naderdawah · 10 months
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Boycott swedish products.
Sweden, the public toilet of Europe
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gul-e-rekhta · 1 year
Haya: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Zumar: We're chopsticks!
Imama: Well... that's cute!: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly?
Zumar: No, it means that if you take the other away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
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ilmiyyat1453 · 1 year
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''Bu dünya Kur’ân ile yaşıyor, âhiret Kur’ân ile kazanılıyor. Cemâlullâh da Kur’ân ile kazanılıyor. Kur’ân’a dönelim, ahlakımızı düzeltelim. Nefis güzel ahlaktan uzaktır.''
Mahmud Efendi Hazretleri (rahmetullâhi aleyh)
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godhasheardtruthfully · 4 months
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Still life: A Women’s Mushaf Agape
by Sam-Amina Bailey Jmd. II 1445 / 12-23
Gouache & watercolor on paper.
Inspired by Vincent Van Gogh. 12in x 9 in.
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aireenruhee · 7 months
Treasure the man whose muṣḥaf has not been covered with a dust jacket for months. Rather, its pages are dog-eared from overuse; some are stained by his tears.
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chashmenaaz · 3 months
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6 february 2024
Surah Ar Rahman
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tessalationstation · 6 months
Ramadan/Eid Al Fitr 2023
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July 14th, 2023 11:29pm
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adh-dwiki · 2 years
Persaudaraan dan Upaya Mendamaikan
Persaudaraan dan Upaya Mendamaikan
Xbrain, Al Hujurat 10 Karena bangun terlalu pagi, tiba-tiba tergerak untuk mengambil mushaf Maiyah Padhangbulan. Pikirku daripada rebah lagi. Mendapati tadabur Al Hujurat 10, yang intinya tentang pentingnya persaudaraan dan upaya untuk mendamaikan antar sesama orang beriman. Cukup pas sekali jika dikaitkan dengan atmosfer persepakbolaan kita. Memangnya orang-orang yang fanatik kepada…
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altinovaguncel · 2 years
İstanbul Mushafı, Çamlıca Camisi'nde düzenlenecek törenle tanıtılacak
İstanbul Mushafı, Çamlıca Camisi’nde düzenlenecek törenle tanıtılacak
Türkiye’de 7 yıl süren çalışmalar sonucu hazırlanan ve 1400 yıllık mushaf geleneğini ihya eden el yazması Kur’an-ı Kerim, Kadir Gecesi’nde Müslümanlarla buluşacak. İslam Medeniyetinin estetik birikimini tek bir eserde bir araya getiren İstanbul Mushafı, İstanbullularla buluşacak. Türkiye’de hazırlanan ve 1400 yıllık “Mushaf” geleneğini bir araya getiren el yazması Kur’an-ı Kerim’in tanıtımı…
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nuuralshams · 1 month
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22 March 2024, Friday
For some reason, I’ve been feeling physically, and mentally low this Ramadan (for past few days). But ironically, I think I would be feeling even worse if it weren’t for the fact that it’s Ramadan. So in a way, the spirit of the month is giving me strength I wouldn’t have otherwise. Despite everything, I’m glad that I’m able to keep up with my worship routine even if I’m feeling like 😩🫠 I am on track with my Quran recitation, I’m praying my sunnah prayers and doing my dikr when I can! Alhamdulillah that Allah allows me to keep up with it 🙏
Day 12: Most challenging thing about Ramadan and how do you try to overcome it?
No water 🥲 I’m a beverage girlie and while working I like to get up and make a tea or iced coffee and such just to keep myself occupied and hydrated. So not having that option during Ramadan is difficult 🥲 But thankfully we also have shorter working hours during Ramadan! So I just try to power through and have a chat with my coworkers, or switch up the task that I’m working on when I start to lose focus to refresh my mind.
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faithful-diaries · 1 year
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naderdawah · 1 year
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{ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِالذِّكْرِ } أي: يجحدون القرآن الكريم المذكر للعباد جميع مصالحهم الدينية والدنيوية والأخروية، المُعلي لقدر من اتبعه، { لَمَّا جَاءَهُمْ } نعمة من ربهم على يد أفضل الخلق وأكملهم. { و } الحال { إِنَّهُ لَكِتَابٌ } جامع لأوصاف الكمال { عَزِيزٌ } أي: منيع من كل من أراده بتحريف أو سوء. قال الضحاك ، والسدي ، وقتادة : وهو القرآن ( وإنه لكتاب عزيز ) أي : منيع الجناب ، لا يرام أن يأتي أحد بمثله
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gul-e-rekhta · 1 year
Ahmed Nizaam: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
Taliyah: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Adam isn’t.
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ilmiyyat1453 · 2 years
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lemonlovemeanslove · 2 months
But the ummah the ummah think of the ummah you are corrupting the ummah think of the ummah. Genuine question here. WHAT ummah. Where is this ummah? Where? Not with the Palestinians, clearly. So where is it? Where is the ummah, the one you swore to protect speak and stand for? Are our brothers and sisters in Palestine not part of it? Why aren't you protecting them? Where is the ummah. You tell me.
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jasa-cetak-yasin · 6 months
Jasa Cetak Apakah Buku Yasin Termasuk Mushaf
Jasa Cetak Apakah Buku Yasin Termasuk Mushaf
Apakah Buku Yasin Termasuk Mushaf, Aplikasi Buku Yasin Dan Tahlil, Cetak Buku Yasin Art Paper, Agen Buku Yasin, Agen Buku Yasin Di Bekasi, Buku Yasin Bandung, Buku Yasin Brunei, Buku Yasin Berapa Halaman, Buku Yasin Besar, Buku Yasin Bacaan,
Cetak Buku Yasin Terbaik, Termurah, dan Bergaransi! Jasa Cetak Buku Yasin Terbaik, yang akan memberikan solusi jasa Percetakan Buku Yasin Terdekat berkualitas. Harga yasin mulai dari 5000 rupiah, tersedia bonus tasbih dan gratis ongkos kirim. Menyediakan juga paketan souvenir dan acara yasinan. Pemesanan sangat mudah! Silahkan hubungi tim cetak yasin di wa 0853-2572-8727, kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda dalam jasa cetak yasin dan tahlil. Mari beribadah dan amal jariyah berpahala terus menerus dengan memesan buku Yasin berkualitas terbaik dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau.
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