#msa sisa
lauritanaomystery · 6 months
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They are farmers!!!🎃✨🧑‍🌾
That's right, the farmers are so strong and hardworking that they are in charge of giving apples, pumpkins and many other things this season! Vivi is in charge of picking apples, Lewis is in charge of collecting straw, Arthur is in charge of gathering pumpkins for sales, and Laurel is in charge of making seasonal bouquets!!!
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sisa x Dazzle and sazleia Love you del =,) uwu👌🏻 Fuzzgalaxykryptonite. tumblr
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This is my MSA Holiday Gift for @lauritanaomystery. The top picture features a deadbeat using Laurel’s wand as a tree topper, much to Laurel’s distress. Mystery, Sisa, and Alice are just watching this unfold (while Alice is munching on some cookies). Lewis is in the kitchen, making more sweets and yelling at the deadbeat to put down the wand. Vivi and Arthur are getting ready to kiss under the mistletoe (I know you like Vithur!).
Now I knew that it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t show Lewis at all, so I made a second picture featuring Laurel and Lewis under the mistletoe...with a deadbeat taking a picture of this.
Mystery, Lewis Pepper, Vivi Yukino, Arthur, and the deadbeat belong to @mysterybensmysteryblog
Laurel Inti and Sisa belong to @lauritanaomystery
Alice Veil belongs to me.
Deadbeat: Look! A tree topper!
Laurel: No, no, no!! Eso no es un juguete!!! (Translates as, “No, no, no!! That’s not a toy!!!”)
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ajaq3038-blog · 4 years
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Hidup ini penuh dengan cabaran suka duka kehidupan,bertabahlah wahai sang hati serta sahabat..Sesungguhnya itu satu ujian bagi kita semua mempelajari erti kehidupan serta pengalaman...Ibarat kita makan atau minum ada manis ada masin ada yg sedap dirasa ada yg trmakan sisa atau sudah basi tanpa kita tahu atau sedar,begitulah jua jalan serta perjalanan yg kita harungi hari demi hari saat demi saat,siang bertemu malam serta malam bertemu siang....Nikmat Kebesaran Ilahi tiada tandingan tanda kasih dan syg sbb itu lah adanya ujian darinya,untuk kita kuat serta berakal di msa akan datang.... Subhanallah... https://www.instagram.com/p/B915RjMF0O1/?igshid=1wbjjwwjke2jg
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frakturpatella251 · 5 years
Pekanbaru, sebuah kota yg terkenal dgn bumi melayu lancang kuning. Kota Madani yg trus berkembang sampai detik ini.
Pertama kli ke sini saya tdk tahu ap2 ttg PKU, bgmn bahasanya, bgmn kehidupan & lingkunganny....
Hr ni 7 thn 5bln saya tinggal di kota ini.
Kota yg membuat saya lupa ttg diri saya sendiri, kota yg membentuk kepribadian baru dlm diri saya.
Saya tak mengira akn sekuat ini, dan sejauh ini. Krn jika ditelisik lg, kota ini mrpkn tempat belarian saya ats kemarahan yg saya rasakn.
5 bln stlh kedtngan saya kesini, saya mulai mengenal org baru, hubungan pertemanan dimulai di bangku kuliahku.
Seolah digiring sang pemilih hidup, saya berada disekitar org2 yg hebat, org2 yg tak prnh brtny ttg diri saya, menerima saya & bergaul baik dgn saya.
Mereka yg memiliki pemikiran yg luar biasa dgn pribadi yg dewasa, meski mereka dri kalangan yg berbeda satu sama lain, bertautan umur yg beragam. Kendati tak membedakan dlm pertemanan.
Saya terbentuk dsni, mnjdi org yg paham bgmn menerima diri sendiri. Dgn arahan ilmu Psikologi membuat saya mengobati luka dlm hidup saya. Seiring waktu berlalu saya mulai nyaman dgn diri saya yg skrg, mulai tdk peduli kata org lain, mulai paham bahwa saya bisa menjalani sisa hidup sya skrg.
Lambat laun saya terbiasa dgn hingar bingar kota ini, dtmbh lingkungan kerja yg sdh hampir 2 thn saya geluti brsma mereka yg tak jauh beda luar biasa dgn teman2 kuliah saya, lingkungan yg jg menerima saya dgn tangan terbuka. Meski pd awalnya saya menolak tp kini mnjdi kebiasaan harian saya....
Saya mulai menjalani hidup sbg anak kost yg tinggal sendiri, mengatur waktu & keuangan sendiri...
Hidup sendiri.....
Mulailah bergejolak dlm hati & fikiran saya, 'mau sampai kapan saya dsni?'
