#my little meow meow manipulates yet another teenager
that-sweet-jester · 3 years
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I think the council should be more discreet
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Not Again
Summary: this is a late halloween story but my friend who rewuested it finally gave it its approval Sandy belongs to my friend and Red mentioned at the end belongs to @melyaliz
Tagging: @dilpickledd @melyaliz @coffee-randomness @speedypan
You would think that after three generations, well technically four, of hero's things couldn't get any crazier. You would think that maybe the villians would get tired of the same ol plots and plans. Was it too much to ask for just one day? One day full of spooks and cheesy named platters. One day having fun with your significant other. One day to just be a teenager. But no Aquata should have known better, especially when this halloween happened to fall on a full moon.
The first sign were the ghosts or rather lack of. Aquata was used to seeing them especially around October when the bridge between worlds was more open. Heck she even had a ghost nanny who was technically her mom but in a past life. Ghosts were actually pretty chill and never really bothered her, whenever they would interact with her Aquata would simply try and see if she could help them pass on.
Aquata had managed to go through most of the day before realizing the lack of ghost activity. She only noticed because she spotted a familiar looking ghost boy who quickly glided into one of the empty classrooms.
"Hey cover for me." Aquata whispered to her sister as she made her way to the classroom. Shaylee stood by the door and pretended to check her bag.
"Weastly?" Aquata called out quietly scanning the room.
The little boy poked his head out from the teachers desk, his golden locks tucked inside a beanie. His eyes shifted around nervously and sunk back in enough to cover half of his head.
"Hey what are you doing here?" Aquata asked softly as she approached.
"I'm playing." Weastly replied though his answer didn't match up to his mood.
"Playing what?" Aquata asked going along hoping that he'd reveal something.
"Hide n seek." He whispered and ducked lower. "He's looking for us."
Weastly completely sunk into the desk and when Aquata peered under he was gone. Frowning she walked back out to her sister.
"What happened?" Shaylee asked as she closed her backpack.
"I just saw Weastly." Aquata replied.
"You old little ghost friend? What was he doing?"
"He said he was playing but I don't know, something felt off about him."
"Isn't his whole thing is that he always wants to play?"
"Well yeah but I don't know he was acting weird. It seemed like he was scared?" Aquata frowned as she tries to make sense of his attitude. "You don't feel anything off?"
Shaylee shrugged as she paused by her class. "You know I wasn't gifted with that supernatural power."
"There's nothing off about your magic?"
"Hmm nothing out of the usual. The full moon always helps but it feels the same? I guess?"
"Well you're no help." Aquata grumbled.
"Talk to mom when we get home I'm sure she'll know something." Shaylee shrugged. "Or I dunno find another ghost and see if they know what's up. Or meditate on it."
"Alright alright you've made your point." Aquata rolled her eyes and waved goodbye.
"Hey." Lily greeted Aquata by the door of their shared classroom and suddenly Aquata felt hrf worry slip away.
"Hey." Aquata smiled bringing her girlfriend in for a quick kiss.
"Are you excited for tonight?" Lily asked wrapping her arm around Aquatas waist and walked inside the classroom.
"Yup it's going to be awesome. You're lucky I basically already had the costume." Aquata smiled as she let go and sat down suddenly looking forward to tonight's Halloween party.
"Hey mom can you- oh sorry." Aquata stopped at the entrance to her mother's office.
Annabella braced herself against her desk rubbing her temple as she recovered from the seance. Annabella looked up and smiled at her daughter.
"Well don't you look rebellious." Annabella chuckled as she relaxed. "What do you need sweetie?"
"Oh um I just can't figure out how to tie a tie and I can't find dad.” Aquata said as she held up the fabric that was dangling from her neck.
“I thought the tie was supposed to be undone?” Annabella asked but she still approached her daughter.
“I’m trying to go for the trying too hard to look disheveled version.” Aquata said holding still as her mother twisted the tie into a knot.
“I see, well, there you go loosen it to your liking.” Annabella smiled and fixed the golden snitch Aquata had stuck in her hair.
“Is everything okay?” Aquata finally decided to ask as she began tugging on the tie eyeing the stone Annabella had on her desk.
“Yeah, yeah everything’s okay.” Annabella said though she eyed the stone nervously.
“Mom.” Annabella sighed and smiled reassuringly at Aquata.
“Something feels off, and I haven’t seen Selby all day. Usually she loves helping out with the halloween stuff you know. So I tried summoning her but it almost seems like she's blocking me or something I don't know.” Annabella shrugged and brushed some of her hair away. “I also haven’t used my magic in awhile so I might just be a little out of practice.”
“Do you think something is wrong?”
