#multiple times. i hate it here this is so homophobic and misogynistic.
thestrangestthing89 · 3 months
It's not an apology, it's a clarification. He very directly says "you misconstrued what I said" a thing multiple people around here have been trying to say for months. He said this exact same thing in an Instagram post he made a few months ago but people lack the reading comprehension skills to follow something like that. So he said it in a TikTok video again only some people are still not understanding. And it's because they don't want to. (He has recently taken his Instagram post down, I'm guessing because he is getting relentlessly harassed.) The truth of the matter is that many people didn't take the time to understand basic facts about this situation (like what the word Zionism actually means) and the result was that a lot of misinformation spread because people were desperate to make sure their followers knew they were The Most Progressive and The Most Anti-Racist. They did not talk about this issue in a way that was culturally sensitive. They made assumptions about Noah based on anti-Semitic stereotypes and I don't even think they realize they are doing it because, again, they aren't well-informed. But every time someone twists the word Zionism to mean "pro-genocide" and makes the flying leap that anyone using that word is laughing at people dying they are falling into the stereotype that Jews are bloodthirsty. Anytime people say that any Jewish person has the wrong information in this situation and needs to education themselves about their own culture, they are believing that Jews can't be trusted. They did all of these things to Noah and they did it very easily because they are ignorant. These people essentially turned into an angry mob. I can't even count the amount of comments I saw that were basically "I hate Noah too!!! Wait, what did he do? Someone tell me!" They piled on because their peers were doing it and not because they had any clue what the problem was. It was the cool and trendy thing to do so they did it. And they deluded themselves into thinking they were saving Palestinians in the process when they actually didn't do shit for anyone. The only problem is that the people who did this didn't take the time to inform themselves before piling on. Noah didn't apologize to them because he doesn't have to. They owe him an apology though and I think the ones with larger followings are responsible for a lot of this and imo are lucky they didn't get sued for defamation. He didn't do any of the things they are accusing him. They decided for themselves what he thought and believed based on very little information and they have no right to do this to anyone. They seriously think Noah is responsible for single-handedly killing people. He's not in the military or a politician. He didn't even endorse anyone who did. This whole situation is the stupidest fucking thing in the world. They are more outraged over the bullshit they made up about him the actual political situation and it's because they don't actually care. They are using Palestinians as an excuse to say hateful things, but they aren't helping them at all. I don't think Gen Z-ers are realizing that everyone older than them is getting increasingly more concerned about the way they go about their political activism. It's a serious problem and this current political situation only highlighted problems with them that had been occurring for a while now. Relentlessly harassing any Jewish person online for not speaking exactly to your liking isn't activism. Threatening to kill people who disagree with you isn't activism. Trying to ruin someone's career because they didn't act like your parasocial bestie isn't activism. Spamming the comments of everyone's posts with Free Palestine isn't activism and it sure as hell isn't what spreading awareness looks like. That requires being well informed first. Not to mention learning how to have difficult conversations without screaming hysterically at people and shouting that they must be pro-genocide/racist/misogynist/homophobic every damn second just because they said something you didn't take the time to understand.
They need to learn to ask for a clarification before assuming the absolute worst about people. They do this to people in the fandom constantly and it's why no one decent posts here regularly anymore. They are ignorant, plain and simple. But they are so desperate for peer approval and for people to think they are the best activists ever that they don't realize how much damage they do when they behave this way.
The people still pissed at Noah were always going to be. They were always going to pick him apart because they are anti-Semitic and they made that very clear. All he is saying is that people need to understand that both Jews and Palestinians are human and stop taking sides. A thing that anyone with a shred of human decency has been saying for months. The people who haven't been saying this tend to be very young (teens and early 20s) and it's because they fell for a lot of unverified information on TikTok - something that is concerning a lot of people given that it is an election year in the US. All anyone had to do here was listen and they didn't. They are too busy trying to be morally superior to anyone to bother having an actual conversation. They still aren't listening. There was nothing wrong with what Noah said here either. But people are determined to believe that he was laughing at people dying when he wasn't. This literally never happened. They just heard a word they weren't familiar with a jumped to awful conclusions. It's not their place to educate anyone on anything. They are not qualified to do so. And I wish people were smarter about who they were reblogging and weren't so desperate to get more followers by jumping on the bandwagon. They cause so much drama in the fandom constantly by acting like this. This is just the latest example.
The people who think it's now suddenly ok to be violent and homophobic towards someone just because they perceived that person to do something they didn't like, were waiting for an opportunity. They wanted to be horrible and they think they got a reason. They didn't and there is never a reason to behave like this. But it did reveal just how many people in this fandom are horrible human beings. The people who weren't saying this directly were still agreeing with those people and were not better than them. It should have set alarm bells off in their heads that the only people who agreed with them were being vile. That should have been the first clue they were on the wrong side. I wish people learned to think for themselves better. They were clearly jumping on the bandwagon and didn't understand what was going on. And I stand by my comment from a few months ago, we would not be dealing with relentless drama in the fandom if the show had a higher rating. And I do think they need to focus more on their original adult audience again. Most of us do not feel comfortable posting regularly in this fandom when it got taken over by kids who don't understand any of the things they are upset about, but they are upset with everyone and everything constantly. No one came here to babysit.
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al-the-remix · 11 months
Years pass but people still remain gross about WAGs. And now they dress it up with “intellectual” terms like industrial complex and post-colonial supremacist whatchamacallit. Give me the messy puck bunny blogs at least they’re open about hating WAGs.
Yeah, I can't say I have many complex things to say on the topic, except that that dialogue has been in this fandom forever (all fandoms forever; tumblr, the birthplace of the 'not-like-other-girls-girl') but it's especially bad in rpf and I'm exhausted of reading the same tired iterations on "well, I could NEVER understand how another woman could live like that--" STOP. Just stop it, it's not your life, and it's likely never going to be your life, for all the aforementioned unfair reasons. You don't have to compare yourselves to them constantly. It doesn't make you lesser or them better for being (presumably) born into a more privileged circumstance and it doesn't make them lesser and you better for achieving some enlightened pearl of knowledge.
The puck bunny blogs irk me just as much, and if you find one better than the other I guess it's more a question of what rolls your stomach more: spite or smugness. But in my opinion, calling Kathy an ageing escort that Sid pitty dates is just as nauseating as talking down your nose about her like she's some ignorant waif that cant make her own decisions about her life or her relationship.
Yes, the NHL is an intrinsically racist, misogynistic, homophobic, capitalist, fatphobic--and all the other bad terrible things--nightmare creature whose ailment runs all the way up to the giant sucking malignancy attached to its heart that is Garry Bettman and Bill Dayley, and further, to the executives that they shill for, and even further back to the time period, tenets, and culture that the sport was founded on. Remember, this is the same organization whose administrative and players (retired and current) repeatedly spit in the face of their teammates who've suffered chronic and debilitating injuries, and continue to mock journalists and veterans who try to bring those issues to the forefront, stating that the injury is worth it to win -- (or that the possibility of injury is worth it, considering these comments so often come from players that are still relatively hale).
Hmmm, sounds incredibly familiar to the position the NHL takes on another rampant issue in the sport: sexual assault.
There's a reason why the NHL is falling behind in popularity (and in value) compared to other sports organisations and it's because they cling to their archaic values and methods and flat-out refuse to let them go -- and thus attract players and administrative and fans who find all that entails appealing. It's not everyone in the sport obviously but it's a large enough faction to keep things stagnant -- just go take a look at Ian Kenedy's twitter page and start scrolling through the replies to his tweets if you want a taste of what we're up against here.
If you want to do anything, ANYTHING AT ALL to help improve the hockey culture, there are multiple avenues to explore that might actually make a difference --first of all getting involved in your community not just the internet community-- in chipping away at who this game attracts, how they see themselves, how they see others, how they see hockey players, and how those hockey players see themselves and others. Those avenues do not include dunking on wags. I get it, they all look the same, haha. it's weird, their children and husbands can't tell them apart, hahaha. There, I said it too and now I never have to hear that fucking joke again. Move ON.
