#mr shark………..I can’t remember your name but I’ll remember your sacrifice
fastepp · 2 years
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Young Wizards book 2 be like
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bindy417 · 5 years
At the Edge of the Ocean: Part 4 (Olicity AU)
A/N: Hello lovely readers, I’m so excited to be posting the fourth and final part of At the Edge of the Ocean! Thanks so much for hanging in there with me and letting me indulge in this Olicity mermaid AU. Your enthusiasm has been mermazing!
If you haven’t caught up, be sure to read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. I also created a playlist of songs related to the themes of this fic if you want to check it out.
Happy reading, and let me know what you think!
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Pairing: Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak
Rating: T
Summary: AU. Oliver almost drowns when the Queen’s Gambit sinks and is saved by a mysterious creature. When he learns that his savior is actually a beautiful mermaid named Felicity, Oliver can’t decide if he’s more shocked by her existence or the fact that he feels such a strong connection to her. Coming from two different worlds, Oliver and Felicity must decided if their love is true and what they’re willing to sacrifice to make it work.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Arrow or any of its characters. Except for the Olicity edits with my watermark, the rest of the images and gifs aren’t mine.
Oliver pumped his arms and legs to reach the surface. His lungs strained against the need to inhale, his last stores of oxygen depleted. He almost made it to the surface when something grabbed him by the ankle and dragged him back down.
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(Gif via tenor.com)
He squinted in the darkness of the salty depths and shouted when his father’s face emerged. Robert Queen’s eyes were clouded like milky marbles, his skin pale and bloated. Part of his torso was missing; a large bite mark was imprinted into his skin.
His father hadn’t survived. He’d been lost to the depths, and now he wanted Oliver to join him.
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(Gif via Wattpad by voidsenses)
Thrashing against Robert’s hold, Oliver finally broke free. A flash of pink colored his peripheral vision. Scales glistened, and he felt oddly comforted. His mind struggled to remember why this vision before him wasn’t a threat but his salvation. The ethereal golden waves of hair floating around the most beautiful face he’d ever seen caused his memory to return. 
“Felicity,” he whispered, though it came out as a bubbly garble in the water. She was the mermaid who saved his life. His very own angelfish.
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(Original source: www.taylorswiftisreallyamermaid.com)
Felicity started crying, and it tore at his heart. Why was she sad? Oliver tried to swim toward her and found himself frozen in place.
 “Oliver, help me!” she called to him. “Please!”
 “I’m coming,” he tried to reply. Once again his words could not form. His voice sounded muffled and far away.
 A dark figure was moving in behind Felicity, and fast. Her pleas increased, and Oliver fought even harder to reach her.
 The mysterious figure was big and ominous. A shiny set of razor-sharp teeth suddenly gleamed through the murky water. It was a shark, he was sure of it, and Felicity was dead center in its path. Although her tail thrashed, she also couldn’t move. 
 The deadly creature was almost upon her. 
 “Felicity,” Oliver shouted in warning, suddenly finding his voice. “Get out of there.”
 “I can’t,” she replied, sobbing. He’d never seen her so scared. “Don’t let me go.”
 “I won’t.”
 “Promise me.”
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(Original source unknown)
“I promise.” No sooner had he made his vow, the giant shark opened its jaws and consumed Felicity in a single bite.
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(Original photo by JadeAlexis18 via We Heart It)
Oliver screamed as his heart ripped in two at the gruesome sight. A wave of dizziness hit him, and he was no longer in the ocean; instead, he was surrounded by a sea of people. Faces came in and out of his vision, shouting to one another.
“Oliver! Oliver!” called a familiar voice in the chaos.
“Mom?” he croaked. Moira Queen came into view for mere seconds before Oliver’s vision blackened.
He remained in the darkness for a long time. Though his body lay motionless, his mind raced. There was no time for rest. He had to get back to Felicity. The look on her face as he promised to never let her go haunted him. He begged her forgiveness. 
When Oliver’s eyes finally opened, one thought stayed with him.
 “Felicity,” he murmured, disoriented.
Blinking several times, Oliver took in his surroundings. The darkness he’d inhabited before was replaced by a bright white ceiling, walls, and floor—a stark contrast from the palette of colors of the island. 
 “You’re awake.”
The unfamiliar voice startled him. He hadn’t known anyone was next to him. The older woman smiled kindly.
“Welcome back, Mr. Queen. Your mother and sister will be so thrilled to know you’re awake.”
“W-Where am I?”
“Starling General.”
“Starling…” He was home. “How?”
“That’s a long story. Best you hear it from the doctor. I’ll go fetch him.” She finished checking his vitals and wheeled away her device. 
Oliver groaned. His body was stiff and his head groggy. The last time he’d felt like this, he’d had the worst hangover of his life.
His headache worsened when the memories came flooding back to him. The shipwreck. Felicity rescuing him. Discovering she was a mermaid. Their time spent together. The giant mutant shark. Felicity on land and him falling even more in love with her. Their last night spent together. Then her walking away from him as he drifted into unconsciousness.
Now he was back in Starling, apparently.
The doctor, a middle-aged Asian man, entered the room minutes later with the same nurse in tow. 
 “Mr. Queen, hello. I’m Dr. Barton. I’m the physician overseeing your recovery. Good news is your vitals are strong—despite the state we found you in,” he explained. “Your blood test showed you’d ingested a very potent barbiturate. We couldn’t identify it, but the lab said it originated from some type of marine life. Do you remember what you might’ve been exposed to on the island?”
“I don’t know.” He really didn’t, seeing as though it was Felicity who’d slipped it to him.
“Are you sure? This substance, it’s quite intriguing,” the doctor persisted. “Some of my colleagues think it could have substantial medicinal purposes.”
“I don’t know,” Oliver repeated. The doctor studied him until the hopeful expression on his face disappeared. Wanting to change the subject, Oliver asked, “How did I get here?”
“Fishermen passing by the island saw your smoke signal. They took you aboard and contacted the proper authorities to bring you back here.” 
 “How long ago was that?”
“A few days.” The doctor’s expression turned sympathetic. “I’m sorry to ask this, Mr. Queen, but the authorities need answers. Do you think your father or anyone else aboard the Queen’s Gambit could’ve survived?”
Oliver shook his head. “No. They’re dead. It was just me.”
“You’re sure you were alone?” he questioned.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Oliver answered, “Yes.”
“Who’s Felicity?”
His eyes widened. How could the doctor possibly know about her? Panic shot through him, wondering if she’d somehow been captured in her attempt to get him help. 
Anticipating his next question, the nurse chimed in, “You muttered her name quite frequently when you were under.”
Trying not to show his relief, Oliver said with a straight face, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know anyone by that name. It was probably just a side effect of whatever was in my system.”
The doctor wrote in his chart while the nurse stared at him intently. She seemed to know he was lying--she’d heard him say Felicity’s name upon waking--but was nice enough not to call him on it. 
