#my hands also got burnt to a crisp and my right hand hurts also
bitch-for-a-rainbow · 3 months
Zor-El's Return
Personally, I found Zor-El's acclimation to Earth a little unsatisfying, so here's a fic that's been sitting in my drafts for over a year.
The first thing Zor-El notices about this planet is that it is bright. Kara blinks in the sudden sunlight as well, so he brushes it off as just another change from the phantom zone. Zor-El has been to planets with different colored suns before: red, blue, and once, briefly, a planet orbiting a yellow sun. That planet had been so far from its star that there’d been no effects on his body (He’d also never gotten direct sunlight due to the need for constant atmospheric and temperature control.) In any case, his previous experience has yet to get rid of the wrongness he feels when he looks out on a planet without a red star. The sky is a color he thinks must be blue, but it’s so bright, so saturated, it hurts to look at. Kara has no trouble. She looks straight up into that blinding sky and beams.
The planet smells weird too. Slightly burnt. And tangy in a way that makes his nose itch. Kara inhales deeply, like there’s not enough air in the world to fill her lungs. Zor-El thinks this might have been justified because she’s just begun to exhale when the one with red hair— Alex, he remembers— starts pulling her inside to something called a sunbed. It restores her powers and helps her heal, the girl in the strange white and— blue?— jumpsuit explains. She says her name is Nia. He asks if he’s supposed to go to the sunbed too. Nia shrugs. Alex said that would be a bad idea— and she’s usually right about this stuff. A large man with dark skin and eyes a little more calculating than Zor-El is entirely comfortable with, explains further. Your powers can be disorienting. Kara has experience, so we can afford to recharge her quickly. It’s safer for you and for us if we let this go slowly. Over the next hour or so, Nia explains the powers he is to develop. Kara had given him a brief description in the Phantom Zone but had included none of the dramatic anecdotes of her heroic— or not so heroic feats. Zor-El supposes that using heat vision to crisp meat is as valid a use as any. He does have to ask for clarification as to what, exactly, a “turkey” is. Nia pulls up a photo on some device she was keeping in her back pocket. Zor-El thinks he preferred Earth before he learned about the turkey.
… His powers come in gradually— until they don’t. He can manage the slowly increasing strength with some concentration, but there is nothing he can do when Nia calls out, and he looks up to respond, and suddenly he’s looking at the inside of her skull. Zor-El yells, and others come into the room. He doesn’t know who they are— can’t identify them from their masses of bone and twisting ligaments. He tries to cover his eyes but the only thing telling him his hands are pressed against his face is the feeling of his nails digging into his forehead. He falls to his knees, and the floor cracks beneath him.  Someone is giving orders— a woman, her voice quiet but sharp— and then something heavy— something that would have been heavy an hour ago— drops over his head and shoulders. 
He can’t see. Zor-El is shaking— he knows he’s shaking, and his breaths are ragged. He doesn’t dare to take his hands away from his eyes or to shift the blanket that hangs over his body. The woman is talking to him now, voice much more gentle than it had been a minute ago. It’s alright, she says. It’s alright. 
That was your X-Ray vision. The blanket over you is lead-lined, so you can’t see through it. We’ve got some glasses that are like it. You can put them on when you feel up to it. Zor-El means to say he’s fine, that he’s going to take off the blanket, and to please hand him the glasses. But all that comes out of his mouth is a strangled grunt, which the woman seems to understand just as well. J’onn is getting them. We’ll just keep the blanket on for a little longer.  You’re doing good, she says. You’re doing so well. 
She keeps murmuring to him until heavy footfalls sound at the edge of the blanket, and they pull it off. He doesn’t have time to see their skinless bodies before a pair of slightly too small glasses are squished onto his face. He blinks, and Alex Danvers is peering down at him with more tenderness than he’s ever seen her give. I’m okay, he pants out. I’m okay. She nods, and the moment is gone. 
The noise doesn’t come as suddenly. It grows slowly, a building pulse in his ears that makes his teeth rattle. A vehicle crashes somewhere 4 streets over, and Zor-El puts his hand through a desk. J’onn and Alex glance at him but say nothing. Nia looks concerned. A man they all call Brainy remarks on needing to build tables out of a stronger alloy with all the “peoples of enhanced strength” around, and a woman over by the computers, he does not know her name— they have not been introduced— eyes him as he tries to stand the table back up. She has a strange look in her eyes, one he doesn’t understand. It makes his skin crawl.  … Earth is loud, harsh, and abrasive. The sounds dig at his ears, and every color seems to grate at his eyes. 
He tries to imagine being a child here.  He prays to Rao for forgiveness.  … Kara tells him of her failure to raise Kal-El. He does not forgive her for this. How could he ever have blamed her at all?
Sometimes, silently, he is glad of Kara’s delay. Glad that she had landed with her cousin already grown. Zor-El does not know these people who took in his nephew, these Kents. They’re good people, Kara had said, a never-ending refrain. They’re good people. He wonders if they would have been quite so willing to take in— to protect— the baby, if his daughter had been with it. His daughter and her more obvious… differences. 
He wonders why they didn’t take her in when she arrived. Martha was old, Kara says. And Jonathan dead. Besides, I came with unusual challenges.  … In the phantom zone, he had shrugged it off. Children do grow up, after all, and that place, it… changes people. 
But he knew it was more than that. 
He remembers his Kara. His Kara would flit about the room, like gravity lost its hold, like there was too much energy in her body, and she had to move, had to jump from person to person, bounce from experiment to experiment, mind whirling a hundred miles an hour. 
This Kara is still. She does move a little, still bounces and skips more than any of the others he has met— but her movements have a forced weight now, each step as careful and precise as it is buoyant. 
She doesn’t experiment anymore either.  … When Kara had told him of her arrival on Earth, she had not mentioned Fort Rozz. When one of her friends finally mentions it offhand, she goes stiff, and turns her face from his. When he does catch a glimpse of her expression, it is twisted with shame. Zor-El is not sure whether it is aimed at herself or at him.
Alex stares at him often— and doesn’t look away when he notices. Her eyes are cold and hard. She reminds him uncomfortably of Astra, especially when Kara is there, soaking up her attention, and the ice in Alex' eyes just begins to melt. Then she looks at him again and all the warmth is sucked from the room. Looking into her eyes, he sees hatred. Kara notices. She says nothing. Her eyes are colder than they used to be too.
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23 February 2024
(Mick took notes this session)
DM: talking about a creature watching us from the shadows Georgie: is it Shia Le Bouf
Zain: *mumbles something* DM: what was that about prostitutes?
Arora BOARialous
We cast speak with animals on the boar staring at us The boar has run away Mick guessed that it was a wild-shaped druid, Alex does not confirm
We try following the "boar" and come across the logging camp
Sand ants, giant fucking sand ants, apparently called ank heads or something??
Mick asked if they were the same size as a wyvern. They are
Tibor Wester is a pacifist
Juniper accidentally mentioned burning down the buildings at the camp
The lumberjacks are all pussy
The burning of Gnomengarde is still on the table
"Ahhhh I wanna commit arson"
The ank heads spit venom
Juniper attempts to climb into the cabi
"Really?? Right in front of my jellybeans???" - in response to Mick and Georgie joking about knotting
Saying graphic depictions of spaghettification three times fast
We are now in combat
Tibor has a mistress
We traumatise Alex further (jokes about it not being water coming out of the tap)
Iphigenia tried pushing the desk out of the way, it fails
Juniper goes to push the desk out of the way, but ends up hurting herself instead. Alex said that Juniper stubbed their toe. Juniper is a satyr, they don't have toes
Riverlea also couldn't push the desk out the way
The ank head fails at chomping Raven
"First scimitar - oh fuck it's a nat 1"
The desk is still in the way
Georgie smashes the desk They had to roll damage It now has a hole in it
"That is mahogany"
Raven just took 13 acid damage
Raven has done some damage back to the ank head
We are free to leave the office
Tibor fucked off
Iphigenia is a master forger
"Fuck you. Literally" Mick to Zain as Zain is standing in front of the ank head. They thought I meant literal fucking so we had a good laugh
Riverlea slides under Raven's legs and casts burning hands
Georgie aggressively rolled their dice and did 12 fire damage
"Everything screams like the fucking gummy bear" -Lara
"You are prone being under Raven's legs" Alex to Georgie
Riverlea just got chomped by the Ank head
"You're going to fucking die" sad Riverlea noises
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Riverlea just took 33 damage total. The polycule is barely holding on
"That was uncomfortably close to your groin"
Raven threw Riverlea back into the office and then proceeded to decapitate the Ank head
Raven is now Wally West crossed with Geralt of Rivia
Scaring Alex is becoming a reoccurring theme
Tibor is on the cart of supplies
Raven aims a crossbow at Tibor
Zain rolled a 10, it tied, Tibor is hit with a crossbow and takes 11 damage
Tibor is fucking dead
We are burning the evidence that we killed Tibor
We proceed to burn the camp to the ground
There are 3 more killer ants
"I like your funny words magic man" - Mick, Georgie, and Zain
Juniper has somehow survived this long and idk how
"I have a character called Orpheus" "Its Orphen time"
DM.exe not working again
Raven and Riverlea are going back to the cart
Juniper took 12 damage
Iphigenia did 14 damage to an Ank head
One Ank head is dead, the other is on fire
Juniper takes 4 damage
Iphigenia cast magic missile
Riverlea is going for the head
It failed
"Touch the grass"
Ank head 2 is dead. Juniper burnt it into a crisp
Lara casts magic missile again, and it misses
Mick is just casting burning hands
Iphigenia cast fire bolt
The ank head is disengaging
We are still killing it
The ank head is dead
The logging camp has been burnt to the ground
Off-screen they give the supplies to an orphanage in Neverwinter and then go back to Phandalin
Tune in next week for the mid-season finale
And we level up to level 5 as well
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thequietmanno1 · 11 months
Thelreads, MHA 271, Replies Part 2
1) “Ah, I see, since Dabi overheats like his papa after throwing a fire tornado down a narrow street towards a highly-mobile flying villain, Hawks knows that the best time to escape is right after he attacks, because that means that he’ll need time to cooldown and send another move.
They have a short window, they`ll have to take it the first chance they get.”- Unfortunately, Dabi is also smart enough to fake how much gas he’s got in the tank for a final blow. Despite their efforts, it was blind luck that saved them in the end, because Dabi is both powerful and smart enough in how he uses this power to cause maximum damage for the heroes. 2) “OH MY GOOD THE POOR SHADOW
TOKOYAMI YOU MONSTER, YOU`RE HURTING THE POOR SHADOW DEMON”-Well, he needs an angle of leverage to try and get out of Dabi’s so-far linear fire blasts, so tarzan-swinging to the floor below seems to be the safe bet. Shame Dabi hid his full cards until he was in prime positon to play a devastating hand to utterly corner them. 3) “Also, that`s a nice understatement there, a bump, you fucking fell on top of him. Not that I blame you for that, but c'mon Tokoyami, at least admit to it”- He’s also still got a badly-burnt foot, which didn’t help his landing attempts much. 4) “AH FOR FUCK`S SAKE
FUCK FUCK- FAT, ARE YOU THERE YET? WE KINDA NEED A FLESH SHIELD RIGHT NOW, YOU KNOW? PRETTY PLEASE?”- If that heat was enough to crisp his skin, even with the weak fire-resistance he’s got, then it wouldn’t have mattered, Dabi’s flames would have melted through Fat, Tokoyami, and the building behind them. He really wanted them dead. 5) “OH IT WASN`T A HERO IT WAS ACTUALLY GETTEN-“- Given the series’ themes of unity and teamwork, it’s karmically appropriate that what cost Dabi the perfect victory he was set up to achieve was his own refusal to cooperate with others, resulting in his teammate unleashing a massive attack to try and turn the situation around for his ‘side’ and allowing his cornered targets to flee – and Dabi doesn’t even really seem to care or appreciate the lesson inherent to that. He is many things, but he is not a teamplayer. 6) “At this point it`s being more a battle of attrition, and you`re actually playing into their hands regardless. They have the advantage, the high ground, they can just keep slowly pushing you all back until you succumb. There`s no escape from them if you keep a single and focused front. Diminishing their numeric advantage is not gonna work when they have a lot of crowd control to push back, this is not the goddamn 300.”- True but, Genten is not a large-scale leader like Re-Destro, capable of overseeing a massive organisation. With his leader locked down in the depths, he’s doing the best he can to make sure things aren’t a completely hopeless fight for them, to try and avoid their side getting utterly crushed before they even get started. It might not be the most strategic choice, but, unlike Dabi he is at least trying to keep his allies alive and in the fight. 7) “No Tokoyami, his hands are dirty, that much there is no denying. He did what he had to, there was no other option there unfortunately.
It was right thing to do, but unfortunately that doesn`t mean that it was the good thing to do. He killed to stop more deaths, but that doesn`t mean he won`t regret this forever.”- War is not a place for those with moral standards. It’s a good thing Tokoyami knows hawks enough to know he wouldn’t have done that without a reason, but it still doesn’t change the fact he took a life- and the life of a man who really deserved a second change, but was denied that by the machinations of fate and his manipulative teammate. At the very least, Hawks will regret Twice’s passing far more than Dabi, which is just a cruel irony all told. 8) “Oh that doesn`t sound good to them, what happened? The heroes kept those people isolated, have them opened an entrance to neutralize them with some quirk like midnight`s one?”- Well, it’s technically not really great for anybody, given how single-minded machia’s proven in trying to follow his master’s orders… 9) “FUCKFUCKFUCK
JESUS FUCK NO”- So, one battlefields got an unstoppable opponent lurking in the depths, and I think the other one is starting to stir over here as well…. 10) “Still, it seems like Dabi`s words have shaken him a bit. Tokoyami was firm on that ideal of the noble, pious hero, and above that, he believed Hawks, the hero he admired the most and who trained him, to be such an example, but now he found out that wasn`t true. Hawks did kill Twice, we can argue that wasn`t something a hero should do, but in the end he didn`t had a choice, it was that or everyone would die. It was horrible, we wish that didn`t happened, but it did, and there`s no going back.
His world certainly got rocked with that revelation. I do believe he will bounce back, but by god, this broken pedestal won`t be fixed so easily. And that`s not even getting on how Hawk`s back got obliterated, and he won`t be able to grow any more feathers.”- It wasn’t enough for Dabi to destroy Hawks mentally in the battle, he even seemed to purposely burn his back specifically to destroy the source of his feathers before trying to kill him, almost as if he wanted to thoroughly eradicate all chances of Hawks the hero ever recovering from this even if he survived. More than anything, Dabi’s treatment of Hawks and Twice shows that he’s got a mean sadistic streak in him lurking underneath his cold exterior, and now he’s finally heating up enough to let it show… @thelreads
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Living with what you’ve done
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Ok so I started writing the 100 special but then I got to 120!?! Wtf when did this happen?
Though I would like to thank each follower personally I have social anxiety and would rather not randomly message strangers following me. Here is my public thank you!
Idk what I did while writing this but it seems I managed to copy-paste the beginning four seperate times. This brought the word count up to 5.9k but it is now edited and brought down to 2.3k
Inspired by my friend @deltaxxk who loves angst and told me I have to write a follower special
Other prompts used: One, Two
Also! There are movie references within this fic, if you get them all you get a virtual lollipop 🍭
Warings: blood, fire, death (+graphic descriptions of dying), injuries, grief, human trafficking and mentions of psychopathy
“Robin we’re out of time! We must leave, we’re out of time!” Her yo-yo strained with tension as she swung into a goon, sending their body flying away from her team.
They had gotten a lead on a meta trafficking ring that involved some of the Gotham elite’s children disappearing. The lead brought them to the dock, GothDrill’s warehouse sat just off to the right. Its fluorescent lights signifying signs of life, Marinette knew most weren’t there willingly.
“Make more time!” He snapped back. Ladybug fumble slightly before regaining her footing, she wasn’t expecting the coldness in his tone.
She jumped back into the fray and watched from the corner of her eye Damian take on four goons by himself. She stifled a sigh before punching the man in front of her square on his jaw, ‘must he always prove himself when he has already?’ Damian edged himself closer to the garage doorway of the shed before disappearing into the building.
Focus her attention back on the battle around her, she saw Red Hood downed under a steel beam. She rushed over, and with her enhanced miraculous strength to lift the offending metal. He groaned with pain, the beam had pinned his legs, forcing him to lay stomach down. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, supporting the majority of his weight to get him to his feet. Pain throbbed in his left leg and they stumbled onto the dock to hide behind down GothDrill crates.
Ripping the seams of his pant leg, she revealed a dark purple bruise that was rapidly spreading. She also discovered the beam had broken his femur and shattered his kneecap, how he wasn’t screaming in pain was beyond her. Pink light danced between her fingers before drifting down to his wound. Jason bit his hand to prevent any cries from leaving his mouth. He didn’t want another confrontation in his state.
The sound reached her before the light did. Jason panted as he looked up to see what distracted her from his healing. Reflections of orange and yellows dancing across her cerulean eyes. “Damian.” She whispered frozen stock still.
Something within her very core snapped and cardinal urges overtook her common sense. Shooting up like a bullet she sprinted towards the blazing inferno, her ears numb to the world around her.
Inside was worse than the burning exterior. She could see where the explosion originated from, big barrels of flammable chemicals blazed white with heat. The smoke and burning chemical gases penetrated her airways, coughs racked her chest.
She could see flames running up the walls and the lit barrels but the rest was black. The smoke was a blanket of darkness that wrapped around her.
And then she heard it. The screaming.
Multiple voices, so raw with pain, masculine and feminine, old and young. Running towards it she hoped to spot Damian but luck wasn’t on her side. Instead she found the trafficked civilians, their bodies red with burns with their hair and clothes set ablaze.
She ran full speed at the wall nearby, shattering the melted bolts. The fire blazed brighter at the new source of oxygen. She directed the victims out, the dove towards the water. The goons had fled during the initial explosion leaving the Batfam free to help.
She looked down at the bodies of those who didn’t survive. Some were burned beyond recognition, she kept looking, scouring for Damian.
She heard Red Robin calling her name, she looked up to see the scaffolding holding the roof breaking apart and falling to where she stood. She felt her body tackled out of the way and another thunderous crash hit the floor.
She was dragged outside and placed into the care of a newly arrived ambulance. Her eyes, red from the smoke and ash, looked out the back door of the vehicle. Firefighters and police had arrived on scene along with news reporters and the public. Families of the trafficked were reunited with their lost love ones and others mourned their deceased. Red Robin stood there, watching her.
“You can’t just follow me into fire.” She croaked to him, her oxygen mask muffling her.
The whites of his black cowl narrowed and his fists clenched. “Then don't run into fire,” he growled at her before walking off.
Her body moved without thinking, removing her oxygen mask against the protests of the paramedics. Ladybug reassured them she’ll be alright and that they should help the others who were more injured than she. She walked back towards the building but the black-clad figure of Batman stopped her stride.
“You’re not using your cure.” He stated. Her eyes widened, the cure could save his missing son, save the trafficked from their injuries and deaths. Who was he to deny the will of a god’s favoured?