I understand that the lines between reality and fiction can blur easily when it comes to rpf, but making actually, completely serious judgements on other people's private emotional lives and relationships is completely out of the realm of reality. You can't know, you can never know completely. It can be difficult enough to identify these things when it comes to a friend or a family member how are you possibly going to make a pronouncement that someone's relationship is stale or without intimacy or connection when literally have no idea who they really are? I've been stalked and I've had people write fanfiction about me and I can 100% say that what they gleamed of who I was and what my life was like from the outside did not run true.
Analyzing those aspects and their intersexuality is worthwhile -- if anyone has an actual interest in these topics I suggest reading: Wille O'ree's biography, Bern Saunder's biography, Fred Sasakamoose's Call Me Indian, Black Ice: The Lost History of the Colored Hockey League of the Maritimes by Darril and George Frosy, On Account of Darkness by Ian Kennedy, Why I didn't say anything by Sheldon Kennedy, Crossing The Line by Laura Robinson, Major Misconduct by Jeremy Allingham, Finding Murph by Rick Westhead -- There are more than that if you're willing to dig for them ... but especially after the back to back Kyle Beach and Hockey Cannada lawsuits I've just had it to up to here with the takes about the ~uwu poor hockey men~~ and their repressed homosexual longings and lack of overall male intimacy and companionship --- who do you think is doing said repressing?? THE HORRIBLE UWU MEN. (Said in exaggeration and jest but also not fucking really.) They are victims unto themselves. 99% refuse to speak up or do anything about the inequality, harassment, and overall intrinsic issues in the sport, the ones who bravely do are shunned by the others who refuse to help themselves or others. They don't see themselves as emotionally underdeveloped manchildren stranded on the frigid island of masculine solitude and arrested development. They like their lives, they don't care about what kind of impact that lifestyle has on other people (or on the environment or on the economy). They like their cookie-cutter world, conservative sandbox and comfortable wealthy liberalism... and most of all they like their hot blond skinny wives and they don't care what sort of social constructs have led to them pursuing a very specific type of woman. The vast majority of them have zero interest in having their eyes opened to a more complex and diverse worldview and it's not the fault of anyone but themselves, least of all the women who get pulled along in their wake.
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samijami · 5 months
So if we just do away with all definitions of all words - or perhaps, to your preference, just the definitions pertaining to women and homosexuals - how would the world function?
If we do away with the definition of lesbian as meaning exclusively same sex attracted female humans, what do you think will happen? Would homophobia against lesbians increase? Absolutely! Would lesbians be increasingly exposed to conversion therapy, sexual assault, and rape? Yes! How come you are okay with this? Unless you hate lesbians and want these things to happen to them....
Similarly if we cannot define women anymore as simply adult human females, won't all the legal protections of women which we have fought so hard for, with literal blood, sweat, tears, and jail time, be for nothing? We can't protect a demographic that we can't define. Saying a woman is a feeling is deeply misogynist and ignores the experiences of born women as an oppressed group.
It seems like All Lives Matter and I Don't See Colour are understood as erasing unique black experiences and not helping solve racism or protect black people, but we can apparently Not See Women and All Sexualities are Lesbian and no one except the lesbians seem to notice or care that this erases and endangers lesbians..... The misogyny is jumping out.
Lesbian means female human exclusively attracted to other female humans.
Bisexual mean any person attracted to both sexes. They are mutually exclusive terms. The same way that dog and bird are mutually exclusive. The same way that tea and plastic are mutually exclusive... If we don't have words that have definitions, how are we supposed to communicate and be understood??
Unless it's your goal for lesbian boundaries to not be understood or communicated (and therefore freely violated)
Excuse me, but I want you to think about what you just did here.
You sent this to a 15 year old on the internet who has made the post 'bisexual lesbians, reblog if you agree' to express the fact that a person who is not a man can feel attraction to both genders, but also be moreso attracted to other people who are not men and be valid (or be so romantically). A 15 year old who simply just wanted to advocate for the feelings of people who identify as multiple different labels to express their complicated emotions in a way that feels right for them. A teenager who doesn't wish for women to be raped, and wants nothing more than to say 'I support your emotions and nobody can tell you how you works'.
This is highly innapropriate, and telling a child that advocating for someone's valid emotions and identity is them wishing for those people they are speaking for harm (especially going to the lengths of accusing them of blatantly supporting conversion therapy, rape, sexual assault, and all of those things) is even worse. This makes absolutely no sense, and I will say that coming forward with an entire paragraph on anonymous to send to a child on the internet in order to 'prove them wrong' on a serious matter (that you are making worse with your opinion) is absolutely ridiculous.
Please get yourself and whoever is reblogging my post with 'block op, they're homophobic', 'stop being homophobic' and etc off my page.
And plus,
Tumblr media
And there are multiple ways to be a bisexual lesbian, such as but not limited to,
-Being bisexual, but having a strict romantic attraction to people who are not men.
-Being bisexual but having a preference for women.
-Just feeling comfortable with the fucking label.
Thank you, have a nice day, anon. I hope you and whoever is sending me these things alike have a lovely time getting over yourselves.
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nikadd · 5 months
gonna complain abt biphobia for a second so if you think im automatically annoying bc of that it’s ok, just scroll past. idgaf
for the past few weeks on twitter and in the past on tiktok and im assuming here as well (im just not verging into those waters on here) i’ve seen a lot of weird and annoying things being said abt bisexuals and bi women in general and it feels like one of those things where somebody picks a specific type of a member in a community (here being “a white cis bi girl with a white cishet boyfriend”) as like the so called representative of the entire community and bc it’s like the supposed closest person to being the oppressor then all of the criticisms get to stick. it’s like when ppl add “white” in front of “woman” to make their criticisms not sound misogynistic.
like there are lots of things that are very much issues that bisexuals face in higher numbers than either gay or straight ppl do (such as ipv, for example), and nobody is talking abt it, but if we ever just express annoyances abt micro aggressions or negative stereotypes abt us (that feed into the material oppression we face! the stereotypes abt us being sex-obsessed and promiscuous freaks actually does lead to ppl thinking we can’t say no to sex and that we would cheat on them which leads to physical and emotional abuse!), then suddenly everybody is like “why are yall complaining abt it” “i wish i had your issues” “biphobia isn’t real, what you’re complaining abt is homophobia” “yall chose to date men” “who’s stopping yall from dating men” and it’s like…
we (cis bi women) understand that if we are dating men or somebody who is read as a man on the street then we benefit from being read as straight, but it’s weird when ppl keep talking abt “the real life” when we are talking abt how we are treated within the queer community or we want to address specific things. like many of us DO understand the sense of scale of things, we are not equating homophobic hate crimes to the micro aggressions, but if everything we say is conflated to just being micro aggressions we are blowing out of proportion, then it becomes difficult to address actually important things!
and i do think some of my fellow bisexuals have fallen into a weird pick-me-girl meme within the community, e.g. “i’m attracted to every woman ever and like 3 guys” which sounds like we are supposed to suppress our attraction to men to feel accepted in the queer community and act like it’s such a chore to be attracted to or be in a relationship w men. and im not even talking abt many of them coming to realize they are lesbians, which is good for them! but it just became one of those annoying things ppl just regurgitate and i don’t actually believe that it is an actual way many of them view their attraction, but they want the good queer points so they say it.
and i understand many lesbians’ frustrations w newly-out bi women expressing how they are intimidated by the idea of approaching a woman, but i think sometimes ppl are too quick to call it lesbophobia and that we think that lesbians are scary bc THEN apparently we aren’t living in “the real life” in our heteronormative world where we are taught how to be w men only? like i guess in this situation we don’t care abt what goes on outside of the community. and im glad many queer women are able to overcome it but we often forget how difficult it is to figure it out! and ppl online keep talking abt how weird and homophobic it is for bi women to say this when we should actually be scared of/intimidated by men bc they are more likely to abuse us… which is such a piss on the poor type of misreading of what we are saying. but also victim blaming once again.