“Very well then. Dana will help you get cleaned up. We’ve already notified your family that you’re awake. Your mother is on her way. Later, the authorities would like to get a statement from you. They have a lot of questions about what you endured.”
“Okay,” Oliver muttered, already dreading the interrogation that would come about his experience. 
The nurse, Dana, set up the shower for him in the bathroom. She also got him a razor to shave and cut his long, tangled hair. She was a chatty Kathy and told him all about her early days working in a salon. Oliver was pleased with the short cut she gave him. He didn’t want his mother to see him looking like some wild jungle castaway. 
Nervous butterflies wreaked havoc in his stomach. Oliver couldn’t believe he would actually see his mother again after so long. He wondered if she looked exactly as he’d last seen her. He wondered what she would think of him. Oliver may look more like himself after a shower and shave, but he was a far cry from the son Moira had known.
He couldn’t yet change into his normal clothes, but at least Dana provided him with a set of pants and a t-shirt to replace his johnny. 
Oliver stood by the window, taking in the bright lights and bustling streets of the city when the door to his room opened. His mother’s soft gasp as he turned to face her made his heart clench. 
“Oliver,” she said tentatively, almost as if she was afraid to spook him. Her hair was shorter; the lines in her face more pronounced. Her eyes, however, were filled with the same love and concern she’d always directed his way.
“Mom,” he replied, overcome with emotion. 
“Oh, my beautiful boy,” Moira said, choking back a sob. She reached for him and pulled him into a tight embrace.
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Oliver cradled her as she cried into his shoulder. He nuzzled her hair, taking in the familiar scent of her perfume and shampoo. 
It truly hit him then: he was home.
The tall, strong foundation of the Queen mansion looked like a safe haven in the distance. It had always been Oliver’s refuge in the past—whether it be from bullies as a child or his troubles with the police and paparazzi as a teen. The mansion still brought him comfort now, but Oliver knew what existed out in the big wide world—and there was no escaping reality this time.
“Your room is exactly as I left it,” Moira informed him. “I didn’t have the heart to change anything. I always had hope you would return.”
Oliver observed the foyer with its hardwood paneling and double grand staircases. At the bottom stood their long-time maid, Raisa. Her face had a few more lines, too, but her smile remained warm and bright.
“Good to see you, Raisa.”
“Welcome home, Mr. Oliver.” She addressed Moira, “Mr. Merlyn called. He wants to join you for dinner.”
“Wonderful,” his mother replied. “Oliver, did you hear that?”
He’d heard, but his attention had already turned toward the stairs. At the top stood his litter sister—well, maybe not so little anymore. 
She’d grown in the time he’d been gone. Her light brown hair was longer, and it wasn’t straight but wavy. 
“Hey, Sis,” he said, fighting the tremor in his voice.
“Ollie.” She beamed and quickly made her way down the stairs. “I knew it. I knew you were alive.” Thea threw her arms around him. “I missed you so much.”
Oliver held her just as tightly back. “You were with me the whole time.”
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(Original source: http://bit.ly/2manMyA)
“Oliver, honey, why don’t you go up to your room and get settled in before dinner,” Moira suggested.
Oliver was thankful for the reprieve. The onslaught of emotion overwhelmed him.
True to her word, his mother had left his room exactly as it had been. Oliver took it in, feeling a wave of nostalgia, before showering. He needed to wash away the journey home and time in the hospital. 
When he finished and emerged from the bathroom in a towel, he felt refreshed but no less at ease. After his time away, in what was a different world, everything that was once familiar was now unrecognizable.
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(Gif via gfycat)
The face in the mirror was a stranger. The marks on his body permanent reminders of all that he’d been through. There was only one reminder he wanted, but that mark couldn’t be seen. Yet he felt it, right in his heart where Felicity had changed him forever.
After dressing, Oliver made his way downstairs. He halted in the foyer, noticing a framed picture of his father and him many years ago. His fingers grazed the portrait. The grief and despair threatened to consume Oliver—feeling fresh now that he was back in his family home.
The front door opened behind him, startling him. The corner of his mouth twitched at the sight of his best friend.
 “What’d I tell ya. Yachts suck.”
He smiled. “Tommy Merlyn.” The friends embraced.
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“Glad you’re alive, buddy.”
“Me too.”
Dinner passed in a blur. His family and Tommy attempted to make conversation, but Oliver didn’t feel much like chatting.
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So he let them babble about the Super Bowl games he’d missed and TV shows he needed to catch up on.
Then Thea asked, “What was it like there?”
The room went silent.
“Surreal,” he answered, remembering the night the Gambit had sank and he’d been rescued. The moment Felicity finally revealed herself to him was burned into his brain. Being back home now, a part of him feared it had all been an illusion.
“Tomorrow, you and me are doing the city. We have a lot to catch up on,” Tommy interjected with his usual attempts to lighten the mood.
“That’s a great idea,” Moira agreed.
“I was hoping to swing by the office,” Oliver said.
“There’s plenty of time for all that. Queen Consolidated isn’t going anywhere. But I’ll arrange a tour for us on Thursday. Walter Steele has taken over as CEO. He’ll be thrilled to see you.”
Oliver watched his mother, detecting the uptick in her voice and the way her eyes brightened at the mention of Walter. Just as quickly, he dismissed the thought. She was probably just excited about his return. They were all trying to make the best of his homecoming while avoiding the cause of his disappearance.
Oliver stood at the water’s edge, staring out at the reflection of the moon on the water’s surface. The Starling City Bay was calm at night. So different from the active tides of the island. He came here on the nights he couldn’t sleep, which was often.
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A month had passed since his return, and Oliver did his best to get back to his normal life. He had dinner with his family, hung out with Tommy and Thea, and shadowed Walter at QC. His body was in Starling, yet his mind was still on the island. The first night back had been the hardest. He couldn’t sleep comfortably in his bed—tossing and turning in the dead of night. Eventually, he ended up on the floor, sleeping in front of his open window, needing fresh air.
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Oliver hadn’t even known he’d been dreaming until his mother came to check on him.
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Startled, he’d grabbed her by the neck, ready for a fight. Oliver apologized profusely. He’d never purposefully harm his mother.
“It’s all right, sweetheart,” she’d comforted him. “You’re home. You’re home.”
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He’d been calling for Felicity in his sleep again. His mother had questioned him the next day about it. Oliver avoided answering, knowing the truth would make his family view him as crazy. Sometimes he wondered if he was. Being back home, in the real world, made it easy to question the realness of all he’d endured. 
Oliver thought he’d been putting on a brave face until one day Thea took him to the graves behind the mansion—one belonged to him, the other to his father. Seeing his name carved into it, along with the emptiness he felt, Oliver wasn’t sure if it wasn’t the truth.
“I felt closer to you when you were dead,” Thea had told him, after sharing how she’d come out to talk to him when times were tough. “I know it was hell where you were. But it was hell here, too. You gotta let me in, Ollie. You gotta let someone in.”
