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It should be known that after the removal of its prophet, a religious group must have someone to take care of it. (Such a person) must cause the people to act according to the religious laws. In a way, he stands to them in the place (khalifah, caliph) of their prophet, in as much as (he urges) the obligations which (the prophet) had imposed upon them. Furthermore, in accordance with the aforementioned need for political leadership in social organization, the human species must have a person who will cause them to act in accordance with what is good for them and who will prevent them by force from doing things harmful to them. Such a person is the one who is called ruler.
In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the (Muslim) mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united in (Islam), so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them at the same time.
The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty to them, save only for purposes of defense. It has thus come about that the person in charge of religious affairs in (other religious groups) is not concerned with power politics at all. (Among them,) royal authority comes to those who have it, by accident and in some way that has nothing to do with religion. It comes to them as the necessary result of group feeling, which by its very nature seeks to obtain royal authority, as we have mentioned before, and not because they are under obligation to gain power over other nations, as is the case with Islam. They are merely required to establish their religion among their own (people).
-- Muqaddimah, by Ibn Khaldun
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sharfuddin09 · 1 year
“If the soul is impartial in receiving information, it devotes to that information the share of critical investigation the information deserves, and its truth or untruth thus becomes clear. However, if the soul is infected with partisanship for a particular opinion or sect, it accepts without a moment’s hesitation the information that is agreeable to it. Prejudice and partisanship obscure the critical faculty and preclude critical investigation. The results is that falsehoods are accepted and transmitted.” - Ibn Khaldun, al-Muqaddimah
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workingclassbutch · 24 days
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adambibliophile · 11 months
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This is Ibn Khaldun’s theory about the cycle of nations throughout history, where he mentioned in his famous book “The Muqaddimah” that the state, no matter how great and how long it lasts, it must pass through these four stages. The destruction of a state starts with following the pleasures and whims to the point when its people forget the struggle and neglect the values & morals so they weaken little by little until another country overcomes and conquers them and seizes its goods and resources. Thus, the cycle of nations continues: nations rise and fall, one state arise upon the ruins of another, then another state becomes stronger and prevails to take over. It’s like the cycle of the individual: starts with childhood, then youth, then old age, and ends with death. This is the nature of nations. However, it does not prevent the state from falling in the early stages of its life.
All of this is true of what the social and political philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli mentioned in his famous book "The Prince", where he took many of Ibn Khaldun's opinions to write his book. We also do not forget that Ibn Khaldun had preceded all sociologists in Europe in the Middle and Modern Ages with his research on the effect of air on human morals and their natures and their different conditions in terms of fertility and hunger, and he was also the first to research the urbanization of the land, and he spoke on the impact of regions in morals and urbanization.
Attached an overview of The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History
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loveshacks · 6 months
Haven't seen this posted, its a great film deconstructing the way Palestine and swana more broadly are portrayed in western media for political purposes. Especially relevant rn as the media continues to demonize and ignore palestinians
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mnwlife · 6 months
Kaum Muslimin tidak boleh berputus asa dan menunda-nunda, kaum Muslimin harus mengawali persiapan diri dalam memerangi Yahudi dengan Beragama dengan Manhaj yang benar... Karena itu yang sesungguhnya yang ditakuti Yahudi, sebagaimana yang terjadi pada perang Khaibar. Yahudi tidak berdaya sama sekali ketika berhadapan dengan Para Sahabat Ridhwanullah 'alaihim Jami'an.
Nasehat sekaligus Faedah Muqaddimah Kajian Kitab Manhaj dan Aqidah oleh Al Ustadz Al Fadhil Abdul Hakim bin Amir Abdat hafidzahullah 20 Rabi'ul Akhir 1445H/Sabtu 4 November 2023
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medievalistsnet · 7 months
Thanks so much to Al Muqaddimah for letting me go on his YouTube channel today and talk about history!