like i’ve been out as bi for like 9 years now, had VERY strong feelings for multiple girls over this time (like i’ve had to tell some ppl im bi and not a lesbian), currently in my first ever relationship - and yes it’s with a man. and if i was some kind of famous person on the internet, people would be saying im settling, or im faking my queerness, or looking into my past relationships and seeing nothing there bc ive never dated anybody before. so what then? suddenly im not bi bc i’ve never gone out w a girl? like in my case i never even dated men before bc i rarely like somebody enough to want to go through w anything AND i need to know that they like me first as well so im actually always surprised to find out that ppl date ppl often but that’s neither here nor there.
like all those tweets abt billie eilish abt how she “chose to date an abuser before she ever dated a girl” or dove cameron “making a song abt being a better boyfriend to a girl and now dating yet another man” make me so upset like do they need to go out and date a girl for some kind of queer points for ppl to shut up abt it?
another thing i saw was like “a girl is gonna go to a queer bar or pride, dance and flirt with girls, and then go home to a boyfriend 💀” and it’s like okay so yall don’t want us bringing our boyfriends to queer events, that’s fine (not that my bf is straight and might also enjoy going to a queer event as he’s also queer but who cares abt that, right?) but then we also can’t go to a queer event by ourselves either? like not all queer events are singles-only events! and flirting doesn’t mean you’re being led on! sometimes ppl flirt just because! why does it mean that i need to stop going to queer events that i’ve been going to before dating my bf just bc im w a man now?
like ppl act like it’s not even worth to come out for a bi woman if she’s gonna date a guy / already is in a relationship w a guy. like maybe my identity existed before my relationship and might even exist after it? like im my own person or something?
like i’m so tired of ppl online being “heartbroken” over a hot woman (bonus points if she “looks” gay) being w a man - as if you ever had a chance w her if she was single! or acting like being w a bi woman means that she’s gonna leave you for a man! like it sounds weirdly incelish when i see other queer women online being like “oh ofc a girl i was dating left me for a man 🙄” and it’s like maybe she just started dating a man after you but you’re making it sound like she hated being with a woman and cheated on you with a man and you get to have this high horse about it. like im sure there have been instances where two women broke up and then one ended up w a man and even got married or something but i’ve seen too many ppl paint these situations like ultimate betrayals. like if she left you for another woman it would have been better?
like i know that there are some bi women who Have said/done things that led to these thoughts/complaints, but like the way we (queer women as a whole) have been engaging in these conversations has been very alienating. like there ARE things we need to address within our community (e.g., “everybody is a little bi”, “hearts not parts”, “don’t worry i’m bisexual” when dating trans ppl, etc) but i genuinely often feel more comfortable talking to other bisexuals abt it bc i think some things SHOULD be addressed within the bisexual community first bc it shouldn’t be on other ppl to address these things like we gotta clean our own house yk but it’s often difficult to do so on the internet bc anybody could chime in and divert the attention and take things out of context.
tldr i hate these conversations and all the jokes abt biphobia bc ppl think it makes them more progressive or feminist or whatever and seriously addressing these things suddenly makes me “one of those bisexuals” or whatever. like i know im saying all the stuff we’ve all already said in 2014 in all those “reblog if you believe that bi ppl are bi and not just half gay half straight” but i feel like ppl only agree w this in theory and not in practice and actively believe that every bi woman is a lesbian in denial or a straight woman w a fetish. and it’s fucking annoying.
and yeah it might sound like i’m a chronically online tumblr sjw abt it but the internet queer spaces are like a third space for many ppl and it’s disheartening to see these things and then feel like ppl are just keeping their mouths shut abt it offline but still believe and think this way.
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destinygoldenstar · 3 months
Why I Don’t Want To Talk About RWBY Again
Yes. She decided to show her face again.
And she will probably instantly regret it.
So, this isn't usually the media I talk about. However, I addressed it in my post 'Is Screen Time An Issue For A Character', where I talked about multiple media to gain a wider perspective on a solid critique point to figure out where this possibly came from? And in terms of the RWBY-related stuff I said there, I got... some honest, fair, completely non-personal attacking feedback. No personal attacks whatsoever.
I thought 'okay, maybe I am wrong' if everyone is so insistent that I am 'incorrect' and what they're saying is 'facts'. We all make mistakes. So I decided to rewatch the show in it's entirety and actually see Volume 9 for myself. I actually hoped that maybe I was wrong and they were right and I could see this show for the masterpiece that it is...
Uh, short answer: Not really...? For the most part, the points I made in the past are still how I feel. (I just didn't word it very well in that post. I'll take the L for that one)
I'm disappointed I learned nothing too. I really wish I did.
Okay, so for my background, I jumped on the train of this show just about a month or two before Volume 6 came out. I got it recommended from a classmate in school who was obsessed. And I thought it was... okay.
And then I got bullied and harassed by the person for the remainder of the school year. Cause I DARED not said it was a masterpiece.
(Yeah, this is a running trend for me)
But with every new Volume from there, I rewatched the show as background noise for homework, to the point where I've at least rewatched it 5-6 times, maybe 7 including this rewatch. But with every rewatch where I actually noticed certain details... the certain volume would get a little worse. (Except for one case)
Maybe it's because I'm a jerk. I've been called that more than once.
Maybe it's because Celtic Phoenix's rewrites of the show are a thing. But that’s also a topic for discussion here.
But I know the exact point when I abandoned the show for over two years. When Volume 8 came out.
It was... it was a miserable viewing experience for me. And for me, this was my last straw with the show and I fell to the dark side. There were so many production problems where I could see why it turned out the way it did. There were so many decisions with the plot that I did not agree with.
And the biggest reason why I left. And this is a thing that's been consistent anytime I engaged with the show in any way. And the reason WHY I don’t feel safe talking about this show.
The fandom is terrifying.
It's not as bad as the Dhar Mann situation, I don't think, but it's still a nightmare to engage with.
There are so many toxic entitled people online that feel the need to bully and harass anyone who says ANYTHING about the show that isn't 'I think this was handled perfectly'. You say anything even slightly neutral, or even hint that you may not think perfection, you will get cyberbullied.
And I MEAN THAT when I say cyberbullying, you get personally attacked, you get cursed at a lot, you get accused as homophobic and misogynistic, and you get double bullied and ganged up on when you ask for feedback towards you to be impersonal and focused on the work itself. There is NO breather to this.
People just really love to attack every single being they can find. Over a CARTOON.
If this was some real life documentary or something, then I would get it.
But this is a FICTIONAL SHOW.
It's very unwelcoming and it's miserable for people like me to engage with these people as a result.
NO, I AM NOT SAYING EVERYONE IS LIKE THIS. I'm sure there are still good civilized decent people in this fanbase. But the ones that are like that are the loudest.
There's also a 'hate-fandom' spawned. Which I also despise cause it's basically just the same thing but the opposite approach. And why are you even tearing apart something as sport? That's sick. Do something else with your time. Do literally anything else.
You have to pick a side.
Either you love the show, if you don't you're a horrible person.
Or you hate the show, if you don't you're a horrible person.
THIS is the real reason why I left the show.
And the fact that I'm even daring to say this guarantees that I will get backlashed.
At least I anticipate that this time. (But I'm just gonna ignore this behavior and I will only respond to people who keep things impersonal and just focus on the content. I don't care if you have a valid point against what I say, if you personally attack me or anyone else, and act like you know me, I won't listen to you. It doesn't make you better than me, it's cyberbullying.)
For the sake of this rant post, I am OPTING OUT of the idea that 'I have to love the show or hate the show'.
I'm a neutral saying my perspective as a neutral.
And I will say that as long as you're not a cyberbullying racist/sexist/homophobic piece of garbage, your opinions towards this show is VALID in my book.
If you think this is the best show of all time, that's VALID.