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Oliver had already let someone in. But how could he tell his sister his sadness came from losing someone he’d loved during what was supposed to be the worst time in his life—and that the emptiness he felt while at home made him want to return to the island to find her?
Expecting his mother to be alone, Oliver halted outside the doorway to her study when he heard a much deeper male voice. The British accent immediately gave him away: Walter Steele. Oliver couldn’t say he was surprised. His mother hadn’t come out and said it, but something was going on between her and Walter. He saw the way she looked at him and detected the tenderness in her tone when she said his name. A part of him felt irked that she was taking interest in another man in his father’s absence; it was just barely over a year. But then Thea’s words popped back into his head, and he understood why his mother may have sought comfort during tragedy from someone who’d been a trustworthy and loyal friend all these years.
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(Photo via Fusion Movies)
Oliver was about to turn around, deciding to ask his mother about Thea’s upcoming birthday later, when he heard his name.
For a moment, Oliver thought they’d spotted him. He was about to reply and step through the doorway when his mother’s hushed voice made him halt. 
“No matter what the doctor says, I know my son. Something is wrong. It feels like he’s not even happy to be home. Like his body is here but his head is elsewhere.”
Oliver frowned. His mother wasn’t wrong, but he thought he’d at least been hiding his true feelings better since Thea had spoken with him.
“Of course he is glad to be home,” Walter reassured her. “Moira, Oliver has been through a harrowing experience. His being withdrawn is to be expected. Besides, I saw the papers. He and Tommy went to a club last night. They looked to be having a good time.”
“He didn’t stay long. He left early and wound up at the Starling City Bay. He was there for hours until he came home.”
“How do you know that?”
Oliver wanted an answer too. Was his mother keeping tabs on him? 
Sounding chagrined, Moira admitted, “I hired someone to follow him.”
“Moira,” Walter tsked. 
“I needed to know, Walter. I’m worried about him.”
 “Visiting the bay doesn’t seem so bad.”
“He barely eats or sleeps. He spends more time with his archery coach than he does Tommy or his other friends. I don’t think he’s even been on one date since he’s returned—”
“Archery,” Walter interjected. “What sparked his interest in that?”
“He mentioned something about hunting his own food on the island, though I don’t understand why he would need to retain that skill now. Not to mention the questions he was asking the head of marine research in Applied Sciences.”
 “Moira, I didn’t tell you about his meetings with Dr. Fielding to worry you. Oliver taking an interest in QC is a good thing.”
“Walter, I spoke with Dr. Fielding. He said Oliver was asking questions about strange creatures…mutated sharks or something to that effect. Don’t you find that odd?” Oliver peeked around the corner and saw his mother’s concerned expression. 
Oliver bristled. Dr. Fielding had sworn that whatever they discussed would remain in the strictest confidence. Now his mother knew all about Oliver’s private research project. 
“He was lost at sea, Moira. Maybe he was curious—”
“Perhaps he saw something when the Gambit went down.”
“Saw what?”
Moira hesitated. Then: “I haven’t told anyone about this, but I hired a special team to investigate the Gambit’s sinking—after the authorities decided to give up the search. They found it and…”
 “And?” Walter prompted, listening intently. Oliver also leaned in closer.
 “They said it looked as if the ship had been torn apart. Not by natural causes but…they found strange bite marks.” She shook her head, as if she couldn’t believe what she was saying herself. “I’ve asked Dr. Fielding to examine it.”
 “It couldn’t hurt to look into the matter.”
 “I fear what Oliver has endured may be even worse than we thought. I worry he might do something if he doesn’t get help. I know this psychiatrist—” 
Oliver reared back, having heard enough. No matter what his mother said, he wouldn’t go to a shrink. One mention of King Shark and his mermaid girlfriend would either land him in a straight jacket or cause his mother to extend her investigation into the Gambit’s demise. He had to find another way to appease his mother and move forward with his plans. Time was running out.
Laurel was looking for him. Ever since he’d returned home, Oliver’s ex-girlfriend made it no secret she still had feelings for him. Laurel believed his return was their second chance, and Oliver didn’t have the energy or patience to convince her otherwise. He couldn’t deal with the wounded look of disappointment again. Instead, he stayed in the shadows sipping his drink, observing the people around him.Tommy’s parties always drew a large crowd. Even Starling’s elite couldn’t pass up free booze, food, and the occasional party drug. 
Not long ago, Oliver would’ve been among them—drinking and hooking up with a pretty face that could distract him for the evening. As an outside observer now, he wondered how he could’ve ever found this lifestyle fulfilling. Tommy, not to anyone’s surprise, was loving every second of the attention. He stood by the bar talking to Joanna. She was beautiful: tall and dark-skinned, with legs for days. She also happened to be a friend of Laurel’s. 
While Oliver was glad to see Tommy enjoying himself, he would much rather be at home continuing his research. Reports had surfaced of missing fishermen not far from where the Gambit sank. Most of Oliver’s spare time was devoted to figuring out a way to get back on the water and destroy that mutant monster. 
He thought back to his conversation with the marine biologist at QC, and his advice about dealing with marine predators, when something moved out of the corner of his eye. Oliver bristled, sensing a large, hulking presence. His head swiveled, and he saw that it was a tall, muscular man in a suit. Some of the tension left his body when he realized it was only a member of Tommy’s security. With so many people in attendance and the unlimited supply of booze, his friend couldn’t be too careful about certain guests getting out of hand.
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(Gif via The Arcade)
The man’s attention was trained on a guy several feet away. Oliver recognized the shaggy brown hair and smug smirk. It was Max Fuller—his long-time rival. The two had never gotten along—and that was before Oliver had slept with his fiancee during their rehearsal dinner. Not his finest moment, but Max was no saint either; he pretended to be better than everyone else—the creep.
“Good to keep an eye on that one,” Oliver told the security guard. “He’s trouble.” The recent rumor was Max wanted to create a nightclub—with much of his investment money originating from his lucrative side dealing of drugs. 
“Thanks for the tip,” came a gruff response. “Although I’ve heard the same about you, Mr. Queen.” His dark eyes spared him a glance before surveying the room once more. 
Oliver blinked in surprise. It was rare that someone was so blunt with him. “No need to worry about me tonight.”
“I figured as much when I saw you standing in the dark corner by yourself.” 
“I’m fine,” Oliver answered, perhaps too emphatically.
The man smirked, though not with derision. His brown eyes looked almost sympathetic. “I said the same thing when I got out of the service. It takes time to feel like yourself again—if you ever do.” 
“You were in the military?”
He nodded. “The Navy.” 
“Navy,” Oliver repeated, his interest sparked. “You were a…?”
“Navy Seal,” he proudly answered.
“How did you end up here?”
“I’ve been asking myself the same question.”
“If a better opportunity came along, something that actually pertains to your skills, would you be open to it?” 
