meandmyechoes · 1 year
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made a moffun
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suriyakanth2711 · 4 years
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The achievements you achieved is bootless when you haven't raised your voice for an environmental issue. #WithdrawEIA2020 #VoiceOut #suriyakanth #MyEchos https://www.instagram.com/p/CDt78G5snRo/?igshid=1d4borvgz30tt
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Commissioned and written by MyEcho featuring his OC Chi and my OC Zally.
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grumpygorman · 3 years
listen, if you’rewilling.. i’ve a story no soulbeyond myecho knows, disappointed,you findit boring- i never claimedit wasn’tso.
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phpandjava-blog · 5 years
Speech Recognition - Coming of Age!
Ever since I've been involved in the field of assistive technology there's always been the hope that speech recognition could assist students with the writing process. While speech recognition has been effective for some of the students we work with, it hasn't always worked out for the majority of the students that we work with. In the last six months there's been some new developments that make speech recognition a reality for many students. For many of us that are using smart phones we find ourselves using speech recognition more and more on daily basis for text messaging and for writing emails. Now students can take advantage of speech recognition on mobile devices such as iPhone's, iPad, Android phones, Windows tablets as well with as within Google Docs. With the advent of machine learning the speech recognition engines keep getting better and better and do not require initial training. This has made it a very easy entry for students to trial speech recognition. Prior to this time, students would have to spend a considerable amount of time training and creating a profile. With the advent of mobile devices this is a thing of the past. Over the last six months I've been using a number of different speech workflows that I wanted to share with you. Google recently added Voice Typing to Google Docs which really has taken speech recognition to the next level. By simply plugging in a microphone to a desktop computer students can start to use speech recognition immediately. I have found that the speech recognition that's built into Google Docs to be very accurate and allows students to quickly get their ideas down. Voice Typing opens up all kinds of opportunities for students to quickly get their ideas down on the page. With the advent of this API other companies have been using and integrating the Voice Typing into their apps. You will now find Voice Typing integrated into Co:Writer Universal, WordQ, as well as Read and Write for Google Chrome. Having Voice Yyping integrated into these applications give students a new way to get their ideas down on the page. It's really exciting to work with students and watch them as the words fly onto the computer screen.  With the advent of so many stews students using iPads and the new system IOS 9, SIRI has become a better contender in the area of speech recognition. Anytime student see the microphone at the bottom of the keyboard they can click and speak and the text gets immediately transcribed. Although it's not perfect it certainly is a very fast way to input text on the iPhone or  iPad. SIRI is wonderful in that it works throughout the operating system giving students access to it from wherever application they are using. I am working with many students that are currently using SIRI instead of writing which has worked out really well. Another interesting application that I came across is called myEcho and it's an app that you can install on your iPhone and takes advantage of the SIRI technology. This workflow is great if a student has an iPhone and is working on the Windows platform. The student can first purchase myEcho aoo for IOS for a $1.99 and then install the companion app on their Windows desktop, laptop or tablet. Once the iPhone and the computer had been paired up, the students simply brings up the myEcho app- clicks on the microphone and begins to dictate. When when you click on the done button the text automatically gets sent to whatever application is open. This would allow a student to use speech recognition using their iPhone as the input mechanism and would allow them to type text directly into an application like Microsoft Word or any application that can accept text. Just like SIRI there is about a 15 second limit but you can continue to add text to your document by clicking on the microphone button. This application is not limited to one computer which would enable a student to  have the myEcho companion installed on his many computers as they have access to. This is a great solution for students that have an iPhone but are still using a Windows computer at school or at home for productivity This past week Nuance the developers of Dragon NaturallySpeaking released a new app for Android and IOS called Dragon Anywhere. Dragon Anywhere is a mobile solution with hands-free use while doing speech recognition. Dragon Anywhere allows the student to dictate for as long as they need without having to tap on the microphone button on the keyboard. Dragon Anywhere allows the students to use voice commands to select text, export text and to move the cursor around the document totally hands-free. This power it has been unprecedented until the release of Dragon Anywhere. Once the student has done the dictation it's easy to export the text via email it or even place it in Drop Box.The one downside to Dragon Anywhere is that there is a monthly subscription fee of $15 to use the app. It really would be great if  Nuance had an educational pricing schedule for students to that schools could begin to pay for this service. Certainly you can see a lot has changed over the last couple of years with regards to speech recognition- making it a much more viable alternative for students that have difficulty in the area of written language. With a little practice these tools can become an invaluable part of their assistive technology toolkit.