If you think this is the worst show of all time, that's VALID.
If you disagree with either of those two statements, then you can leave my post right now.
I am not going to take either side, as I really don’t want to. I am not the type of person to be openly happy all the time, as when I feel any emotion at all I will say it. And I am not going to hide my emotions to make other people happy. That’s not who I am.
But I also don’t want to be seen by the public as a hardcore complainer for that. Spending all your time whining is just exhausting and tiring and unrewarding, when you could be doing literally anything else, and healthier stuff, with your time. I should know. I used to criticize Dhar Mann videos. While those were worth critiquing it cause multiple mental health problems for me. So I stopped and did other stuff with my life.
So really, if I were to pick a side, either one, it would be doing injustice to my character. And the fact that people have to be split in fandom sections for a single show is insane. I’d be harassed endlessly no matter what.
And harassment like this over a cartoon is just not worth it. Even if you try to calmly explain yourself and defuse a fight, you’re not gonna be heard. They’ll just keep arguing until you reluctantly confess to their side. Which is gaslighting.
And this is a both sides issue. So you know. Again, I’m not picking sides when I say this.
This is not a ‘this side good ; this side bad’ issue.
At that point it has nothing to do with the show itself, or a rewrite of said show that some people made.
Fixing RWBY, that rewrite project on YouTube, is not immune to criticism. It’s not better than the original show. It’s not worse than the original show. It’s just a thing that exists. Like all rewrites do. This whole project is just a group of people approaching a story in their own writing style, like fanfiction tends to do. It’s really just a group of artists and writers coming together to play around and have fun.
So obviously that makes this project a crime against nature and a product made out of pure evil spite. /s
Now, take note, I myself HAVE seen the entirety of this fan project. I have my own problems with it, and it certainly did not fix everything. But I can also safely back up that SOME PEOPLE are fat liars with their critiques on this project.
There’s being critical, and there’s lying.
That’s it. That’s all I’m saying about certain users. Because this isn’t really a ‘one person is entirely to blame’ problem so I don’t want to pin blame on one user.
And the worst part about all that is that it’s one thing to be a critic towards anyone’s work, you know, looking at their work and giving feedback. It’s another to act like this is personal.
It stops being about the show and more about throwing around accusations on people as though you personally know them.
News flash: ten to one, you don’t.
And it’s not just me. There are multiple blog users and YouTubers who said their peace on this and said the same things I’m saying. People will go out of their way to personally insult and harass neutrals to make sure their point sticks and they take it to heart. Because if it’s about the person and not the work, they have to change their mind, right? No one wants to be called a gross human being after all.
That’s not how that works. This is why if you go to my blog you see me more often than not making posts about other media. Not because I think these shows are better than RWBY (I’ve criticized them plenty as well, criticisms that I think are deserved), but because I feel more welcome in their fandoms…?
I’m not gonna pretend they’re perfect, every fandom has some nasty people, but at least I’m not gonna get barraded for every single opinion I have as though my opinions over cartoons are a judgement of my real life character.
Yes people have disagreed with me and given me criticism, but at least it’s focused on what I’ve written and the flaws in my logic of writing style. An IMpersonal critique towards me. That gets more through to me than personally insulting everyone and treating everyone that isn’t you like they’re pure evil.
Even when I try to look at RWBY related tags, it’s just this exact stuff.
You say an opinion that isn’t 100% positive? BASH.
You like something about the show? BASH.
You make art of a ship someone else doesn’t like? BASH.
You try to make an analysis post? BASH.
You write a fanfiction? BASH.
You like a fanfiction of the show? BASH.
You don’t like a fanfiction of the show? BASH.
You dare title that fanfiction ‘fixing’? BASH.
Then people really love to use buzz words fir extra power. ‘Sexist’ ‘Racist’ ‘Homophobic’ and all kinds of bad words. Without ever actually hearing an explanation.
You like a certain ship? BASH. YOU’RE HOMOPHOBIC. (Never mind nobody ever said they hoped their ship was canon or said they preferred that ship over a canon one)
You think a villain character is a well written and interesting character? BASH. YOU SUPPORT TERRORISM. (Never mind there’s a difference between agreeing with a characters POV and just liking them as fictional characters)
You like a character that so happens to be male? BASH. YOU’RE SEXIST. (Never mind that no one said they should’ve been spotlight characters or anything. And the least sexist people don’t even give a shit about the gender of the character)
Completely ignore if the person who says the opinion actually explains WHY they don’t like the character. Completely ignore if they don’t even mention the race, sex, or sexuality of the character once in said explanation. Completely ignore if they even said they like other characters that fit those same categories as the one they didn’t like.
Completely ignore actually checking out the persons blog to see if they like other characters in anything, not just RWBY, that have some sort of diversity to them. Maybe even love those characters and praise them.
Nope. Doesn’t matter. You don’t like one character, clearly you just hate women.
CLEARLY everyone who doesn’t agree with you are dares to say why and how they personally would’ve done it is a PURE EVIL HUMAN BEING GOING OUT IF THEIR WAY TO SPITE AN ENTIRE COMMUNITY. Don’t even bother hearing the person out or letting them say WHY they feel this way or WHY they changed it, (like the FRWBY writers DO in streams btw) NOPE. PURE EVIL. SOLELY BECAUSE YOU MADE A REWRITE.
It’s not like rewrite fanfiction as a concept is all about people reimagining someone else’s work into their own vision, and multiple fandoms do this with varying intents, whether it’s out of fixing a critique they had or trying a different tone or ‘what if’ scenarios or whatever. And again, multiple fandoms do this. (Hell, I did it with Total Drama’s Season 2. I don’t think that show is perfect, either. Far from it.)
But I don’t even trust myself to word this all right, so I’m case you don’t trust my word. I’ll link some people who have said the same things I’m saying but in more detail than I could ever. That way I can avoid plagorism.
Judgemental Critter and Twilight Guardian go VERY in detail of these problems. They go in depth about certain users I don’t feel comfortable talking about myself, they go in depth about how this is a both sides issue, and so much more.
Go look at both of these.
It’s all so unwelcoming and I just… can’t.
I can’t take that.
No one deserves that level of harassment over something so not worth it at the end of the day.
It’s just a show guys.
This isn’t real life propaganda.
This isn’t Election Day.
This isn’t school.
It’s a product designed for entertainment purposes.
You can feel whatever way you want to about it. You don’t deserve to be shut out for however you feel.
I am not a perfect person. That much, I will admit. I will admit to my mistakes when I recognize I make them and try to improve myself. Just like the rest of you, I’m just a normal human on the internet talking about stuff I find interest in. But I will also admit I need to get better at defending myself when I recognize something is just plain bullshit.
So… yeah. I did a poll on the possibility of me doing commentary posts to expand my blog. I already decided I’m starting that experiment with The Amazing Digital Circus’s one episode right now. But I do have a set poll for shows people want me to do commentary on. And RWBY is one of the options. If that wins, then I’d have no choice but to explain all my opinions of the show in as much detail as I could.
No one deserves to feel this unwelcomed and unsupported. Maybe I would talk about the show more if I wasn’t this scared of harassment. But nothing is worth it if it’s accompanied by that amount of bashing. It has nothing to do with the show. It has to do with the treatment of said show. That’s the worst part.
And I personally don’t want to be a part of such an unsupportive and unfulfilling environment. Especially when I can do other stuff with my life.
Maybe I will try to talk about RWBY again one day. Explain my opinions fully. As honestly as possible.
But I KNOW no matter what I’m gonna say, I will NOT be welcomed with warmth, instead with guns pointed at my head.
And to that, I’ll just say, ‘Hit me with your best shot’
*sigh* Welp, if you excuse me, I’m barricading my windows for the mob that I know is gonna come at me for the sins I have committed here.
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nofacednerd · 8 months
You know what I loved the most about My Adventures With Superman? The fact that it's evidence that every serialized story has to be as dark and gritty as burnt toast.
Yeah, sure, it has it's dark moments.