“Even if I did there's plenty of hero’s to help with the situation. Go have fun with Lily, just be safe.” Annabella brushed her hand against Aquatas cheek and Aquata nodded her head hugging her mom before leaving.
“Okay I get that the house is basically an entrance to a cemetery, but come on they could have done a better job at decorating.” Aquata sighed as she eyed the cheesy props they used.
“Don't start.” Lily laughed as she pulled Aquata along.
Aquata couldn’t help but smile as Lily immediately led her to the dance floor. Any thought of what was going outside of their little bubble was gone and there was only her.
“I think I might sweat my hair dye off.” Lily laughed as the song ended and wiped her forehead. “I'm getting something to drink, want something?”
“Yeah, bring me whatever you're having.” Aquata said and turned to head somewhere they could take a break.
Aquata paused when she saw someone standing on the other end of the room. No, that wasn't possible, Aquata shook her head and looked again but the person was staring right back at her also appearing confused.
“Sandy?” Aquata asked as she studied her technically half sibling.
“Aquata right?” Sandy said, also eyeing Aquata.
“What are you doing here?” They both asked at the same time.
“My friend Sara is throwing this party.” Aquata answered first.
“No my friend Trish is throwing this party.” Sandy corrected.
“Oh great.” They said again as it dawned on them what was happening.
“Not again.” Aquata sighed as she rubbed her temple.
“Well gee nice to see you too.” Sandy raised their eyebrow.
“No I mean not that I’m not glad to see you but like… I’m sorta here on a date and I really like this girl and heeyyyyy Lily.” Aquata quickly smiled and perked up trying to act normal.
“Hey who’s this?” Lily asked as she handed Aquata her drink.
“This is Sandy… my half sibling.” Aquata said trying not to lie too much.
“Half sibling?” Lily asked, looking at Sandy carefully.
“Yeah my dad accidentally donated a while back and we discovered a year ago we have some half siblings.” Aquata internally cringed at her explanation.
“Huh.” Lily continued to eye Sandy then cracked a smile. “Looks like your family is just filled with Ravenclaws.”
“That’s not true.” Aquata relaxed and wrapped her arm around Lily. “Dads a Gryffindor too. Not to mention mom is a Slytherin.”
“Yet your twin and brother are a Ravenclaw.”
“Shaylees a Ravenclaw?” Sandy asked, settling into the conversation and looking at their costumes. “Oh are you guys Lily and James?”
“Finally someone gets it.” Lily said, smiling brightly. “Everyone gets that I'm Lily but have a hard time figuring out who Aquata is.”
“Half think I’m Hermione, which I get, but at the same time I’m not that smart.” Aquata shrugged only to receive a smack from Lily.
Maybe everything would be okay. Maybe Aquata could still spend the night at this party with her girlfriend and sibling and act like nothing was going on. There are plenty of people that could handle what was happening. That was until the house began to shake. Great.
People began to scream and run the house shuttering and groaning. Aquata managed to slip away from Lily hoping that she would get out of the house and not try to look for her. Sandy followed her to the back and they began running through the cemetery. It wasn't till they were halfway through that Aquata began to realize something.
“The graves.” She said almost breathlessly, Sandy stopped to look at what had caught Aquatas attention.
“The names… they’re changing.”
Aquata felt her heart plummet and she started to recognize the names. Her parents, her friends, her family.
“We have to hurry.” Aquata said, picking up the pace.
“Oh come on not this guy.” Aquata whispered as they finally neared the end of the cemetery and noticed the witch boy Klarion walking by the graves.
“What’s he doing?” Sandy asked as they poked their head over one of the graves.
He paused by one of the graves, a rather large orb in his hands. A white haze seemed to get observed by the orb. Suddenly there was a soft meow from behind them and the two turned to face the familiar evil orange tabby.
“Don't worry, my mother said.” Aquata grumbled as she quickly dodged a blast from the witch boy.
“There’s plenty of heroes to take care of what's happening, she said.” She continued as she manipulated water to turn into ice picks and shoot them at the cat.
“You're very bitter about this aren’t you.” Sandy said from a few feet away as they focused their attack on the witch boy.
“What gave you that idea?” Aquata asked as she turned the water into a whip and tried to keep the cat at bay.
“Out of all the children that could come after me I had to get the two that have baby magic.” Klarion whined as he directed another attack toward Sandy.
“Hey I might not be anywhere near my sisters level of magic but I can still kick your butt.” Aquata shouted as she attacked him from behind.
“Hardly.” Klarion claimed as he managed to shake the girl off.
“Oh yeah?” Aquata said as she stood up holding the orb in her hands triumphantly.
“Give that back!” Klarion shouted his face suddenly becoming distorted.
“Keep away.” Aquata shouted as she flinged it towards Sandy who caught it and quickly rolled out of Klarion's range.