Using the cure in Gotham was always straining and the Batfam knew that. On multiple smaller occasions, she was prevented from using it due to the amount of damage and crime being reverse causing serious health concerns they observed in Marinette. But she never thought it would also be denied on an occasion like this.
“I have to! Robin cou—“
“No, you could die.” He cut her off, her foggy mind becoming more enraged.
“And he could live!”
Without a reply he injected her neck with a sedative, her body collapsed from the drugs and exhaustion. The world going dark around her.
Three days after
Her blaring phone distracted her from her dissociative state. She was staring lifelessly at her TV, she could say what happened in the show even if her life depended on it. She scrambled to her phone, Dick’s name lit up the screen.
She accepted the call, answer with a hoarse “hello?”
“Marinette? Are you able to make it over we have some things to tell you.”
Her breath caught in her throat. Pressing her phone to her ear with her shoulder she ran around her apartment, grabbing her keys, shoes and jacket. Rushing out the door she rapidly fired questions at him, “What is it? Did you find him? Is he there?” All of which were answered with silence.
“It’s best that we discuss this when you get to the manor.” And with that, he hung up. The click seemed to echo in her car, even though she knew it didn’t. Driving towards the outskirts of Gotham where Wayne manor resided, she felt a spark of hope rekindle in her chest. Although Dick didn’t give her much to go on she still hoped they found him and everything could go back to how it was.
Fate wasn’t merciful to the naive it seems.
Her world shattered around her as she saw the crisped cape on the table. The smell of burnt blood permeated the room. Her eyes stayed locked onto the cloth as she spoke, “But this is only his cape, not his body. He still could be alive somewhere! He is injured and hurt and we have to find him!”
No one spoke. Their eyes flicked to one another.
Jason limped in her direction, his crutch clicking against the stone flooring. He placed a heavy hand on her shoulder, his eyes brimming with unshed emotions. “The cape was found with the body, everything else was unsalvageable except the cape.”
A silent “we’ve found him, just not how we wanted,” resounded throughout her being.
She glared at Bruce, “He could be alive if you didn’t stop me! I could have saved him!” She lashed out, tears pouring down her cheeks.
“And we would have been having this exact conversation with Damian about why we didn’t stop you. The best outcome for this situation was you living.”
“No the best outcome was both of us being given a chance at survival” Marinette screamed at him, his face was emotionless. How could he be so uncaring to the fact of his youngest son dying?
Running out of the Batcave and manor she gasped at the cold night air. A sob escaped her mouth. Her head banged against her steering wheel, tears dripping onto her pyjama pants. There was no way she’d be able to sleep tonight.
Twelve days after
Fire danced in her peripheral. A medley of bright oranges and golden yellows. She remembered the times when the two of them would watch the sunset in silence, sipping on hot chocolate and green tea. This blazing inferno was different. Its colours more violent and foreboding.
The screams. They were different from the ones she heard that night. They were his screams.
She saw her body encased within his burnt arms. Damian was little more than a burnt corpse, his eyes blazed green and his bone was replaced with metal pipes. The cure resurrected him but he was not wholly there anymore.
She awoke screaming. Not in control enough to remember she had neighbours; mentally pleading that they’d understand. They knew of his disappearance but not of his death. She was still heavily in denial.
She isolated herself away from everyone, afraid she would hurt anyone else that got close. She couldn’t stop wanting to hurt Bruce for making her unable to use her cure or the goons for setting the place alight and killing her fiancé. She wanted to go scorched earth.
She snuggled into his pillowcase, his faint scent of honey was still present. She willed herself to fall back asleep, his scent surrounding her. His pillow, his shirt, his ring; but she was missing him.
Two hundred and eighty-seven days after
Red trickled down her finger. It took her a moment to move the fabric away from the dripping blood source but managed to before it stained. It had been years since she had pricked her finger with a needle, but her subconscious must have needed to feel something; even if it was pain.
She looked around at her juvenile pink room. She had moved back into her parents six months after Damian’s death. Three months into her stay and she still had most of her belongings in boxes. The only decorations in the room were scattered commissions and a wooden blanket.
Looking down at the puddle of blood that was growing on her white desk she wonders if Damian bled before the fire cauterised his wounds. She had researched that burning to death was one of the most painful ways to die, it takes hours, each nerve ending burning. The burn victim usually passes out after a few minutes but she could imagine Damian desperately trying to put himself out, only to find more fire encompassing him.
His cape was bloody so she hopes he bled rather than burned. Or maybe he was crushed by the falling roof and killed instantly. She hoped he didn’t suffer for long.
Similar intrusive thoughts plagued her mind constantly but she kept her focus on her art to push through the days. Gazing down at the wound she found Tikki had held her and Wayzz had wiped the puddle with tissues.
Today she’ll live for them. Tomorrow she might live to try her father’s new recipe of cinnamon macarons. Last Tuesday she lived to hear Luka’s new song. Next month she might live just to pat the stray kitten that lives in the alley behind the Chinese restaurant two streets over.
Five hundred and twenty days after
She froze at the sight before her. Thinking it was another hallucination or she was having another nightmare. “You thought,” The glass in her hand cracked under her grip. Her brain couldn’t process what was happening. She hasn’t disassociated this much since the day he ‘died’.” That by faking your death, you could find out who you could rely on?”
“TT, yes. Now that I know everything can go back to the way it was.” She swigged her glass again, wishing it were whiskey instead of water. When they had met, Jon and his family had warned her that he was severely emotional constipated from his upbringing but this was in the psychopathic area of emotionless.
“What?” His shock almost seems real. His eyes had widened and his body language was unsteady.
“No, we aren’t done talking about this! How ignorant do you have to be to think this won’t affect our relationship? Won’t affect me?”
“It wasn’t real. I’m here.” He stepped forward, arms rising to hug her. He never was one for physical contact. She pulled back, grabbing a steak knife and placing it between them. He told her he had set the place aflame. He found the lead for the trafficking ring. He planned it all. And now he was back, almost a year and a half later.
“That doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt! I’m going to have nightmares for the rest of my life! How selfish, how, how stupid do you have to be to not consider what it does to someone who cared about you?!”
“Do I need to spell it out? We’re done. I don’t want to see you ever again,” She seethed. “You think everything can go back to how it was before? Well, it can’t. I spent months of my life mourning over a guy who wasn’t even dead. Who didn’t even care about me enough not to toy with my emotions. My life isn’t a game Damian!”
“I only did this because I thought—”
“I don’t care. Get out. Out of my house. Out of my life. Just get out.”
“I didn’t intend to hurt you, I just wanted to know.” Hot, rage-filled tears ran down her cheeks. She jabbed the knife at him, stopping inches before his chest. She had backed him down the stair and to the front door. Neither of her parents were home and he was more unpredictable than ever.
“I hope you can live with what you’ve done, le miel”
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xx-narcissa · 3 years
Can’t Wait Any Longer
warnings: kidnapping, poisoning, noncon
a/n: i wasn’t comfortable with full on smut right now, i’m still easing into it. but i hope that this was written to your liking!
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Female!Avenger!Reader
request: “We can have dark! r x nat where r is an avenger and is in love with nat but nat never pays attention to her, so r decides to kidnap her maybe with some smut only if you feel comfortable.”
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(not my gif)
Your blood boiled as you watched the scene in front of you. Bruce kissing her hand in front of everybody with no shame. He should be ashamed. That was your hand to kiss and he was just all on it! And she let him. Giggling and blushing like a middle school girl getting a love note from her crush.
“Aw. Young love.” Tony chuckled and took a big sip of his beer. You wanted to smack the glass bottle out of his hands for that comment. “Better enjoy it while it lasts, Bruce.”
Yeah. He better enjoy it. Because you’re going to make it your mission to take her back. Although you never really had her in the first place. But she’s yours. Bruce doesn’t deserve her. Nobody deserves her. Because they could never give her what you can. They could never love her like you do. She just doesn’t see that. Always brushing you off to the side.
It was a mission in Canada, so naturally it was pretty cold. And seeing as it was the middle of January, it was very cold. You offered her your jacket. “No, you keep it. I’m fine.” Even when you insisted, she turned you down. Yet later you see her casually sporting Steve’s jacket. What’s up with that? You wanted to confront her. What did his jacket have that yours didn’t? But Wanda assured you it wasn’t a big deal. And that’s not even the only time she’s done something like that. You and her were in the kitchen after a mission, and she complained about her shoulders being sore. So you offered to massage them, claiming you know a really good way to relieve tension. You didn’t. But it was just an excuse to be able to feel her. She turned you down. Then later she’s bragging to Wanda about how good Tony is at massages. What was so special about him? Nothing! But it seemed like Natasha would stop at nothing to push you away.
You don’t even know what you did to deserve that kind of treatment. Sure, you flirt with her a lot. But it’s never to a creepy extent. Just casual compliments and offering to do her favors. If she wasn’t into you, she could just turn you down using her words and then maybe you’d back off. But instead she was playing hard to get.
And that only made you want her more.
There was a mission today. A two person mission. You and Natasha. This would be a perfect chance for the two of you to get closer. It’s a week long stakeout. Usually you don’t like stakeouts, since you feel it’s a waste of your powers. You can literally summon fire with your hands and not get burnt and they want you to watch a building? How boring. But since it’s with Natasha, you won’t complain. Alone time with her is a reward in its own. And it gives you a chance to finally execute the plan you’ve been working on for weeks.
“Guess this is where we’re staying for the next week.” You sighed as the two of you entered the little apartment. The wallpaper was moldy and peeling, there were roaches crawling around, and it smelled like 50 diseased rats died in there.
She gagged and put her bag on top of the counter. “Well let’s just try to get this done quickly, so that we don’t have to spend any extra time here. It’s disgusting.”
Nodding in agreement, you continued to explore the apartment. There was only one bedroom with only one bed, so you made a mental note to let her sleep there, since it looked cleaner than the couch. The shower was just as disgusting as the main room, but you brought shower shoes so you could live with it. After your quick tour, you met back up with Natasha in the main room, where she was going through her bag.
“I’ll take the couch. You can have the bed.” You offered and sat down on the counter.
“Are you sure? That’s nice but I don’t want to take it all for myself. We could alternate if you want.”
“No, it’s fine. And trust me, the bed is way cleaner so if I were you I’d just take it.” You snapped. She flinched, and you knew you took it a bit too far. It’s just annoying when she constantly declines your offers when you’re just trying to be nice and make her comfortable. “Sorry. Just…yeah. You take the bed, I’ll go check the perimeter and see if there’s anything to eat nearby.”
After your perimeter check you picked up some sandwiches at the small subway they had down the street and brought them back up to the apartment. “Thanks, I’m starving.” She sighed happily when you walked in with food. To be honest, being back in that nasty apartment killed your appetite a bit, but you hadn’t eaten all day so you sucked it up and ate.
The two of you ate and got to talk a bit, getting to know each other some more. Well, she got to know you. But you already knew plenty about her. You’re just a good listener like that. The most important thing was that she was starting to trust you more, which would be a key part in putting your plan into motion.
Once you guys finished your mission and got all the information you needed, you still had a day to spare. So you decided you’d stay and just not tell them you were done yet, so you can get a little vacation, even if it is in a dingy, dirty apartment. It was your last morning there, so you wanted to surprise Natasha with some homemade breakfast. Special recipe.
“Good morning! You want pancakes?” She thought for a second before nodding. Great, she took the offer with none of her usual resistance. You placed some pancakes on a plate and gave her a glass of orange juice. “Tell me if you like it.” You smiled and sat down next to her to watch her eat. She ate the first bite cautiously, then ate the rest rather quickly.
After drinking all the juice, she slammed the cup onto the table. “Those were the best pancakes I’ve ever had.”
“Well, you know, I could always make you more.” You smiled and ran your fingers up her arm. And she smiled back. That’s a win in your eyes.
“I think I’ll have to take you up on that offer. But I’m pretty full right now. So, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go take a quick nap.”
You waved her off and then put the dishes in the sink. Everything was falling into place and you couldn’t be happier.
When her eyes opened, she didn’t know what was going on or where she was. It seemed like some abandoned factory by the looks of it. Her clothes didn’t belong to her. And she couldn’t even get up to look around, seeing as she was tied up on the floor.
In the shadows, she saw something moving. Maybe it would be her captor. And she could kick their ass and escape.
“Oh, you’re up! Great.” Her heart and her mouth dropped at the voice. “Sorry about the location. Couldn’t find anywhere comfortable on such short notice.”
She looked up at you with tears forming in her eyes. “What’s going on, why are you doing this? Are you being brainwashed or something?”
You laughed at her stupid questions. “What ever do you mean? This is all me, Natasha. I’m sorry to have to do this, but you brought it onto yourself. You could’ve had this.” You motioned towards yourself and got closer to her. “But no. You wanted to toy with me. Play hard to get. Pretend you don’t want me and then flirt with everyone else right in front of my face. Well I’m done playing those games. So no more playful flirting. I’m taking what’s mine.”
“You’re sick. I swear, I’m not to get out of here and then I’m going to kill you! Slowly and painfully.” She screamed and squirmed around in her restraints.
All her struggling was amusing to you. It gave you a good laugh. “I know you’re a trained assassin, but it’s not like you have superpowers. Without a gun you really pose no threat to me. Hell, if I’m not careful I could kill you right now.” Your hands ignited, displaying your pyrokinesis, just in case she had forgotten that you could burn her to a crisp whenever you would like.
It worked, because she shut up. She looked down at the ground in silence, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Oh, cheer up. Once your spirit is broken down enough and I know you won’t try anything funny, I’ll untie you and we can leave and live a happy life together. I might hurt you, but it’s just because I love you. I love you so much and it hurts me when you flirt with other people. So once you’re as loyal as I am, then we’ll get out of this smelly place. Okay?”
She didn’t say anything. She didn’t do anything. That angered you. So you slapped her in her face. The force being enough to topple her over. And that wasn’t even the hardest you could’ve hit her. “Answer me, bitch!” You yelled and got close to her face, probably getting some spit on her but you didn’t care. “Do you understand me?”
She nodded frantically and tried to move away from you. So you let her squirm for a second before pulling her back. Seeing the Black Widow shaking in fear really turned you on. You needed to see her. To feel her.
“You know, you should thank me. I changed your clothes and I didn’t even touch you down there. I restrained myself.” You grabbed her hips and dug your nails into them, pulling her closer. “Mainly because I want to hear you when I fuck you. I want to see what your pretty little face looks like when you’re all filled up. But also because I’m decent. So, yeah, you’re welcome.”
You closed the gap between you two and your lips collided with hers. For you it was heaven. It was erotic and steamy and everything you’ve ever wished for. But for her it was a completely different story. It was hell. Sloppy, painful, and lacking any true feelings. Even if she wasn’t kissing you back, you still enjoyed yourself. Your hands went underneath the shirt you gave her, cupping her braless breasts. She involuntarily leaned into your touch, moaning softly, allowing you to slide your tongue into her. Your hand slid down, cupping her heat through her panties, feeling the wetness of her arousal. “See? You’re enjoying yourself,” You pulled away from the kiss to say. You kissed down her neck, biting and leaving marks. She hated how her body betrayed her and got turned on. But there wasn’t anything she could do about it. You were in control.
And she hated the feeling of emptiness she felt when you stopped and stood back up, leaving her still on the ground. “Yeah. We’re gonna have so much fun. Not yet, but soon. Until then, I’ll be back. I’m going to go get some food. You stay here.” You laughed at your own sentence, “Get it? It’s funny ‘cause you can’t go anywhere!” You continued to laugh until you had left the warehouse, leaving her alone and confused.
You were gone for probably two hours. But to Natasha it felt like days. The whole time she was looking for a way out, yet there was nothing. You were thorough with this place, making sure there wasn’t anything sharp she could reach to cut the rope, or anything she could climb on to get out through one of the windows.
When you came back, Natasha was curled into a ball silently crying. “Cheer up. I got you some food from this nice ramen place. Maybe I can take you there one day.” You put the food down on the floor in front of her and even gave her some water.
“You know, they’re going to wonder why I never came back. And then they’re going to find me and kill you! Pervert!” She spat. Instead of arguing back like she wanted you to, you laughed and walked away, leaving her alone to eat. The rest of the day she sat there thinking about how alone and scared she was. She didn’t know if she’d ever see her family again.
You won. This time.
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fandomdumpsterfires · 3 years
*Insert a cool title cuz head empty*
Of all the things kyle expected to go though, becoming a rider was the most unexpected. He was most deffinately against it at first, saying that he didn't know shit about what riders do, and his flying monstie lessons with philip and their bazelgeuse were...well..something.
Yet, of course, philip insisted that kyle should become a rider, even letting them use their old kinship stone since they couldn't exactly get one from the chief due to not being part of the village.
Then came the point where he got his first monstie...which he was quite nervous about, as egg quests always ended in him getting egg yolk all stuck up in his hair or getting nearly burnt to a crisp by an angry rathian, but philip let him know that he'd deal with any angry monster that got in their way.
And now, one day later, kyle had his first monstie.
Who was...nothing like his expectations.
Kyle had picked the egg he 'felt a connection to', as philip explained it, so he chose an egg that was light blue with darker blue stripes, and believe his suprise when he found out it was an azure rathalos egg.
Kyle's original expectations for an azure rathalos monstie were a serious and loyal flying wyvern that would burn down everything that got in their path, striking fear into even the deviants and elder dragons with a single glare.
Once it hatched though...all those expectations crumbled into ash, because he swore this azure rathalos was really a yian-kut-ku trapped in a flying wyvern's body.
The azure rathalos was running all over the place, an energy kyle would expect from a hatchling, not a fully grown monstie, which was another thing that suprised him; monsties reaching adult hood in just a Single Day! And it didn't help that he had witnessed this growth spurt while he was asleep..one moment he had a small rathalos curled up on his chest, the next moment he could barely breathe from the huge wyvern laying right on top of him.
Ratha let out an irritated snort as kyle's monstie hopped off of their head and onto their back, attempting to pounce on their tail until the older rathalos had enough, giving them a warning snarl and getting them to finally stop. Well..stop jumping on him, they still ran around a lot-
Philip giggled as he watched kyle's monstie play around before looking over to the hunter-turned-rider beside him, who looked just as irritated as ratha "c'mon kyle, chin up! Sure he probaply isn't what you expected, but atleast you got your first monstie." They said "the least you could do is give them a name."
Kyle listened to philip and sighed, right, he still had yet to name this hyper little lizard... "fine...i'll call them razzar." He replied, and right when he said his monstie's name, they came running right over, jumping on their rider and licking his face, tail wagging like a hyper palamute "ack- get off of me you slobbering reptile-!!" Kyle groaned, struggling to push the azure rathalo's snout away, his face going red as he heard phillip giggling at his expense "th-this is not funny in the slightest!!!"
Philip did his best to stiffle his laughter, kyle finally managing to push razzar off, the rathalos watching as their rider stood up and whiped away the immense amount of slobber covering their face, no longer seeming to be as hyper as thry let out a small whine, most likely hurt by being called a 'slobbering reptile'.