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membacamakna · 9 months
Sebuah muqaddimah; bermaksud mengambil tauladan dari kebiasaan para Ulama dalam mencipta karya, termulai dengan pujian beriring cinta yang memuliakan kepada Sang Ilahi Rabbi, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.. alhamdulillahirabbil'alamiin.. segala puji bagi-Nya disetiap keadaan 💕
Serta shalawat teriring salam dihaturkan kepada manusia terpilih, sebaik-baik tauladan bagi manusia; Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alayhi wasallam ... semoga diri ini mendapatkan syafa'at dari beliau kelak, aamiin yaa Allah..
[Seni Membaca Makna; Seni Menulis di Tumblr]
Subhanallah.. jika diingat-ingat; ini menjadi akun tumblr kesekian setelah beberapa akun dibuat kemudian lupa password atau dinonaktifkan akses email karena dalam jangka waktu tertentu tidak log in... sejak pakai seragam abuabu sampai seragam dinas ibu rumah tangga...
Alhamdulillah.. dengan azzam ingin kembali mengasah kemampuan berbahasa; mengikat ilmu, rasa dan makna dalam tulisan, maka diperlukan bimbingan khusus dari yang memberi limpahan keberkahan dan pertolongan dalam hidup, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala... moga kelak setiap kalimatnya mengundang ridho Allah dan dapat menjadi syafa'at bukan penggugat sang penutur di akhirat kelak, aamiin..
Setelah mengazzamkan diri kembali membuat akun di tumblr, diawali dgn mendirikan shalat lalu meminta petunjuk kepada-Nya terkait nama akun tumblr di jam mendekati tengah malam waktu Indonesia bagian sebagian manusia sudah terlelap dan sebagiannya lagi bersiap untuk mendirikan shalat dan memikirkan kemashlahatan ummat...
Dan lahirlah, dengan memohon keridhoan Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala; akun "@membacamakna buah dari tadabbur pada ayat-ayat yang menunjukan kebesaran atau kekuasaan Allah pada manusia-manusia yang (mau) berfikir. Sebuah seni hidup yang menjadikan nikmat dan ujian terasa sama; syukur.. keduanya ikhtiar dinilai dengan makna yang baik.. berujung pada perbaikan kualitas hubungan kepada Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala dan sesama manusia. HablumminAllah, hablumminannas..
Akun @membacamakna adalah gambaran sang pembuat akun, yakni seorang Ibu Rumah Tangga yang sedang hamil anak ke-4 alhamdulillah dan masih terus belajar seni membaca makna; dari setiap takdir termanis dan skenario terindahNya..
Dipantik dengan dialog-dialog lucu yang menenangkan dirinya sendiri, seperti; "Duh Allah ridho ndak ya kalo aku kecewa banget sama sikap atau lisan fulan / fulanah, padahal dia cuma lakon (alat) dari pelajaran hidup yang Allah mau kasih ke aku? Tapi nangis bolehlah ya namanya juga manusia (mengakui diri ini mahluk yg lemah). Yaa Allah bimbing hati dan akal ini untuk membaca makna dari setiap kejadian."
Membaca menurut KBBI adalah memahami isi. (Kata kerja)
Makna menurut KBBI adalah arti atau memperhatikan setiap kata atau maksud pembicara atau penulis. (Kata Benda atau yang dibendakan)
Kurang lebih akun @membacamakna adalah kumpulan tulisan dari sebuah proses memahami arti atau kejadian yang terjadi pada kehidupan sang pembuat akun, agar setiap rutinitasnya bernilai ibadah; harapannya membuat pagar pembatas ketika syaithan berusaha masuk dan mengotori dinding hati karena persoalan makna seringkali bersifat relatif, sebab sudah kodrat setiap kejadian atau kata memliki banyak tafsiran makna (bisa baik, juga bisa buruk) tergantung pada (kedekatannya dengan Allah) kejernihan hati dan akal berfikir manusianya.
Alhamdulillah, wallahu alam bisshawwab.. baarakallahu fiikum..
