#more chapters to come
dolcejwnie · 2 months
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synopsis: in the aftermath of a year marked by heartache, you and Jungwon drifted apart
warning: wanted low caps
genre: jungwon x reader, lovers to enemies, angst
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your heart aches, the relentless urge to claw at your chest persisted, a searing ache rising from deep within, crawling up to choke my words. hot, salty tears streamed down, mingling with the strands of your unkempt hair as you lay there, stagnant in your bed the entire day. "please, just say something... anything,"
you pleaded silently, your fingertips tapping anxiously on the unyielding screen of your phone. clutching your favorite blanket tightly, desperate for some semblance of stability, something to cling to amidst this suffocating despair. you detested this overwhelming exhaustion, the weariness that seeped into your bones.
there was only one simple desire from this relationship: to be loved wholeheartedly. yet, after a year, this seemed to be the most elusive part. to be his priority, to hear his voice, to feel his comforting presence, to be missed without always being the one to initiate, to hear those I love you not just during the sex, but in the quiet, mundane moments as well. was it truly such a herculean task? you would have given all of this, you have given all of this, because you love him for no reason other than love itself.
but, no matter how deeply you can love, the absence of equal affection can gnaw away at the soul. eventually, you come to a painful realization: perhaps it would have been better if you had never crossed paths at all, even if he remains the love of your life.
"Jungwon..." the silence echoed back, a hollow reminder of the day you bared your soul to him, only to be met with indifference, to be abandoned in favor of a night out with friends. this day was very significant for you, a triumph of passing a crucial exam you had spoken of for weeks, eagerly anticipating celebrating with your friends and, of course, with him. yet, he forgot. the pain was excruciating.
in the end, you even abandoned your friends, the joy of celebration drowned by the weight of misery. it was then that you decided, silently and resolutely, that this day would be the litmus test for your relationship. a choice presented to Jungwon, whether to board the train and disappear into the distance, or to step out and stand with you at the station. a simple text from him on this day would have sufficed, a lifeline thrown to salvage what remained.
but 12 agonizing hours slipped by in silence, a deafening absence of response.
he made his choice. and in that moment, the reality crashed down upon you like a tidal wave, drowning out any lingering hope. he chose absence, a departure marked not by words, but by the echoing silence of his indifference.
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zeldamphibiedalls · 8 months
Chapter 1: Family meeting
1st chapter finally out.
Twilight had just come home from school. He threw his bag on the floor of the room he shared with wind and began his homework.
An hour or two must've passed because wind had burst into their room and flopped over Twilight.
"Mom ordered pizza, you know what that means," Wind said looking up at his older brother. "Family meeting?"
Twilight replied, cringing at the fact.
Wind nodded his head, "what do you think this one's about? Our last one was about your girlfriend and stuff, gross."
"Let's hope it's something good."
The two walked into the kitchen to find their parents sitting at the table,
"Hey mom, I got Twi down. What important news did you wanna tell us?" Twilight nudged wind with his elbow before sitting down.
"Boys, do remember when we went to the funeral for your uncle a few months ago?" Time asked, distributing food around the table.
"You mean the one with the kid he adopted from his late wife's sister or something?" Twilight replied.
"Yes, well your mother and I have been talking and we think it would be best if he comes and lives with us."
"Like, he'll become our brother?" Wind asked, food still in his mouth.
"Yes dear, and please don't talk with your mouth full," Malon nodded as she handed her son a napkin.
Twilight looked around and sighed, "I don't know, we only have two rooms and I'm not sure if he'd even like it here on the ranch."
In reality Twilight and this kid weren't on the friendliest of terms. They'd only share glances and quick greetings with each other. Also he dyed his hair so many weird colors in the past, it was kind of weird having to look at super bright colors at every family gathering.
"I'm sure he'll give it a chance, and besides, your room is big enough to fit one more person all cozy. Now finish up your food, I want someone to help me outside with the cows," Malon left the table and went to the barn.