Like when Lois [CENSORED FOR SPOILERS] Clark because he's Superman.
Or when Jimmy got himself [CENSORED FOR SPOILERS] all alone.
Or when the General and Amanda Waller [CENSORED FOR SPOILERS] together near the end of the season.
But it's still a really lighthearted show most of the time. Meanwhile, most serialized shows get darker and darker to the point where you need f*cking night-vision goggles to actually watch the damn thing.
And despite how many shows go down the tubes because of this style of depressing storytelling--Friendship Is Magic, Star Vs, Steven Universe, Miraculous Ladybug, Voltron: that one Loonatics show that's become nothing but a joke to everyone including Warner Bros themselves--despite ALL THAT, people still insist that making shows dark and gritty through serialization is a good idea. And by "people", I mean:
A. Insecure man-children who want to convince you that watching a kid's show about magical ponies makes them smarter or more mature than average.
Or B. Creative hacks in showbiz who want to pander the aforementioned man-children because that's always easier than actually writing a story.
But if all of those shows are evidence as to why making shows too dark is a bad idea, My Adventures With Superman is evidence that having a balance, or even arguably a majority of lightheartedness, is a winning strategy.
anon I prommy it's okay. I, the OP, can tag this post as spoilers. You don't need to censor yourself here bud
2. not to go all animation major on this post but I think that in terms of 'grittiness' in cartoons within the last decade, it's kind of important to think about how media affects our views of the world and how, in turn, world events affect media.
To put it lightly, the last decade has fucking SUCKED. The 2016 presidential election, the sudden shift on social media to give platforms to racists, misogynists, and homophobes, the rise of neo-nazis. Not to mention a global pandemic and multiple major crises around the world. Children these days are VASTLY different to how children were when I (and maybe even you, anon) were that age. They have social media now where they're exposed to the worst of the world at a near-constant basis. It's traumatizing.
Cartoons have always been about giving kids a reflection of themselves. The world is darker and kids are developing mental illnesses and trauma, so the media they watch reflects that.
I also think that it isn't particularly fair to the shows you have listed here to say that they have 'depressing' storytelling and implying the only people who like those sorts of shows are man-children or hacks. I like those shows and I'm neither of the above. It's also unfair to completely reduce those shows to being gritty when.... they really aren't? Not any more than My Adventures with Superman is, really. My Little Pony is especially mostly lighthearted adventures about love and friendship. Miraculous' more serious moments are, at best, a B-plot as far as I'm aware and are only really discussed majorly in fanon spaces. Star Vs was SO much fucking around randomly that I got bored of the show after a while. The only real outlier here that I can comment on (I haven't and will not watch Voltron) is Steven Universe, but when talking about it's core messaging, it's important to remember Rebecca Sugar's identity as a queer Jewish person, and how that affects it's themes of love and oppression.
MAWSM's 'lightheartedness' also comes from an extremely long-lasting era of gritty superhero stories in general (thanks alan moore and also that one guy who called the dc hotline like 40 times because he fucking hated jason todd). It's intentionally supposed to be majorly lighthearted because darker stories is the only (and in my opinion, incorrect) way that Superman has been allowed to be presented within the last few decades.
I think that, perhaps dear anon, what you really are looking for is more diversity in content. And that's fair! But there are plenty of shows that don't (as far as I'm aware) focus too heavily on heavy themes, but the truth is, mawsm does. There are lots of heavy themes of imperialism, identity, diaspora, and trauma all within the first season of the show.
Not particularly sure where I was going with this. Sorry for replying with a full essay.
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
It bothers me when people say Lokean blogs come and go really fast without going into any detail. Its not just Lokean blogs, in general — its all kinds of Heathenry and Norse Pagan blogs. Lokean blogs tend to get hit the hardest because Nazi Odinists/Folkish and because of radfems who are impersonating Lokeans or are in love with Loki and weirdly homophobic despite being queer themselves?????
Seriously, I’ve seen posts in the Godspouse community going around about how Loki is supposedly a man hating lesbian???
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I wouldn’t even be surprised if these people didn’t even own copies of the Eddas. List of Loki facts according to The Norse Eddas —
Loki is genderfluid transgender. Genderfluid is a nonbinary identity that falls under the transgender umbrella, and Loki has the ability to change his gender at will, get pregnant and give birth, and to impregnate women. Not only that but he spends a good 75% of his time in The Eddas presenting in a masculine or masc-leaning form.
Loki is bisexual — not a lesbian. Its stated in the Eddas that Loki will pretty much fuck anything that moves and I do mean anything. Part of this is because monogamy wasn’t really a thing way back when. Or at least it wasn’t the cultural norm. Having multiple spouses or lovers was considered normal, and monogamy was popularized by Christian converts for mostly misogynistic reasons. The other thing is
People love to tap dance around Loki’s sexuality and transness because of the radfems and TERFs I mentioned. Oh, I didn’t mention the TERFs — well, that’s because a lot of the radfems are TERFs.
And also because of the homophobia because for reasons beyond my understanding not even bisexual or pansexual women can stomach the idea of fucking a guy who likes dick????
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Guys, tha—that’s not how this works. First of all because its hypocritical and disgusting. And second
Because how the fuck are you gonna judge your partner for who they chose to date or fuck?
That is some Gold Star Lesbian bullshit, ok. Gold Star Lesbians, peeps, are biphobic lesbians who refuse to date women who have fucked men at ANY point in their lives. Even if those women identify as LESBIANS themselves at the moment.
And if you’re pulling this bullshit you’re not bisexual — you’re an asshole👌🏻 Nonbinary people, like Loki, are a third gender and once you get into nonbinary labels and identities there are EVEN more genders that fall under the nonbinary umbrella. And there are enbies with dicks and transmasc enbies and nonbinary trans men and so on and so on and so on. And some of those people with dicks or transmasc folk will have
So if you’re bisexual but you’re not attracted to men or people with dicks or transmasc people……???? I cannot — this do not compute, and the entire point of being pansexual is that you give zero fucks about your partners’ gender. Why would you judge them for their partners’, past or present, genders?
I mean, seriously you’re not bisexual — you’re an asshole.
Getting back to the topic at hand, Loki — and I say this with love — is a slut. Personally, I take the word slut as a compliment and I think Loki would, too. Cause if you’re trying to hate on someone for the number of people they fuck
That’s just jealously. People who slut shame are jealous cause they’ve been with the same person in the same bed in the same positions for the past 20 years and some of them are lucky if they’re getting any once every two or three months.
Not only is Loki a slut but its documented — once again, IN THE EDDAS — that he has gotten pregnant and given birth to multiple children at least THREE times. That we know of. And people always write off Sleipnir as a bad joke or as Loki being raped???
Asgard, and Yggsdrisal for that matter, a world is full of talking animals. Odin has a secret news network made up of a pair of ravens, and are we seriously going to sit here and assume that Loki cannot communicate with his own children……??? Like, I mean……Really????
Everything about the conception of Sleipnir was consensual. Die mad about it.
So these TERFs and Nazis literally just come in and bully all of the queer and transgender people — especially men — out of the Lokean community, and no one does anything to stop it. This behavior has been on the rise since 2018 and no one cares because everyone in the Heathen community would rather pretend that there is no discourse than confront the Nazi assholes. And they would happily just throw newcomers under the bus.
Because a lot of people in the Heathen community are pretentious reconstuctionalist assholes. And they dedicate their lives to pretending to be historians so that they can look down on other Heathens and Pagans.
Recons: Hi, we’re gonna need to know your GPA from the last university you’ve attended and how many books on Norse mythology you currently have published.
Newbies: Uhhh…😦
Recons: Do you have all the myths memorized yet?
Newbies: No?
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In what way is that meant to be welcoming, exactly?
That is the ugly truth of why Lokean blogs come and go so fast.