Depok, Muharram 1445 H
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uma1ra · 9 months
The Sin Of Making Up Rumours,
“O you who believe! If a Faasiq (liar — evil person) comes to you with any news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done”
[al-Hujuraat 49:6]
The Lawgiver issued a stern warning against passing on all that one hears. It was narrated that Hafs ibn ‘Aasim said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “It is enough lying for a man to speak of everything that he hears.” Narrated by Muslim in al-Muqaddimah, 6; Saheeh al-Jaami, 4482.
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1, 11, 24, 40(Aiko & Reiki)
1- Do you listen to music when you write?
Yes a lot ! Except when I'm proofreading otherwise I can't focus. Someone ask me the same question I went more in details that might interest you here
11- Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
Oh there is too many people but I'll say what inspired me for this fic especially
Eiji Yoshikawa who wrote a fiction about the life of famous swordman Musashi Miyamoto (who will inspired Takeshi Inoue to draw Vagabond by the way).
Miyamoto Musashi himself wrote his memoirs in the book of five rings.
Sun Zu and the Art of War.
Sei Shonagon she was a writer from the Heian court in the 10th century
Murasaki Shikibu, an other noble writer from the Heian court, she wrote the famous book The tales of Genji, and my Genji Hikaru is a direct hommage to hers. In her book, the prince is a poet running for honour and ladies and mine is like the dark version : "Naahh I don't want to do poetry...I wanna fight Madara Uchiha and conquer the world."
Ibn Khaldun a 14th century historian and philosopher, who wrote a universal history book called Muqaddimah. There is theories about civilisations cycles, sociology and economy.
G.R.R. Martin for his way to always surprise and trick the readers. I love how he built his plots.
Michel of Greece who is an actual European prince and an author, he wrote a lot of fictions based on historical figures. My favourite is Louis XIV, the other side of the sun a fiction about the life of the King of France who took back his power after having beeing traumatized by a nobles rebellion in his youth.
The clan of the Otori from Lian Hearn.
J.K. Rowling for the whole Harry Potter saga. I love her world building it's not too big like GRR martin, it's the right size.
Victor Hugo for Les Miserables and his poetry.
Talking about poetry hard to not mention, Arthur Rimbaud, Baudelaire, John Keats and Rumi. I'm obsessed by them.
Not a book in particular but the real japanese warring state era (from 1467 to 1615 BC) is a source of inspiration with his most famous figures : Oda Nobunaga, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Hideyoshi Toyotomi
24- Favourite genre to write and read
Without a surprise I like historical stories, with large world building intrigues and conspiracy. It's just an excuse for me to talk about everything at once lol : society, politics, psychology, war, love, family issue you name it... In future I'd like to write a romance, it's a bit a challenge because I don't think I'm really good at it. But I love true romance, not teenage love where there is nothing to loose. but when two characters have to deal a relationship which challenge their values and involve the world around them.
And a tend to read less fiction nowadays because I watch tv shows instead. But now I read more things who will teach me something like essay on philosophy and sociology and spirituality.
40- Share some backstory for one of your characters
Ok I need to be careful not to spoil my future chapters...😋
I'll take this opportunity to clarify who she is since I talked with some of my readers and there was some ambiguity (I'll rewrite it later when the book is finished) . She's not blood-related to Madara or Izuna. She has her own family. Madara's mother were her wet nurse and she breastfed both Izuna and Aiko in the same time. Both families were very close to the point Aiko can come inside Tajima's house without knocking the door. She was very loved by Madara's mother. In a way she was the daughter she never had. For Madara she was like a little sister.
The idea for this character came one day while I was scrolling instagram and I saw this video :
At the time I knew I wanted an OC who won't be a kunoichi to force Madara out of his comfort zone. But I have no idea of who? how? where? when? Then I see this mysterious girl dancing on a beach with so much grace and confidence, and yet we can't see her face... I knew that was this energy I was looking for. And then her backstory slowly flourish from there. For now (chapter 6) you don't know enough about her, but later it will make sense to you all.
thank you for your questions !
here the original list of questions
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questionsonislam · 1 year
They say there is a hadith which contains the statement “let your house suffice you”. Our Prophet (SAW) had been asked “What is salvation?” and He (SAW) had replied it. What is the full version of this hadith?