"You're on dish duty Twi!" Wind yelled as he ran after his mom. Twilight rolled his eyes and started picking up the table
"Give him a chance kiddo, remember he just lost someone very close to him. Besides, you'll have to start preparing for another roommate in two weeks," Time said, grabbing a broom from the closet.
"What if it doesn't work out?" Twilight asked, looking up from the kitchen sink.
Time sighed, "these things just take a bit of patience, ok?"
Twilight nodded and returned to his chore, unaware of the impact that one dinner made on his entire life.
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church-of-lilith · 11 months
this one’s for me & the 3 other beardtrent girlies out there!! wrote this because I desperately need beard to break up with jane & I think he should get to kiss trent, as a treat.
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jkknight98 · 2 years
He always wanted a big brother but got a giant family instead. Chapter 1 of Familial Forest
Hello everyone, guess who’s made a return to the community with a special little project with Plant ( @plant-gt-thought-box). We came up with this little Au through one little cliggy duo ramble and it quickly expanded. I hope you guys enjoy it as we expand this little universe. I need name ideas and would love suggestions.
Tommy hated his life in the orphanage, none of the other kids liked him or half of the workers, it just sucked overall. He was found in the woods around the village, he might as well go back into them. Who would believe that he would find the big brother(s) he always wanted in them, plus a bit more~
Warnings: implied vore, foul language, talk of bullying, implied neglect. 
Tommy sighed as he watched a younger kid walk out the doors of the orphanage, being carried away in the arms of their new parents, it wasn’t fair. It’s not like he could turn back time to become younger again, he’s not a witch with spooky powers after all. He leaned against his arms with a huff as his eyes drifted towards the woods that lay across the river, maybe his real family was out there, it’s where Ms. Weats said he was found….but he really didn’t believe that woman. Who would leave a five-year-old out in the woods with nothing but a shirt and a stuffed cow?  Speaking of, Tommy turned away from the window to look towards his shotty bed. Henry had been through a lot of wear and tear these past eleven years, the brown and white fabric frayed, but still held the same comforting smell of herbs. This fact caused many of the orphanage staff and his bullies to sneeze violently every time they tried to take it from him, but the nice old woman who ran the place let him keep the stuffed animal since it didn’t affect her or the other nice staff.
But the old lady did tell him that she soon wouldn’t be able to care for him anymore since he’s almost an adult and if he didn’t get adopted, he would be sent to the workhouse with the other boys that didn’t get adopted, it was a place Tommy wanted to avoid at all costs. He’d seen what happened to boys sent there, boys like him were quickly shut down for being too loud... So he had made up his mind that after the last call for lights out he was going to leave this town once and for all. He just needed to wait for his chance.
*_* -w-*_*
The rest of the day was just as deplorable as it normally was. The last of the older kids excluded him from their group while the younger ones teased him for not being picked again, especially since the kid that did was blond like him. The nicer staff let him help around the building, while Ms. Wears and her cronies would force him to do the more grueling tasks like fixing the roof or cleaning the nasty bathrooms, but he just went through it all until it was time for lights out. He climbed back into his bed and sighed as he listened to the other children chatting among themselves as the adult started to dim the lanterns, for once he was glad his bed was pushed to the opposite wall away from the others. It would make escaping so much easier when all the jerks were asleep and the full moon tonight would make it easier to see.
Tommy waited as the other children started to quiet down, the chattering falling silent as the work of the day finally took effect, and all that was left was the adults. He strained his hearing at the sounds of the workers outside the door,” Is the blond kid going tomorrow, I’m tired of dealing with him.” Ms. Rales. “Yeah, he and the Clancy twins are going to be taken to the workhouse tomorrow midday.” Ms. Wellings. “ I don’t care if the owner is fond of him, the men can’t come and take him soon enough!” Ms. Weats. The adults continued to chatter for a short while longer before they too went off to sleep, which just proved to Tommy that he needed to leave tonight at all costs. He waited what felt like a whole hour before he slowly slid from the bed, not bothering to fix the sheets as it would take too long and he could get caught, and slowly made his way out the doorway; avoiding the creaky boards. He made his way into the kitchen slowly, making sure he was completely alone before moving to a specific board by the entranceway, lifting it to expose a small satchel filled with dried fruits and nuts he managed to smuggle away and slipped Henry inside. It paid off a bit to be shoved aside to do tasks and ignored, he debated on taking one of the kitchen knives for protection but decided against it since it would be his luck that he would trip and stab himself, so he turned to leave out the door.