Aquata managed to land a good hit on the cat and tucked behind a rather large tombstone.
"No fair! No fair! No fair!" Klarion shrieked.
"We need to destroy this." Sandy said as they jumped in front of Aquata narrowly missing the hit Klarion threw at them.
Aquata snatched it from Sandy's hand and rolled away in time before the stone finally shattered.
"No!" Klarion shrieked as he spotted Aquata hold the orb in front of her.
She saw the hands and faces of the souls that were being trapped inside it and she felt rage boil inside her. This wasn't how souls should be treated. They were already suffering so much they didn't deserve this. She wasn’t exactly sure how but she knew it needed to be destroyed. The orb began to feel cold in her hands and with a sudden scream Aquata felt the electricity course through her body and shatter the orb to pieces. The spirits broke free and immediately went to swarm Klarion who let out a terrified yelp and disappeared.
“Woah easy.” Sandy said as they went up to Aquata and quickly caught her. Aquata looked down at her hands noticing the charred skin. “Come on let's get you to the watchtower.”
“We really should hang out sometime when the world isn’t in danger again.” Sandy said as they finished wrapping Aquatas hands.
“That would be great. I know Shaylee is going to be jealous I got to spend tonight with you.” Aquata smiled.
“Oh Coral is going to freak when she realizes I was with the other siblings.” Sandy chuckled.
“Hey um Sandy right?” The two looked up and Aquata smiled when she saw it was her friend Red. “Your ride back home is here.”
“Thanks.” Sandy nodded and turned to face Aquata patting her hands gently. “Thanksgiving we’ll spend it somewhere nice and have the whole family together.”
“I'll let my parents know.” Aquata nodded and hugged her sibling before they left.
“How are your hands doing?” Red asked as he leaned against the door.
“I'll be out of commission for a couple days.” Aquata said, trying to flex her fingers, then sighed. “That is if Lily doesn’t kill me first.”
“I'm sure she’ll forgive you.” Red tried to reassure her.
“I hope so.” Aquata looked down at her hands. “This was already supposed to be the makeup date… can I ask you something?”
“Is it worth it? Having them know?”
Red stayed quiet for a bit as he thought over the question. “You really like her dont ya.”
“Yeah, I do.” Aquata said softly.
“I'll admit it's still a bit hard. I worry about her but Mandy is… amazing. If you feel like it's the right thing I say go for it.”
“Thanks.” Aquata smiled before hopping off her bed. “Um I’m going to need some help getting home.”
“Don't worry I got you.” Red smiled as he held the door open for her and she stepped out into the hallway.
“Thank you.” Aquata turned towards the sound of the soft voice and spotted several spirits standing in the hallway. Some looked familiar, some she had never seen, and others… others were a little too familiar.
“You okay?” Red asked and Aquata turned to look at him.
“Yeah.” She mumbled looking back only to find an empty hallway. “Yeah I’m okay.”
She smiled and continued to follow him a little closer. As much as she didn't mind seeing ghosts there was something about seeing the ghosts of her friends that unsettled her.
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clarenecessities · 7 years
spooky spaghetti
Word Count: 1249 Rating: PG
Summary: In which Marinette tries to be the voice of reason, and Adrien tries to stop being so thirsty Chapter Warnings: animal death mention, food tw
honestly i don’t know if i’m training you to compliment me or you’re training me to write, but there does seem to be a correlation huh
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“Ideal might be pushing it,” said Plagg, yawning languorously in Adrien’s lap, “but you’d certainly have an easy time of it—magically speaking, anyway. I can’t speak as to how well your personalities would mesh; you may be a bit too foolhardy for our young witch, here.”
Adrien spluttered indignantly while Marinette gave a slightly hysterical giggle.
“I mean—we just met yesterday. That’s—you can’t just sign a contract on the second day you know somebody,” she protested, gesturing weakly at Adrien, who blinked as innocently as he could manage.
He’d always wanted to sign a contract. Ever since he could remember, ever since he had been aware of the concept, it had been some far-off dream. A connection to someone that couldn’t be broken.
He hadn’t ever met his parents, and true, he was more than happy with Plagg (provided Tikki stepped in occasionally to moderate disputes) (and their food supply) but he felt their absence in a way he couldn’t really express. It hung over him like unfinished business, like he was supposed to go out and do something about it, even when he knew there was nothing to be done.
His mother was dead. He’d accepted that a long time ago, and he knew it—he knew he’d never meet her, and he wasn’t even so sad about that as that she would never meet him. Adrien was nearly grown now, a teenager on the cusp of signing contracts and expanding his magic and finding out what he was supposed to do—and his mother would never know. She wouldn’t get to see him laugh and smile and be happy, to go to school, to make friends. She’d never meet his partner, or if he ever got married, his spouse. She wouldn’t meet any children he might have.