“Depends on what it is.” The man wasn’t looking at him, but Oliver could tell he’d caught his attention. 
“It doesn’t involve chaperoning a bunch of drunken trust fund kids. It’s much more important than that, and dangerous.”
The man turned toward him, scrutinizing him. Oliver must’ve passed his inspection because he said, “I’m all ears.” He held out his hand. “John Diggle.”
 “Nice to meet you, John. I’m Oliver Queen.”
Dig—as John preferred to be called—held a fry halfway to his mouth and paused. “Have I seen what?”
Oliver repeated his question. “Any anomalies in the water?”
During Tommy’s party, Oliver and Dig had planned to meet the following day to discuss Oliver’s proposal. They decided on Big Belly Burger, which wasn’t too far from John’s apartment in The Glades. It was less likely someone would recognize Oliver and, also, Dig’s sister-in-law worked there as a waitress.
They’d ordered lunch and made small talk at first—discussing their backgrounds as they waited. Hearing about John’s time in the service, Oliver couldn’t help but feel guilty for the time he pissed away since high school—partying and getting in trouble instead of using his money and celebrity to make a difference. But everything was different now.
“Anomalies like what?”
“Weird, unexplained sonar findings. Possible abnormally sized creatures…” he trailed off, taking in Dig’s perplexed expression.
“Not really,” Dig replied. “Have you?” It came off like a sarcastic comeback, but his eyes were probing.
Oliver took a sip of his shake, buying himself time to work up the nerve to say, “It wasn’t a storm that sank the Gambit that night.” When Dig remained silent, Oliver continued, “There was something in the water.” He took a steadying breath. “A shark.”
“A shark,” Dig repeated, skeptical. 
Oliver nodded.
“What, like Jaws? Even if there was a large shark, a yacht that size—” 
“It was gigantic and it…it had hands. It wasn’t normal.” Oliver added in a rush, “I know what I saw. It tried to get me on the island too.”
“If that’s true, then how did you manage to get away from it in the first place?” 
“A guardian angel.” His heart ached at the mention of Felicity. Oliver pressed on. “Look up news reports in the area. More ships have gone down and fishermen are missing.”
“Look, Oliver, I’ve been through trauma. Sometimes the mind can play tricks—”
“The threat is real,” Oliver insisted, not backing down.
“Say I believe you”—the frown on Dig’s face said otherwise—“what do you want from me?”
“I can’t let that thing continue terrorizing everyone. I want to put a team together to take that thing out once and for all. That’s where you come in. You’ve got the training and connections.”
“If you’re so concerned and sure of what you saw, why not go to the authorities?” 
“Because they’ll probably assume I’m crazier than you think right now. And there is something else in the water…something just as rare but worth protecting.”
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(Gif via Gifer.com)
Dig sat with his hands folded, contemplating.
“Whether you believe me or not, I’m willing to pay top dollar for your expertise. Think about it and let me know.” Oliver stood and threw money on the table to cover the bill. “If we’re going to do this, we can’t wait much longer.”
His knuckles turning white, Oliver gripped the railing of the boat. He inhaled the crisp, salty air as his eyes frantically scanned the surface of the ocean. The water appeared calm for now, but Oliver knew it was simply a cover for the danger that lurked in its depths. 
He still couldn’t believe that he was back on the water—and on a military vessel, no less. Dig had accepted his offer, though his belief in his story was tenuous. He’d called on a former colleague from the Navy, Lyla Michaels. She was no longer in the military but still did contract work for another government organization. The ship was named the Amazo, owned by some group called ARGUS, but Oliver had never heard of that organization before; Dig said that was the point. 
Besides the fact that he was hunting down a giant killer shark and searching for his mermaid girlfriend, it was nerve wracking to be back at sea. His mother would freak if she knew he was there and not on a guys’ weekend with Tommy. Oliver barely slept on the journey over. Every time he closed his eyes, his mind would take him back to that terrible night he lost his father. He prayed this voyage wouldn’t be a repeat. He’d done everything he could to prepare this time around—including getting a much larger boat.
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(Image via YouTube video by The Govenor)
The crew Dig and Lyla had put together were also former military. It consisted of four men and two women. They didn’t know the details of the threat they sought before boarding but were aware this mission was highly dangerous. Dig waited to brief them once the ship arrived at the proper coordinates. According to Dig, they didn’t care what Oliver thought he saw. As long as they were getting a fat paycheck, they’d go along with anything.
They’d set up the industrial-sized reel and line. Besides chumming the water, they attached a large slab of raw meat to a giant hook and tossed it out the back of the boat. 
The first couple of days that passed drew only regular sharks that hunted in these waters, and nothing out of the ordinary showed up on the sonar. Until day three. 
“Whatever it is, it’s big and moving fast,” said Helena, the female technician. “And it’s headed straight for us.”
“Arm yourselves,” Oliver advised.
 “We haven’t determined the extent of the threat,” said Lyla. “It could be an enemy sub for all we know.”
“It’s got the bait,” shouted Lawton, nicknamed Deadshot, as he engaged the mechanical reel. It was pulling in the line, though not without difficulty. 
“It’s the shark. If we’re not careful, he’ll kill everyone on this ship. Just like what happened to my father and the others the first time.”
“This vessel has faced much worse. We can handle Jaws,” she replied. 
Oliver prayed once again that Felicity was far away from what was about to go down. But his prayer was uttered too late; his eyes caught a streak of pink beneath the surface. For a second, he wondered if it was just his imagination. But then Lyla cocked her gun. 
“There’s something else in the water.”
“No, don’t shoot. That’s not it,” Oliver exclaimed. He leaned over the edge, trying to track the movement, but Felicity had already gone under. 
The end of the line surfaced. To their shock, the slab of meat was left untouched. 
“Where’d he go?” Slade questioned. 
“Oliver, get away from the edge,” Dig warned.
Helena’s voice crackled on Lyla’s radio. “He’s here! He’s right next to the boat!”
It happened so fast, they barely had a chance to react. King Shark sprang out of the water, his giant hands reaching out. Dig spun around, sprinting off the bridge, and dove back onto the deck of the ship just before the bridge ripped away. The boat tilted forward and then swung violently back upright. They were all swept off their feet. 
“Son of a bitch,” Dig hollered, trying to right himself.
The shouting started when King Shark’s large fin surfaced. It tore through the water, parting it in giant waves as he circled the boat.
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“Fire!” Lyla ordered.
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(Image via @dailyflarrowgifs)
Bullets rained down into the water, but did little to stop the creature from ramming the boat once more. 
Oliver grabbed his bow and readied an arrow.
“You know how to use that thing?” Dig asked.
“I made sure of it.” He knew guns wouldn’t work on King Shark, and it seemed all of those endless hours spent practicing his archery were about to pay off. Only a specially made arrow, courtesy of QC’s best manufacturer, or harpoon could inflict the damage needed to take down the mutant creature.
