horsesarecreatures · 4 months
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Whispering Meadows Morgan Farm
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allmythologies · 4 months
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welsh & breton mythology: morgans
morgen are water spirits that drown men.  they lured sailors with their hypnotic voices and sat in the water to comb their hair seductively. they were believed to live near coasts, at cave entrances and at the mouths of rivers, with some held to still inhabit a cave near crozon. the morgans, who were well-versed in evil spells, would drag young men underwater and the men would never be seen again. in some versions, however, morgans carried kidnapped sailors to underwater palaces of mother-of-pearl and crystal, and married them. the morgens, eternally young, are also blamed for heavy flooding that destroys crops or villages.
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onepiecexd · 6 months
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One Piece - Episodio 1080
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mugiwara-lucy · 11 months
YES!! We get to see this moment dubbed!! 🤩
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nocontextonepiece · 1 year
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artistic-fool · 4 months
Spun a one piece character wheel to figure out who to draw, and I landed on Morgans, he Is way more fun to draw than I was expecting😭🤣
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also decided to color the top left one cause his little devious look was too good to leave in sketch form
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shysheeperz · 2 years
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strangenewwords · 4 months
Oh hi! So when you have the spoons would you like to tell us about your Morgan? What was its name? How old were you when you met said horse? How did it come to be yours? Fondest memory? Did it have any personality quirks? I’m so curious!
HA! This is a low spoon question - which is great because this time of year I think we're all lower spooned. At least in this hemisphere, because holidays are rough and less sun and well that's another post entirely.
Her name was Roanoke (Dare County NC, Not VA because Blackbeard and the graveyard of the Atlantic and I'm weird). She was a rescue who had been abused and neglected. I was wow, um, early twenties? Didn't have her for more than about 5 years (and gave up on horses altogether). She was kinda awful? Lol. Because of everything she'd been through. Fondest memory is kinda not so fond, but she used to try and unseat me all the time. Like, ride me under low trees etc. So we had to do a lot of work until she was okay with me. But it was super worth it. I liked her attitude though. Also how she smelled. Nothing is better than that alfalfa fresh hay clean horse smell. Except maybe how happy cows smell. Which is really weird to type out but it like makes me relax all over. Also also when she got weight on her. Just random happy thoughts like that.
I've thought about trying to do equine assisted therapy, because there's been SO many studies on how human brains respond to equine interaction, like it lights up in all sorts of different ways. But I haven't figured out how to a - afford it, or b - if I want to do the legality stuff.
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chenziee · 4 months
World Economic Journal: Grand Line Edition
Zou Invaded
ZOU, New World | by @/truffyfest
Hundreds injured, a millennium old city destroyed in Beast Pirates’ raid on the Mokomo Dukedom led by Jack the Drought but a few days ago.
This news catches us just as distressed as surprised. After all, how many people can say that they have visited Zou, the phantom island? Not many, we recon.
The island has been shrouded in mystery for many years. Most people don’t even know (or believe) it exists, not to mention being able to go there. And why is that?
As the name suggests, Zou is not actually an island as we understand it, but rather a real, incredibly rare naitamie-norida elephant. Therefore, as a living creature, not only is it impossible to follow a log pose to get there, the ‘island’ doesn’t ever stay in the same place . Some assume the few minks who leave their homeland have a secret connection to the elephant and are able to hear its voice calling them or, and this is the more rational explanation, one can only get back by following a vivre card.
No one knows as the minks are quite protective of their country and hardly, if ever, share any information on it.
That is why the news of an invasion is quite shocking, as it is horrific.
The minks’ culture goes back as far as 1000 years and there are many people living peacefully on the elephant’s back. This raid, this barbaric invasion is a disaster both humanitarian and historical.
But, thankfully, a greater tragedy was averted thanks to none other than our favourite power-couple—excuse us, pirate alliance.
One of the minks who were present during the terrible events, Miss Milky, has shared with us that in a curious twist of fate, the Heart Pirates excluding their captain were already in Zou when the Beast Pirates had landed, and a part of the Straw Hat crew arrived there only a day after Jack and his entourage had left in a hurry.
And of course, a few days after that, the two captains themselves and the rest of their— Straw Hat’s crew arrived.
As of right now, we can confirm that the two lovebirds are still on Zou!
According to our information, the two of them have spent the whole evening (and night) by each other’s side while they enjoyed the celebration organised in the honour of the country’s saviours by one of the rulers of the country (Zou traditionally has two rulers). Straw Hat Luffy regularly went away alone but never for long, always coming back with more food to share with Trafalgar.
Curiously, he always ate the bread first, never leaving any for his ‘ally’. And even more curiously… the ex-Warlord always smiled, obviously unbothered by the food thief.
Is that a sign that the ice is melting? Or is it simply because they thought no one was watching that they threw away the pretences to be with each other exactly the way they wanted?
The most important question—are they already dating, or are they still finding their way to each other?
We will continue to look for more information and keep you updated on these pages. Look forward to some insight from sources very close to the world’s newest (future?) power couple!
- For a photoshoot and interview with the beautiful reindeer mink, Miss Milky, proceed to page 36 -
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heather-m-quigley · 3 months
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kunaigirl013 · 1 year
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My top 25 favorite characters in One Piece!
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lonely--seeker · 2 years
if youre still taking the drawing requests could you draw morgans? my favourite newsbird
yee! I've been thinking about this guy for a while
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onepiecexd · 2 months
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One Piece - Capítulo 1109
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bottlepiecemuses · 2 months
The World Will Hear Vegapunk's Words
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The world will know what the truth is.
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mugiwara-lucy · 3 months
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It's official, Morgans is my FAVORITE side character for OP
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op-grand-collection · 2 years
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