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wheelcr · 2 years
saw someone else mini rant about draco malfoy in your ask so i’m going to do the same expect longer 😈 (i am so sorry for this but i really hate this guy) the dude is LITERALLY the embodiment of the current corrupt overheads that are in power right now. white, rich, and racist and him being british really adds to that. honestly i wouldn’t be at all surprised if the dude turned out to be misogynistic and/or homophobic (i think it was either implied or even hinted at that those in power are kinda misogynistic or at least have ideals that are but i can’t remember correctly i’m probably thinking of something else but then again i wouldn’t be surprised if it was true). he isn’t even misunderstood or anything like that he’s been a douche from the very start, in the first book he literally says he bullied his parents into buying a new broom dude has been rotten from the beginning. in the movie it shows him having more abusive parents but that’s only because the actors wanted viewers to sympathize him. but what really gets me is that fact that people ship him and HERMIONE. the girl he literally called a slur and was racist towards to almost all the time. it’s like people brush pass that and just see them and go “awww enemies to lovers 🥺” like no??? he literally sees her as less than him, that isn’t enemies to lovers that’s a toxic relationship. also him going out with her despite being racist towards her multiple times just seems fuck up in its own way. “hey sorry for calling you a slur and discriminating against you on multiple occasions, wanna go on a date?”. don’t get me wrong people can change and improve themselves but if it only happens when their about to date someone you have the right to be suspicious. i suppose the reason people don’t see the problem with it is because it’s a considered fictional racism but you don’t even need brain cells to connect that it parallels the real racism in our society, hell even jk rowling confirmed it one time so there’s that. they don’t even see things from a logical point, draco going from racist to not racist is one thing but what about the rich white people in power who are racists? what about his parents, literally the ones who encouraged his mentally, who are racists? they just never seem to care for hermione’s safety or well being. sure she’s fictional so it should hardly matter but things like these need to be considered if you want your ship to be anything but toxic. it only worries me how these people will act if they see an irl poc in the same predicament. anyways that’s my rant. fuck draco and fuck draco hermione shippers. (also i agree with the draco sex stories lmfao smut on here is really common yet none of those accounts are marked explicit especially the riddler/edward nashton ones WHOOOOOO)
that is. wow. a way to put things JNASJSAN no but the way you phrased it- i completely agree with you. thank you for sharing to the class nonnie!! draco malfoy can suck on my big toe <3
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fahrni · 6 months
The Musk Files - Definitely not a Genius
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This guy is just like every other bully in the world. And to top it off he has money so he’s allowed to get away with behavior most people find abhorrent.
He ignores rules and laws and generally does whatever he wants free of consequence.
He’s a terrible human being.
Some of these links are fairly old since I haven’t posted one of these in a long time.
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Yoel Roth • The New York Times
Backed by fans on social media, Mr. Trump publicly attacked me. Two years later, following his acquisition of Twitter and after I resigned my role as the company’s head of trust and safety, Elon Musk added fuel to the fire. I’ve lived with armed guards outside my home and have had to upend my family, go into hiding for months and repeatedly move.
Chris Taylor • Mashable
“This X shit’s got to go,” author Stephen King tweeted Thursday. That post received 71,000 likes by the end of the day. Elon Musk, creator of “this X shit,” responded to King with a “XX” and a winking-kiss emoji. Musk’s reply had a relatively tiny 7,300 likes at time of writing, despite the fact that Musk has 150 million more followers than King.
Jacob Kastrenakes • The Verge
Elon Musk wants X to be the center of your financial world, handling anything in your life that deals with money. He expects those features to launch by the end of 2024, he told X employees during an all hands call on Thursday, saying that people will be surprised with “just how powerful it is.”
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Dan Sinker
A year ago Elon Musk took over Twitter. Too much has happened in the 365 days that followed to even begin to chronicle it all here, but the short version is that he quickly fired 80% of the staff, broke a bunch of things, paid racists, misogynists, and homophobes to set up shop, picked (sometimes literal) fights with anyone who struck his fancy, lost billions of dollars, and changed the iconic name and logo to the letter X just because.
Zoe Schiffer • platformer.news
On Friday, the National Labor Relations Board issued its first complaint against Elon Musk’s X Corp. The board accused X of illegally firing Yao Yue, a widely respected principal engineer at the company, for pushing back on Musk’s return-to-office policy, according to a copy of the complaint obtained by Platformer.
Eric Hananoki • mediamatters.org
X’s internal reporting system repeatedly responded that posts claiming “Hitler was right” and that there needs to be a “final solution” regarding Jewish people don’t violate the platform’s “safety policies.” This isn’t an isolated example: The Center for Countering Digital Hate similarly released a report today finding that X has failed to remove neo-Nazi content on its platform in numerous cases.
CNBC is running an excerpt from the new Walter Isaacson book about Elon that details what happened with the closing of the data center, and it is way, way, way crazier than even I expected. When Musk talked about how he “disconnected one of the more sensitive server racks,” he meant that entirely literally, in that he literally unplugged it, involving a series of improbable (and ridiculously dangerous and stupid) decisions that resulted with him under the floorboards in the data center pulling the plug, after multiple people warned him not to.
In July 2023, Mohammed al-Ghamdi, a Saudi Arabian Twitter user who had criticized the Kingdom’s corruption and human rights violations via an anonymous account with only 9 followers was sentenced to death.
Kylie Robison • Fortune
Elon Musk plans to remove headlines from news articles shared on X
Anne Applebaum • The Atlantic
But the drones ran into a problem: Starlink, the satellite-communications system that Ukraine had been using since Russia invaded early last year, unexpectedly wasn’t working. This was a surprise to the engineers. Several people, in Ukraine and elsewhere, frantically called and texted Elon Musk, the owner of Starlink, to persuade him to enable the system.
Sheldon Cooper • Forbes
Twitter, the social media platform officially known as X, appears to have deleted all images from the website that were posted between 2011 and 2014. Links that used Twitter’s native shortening service are also broken.
Pete Syme • Business Insider
An NYU professor with 560,000 followers says he’s been locked out of his X account for over 2 weeks after declining to meet with Elon Musk
Casey Newton • platformer.news
Today let’s talk about a wild weekend of backtracking at the company formerly known as Twitter — and how it should inform the way we cover Elon Musk and his frequent promises in the future.
Nitish Pahwa and Nitish Pahwa • Slate
An Interview With the Guy Who Was @Music on Twitter Until Elon Musk’s X Took the Username Away
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6gumi · 9 months
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𖤐 like i’ve stated multiple times, my blog is an nsfw + dark content blog. (also sfw) meaning minors + ageless blogs get the hell out !! <3 + you must have your age somewhere on ur acc to indicate that you aren’t a minor !!
𖤐 i talk A LOT. whether it’s about school, random interests, just plain stupid and boring shit, etc! please keep this in mind when following n interacting w me, as i am very talkative at times
𖤐 i often use petnames for both anons n my precious lil mutuals <3 so if you are one of my mutuals n uncomfy w it . . please do lmk ! other than that, keep that fact in mind !
𖤐 please do not spam like my posts otherwise you’ll get blocked. sorry not sorry. (5x in a row without reblogging or commenting), do not bring discourse here, most importantly do not bother sending hate asks. it will be deleted.
𖤐 you can most definitely send an ask to be mutuals and i’ll check your page just in case! but please do not be forceful w me when asking.
𖤐 i’m a little slow n stupid, if you want to break the mutual or i make you uncomfortable please feel free to hard-block me. i’m slow n i can’t tell if i’ve been soft blocked, so please feel free 2 hard-block me so we don’t make things awkward between the both of us
𖤐 i age up some of the characters i write for. if that doesn’t satisfy you, then don’t interact with my blog completely and just block me
𖤐 like i said, there are times where i post leaks, spoilers, blah blah n all that other crap, so be cautious about that
𖤐 i can guarantee that i have a very broken posting schedule, so requests may not be done immediately as sometimes i get overwhelmed. so, please don’t take it the wrong way when you see that i haven’t fulfilled your request yet. i just have a very unstable posting schedule ! keep that in mind but i will try my very best to do your requests + thirsts !