Uqbah ibn Amir (RA) narrates: I asked the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) “What is salvation” He replied:
“Hold back your tongue, let your house suffice you, and cry over your sins.” (Tirmidhi, az-zuhd,50 ; Musnad, 2/212; 4/158; 5/259)
Tirmidhi said that this hadith is hasan (حَسَن meaning "good", see ibid)
Ḥasan (حَسَن meaning “good”) is used to describe a hadith whose authenticity is not as well-established as that of sahih (sound) hadith, but enough for use as supporting evidence.
One of the subjects which is remarkable in this hadith is holding the tongue back. It is better understood how appropriate this advice is if we take into consideration the troubles one’s own tongue brings on a person. For, whenever one gets into trouble, it is either because of his deeds or his words.
Hold back your tongue
Tongue is not just a tool of evil. It can be very useful and beneficiary when its bridle is taken over and dominated.
It should also be noted that it is even more important to hold it back in times of mischief and unrest. For, it is clear that spreading or sharing a word that is heard, without investigating if it is true or not, will cause many lies, slanders, unrests and corruptions.
As a matter of fact, it is necessary to fear the threat of the warning expressed in the following hadith: "It is enough of a lie for a man to narrate whatever he hears." (Muslim, Muqaddimah 5)
This hadith reveals very precisely that it is a lie to convey whatever is said without doing any research. The way of not lying is to examine what is heard thoroughly.
May Allah (JJ) forbid, spreading everything that is heard may mean thousands of lies.
In this respect, as in everything, it is necessary to decide by going over the words with fine comb, especially in situations where there is a possibility of the emergence of an unrest or mischief.
In summary, in this age, when messages, news, speculations, comments reach millions, it should be our prior task to hold back our tongues.
The verses that we will quote attract attention to the fact that we should pay attention to every organ and every feeling, especially our tongue:
“And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart - about all those [one] will be questioned.” (al-Isra, 17:36)
“Man does not utter any word except that with him is an observer prepared [to record].” (Qaf, 50:18)
Let your house suffice you
One of the points to which attention is drawn in the hadith is to be attached to home.
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) advises us not to look anywhere other than the home for the peace and bliss by saying “Let your house suffice you”. A disfavor with a house which may turn into heaven with one’s wife and children and leaving it for spending time in cafés and some other miserable places means not giving deserved dignity to the family and accepting the discomfort in advance.
Considering that even the treats offered to family members are “sadaqa” themselves, the minutes we spent with our family will count as thawabs and we will become happy too. Family members who feel the warmth of their spouse and their father at home will get happy equally. The same thing is valid for the women as well. They too must look for peace and happiness in taking care of the children at home and obedience to their husbands.
It should not be forgotten that the warning ‘Let your house suffice you’ is more important especially in such times when sins, epidemics, mischief, anarchy, etc. are common. It is very important in terms of this aspect that the question “what is salvation” is answered in the hadith. This phrase may cover our family, home and the place where we should be, in any kind of bad situation such as trouble, sorrow, sins, epidemic and calamity.
So, one of the places necessary for our salvation is our home and family.
Cry over your sins
It is important to cry over the sins. If one can cry for his own sins, it means he has found the true path of divine forgiveness. Moreover, a person who can cry for his sins reviews the past properly on the one hand and tends to look to the future with more care on the other hand.
It is also a start for him to be more careful so as not to commit such sins which inflict serious wounds in his spiritual world.