Kyle looked down at his suddenly sad monstie and huffed, kneeling down and scratching their chin "sorry bud, i didn't mean in like that..." he said, although, there wasn't as much sympathy in his tone as philip had hoped, but it was still enough for razzar the start wagging his tail again.
Philip clapped his hands together "alright! Now we should probaply start on deepening your kinship with your monstie, that way, you guys will be in complete sync with one another!" He said. Kyle raised an eyebrow as he stood up " 'deepening kinship?' How the hell will we do that?" He asked "just by hanging out and taking care of your monsties. The more time you spend with them, the closer you'll become." Philip replied, petting his rathalos' head "the main way me and ratha bonded was through flying together, and it's also how you and razzar will become closer, just you wait!"
Kyle gulped, still not quite over nearly breaking his skull open on a rock when he fell off of blister on his third attempt at flying lessons..no, he couldn't let his past fears stop him, he WILL deepen his bond with his monstie "..alright, so...when do we start?"
Klye and philip were in the sadona barrens for flying practice, swirving around the large tree-like formations and practicing climbs and dives. While philip and ratha did it quite gracefully, kyle was...all over the place-
Razzar was flying in every single direction, diving down and skitting his talons across the sand one minute and nearly thwacking into a rock pillar the next, all while kyle was holding onto their neck with his arms and legs for dear life.
"Kyle you need to focus and allow razzar to go where he wants to, resistence is only gonna make him resist back!" Philip said "IT'S HARD TO DO THAT WHEN I'M LITERALLY ABOUT TO FALL OFF!!" kyle replied, his grip starting to weaken as razzar did another sudden zigzag.
Kyle's grip finally slipped, sending him plummeting down towards the sandy terrain bellow. He screamed and squeezed his eyes shut, awaiting to land hard on his back or get impaled by a monoblos' horn or-
He felt his back hit something, but it was deffinately not the ground. He thought it was razzar, but he could easily hear a second pair of wingbeats, so that means...
"Are you alright kyle?!"
The one who caught him, speaking with an extremely worried tone, was philip, and he was laying right there in his arms.
Kyle felt as if his brain had ceased functioning when his body froze, his face going as red as ratha's scales "y-yes i am perfectly fine-!!" He said quickly.
The two flying wyverns landed near the bridge that lead to the entrance gates of lulucion, kyle now sitting down in the sand, face buried in his hands. Philip was sat beside them, gently patting their back "it'll be ok kyle, it was your first time flying outside of lessons, you'll get the hand of it soon.." they said.
Kyle sighed, resting his hands in his lap "...maybe i was just never meant to be a rider..i'm a hunter for gog's sake! Hunting monsters is in my blood!" He said, causing philip's eyebrows to crease.
"Kyle, i know you're better at hunting than riding...but i was in a similar situation once, not all my knowledge on riding came naturally y'know." Philip said with soft grin "basically what I'm trying to say is that not everything will be easy from the start, and there will always be obstacles, but if you keep trying you'll eventually succeed, it's always good to master more than one kind of skill, after all."
Kyle was silent as philip spoke. He looked over at the rider, then down at their hand as it rested on his forearm. He looked into philip's eyes, able to see all the kindness and confidence they had. He copied their soft grin and gently rested his hand on theirs "...thanks phil."
Unfortunately, their little moment of intimacy was disturbed by fastly approaching footsteps. Lilia was running out of the gates and towards the two, looking rather panicked "philip, There's been reports of a diablos acting unusually hostile at the top of lamure tower, we can't risk it getting to the city!" She said.
Right when he saw lilia, philip instantly rose to his feet, his soft look swiftly turning serious "we'll go and take care of it. C'mon ratha!" He started running in the direction of lamure tower, getting on his rathalos as they ran beside him and taking off into the air.
Kyle was hesitant to follow, looking over at lilia, who gave him a confident grin "i know you can do this kyle, just have faith in your monstie and nothing can stop you." She said. Kyle nodded "right, razzar, let's go!" He ran and hopped onto his rathalos, they too taking off into the sky.
Loud shrieks echoed off of the top of lamure tower as fireballs collided with its tough hide, which was stronger than it should be "it's stronger than a normal diablos, it's almost like it's wearing some kind of armor!" Philip said, moving out of the way of an attempted horn jab, ratha jabbing at the diablos's metallic hide with its talons.
And just like he said, the diablos indeed was wearing some kind of armor. The armor was dark indigo with gold around the edges, covering the diablos from head to tail, aswell as its arms and legs. Its horns were covered by some sort of red material, and there was a strange purple gem attached to its frill.
The diablos shrieked again and seemed to start charging a red orb of electricity between its horns, firing it in a beam, ratha narrowly getting out of the way "kyle look out!!!" Philip shouted, but kyle didn't react in time, resulting in razzar getting hit.
The azure rathalos let out a pained shriek and got knocked back by a small explosion, kyle getting thrown off of his monstie's back, the two of them falling from the top of the tower.
Kyle was stunned, ears ringing from the explosion as he once again plummeted to his potential death. He watched as razzar, his monstie, began to fall aswell, philip's muffled cry snapping him back to reality.
He pushed through his fear of death and closed his eyes, remembering everything; all he did before and after the oltura incident, getting his first monstie, flying lessons, and last but not least, philip's words of encouragement.
"Deepen your kinship with razzar, and you'll be perfectly in sync!"
Then, he saw his monstie staring right back at him. The rathalos nodded in understanding, and in turn, kyle nodded back.
Kyle's kinship stone opened and shone brightly, razzar's eyes snapping open in response to the light. The wyvern roared and opened its wings, flying down towards its rider. Kyle grabbed the handles of his monstie's saddle tightly and pulled up, razzar rocketing up into the sky with a loud roar.
Philip's eyes widened when he saw razzar fly up from the side of the castle, kyle easily able to tell he had cried a little when he had fallen. Yet, he didn't break his serious glare, razzar matching his rider's expression.
Philip whiped his eyes and made ratha jump away from another attack from the diablos, the two los riders teaming together and resuming their task. Both of their kinship stones shone with a bright blue light, and they nodded at eachother in understanding.
They raised their open kinship stones, and shouted out at the exact same time.
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evafrechette · 3 years
Superstar Glow
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↠ seokjin x jimin | smut | pornstar!au, 1970s!au | 21+ | 4k
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↠ Summary: “H-hello, I'd like to order a pizza please, with extra sausage. Mmmm I do enjoy a good ol' sausage." Jimin’s voice soft and seductive. He placed the phone on the ground and began to grind down on the mattress, head thrown back in ecstasy while his fingers twisted the nipples that peaked out of the top of his bustier. Seokjin was getting hard watching the scene unfold in front of him. . .
“Superstar Glow is a brilliant new porn film. Fantastic debut by actor Kim Seokjin. It simply is the best film of 1975.” - Jeon Jungkook, Playguy Magazine.
(Aka Seokjin films his very first Porno)
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↠ Warnings: anal sex, anal fingering, anal fisting, blowjobs, swearing, drug use, come shot, come eating, seokjin has a huge cock, porn films, terrible pizza related pick up lines, jimin in lingerie, 70s slang, drinking, casual mention of cheating, filming a porn video.
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Seokjin confidently strode into the warehouse. It smelled strongly of cigarette smoke mixed with patchoulli incense which tickled his throat when he breathed in. Right in the center of the room was a circular shaped bed sitting on top of a large brown shag mat, partitions surrounded the afghan blanket covered bed which had 3 spotlights shining brightly in it’s direction. A funky bass line and rhythmic drums reverberated around the large room as people walked on by, cigarettes lazily hanging from their mouths as they carried long thick cables wrapped around their arms and bulky cameras perched on their shoulders.
In the far corner of the space sat a dressing table, the mirror lined with bright lights. A small man with thick thighs was currently perched on top of a fur covered stool, brushing his blond hair back gently. He was wearing a black and red lace bustier which brought attention to his muscular chest, garter belt with nude coloured stockings and silky black panties which showed off a rather impressive bulge. He was a very pretty man and Seokjin was pleased to be staring alongside someone so gorgeous.
Today was Seokjin's porno debut. He had been scouted at an adult movie theatre during a late night session of ‘Boys in the Sand’ by a director who happened to be sitting in the same row as him.
As with all adult theaters once the movie started, the dicks came out and his large size had garnered the attention of the man a few seats away. Seokjin was naturally skeptical, thinking it was a lame pick up line to get him back to his apartment to fuck. But when the man handed over a very professional business card and told him to "think about it" Seokjin realised the offer was legit.
Seokjin's watched the director Yoongi and his fantastic bushy chevron mustache adjusting the lighting on the set and walked over to say Hi. He was an quite the character, he wore a burnt orange turtleneck jumper underneath a brown, orange and pale yellow checkered leisure suit, his jet black hair was pushed off his face which allowed you to focus on his beautiful feline shaped eyes and strong eyebrows. A thick gold chain draped around his neck and several clunky (fake) gold rings sat on his fingers. His voice was deep, barking orders at the crew to get everything ready in time. He was also a short man, which would explain the very high brown and cream platform shoes he was wearing. Seokjin's ankles hurt just looking at them.
"Uh hey, what's crackin'." He asked once he had reached the man, holding out his hand for a handshake.
"Ahhh the star of today's shoot." A large hand shot out and slapped against Seokjin's, pulling him in for a hug. "How are you feeling today? Nervous? We have some cocaine if you wanna take a bump, loosen yourself up a bit? One of the guys can take you out back and suck your dick if that will help?" The man turned back to adjusting the light, mumbling about how you can't trust dope heads to get anything done right.
"Oh no, that won't be necessary. Once I'm in front of the camera I'll be groovy baby." His eyes continued to dart around the room taking everything in.
"Have you met your co-star yet?" Yoongi asked over his shoulder. "The cute little blond in the lingerie. He may look delicate and sweet, but he's a huge whore. Loves being stuffed with big cocks. Ah fuck yeah, that's perfect!" Satisfied with the lighting set up he turned his attention back to Seokjin dusting his hands on his polyester trousers. "Though, I've never had a cock as big as yours on my set, so this will be interesting."
Seokjin blushed at hearing this, he was truly blessed by the Penis Gods when it came to his manhood. Twelve inches of thick, tan cock. Even the vein that ran up the underside looked as though it was designed by a specialist penis sculptor. Yoongi had told him the night they met that his cock was made for pornography and it was a shame he wasn't showing the world his gifts.
The blond must have sensed he was being spoken about and made his way over to where Seokjin stood, swaying his hips deliberately with every step. He was a beautiful sight, a sharp straight nose that complimented his angled jawline, sultry monolids dusted with a shimmering brown eyeshadow, and a full, sumptuous pout that screamed "blow job lips"Seokjin licked his lips as he watched the way the mans long legs moved in the soft, silky stockings that enclosed his smooth legs.
"Yoongi, is this the Jive Turkey I'm filming with today?" The man cocked a hand on his hip, eyes roaming over Seokjin's body.
"Hey! I ain't no Jive Turkey, what the fuck?" Seokjin exclaimed, shocked that for the first time in his life he'd been insulted in such a way.
"Jimin mellow out huh? This is Seokjin, yes he is filming with you today, I hope they prepped you well earlier 'cause this man is gonna be a star baby!" Yoongi wrapped his arm around Seokjin's wide shoulders squeezing tight, "The biggest cock I've ever seen! He's gonna have you squealing like a little bitch, you're gonna love it."
"I was only joshin' you know me. I'm Jimin by the way." The blond made no attempt at a handshake, instead looking off seemingly disinterested in the conversation.
"See that door on your right? Head in there to get your threads for the shoot and when you're done get back here and we'll start, we're ready when you are." Yoongi clapped his hand against Seokjin's shoulder before letting go.
Once inside the small room he stripped off and dressed in the clothes that were hanging on the clothes rack. Crisp white trousers that fit like a glove, letting everyone see just what he was packing down below and a matching shirt that he made sure to leave partially unbuttoned. His hand brushed over the jewelry selection, deciding on a thin silver chain and matching ring. He looked at himself in the mirror and winked. He looked fantastic and he was truly feeling himself. He also couldn't wait to get out there and choke that sassy little twunk with his cock. The thought of his pink plush lips struggling to stretch around his girth had Seokjin twitching in his pants.
Once back on set the mood had changed, the loud stereo system had been turned off and the crew were in place ready to start filming. Jimin was sprawled out on the bed, hand lazily palming the bulge through his panties while he and Yoongi spoke in hushed tones.
"Seokjin! You look bitchin', that outfit is great. What's underneath is even better, oh Jiminie you are in for a treat," Yoongi clapped his hands gleefully, "Alright here's the skinny, Jimin is a horny slut who has ordered a pizza, Seokjin you are the pizza delivery guy. You come in and fuck his brains out. You both got it? It's porn, not rocket science. Think with your dicks not your brains. Can you dig it?"
"Right on." Seokjin nodded, walking to the prop table to pick up the pizza box before standing on the x marked with duct tape on the ground, just out of the way of the cameras. He unzipped his trousers and pushed his semi hard cock through the hole on the bottom of the pizza box. The only thing Jimin would be putting in his mouth today would be his cock. The loud wurring of the camera let everyone know that tape was rolling and it was showtime.
Yoongi slowly moved the camera towards the bed as Jimin's soft moans filled the room, his small fingers tracing up and down his stocking clad legs. Jimin picked up the prop phone pretending to dial a number.
"H-hello, I'd like to order a pizza please, with extra sausage. Mmmm I do enjoy a good ol' sausage." His voice soft and seductive. He placed the phone on the ground and began to grind down on the mattress, head thrown back in ecstasy while his fingers twisted the nipples that peaked out of the top of his bustier. Seokjin was getting hard watching the scene unfold in front of him. He really wanted his dick sucked immediately, but took a deep breath to calm himself down. Yoongi pulled the camera back and motioned towards Seokjin. One of the sound crew knocked against a piece of wood to replicate a door being knocked on and he quickly stood straight ready to make his grand entrance.
"Oh." Jimin crawled across the bed and skipped to near where Seokjin stood. One of the camera men, a tall man that went by the name Namjoon followed Jimin and stood directly in front of him, camera lowering to shoot a close up of his cock trapped behind the silk fabric, then making it's way to his face again. "Come on in." Jimin pursed his plump lips, before returning to the bed to sit, legs daintly crossed over one another. "Are you the pizza man? Because you sure look like you could deliver." He purred, stroking his length over the silk.
Seokjin walked into the shot, butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He wasn't nervous before, but once he was under the heat of the lights, camera zooming in on his handsome face, well he was starting to feel like maybe he had fucked up on coming here today. Seconds ticked on by before he gained his composure, "Are you craving pizza? Because I'll gladly give you a pizz-a this dick." He pulled the top of the pizza box open, cock springing to life. Jimin's eyes nearly bulged out of his head which made Seokjin smirk.
He moved to stand in front of Jimin who was still sitting on the bed, using his free hand to run his fingers through the blonds perfectly styled hair.
"You're the only topping I need on my pizza." Jimin whispered loud enough for the sound boom to pick up, smooth as butter he dropped down onto his knees and took Seokjin into his hand, small fingers struggling to wrap around his thickness. He pumped Seokjin a few times before taking him into his wet hot mouth. Seokjin let out a gasp, he was surprised, he really thought the smaller man would struggle to suck his cock, but as he looked down he saw a blond head bop up and down expertly on his length.
Seokjin grabbed a fist full of bottle blond hair and moved his hips, shallow and slow to begin with then a little faster and harder, allowing his cock to slip further down Jimin's throat. The man hummed around his length, spit drooling down the sides of his mouth as he took Seokjin nearly to the base. Seokjin groaned at the feeling of Jimin's throat constricting tight around his cock. The sounds of crew footsteps and the glare of the hot lights above fading into the background as he lost himself to the pleasure of Jimin's mouth.
"Look at you, what a good boy you are, throat so full of my cock." He tightened his grip on Jimin's hair, "So pretty."
Tears ran down Jimin's cheeks, mixing into the spit that was dripping down his chin and neck. He pulled his cock free and slammed it back in without warning, fucking Jimin's pretty mouth with vigor. The camera men had moved closer to the action, a camera focused on Seokjin's cock while another filmed his reactions, the way his eyebrows furrowed whenever he felt himself getting close to his release and the quiet whimpers when he locked eyes with the man below him.
"Your mouth is too good at this pretty boy, I'm about to come." He groaned between gritted teeth, hips stilling as his hot release spilled down Jimin's throat. The blond swallowed Seokjin's load like the professional he was, falling back onto his ass, absolutely exhausted once he was done.
"Aaannd CUT!" Yoongi yelled from behind his camera, he pulled a joint from his pants pocket and motioned for one of the crew to light it for him. He took a big toke, holding the smoke in before exhaling. "Right on, right on. That was good. Shit, Jimin you are freaky deaky. Damn! This might just be my most successful film to date." He took another deep drag of the good Mary Jane and pointed at Seokjin, "Go have a drink, there is whiskey and beer on the table, or water if you're a square. If you think you'll have trouble getting hard again go and ask Hoseok for a little blue pill, that'll help. He's the jelly brain over there in the red shirt and fake Gucci belt."
Seokjin slowly removed his cock from the pizza box and threw it to the side as someone from wardrobe dashed over and cleaned him up with a warm hand towel. He tucked himself back into his pants and strolled over to the drinks table, deciding on a bottle of Rheingold beer, he nursed the red and white labelled bottle as he watched the crew change the film in the cameras. The tight knit all male crew made lewd remarks and joked around, while Yoongi the director sat in his chair getting stoned.
"How are you enjoying your first shoot?"  Jimin asked, face no longer a tear stained mess.
"It's pretty rad, not quite what I expected but it's all gravy." He replied taking another sip of the yeasty and fruit flavoured liquid.
"Yoongi was right, your cock is magnificent. I can't wait for you to fuck my ass. Don't be gentle, I like a bit of pain." The sweet voice next to him explained.
Seokjin nearly choked on his drink, everyone here was so open and had absolutely no filter.
"No fake?" He turned to ask the man.
"No fake handsome. They prepped me so well earlier you could probably fist me if you wanted. Don't want to scare you off on your first day though." He laughed, hand shooting up to cover his plump lips.
"I-I'll keep that in mind, thanks."
Jimin and Seokjin strolled back onto set once the film had been changed and Yoongi returned from taking a piss. Now it was time for the fucking. Seokjin took a deep breath and looked down at his crotch, "Make me proud big boy." He whispered.
"Alright places people, let's get this thing done so I can go home and fuck my girlfriend before my bitch of a wife gets back from work." Yoongi called out, shifting to sit behind his Ikegami 3-tube colour camera.
Seokjin made his way over to Jimin, who was standing in front of the bed. He gave the smaller man a shy smile before turning his head towards Yoongi waiting for the signal to begin.
"3, 2, 1 Now Fuck!"
"I know this is pretty cheesy, but I think you're saucy." Jimin curled his hand around the lapel of Seokjin's shirt, pulling him so close he could smell the star anise and blackcurrent hints of his cologne. Seokjin leaned down and slowly pressed his pillowy lips against Jimin's, who slightly parted his own when he let out a quiet sigh. Seokjin flicked his tongue against the soft fullness of Jimin's pink tinged lips and deepened the embrace, tongue meeting with the other as he placed his big hands on either side of the mans soft face, tilting his head upwards for easier access.