𖤐 english is not my first language so sometimes my grammar can be messed up at times, don’t pay too much attention on my terrible grammar guys i’m working on it !!
𖤐 i openly interact with dark content and nsfw content, i will tag them if needed.
𖤐 absolutely do not interact with me if you’re a ZIONIST, a minor (obvi), homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, misogynistic, fit the rest of the basic dni criteria, send hate asks / spread hate for literally no reason, or you’re just a rude person in general. in this blog, my blog = my rules. i’m willing to block anyone who oversteps my boundaries or make me feel uncomfortable or sends me unnecessary hate. i kindly ask for you guys to respect me as a whole, that’s all i’m asking for.
𖤐 absolutely don’t interact if you support isr𝟒𝐞𝐥
⊹ --- ROYAL ETIQUETTE. ( rules for requests )
𖤐 once again i am a multifandom blog, i write for multiple fandoms (honkai star rail, jujutsu kaisen, blue lock mostly + maybe chainsaw man genshin impact + bungo stray dogs also) my requests are open at the moment, thirsts are always opened so i prefer if you send more thirsts than requests.
𖤐 WHAT I ABSOLUTELY WON’T WRITE — gore, scat, necrophilia, noncon (everything i write is strictly consensual.) foot fetish, armpit fetish, vomit, and vore as well.
𖤐 some dark content things i may write is stepcest, consensual somno, “yandere”/ obsessive themes etc etc. i’ll be sure to tag a few things as well to let you guys know.
𖤐 and that’s about it. go crazy with your requests + thirsts as long as they aren’t detailed or they don’t go against what i’ve written above. it is encouraged that you ask first if you’re unsure about something!thank you for reading this far ! a hug 4 u !!
thank you for reading bbies ! here is my masterlist
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greenmach1neworks · 1 year
Hi there, I just saw your post about Lilith Fairen. Just wanted to let you know, just in case you didn't, that she's also active here on Tumblr as well, so you can block her here too. She has also invalidated me as an autistic person for the same exact reason and I've seen her do it to othrr people too, and she's also invalidated tons of people as queer people and woman, and she's also been violently racist and antisemitic in the fndm since arriving here a year ago (very recently she even used the G slur and has been shrieking about "being harassed" every time someone brings it up or asks her to apologize.) And yes she's also been violently ableist (a few months back one of her most loyal supporters said that Ironwood's prosthetics were good enough that they made him 'able bodied' so he did not count as disabled and then when people pointed out he would die without them he said that made it a 'quality of life' issue and he should just die, and Lilith Fairen defended him hard-core and attacked a bunch of disabled people for "making a big deal out of nothing" and for "pretending someone is ableist to cancel them" because we're apparently all "misogynistic" because ableism only counts to her if it's about someone with a vagina (oh yeah she's also a rabid radfem who constantly attackes bi people, ace people, trans people, and nonbinary people and accuses them of being cishet men lying about their identities so they can cancel rwby for being more progressive than them, or if she does admit that they are queer she calls them the "bad kinds" of queer people and incites hate against them by accusing them of self-internalized bigotry so they can cancel rwby for being more progressive than them, and she uses her status as lesbian to claim Supreme queerness and attack people she considers "less queer" or "less female" than her. She also jumps onto every single post about any issue anyone has with rooster teeths bigotry and randomly tries to turn it into a genitals thing, like when there was a post about how racist it is that one of the only dark-skinned main characters (oscar) was brutally tortured onscreen and the DVD commentary had the white creators being VERY excited and gleeful about it, when the camera has to cut away whenever a white character gets hurt, Lilith showed up screaming that everybody was "misogynistic" because I guess she thinks that torturing characters of color is okay as long as they have a penis. Thats also her favorite excuse whenever anyone talks about the blatant and horrifying ableism in ironwoods fall. Nobody can say a single solitary thing about how ableist it is to turn a triple amputee into a villain and blame it on their ptsd and give them a scary grimm prosthetic and make them use that prosthetic to do their evil crimes and and give them a "hyperfixation" semblance that makes it "easier for them to be evil" and say out loud in the dvd commentary that losing a limb is symbolic of losing humanity, without Lilith Fairen showing up to shriek that he has a penis so that means it's "misogynistic" to criticize the able-bodied cishet white men who wrote the story that way
She's been harassing and abusing rwde posters here on Tumblr since at least September, and has stated multiple times that every single person who says so much as a stray negative word about Rooster Teeth is a "misogynistic homophobe" and that we're just "making up lies" because we "hate rwby for being progressive" and we want to "cancel uwu rooster teeth," and yes she has included Calxiyn and Murder of Birds in that group lmao despite them famously being some of the shows biggest fans, and she specifically accused Murder of Birds of "not understanding oppression" because he said that Rooster Teeth should have told the people who bought digital tickets to RTX that they decided to cancel digital tickets, and asked if they would be refunded, and I guess she thinks that makes him misogynistic.
Oh and idk if you know who canonseeker is, but he and Lilith were really buddy-buddy for awhile and she defended him hard-core despite (or maybe because of) his violent antisemitism, but now she pretends she barely ever interacted with him idk what the last straw was lol but yeah. Oh and she goes on constant deleting sprees after each REALLY bad scandal, to make sure nobody has solid proof of her actions, like she had a side blog that was openly and braggingly themed around cyberstalking and harassing rwde posters who had blocked her, but she deleted it because of all the antisemitism on it, and then she also went through a month or so ago and deleted every single post she had ever made on her main account and started over with a "clean" slate after all the ableism stuff I mentioned (she also claims now that she barely interacted with her buddy that she hard-core defended in that situation too.) I've been told that deleting her accounts is something she's been doing for years, long before she came to rwby, for this exact reason.
Because yeah apparently she does this to all her fandoms, and when she first showed up here, she came with tons of warnings from people who knew her from other things. She's obsessed with hating Madoka Magica and she viciously attacks people over it all the time (even if they had never seen or heard of it before) and she's been banned from a ton of magical girl subreddits because of it. And when she first came to the rwby fndm, she constantly posted boastfully about how she at the time had never even watched rwby, but said that she googled it so I guess that made her think she was the Supreme authority on it, and she also openly bragged that she had come to rwby because she found out that somebody she hates over magical girl reasons happened to also be critical of rwby so she decided to punish everybody who is critical of rwby as a result (which is why she's so hypocritical in that she will say something like "it is not wrong to criticize media created by cishet men" about madoka magica but then start screaming that everybody is "misogynist" if they criticize media created by cishet men if it's rwby.) She has also openly bragged that she intentionally attacks rwde posters because she craves the attention she gets, both from rwde posters who respond to her attacks, and from her radfem followers that applaud her for it, and she also has a habit of whining to her own followers about how mad she is that they don't give any attention to her non-rwby posts and how that's why she does this to begin with, is to get more attention. She does not actually care about rwby, she literally has openly spelled it out a hundred times that she came here to bully people to punish someone she hates because she's obsessed with Madoka and she stays because she found out she gets likes and praise every time she attacks a marginalized viewer in defense of the cishet white men who make the show.
Anyway I recommend you don't actually answer or publish this ask, because even if you DO block her she has unknown sock-puppet accounts and flying monkeys everywhere so that she can evade the numerous blocks people have against her (which she openly brags about doing) and incites hate against every single person who so much as points out that she's harassing them (which is I guess her only definition of 'harassment,' is "saying that lilith fairen harassed you") and I don't want to paint an even bigger target on your back with this ask. Just wanted to warn you that yeah this is a HUGE problem and she will definitely find you and attack you and probably send you a ton of anon hate and she'll screen shot your posts and spread vicious lies about you and make fun of you to her followers and send them to give you anon hate as well. That's basically her entire identity at this point so heads up, it's coming. :/
Thanks I'll keep a heads up.