Kalimat tnya yg setiap ingin tidur terbayang dlm otak ini. Rasa rindu yg semakin bertambah di setiap hariny serta rasa kesepian yg tak bisa saya obati....
Setahun belakangan ini hampir di setiap malm bermimpi ttg diri saya yg dlu, diri saya yg saya tinggalkan begitu saja dgn kemarahan saya itu...
Kenangan msa sekolah, org2 yg dlu mengisi hari2 saya, terlebih kenangan iyekku (bpk ibuku) selalu muncul disetiap kali aku bngun tidur.
Nth bertanda apa ini......
Jujur saya ingin pulang krmh ibuku di Palembang selepas lulus kuliah, namun krn satu dan lain hal saya hrs menetap dsni dlu. Konflik yg trs2 dtng baik dlm diri saya atau org lain membuat saya mulai jenuh & bosan....
saya jalani 3 tahun terakhir ini, dgn rasa hampa..
Perasaan yg setahun belakangan ini membuatku mengingat kembali diriku yg dlu, seolah pertanda bahwa waktu aku untk kembali.
Kembali mencari diriku yg sempat ku tinggalkan, menyelesaikan kemarahanku pdny.
Inilah masa, masa saya untuk pulang....
#pku #ceritahidupku #part2
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lauritanaomystery · 5 months
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"A mystery family"❓
It is a story about a father named Mystery and a mother named Sisa who care for and raise their young daughters: Shiromori and P'ata kiska or "Kiska". Shiromori is a first-time teenager and loves to put on makeup, something her father doesn't like, but Mystery is influenced by Sisa. She believes that she is already Big girl and that she can handle big people's issues like "going out at night to concerts." "Kiska" on the other hand, she is calm and loves to draw and read, she also likes to act, these are topics that she and Mystery can interact with, since he is a teacher at a high school. Sisa, on the other hand, loves her new family, since it was just her and Kiska at first. There was a moment when Mystery and Sisa met and decided to join their families and now we see them together!!! Ren is Shiromori's cat (he is the garden shears) while Kiska's dog is Chun (the living prickly pear). Owo!!!
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lauritanaomystery · 7 months
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Bye bye summer!!!☀️💞
Rest and fun are an incredible couple. oh yes the jokes the same!!!
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Oh it's true, and the romance also flows… Te-hee!!!
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lauritanaomystery · 5 months
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Yup guys, this is my V-tuber in 2D. is Sisa the cat/illakuna:
I explain: the illakuna are spirits that protect crops and livestock with their good energies. but I adapted this belief since "illa" also means "spirit" and "Kuna" is "of the" coming from an ancestral Kichwa language of my indigenous ancestry. That is to say, my "petsona" for MSA is an interself and I use it for my transmissions on YouTube, here we have it in the form of a domestic cat, but the true form is very different since it is the queen of spirits, in itself it is a cat. It is a cat-shaped spirit inspired by the "Andean ghost" or cat of the Andes.
Oh yes, my transformed petsona has horns, since due to an Andean religious belief: the number of horns means power and divine status, more horns, more power!!!
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lauritanaomystery · 11 months
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Between gods and humans🐶🐱
I have been in a long period of procrastination and silence for several weeks but it is because I have withdrawn from digital art and animation studies due to economic instability. but my goal of getting a degree in digital animation is still fighting, I will not give up my dreams. I have been looking for a job in my city, and meanwhile I am studying and taking basic art courses to make them fast and beautiful, the people who commissioned me I apologize. very soon you will have your orders, thanks for the attention… with love… -Laurita
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lauritanaomystery · 2 years
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It's October, harvest season, spirits and costumes! Pumpkin, sweet pumpkin!!!🎃
This art is inspired by storybooks and an old art of mine, I will reveal more soon✨
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lauritanaomystery · 1 year
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"The lovers" Lewrel, a cute date💖
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lauritanaomystery · 1 year
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✨Feliz navidad a todos!🎄🌟
merry christmas to everyone!!!
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lauritanaomystery · 1 year
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Commissions created by the queen @yuramec / @yuramectoo only Yura ❤💦
Thanks yura for you pretty words and motivation too, and of course you art! are cool, snif!!! thanks again!!!💌
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lauritanaomystery · 2 years
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P'ata kiska, The andean cactus🌵
Hmmm, Sisa should explain some things, but don't worry; she is adorably good-natured despite being "prickly" with Prickly!!!
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lauritanaomystery · 2 years
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Dynamic shipper #1✨
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I love this!!!
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lauritanaomystery · 2 years
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Solo garabatos, ando aburrida...
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