He nipped at Jimin's bottom lip before pulling away to breathe. He dived back in, kiss messy and wet, their mouths wide open so the camera could film their tongues flicking against one another's. Seokjin nudged Jimin backwards towards the bed and helped lower him down onto the firm mattress, caging his lingerie clad body with his own. He rocked his already hard cock against Jimin, grinding hard against the silk, desperate to feel some friction. They continued to messily make out until Yoongi called out "Cut!"
Seokjin concentrated on getting his breathing under control. He was already so hard again and it was beginning to hurt. The man Yoongi had earlier identified as Hoseok came over and handed Seokjin a bottle of KY Jelly, "He's been prepped, but lube up anyway, we don't film that pain shit some people are into. Finger him a few times, slowly so they can get some close ups, then fuck him like you've never fucked before. Come wherever you like, just make sure to let us know so they can get in close and film it."
Jimin was on his hands and knees, silk panties long gone, as he spread his cheeks wide for Seokjin. His hole was stretched open, pink and glistening. Seokjin coated his fingers in the clear liquid and crawled behind the blond.
"Alright, no stopping this time. Let's get this cumshot in one go. Action!" Yoongi murmured, cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth.
Seokjin brought two fingers to Jimin's entrance and remembering Hoseok's words, slowly pushed in until he was knuckle deep. He pulled his fingers out, before pushing back in enjoying the sound of soft moans underneath him. Seokjin took his time to add another, and another, making sure to press down on Jimin's sensitive spot when he withdrew his fingers with each thrust. He watched in awe as Jimin's hole stretched perfectly around his knobbly fingers, clenching and fluttering due to his touch. He pulled out gently, coating his entire hand with more lubricant before lining up once more, tucking his thumb into the palm of his hand and steadily worked his entire fist into the blonds ass.
Jimin let out a long whine, teeth digging into his bottom lip. "Jimin don't do that, let it all out." Yoongi yelled unimpressed at his attempts to quiet himself.
Seokjin couldn't believe his eyes as he pushed in further, his whole hand disappearing inside Jimin's ass. He nearly came right then and there. He moved his hand shallowly inside Jimin's warm hole, cock throbbing as Jimin's pants and whimpers filled the room. "Fuck, you are amazing." Seokjin choked, enjoying the depravity of performing an act like this on someone. The camera men moved around the studio, positioning themselves awkwardly close to Seokjin to film what would no doubt be the highlight of the film. He looked over his shoulder and asked, "Can I fuck him now?"
"Yes, YES." Smoke puffed out between Yoongi's lips as he replied.
Seokjin withdrew his hand and quickly jumped off the bed to remove his clothes, flinging his trousers off to the side. Using the hand still coated in lubricant, he jerked himself off a few times coating his length in the sticky cool liquid.
"Do you like Pizza Hut pretty boy? Because I want to stuff your crust." He looked at the camera and raised his eyebrow before he slipped his thick cock into Jimin's gaping hole, balls snapping against the blonds supple ass when he bottomed out. His hole was surprisingly still tight and Seokjin couldn't help but let out a filthy groan.
"O-oh your cock is so big, it feels soooo good. Keep fucking my ass just like that." Jimin cried out mouth hanging open as he pushed back onto Seokjin's length. Seokjin slammed his cock back in again and Jimin fell face forward into the pillows due to the force. He spread Jimin's ass cheeks with his hands, watching as his massive cock stretched out the man below him. His grip was tight on the soft skin of Jimin's hips, leaving marks that would bruise by the evening. He leaned himself over the smaller mans body, chest pressed against his muscular back and rammed into him. They were both a whining, moaning mess, his cock brushing up against Jimin's prostate with every thrust. Seokjin placed his head against Jimin's shoulders, sweat making their skin stick to one another. He reached between his legs and took Jimin's cock into his hand and pumped him in time with his own thrusts.
"I'm gonna come soon, how far away are you?" He whispered into Jimin's ear, voice barely picked up by the sound boom. "Mmm keep doing that with your hand and I'll be coming pretty soon too, shit."
Seokjin faced the camera and seductively licked his lips, a hungry noise escaping his throat. The camera crew changed positions making sure to capture all the action from different angles. Namjoon climbed onto the bed, legs planted on either side of Seokjin as he filmed from above.
"Oh-oh shit, I'm gonna come." Jimin cried into the pillows, cock throbbing as his release spurted out onto the mattress underneath him. His hole squeezed around Seokjin's cock, so he picked up the pace and fucked his ass fast, desperate to reach his orgasm too. Jimin was becoming overstimulated, squirming his body under Seokjin's firm grip. He held on tight, thrusting so deep Jimin was seeing stars. The sounds of skin slapping against skin echoed in his ears triggering him to squeeze his eyes shut as he focused on reaching his high. The tell tale sign of his approaching orgasm began, tingling starting in his crotch and slowly spreading out to his arms and legs.
Seokjin managed to pull out just as he came, hot cum landing all over Jimin's soft ass cheeks, slowly dripping down onto the back of his thighs. The camera moved in close focusing on Jimin's stretched hole and his cum covered ass, Seokjin leaned down into the shot and dragged his tongue over the smooth skin of Jimin's perky rear and began cleaning up his mess. He hummed as he licked away his salty release, eyes focused on the blinking light of the camera, corner of his mouth turning up into a small smirk.
"CUT! That was great you dirty whores! All right, let's get this set cleaned and get the fuck out of here." Yoongi passed his camera to his assistant and walked over to Seokjin, he pulled out an envelope and handed it over, "Here's ya mulah for the day. If you want more of that let me know and I'll book you in for another film. I think this one is going to do really well. Pretty face, huge cock, how could it not?"
Seokjin jogged back to the small room to get changed, he could shower at home, adrenaline was coursing through his body right now and he was excited to catch up with his closest friends and tell them about his amazing experience. Once he was back to looking like normal everyday Seokjin and not burgeoning Porn star Seokjin he made his way around the room, saying thanks to all the staff, especially Jimin who had given him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
Seokjin reached the exit pausing to take a look back at the porn set. He smiled as he watched crew dissemble lights and pack away furniture and props. Yoongi had said he could do this again, an offer he would take up for sure. Working at the local grocers didn't have as much appeal as having sweet, tight assholes begging for his cock, maybe this was the start of a new career for Seokjin? He pushed his sunglasses up onto his nose and stepped out into the bright summers day, he entered the building a porn actor virgin and left with that superstar glow, he was a (porn) star in the making.
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a-dorin · 3 years
pairing: the mandalorian x medic!reader 
word count: 2.69k
warnings: cursing, canon typical violence, blood, wounds, burns, references to killing/violence, the taste of blood, sewing a wound up, yearning, pining, an idiot who wears only a beskar helmet and takes on more than he can handle 99.99% of the time
a/n: hi i wrote this in like no time at all so i hope you guys like it. (also at like 2:05 in the morning) also, this takes place during season one, and diverts a little bit  away from canon because he doesn’t have all of his new beskar armor yet (oops) also, sorry if the ending line is shitty i have a hard time with it sometimes 
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“i thought this was the last time you were going to pull shit like this on me karga,” you dig your index finger into his chest, your jaw clenched, lips curled in a sneer, “you always say it’s going to be the last time shit like this happens and guess what? it doesn’t ever fucking end does it? i help you one time and--”
the leader hangs his head, raising a hand in defeat, “i am well aware of how you feel about me and the way i do my business. however, this is someone i can’t turn away. and you’re the only person i trust to fix him.”
exhaling, your eyes squeeze shut, “who is it?”
“someone who has been working with me for quite some time,” greef pauses, taking a moment to gauge your reaction, “he’s a skilled bounty hunter, one of the best, actually. typically, he fixes himself right up, but his injuries are far too severe to just ‘sew up’ and go about his business. trust me, i had to do some convincing to even bring him to you.”
through the entryway, a draft rolls in, causing you to shrink into your clothes, “it’s a little too chilly to talk out here. come in, we can discuss my payment, and then i’ll make my decision.”
greef takes a step forward, clearing his throat, “i’ll pay you, and so will he. i am well aware of how you feel about giving my men medical attention. but you do know that i will pay you well for this, right?”
you nod slightly, rubbing your temple with your fingers, “how much are we talking here, karga?” 
“i would like for you to assess his injuries first,” he counters, “then we can talk about payment.”
“fine,” you mutter, crossing over to your table, “please, just bring him in. if he bleeds out on my table, it’s your fault karga!” 
“hopefully there will be none of that,” karga shakes his head, the words so low that you could barely hear him, “i’ll bring him in. let me know when you’re finished.”
swiftly, you gather up your supplies, your hands gathering as much as you could. from the sound of it, things weren’t looking good. reaching out, you pull your cart towards you, practically tossing the supplies on the metallic surface. cursing under your breath, you search for your gloves, eyes frantically searching your surroundings, yet they’re nowhere to be found. 
guess you’d have to get a little messy with this one. 
a long-winded groan startles you from your task at hand, and your heart sinks the moment karga brings him in. he’s donned head to toe in battle armor, the hues of the metal a variety of colors. the only distinguishable piece is a beskar helmet, light reflecting off its surface. 
not once did karga mention that you would be tending to a mandalorian. 
“how bad is it?” you inquire, your voice crisp and cool as you stride over to karga, helping him carry the mandalorian to your table. 
blood seeps through his clothes, soaking the garments with a horrid scarlet. in several spots, there is singed fabric, signifying that he took a few good shots. the mandalorian reeks of burnt flesh and the stench of a battle, your nose wrinkling and bile rising in your throat. 
this was far worse than karga described, and this was no time to start panicking. 
“just a few blaster shots,” the mandalorian cuts in, his voice distorted from a modulator, “nothing that i couldn’t fix myself.”
“ah, ah, ah,” karga interjects, “there’s more to it than that. i believe he has several lacerations, perhaps a few burns from blasters.”
“that beskar couldn’t stop everything huh?” you arch a brow, in an attempt to lighten the mood. 
the mandalorian doesn’t respond, anxiety bubbling up within you, “karga, try and keep him awake as long as you can. i have a few healing stems, along with some bacta shots, but depending on how deep the wounds are, i won’t be able to treat him unless we strip him of the armor.”
“i-i can’t take that off,” the mandalorian gurgles, “i-i, m-my cr-creed.”
“what creed?” you shoot karga a curious glance, guilt plastering his features. 
“he has a creed he follows,” karga inhales sharply, “it’s his way of life.”
your lips part, forming an o. you want to scold karga for not briefing you on all of the minor details, as he normally does with his men. however, there was no time for banter or bickering. 
you had to maintain your composure. 
“how much blood has he lost, you think?” 
“i can’t give you a definite answer on that,” karga takes a step back, allowing you to survey the mandalorian, “i would say a lot, but i’m not too sure. perhaps his garments stopped some of it, or the pressure of his armor.”
“that’s not enough pressure,” you murmur, plucking a pair of shears off your cart, “hey mando, can you hear me? are you still with us?” 
a feeble hand raises from the table, his voice breathy and far away, “i-i’m here. anything but the helmet, please.”
“of course,” your voice is soft and hushed, “the helmet is off limits.”
“now that i’ve got him in here,” karga gestures his head towards the nearly unconscious mandalorian, “he has something back at his ship that i need to tend to. will you need my assistance or can you handle it?” 
“i can handle it,” your voice falters, “go do what you need to do. it may be an hour or two before he’s feeling better.”
“you know how to find me if you need me,” karga’s words trail off as he exits your home, the doors sliding shut behind him. 
“all right mando,” you take his hand, squeezing it, “i’m going to start by removing your armor okay? let me know if you can’t feel anything. that’s when we have a problem.”
“i can feel everything,” he spits out, “fuck. it hurts. it all hurts.”
“you really took a beating huh?” carefully, you start by removing his boots, hastily yet with caution. 
who knew if he took a hit to the spine, paralyzing any point of his body. 
“hey,” you place his boots on the floor, “can you wriggle your toes for me mando?”
immediately, relief ripples through you as you watch his toes move, signaling that there was no nerve damage. next, you remove the plates of armor covering his shins and thighs, placing them directly by his boots. the armor was severely damaged, almost beyond repair, as it was littered with dents and holes. 
how many run-ins did this mandalorian have in his lifetime? how many of his days had he spent fighting? 
“do you have other clothing in your ship?” you press on, slicing the fabric with your shears, “karga mentioned you had a ship.”
“mmmhmmmm,” he hums, “name is the razor crest.”
“ahh,” soaking a rag with bacta spray, you wiped down his exposed legs, assessing his wounds as you did so, “that’s a wonderful name.”
the flesh was only burned, which could be healed almost instantly with the bacta spray. luckily, there wouldn’t be much scar tissue either, only a few minor scars here and there. yet, you wondered if there was an inch of the mandalorian’s body that wasn’t scarred. 
“d-don’t worry so much bout my legs,” he stammers, “it’s my shoulder that i’m worried about. i can feel the blood soaking through.”
“i’ll have to remove the rest of your armor and your tunic,” biting your lip, your hands wrap around his chest plate, desperate to find a way to get it off. 
“hey,” his voice sounds again, this time a lot clearer, “i can get it off. you don’t have to worry about being hasty about this. i’ll make sure you get your sum.”
“i-i just,” you stutter, the taste of blood hitting your tongue as he sits up, “karga sounded so worried and i want to do a good job because the way he talked, you were his best hunter and i just can’t--”
“you won’t fuck anything up,” a hand reaches out, finding yours, “this isn’t anything i haven’t encountered before. the thing is, you’re a trained medic. i’m not. i would probably make a mistake and make my injuries worse somehow. take. your. time.” 
for a moment, your eyes flutter closed, a weary sigh flowing from your lips. you can sense the mandalorian watching you carefully, studying your features through the tinted visor. 
“o-okay,” you whisper. 
the mandalorian sits up, shedding away the remaining pieces of his armor, “would you like for me to roll over?”
you nod, gnawing at your lower lip once more as you realize that this mandalorian, this stranger, was about to be nearly undressed, half-bleeding, half-conscious, on your table. and he was so patient with you. so much kinder than previous patients in the past. 
“wait,” your brow furrows, “your helmet would make it awkward for you to lay on your stomach. how about you move over a little, to the edge of the table?”
“of course.”
he straightens his back, scooting over to give you some space. clambering onto the table, you reach up to adjust your light. taking your rag, you wipe down his back and shoulders, muscles rippling under your touch. every so often, your fingertips graze his heated skin as you lose yourself in your work. 
you catch a quiet groan as you continue to work, your heart fluttering. 
the sound wasn’t drenched with pain, nor anywhere near the noise you first encountered when he was being brought in by karga. 
this was a sound of contentment, a sound of bliss. 
“how long has it been since you’ve felt someone’s touch?”
shame burns through you the moment the question tumbles from your lips, nearly consuming you whole as he tenses. maker, did you feel so guilty. he was a stranger to you. how could you just blatantly ask that? 
the answer arrives, short and sweet. 
“too long.”
leaning over, you press a piece of cloth on his shoulder, a lengthy laceration stretching from his clavicle to his left shoulder blade, “oh, i see.”
“do you usually get this close and personal with your patients?”
“depends,” you shrug, “hey, i’m about to sew you up. it may sting.”
plunging the needle in, you press yourself to his back as you start the suture, your breath fanning against his neck. the mandalorian stiffens as he catches a whiff of your scent, and how it was so heavenly as it wafted into his nostrils. 
his jaw clenches as he chokes back a hiss of pain, remaining as still as possible. 
“you’re being so good for me,” your voice floods his ear, the praise nearly causing him to crumble completely. 
within seconds, you’re all finished, sliding off the table, “i take it that karga is coming back with a change of clothes?”
“i hope so.”
gazing over at your table, you notice the healing stems, “i have some healing stems for your travels. they’ll probably help with that dull pain you’ll have in that area for a while. it won’t be an issue unless you somehow reopen that wound. if it was any closer to any major artery in your neck, you would’ve bled out.”
“i’ll take them.”
“well,” you hand them to him, “take them before you forget them. you seem like the forgetful type.”
a low chuckle erupts from the beskar, “i don’t think i could forget a night like--”
a knock on the doors interrupts the mandalorian’s sentence, cutting it short. as you make your way over, you hear a string of curses flowing from the table. more than likely his native tongue. pressing a button, the doors slide open, revealing greef karga and a strange, little creature, swathed by a bundle of clothing in his arms. 
“you were fast,” karga remarks, cradling the creature, “how is he?”
“he’s fine,” your focus is directed away from karga, honing in on the creature, “who is this?”
“this is what i had to retrieve from his ship. he’s a very precious child. extremely important to that mandalorian over there.”
the child coos, its eyes two vast pools of obsidian. he blinks, a tiny hand flailing out. you melt, lips curling into a broad smile, “hello, little one. are you looking for your father?”
“he is,” the mandalorian echoes from across the space. 
karga enters, keeping the child against his chest as he strides over, placing the bundle next to the mandalorian. from a distance, you watch fondly as the child teeters towards the bounty hunter, an incoherent blubber sounding as his guardian pats his head, reassuring him that they would no longer be separated. 
within minutes, the mandalorian was springing to his feet, with a fresh set of a clothes, the same armor strapped to his frame. the child is in his embrace now, clinging onto his thumb. karga hovers by his side, more than likely filling him in on the next mission. the next victim to hunt. 
“how should i pay you?” his voice, one you had grown familiar over the course of the hour, fills your ears. 
“oh,” you blink, “um, don’t worry about it. you have far more important things to--”
“no,” his tone is firm, “you deserve some sort of payment.”
“she lives here after all,” karga remarks, folding his arms across his chest, “i could pay her any time.”
“how about you head out so that we can discuss this a little more privately?” he turns to karga, the query almost more of a command than a question. 
“of course,” karga dips his head, shifting towards you, “i’ll see you around. hopefully this is the last time i spring a patient on you.”
“i’m sure it won’t be the last,” you roll your eyes playfully, “see you around, karga.”
“tell me, how much do i owe you? name anything in the galaxy and it’s yours.”
“you’re ridiculous,” you snort, “you don’t owe me anything. you could’ve died and you’re worried about paying me.”
“because you deserve it,” he takes a step forward, the space between the two of you dissipating, “from the sound of it, you let this happen quite frequently. you don’t get paid enough for it either.”
“how about you pay me a visit the next time you make a pitstop in nevarro,” your eyes fall to the floor, careful to not meet his gaze, “would that be enough?”
a gloved hand grasps your chin, tilting your head up. 
“oh cyar’ika, that would be more than enough.”
the child giggles, bouncing, “maybe you should get a move on. he seems hungry. there’s a cantina not too far away from here. they serve good food, even if the locals get a bit rowdy. i bet it’s nothing you run into, though.”
“it’s probably best if i leave nevarro.”
“be safe out there mando,” you whisper.