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hbedebiyatsanat · 2 years
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Lübnan'daki Balamand Üniversitesi'nde Bilgiye giden adımlar. Bu 21 kitap alttan yukarıya kronolojik sırayla şu şekilde: Gılgamış Destanı; Platon Cumhuriyeti; Divan Ebu el-Kayyib el-Mutanbi; Gufran Peygamberi / Abi Al-Allah Al-Maarri; İlahi Komedya (Dante Alighieri); Muqaddimah İbni Khaldun; Prens ve Discourses (Niccol ò Machiavelli); Yöntem üzerine danışma (René Descartes); Saf Mantığın Eleştirisi (Immanuel Kant); FAUST (Goethe); Türlerin Kökeni (Charles Darwin); Karamazov Kardeşler (Fyodor Dostoyevski); Zerathustra'yı Böyle Konuştu (Friedrich Nietzsche); Göreliliğin Anlamı (Albert Einstein); Hz. Peygamber (Halil Gebran); Günler / Kaha Husayn; Tarih Çalışması (Arnold Toynbee); Kozmos (Carl Sagan); Zamanın Kısa Tarihi (Stephen Hawking); Kafası karışık (Amin Maalouf); Önümüzde Yol (Bill Gates)
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mnwlife · 2 years
Kata para ulama:
“Tidak mungkin orang itu bisa mensucikan jiwanya tanpa sunnah Rasul Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Adapun orang-orang yang menginginkan Tazkiyatun Nafsi tanpa sunnah Rasul Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam itu justru sebaliknya, mengotori jiwanya.”
~ Ustadz Abdurrahman Thoyyib hafidzahullah
Betapa banyak ahlul bid'ah yang mendakwahkan, menyuarakan, membicarakan tentang Akhlak. Tetapi tidak sama sekali tergambar dari dirinya Akhlak mulia kepada Allah, maupun kepada manusia.
Jiwa mereka semakin kotor, disebabkan mereka mensucikan jiwanya bukan dengan sunnah Rasul-Nya, tetapi dengan bid'ah-bid'ah yang tercela.
(Faidah Kajian Ustadz Abdurrahman Thoyyib hafidzahullah - Al Ibanah Ash Shughra Muqaddimah bagian tiga)
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mutiarafirdaus · 2 years
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Setiap orang punya 'maqom' masing-masing.
Dan kita harus totalitas dalam menempati 'maqom' kita. Berupaya mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dengan 'maqom' tersebut.
Dunia ini singkat, kita harus mengumpulkan bekal yang banyak. Menebar luas manfaat. Hingga dapat melihat Wajah Rabb kelak, di dalam Surga yang penuh nikmat, bersama segenap keluarga dan rekan sejawat..
Cintai 'maqom' yang saat ini dianugerahkan kepadamu. Tak usah dibandingkan dengan pencapaian orang di kanan kiri. Biarkan mereka dengan 'maqom kebaikan' masing-masing.
Ada kawan-kawan yang ditakdirkan menjadi dokter, teknisi, arsitek, ilmuwan, praktisi, pengusaha, penegak hukum, pendidik, pegiat seni, dan lainnya.
Tidaklah semua itu tercapai karena gagal disini sehingga melakoni hal ini. Tapi pencapaian hari ini adalah tersebab kehendak Allah yang tau pasti bahwa sangat pas bagimu posisi saat ini.
Semangat, Anak baik! Jangan dulu patah. Karena Rabbmu sedang perlahan tapi pasti merangkai skenario hidup yang akan membuatmu bahagia membuncah!
Bayangkan kembali rona bahagia para guru-guru. Ketika tahu bahwa kita memilih dengan sukarela untuk memegang estafet perjuangan yang telah mereka cengkeram puluhan tahun lalu.
Usia membuat banyak hal yang belum tuntas tak tergapai. Dan kita hadir untuk mengisi ruang, merekat jarak, dan dengan semangat melanjutkan kabar kabar baik bagi generasi mendatang.
Bahwa ayat ayat Quran ini harus terus digemakan hingga akhir zaman. Harus terus diajarkan kepada masyarakat dan perlahan kita amalkan. Agar janji kemenangan segera datang. Dimana Syiar Islam yang kita cinta akan kokoh dan menjulang..
Yuk bisa yuk kuasai matan Tuhfatul Athfal dan Muqaddimah Jazariyahnya yang MASYA ALLAH!! :")))
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ataykiri · 2 years
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Al Muqaddimah by the renowned Andalusian scholar Ibn Khaldun رحمه الله
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