To Oliver’s surprise, he’d picked up on the skill quickly and had become an excellent shot. Yao Fei, his instructor, said Oliver was one of his most gifted pupils.
“Aim for the areas we talked about,” Dig reminded him.
Eyes, gills, nose, Oliver repeated to himself.
“He’s under the goddamn boat,” Slade cursed, dropping his gun and pulling out a blade. “When he comes back up, I’ll make sushi out of him.”
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(Image via Comic Vine)
A boom sounded from the hull, sending a shudder through the ship. Seconds later, it happened again.
“He’s trying to punch through the hull,” Lyla realized.
“Shock him,” Dig ordered.
 “What?” Oliver questioned.
 Lyla gave the order to Helena as Dig explained, “This boat has the ability to send out a shock of electricity. It’ll get him away from the boat.”
“You can’t send out shock waves into the water. The local sea life—”
“It’ll be contained to the immediate area. It’s mostly used if we’re being illegally boarded or dealing with a submarine at close range. It’ll probably work better than our guns—at least until we can get a clean shot.”
Oliver shouted when he saw the lines of yellow streak through the water around the boat. Suddenly, the pounding stopped.
“He’s retreating,” Helena said.
Two more of the crew members reported from down below. King Shark hadn’t broken through the metal, but he’d significantly dented it.
“Helena, get ready for when he comes back and turn up the voltage.”
“No,” Oliver argued. “You’ll kill the other sea life too.”
“It’s our best weapon against him,” Lyla explained. “If he does any more damage to the boat, he could sink us.” Before he could argue, she added, “With all due respect, Mr. Queen, you hired us for this job and we’re going to get it done.”
Oliver looked to Dig. “It’s our best bet right now,” he said, siding with Lyla.
Felicity had been close by. Oliver had seen her. She might not have been shocked the first time but if she was still swimming around the area, she’d be hurt for sure. Dead fish were already floating to the top of the water, and a wave of guilt crashed over him. He had to do something.
While Dig and Lyla gathered the group to re-strategize, Oliver discretely made his way over to the stern. The problem was they couldn’t get a clean shot of King Shark. Although the boat was large enough where he couldn’t easily destroy it, it also served as an advantage for shielding him. The only way to get a clear, direct hit would be to get as close as possible. 
Making a split-second decision, Oliver quietly released one of the two jet skis stored in the back. Listening over the comms, he learned that King Shark wasn’t far off but conveniently out of range for the shock to work. They hadn’t injured him, but they sure had pissed him off. 
The cache of weapons was also at the back of the boat. Oliver loaded up on more arrows and collected anything else he thought he’d need before mounting the sleek black jet ski, now in the water. It looked like a mini stealth tank with its giant rims and panel of buttons. Oliver knew the basics, having been on jet skis for multiple vacations during his young life. This one also had a stretcher attached to the back, which he assumed was used for rescues. Oliver did a quick study and then fired up the engine; he heard shouts behind him as he sped away in the opposite direction. 
Oliver went as fast as he could in an attempt to put some distance between himself and the boat. All the while, the tiny voice in the back of his mind called him crazy and every other unflattering name in the book. He couldn’t believe he’d done something so reckless, and yet he knew it was necessary. After a few minutes, Oliver glanced over his shoulder. He did a double take when he spotted another jet ski closing in. It was Dig. 
Knowing he couldn’t outrun Dig forever, Oliver went a little further out before cutting the engine. Dig was furious. If looks could kill, Oliver knew he’d already be reduced to chum in the water. 
 Finally, Dig was beside him. “Are you out of your goddamn mind?”
 “Look, I know you’re pissed but—”
 “You hired me to protect you and then you go traipsing off into unknown waters with a mutant predator lurking around. What the hell is wrong with you?”
 “You can’t shock the water.”
 “Not now that you’re in it. Your jet ski will be disabled.”
 “I know. That’s why I did it—to stop you. I told you King Shark isn’t the only inhabitant of these waters. You could hurt innocent creatures.”
 “If you’re worried about Flipper—”
 A splash caught both their attention. Then he heard it: “Oliver.” Goose bumps broke out on his skin as her soft, melodic voice washed over him.
 “Felicity,” he murmured.
The duo whipped around to see her floating toward their jet skis. She pulled herself onto the stretcher, revealing her slim torso and glorious pink tail. Oliver scrambled to face her and instinctively reached out. He crouched down and pulled her into a fierce embrace—not caring she was soaking his clothes. Their lips naturally sought each other—meeting in an even more passionate kiss. She tasted of salt and Felicity, and he held her tighter. 
“As soon as I saw the military boat, I knew it was you.”
“You left me.”
“No. You were rescued. It was time.” She stroked his cheek. 
“You promised you’d come. I waited.” 
“I wanted to. So badly. But I couldn’t until we got rid of King Shark.” Her brilliant blue eyes were pleading. “Please understand. I’ve missed you so much, Oliver. Not a day has gone by that my heart hasn’t ached to return to you.”
“I missed you too, Angelfish. I couldn’t sit back and do nothing. I need you to be safe.” His eyes roamed her beautiful face, taking in every detail of her blushing cheeks and perfect, parted mouth.
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(Original gif via @fangirlishsite)
“Your hair is so short.” She smiled. “You look even more handsome than I remember.” 
He cupped her cheek and grazed her lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She gasped, but not from the kiss. He followed her gaze.
Oliver had forgotten about Dig, whose wide-eyed stare and slack-jawed expression revealed his utter shock. His lips moved but nothing came out. He just kept glancing between Felicity and her tail.
“Is your friend all right?” Felicity whispered.
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(Gif via @dailyflarrowgifs)
“Dig, this is Felicity. She’s the one who saved me from King Shark when the Gambit went down. Felicity, this is John Diggle. He’s my bodyguard and has agreed to help me take out King Shark.”
“It’s nice to meet you, John,” she greeted him.
“Nice to mermaid—m-meet you,” Dig stuttered. 
Felicity gave Oliver a concerned look. He replied, “I trust Dig. He won’t say anything.” He shot Dig a stern look of his own to make his point. “He’s here to help.”
“Thank you—the both of you. I know I said this was a mer problem, but we really need all the help we can get. My village has allied with a few others to take out King Shark. We have a special poison that I concocted, but our weapons are no match for him. They can’t penetrate his skin. When I saw your ship, I knew I had a chance to lure him toward it.”
“You used yourself as bait?” Oliver replied, the disapproval heavy in his voice.
“It’s no different than your plan. I can’t just sit by and let him terrorize my home any longer. Besides, I had some help from a friend. He’s the fastest swimmer in these waters.”
“Do you have the poison with you?” Dig questioned, finally snapping out of his stupor.
“Yes.” Oliver hadn’t noticed it before, but Felicity had what looked like a netting purse tied around her waist. She reached inside and pulled out a vial. 
“If we lace a harpoon gun with it and have a direct shot—”
“Then we could kill King Shark,” Oliver finished. 