“i will.”
just like that, he’s out the door, leaving your knees weak, heart all aflutter. 
as the mandalorian made his way to the razor crest, child in tow, his mind was reeling, all of his thoughts honing in one particular thing. 
a medic on nevarro, who mentioned briefly that he seemed to the forgetful type. yeah, he traveled near and far, to all rims and edges of the galaxy, but he was one to forget people, nor faces. he encountered so many species: human, twi’leks, wookiees, chiss, you name it.
the moment he stepped foot on the razor crest, he yearned. the desire burning through him, aching and desperate. 
stars, how he longed to go back. just for one more glimpse. one more glimpse of that stranger’s face, that beautiful face. 
he was determined though, determined to find his way back. perhaps in a few days, even. the mandalorian was relentless, especially when it came to getting what he craved. and oh, how he craved to know the name of the stranger on nevarro. 
someone who would no longer be a stranger to the mandalorian. 
he just knew it.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Flame of a Candle
A/N:  The wonderful @lupins-sweater requested a Remus fic where the reader has a candle addiction and let me tell you, I fell in love. Also, two fics in one night! Apologies to my taglist, but I couldn't stop writing and I had to post it. I will be getting to my other requests this week as well as finishing my Draco Malfoy series. As always, I hope you enjoy, it’s pure fluff! Also, the candle scents I mention are real candle scents from the ones I have in my room (they’re all inspired by books!).
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of food.
Word count: 1.8k
It was not your fault.
It absolutely was not your fault that the newest shop on the high street was an independent candle store.
And it wasn’t your fault that instead of entering the bakery like you had planned, you walked into the candle shop.
It also wasn’t your fault that you left the shop with a bag full of candles.
You made it to the bakery though, grabbing everything on your list. Bread, teacakes, vanilla slices for Remus. The visit to the new candle shop, simply a small stop on the way.
You would usually make this trip with Remus; his hand gripping yours tightly as you peeked in the windows of all the shops. But you left him bed in this time, snoring away, completely oblivious to the world. This past full moon had been exceptionally rough; he came back with larger cuts and bruises that had you silently crying as you patched him up. It never did get any easier to see the added injuries after a full moon.
The day is beginning to brighten as you return to the home you shared with Remus. The garden path lined with pansies and marigolds, adding a cheery disposition to the ivy-covered cottage you called home.
Remus would be soon awake, so you head to the kitchen to put his vanilla slices in the fridge before adding your new candles to the ever-growing collection that had slowly filled three cupboards with differing size jars and tins.
Your placing the final glass jar candle in the cupboard when you hear his footsteps creaking on the stairs and his raspy voice calling out.
“Darling, what are you doing?” Remus questions; his voice still gravelly with sleep.
It had been a week since the last full moon, and he was still catching up with missed hours. He was awoke once as he reached out for you in his sleep and found your side of the bed empty; it worried him for a minute but then he realised that you would be in town so sleep quickly overtook him again. He stirred back awake to the sound of the closing cupboard door; his senses still sensitive after the change, hearing and smelling everything within a small distance.
The hesitation before your answer has his curiosity piqued as he steps into the kitchen to see you closing a cupboard door.
“Nothing, dear!” Your voice chimes.
He chuckles, “You really are the worst liar.”
“Excuse me? I’ll have you know that I am an excellent liar – so good in fact that MI6 are thinking of hiring me.”
“(Y/N), I love you, but yes, you’re the worst liar.”
“I’m hurt, Remus. Truly, deeply hurt.” You gasp, holding a hand to your heart.
“Stop deflecting,” He laughs, “What were you doing that’s so secretive?”
You fiddle with your fingers, “So I went into town to go the bakery,”
“Is that it?”
You shake your head, “Well I got somewhat waylaid on the way to the bakery.”
Remus raises an eyebrow, leaning against the kitchen counter and crossing his arms, “Now you’ve got my attention.”
“There’s a new shop that’s opened on the high street; what used to be the bridal shop.”
“Put me out of my misery – what type of shop is it?”
“A candle shop.”
A slow smile breaks over his face, “How many did you buy?”
“Around ten or so.”
“Ten? (Y/N), sweetheart, we have cupboards full of candles.”
“I know but let me show you them! They smell so good!”
“Of course, but I need to know – did you go to the bakery?”
“What do you take me for? I could never deprive you of your vanilla slices. They’re in the fridge.” You peck his lips quickly before turning to grab your latest purchases from the cupboard.
Remus heads to the fridge; his stomach growls at the sight of the vanilla slice waiting for him. Healthy breakfast be damned, he turned into a werewolf once a month, if he wanted dessert for breakfast, he was going to have it.
He puts it on a plate before settling down at the dining table.
He isn’t angry – why on earth would he be? Candles bring you joy. He’s a minute away from suggesting you start making them yourself but when you set the candles down the table with such care and look at Remus with such excitement at showing him your haul; all sentient thoughts leave his head and he’s left with the love he feels for you.
Remus takes a bite of his sweet, “Tell me about them, love. What did you buy?”
You grin; the smile crinkling the corners of your eyes. And yeah, Remus’ heart just skipped a beat.
“Oh, Remus! It’s such a cute shop – entirely independent and it has the most positive energy. I could spend all day in there! And the owner is so lovely! So helpful. He looked shocked at the pile of candles I put by the till, but I simply couldn’t not buy anything. You know how I am with candles.”
He chuckles, “Like a moth to a flame. So what new scents do we have?”
You hold up one of the glass jar candles, “Okay… So we have: forget me nots and mountain air; Damascus rose and sweet orange; night jasmine and citrus; coffee and chocolate; lavender and patchouli; burnt sugar and rain; lily of the valley and white musk; sweet peaches and ripe cranberries; crisp apples and rose petals…”
You trail off, putting the lids back on them once Remus had smelt them and had handed them back to you.
Remus points at the final jar, still unopened, “What does that one smell like?”
You avoid his eyes as you murmur, “I had to buy it when the shop owner explained its properties.”
You nod, unscrewing the lid to the candle, taking a sniff before handing it to Remus. “It holds healing properties.”
“How so?”
“It’s got peppermint oil to ease headaches. As well as lemongrass and vanilla to help relieve stress and tension and promote relaxation. I thought we could give it a try for a couple of nights before you leave for the moon.”
He looks up from his study of the candle, “You bought this for me?”
You nod, shrugging, “It’s something to try. You always try to downplay the headaches you get but I know how much pain you are in and that healing potions do little to help other than make you drowsy. So I thought we could try this; we could light it when we start getting ready for bed. You don’t have to though, Remus. It’s entirely your choice.”
“You did this for me?” He asks, voice shaky.
You frown, “I did. Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?”
He shakes his head, trying to find the right words, “You did absolutely nothing wrong. I just didn’t expect to feel this touched by your candle addiction.”
“You haven’t noticed have you?”
“Remus, the majority of my candles all have some healing properties in them. I’ll do anything I can to make the transition that little bit easier whenever we don’t have access to the wolfsbane potion. This is the first time you’ve actively noticed it though.”
He opens his mouth, then quickly closes it. He never realised the meaning of the differing scents – and he should have. He got top grades in Herbology and Potions, but it never clicked with him. He would always comment on the scents; whether they were pleasant or not, but he simply put it down to your love of them.
Remus finally realises what it feels like to love and be loved with just as much passion in return.
“So you don’t have a candle addiction?” He finally says, his voice hoarse with emotion.
You chuckle, “Oh no, I do. I definitely have a candle addiction; it’s been there before I was with you, but you kind of give me a purpose to buy them.”
He passes the jarred candle between his hands, “So you do all of this to try and ease the days before the transition?”
You nod, “I can’t do a lot in those few days, Remus. I’m only useful when you come back and I can help patch you up, but before then, there isn’t very much I can do to help, and it hurts me. I had the idea when I was clearing out my candle cupboards; getting ready for my Christmas collection. I was reading the labels and it suddenly hit me and I don’t know how I didn’t think of it before. But it’s been a while since we were at Hogwarts. Anyway, as I was reading the labels, I realised the healing properties of the oils in the candles. So I bought a Herbology textbook and started brushing up on my knowledge of plants that could help.
“The opening of the new candle shop was pure coincidence, but I had to buy the candle once the owner explained it to me. Your headaches are so bad, and I can never do a lot other than place a cold flannel on your head to lessen the pain but even that doesn’t work a whole lot. So I light the candles, making sure not to overwhelm you with the smell, and they seem to help a little.”
Remus is sure his face is a picture. You were right; in the days before he leaves for the transformation, he suffers with tension headaches from the pain of the moons path and his resistance of the monster within. You could never do a lot; it’s a pain that not even the strongest pain potions could touch. Yet, you tried to find a way to help him. You came up with your own solution.
“I love you.” He states; the only words he’s capable of saying right now.
You smile, it lighting up your face, “I love you too. You’re not mad?”
“How could I be mad? You buy candles with the sole purpose of trying to ease my pain. I’m the furthest thing from mad; I adore you.”
You blink away the tears, “Remus…”
“You’re incredible. First, you love me despite my being a werewolf and having to leave you every month. And then, you try to ease my pain by finding candle combinations that help with headaches and anxiety. What did I do to deserve you?”
“You were you, Remus. I fell in love with you in Fifth Year when you spent the entirety of our free period asking me about my favourite books. We were supposed to be revising for our OWLs, but you wanted my attention completely. And you got it.”
He takes a smell of the candle, committing the scent to memory, “I’ve loved you just as long. I saw your battered copy of Wuthering Heights peeking out of your bag and I just knew.”
You point at the candle, “What do you think then?”
He grins, “I think we’re going to have a lot more candles lit around the house.”
General (HP) taglist: @the-hufflefluffwriter @obsessedwithrandomthings @kalimagik @summer-writes @lupins-sweater @slytherinprincess03 @mischiefsemimanaged @soleil-amaryllis @masterofthedarkness @bforbroadway @chaotic-fae-queen @peachesandpinks @nebulablakemurphy @haphazardhufflepuff @siriusly-addicted-to-writing @firewhisky-kisses @deafgirltingz
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mxchowind · 3 years
Xiao x reader
Warnings: fluff
Thank you guys for the likes/notes whatever they’re called!! im so bad with tumblr LMAO. also- requests are open i think? yes, do feel free to drop by!
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Just how exactly did you get into this mess again? 
You had forgotten.
But the Ruin Guard doesn’t care. 
Ah, that’s right- a commission for a handful of Mora!
Of course, a deal this good must not be declined! So upon Zhongli’s ridiculous payment you put forth your life to fight what? A Ruin Guard. Taking one down was easy, you’ll admit, but three? Plus those nasty Treasure Hoarders, too.
Oh Archons, you’ll be burnt to crisps before you know it.
Summoning a large amount of water, you unleashed the pressure, and successfully hit the eye of the Guard while the other fired bullets at you. Swiftly jumping from side to side you avoided them- sure it takes a lot of your stamina, but at least that was better than becoming the dinner of an old, dirty ruin that runs with men who have nothing better to do but to steal. 
The sky begins to darken- and you know, once nighttime takes over, this fight would be nothing but exhaustion. You aren’t going to run away, that’s for sure. That amount of Mora could save you from working for the rest of your life! And buy Xiao however amount of Almond Tofu he wants-
The thought of the man mentioned caught your heart racing. His eyes- oh dear, you just adore everything about him. And that’s why- 
You mustn’t die here!
Another slash and finally- that one stubborn rock of a Guard is down. Though when it falls apart you’ve got to admit the rocks were pretty hard- it had your arm slit open.
The pain was more than measurable- but wincing irritatedly could do nothing. You picked up your sword once again and ducked just in time to miss the other Guard’s swinging arm. There was no time for a breather as you continued on- only to feel someone pulling you away, throwing you carelessly on the floor. Before you could retort something hurtful back to cease the physical agony you were experiencing- he appeared.
A hand was put up and strong gusts of wind shot directly at those who just pushed you down. His eyes are colder than thought. The glaring had some running away in result, and the brave batch of them only ended up in scars. 
‘‘You’re here!’’ Exclaiming ever so brightly you chirped- without realising all the pain in the world. Almost as if he himself would be your cure.
‘‘I’ll always have your back. You can’t fight like this, leave the rest to me.’’
A wisp of anemo energy and his weapon was summoned. Xiao doesn’t like gripping tight onto his weapon but he could only clutch it in anger seeing that wound upon you. Whoever dealt that must pay, and not just in mora. 
So you had sat and watched his brilliant performance- of going feral. You dislike it when he loses himself, and it was your fault originally for the desire of such a large sum of money. After all this ends you were going to apologise no matter what.
With ease he took out all of them, leaving you in awe and praises. ‘‘That’s Xiao for you!’’ exclaiming loudly, but the said man cared not about being strong. 
He was worried about you.
In two long strides the ravenette was in front of you, gripping your shoulders lightly. The metal gloves weren’t harsh on your clothes as he examined the damage on your arm; blood rushed out of it, as if you just bathed in gore. 
‘‘Don’t worry! It’s nothing too big- and most of it isn’t my blood.’’
How could he believe you when proof was just right in front of him?
‘‘Be more careful next- no. There will be no next time. I’m coming along if anything, seeing as you cannot take care of yourself.’’
Really? That was just his lame excuse to see you safe and sound. Sighing, he knelt down and retrieved the spare fabric from your bag, then gently applied pressure onto your all bloody arm. You winced- but bit your lips for him to go on. 
It pained him too.
The vibration coming from your arm was like his pain to bear. If not, even more than pain- Xiao wants to keep you guarded, from this world of no-good. But he only failed to do so- this time. He swore deep down, that this would never happen again.
‘‘Aw come on! Don’t look all gloomy- here, I’ll give you a kiss!’’
But in reality it was nothing more but a forehead touch, blessed by your delicate lips. What to say- he was almost disappointed. No, he lied. He was disappointed, greatly. Surely that was not a kiss you call?
‘‘You missed,’’ He remarked, standing up from patching you up. Seeing as you looked at him befuddled a small smile blossom on his lips- 
A flash of teeth, perhaps.
And that was a real kiss, landing right on your soft lips. A mixture of stunned- joy, excitement and most of all- love, enveloped your chest as butterflies flutter in happiness. Heat rose up to your cheeks intensely, as he pulled apart. 
‘‘Alright. Let us make haste to treat your wound, then you must get me Almond Tofu.’’
‘‘Of course! And- thank you for coming to rescue me.’’
‘‘Having you is enough payment for that.’’
‘‘And I hope you know- I’m yours.’’
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lofitojii · 3 years
PART [I] Guardian Angel
Summary: You are a new sidekick to the number two hero of Tokyo, Hawks. You team up with another sidekick, Bakugou, in an ongoing investigation on a serial killer. Unexpected interactions happen that flip the whole case around causing new, confusing feelings which alter your relationships in ways you never saw coming. 
Word Count: 4.6k
Warning: Minor Swearing 
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A/N: It’s HERE!!! The new series I’ve been working on for the last month is finally planned out and I’m super excited about it! Please let me know what you think, there will be posts made for discussions before the new part is released. 
NOTE: This is not following the current story at all. The League of Villains do not play any part in this at all, only Dabi. 
Guardian Angel Master List
The fall air was crisp, every inhaled breath chilling your body from the inside out. The leaves looked as if they were on fire, the deep crimson, the burnt orange, lighting up the grey world they resided in. This was your favorite time of year, when you could visibly see the seasons change. Despite the fact the darkest part of the year was right around the corner, you were looking forward to all of it. This year was going to be different, you could feel it ridden within you.
It was your first day at your new job, completely unaware and new to the area. You had moved in the weekend prior, receiving the job through a simple phone call interview. You had no idea who or what your new boss looked like. All you knew is that you were hand picked from a group of qualifying sidekicks to the number 2 hero, Hawks. Apparently he is a very busy man, and the only thing you knew about him was that his quirk was similar to yours. Except he can’t put his wings away. 
How can you not know who the number 2 hero is? Well, coming from a rather small town where you worked 7 days a week kind of took up most of your free time, and when you did get a moment to yourself, you were either reading or spending time with the locals. You didn’t care much for TV or the news or social media. You enjoyed quality time and company, something most people didn’t really understand. 
Your quirk was known as the ‘Angel Quirk’ meaning you had white wings that grew in size under your control, whenever you pleased. You also had a healing factor to your quirk, using your feathers as a type of medicine as well. You were a Pro Hero’s sidekick back in your home town but received an email one morning that read: 
Dear Y/N,
After doing intense research and speaking to your most recent employer and university teachers, you have been chosen to accompany Japan’s number 2 hero, Hawks, as his personal sidekick with the goal of becoming one of Japan’s very own perosnal Pro Heroes. According to your employer, he has said he feels you have greater potential that you can’t utilize in your small town. Please give us a call or email us back. Thank you!
-Hawks Agency
You had no idea your previous employer had reached out until you received that letter. You didn’t mind doing small hero work here and there in your small town but when your boss stressed to you that you could be and do more, you decided to reach out. You didn’t know what you were expecting but you had received the job within the first 10 minutes of your interviewl. 
So that’s where you are now, downtown Tokyo, trying your best to understand how the train systems worked. Yeah, you could’ve just flown there but you didn’t want to make a scene before debuting with your new boss. It was just something you had decided, thinking that maybe an article would be released about a new hero coming to town rather than being seen with Hawks himself first. You didn’t want to come off as rude or arrogant, even though you knew you were probably overthinking the situation. 
You just wanted to make a good impression, regardless of what your old boss had said about you. They already have this idea of you, and you wanted to live up to that idea. Your boss did speak highly of you, you didn’t want to let anyone down, mainly yourself. 
“Damn, this city is huge,” you cursed out loud, looking up from the city map you had picked up at the subway stop before you hopped on. “So if that’s the coffee shop, then I still have about a good mile or two before I get to the agency building. Maybe I should use my wings to get the- OOF!” you were hit in the back, causing you to choke on your words and stumble over onto the cement. 
“Sorry!” You looked up to see a man, his red wings casting a long shadow over you. “Didn’t see ya there! Sometimes I’m too fast for my own damn good.” He reached his hand out, letting you tightly grip it as he helped you up. 
“You’re good, I was the one standing there like a mindless idiot,” you joked, reaching down to pick up the things you had dropped due to your collision. When you stood up, you noticed that he was already gone. Wow, so much for being polite. He said sorry but what does that mean when he just flies off without saying anything else? Whatever, you had to get to work so you just decided to brush it off. 
You expanded your white wings, trying your best to fly higher than the city clouds in order to keep people from seeing you. You thought to yourself that maybe this was the best route to work, clear yet cold skys. Not to mention you would cut your full trip in half. You landed in front of the office building, retracting your wings back to its original, small size before entering the building. You approached the girl that was sitting behind a desk, tapping away at her keyboard. You cleared your throat before interrupting. “Hi, I’m the new sidekick Y/N. Just wondering where I need to go?” You asked the front receptionist you guided you towards the elevators. 