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meandmyechoes · 2 months
Boonboomger is… good. As expected, all the classic flavours of Sentai. I've been starved of roll calls for 2 years I'm a bit touched they made it so formal. Even clapped during the mecha fight with minatures. Location filming, fun robots, cool action: nothing you wouldn't expect from the veteran NakazawaD. None of the characters clicked with me but just my natural Red incline. I find it interesting he's not the hot-blooded sunny red stereorype but appears a laid-back person. Above all, it's a treat to watch Mori-san's Bun Red and Yume-san's Pink. I really really hope Sixth is a girl or at least, you know, that colour belongs to the gncs. I did doze off a little during the flashy toy commercials so not a show I'd climb up at 8 for or so eager to watch at work, but would be quite nice for a midnight snack companion like Zenaki.
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meandmyechoes · 1 year
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meandmyechoes · 1 year
reasons i read Rita Kaniska as autistic:
pincipled in law and justice
hyperfixation: Moffun
talk to themselves
volume control: monotone voice and inapporpriate screams
FLOOR (not just roll on the floor when stressed but actually have a moffun playset ON THE FLOOR), also, messy room
need alone time
hold themselves in one posture for a long time
misreading social cues: speaking to Himeno 3mm away from her face (ep5), premature group high five (ep9)
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meandmyechoes · 2 months
Don't wanna admit defeat yet but gotta say I did held out a sigh of relief when I saw the FLT merch reveal and gave up on blocked-view seat lottery (you can't choose the seat so if the system gives you 2nd/3rd floor it's over).
Definitely jealousy acting but honestly the FLT merch don't compel me much? The muffler towels are like at-home version of the PB ones, but now I have to decide if I want to bother with pulling a PB set 🙄. The T-shirts are boring though to their credit it's a rather small picture to judge. The only items I'm at 70% want is the costume stickers and maybe the Toufu and Gerojim bags.
I did not do my research and thought only the last LAST show would be brodcast but all three shows on the last day has been paid-livestreamed at least since last year. Honestly, same logic with Chou Eiyuu Sai, not much of a point to pay for a trip if you're just gonna sit waaay back, and I've had 2 3 4 5 times up-close contact with them already...
Plane tickets are at an acceptable cost now and since timing is around a local small holiday, it shouldn't fluctuate by much. Now I'm debating whether I should extend/open-jaw the trip so I can go to Kishi's live and make up for last time's KingOh cockpit tour and Boonboom's G-rosso (+ backstage tour maybe)... (also crossing fingers for a Yuzuki photobook will somehow show up…) 'Cause now Fukuoka FLT is meaningless without Rita singing and I may not be able to make it Hiroshima's first show time-wise... Unless Team Kyushuu is not singing because they are responsible for a Kyushuu-exclusive game?? (impossible)
The devil at the back of my brain is saying "GO GO GO to the Treasure Exhibit" okay... sure... let's see what it's gonna be like when Tokyo opens at the end of this month...
I have reached the zen stage of "if I get to go I get to go" (refresh tweet ever hour) 😅
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meandmyechoes · 2 years
Tales of the Jedi breakdown
judging by the HD images. The animation style looks like a mix between Clone Wars (environment - more realistic) and Rebels (characters - less textured)
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(the first baby episode is shown at Celebration, Mama Tano is voiced by Janina Gavankar)
(Kevin Kiner’s doing the music)
Her mom looks quite young to me Because she still wears a hood. Otherwise it supports Ahsoka just having short montral genes? 😂
I really like Mama Tano's style. Saw a lot of Ahsoka on her. The denim blue and work clothes. It’s also short-sleeved and has square pockets on the thighs. I want to say the hood is the same shape as 304 off a hunch, but that might be a stretch. The hood, of course, has two tassels just like Snow Outfit has two pom-poms on the montral tips. And is it too early to say it has a central seam?
yes this Shilli (if they dare to name it at all - YESSSS THEY NAMED IT) fits near perfect as I imagine. Mountains, valleys, village huts. If one thing it's the foilage could be more colourful. It's a bit Earth (North America)-like right now with the pines. And it could fit better into the lekku=camoflauge legends bit
I'm so excited to see a togrutan Grandma and generally a bigger sample size. Let's hold out hope that's a Grandpa so they are not retconning long female lekku once and for all. Because obviously the other adult on the right looks like she is a Rebels model. (The Elder is a Grandma)
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Just this pose is so classic Skyguy and Snips. They are bickering, Anakin has NO defense against Ahsoka. He WILL indulge her. YES. THAT'S THEM. And the organge, the composition, side-view level wide shot with the two of them right in the middle. I can ring you three parallels right this second (206,322,520)
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Ahsoka training with droids! Ahsoka learning to use two lightsabers!!