His whole body froze as his gaze met with the owner of the orphanage, he opened his mouth to utter an excuse on why he was up but was stopped by the old woman bringing a finger to her lips. “ Shh, if you plan to cross the river go south by the butcher’s home you'll find some crossing stones but hurry child, that wretched Rails woman is walking around.” The gray-haired woman turned away at that, pausing slightly as she looked at him one last time, a smile wrinkling her bright blue eyes,” stay safe and find the happiness I couldn't give you,” and then she was gone. Tommy wasn’t going to miss this gift as he uttered a quiet thank you and quickly scrambled out the back doorway.
Tommy kept his pace at a quiet jog as he began to weave through the sleepy village, he didn’t want to both exhaust himself or wake up someone who would drag him back to the orphanage, it happened before when a dark-haired girl tried to escape. She was dragged kicking and screaming back later that day when a traveler found her on the road, Tommy didn’t enjoy seeing her now since she was forced into the church, she was rather spiteful for a nun. He sighed in relief when he saw the illuminated sign of the butcher's house, he was almost free of this place. He scanned the river as he walked past the building, searching the darkened water for the stones, and feeling a touch of panic when he couldn’t see them, he really didn’t want to swim across. He snapped his head to the right when he heard a snapping sound, but sighed in relief when he saw the stones a ways from him, the river was high enough that he could barely see them. He took a deep breath and leaped out to the first stone, cursing when he almost fell and his right foot slid into the icy water, but he thankfully caught himself before he could fall further. “ Ok Toms, you can do this, you can get away from those fuckers.”
“What are you doing kid!!” Tommy whipped around to see the butcher sticking his head out of the window with a fearful look on his face. When the man disappeared back into the window Tommy knew he had to hurry, he would definitely be dragged back to the orphanage if he was caught. He started to jump across the stones faster, not caring if a full arm or leg slipped under the surface, and was almost halfway across before the man was fully out of his home, “It's not safe out there, there are monsters out in those woods boy!!” The man was almost to the edge of the river when Tommy made the last leap to the opposing bank, turning around to see the man trying to wave him back and lights starting to spread through the village,” You’re going to get killed!”
Tommy turned to look back at the man and the few other villagers that came out to see the commotion and were trying to convince him to come back. In the back of the crowd Tommy could see a scowling Ms. Wears, which made the boy smile as he lifted two fingers into the air as he backed into the treeline,” so long you fuckers, this is the last you will ever see of Tommyinit!” He turned away from everything he’d ever known and disappeared into the very woods he had found in.
Tommy sighed to himself as he tucked his body further  into the hollow of a tree, he had been traveling through the woods for a few days now and while he managed to scavenge some edible mushrooms and berries, he had almost gone through his entire food supply. He grumbled slowly as he ate the last of his dried fruit, using his tongue to clear away any of the skin that got caught in his teeth, every small scrap made the hunger pains a little less. He knew that he needed to move on to a new spot soon, but the hollow was filled with the softest moss he had ever found… it was loads better than the poor mattress he had back at the orphanage. He jerked his head upwards when he heard the sound of voices in the distance, could that be a town or maybe a group of travelers that he could join with. He left the hollow quickly and sprinted for them, he couldn’t lose this chance.
The closer he got to the voices the more confused he became, they became so much louder than they should have.. And the ground seemed to rumble with a small earthquake, Tommy’s confusion was quickly answered when he stopped before a minor clearing. Rather than seeing a group of people with horses to explain the thudding, but two giants who were arguing about…. Food theory??