“It’s the top floor,” she smiled. “Good luck, Miss Y/N.” You let out a sigh of relief as you stood in the elevator alone. Your day had just barely started and yet you could feel yourself already growing tired of everything. Your temper was rather short today, that man setting something off in you when he left without saying anything. Thank god you didn’t have to worry about him anymore. Tokyo was a rather large city, what are the chances of running into him a second time? You tried your best to shake off the incident that took place this morning, not wanting it to ruin your full day ahead of you. 
You walked up to the giant wooden doors, knocking twice before opening them. You were greeted with a huge open window, a single desk sitting in the middle of the room with a beautiful view behind it. There were bookshelves lined with literature you had read or had planned to read. “Similar tastes,” you whispered as you traced along the backbone of the books. The room was empty, leaving you alone to examine the things you found interesting to you. 
“You like what you see?” Wait a second… That voice... “You must be the new sidekick. How’s it going? I’m Hawks.” You turned around and were faced with the man that had knocked you over earlier. For some reason, dread took over, your actions visible to the man standing in front of you. “Why the long face?” 
“You’re kidding me, right?” you scoffed, the man giving you a blank look. “You literally knocked me off my feet earlier? I dropped everything?” He was still giving you that stupid blank look. “You’re joking…” 
“OH! I remember now. Yeah sorry about that,” he scratched the back of his head nervously. “I was in a hurry.” Wow...
“Obviously.” You rolled your eyes at his comment, unimpressed with the lack of remorse that came through his tone. You felt as if this relationship would be decided here, right now, just based on the way you were feeling as he stood there, a stupid grin plastard on his face. You let out a deep sigh, trying to regulate your breathing so you wouldn’t lash out on your new boss who was standing inches away from you. “I guess I’ll introduce myself since we’ll be working together. My name is Y/N L/N, I’m from a small town about 4 hours out of Tokyo. My quirk is known as the ‘Angel Quirk’ meaning I can do anything you can but better.” 
“Woah, woah,” he stopped you, waving his hands in the air. “That’s a pretty bold statement, newby. What do you mean ‘better’?” 
“I mean I can hide my wings if I want to, and also can expand them when I choose. They regenerate within the hour, I can use them to heal both internal and external wounds depending on how severe the injury is. I can also use them as weapons, hardening them as I please.” 
“Okay but can you use them to listen to things? Do you have the ability to use them as an extension of you? As in, can you use them to listen or to track?” He was grilling you with questions, almost as if you struck a nerve with him. It was quite amusing to see him all flustered like this.
“I can use them to track things within a certain radius, the further away from the feather, the harder it is for me to make things out.” He furrowed his brows, crossing his arms over his chest with a huff. 
“Okay yeah, your quirk is better in some parts but that doesn’t make you better than me.” 
“I never said I was better than you, I only said my quirk was better. You’re the number 2 hero for a reason, I have no doubt in your skill at all.” He really got his feelings hurt that bad by your comment? Talk about a fragile ego. 
He let out a sigh, sounding a little grumpy in his words as he went through the paperwork with you. “Oh and take this,” He handed you a bag, his cheeks flushed red. “I don’t know what it looks like but the design team came up with it since we do have similar quirks.” 
“A new costume?” You raised an eyebrow, looking at the fabric with the paper bag. It was a body suit, like an actual teddy style body suit, a pair of sheer tights, and some knee high boots. There was also a pair of yellow goggles, matching the ones Hawks were wearing. “What if people think we’re dating?” You didn’t really think about it much until Hawks gave you your new costume that was almost identical in color to his. It was balck and gold, just like his shirt, the cropped jacket being a deeper shade of brown, just like his jacket. 
“And? So what if they do? I wouldn’t mind faking it,” he smirked, winking directly at you. He began to laugh as you reached your hand to hide your crimson cheeks. They were warm, you knew his comment made you blush, and so did he.
“Shut the hell up,” you responded, biting your lip. “I’m going to request a new jacket at least. I’m sorry but this color is hideous with the black.” 
“You really think so?” he asked, looking at his own jacket. “Well in that case, I’ll ask for them to give us black ones.” 
“White,” you stopped him. “I want a white one.” 
“White it is, m’lady,” he bowed, getting up from his seat. He leaned over his desk, transitioning from his bowed state, coming face to face with you. He was so close you could smell the lingering fragrance of mint coming from his breath. “I’m excited to work with you.” You quickly got up, bowing in response all in one quick motion, knocking your head with his. It was loud, painful, and embarrassing all within the 30 seconds that it took place. “Ow ow ow ow ow,” he rubbed his forehead, exposing the red bump that was getting ready to form. 
You were quick to pluck two white feathers from the right side of your back, leaning over the desk and pressing it to his forehead. “Hold still,” you struggled to get out as Hawks winced in pain. You let out a deep breath, focusing on the feather in your hand. It was quick to dissolve, leaving Hawks in awe with what had just happened. He sat back down, watching you apply the same treatment to yourself. 
“Wow,” he breathed, still in shock from what just took place. “Your quirk really is cool.” 
“The only downside to my healing is that it’s only possible with the right side of my wings. The left side doesn’t have the same ability,” you admitted while sitting back down, your wings returning to their smaller size so you were able to sit more comfortably. Hawks just sat there, gobsmacked with the events that just occurred. “To be honest, we gotta get this whole bumping into each other thing under control.” 
“You’re telling me,” he whispered, leaning back in his own seat. He finally snapped back into reality after being lost within himself. “Go change into your new costume and I’ll put the order in for the white coat. You’re going on patrol today with one of my other sidekicks. He’s newer to the team so it will be good for you two to get comfortable with each other. I will warn you though, he’s a bit of a hot head. Short temper, super egotistical. Great guy though, you’ll love him.” 
“He sounds wonderful,” you noted sarcastically. You were soon interrupted by the sound of the door opening, being greeted with a blonde haired man with quite the aggressive scowl. 
“What the hell did you say, you damn bird?” You turned your head, taking notice to his rather large grenade equipment covering his forearms. Those have to be super heavy, the look like they weigh more than the man himself. 
“There you are! Bakugou, I’d like you to meet your new partner, Y/N! You guys are going to be working together from here on out. You’re still my sidekicks, so we’re still a team here but when it comes to the more lowkey stuff, like investigations and patrolling, you guys will be working together.” Did he really just say ‘lowkey’? How old is this guy? He’s got to be older than you, having started his own agency, right? 
“Yeah, whatever,” Bakugou growled. Hawks wasn’t kidding when he said this guy was a hot head, the vibe he was giving off really intimidated you. But then again, you weren’t one to take shit, not even from some punk coworker with a short temper. “I’m leaving in 10. Better hurry you noob.” 
“Noob?” You questioned, grabbing your things and following Bakugou out the room. You stopped before you reached the door, turning around and bowing towards Hawks. “Thank you!” 
“Good luck, kid!” He waved back, his smile sweet and reassuring. You had experienced something rather unpleasant that morning with Hawks, only to find out he was your new boss. He seemed to be quite the air head, or at least spacey in some aspect. He was interesting to you, and for some reason you wanted to know more about him. The fact he had asked for you specifically out of all the other applicants was even more interesting to you. Did he choose you for another reason? Was it because you had a similar quirk to his? As time goes on, you can only hope that you’ll uncover these hidden secrets you were so focused on. He didn’t need to tell you he was hiding anything, you could just feel something in his aura. 
You followed Bakugou who led you to the women's locker room, telling you he would wait outside the door for you to be finished. He actually told you to ‘hurry the fuck up’ but you just rolled your eyes at his demand. You thought to yourself that if anyone else would have been paired up with this guy, you were sure they would resign due to his attitude. You weren’t one to give up, though. You were here for a reason, having a set goal that wasn’t about to be ruined due to some smart asses comments. Not to mention, the children in the foster home you grew up in were mean as hell. 
When you put on the outfit, you were flustered by how revealing it was. You did mention that you needed flexibility in your costume but you didn’t think it was going to be some kind of lingerie set. Hopefully the coat you requested is available soon, thinking that maybe it would help cover up some of the more revealing parts. 
You exited the locker room, only things on you being your Hero License and your outfit. Bakugou handed you an ear piece, letting you know it’s used for the both of you, two other side kicks and Hawks himself. “So what exactly are we doing today?” You asked, exiting the building with Bakugou by your side. 
“We’ve been asked to investigate the west side of town. Rumor has it that some dick head guy has been spotted frequently in the area who has been linked to a chain of murdered victims. All the bodies have similar burn marks, as if it’s this guys sick way of marking his work. Our job is to try and see if we can narrow down his exact location.” You had read over the file prior to moving to the city, being asked by the agency so that way you weren’t too behind on what was going on. 
Description: Black hair, scars covering majority of his body, black coat, black shoes, distressed jeans. Last known location: West Tokyo. Number of bodies linked to crime: 12. 
“Well then,” you started, letting your wings grow to their full capability. You reached your hand out towards Bakugou, signaling for him to grab on. 
“What the hell? What are you doing? I don’t need your fucking help.” 
“I get that but if you let me carry you, we could cut our trip time in half and with it being fall, almost winter, it’s going to get dark soon. I have no doubt that you can get there by yourself but if we want to play it smart and more efficient,” you sang, reaching your hand out again for him to take, letting your actions finish your statment. He wasn’t happy about the idea but he knew you were right, making it obvious by his aggressive huff. 
You wrapped Bakugou up in your arms, taking off the second you knew you had a secure grip on him. With flying to the west side of town, it really did cut the travel time in half, leaving you an extra hour or so to investigate, much longer than what the estimated time stated. “Land there!” Bakugou yelled, pointing at the roof of a mini mart that was placed in between two rather tall buildings. You released your grip on him, his immediate reaction being annoyed and bothered by the ‘wind’ and you ‘flying too damn fast’. You just ignored his remarks, letting him take the lead on the investigation so he would stop complaining. 
“How long have you worked for Hawks?” You asked, taking a seat next to Bakugou. He lowered his glasses that matched both yours and Hawks’, using them to enhance his sight towards the ground below. 
“Why do you care?” He growled, avoiding any sort of eye contact with you. 
“Well I don’t but if we’re going to be working together, I think it’s important that we have a bearable relationship, don’t you agree?” 
“No I don’t. I don’t care who you are or where you come from. We’re co workers, that’s it.” You didn’t expect Bakugou’s words to hurt as much as they did. You barely met the guy and he’s already made his decision on how the relationship was going to be. A part of you wanted to just let it go, to just accept the fact that he didn’t care for personal relationships, but the other part, the part of you that always got you into trouble, wanted to know and be more with him. 
“Well I care,” you finally blurted out, causing Bakugou to finally look over at you. “I’m not saying that we have to be friends but if we want to be a strong team, we have to get to know each other on a more personal level. I can see you’re very strong and I also know that we could be really good together. So ignore me all you want but I’m not going to stop asking.” He looked puzzled, as if no one had ever bothered to speak to him like this. It was as if he was thrown into foreign territory and had to figure out how to navigate to the sudden outburst. 
“3 months,” he answered, immitadly turning away from you. You couldn’t help but smile at the small achievement you had accomplished. It wasn’t something drastic or something to celebrate, but you took it as a win regardless.  
After sitting on the roof for a good half hour, you had decided to take street view, letting Bakugou keep the high ground. You were told that the suspect wore a black coat, had dark features, but the main identifier being his scars. He wore the black coat to hide his arms and body and wore a face mask to hide the scars that are suspected to be on his face. 
After mindlessly walking for what felt like forever, Bakugou finally came through the ear piece. “Angel, there’s a man fitting our description on the other side of the street, walking towards your direction.” You were quick to react, trying to spot any signs of a man in a dark coat. You thought you were going to lose him in the crowd, having to make your way through groups of people walking in your opposite direction. 
“Bakugou, I don’t-” You were suddenly cut off, being pushed back by the force of colliding with another person. You lost your balance, falling straight onto the concrete sidewalk below you. “Ouch…” You winced in pain, the collision of your bum hitting the hard concrete rattling you a bit. You looked up to see what it was that you had bumped into, Bakugou screaming in your ear before you could put the pieces together. 
“THAT’S HIM!” You made eye contact, complete shock written across your facial features as you stared directly at the man you had been looking for. 
“Here,” he reached his hand out, offering to help you up from your fall. “Sorry about that. It’s easy to get caught up in these crowds.” You were hesitant to take his hand but did it anyways, knowing that you had to diminish any sort of suspicion. His hand was rough to the touch, as if it was scared more so than dry skin. You noticed his stitches that held his scars together, slightly grazing over them as you released. “Oh uhh.. I got these cause my quirk is too strong for me to really handle.” The man seemed to be around your age, his whole appearance matching the description you were given. 
What do I do? 
“Oh I wasn’t meaning to stare,” you hesitantly assured him, trying to awkwardly laugh off the situation. 
“I haven’t seen you around here before,” he finally changed the subject, the new topic being just as stressful as the last. 
“Oh yeah I’m new to town! Just doing an internship so I’m still kind of new to all of this. I’m just out patrolling the area, making sure nothing bad happens. Ya know, the normal hero stuff.” You awkwardly scratched the back of your head, avoiding eye contact as best as you could. In all honesty, you wanted to cut this conversation short and let Bakugou track him to wherever he was planning on going, but your mind had gone blank. You were unable to think of an out so instead, you had to let the conversation carry on until you found an opening. 
“Well I bet people will feel better having such a pretty hero like you around to keep them safe.” Woah woah woah… Did he really just call you pretty? And are you actually blushing right now at his comment?? Get it together Y/N! 
“Eh- haha. I mean I’m just doing my job, just like any other hero.” Please leave. Please go away. Please give me an opening to get out of here.
“I guess I’ll be seeing a lot more of you then?” His smile was everything but welcoming. You could see that this man wasn’t someone who found heroes pleasant to begin with. The uneasy feeling you had when you made eye contact the first time started to grow, causing you to internally panic. “Cute wings. Reminds me of another Pro Hero I see flying around here sometimes.”
“Uh… Who?” You asked, trying your best to play dumb. He furrowed his brows, your response coming off more suspicious than before. “I’m sorry. Like I said, I’m new here and I don’t even know who I work for. I was just sent here as soon as I got there so I haven’t really met anyone.” 
“Huh. Well I’m sure you’ll meet him soon. Especially if you have wings like that,” he said, pointing to your enlarged wings. “He’s a pretty big fan of people who have similar quirks to his.” 
“I’ll definitely have to keep an eye out then. Sounds like we’d get along.” 
“The names Dabi, by the way. And you are?” Did he really just tell you his name? Was the whole ‘play dumb’ act really working? Could this be some kind of message that he wants to send to Hawks since he was the one who mentioned him? 
“You can call me Angel,” you responded, knowing it was better to offer your hero name rather than your real one. You chose the hero name ‘Angel’ because it could be taken as either a hero name or even a birth given name. 
“Angel,” he repeated, barely above a whisper. “Fitting.” You didn’t respond this time, wanting to let the conversation end there which Dabi caught onto. “Well I’ll let you get back to work Angel. I hope I see you again.” And with that, he was gone, disappearing from your view into the crowd of people.
You were quick to make your way around the block so that way you could communicate with Bakugou without having to worry about Dabi overhearing anything if he had happened to still be in ear shot distance. “Angel what happened!? Did you get anything?” 
“I’ll come find you! Just keep tracking him! I’m on my way!” you told Bakugou before lifting off above the city. You were quick to spot Bakugou who was jumping from rooftop to rooftop, keeping a steady pace and decent distance between him and the suspect. Once Bakugou stopped, you took that as a sign to land on the closest building and follow Bakugou’s actions so that way you could keep a low profile since the suspect now knew who you were. You mentally kicked yourself in the butt, knowing that you should’ve just left after he helped you up. 
“What did he say?” Bakugou barked, his vision focused on the cluster of buildings in front of him. 
“Well I got his name.” 
“And?” He looked over at you, his expression completely unreadable. Were you going to get in trouble for making contact? And on the first day too? 
“Dabi.” Bakugou’s face went white, his expression telling you that maybe they knew more about the suspect than they were telling you. “Bakugou, who’s Dabi?” 
“I pinpointed the location. Let’s get back to the agency and report to Hawks what we found.” 
“I’m not taking us anywhere until you tell me who this Dabi guy is!” 
“Suit yourself you dumb bird.” He was quick to blast off, making his way back in the direction of the agency. You were in shock by his sudden outburst, creating quite the distance between you two. What is going on? You were so confused, only being left more in the dark as Bakugou ignored your multiple questions. 
Snap out of it Y/N! Follow him! 
“What- Bakugou!!”
