#my finger still hasnt healed and its hard to NUT
clareguilty · 4 years
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whumppile · 7 years
Could you write a fic where peter is overworking himself really hard and it kind of makes his healing factor stop working just before a battle?
Yes, I can! I’m soo sorry this took so long and that it is soo shit like, honestly I’m sorry that you have to read this crap. Your poor eyes. I spent all day on it and did my best but it just hasnt come out the way I wanted. Anyway, great prompt just me a terrible writer, this is called “Overworked and unwilling to follow the rules.” I’ll also post this on my ff.net and ao3 accounts
“Pay attention to what’s going on around you. Civilian’sdon’t always do the smart thing and run, sometimes they stop and take picturesfirst, so you need to make sure you’re aware of any potential- Peter are youlistening to me?”
The teenager let out a small snort as he woke, arms flailinga little from where he hung upside down from a web in one of the training roomsin the Avengers compound.
Tony sighed. “Were you sleeping just now?”
The bright eyes of the mask narrowed, as he no doubt made avery guilty expression from under the fabric. “What? No, I’m listening to yourgreat advice!”
Tony wouldn’t have believed him anyway, but rolled his eyesas the kid incriminated himself even more, whispering to his suit. Tony rolledhis eyes. Peter was not as covert as he probably thought, and he could hearevery word.
“Hey Karen, what was he talking about? Never mind, I canjust go through the baby monitor footage later. Also, we need a better name forthat.”
Tony walked towards Peter, spinning him from his web withone finger as he frowned.
“If this is boring you, we can reschedule. Do you normallyfall asleep in class?”
Peter waved his arms about, trying to stop the spinning ashe defended himself, voice high. “No, I’m not bored! I’m just…I don’t know, I’vebeen tired lately.”
Tony’s glare softened a little, changing its tone from angryto concerned. He patted the teenagers side, nodding to himself.
“Okay, training’s done for the day, go have a nap and getsomething from the kitchen.”
He left, and Peter sighed, dropping down from his web as hesulked. He knew Tony was disappointed.
He really hadn’t meant to fall asleep, in fact, he loved histraining sessions, he just hadn’t had any energy recently. He had school duringthe weekday, with patrols afterwards, then the weekends were full of trainingwith the avengers. He loved it, but it may have been taking a toll on him.
Karen’s calm voice came to his ears, quiet and confused.“Why didn’t you tell him you are feeling unwell?”
Peter shook his head as he walked to his room. “I’m supposedto be training to be an Avenger, Karen. And Avengers don’t take sick days, badguys and aliens don’t stop just because I’m tired. I have to push through it,like they all would.”
He pulled his mask off before Karen could reply, and sat onhis bed. He really wanted to sleep, and Mr Stark had told him to, because hedidn’t usually get much sleep after patrols. But, the thought of taking a napwhile the others were training or doing important things, was just pathetic andhe quickly went to his desk to study instead.
He could barely concentrate, his brain feeling like a lump ofwet paper for…whatever reason. He had probably been pushing himself a bit toofar over the past weeks, and he knew it, but he meant what he’d said to Karen.He couldn’t take time off, he had to push through.
In the end, he didn’t have much time to himself anyway, asan alarm rang through the building and flashed on his suit. Peter slipped hismask back on and ran from the room as he spoke to his AI.
“Karen, what’s going on?”
Her voice rang through his ears, while Peter ran through thecompound, looking for the others. He found them in the ops room, where Tonytold him they gathered before missions.
“There has been an attack downtown, and the Avengers arerequired to take care of it. It seems to be caused by Aliens through anotheruniversal breach.”
Peter skid into the room, gaining the attention of Cap, whowas strapping on his gear, and he came over to pat the kid on the shoulder.
“You ready for this?”
Peter’s eyes went wide as he smiled beneath the mask. Hisfirst official mission with the Avengers. His voice was high and excited as hepractically bounced on his feet.
“Yes, Sir.”
Steve smiled and started giving orders to the rest of theteam, and Peter had never been so thrilled to be yelled at.
