#mr clovey
soccerpunching · 9 months
Other entomologist Yuuka headcanons (as i mentioned earlier here):
She would have been an arachnologist but prefers the wider study that entomology have.
She loves anthropods! Spiders and scorpions the most but have only kept spiders in her terrariums. She also have some beetles around (not with the spiders).
She gives her pets very human names like hana, haruko, hiroshi and sometimes even american ones like kevin
Yuuka is also an artist and likes designing patches that you can sew in your clothes. Most of her work are insect-themed and secondarily soccer-themed. She likes designing scorpion ones for her brother.
As I mentioned, Shuuya cannot stand bugs but especially spiders so when these two fight she keeps one of them on her shoulder when she goes out her room to keep Shuuya in a distance (prevents him from apologizing, he always apologize first).
Shuuya accidentally killed one of her pets once because his fear triggered his fight response. Yuuka cried and he apologized for weeks even after she forgave him. Shuuya hasn't forgiven himself for that.
But even before this incident, Yuuka has always taken great care on keeping them in their little homes because she doesn't like her brother to be scared or be inconvenienced by them.
Shuuya gave her a spider in her graduation (he wasn't the one to hand it over but he was responsible for choosing what kind and for buying it and its house). Yuuka named it Mr. Clove Hair affectionately in return and loves Clovey to bits.
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mylizards · 3 years
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It's not often that Clove is awake before I go and do his food and misting (usually I have to wake him up as he's sleeping on the door) but today he was ready and waiting
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not-poignant · 4 years
Daily excerpt from today’s writing (The Beast that Chose Its Own Bridle, chapter 20):
‘Clovey?’ Murtagh said.
I closed my eyes. It was so much easier to deal with this without an audience, without people I cared about. So much easier to deal with my own fantom when I’d been possessed. To deal with the lost souls in the bottom of the Mirador. It had never been easy, but it was easier.
Mildmay and I shared a look.
‘Clovey,’ Murtagh said, his voice so young and lost, ‘do you know who I am?’
‘He doesn’t,’ I snapped, my anger leaving no room for softness. ‘He doesn’t because you left him here so his brain and body could waste away.’  
‘Mr Harrowgate,’ Wyatt said, staring at me in reproval.
‘Yes?’ I said, staring at him coolly. ‘Do you have anything to say to me? Or are you going to let me do what I came here to do?’
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so i watched kubo and moana tonight and since i read the wiki for the cloverfield monster (also known as clovey and mr. grumpypants- look it up) to argue with my dad over the actual ending (i was right) i really wanna rewatch it but you only see the monster for such a short time it upsets me
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