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wackatoshi · 4 years
winter’s fanfic recs
last updated: 5 July 2020
ok so you want good fanfics?? emotional rollercoasters?? gut wrenching angst?? toe curling fluff???  well listen I have you covered. keeping this pinned (maybe) and ill try update whenever i can!
listen i consume so much fanfiction per day it tends to all get blurred in my head, plus life lol. so these fics are truly standouts because they resonated that much with me that i have reread them countless times, and will continue to do so!!!
below the cut are links to the fic and some brief comments where i tried to encapsulate as much as I could, as concisely as possible LMAO but it was really hard okay
anyone who follows me knows i am Rain’s Biggest Fan lMAOOOO so it comes as no surprise that i recommend everything by @/revasserium
but here are a handful...that, you know, if the world ended and all the libraries burnt to crisps and the internet emptied itself...these r the ones i’d salvage:
found among the ruins - kageyama x reader all time favourite, nothing will change this from being my #1. this has lines you won’t forget!! fantastic historical references just woven into this story, ties in amazingly with kageyama like. damn. “when they lose to seijoh, he doesn’t cry” is just such an iconic line, it randomly comes back at me and i HAVE to go and reread this. brilliant. brilliant. brilliant.
universal truths - kageyama x reader ok this fic is barely a day old and it’s pinned on my blog so go and read it now. just read the author’s note at the beginning and tell me you’re not immediately enticed lmao. i can't say anymore about this bc words just don’t do it justice so just read rain’s tags:
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and tell me this isn’t poetry 
love as dead as one of the languages - oikawa x reader (assassin au) LIKE...THIS IS NOT A STORY THIS IS A WHOLE MOVIE. oikawa n iwaizumi duo as assassins and yes it’s just as sexy as u think. perfect undertones of angst, oikawa angst by rain is the Best thing ever. man read this so you can talk to me about it, im obsessed w spy aus and this comes rlly close
so this is how summer ends - oikawa x reader
first paragraph in this is probably singlehandedly the most phenomenal metaphor i have ever come across. it just sets the tone for the story incredibly well and i have no words, this really, really, really hurt me but i Always come back to it, because there’s a hopeful part of me that thinks it might be different each time lMAO
hate - tsukki x reader this is AWESOME. the pacing of this fic is just to die for, you’ll know what i mean when you read. the cold open, but then the way it just develops throughout the story and you finally get the full picture - phew. absolutely a masterpiece, yet again, and it’s so so perfect. don’t be shy read it
stolen kisses - sakusa x reader imsidjakjdha this is awesome, great reading of sakusa, so fluffy and adorable and toe curlingly sweet. i love this, really adore this and it’ll make you feel so much better if you’re having a bad day, trust me on this. fricking adorable
those who make sandcastles - kakashi x reader
so I’ve never watched naruto ever lmao (except two episodes rain generously linked me which...I still never recovered from) but this is so so unspeakably beautiful to me. I don’t think you understand...like from a person who didn’t know who this guy was, god reading this was a raw experience and I just. it’s gorgeous please talk to me about this fic. I’m sure it’ll hit way different when u actually know his character. but omg I just. 😭 so many gorgeous lines in this fic in PARTICULAR I am never gonna be over this one
next we have the iconic @/bleedinqhearts and you’ve probably come across her work at some point or another, so good!!!! well i have more to show you!!!!!!!
what we owe to each other - oikawa x reader (spy au) THIS is the fic that inspired me to write no sound like silence lmao so go and read this one bc it’s infinitely more superb and snappy and WOW. it honestly takes a lot for me to EVER reread fanfics, but this one is One i easily, easily come back to because it’s so addictively well-written. the cliffhanger at the beginning tho ooooffff ;)
we were thieves - kuroo x reader (heist?au) one of the most criminally underrated fics if i’m honest!! so great so great, kuroo is just OOOF in this like, just WAIT til he comes in. honestly sad this is the only part but hey there’s just so much description that you can easily insert this as ur emotional support daydream and enjoy ur own spin-off in ur head
with time - ushijima x reader yeah like, this has 1000+ notes for GOOD reason. fricking amazing, absolutely tore me apart but the ending is so endearing, so sweet, you’ll probably shed a couple tears. ushijima being a big oaf is all i live for and UGH this will literally make you squeal, it is SO helplessly adorable and sweet and i just want to be in love so bad
ok next writer is @/xuyue who you all know i Stan. just go and read all of her works please i beg of you, she’s got some incredible lines and fricking gorgeous pacing, i feel like im on cloud nine with every one of her fics. but you ALL know which one my favourite is:
asteria - yamaguchi x reader I WILL GO TO THE GRAVE WITH THIS FIC I SWEAR ITS AMAZING...i fell head over heels in love with yamaguchi after reading this lmao like wow. and the last line will haunt you forever and ever...just go to the reblogs of this fic and you’ll see the trail of my comments and delirious ramblings lmao
between us - iwaizumi x reader (historical au)
HI LMAO THIS SERIES WILL ABSOLUTELY RUIN YOU ITS THE FRIKCIRHH BEST historical aus have NEVER been done better yue clearly put in a ton of effort to research this and FIRCK Japanese edo period just...comes to LIFE before your eyes like GOD...but this fic encapsulates forbidden love, mutual pining but 100x angstier, and I think you’ll just be overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness all the way through. goddd iwaizumi is just SO noble in this and part 6 will fricking obliterate you also please read if it’s you which is oikawa x reader (historical au) ahahaah ahaha
ok ok. are u ready for the kicker coz yes its the amazing @/krystallisert my blog is currently named after two of her fics because i am but a Shrine to god tier writing. so check out the link in my description box (god who am i) and browse throughhhh <3 NOT my masterlist do NOT interact
da capo - oikawa x reader x iwaizumi (soulmate au, unrequited love) THE FACT WE STANNED THIS SO HARD THAT NIGHT LMAOAOOA I LOVE IT. i even have a tag for this fic, that’s how bad it got me. honestly my hands are shaking as i type this bc i really don't know how to explain how incredible this fic is..how much it means to me. i CRIED so hard, i screamed and cursed like this GOT me. i said it once before, but this story EVOLVES before your eyes - each chapter is in a new perspective and you collect all these new details, you see things in a new light, and iwaizumi’s chapter will properly break your heart...but also oikawa’s chapter shook me to the core n i really LOVE the characterisation here. 
bitter/sweet - ushijima x reader (fake dating au, billionaire au) uMMMMM THE FACT I ALSO HAVE A TAG FOR THIS WHY DIDNT ANY OF YALL MESSAGE ME ABOUT THIS ??? i had a TIME reading this fic. i had the best time of my life. god when you find people who can write ushijima it’s the best fricking thing ever. like...he is so amazing in this oh my god. this fic in particular brings the characters and the scenes to LIFE. it just feels so real, so tangible, and you...you just know what i mean if you read it ok. i was blushing all throughout this fic, tingles up my spine...the LOT
highways: in defiance - oikawa x reader (dystopian au)
oh my god. ok I am really not coherent right now as I type this bc my emotions have seriously been sucked dry...THIS fic is absolutely stunning. please read it. the relationship building is so gorgeously executed, you will fall in love with ever-observant, rebellious oikawa, he is just a DREAM in this. I am so in love oh my gosh it’s so beautiful, I love them, I’m in love, it hurt in a lot of places but the ending will just make you so soft for the universe 🥺
highways: in colour - akaashi x reader (dystopian au)
HEY THIS FIC BROKE ME LMAOOOO GODDDD this is the first instalment of the highways series that I read and yeah it’s GORGEOUS. the language is so vivid and colourful, you’ve got smuggler/painter akaashi vibes whose creativity has been repressed because of this totalitarian regime, and this secret lil relationship is just doomed from the start but it makes you hope, so desperately, it just makes you hope and hope and hope because that’s what dystopian stories are all about right? the ending will BREAK you
a new addition bc this writer is so brilliant, so big-brained, I am genuinely in love with everything she’s ever written MUAH I LOVE @/wander-lu5t
underwater — ushijima x reader
this basically follows canon post timeskip so WOW it’s amazing and so beautiful. a long fic but seriously not to be missed, every chapter is so engaging and beautiful and you will just feel so so so much. the characterisation is absolutely impeccable!!! I love it so much...I have so many feelings...ahhhh
into the new world - atsumu x reader, ushijima x reader, kita x reader (soulmate au)
HAHAHAHA FRICK THIS SERIES IS ACTUALLY JUTST BLOODY INCREDIBLE WOULD PAY FOR A WHOLE BOOK FILLED WITH EVERY CHARACTER FROM HQ IN THIS SETTING!!! so it’s a three part series featuring diff characters in which reader is thrown into a new world and meets her soulmate, discovering their name is written somewhere on their body. it’s just amazing. I do not know which one is my favourite truly. they’re all so incredibly good in their own right and of course the characterisation is amazing. to summarise the way I feel:
atsumu: HILARIOUS. you will be laughing from start to end, I swear. he is such a drama baby but it’s so funny lmao. the dynamics are seriously to die for, everything is just brilliant!!! if you need a pick me up, read this!! and the ending is just AGHHH IT TIES THE FIC TOGETHER IN SUCH A LOVELY MANNER
ushijima: THIS WAS SOOO INTERESTING OMG. reader is low key so dodgy LMAO we love to see that scoundrel energy contrast against prim and perfect ushijima. another gorgeous one, there’s one line in here that especially broke my heart and you will know which one it is. sigh...OH AND TENDOU IN THIS LMAO
kita: ok this is possibly my favourite one of the three...I’m so??!?! it’s especially magical ahhh and romantic, you will swoon so much. if you want to feel particularly swept off your feet, kita’s your man, and this fic is the one for you. I am so in love with him after this LMAO like to an unhealthy degree. I just want to move into the countryside on a farm and live my best life with that man <3 and his grandma LMAO
here’s a RANDOM RANDOM rec bc it’s not haikyuu, it’s star wars, it’s reylo aka one of the most controversial ships in the world yes, i know -
crossroads trilogy - reylo YEPPP this series absolutely ruined me and it will ruin you too. the plot in this is like crazy good and the fact it was written pre-the last jedi always kinda freaks me out bc of how many parallels it had to the movie. wow. yeah i should reread this bc it was absolutely incredible 
in conclusion please go and tell your favourite writers that you enjoyed what they wrote! it’s a simple gesture of appreciation & it really does mean a lot, so don’t forget to say thank you!! they work hard ya know!!
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atsukashii · 4 years
❝safe and sound❞ // k. bakugou
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SYNOPSIS: ➛ you had originally thought you were a fearless hero to be, but the moment you watched Katsuki get taken by the league of villains, you knew you had one fear, being without him.
» CHARACTER PAIRING: katsuki bakugou x todorok!reader (shouto’s sister)
» GENRE: request from @todorokikouinferno​ (sorry it took so long!)
» WARNINGS: mentions of kidnapping, stubborn reader meets stubborn boyfriend, fluff
« masterlist || ao3 »
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Too much of the world, the name Y/n Todoroki didn’t mean much, but in Japan, many people knew of the family that you came from, and the burden you bear as a child of the current number one pro hero, especially as an upcoming hero yourself. From the moment you were born, you were overlooked because of your quirk. It wasn’t enough for your father, the famous Endeavor, number two pro hero in the country at the time. Yet the moment that your younger brother’s quirk emerged for the first time, less than a year after you, you saw the pride in your father’s eyes and could see what was to happen before it did. 
You loved your family fiercely, but you were exceptionally close with Shouto. Less than a year younger than you, the two of you acted as if you were twins your whole lives. You were two sides of the same coin; one side firefly and explosive and the other calm and cool. And for Shouto, you would do anything, including getting your father’s attention off him by training under your old man yourself. You went from a nobody to becoming a hope to many of the future, your fire quirk all but mastered, allowing you to manipulate flames ranging from a roaring orange blaze to a white melting light so bright it hurt to look at. So when you decided to apply for U.A with your brother in his year, having been held back a grade due to being home-schooled to train with your father, it was no surprise that both of you were granted admission by reference to the prestigious school.
It also was no surprise that on your first day of class, you butted heads with the most explosive person in their class. Your fiery red hair matched your father’s temper, something Shouto didn’t seem to have with his calm demeanour. However, you refused to back down from the opportunity to hand Katsuki Bakugou his ass in your first sparring session.  From that moment onwards, there was a form of respect between you two as he got up to his feet and growled under his breath. 
“Not damn bad Todoroki.” 
To say it had shocked you was an understatement, as Bakugou had been nothing but rude to literally everyone so far in his high school career. However, that respect soon became mutual and kept evolving into something more as time passed. You’d become friends of a sort at first, your relationship built on respect, admiration and an unhealthy amount of competitiveness from both sides, but it was your tomboyish nature that seemed to get the mighty Katsuki Bakugou to slowly and begrudgingly lower his walls until you could finally tell the difference between a curse of anger, and one with no bite. Somewhere along the few months of your first year, you had become close friends, training together outside of class time and trying to help your other friends study when they fell behind. 
Normally, you would bark right back at Katsuki whenever he decided to boom at Kaminari or Kirishima over their studying habits - or rather lack thereof. But now, as your lungs heave in the crisp air of the night and your bare knees dig into the loose first beneath you, you would do anything just to hear him snap at you once again.
You feel your lungs expand and collapse again with each rattling breath as your brain tries to contemplate what just happened in front of your eyes. You had been with Ochako and Tsuyu when you’d first noticed the Leave of Villains presence, and somehow, you had all ended up together, in the field, watching as Katsuki got pulled into the warp gate, away from you and your friends, and right into the hands of some of the most lethal people in the country. 
No, no no no please no. You hunch over and feel a scream threaten to break from your mouth only for someone else’s own yell to erupt instead. You don’t have to look up to know that its Midoriya, and your eyes glisten as you look at your dirt-caked hands. What could you have done better? Why couldn’t you save him? Why had you hesitated against those blue flames that were so much like yours? 
“Y/n!” You hear your brother’s concerned voice fill your ears and you see his knees drop in front of you. Dragging your face to meet his gaze, your brother gives you a determined look that has confidence flooding your veins.  “It’s going to be alright.” God he is such a hero, always was as a child and always will be. You don’t hold in the tears as they roll down your cheeks. Bakugou was gone… And you didn’t know when he was coming back.
“If you’re going to fucking nap whilst we study, just go to your damn room so you don’t drool on my notes.” There's a tug on a strand of your hair and your head snaps up from its resting place upon your crossed forearms towards the voice. Red crimson eyes meet yours and a scoff slips from the ash-blondes lips as he looks over your face. 
“I don’t drool.”
“Yes you fucking do.” Katsuki glares at you, but there's no bite to it as he looks back down at his textbook and continues to copy notes. 
“How long did I sleep for?”
“Almost an hour. Too damn long though if you ask me. If you were too tired to study, you could have fucking told me so dumbass.” You reach your arms above your head and groan as the muscles stretch, immediately becoming less stiff and sore. 
“I’m not too tired to study, I just need coffee is all.” You reply, going back to your laptop and try to continue working on your assignment due in a few weeks. Being close friends with Bakugou had its perks, which included becoming great at organizing your school work and not procrastinating as much. 
“You seem a lot more tired recently.” Katsuki’s words shock you and you look over the screen of your laptop to him with raised eyebrows. It’s at your look that you watch his walls go back up and he jumps on the defensive. 
“I didn’t know you cared so much Katsu!” you tease.
“Shut up dumbass, you’re lucky your already my fucking girlfriend or else I wouldn’t date you.” he growls, but you see the slight twitch at his lips at the empty threat. But that somewhat smile drops as he speaks again. “You’ve been training more with Endeavor right?” He tries again, and you immediately lean back, allowing the incoming train wreck of a conversation to happen right before your eyes. 
“Yes? That's all I fucking get?” There's a bite to his words now, and Katsuki looks genuinely pissed off, and you find yourself getting mad the more his temper rises. 
“What do you want me to say? I train with my dad a few times a week to help strengthen my quirk.” You say shrugging. “I want to be number one Katsuki, and I have the weapons in my arsenal, so why wouldn’t I use them?”
“Because they’re affecting your school work. Fucking damn it Y/n I saw you fall asleep in our calculus class today.” Katsuki growls and you know that he’s right, but you won’t ever admit it. Straightening your spine, you raise your chin and glare right back into his vermillion gaze. 
“That's because maths is boring.” You try to defend, but you know it doesn’t look good. It’s true that training with your father had been kicking your ass recently, where you found yourself making mistakes you hadn’t made since you were a kid. You had damned burnt yourself only yesterday on your shoulder because you had been distracted. But you couldn’t help it, for some reason your sleep had been plagued with a horrifyingly vivid replay of the day you weren’t strong enough to save the boy in front of you, and every night it ended differently. In some, you saw them take him, and in others, you watched those cobalt blue flames erupt over his body, and you heard his screams and watched helplessly from where you stood, physically unable to move. 
“I want to cuddle.” Your sudden change of direction makes Katsuki gape at you as if you had sprouted a second head, and you can’t help but smile.
“What happened to I’m not fucking tired?” He asks as you get up from your seat and drag yourself over to his bed. 
“I lied.” you shrug, immediately burrowing yourself under his sheets, and breathing in his scent. He’s here, its okay… you close your eyes and just breathe for a while, letting the familiar smell wash over you and calm your mind. 
There’s a groan and you can’t help but smile as Katsuki gets into the bed next to you, pulling you into his arms with a curse. 
“For five fucking minutes. Then I need to keep studying.”
“Okay,” you agree, rolling over to face him. Gently resting your head on his chest, his steady heartbeat fills your ears and you breathe out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding. 
“Is your insomnia back?” He asks out of the blue, and you hold yourself from flinching at the word. 
It had been almost a year from when Katsuki had been kidnapped by the league of villains, and you had thought you were getting better - but you have regressed significantly. The insomnia you created due to being scared of the nightmares in your first year returned with a vengeance until you were reliving that night every time you close your eyes. 
You have never mentioned to him just what caused your insomnia, and you didn’t really want to, purely afraid of seeming weak in front of your boyfriend. 
“Yeah,” is all you get out before nerves stop you from saying the rest. 
“When did it start?” he asks, but the calm tone of his voice alerts you to the fact that somehow, your hot but too intelligent boyfriend already figured it out and just wants you to confirm it. 
“Kamino.” The room is completely silent and for a moment, you’re not sure if either of you are even moving. But then, there's a familiar tug at your hair and you close your eyes as Katsuki begins to gently play with your red hair. “I know none of it's my fault, that I can't put it on my shoulders, that I wasn’t strong enough to help you, but sometimes… I don’t know.” It gets to me. It scares me more than anything else. Is what you want to say, but can’t bring yourself to. But Katsuki is very aware of those around him, and already knows what you’re trying to say, and gently releases your hair and softly tips your chin to face him. 
“It wasn’t your fault, and it wasn’t mine either. What happened is in the past, and nothing is going to separate us like that again, got it dumbass?” He says with such conviction that tears crease in the corners of your eyes. 
“I love you,” you blurt out, not caring that you said it for the first time here and now, or that you were the first person to even say it, for the words just felt right. Right now, and in this moment where you bare your heart to him. Katsuki is grinning feral down at you and immediately smashes your mouth to his, ignoring your shocked squeak that lasts but a second before you get dragged under a haze that seems to make you lose the capacity to think when you’re around Katsuki. And kissing him? Well you basically only have one brain cell during those moments, and the only thing it cares about is Katsuki Bakugou, and how soft his lips are. Katsuki weaves his fingers into your hair and you let out a shaky breath as he pulls away from the kiss. Although he’s close, he’s looking you in the eyes with so much happiness you find yourself grinning back at him. 
“I love you too even though you piss me the fuck off.” Rolling your eyes at the blatant disrespect you push away from your boyfriend and roll to the other side of the bed. 
“I take it back, I don’t love you. I despise you - Katsuki!” you squeal as he yanks you mid sentence back to him and rolls over so you’re pinned beneath him. 
“The blatant disrespect from you that I put up with makes me a fucking saint.” He smirks and you burst into laughter as he places a single kiss on his cheek.
“You want to talk about disrespect? I could be here all day with a list from here to the fucking Tokyo Tower with all the crap you’ve said hotshot!” You grin back, and your smile has Bakugou leaning down and pressing another gentle kiss to your lips. Your heart soars inside your chest at the contact, and the dark cloud that had been hovering around you today seems to dissipate as you meet his eyes. 
“I’m never fucking leaving you alone, got that through your stubborn skull y/n? Not even your shitty brother will deter me from it, even though icy hot annoys me more than you when your hangry.” You chose to ignore the dig at your brother because you’ve come to learn to pick your fights with Katsuki as your boyfriend, but now, in his arms as he rolls and pulls you into his chest once more, you’re more than content to just stay here forever. As his heartbeat fills your ears and you feel your eyes grow heavier and heavier, for the first time all week, you’re not afraid to fall asleep.
Because even though your nightmares are frightening, your boyfriend is way scarier and he would always be by your side. 
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REQUEST: ➛ Hi newcomer here saw requests open and jumped at the chance ☁️ Bakugou x Todo reader shes Shotos sister shes in 1A (she's not his twin but older) she has a fire quirk, she's determined and actually willingly trained with Endeavor, tomboy, competing for #1 spot, she has short red hair which she likes Katsu to play with, her and Katsu are competitive but also loving with each other, the kidnapping made her anxious (she won't admit it) and she forces him to cuddle with her in either of their dorms?
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©️ 2021 all rights reserved to atsukashii, do not change, edit, translate, or repost any works on any platform.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
That Pizza Place | Nolan Holloway AU (Set in S3A)
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Your brother would disapprove, like he did of most things if he found out. But you should have suspected him to find out about your little secret one day. Apparently, the time had come for that to happen, because apparently, a certain someone could not help but blabber.