“We don’t know much about these creatures, and we won’tuntil Thor shows up. He’s been notified but he’s in a different realm rightnow, so it might be a while till he gets here. The area has already beenevacuated of civilian’s but remember to keep an eye out for each other, useyour coms, and stay focused.”
Peter squared his shoulders and followed them to the attacksight, more than ready to get to work.
It was different having team mates, rather than tacklingmissions on his own, but it was a good different, and he loved it. Thor arrivedafter a little while, and Peter laughed as the Asgardian gave another jovialbattle cry and launched himself at a group of aliens coming his way.
Caps voice came through the coms. “Spider-Man, I could useyour help with this herd over here, just be careful of their spikes, I thinkthey act like tasers.”
Peter hurried over to where he was called, thinking aboutall the things he had to tell Ned. His best friend would lose his mind if heknew what he was doing; so would his Aunt, but she would be less thrilled, infact, he made a mental note to keep her away from any news reports that hecould, so she wouldn’t see him in danger and go nuts.
Peter swung across buildings, to where Cap was taking on asizable group of aliens, ugly looking creatures with horns and spikes all overthem, like a stepped-on tiger combined with a rhinoceros and a rock.
They were so big and strong, they could take down wholebuildings in minutes, and it was hard work trying to stop them. Thankfully theywere pretty stupid too.
Cap called to Peter again, voice strained as he threw one ofthe aliens across the sky for Tony to catch and toss back in the portal.
“I could use some webs over here!”
Peter got quickly to work, running across the walls ofbuildings around him as he spun webs, to make a pen to trap the aliens in. Thorlaughed, loud and booming, making Peter smile.
“He can walk on walls!”
Peter tied off the last web and swung to one of the cornersas the other avengers went off to sort the other aliens, who had turned out tobe the intergalactic equivalent of very violent cattle. They couldn’t killthem, only send them back to their very apologetic owner.
The aliens weren’t as happy to be trapped, and one of themran towards him, slamming into his thin frame before he could move out of theway. Peter was glad he’d been away from the others when he was hit, so theydidn’t have to see him fly across the street, smashing through a glass storefront.
Cap had been right, the alien’s spikes carried an electriccharge, and he felt his entire body seize and shake as he landed on the floorof the electronics store. He groaned in pain as his body trembled, musclestensing and relaxing sporadically with the aftereffects of the taser spikes.
It was a good minute or two before it stopped, body feelingweak and shaky as he lay on the ground.
Karen’s voice was muffled to his ears but he could tell shewas concerned, or as concerned as an AI could be.
“Peter, are you, all right? I need you to respond, or I willhave to notify Mr Stark.”
The teenager struggled to sit up, as the last of thetwitching stopped, and ground out an answer from behind clenched teeth.
“I’m…ugh…I’m okay. Don’t tell him, anything.”
Everything was kind of fuzzy, the suit’s vision flickeringslightly from the surge of electricity that had coursed through it, and Peter’shead felt fuzzy.
But he knew he had to get up and get back to the fight, andhe attempted to get back to his feet, only to fall back to the ground amidstthe glass and broken phones, screaming out in pain.
Karen’s voice came back, too loud for Peters sore head. “Iadvise you to stay down and allow me to call for help. I have detected a displacedspiral fracture in your tibia shaft, and it can be quite serious. I have alsodetected a concussion, two cracked ribs, a stab wound, and multiple smallcontusions.”
Peter tried to breathe through the pain in his leg, heavyand agonising, making him feel a little nauseous as he lay on the ground.
“What stab wound?”
“On your left side, just below your ribs. I cannot tell howdeep it is, but you need to stop the bleeding. I advise calling Tony for help.”
Peter’s eyes just wanted to close, and he really felt likehaving a nap, but the sounds of battle were still going on and he needed to getup. He lifted one heavy hand to his side, quickly finding the wound, as bloodflowed down his side. It hurt like hell, and he lifted his head, to look down,only realising what had caused it when he saw the burnt suit pieces surroundingit. It must have been the taser spike, which would explain why it felt like itfelt like it was burnt.
“But if it had an electric charge wouldn’t that mean itwould have cauterised the wound and stopped the bleeding?” Peters voice wasstrained, as he tried to get a decent breath in.