“You can’t get this on your skin. It’s extremely potent,” Felicity warned.
“We’ll be careful,” Oliver assured her and looked to Dig. He nodded back. “Let’s get to work.”
Oliver and Dig sat on their jet skis, bobbing up and down atop the choppy water, waiting. Before carefully lacing their weapons with Felicity’s concoction, they’d traveled farther away from the Amazo. Lyla and the others would surely be searching for them, and they couldn’t chance them showing up and thwarting their plan. Thankfully, the jet skis had stealth capability.
“You ready for this?” Dig questioned Oliver. The sun was setting in the sky, casting pink and orange hues across the horizon. They had to act before darkness set, or else they’d be even more vulnerable.
Felicity had gone back into the water to relay the plan to the others. When it was time, she sprang up from the water and waved her hand in signal before disappearing again. Oliver forced himself to stay focused, as his mind wanted to wander and marvel at her beautiful form.
“I’m sorry I doubted you,” Dig murmured his apology several minutes later.
“I get why you’d be skeptical,” Oliver said in acceptance. “You can make up for it by helping me kill this son of a bitch.”
With the binoculars trained to his eyes, Dig said, “He’s coming. Get ready.”
Oliver squinted, trying to see into the distance. Something red flashed by beneath the water. Trailing behind was a giant fin slicing through the surface.
“Come and get it, you bastard,” he muttered.
“Time to make shark soup,” Dig declared and revved the engine on his jet ski.
The pair took off speeding, zigzagging this way and that with the red underwater blur so as not to give King Shark an easy target. Finally, Dig swirled around and raised his harpoon gun. King Shark was coming straight for him. Just before Dig was able to pull the trigger, the mutant monster disappeared under the water.
Dig cursed, frantically searching for his target. Oliver also had his bow and arrow ready, but he was just as blind. He whipped around upon hearing a splash behind him. He just barely stopped himself from releasing the arrow at the sight of Felicity. She yanked herself up onto the stretcher in the back.
“He’s hunting from below. You have to move. NOW!” she shouted.
Dig hesitated, wary of dropping his defensive stance. He’d just begun to lower his weapon when a huge set of jaws engulfed the underside of his jet ski.
“Dig!” Oliver exclaimed, watching in horror as his bodyguard tore off the cuff from his jet ski and dove into the water to escape certain death. King Shark’s mouth closed around the vehicle, chomping it in half. Sparks flew.
“Get out of here,” Felicity ordered.
“I can’t leave Dig,” Oliver replied.
“My friend has him. He’ll keep him safe.”
Before Oliver could object, Dig was whisked away under the water—nothing but his harpoon gun left floating behind. Felicity extended her tail and managed to slide it closer. She took hold of the gun and shouted for Oliver to go. He did as she instructed, speeding them away from the wreckage that was Dig’s jet ski.
“He’s following us,” Felicity said.
“What should I do?”
“Keep going. There is a rock formation up ahead.”
“Do you know how to use that thing?” he replied, referencing the gun in her hand.
“Aim and shoot, right?”
He smirked. “Right.”
The ride was rough as they sped above the water, bouncing up and down from the waves.
“You okay back there?”
“Yes, but hurry! He’s gaining on us!” She yelped as she was almost tossed aside from a rather large wave.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, keep going!”
The rock formation Felicity spoke of finally came into sight.
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(Photo [which has been cropped and edited] by 12019 via Pixabay)
It wasn’t wide, but it was high. Oliver pulled right up next to it. He retracted his bow and tossed it in his quiver over his shoulder and reached for Felicity. The only way to grab her and climb was to sling her over his shoulder.
“I feel like the catch of the day,” she jokingly lamented.
Oliver couldn’t help but chuckle. Only Felicity could bring a smile to his face during a time of crisis. His muscles strained to climb the rough terrain. One false move and they’d go tumbling down. King Shark watched them and circled—probably hoping they’d slip and fall right into his eager mouth.
They reached the top, and Oliver set Felicity down. Back to back, they surveyed the threat below. King Shark kept springing out of the water and circling, attempting to find a way to get at them.
Out of the corner of his eye, Oliver noticed Felicity’s tail had transformed into legs. She stood up with her gun, mimicking his stance and movements to track King Shark. It was by far the sexiest thing he’d ever seen, he thought, before scolding himself to refocus.
When King Shark sprang out of the water once more, Felicity took her shot. She missed his body but did hit his tail. The harpoon sailed clear through, and he thrashed about in pain.
“So close,” she muttered.
“He’s wounded at least. Will the poison start working?”
“It should weaken him somewhat, but he needs a much stronger dose for his size.”
They scanned the water. Oliver had expected King Shark to keep thrashing and jumping out at them, but their surroundings had become oddly calm.
“Maybe it did work after all,” Felicity murmured.
“Maybe…” Something still didn’t feel right.
Suddenly, King Shark sprang out of the water. But instead of diving back under, his giant arms and webbed hands clung to the rock. The impact startled them as the ground beneath their feet shook. Felicity screamed as she lost her balance and toppled over the side. Oliver shouted her name and dove to catch her. He ignored the sharp pain as the hard, jagged surface scraped his skin. He caught Felicity’s arm before she slid all the way down.
Tears filled her eyes as she watched King Shark slowly but surely dragging his body up the side of the formation. His movements were somewhat sluggish, leading Oliver to believe that the poison was having an effect. It wouldn’t be long before he reached Felicity, though.
“Oliver,” she cried.
“I got you. I got you, baby,” he reassured her.
“Oliver, you have to shoot him! Shoot him now!”
Oliver had the perfect shot now that King Shark was exposed and vulnerable. But when he’d dove to grab Felicity, his quiver had been tossed aside. In order to grab it, he’d need to let go of her first.
Felicity seemed to come to the same conclusion, and a solemn yet resigned expression formed on her face. “Oliver, you have to let me go.”
He shook his head vigorously. “No.” He tried pulling her up, but a sharp pain in his arm prevented it. It felt like he’d torn something inside.
“You have to. It’s the only way. It’s more than just my life on the line.”
Oliver clutched her tighter. “You’re the only one that matters.”  
“Oliver, please…”
King Shark was inches from Felicity. Soon, she’d be in his clutches. Calling forth every last bit of strength he had, Oliver heaved her up and over with a painful grunt. He rolled over to grab his quiver and pressed the button to expand his bow. He shouted from a mix of strain, pain, and determination as he whipped around, coming face to face with King Shark.
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(Gif via gify.com)
Oliver stared into the monster’s cold, dark eyes and deadly grin before pointing the arrow straight at it and releasing it. It pierced his eye and blood sprayed out. King Shark jerked backward, losing his hold. His large, lifeless body hit the water with a gigantic splash, soaking them.
“You did it,” Felicity said in awe.
Oliver turned to her, noticing her tail had reappeared. “We did it.”
“You saved me.” Her eyes were beaming. “Thank you.”