He felt her absence as a low ache, only every once in a while, deep in his stomach and high in his throat. Sometimes he would dream of a woman with bells in her long blonde hair, who turned away when he called out and vanished into mist. Sometimes he wanted more than anything for her to turn around and see him, for all he had become.
And true, he knew comparatively little about his father—Plagg refused to speak of him, vanishing abruptly in a bushy-tailed snarl if Adrien pressed the subject, and Tikki would say only that they thought he was still alive, but a bad person. A very bad person.
So while he wanted to know, he also didn’t want to know, and was more than happy to put off his unfinished business in the pursuit of something that could actually provide a modicum of happiness: Like a contract.
“Why not?” he asked Marinette, smiling his gentlest smile.
“Because it could go terribly, terribly wrong!”
“You can read my feelings, I can read your magic—heck, you can even tell when I’m lying! We would have figured out by now if we were evil, right?” he wheedled, trying to restrain himself from the instinct to beg. “I know it’s only been two days, and I’m not saying we have to sign now, or, or ever, really, I just—I just want you to consider it. A-and know that… that I respect your decision, whatever it is.”
Part of him wanted to try and talk her into it by emphasizing how happy it would make him, or how desperately he wanted a contract. A place where he and his wayward magic could be still and peaceful, could belong. Part of him wanted to seize on every minute of experience he’d gained in half-truths, living with the aos sídhe, and imply Marinette should be just as eager to work with him—but he couldn’t. Even if she wouldn’t have sensed it immediately, even if she had bought it hook line and sinker, he didn’t want to sign a contract like that. He didn’t want to manipulate or cajole her into something she didn’t want to be a part of.
As much as Marinette was the only witch he’d ever met with whom he could even envision signing a contract, as much as she was compassionate and inventive and inexplicably kind to him—as much as he desperately wanted to be her familiar—she was uncomfortable. While Adrien might not understand why (her magic was a confused jumble) he could certainly respect her boundaries, and ease off some of the pressure he and others were applying.
That was what partners did, right? They kept each other safe, and comfortable, and he had been remiss in his (admittedly hypothetical) duties. As his guilt and chagrin melted into a fierce resolve to respect her wishes, no matter what, he looked back up at her, boldly meeting her eye.
She had a strange expression, still caught halfway in her flustered rebuttals, cheeks stained pink as the kitchen fixtures beside her. Her eyes had lost the gleam of panic and automatic denials, narrowed into a considering squint. Adrien swallowed and looked away, abruptly embarrassed.  
Shit. She had probably felt all of that. God damn it. He wasn’t used to this emotion-reading thing yet.
Huh. Maybe she had a point about the ‘only known each other for two days’ thing.
“Thanks,” she said eventually, but amusement colored her tone. He glanced up at her shyly, pleased to find she was grinning, relaxed and apparently mollified. Her magic had stopped roiling and faded into small, lapping waves.
“Lunch is ready!” announced Sabine, startling the teens out of the moment.
Adrien blushed, fingers going to the back of his neck as he chuckled awkwardly, faced with both Plagg and Nino shooting him smug grins. He could see Alya shaking Marinette by the elbow out of the corner of his eye, but chose to focus instead on Sabine, who looked too satisfied by the interaction and was handing him a stack of plates to pass along the counter.
She had made a simple pasta, chicken, vegetables—he could see broccoli lurking in the back of the pan and tried not to make a face. Plagg sat up a little straighter in his lap as Sabine served the food, meowing plaintively until Adrien rolled up a forkful of the thin noodles and scooped it into his mouth for him, grumbling under his breath. Damn cat.
“And there’s no onions, Nino,” said Sabine with a kind smile. Nino grinned at her, obviously relieved.
“Thanks Mme. C,” he said as he scooped pasta directly into his mouth, forgoing the delicate fork twirling TIkki had insisted Adrien learn when she eventually taught him to use silverware.
“It tastes amazing Madame,” Alya assured, melting into her own dish with a grateful smile.
Adrien took an experimental bite while Plagg was chewing (an awkward affair without molars,) letting the flavors wash over him. Garlic, a rich cheese, basil—the meat was seasoned with a simple blend of spices that drew out the natural taste, reminding him almost paradoxically of a freshly killed mouse, hot and wild and liberating in its consumption. He blinked up at Sabine, who was watching his reaction with twinkling eyes and a faint smile.
“This is incredible,” he managed when he remembered to swallow, “Did you use magic on this or something?”
“Food is just another potion when you get down to it,” said Sabine, her smile widening as she watching Plagg chomp awkwardly with the side of his mouth. “Now, Plagg—what are you doing here?”
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