. at the same time he'd see the way they interact and clearly love each other and become envious. so when he gets a chance, he tries it out for himself. though he never gets to go on that date.
all this to say jake lockley is aroace. he wants connection, community, family. due to circumstances both in and out of his control he'd never experienced that. and the couple times he has, it's been in a romantic sense. so he tries to copy that, thinking maybe that will be the key. but it isn't. he doesn't need that. he just needs some form of intimate connection to help him learn and remember how to be human. not just as a weapon, not just as a human shield. but as a person with his own wants and needs and personality outside of what the system wants.
that's my jake lockley.
the lies we tell ourselves au masterpost
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