Karen let out a hum, as if considering, as she flickedthrough medical files, trying to find a solution.
“Yes, but perhaps the wound is not solely caused by thespike. I cannot give adequate information about the wound, as my sensors over itwere destroyed when you were stabbed.”
Peter grunted in annoyance and pain, as he lifted his handonce more, to the wound, trying not to throw up as he slipped his fingersthrough the blood and torn pieces of suit to inspect the gash.
What else could be making it bleed if it wasn’t the spike?
And then he felt it; there was a shard of glass buried inhis side, blood pouring out from around it.
Peter suddenly felt very sick, and very afraid.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Shit.”
“Peter, what is it?”
His voice was shakier than before, and it was getting harderto breathe.
“There’s…there’s a piece of glass in there. It felt prettybig, and I don’t…I don’t know what to do.”
Karen searched her database again, as she spoke calmly.
“Everything will be all right, Peter.”
The teenager grunted, and let his head drop back to theground, hand pressing to the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
“You’re only saying that because you’re programmed to makeme feel better, you don’t even know if it’s true.”
Karen swiped through some more medical files. “Would youlike me to stop?”
Peter sucked in a shaky breath, trying not to cry. “No.”
He didn’t know what to do. It hurt so bad, everything hurt,and his injuries could be serious, so he knew he shouldn’t move. But, he’d seenCap keep going after some hard hits, and Natasha had once finished a missionwith three bullets in her shoulder.
They were always treating him like a kid, and he wanted toprove them wrong. He could keep going, he could do it.
“Karen, how fast do I usually heal from stuff like this?”
Her calm voice came once again, making Peter feel a littlemore in control.
“You’re accelerated healing should take care of the stabwound in a couple of hours, and your leg will heal in a few days. Your other,minor injuries, should be gone within the hour.”
Peter took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was tocome. “Thanks, Karen.”
He knew it probably wasn’t a good idea, but walking aroundwith glass inside him was worse, so he clenched his teeth, gripped the shard ofglass tight, and pulled.
It was agony, pulling it out while Karen yelled at him tostop. But he had to stop the bleeding if he wanted it to heal, and he couldn’tdo that with the glass still inside. He did his best to stay quiet but he couldn’thold back the scream of agony, and the hot tears that wet his mask, as hepulled the shard out.
He almost blacked out, vision swimming and Karen’s voicedipping in and out of his awareness. His heavy eyelids blinked open to inspectthe shard, voice slurring as he spoke.
“Fuck that’s big. Karen, give me a compression web.”
She complied, scolding him as he fired the web at his side,using it like a bandage over his wound.
“It is highly inadvisable to be moving, I will call forhelp.”
“No, don’t. It’s fine, I heal fast. By the time we finishwith these aliens and get back to the compound it will be gone. Now, I justneed a splint for my leg.”
Karen obviously didn’t want to help him go against medicaladvice, which she made very clear, but she brought up some new suit optionsanyway.
“Your suit has splint capabilities, for these sorts ofsituations. I can activate it now if you like, but it will hurt and does not,in anyway, make it safe for you to stand on your broken leg. This is to keep itin place till you find help, and should not be used as a quick fix, only aspartial treatment.”
Peter ignored her of course, throwing away the glass shardand massaging his temples to quell his headache as he replied. “Sure, let’s dothat.”
She had been right when she said it would hurt. The suitaround Peter’s leg began to stiffen and bulge a little, as it became less of afabric and more of a brace, keeping the bones in his leg from moving. It hurtlike hell, and Peter let out another cry of pain that left him panting anddizzy.
“God, today has suuucked.”
He’d felt like crap for the last few days, tired and slow,and now he was attempting to patch himself up in the middle of a battle, on thefloor of a smashed-up electronics store. At least it would be a cool story forNed.
A thought suddenly occurred to him. “Hey, Karen why hasn’tanyone said anything over the coms since I got knocked here? Is the battleover?”
“No, I have been blocking out their conversations so thatyou could concentrate, they think you are still rounding up the aliens outside.Would you like me to bring the coms back?”