“I’m telling you that your baked potatoes are pretty much a taco, it’s got two sides and fillings!” This came from the brunette giant, eyes hidden behind large glasses and had a scattering of brownish tan feathers along the side of its face and feathered ears. The other giant seemed to huff in annoyance,” I’m the only one that eats the skin of the potatoes, so it's not a taco.” This giant had hair that was a dark shade of pink and had pig-like tusks jutting from its lower jaw, and it continued to look more unimpressed as the other giant continued to argue about how this food is actually this and so on.
Tommy tried to think what would be his best course of action, he never thought he would run into actual giants in these woods, they were supposed to be a myth. He debated on if he should try and speak to the giants, or get far away from them. He chose the latter and moved to take a single step backwards, and just his luck, stepped onto a branch that cracked like a gunshot. He flinched with the sound and froze in place, eyes shutting on their own as the clearing was filled with silence, he took a few deep breaths before opening them. His normally loud voice caught in his throat as he was met with a massive face hovering before him, brown eyes wide behind glasses as they focused solely on him, and a widely spreading smile when said eyes met his own,” Hello~”
Tommy tried to dart away from the giant but a large hand was quick to shoot out and grab him, fingers double his height wrapped around him,” Guess who found a human~”. Tommy felt his stomach drop as the giant moved to stand back to its full height,” where do you think humans go in food theory, are they a calzone or sushi?”
The pink-haired giant looked at Tommy with a raised brow and unamused red eyes,” I don’t know but I want to know what the human thinks since your an idiot,” the giant leaned forward as it looked at the boy, eyes focusing on his golden hair before meeting his blue eyes,” what do you know about food theory?”
Tommy gulped slightly as he glanced between the two giants, the brunette looking mildly annoyed while the other continue to look at him expectedly, things couldn’t get much worse could they,” I think..I think that sauces are just thick soups.” He flinched as the giant holding him let out an offended sound while the one looking at him grinned the most terrifying smile he had ever seen.
“Looks like the human is smarter than you, Wilbur.” The pink haired giant was quick to take Tommy from the now named ‘Wilbur’ and held him to his chest,” I’m taking him as my new little brother.” Wilbur just glowered at the other giant,” Techno you can’t just take in a human, they're not like one of the hounds you find, what if it has a family?” The pink haired giant just shrugged and started to walk away from the other,” did you look at them, their clothes barely fit and they’re skinny, they’re clearly an orphan.” Techno looked down at Tommy once more,” you have a name kid or should I call you Theseus?”
Tommy gave a hesitant smile up to the giant,” My name is Tommy… and I agree with you that baked potatoes aren’t tacos, who would put lettuce in a potato??” This made the giant holding him huff with amusement while the other sighed again before it leaned over to softly poke his face, promising that he had to show him that his food ideas were better than his brothers, and how you could easily turn a baked potato into a taco. Tommy couldn’t believe how easily he found himself talking with the giants, easing into Techno’s hold as the three of them continued to chatter (not noticing the subtle fond look the pinkette gave him when he noticed). He couldn’t see anything wrong with staying with the giants, even if the brunette might have wanted to eat him at first, this was the first time in his life that he felt something he could call familial affection.. Hopefully the giants would adopt him into their family… His hands reached down to gently stroke the back of Henry, neither of the giants sneezed because of him, so there was no need for him to run away from them. He felt safe for once…able to yawn softly as the sun grew lower in the sky. The hands holding him felt so warm.. And it wasn’t long before Tommy drifted into the most restful sleep of his life.
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littlegayassbitch · 1 year
hey gays...... so.......................................
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wisefoxluminary · 3 months
Clown of Hearts 🎪/🔮
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Destiel circus/magic family au
I have written my own Destiel fanfic which sprouted from a fun idea I had. I've always had a desire to write a Destiel AU of my own. Some elements of the plot were taken from Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel but I've added my own spin on it.
Chapter one is out now!
The first chapter works as a prologue of sorts to introduce you to the story and its characters and chapter two will get right into the swing of things.
here's the link:
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So relax and throw away life's troubles into a blender because this fic is going to be a hand full!