“Always.” He drew her into his arms, where she stayed for long minutes. “Call us even,” he whispered against her ear.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They didn’t pull apart until another loud splash interrupted the moment. They looked down to see the red blur and then a soaking wet Dig on the rocks. He coughed and then heaved.
“Not everyone can handle Barry’s speed,” Felicity said sympathetically.
“You’ll have to thank him for me.”
“He’s right there if you want to do it.”
For having such speed, Oliver expected Barry to be a large, buff merman. But he was actually quite sleek and skinny--which probably made more sense since he could glide through the water so easily--with a youthful face.
Oliver waved his thanks, and Barry waved back. The merman looked to Felicity expectantly, who’d gone quiet.
“Do you need time to say goodbye?” Oliver asked.
“I’ll wait then.”
She shook her head. “I’m not saying goodbye to him.”
The sadness in her eyes made Oliver’s heart sink. “No. Not again. You can’t expect me to leave here without you.”
“I have to stay.”
Hurt and exasperated, Oliver replied, “Felicity, if you don’t want to join me on land, then just say it—”
“No, I do. So badly,” she interrupted. “I just…this is my home, Oliver. My family and friends are here. I can’t just up and leave them, not without making sure they’re all right after this. Please understand.”
When Felicity put it like that, he could see her point. Not to mention the crazy story he’d have to make up to explain her sudden appearance to the others. But it didn’t lessen his disappointment. “Of course,” Oliver muttered.
Barry made a signal, and she nodded. “Your ship is headed this way.”
“Then you better go before they find you.”
Felicity stroked the angles of his face, as if committing them to memory. She leaned in for a kiss and lingered there. “I’ll be with you soon, my love.”
“I’ll never stop waiting for you.”
Felicity smiled. And with a splash, she was gone.
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(Gif via WiffleGif)
Despite the chill in his bones, Oliver sat on the beach by the bay as he did every night. He watched the tide, searching for any dark shapes or figures. He’d spotted quite a few seals this past month. Once the wonder of their presence wore off, he fell into an even deeper despair. Felicity promised she would find him, and he believed her. Oliver just wished it’d be sooner rather than later. He missed her so much it hurt.
After another hour, with his teeth chattering, Oliver stood up and dusted the sand off of his pants. His mother would probably have a fit if she knew he’d wore his good tux for tonight’s benefit to the beach. At least with Dig on staff as is bodyguard and driver, he didn’t have to worry about his mother spying on him anymore. Dig had kept his word and didn’t tell anyone about what he’d seen. In Felicity’s absence, he’d thankfully made a friend he could trust.
Oliver turned to leave when movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention. Something had washed up from the water. Oliver was ready to dismiss it, like all the other times, when he noticed its shape. The creature was small and curved.
Oliver watched, fascinated, as it arched its back. In the silvery moonlight, its long tail split in two, forming a pair of legs.
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(Original image via annebuy.com)
“Felicity,” he murmured.
As if she’d heard him, the shadowed figure stood. Oliver watched, entranced, as the moonlight from the water’s surface glowed on her skin. His mind must be playing tricks on him again—as he’d imagined a moment like this so many times before. Each time Felicity would approach him in the same way, like she was walking on water.
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(Image via El Brillo Del Mar)
Finally, she stood before him—bare, with her beautiful body on full display.
It wasn’t until her fingers grazed his skin that he came to his senses. “You’re here.”
“I told you I’d return to you.” She rested her hand over his heart. “I’m home now, my love.”
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(Gif via @olicitygifs)
Wrapping her up in his embrace, Oliver closed his eyes and breathed her in. “Yes, you are,” he replied, and kissed her.
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(Gif via @whoeveryoulovethemost)
The end.
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gleefail · 4 years
Glee Memories: 1x9 Wheels
A long, long time ago, as Glee was approaching graduation in Season 3, I found myself nostalgic with some rare free time on my hands. So I decided to rewatch the series from the beginning and jot down some memories, discrepancies that have arisen since, fave quotes, tally solos - all that good stuff, strictly for shits and giggles.
8 years later (eek!) and once more I find myself with an unexpected abundance of free time. With so many revisiting or being newly introduced to the show between binge watching during Quarantine and all the tragedy that has surrounded the show since it went off the air, I figured I’d finish what I started. And by finish, I mean go through the end of S3. Cause I truly cannot acknowledge what happened after that. Except for 5B.
Kicking this off by reposting the first 15 episodes I already went through. Enjoy!
1x9 Wheels I haven’t addressed yet that this voice-over “Here’s what you missed on Glee” guy is different…will be interesting to see when they changed it.
um…when did Kurt tell everyone that he was gay? Didn’t he only come out to Mercedes and his dad so far? I definitely missed that on Glee
Holy crap. I forgot about this Cheerios jump rope number.
This is when I started not liking S1 Quinn. When she started being just plain mean to Finn even as she lied to him about the baby being his. Uncalled for. Although her calling out that he’s a peabrain is hella-necessary.
Figgins can’t pay for a bus for Artie to get to sectionals. Understandable? Is that like, legal?
Makes total sense that Sue has boosters that provide funds for traveling etc. Doesn’t make sense that the Glee club never started music boosters….not to me anyways.
Will’s right. In high school, some of the best trips were rides to other schools for volleyball games and showchoir competitions together. Although that almost always involved people mooning out the back window. And getting to third base under letterman jackets. Just my school? Anyone else?
Aw…Tina is looking at Artie from afar…not necessarily romantically…concerned? Whatever the reason, it’s cute.
Aw, Kurt’s so excited about Defying Gravity
let the record show, Mr. Schue just handed a solo to Rachel for a competition for the first time ever. But not the last. Don’t get me started.
“Don’t worry. We’ll find something for you to…dip in chocolate” Two things: 1. Yes you will. And his name is Sam Evans. (’wanky’). 2. No, you won’t Mr. Schue. No. You. Won’t. #oops
“I mean, bake sales are kind of bourgee” “So hip people stopped eating delicious, sugary treats?” “It’s not that, it’s that most of us don’t know how to bake. I find recipes confusing.” I love every moment of this exchange. And
Britany’s officially not all there now. :) Yaaaay!
Aw, poor Artie and the peer pressure of having to say he doesn’t mind when he’s clearly hurt by people he thinks are his friends. Poor guy.
It really does impress me how Kevin McHale manages to completely lose use of his legs. Even when he’s boppin in his wheelchair. I don’t think I could do it.
Jenna Ushkowitz is flat out adorable laughing at her lunch table in slow motion.
Aw Tina. These original members really do all have a lil special place in my heart. Before RIB screwed most of them over.
Ruh roh, I know that look. Mr. Schue is getting an idea watching Artie jamming around in his wheelchair…
Why is Kurt wearing a gangsta bandana on his head?
“But I’m happy to have you try out something else, Kurt. And I’ll make sure it’s got a killer high note” No. No, you won’t Schue. Ugh. Three seasons of empty promises and he won Teacher of the Year? Riiiight.