Huh, that was considerate of her. “Yeah, thanks.”
He really didn’t want to get up, really didn’t want to move,but he had to get back to the fight. Cap was still giving orders through thecoms, and Tony annoying everyone by playing ACDC through his.
They sounded like they were having fun, now that they knewthe aliens weren’t invading, just accidently dropped on earth through a faultyportal. Man, aliens were weird.
Peter grit his teeth and fired a web to the ceiling, usingit to lift himself to his feet. He activated his coms while ignoring thespinning his head was doing.
“Aliens are all penned up on this end.”
Tony quickly replied, sounding out of breath from the fight.“Good job, kid. Hey, you were really quiet there for a while, you good? Youdidn’t go disappearing into any portals, did you?”
Peter tried to keep his voice steady as he carefully swunghimself out of the store, using his webs rather than walking on his bad leg,because hey, he sometimes did listen to Karen.
“Yeah, I’m good, need any help?”
Peter was beyond tired, like, get me to bed immediately or Iwill cry, tired; but he’d asked and so when Cap said yes, he went to help.
Thor was carrying one of the aliens on his back before hethrew it into the portal, and Peter swung over to them as they all herded thecreatures towards the rift in space.
But it was taking so long, and Peter wasn’t feeling anybetter. Usually, when he was hurt, he could feel himself getting stronger andthe pain going away until he was healed, which was usually pretty quick; but hedidn’t feel better, in fact he felt worse.
His head pounded, and his leg throbbed horribly, and god,his side hurt so badly he had to clench his teeth every time he moved, just sohe wouldn’t let out any noise.
Thankfully, no one seemed to notice that Peter was stayingoff his feet, choosing to instead swing from his webs or stick to the side of abuilding, but when the aliens were all gone, and they went back to thecompound, he couldn’t hide it.
The others wanted food, and the government wanted a reportof what happened, while the media wanted every scrap of story material theycould get their hands on, but Peter just wanted to sleep.
His vision was badly blurred, and his eyes kept closing oftheir own accord. Karen was still asking him if she could tell Tony about hisinjuries, but Peter couldn’t concentrate enough to formulate an answer andpulled his mask off so she’d stop talking.
He was trying to make it to his room, just trying to findsomewhere to lie down, but his head was spinning and he felt kind of sick. Itwas like his body couldn’t decide whether to throw up or pass out, so Peterjust tried to make it somewhere private before it could pick one.
There was so much noise in the kitchen, and adjoininglounge, that he thought he could slip out unnoticed, but Tony called out forhim anyway.
“Hey, nice job out there underoo’s, I think all that hardwork earns you some Pizza.”
Peter couldn’t even think about eating, and kept his headlow, waving a hand behind him in acknowledgment as he concentrated on walkingon his broken leg. He wanted to just swing to his room, but he was too tiredand that would be far too obvious.
Tony’s voice was more concerned now, because Peter’s mouthusually ran a mile a minute.
“Peter, hey are you, all right?”
He could practically feel everyone staring at him now, andknew that Tony was coming towards him, but everything was far away and fuzzyand he was pretty sure he was going to pass out any second.
Steve’s worried voice replaced Tony’s. “Is that blood?”
Peter’s body made a decision. His eyes rolled back into hishead and he fell limp, to the floor, landing heavily on his side as yells ofconcern echoed through the room.
“Call Bruce, now!”
Tony ran over to the kid, heart hammering in his chest as hewatched Peter crumple to the ground, like a puppet with no strings. Cap wasclose behind him as he landed on his knees next to the teenager and placed twofingers at his throat.
“His pulse is thready and he feels cold, I think he’s goinginto shock.”
Peter didn’t react at all, to the hands suddenly coveringhim; his eyes remained closed and his pale face was lax as Cap held him on hisside and pointed to the webbing stuck to his suit.
“Tony, he’s bleeding.”
The webbing had worked as a compress for a little while, butPeter hadn’t given his body any rest, or any chance to heal, and the blood hadbegun seeping from beneath the webs without him noticing.
Tony touched his fingers to the kid’s side, paling at theamount of blood smeared over him. “Friday, ask Karen what happened.”