Dean and Sam run a travelling circus called S&D's: The Family Business but their business is is slowly declining due to the constraints of their deal with the demon Crowley, who has had their family and performers under a strong contract for years that keeps them bound to a life of constant entertainment, like hamsters chained to a wheel. Dean and Sam are known as the circus's resident stunt drivers who stun the crowd with their intense rides through the globe of death. With time running out, they want to be free so they need someone to grip their circus tight and raise it from perdition.
Castiel, a magical light bringer and the youngest member of the magical yet rich Novak Family feels trapped by his hostile brothers, his controlling father and an arranged marriage he has no control over. He wants to bring a little magic into his daughter Claire's life so when a chance meeting between with him and Dean occurs, Castiel agrees to teach Dean magic so he can find a way to break his demon deal as this leads to a spellbinding entanglement that none of their souls could comprehend.
This is a story of two trapped souls who long for escape and how dreams are the most powerful thing to prevail against all evil.
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Leave kudos and feedback. That would be greatly appreciated!
Stay updated for more chapters!
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kasieli · 11 months
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Hear me out: MC and Seb exploring the underwater caves together
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bonus-links · 9 months
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RUINS, pt. 14
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ruporas · 1 year
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i’ll find you again in every universe. let us be a little more honest, let us have a little more time.
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#despite it all though badlands rumble is like. the only universe where we get wolfwood thinking vash died first... and i think that means a#lot to their relationship and how it may bloom if there was more to badlands rumble considering vash literally saw wolfwood carrying a piece#of vash after his supposed death. u know! despite the short time they were together vash still meant so much to wolfwood that he couldn't#just move on or forget him in anyway. needed to keep a piece of him for himself and the rest of his days. but ofc vash lives and wolfwood#was like ill beat ur fucking ass into tomorrow. there's just so much honesty in vash being able to see that gesture bc he wouldnt know#otherwise just how much he might mean to him. ANYWAY. trimax with with the eternal pining featuring the two chapters where imo#where the both of them really fell for each other... i wrote my thoughts about this on another comic i did before#but vash solidifying his feelings during the hospital arc -- ww solidifies his when he realizes his allegiances are permanently with vash#98 my lovelies but also to me they are so one-sided bc ww pined like no tomorrow and vash only realizes after ep 23?24? his heart did tickle#whenever ww complimented his smile though#and tristamp vw my beloveds. it really just feels like they get the  chance to be closer and closer and more honest with each other#with every version that comes about. in trimax they knew how little time they had but struggled so desperately to get closer. in 98 ww felt#more willing to forsake for vash. in badlands rumble theyre Angry but as mentioned earlier ^ more blatant truth... due to circumstances#mainly but has the chance to lead to discussions and tristamp literally. first day of knowing each other ww saves vash - 2 days later vash#saves ww like. Man. AND NOW THEY MAY POTENTIALLY GET EVEN CLOSER!!!! with s2....#ruporas art
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reds-skull · 4 months
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Anatomy is one of the biggest thing I need to work on, so why not do it while drawing these two fuckers.
Tried to focus just on the sketch/lineart, so no shading on this one...
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chubs-deuce · 2 months
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actually writing out the story I have in my head has been like pulling teeth but even though the writing progress is slow, the mental images don't stop coming lmfao
Alas I made more art woops
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lotus-pear · 9 months
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#literally excuse the shitty anatomy and cell shading i was thinking abt chuuyas reaction to what he'd done and i decided to make it skk#bc skk copium :')#the way i've hated dazai so fucking much but i still cried like a bitch when he died#he's not dead the bsd fandom has this phase like the elevator chapter where we're like ''dazai's not gonna make it he's done for!!''#and then he comes back next chapter like surprise bitches yall thought i was dead lmao#this chapter fucking HURT for skk shippers tho like we rly lost this time around huh#deluding myself into thinking that chuuya used gravity manipulation to slow the bullet#bc we didn't see a bullet hole behind dazais head like when chuuya shot his shoulder even though the bullet to his skull was fired at close#the reason theres a wound is bc the compressed air that was still fired was enough to wound him#and the shock wave that followed caused him to pass out bc of the sudden tension to his head intermingled with the blood loss and poison#we also know dazai can control his heart rate at will so maybe he can drop his pulse to zero for like thirty secs#enough to make fyodor believe he's dead#in the event that all of this is untrue and dazai rly does die the way my entire being will go numb and cold and dead#knowing that fyodor will most likely use dazai's death as a weapon against chuuya effectively chaining him to his side#like bffr chuuya may dislike dazai but that's his partner his reflection the boy that makes him desperately want to be human#dazai is the embodiment of chuuyas humanity and once chuuya loses that tether to his human side he will snap and the facade will shatter#and we will truly see chuuya unhinged with nothing more keeping him bound to his mortal shell#this wasn't the skk reunion we wanted asigiri what the fuck :(#bungou stray dogs#bungo stray dogs#bsd#nakahara chuuya#chuuya nakahara#osamu dazai#dazai osamu#skk#soukoku#lotus draws
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mikibagels · 4 months
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Cross-Dimensional Siblings - Snippet 2
What's the point in a race if you aren't there waiting for me at the finish line?