“Well, you’re irritating most of the time but…don’t take that personally”
“Preach!” Yes!!! There’s the Artie I know and love! It makes me giggle more seeing moments like this knowing he asks Amber to show him how to do it, lol.
hahahahaha – Finn just got hit in the back of the head with someone’s baseball bat! Rachel just got her lunch spilled all over her! Oh, happiness.
“it’s what I have left of my pool cleaning money. After I bought dip and numchucks” 
Quinn is so pretty in regular clothes with her hair down in season one. I would buy that THIS is the girl everyone wants to be. She’s totes that popular, bitchy girl who has everything.
“It would be pretty awesome if it came out with a Mohawk”
Aw, this food fight is still so cute. I feel like we haven’t seen Quinn laugh like that since until she was going up that ramp with Artie cheering her on. So cute.
“It’s not about a guy, is it? Cause…I’m not ready to have that conversation.” “At least you don’t have to worry about me getting someone pregnant” snicker snicker. True dat.
“You sing like a girl – in a good way”
So…yeah, they were doing Defying Gravity for Sectionals…what happened to that?
Ugh. So stupid Rachel is complaining about having to audition for a solo. It’s showchoir. You should have to audition for EVERY solo and anyone who wants to can. …but it’s Glee
“We all know I’m more popular than Rachel – and I dress better than her…”
“Your right hand, Britany” *Santana whispers to her “it’s this one”* Yup. Not all there. There’s mah girl!
I love that instead of saying “I promise to vote for whoever sings the song better”, Mercedes blatantly says to Kurt “I promise to vote FOR YOU” with a big smile. I love Kurtcedes. Have I said that yet?
“Maybe one of these days you’ll find a way to create teaching moments without ruining my life.” Oh he will Rachel. He’ll just ruin everyone else’s.
“Those are what I call ‘lazy makers’”
Figgins is making Sue hold auditions to replace Quinn on the Cheerios. How do they not try out in the first place?
“and as soon as a cheerleader rolls herself out onto the field in a wheelchair she becomes decidedly less effective at cheering people up. It’s just a fact.”
“Stop attacking me. I’m sick of it” I like this Finn. Where did he come from? And where did he go?
I never ever ever realized that that was Kurt auditioning for the Cheerios with a baton. OMG!
haha, also never realized that the “freak” did the splits and clearly landed on his junk but tried to play it like he was fine. HAAAAA!
“Becky, I’m gonna stop you right there. You’re in.” YAY!
“I’m just saying, she has a point; you are kind of an idiot.” Truth.com, Puck.
“It’s just like you, with your stutter” Tina’s reaction said it all. “But I wanna be very clear: I still have the use of my penis.” HAAAAAAA!!! And Artie’s “why did I say that?!” look afterwards. Golden.
Kurt warming up to a high F while Burt gets the “your son’s a fag” phone call. So damn sad.
“Sometimes I just…I wish your mom was still around, y’know?” Aw, Burt. So happy you’ll find Carol.
“I don’t wanna win out of charity. I wanna win the solo because it’s right for the club. I really think that the judges at Sectionals will find a female version of Defying Gravity much more accessible.” Lies and manipulation and selfishness of Rachel Berry. And it begins.
“People just don’t like me.” “Yeah, you might wanna work on that” Yup. You might, Rachel. Too bad ya never really did unless it was to benefit you. hahaha, Puck put a lil pot in the cupcakes. I totally forgot about that. omg. There’s a loooot of flannel in that lunch room. What is that about?
Haha. Puck buying pot from Sandy. “The doctor said the shark fractured my spinal cord.” “This is why I don’t go to the aquarium.”
Sue’s mean don’t discriminate because of handicap, gender, religion, or sexual preference.
“You think this is hard? Try auditioning for Baywatch and being told they’re going in a different direction. THAT was hard.” Truth.
“Oh, I bully everyone, William. That’s the way I roll”
First official Diva-off!! I remember I soooo wanted Kurt to win, but it was all over his face that something was up ever since Burt told him about that phone call.
First sacrifice for Rachel Berry. Go.
Even back then when I liked Rachel Berry, I didn’t like her singing this song. I think my dislike of her started right around here. Like “who does she think she is, trying to sing this song better than Idina, when she knows damn well, coming from Broadway, who Idina is!?” that was me, lol. My point is I still don’t like her on this song. It has a special place in my heart and I need more of a powerhouse on it, and someone whose soul I can hear when they sing it, not just trying to sing pretty.
“’It’ is a ‘she’.” That’s a cute moment. :)
Ok. Ohhhhh boy. Finn got a job by pretending to be handicapped and stuck in a wheelchair. But wasn’t it Finn that 2 seasons later berates Quinn for not announcing that she’s improved to now be able to stand/walk to get votes for Prom Queen? I just…I refrain from comment. It’ll get ugly.
Aw, Artie is donating the money to get a ramp put in the auditorium instead of using it to get a bus to go to Sectionals with everyone. Way to take one for the team, Artie. He’s a good guy.
Sue donated the $600 to rent the bus for Sectionals. Aw. I knew something was up at that point. Lies. I knew something was up when she told Will “You don’t know the FIRST thing about me.”
Aw, Jean. This relationship was so sweet.
AWWWWW – Artie’s face after Tina kisses him!!!
Aw. Artie’s face after Tina admits that she’s faking her stutter. :(
“I’m sorry now you get to be normal and I’m gonna be stuck in this chair for the rest of my life. And that’s not something I can fake.” Aw, man. So sad.
“I’m just saying that I love you more than I love being a star.” Oh Kurt. You little angel.
Ok. There are no words for how I felt when I found out Glee was doing Proud Mary. Here’s the thing: Me and my theatre friends always go to karaoke and take turns singing this song. And then the rest of us kinda flash mob it and rush the stage once the tempo picks up in synchronized back-up dancing. And it’s the highlight of our night and the best tradition when we can get everyone together to do it. Once people came up and asked if we were some group of performers that the bar hired to come do it. It’s soooo much fun. It has such a special place in my heart. I do it now for warm-ups with my high school kids when we need to unwind. And I always use this Glee version. Cause I loves Amber Riley and Kevin McHale and Jenna Ushkowitz on it. Things like this are what make me sad that Glee-ers are graduating more than missing the show itself or the writing; the memories made along the way. And the things like this that just make me smile.
Lol, one of my friends loved the duplicity of them singing this. Cause it was ‘rollin’ for Artie and ‘Mary’ for Kurt. He was gay, so I guess he was allowed to say things like that cause he owned it, lol.
This number is so effing awesome. And the costumes and hair are super cute.
I love the behind the scenes of this where Cory talks about when Amber fell out of her wheelchair and he just heard a crash followed  by incessant laughing. SOLOS: Artie (2), Rachel (1), Kurt (1), Mercedes (1), Tina (1)
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