The answer quickly came, everyone in the room listening inshock.
“He was electrocuted, and thrown through a shop window. Thealiens spike stabbed him, before he was stabbed again with broken glass. Healso sustained a concussion, two cracked ribs, which are now broken, and adisplaced spiral fracture of the left tibia shaft. Karen advised him to gethelp, but he insisted on continuing, so he tried to fix it himself. It doesn’tseem to be working, his vitals are dangerously low. Dr Banner is on his way.”
A few mumbles and curses were whispered at the long list ofinjuries, but Tony was silent. He felt sick.
“He just kept going on a leg like that?”
Tony couldn’t think, couldn’t move; his brain and body wasfrozen as he looked down at the limp form of the fifteen-year-old he’d broughtinto this mess.
Thankfully, Steve always seemed to be able to remain calm nomatter the situation, and he quickly pressed his hands to the still-bleedingwound.
“Tony, he heals fast, it’ll be okay. We just have to getthis bleeding stopped, and let him rest, and he’ll be fine.”
Fridays voice came again, from the speakers above them, asBruce sprinted into the room. “He has been bleeding for an hour now.”
Bruce knelt beside his patient, frowning from behind hisglasses. “He should have stopped bleeding by now.”
Tony began to panic a little. “What does that mean? Whyisn’t it stopping?”
Bruce leant over Peter, quickly assessing the kid, and liftingCaps hands long enough to slip gauze under them, before holding them to Peter’sside once more.
“I don’t know, but if he doesn’t start to improve we’ll havea big problem. He’s already going into shock; he’s lost a lot of blood, Tony.”
That didn’t help him calm down, and the others, gatheredclose around, became aware of this. Rhodey came up behind his friend and tookhis shoulders.
“How about we give them some space to work?”
But Tony didn’t want to leave, he knew it was the rightthing to do of course, but he couldn’t. He didn’t move, until Rhodey’s handswere replaced with Thor’s massive ones, and he was forcibly, but gently, pulledaway.
Cap looked up from where his hands were being stained red,and it was a look that said a million things at once. Things like, I’m sorryand, it’ll be okay, and worst of all…what if it’s not?
Thor wrapped his arms around Tony, pressing him to his giantchest in a hug that was surprisingly gentle for someone so strong. “Let themwork, Peter is strong, he will be okay.”
But Bruce didn’t look his usual calm self. Even whenworking, he usually had a collectiveness to him, that put Tony at ease, becauseDr Banner always knew what he was doing.
But now, Bruce was cursing under his breath, and frowningdown at his patient, and that told Tony that something was very wrong.
“Shit, it should be healing by now. It shouldn’t still bebleeding. I don’t know what’s happening.”
Thor slowly released Tony as he turned to the scientistcrouched next to Peter.
“What do you mean you don’t know what’s happening? Why isn’the healing?”
“I don’t know!”
Tony felt as if his heart had stopped. Peter was so pale, hewasn’t moving, and now he wasn’t healing. He should have kept a closer eye onhim, he should have been there, he should never have brought him into thismess.
Bruce started giving out orders as Tony tried to remember howto breathe.
“Get me a bed, so we can bring him to the med wing. Steve,keep pressure on that, Nat can you come keep his head still please?”
Everyone was rushing around, pulling a gurney in, andhanding things over. They moved so fast, Tony could only watch, unable to tearhis eyes away from Peter’s closed eyes and parted lips. He couldn’t even tellif he was breathing.
A collar was put around Peter’s neck, and a backboard slidunder him before he was lifted into the gurney and wheeled away.
Tony wanted to follow but there was a pool of blood on thefloor, where Peter had been laying, and his mask was left beside it. And hejust stared until Rhodes lead him to a chair and made him sit down.
It took a little while for Tony to come back to himself, forhis mind to snap back and remind him that Peter needed him.
“I need to go see him.”
Rhodes stood as he did, following him to the medbay, as hetried to convince him to do otherwise.
“Nat said she’d come back when she had news. I don’t thinkyou want to see Peter like that, Tony.”