Read Snippet 1 here 👈
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becca-e-barnes · 11 months
Sub Bucky and a breeding kink 💀 dead unlived it's one of my favourite things 😌
This is pretty high up there on my list of dream fantasies 🥵 these are two of my biggest weaknesses, don't even look at me rn
One of life's greatest joys is cuddling with the other person's head resting on your chest so you can play with their hair and rub their shoulders. I love that shit, having someone else's body weight on you is so comforting.
I imagine that's something Bucky would really enjoy too. It's so soft and sweet and tender and getting to feel cared for would really appeal to him.
But that's up until his hands work their way under your top, up over your bare skin so he's able to cup your breasts and bury his face between them while he's getting his hair played with. Life's pleasures don't get much simpler than that.
After a few moments he shifts slightly, tugging the neckline of your shirt out of the way to give himself space to kiss and nip your skin. All of a sudden he's desperate and it's beautiful to watch.
"Please." He whispers between frantic kisses, flicking his tongue over the stiff peak of your nipple before engulfing it with his warm, eager mouth.
"Please, what?" You tease, tugging on his hair just a little for emphasis.
He groans, frustrated by his own lack of coherence, pulling his mouth from your nipple. "Please let me put a baby in you."
That's not what you were expecting but fuck, he makes it sound pretty appealing.
"Bucky-" You begin but he cuts you off, giving your other nipple the same attention as he gave the first. God, that's distracting.
"You'd make. Such. A pretty. Mommy." He whispers, kissing his way down your body until he reaches the bottom seam of your top. From there, he pulls it off, letting it fall to the floor before removing the rest of your clothes.
"You'd look so pretty with a little baby bump." His huge hand rests on your bare tummy, imaging how your body would change.
"I want it, Buck." You mean it too. It doesn't sound like such a bad idea when he's taking his clothes off.
"I know you want it." He groans, rubbing the tip of his dick against your soaked core. "Y-you're so wet."
He presses his hips forward, sliding inside you and you can't explain it but you swear it feels different this time.
"Don't even think about pulling out." You cup his face in your hands, keeping his eyes on you and you almost worry he's going to fuck himself senseless into you. "I want you to make me a mommy. You're going to give me every single drop of cum and when it starts to drip out of me, you're going to fuck it back in."
His head falls onto your shoulder, sobbing a pathetic moan against your already hot skin. The pace of his thrusts matches his need, his hips slamming into yours and when he finally gives in, he cums inside you with your legs clamped around his waist, making sure he couldn't pull out even if he wanted to.
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pricklenettle · 8 months
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I’m so excited to finally show the illustrations I did for this year’s invisobang!
These are from the first chapter of @wingedflight’s story, Something Rotten
It’s based around Hamlet, and it is so cool and tragic to read the characters in their roles, please go check it out!
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demonic0angel · 1 year
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Tfw your resurrected son somehow becomes the boyfriend of a rising crime lord within the city that you’re protecting 🤨
Introducing crime boss Jazlyn Nightingale, the newest power in Gotham who has control over the shadows (click for clarity)
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