“She’s got another date tonight, that’s why she doesn’t want to come on look out with us.” At Isaac’s words, Derek froze, becoming as still as a statue, The only parts of him that indicated any life were the tenseness in his arms, the veins flexed as though he was preparing to kill someone, and knowing him he was. Also his nostrils were flared, almost exhaling smoke, and his eyes were rabid, dancing over you with offense.
“We’ve just got Cora back, lost Erica and Boyd, and that is your main concern?” From Isaac’s expression, you could recognise the regret that had just formed after his explicit slip up. But that didn’t matter as you gulped and your outline was burnt by Derek’s disappointed glare.
That wasn’t true at all though, you just needed a distraction. And the boy you were currently spending your time with did a good job at that. He was different from all of the other guys that you sometimes felt like you were forced to spend your time with.
Nolan Holloway was one of a kind. Similar to Boyd, at school he was mostly by himself, but there was a twist. Your late friend and pack mate clearly liked the isolation from people, and often got annoyed, for which you couldn’t blame him, when Scott and Stiles came by to ask him for a favour. However, Nolan wanted to know people, his anxiety just usually held him back, so in your friendship, you made the first move.
There were times that he reminded you of Stiles, there was a trait they shared. Knowledge. Each was a well of it, but mostly in different sections. The abominable snowman was focused on history and mythology, whereas Nolan excelled in science. Other than that, Nolan was much quieter, even when it was just the pair of you. But you didn’t mind it if a conversation went silent, it was still comfortable, and you could sense that he felt that too.
Like Scott, Nolan cared about people, although in his case those numbers were lower than the werewolf’s. And that was the main thing - werewolves, kanimas, hunters. He knew nothing, his mind was clear from the curses, and he wasn’t looking for a secret, so it was unlikely that he would find out the fact that you weren’t human.
Sure he was curious and all, but he had yet to grow into his boots of courage and go out and investigate. He said he liked finding new things out about you, but surely it couldn’t hurt if you left the whole full moon quadrant out of the equation. If anything, it could be seen as self preservation, the less people that knew, the less people would discover the cold hard facts of your life.
“Don’t you dare pull that card on me.” It came out as a growl, aimed at your sibling. You had every right to be offended by his statement, and you sure as hell were. “Of course I’m pleased that Cora is back, and sad that two of my friends are dead, I just need a break. I’m a kid! The innocence of it was taken from you, don’t take it from me.”
He was uncertain of how to respond to your outburst, but you didn’t give him the chance. You walked in a quick pace to leave the loft, and the two wolves remaining behind. Taking your phone out, you looked at your contacts, scrolling down until you saw that you had no messages. Good, he didn’t cancel.
Isaac became incredibly nervous under the tension that was still filling the room even after you had happily left. “Should we go after her?” He asked, genuinely worried, although he suspected you were meeting up with that quiet guy from school as you had originally arranged to.
Sighing, Derek lowered his head. This was definitely not his first argument with you, you’d always been a bit of a pain as a kid, especially when Peter used to sneak you into the high school as a teenager, but this was different. He had pulled the guilt card, all because he thought he’d need another pair of hands if push came to shove. 
 But he wanted you to be prepared and alert for anything that came your way, otherwise he feared that you would end up like Erica and Boyd. And he had lost enough family, he had thought Cora was gone up until recently, but instead, she had been used as a pawn. A captive by the Alpha Pack.
“No.” The man answered his beta, knowing how much his words had stung you. “She needs her time, we’ll see her whenever she comes back.” Of course a part of him was paranoid that you wouldn’t, that one of the rogue alphas would snatch you up and keep you prisoner, or even kill you but he had to have some faith.
You had made it to the pizza joint, and walked in, quickly finding the one that you had arranged this so called ‘date’ as Isaac had described it. You knew the pair were vaguely familiar with each other, Nolan had just joined the lacrosse team and really wasn’t doing half bad considering he was playing on the same side as a couple of werewolves.
“Hi.” You sat opposite him, dropping your phone on the table, relieved that you hadn’t been notified about your big brother trying to contact you. He must have known that he had struck a nerve, and that was probably the reason that he was leaving you be, which you weren’t mad for.
“Hey.” He smiled, all to aware and wary of his surroundings. It wasn’t the busiest of places during this time, but it wasn’t quiet either. There was a baby crying in the far right corner, wanting attention and nurturing from their parents, and then a couple of guys from your biology class by the window, discussing the newest assignment. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” You asked him, smelling the confusion and hint of hope that rolled off of his shoulders. It was awkward for him to see people from school, which he could considering the side of the table he was seated at. Too many people judged him for being introverted, the comments had just begun to die down only because of his choice of joining a sports team.
As for you, everyone knew you as a Hale. When Scott was first bit and he was untrusting of Derek, you spied on him around school, keeping an eye on the boy, following the orders given by your brother.
But other than that, it was no secret about what happened to your family, especially when the truth about Kate and her actions were unveiled. The fire of the old Hale has was an infamous piece of knowledge if you lived in Beacon Hills. Some people, those who had not lived here all of their lives were occasionally impartial to knowing the information, but others let them in, telling them about how children were turned to a crisp, and the fact that there were few survivors.
It had never bought you any friends, just pity. And then those pitying folk would go on to say that it will be okay, or that their cat got ran over last week. The worst thing actually was, they didn’t know why the majority of your family were charred to ashes, some people supposed there were faulty wires or so on.
But this was why you wouldn’t allow Nolan to know the truth. Because of what you are, it even cost the lives of your human family members, to that bitch of a hunter though, that didn’t matter. It was a sacrifice for the greater good in her eyes, she had deserved worse than death itself. As much as you liked him and appreciated his presence, there was no one that you could trust with that intel, he’d either think you were bonkers or run away screaming, only to return with an onslaught of werewolf killing methods.
“You only just got here.” He answered, although he was leaning forward to agreeing. A smile perked up on your face, nothing too flashy, enough to convince him otherwise though.
“I want to show you something.” Jumping up from your seat, Nolan was inclined to follow your actions, and also you. It was something personal, something that you liked to keep private, and if your brother knew, he would surely threaten to rip your throat out.
But in all fairness, it was a part of both of you, the stem of the Hales that had fortunate escapes, whether you thought of them as that or not. History one could say, the place that tied you to Beacon Hills. The Nemeton.
A/N: Probably be doing a part 2, hope you enjoyed it xx
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lilywily143 · 2 years
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#i just wanna think about what they would do in a big place just filled with other old shit like them
My Top Posts in 2021
I love the idea that the ninja's element is prominent when they are stressed. I have some fun spins on this thou...
When Zane feels stressed, their incredibly cold. A light frost will form on his hands. He enters a room and everyone knows Zane isn't feeling good.
Kai will be the exact same, just hot. He gets uncomfortablely sweaty unfortunately. When Kai is stressed, only Zane can touch him to help him calm down.
The other ninja can talk to Kai, but Zane is the only ninja who can handle the heat if they touch. And vise versa if Zane is stressed.
When Jay is stressed, end is more susceptible to shocking people and endself. Nindroids and Cole are they only ones who can handle being in Jay's proximity. They help disperse the lightning.
Lloyd is drained of his energy and cannot do anything until they are calm. He is in his Oni form the entire time.
No one can use their powers in the same room as him, or else the element will "spread" around the room. Which will be painful for anyone in the same room.
But they can give hugs!
Water in the same building as Stressed Nya is fu-
The ninja know not to interact with water in the proximity of Nya unless its in a closed bottle.
And she isn't comfortable being touched because her element has a habit to flow, so people touching her makes her feel like her flow is disturbed.
When Cole is stressed, he doesn't do a lot. He tries to stay connected with the ground and he doesn't move a lot. Cole will also either stress eat or bite whatever was in his proximity, like his hand or shirt collar.
Jay, not that later on, end got Cole a necklace that was safe for him to bite on.
Cole gets worried that he might hurt someone if he hugs them for comfort because of his super strength and magma arms. But, everyone can handle Cole's strong hugs.
Also, their elements will make them act out like this if they are in an environment with their element if it isn't being used for power.
If Cole is underground, his element will act out unless it's used in a Spinjitzu burst or his true potential
And for the others...
Kai in the Summer and a Volcano, like in Season 1
Zane in the Winter, The Never Realm, and Mountain Tops
Jay in thunderstorms
Nya around large bodies of water
Lloyd's element act-up are is weird, but, it's in old ruins were his grandfather had lived or used his power.
36 notes • Posted 2021-10-23 17:51:44 GMT
Does anyone remember the astronaut Clara? The astronaut Tommy made up because his disc reminded him of space?
was during his exile?
37 notes • Posted 2021-07-14 16:45:23 GMT
@wooteena I actually think that Alivebur has brown wings like his hair and Ghostbur has black wings like his now darkened hair. But I like the symbolic Ghostbur is pure so white wings thing.
Also, everyone is like "Philza protected his son with his wings " but with this Headcanon... Wouldn't it make more since because, you know, Wilbur was just turned away from the button RIGHT THERE so WILL'S wings would be destroyed? And maybe Phil was dealt minimal damage that only got one wing since if he really protected his son, I would believe all of his feathers would be burnt to a crisp.
If you want to here more of my wing headcanons, on not just wilbur, let me know.
53 notes • Posted 2021-03-19 12:02:18 GMT
78 notes • Posted 2021-02-25 17:23:27 GMT
The pink plushie in the poster is Mrs. Huggy Wuggy!!!
The pink one is pretty!! She's the female Huggy Wuggy
Also the poster in question....
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126 notes • Posted 2021-10-17 22:00:50 GMT
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reydjarinkenobi · 4 years
Burn Scars - Codywan Fic
This is a prompt I got messaged by @drowning-inthe-feels for a codywan established relationship in the aftermath of Kadavo.
Here it is.
I am working my way through the prompts. Feel free to give me some.
It had been hours and he still hadn't seen Obi-Wan.
The man had waved off all attempts to steer him towards the healers and when Cody had tried to push, Obi-Wan had raised his voice. He'd actually almost yelled. Obi-Wan never did that.
His lover had looked immediately regretful and had murmured a quick apology before scurrying away to complete some small job or another. He had been avoiding the Med Bay and the cargo hold, which was where the majority of the Trogrutans were staying, like the plague.
Cody himself had barely had a break since they'd gotten the colonists onto the Resolute. He'd taken half an hour to check on Rex, and make sure that Fives, Jesse and the rest of the ARC troopers wouldn't leave him alone with his thoughts. His vod needed company at the moment. And so did his Jedi.
He was completing yet another essential form that for some reason, protocol dictated needed to be filled out right then and there when he was approached by General Koon.
"I finally convinced Master Kenobi to go to his quarters," he told Cody in his rich, soothing voice. "You should take a break as well, Commander. You deserve it. And maybe check on your general. Make sure he's getting some sleep before you get your own."
Cody stared at the Jedi Master for a few seconds before he nodded eagerly.
"Thank you sir."
General Koon shook his head. "No, thank you Commander Cody, for being there for him and for earning his trust."
Cody inclined his head forward respectfully and hurried out of the room. He made sure that no one saw him sprinting towards Obi-Wan's door, dodging vod like they were clankers and this was a stealth mission. He didn't even pause to muse about the fact that they were on the Resolute so often that General Kenobi had a permanent room there. General Skywalker and Commander Tano had the same on the Negotiator.
He knocked on the door and it opened for him without a word.
He paused as soon as it closed behind him.
Obi-Wan was sitting slumped in the one of the two chairs at the small desk at the side of his room, staring blankly at the wall. He had obviously not cleaned himself up. He hadn't even gotten changed.
"Obi-Wan," he murmured and the Jedi jerked, immediately tensing before his gaze found Cody and relaxed minutely.
"Oh," the man breathed. "Hello Cody."
The skin beneath his eyes was so dark it was practically black, and Cody was sure that the bruises were only hidden because of the grime and soot that covered the rest of his body.
"You need to change, and shower."
Cody had never had to remind Obi-Wan of that before. The general usually took care to keep his outward image professional and confident, even during the few times when he was struggling internally.
Cody stepped forward, close enough to reach out and touch Obi-Wan's shoulder.
"Come on," he urged and Obi-Wan flinched away.
Cody took half a step back, batting away the flash of hurt that twisted his heart and focusing on the worry that pulled at his gut.
The Jedi squeezed his eyes shut and visibly swallowed.
"It seems I am unable to remove my tunics," he admitted, his voice so quiet that Cody had to strain to hear it, even from this distance.
"Don't ask me to go to Medical," Obi-Wan cut him off, his voice suddenly hoarse. "Just please, don't. I won't invade it with the Togruta in there. They deserve a safe space."
"I can help you then. I know you keep your first aid kit stocked."
Obi-Wan looked down, a sharp breath that sounded suspiciously like a sob huffing out of his nose.
"I don't want you to see my like this," he muttered, his voice thick.
"I can get General Skywalker if you want."
"That's worse. If Anakin sees what the slavers did to me… He's already struggling enough as it is."
From what Cody had gleaned of Skywalker's past, he had to agree. He didn't even bother suggesting Commander Tano. They couldn't shield her from much, but she didn't need to see this.
"What about General Koon?"
Obi-Wan shoulders began to shake lightly. Cody knelt down in front of him to put himself in Obi-Wan's peripherals.
"Hey," he murmured. "You can trust me, Obi. Whatever I see, I won't think of you any differently. What you went through was…" Hell. "… difficult. But you're still my general. The one who goes along with General Skywalker's crazy plans with a huff as if your plans aren't as brilliantly insane half the time. The one who can charm starving predators. The man I want to sleep beside for the rest of my life."
Obi-Wan slowly looked up at him as he spoke. His eyes were glassy from tears. He finally nodded and Cody stood, moving around his to his back so he could help ease the tunics off.
He froze when he saw the huge burns down Obi-Wan's back as well as the ones on his neck. Before his emotions could kick back in, Cody threw up the shields that Obi-Wan had got him to use. He knew that his Jedi hated the feeling of other people's anger or worry. That too much of those emotions could make his Jedi literally feel nauseous.
He drank in the horrifying sight before him as he slowly peeled the tunics off his lover, being careful not to stretch any skin.
The injuries were angry and red, and some were still bleeding. This whip marks blurred by the electric burns. Signature wounds of a shock whip. The neck was almost grotesque. The skin there was blistered and had been burnt right off at some points, exposing the tissue beneath as the it bled sluggishly, blood catching on the remnants of skin layer that were still clinging on.
"I'm going to get you clean. Then I'll get some bacta on those wounds, and then we're going to sleep. I checked with Wolffe, and both our schedules have been cleared for the next twenty hours."
It was practically a vacation.
Obi-Wan nodded and then glanced back at Cody, wincing as the movement aggravated the wound on his neck.
"You don't have to talk if you don't want to," Obi-Wan assured him, voice still eerily quiet. He wasn't a loud man by any means, but Cody had never heard the heavy resignation nor the fragility in that crisp Coruscanti accent he loved so much. He hated it.
And wasn't that just exactly like Obi-Wan. Being so hurt and still so considerate?
"It's alright, cyare," Cody murmured. "I don't mind talking to you when we're alone."
Obi-Wan's lips twitched up slightly at that before he looked back around, his shoulders once again slumping as Cody carefully helped him to his feet and led him to the fresher, allowing the man to lean on him as much as possible.
Cody had never been more thankful that the Resolute was one of the few ships in the Republic fleet with actual water showers. It was probably a boon from the Chancellor. From what he heard from Fox, the man was quite close with Rex's general. Though, Cody didn't know how General Skywalker could stand the man who seemed to be making all the dumbest decisions in this war.
He leaned Obi-Wan against the tiling, out of the spray of the water as he gently waited for it to get up to a moderate heat. He knew his general usually preferred his showers almost scorching hot, but didn't want to risk aggravating any wounds.
He washed down Obi-Wan's front, using a towel to wipe away at his face and other sensitive areas before he turned him around. He held in a wince. This was going to be the hard part.
He dampened another towel under the warm spray, using it to gently clean the space in between the wounds.
Obi-Wan trembled faintly as Cody worked, leaning heavily against the tiles and pressing the side of his head against them. If it wasn't for the small hisses that escaped past his teeth ever once in a while, Cody would think that he'd fallen asleep.
Once he was finished, he steered Obi-Wan back out of the room, sitting him down on one of his chairs so that his chest was pushed up against its back and his wounds were easily accessible.
Cody grimaced as he got out the disinfectant.
He would prefer to give Obi-Wan some heavy pain killers for this part but Cody knew that Obi-Wan hated how they interfered with his connection to the Force and he knew that neither of them had the energy for an argument like that at the moment.
"This is going to hurt," he murmured as a warning before he began cleaning the wounds.
Obi-Wan let out a stifled yell when the disinfectant soaked cloth touched his back, arching away from Cody.
Cody placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing gentle circles into one of the few patches of unmarked skin.
He made quiet hushing noises as worked, trying to find a balance between moving quickly and also doing it right. He very intentionally focused on the task at hand, not allowing his thoughts to stray. If he didn't, he knew he wouldn't be able to stop his thoughts of what he would like to do to those slavers slipping through. Obi-Wan didn't need that at the moment. He'd already dealt with too much horror.
After what felt like an eternity, Cody finally had the wounds cleaned. He'd needed to physically hold Obi-Wan down when he got his neck. The Jedi had bucked and yelped but Cody hadn’t stopped, knowing it needed to be done.
Now, Cody could finally get the bacta on the wounds. He placed a kiss on the top of Obi-Wan's shoulders after he sealed each light blue soaked bandage onto his back.
The man was mostly silent as Cody put the bandages on, though a few whimpers slipped out and Cody had to swallow back a thickness in his throat every time the high, broken sound reached his ears.
"All done," he announced, resting his hand at the nape of Obi-Wan's and smoothing his thumb over the edge of the bacta patch resting there. "Time for bed."
Obi-Wan didn't even attempt to argue a Cody pulled him up. He leaned heavily on Cody, his blue grey eyes still unnervingly blank, something fragile beneath them like they might crack if you pressed too hard.
"What do you want?" Cody asked as they both sat on Obi-Wan's bunk.
The man visibly swallowed, blinking a few times before his gaze focused on Cody.
"Just stay… Hold me," Obi-Wan whispered, a tear slipping down his face. "Please."
So, Cody gently pushed him down onto the bed, gathering his lover in his arms so that Obi-Wan's face was pressed into his neck and Cody's chin was resting on the other's head.
"They died because of me," Obi-Wan's voice hadn't gained any volume but Cody could hear him perfectly. "Because I was stupid enough to think I could help them."
Cody knew that nothing he said could make the general feel better. That no amount of logic or explanations could rid him of the guilt. So, he just pulled him closer, offering silent support.
"They died and I couldn't do anything. All I did was make things worse."
He held him as silent sobs began to shake Obi-Wan's frame, causing him to shudder in his hold. He ran gentle fingers through his hair and down the few spaces of exposed skin on his back until the shaking eventually stopped and they both fell asleep.
The smutty sequel chapter is on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25033900/chapters/60625729#workskin
It’s my first time writing smut, so it might be a little off.
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