But he wouldn’t be deterred, he just needed to know if hiskid was okay. They made it to the med-bay and Tony first saw Steve, hands andchest stained in red as he stared through the window to the room where Brucewas working on their youngest team member.
Cap turned when he heard them enter, immediately trying tostop Tony from coming any closer to the window.
“Tony, you can’t be in-“
“How is he?”
Cap and Rhodes exchanged a look, which was an answer enough.Finally, Steve sighed. “He was really weak, and he lost a lot of blood, butBruce has gotten it under control now. He’s just fixing his leg; it was prettybadly broken.”
Steve could see themoment Tony’s expression change, and interrupted before he could start.
“Don’t, Tony. It isn’t your fault. He’ll be fine.”
Tony shook his head already resigned to blaming himself, asif it were the only thing he knew how to do.
“I should have been looking out for him.”
The others didn’t try to talk him out of his guilt, becausethere was no point, Tony would blame himself and close people off and there wasn’tanything they could do to stop that. All they could do was be there with him asthey waited for Peter to come out of surgery.
Peter came through the surgery fine, and was happy to seethe whole team waiting for him when he woke. He hadn’t liked worrying them, butit was nice to know that his hero’s really did care for him.
Of course, after pulling a stunt like that, he was underclose watch and had a lot more rules to follow.
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
“It’s not babysitting, it’s like training, and I thought youliked going on missions with me?”
The teenager sighed grumpily as he picked at the cast on hisleg. He was so sick of wearing it, but Bruce had said it could come off in aweek.
“I do, but you’re only doing it because you think I can’ttake care of myself.”
Tony pushed Peters hands away from the cast, getting anothereye roll from him, as he replied.
“I’m doing it because-don’t touch that- you don’t seem to beable to do as you’re told. You could have died, all because you wore yourselfout so much that your speed healing was compromised, and then when you werehurt, you just carried on fighting. I know you thought you were doing the rightthing, but I have told you before not to lie to me about those things and youstill did it. It’s like I’m talking to myself sometimes.”
The teenager crossed his arms and slumped down in thehospital bed, he’d been staying in for the past three days. “That’s what AuntMay says.”
“Then why haven’t you learned to listen yet?” Tony ignoredthe sour expression from the kid and kept going with his lecture. “Bruce saidyou weren’t able to heal because you were sleep deprived and malnourished.Malnourished, Peter. Do you know how hard that is to achieve in New York citywith Tony Stark, a billionaire, as your mentor? You need to sleep and you needto eat more than others, to keep up with your metabolism. So, you now have acurfew of ten on school nights, and Avenger training is every second weekend sothat you have time to rest and relax. That means your rest weekend has nohomework, and no patrols, just Ned and some movies and spending time with yourAunt.”
Peter sat up in his bed, ready to protest once more. “What?!No, Avengers and no patrols?!”
“Peter, you pulled a shard of glass out of your side andsomehow thought it was okay to keep fighting! So, no! Until you learn how totake care of yourself, you have to follow the rules.”
“Why do you always have to have so many rules? Why do youhave to baby me so much?”
“Because I care about you Peter! I don’t want you to gethurt!”
Peters eyes widened and he sat back against his pillows,shocked. Tony just wanted the kid to understand.
“Do you know what it was like, seeing you drop like that? Ialmost had a heart attack, and Bruce was out of his mind with worry. Steverefused to leave your side, and Natasha wanted to go find that space farmer andkill the alien that hurt you. We were all so worried, Peter, and we can’t gothrough that again. So, I’m sorry that it frustrates you but these rules arethere to protect you. Do you understand?”
Peter nodded, all anger gone. “Yes, Mr Stark. I’m sorry.”
Tony nodded and sighed, exhausted. “Good. I don’t know whatI would do if I lost you, kid.”
Tony was well aware that he was becoming more dad-like everyday, and Peter made him feel so old and responsible; but he couldn’t help butlove the kid, and so, he didn’t mind at all.
 (Still trying to get all my prompts done so if you’ve sent me one I have it and I’m working on it and I love you guys please tell me what you think of this one? But please dont be too harsh i tried my best anyway love yaaall)
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