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I fell on a video by a sims youtuber giving his unpopular opinions about the Sims franchise, and I was like "I saw some videos from him, he's funny, we seem to agree on the state of the game, let's watch it.", and OH BOY, I wasn't ready. The "diversity" of the Sims franchise? Well, in his eyes, it goes against this "diversity" to exclude people for not having the same opinion as you, and his example isn't the paywall, no no, it's TRANSPHOBIA. The guy is here telling his audience: "diversity is accepting everyone opinions as equal", but that's not what the word "diversity" means!!! Diversity is about genders, ethnicities, cultures... But not opinions! A workplace is called diverse for having women and poc has employees, not for having misogynists and racists. People have an issue with the way gender is so binary in the Sims 4 game, understandable, and they were some fights over that. And he's here, saying "believe in gender binary or don't, but you are bringing negativity into this community if you don't accept other opinions", you know, like people aren't being killed for being trans. Any gender or pronouns who aren't the binary aren't recognized by my government, and with the way things are rn, I'm probably going to die, having lived my life being addressed with terms bringing me pain. Not death, if we forget the threat at my uni, but still not great. (Also, the pronouns update was only for the english version of the game btw, so I cannot even do that in game) And he kept saying how not accepting everyone opinions is being negative! "I'm gay, and I see a lot of homophobic comments, but I don't defend myself and interfere, because it's bringing negativity" okay, bro, go lick the homophobes' boots, and remember that if the time comes, they will treat you like Alan Turing.
But yeah, right, diversity! I'm waiting for the next update then, "N*zi Outing", to add di~ver~si~ty~ to the game, you know? With a full uniform, flag and tattoo, so that all different opinions can be re~pre~sen~ted~! Wait, what...? You're telling me that multiples countries the Sims targets as costumers would ban it because they illegalized N*zism? Because a tolerant society shouldn't tolerate intolerance?
I have enough of the middle ground take, it's cold, it's disgusting. This idea that we need to be nice to everyone, whatever their opinions are, awful. It's okay to be an assh*le to a bigot. It's okay to be angry, it's a normal emotion, and you have the right to hate people for not being human enough to accept others. It's not "toxic", it's normal, because those ideas brought pain in the past and still are today. Those ideas have killed.
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saintnesryn · 3 years
feeling so icky and gross about the fact that aelin nesryn and yrene had [redacted] with chaol 😖
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catboyeddy · 2 years
Hcing Eddy as straight I don't need to explain this one
Eddylee and Eds x Kankers in general is healthy and fine and the kankers did nothing wrong as kids and it's totally ok that the Eds get together with people that scared them sm
Eddy ends up abusive and manipulative and actually learned nothing from bps hes the exact same as he was when he was 12 except now he's in his 20s and Double Dee is here for Eddys 7th intervention
Double Dee disappeared from the cul de sac when he went to college (after or prior to Eddys 7th intervention) and was never seen again because his brain grew too large and now he's forcibly rooted in place in his dorm and never answers Ed and Eddys phone calls
Bro wasn't abusive actually he was just doing big brother shit lolol Eddy should make up with him now even though Bro has been training and abusing him to be like him since he was 5 but they're ok now it's cool
Eddy ends up in a dead end career, a job he hates usually related to scamming because his skills in relation to bro are the only skills he has I guess
Lee is the mean sister and Marie and May who regularly beat the shit out of each other were actually innocent
Jimmy and Sarah were straight all along which means they have to get together because *vague hand gesture* 👩‍❤️‍👨
Kevin is a bad character and will grow up to be an awful person and homophobic cause he had a grudge against a kid who would con him out of his pocket money every day when he was like 12
Nazz and Rolf had no role to play in Kevin bullying the eds even if they encouraged him almost every time
Eddy is tall. No
The eds are brothers even though they aren't related and are shown as friends (who flirt with each other) on the show but you can't ship them you weirdo
Edd is amazing and should leave Ed and Eddy even though none of the scams would be possible without him and he comes back cause he enjoys scamming and could leave anytime if he wanted to
Ed has no agency of his own and follows Eddy blindly into everything even though he's shown multiple times to be intelligent and can recognize when his friends are in danger but he lets Eddy just go off the edge without any protest of course
Ed and Double Dee's parents were never abusive and neglectful even though they are canonically abusive and neglectful and both have been shown being distressed by thoughts of their parents
Eddy says crass n misogynistic shit about women when he's older even though that was one of the many things bro taught him that he needs to get over but he doesn't here lol
Usually paired with misogynistic Eddy the pervasive entitled gay twink Edd will say misogynistic things about all the women Eddy sleeps with or is around because he's a sassy gay boy so it's fine
Either Eddy or Kevin date Nazz to cover up that they like men or specifically Double Dee and it's never touched on how hurtful it must be for Nazz to be cheated on and then never get to be upset about it cause her friend is gay
Sometimes Rolf gets replaced by the kevedd shipper self insert guy in kevedd stuff and it sends me into a violent rage
The characters smoke weed. That's it that's the joke anyway they
KevEdd isn't a crack ship it was canon all along
The eds or specifically Edd and Eddy because Ed is lost in the void somewhere probably petting a chicken (good for him) but they can only talk about their feelings when they're high or drunk even though they've been friends since they were 5 but I guess that doesn't count for anything
Jonny has 20 different mental illnesses because kids can't have imaginary friends
Making Eddy tall girl it's not natural
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hopeshoodie · 2 years
i think its sad now that so many litg blogs are leaving/have left the fandom. i still remember the hype when s2 came out and even when s3 came we're still hyping s2.
then things started to change when some blogs got intense hate, (which i thought was from a group of haters but turned out it was only one person) leading to some of them deactivating their blogs or left the fandom. that's when i realized the whole vibes in the fandom have changed. we got new blogs and got more contents but it felt different.
then came 2021 and this whole thing about fusebox happened and it kinda destroy the fandom- or at least the 'old' fandom.
i personally have lost all of my hyperfixation on litg but stayed bcs i made friends in the fandom and i just want to support them whether they make litg related contents or other IFs related contents.
I let this sit because I didn't think it was entirely accurate (I hope that doesn't sound accusatory, I don't mean it that way! Just like I disagree with some of the conclusions), but I think it really speaks to the quiet mourning that everyone in the LITG fandom has done.
For context, I first played the game in late 2019 then joined the fandom actively in 2020 (insane to lay it out like that, where has the time gone). I enjoyed S1, but obviously everyone in the fandom prefers S2 for a reason. It's just so much richer than a lot of mobile games, the characters are written with such love by the writers that they stay with you.
I definitely think the fandom peaked when S2 was being released- you can see from the reddit and old tumblr that way more people were involved in the fandom. But I don't think 'things changed' after that point to become more toxic. If you look at old posts from that era, especially on the reddit, people were incredibly openly misogynistic, racist, and homophobic when S2 was being released. Multiple black fans said in the reddit that they felt uncomfortable with how characters were talked about, and then they were harassed until they left the fandom.
And I think that's why I disagree- It's really easy to look at one conflict and say 'that killed the fandom', but people have always been shitty (in every fandom, LITG included). I definitely think the positivity towards the game and Fusebox shifted as S3 came out and was disappointing, then Matchmaker came out, then Boat Party and CMM came out instead of S4. But the negativity within fan circles was consistent through all my time here.
I don't really think the anon hate was one person, tbh, nor do I think that was the biggest problem in the fandom. A lot of the anons went out to different people and had difference voices and contexts. Inevitably, fans formed groups of 2 or 3 people who were closer to each other and then there were fallings out between groups. I can think of at least 6 different 'dramas' within the tumblr fandom. I came into the fandom during a big drama, so I think I never had the vibe to begin with.
I really think that the fandom's dying as a whole is more directly tied to Fusebox's new content not using what made S2 so unique rather than it was fandom conflict. Like yeah certain creators left for certain reasons, but a lot of the hype petered out when S3 was so bland.
It sucks because LITG was a lot of people's introduction to interactive fiction and being in a small fandom, and now that it's fallen apart you're just left with this sense of having... No where to go.
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