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Inquisitors?? Bell-Bottoms?! the Lost Sixteen?!!!!
reasonably it’s porbably the novel’s showdown with the Sixth Brother. But I hope is a new story. also sad if that’s the case they don’t bother bringing out Monkey Boots :(
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meandmyechoes · 8 months
I don't know how I feel about Ahsoka behaving more like Anakin… I know she idolized the man but Malachor happened! And I always thought pary of Ahsoka as a foil is to hold Anakin back in certain places. She's temple-raised after all. We should be seeing her questioning what it means to be a Jedi! Maybe the show presents it better and it's just her internalizing Anakin's fighting style physically or picking up his habits, but Anakin only never forced her into his form!
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meandmyechoes · 5 months
因為嚮往messy, 自主堅強嘅女性角色而interpret Rita為女性嘅係一回事,而忽視Kingoh有心去帶入/出diversity,再否認製作組、忽視文本,只聽自己想聽嘅說話而指責他人、輕視Rita作為sentai history中第一個gender neutral/non-binary ranger嘅象徵意義,我係點都忍唔落呢啖氣。
我自己嘅立場係,比起思前想後,Rita只係好自然咁將佢嘅gender同佢個人嘅一切一樣,自然咁奉獻咗畀國家同使命,自然咁與中立劃上等號。Regardleas of gender, it does not affect their competence to perform the duty of a sovereign. 所以我認為Rita都唔會點出手correct 故意 misgender佢嘅人,因為佢嘅時間唔係浪費喺呢啲人身上。唔係佢唔介意,而係作為王嘅器量,唔容許一句半句流言蜚語傷到佢。
始終王樣嘅設定Rita嘅性別都係非公開,咁喺呢個世界觀入面佢哋就係non-binary. 講真我真係無估到東▲堅持到37集,劇組一次都無用過female pronouns, 造型越趨gender不突至,甚至交出第36集。說,場外用「彼女」,又如何?掉返轉嚟講,你叫結月/一般媒體用咩language去refer to Rita? Audition條件/初期設定,到宜家就嚟拍完喇,Yuzuki都唔知,佢自然先入為主認為角色都係女仔(所以我一開始就話東▲有設定係會唔話畀演員聽 re: Naki),而性別議題多少有啲踩界,佢自己識嘅多、公司畀唔畀佢講,又係另一回事,咁梗係少講少錯。當東▲有吉士一開始就企出嚟話Rita NB,又畀人鬧噱頭、政治正確、PTA投訴,唔表態同一班人又鬧佢小家,咁佢會唔會斷自己米路?不如正正經經做一場好戲,寫好角色再講。然後就係日文文法同日本社會風氣嘅現實考慮,呢方面我無論如何都覺得有少少不在其位。It's a very complicated issue with histories to consider and I'm surely not the best person to ask as a non-native. But I guess the gist is, it's still not mainstream, so the media stick to the existent language when the official sources never said otherwise.
Another point is, I don't think too much people have the concept of "tiered canon" or "proximity to sources". I'm talking about throwing out EVERY website/interview, just looking at the show, there has been no concrete evidence what gender Rita is. While episodic costumes are feminine, the script consistently refers to them with neutral/masculine language. So you can make an argument for both sides really.
So I would like to end by parroting this excellent argument: may I remind you that cross-dressing is also a sentai tradition?
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meandmyechoes · 7 months
feeling complex that since 2011 "Anakin trained Ahsoka" is just something we hear from Dave in interviews and now
he made twenty
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meandmyechoes · 10 months
i had an instinctive rejection to "Once a rebel, Always a rebel". but logically Ahsoka the character has been in the rebellion for 20 years from 18-37 give or take the time she played dead so i guess you could say that about her but the undertone is that her choice to take a leave from the Order lifestyle of Jedi-hood is an act of rebelling (instead of healing) as well and mmm i don't like that
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meandmyechoes · 9 months
sometimes it breaks my mind that neither japanese or english is my first language yet i'm doing translation practice in them but i still don't feel i made improvements in either. on the contrary i constantly feel my english has slipped because i don't use it for long-form writing as often so unlike -^_ my language skills is closer and closer to --- ?
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meandmyechoes · 1 month
hnnn Ventress better show up in today's TBB (person has not watch the last 5 episodes)
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