#nemecsek ernő
carnivorousarcher · 4 months
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funny caption
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transmascanakin · 21 days
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Posting for a very niche audience
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iocallistoeuropa · 16 days
I will never forget that one time when one of my friends who doesn't speak Hungarian was reading a PUF-fic of mine through google translate, and suddenly, she went:
Okay, who is Ernő, and why is he in his mother-in-law's seat?
And I was like:
The- who- wha-? In the car?? No, see, it's just Hungarian hungarianing. He's just riding shotgun.
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raccoon7shit · 8 months
finally had the chance to watch the puf play tonight. it's still so important to me and the whole thing was just absolutely gorgeous. i want to eat them; with all due respect
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szollibisz · 2 years
Every now and then this specific picture breaks down my door grabs me by my throat and kills me
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(photo by gordon eszter)
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Group C Round 2
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[image ID: the first image is of Ernő Nemecsek, a young boy with light brown hair, wearing pajamas. he looks very sweaty in this image. the second image is of Dee Kennedy, a little girl with long brown hair and green eyes, wearing a pink top and skirt, decorated with a pink bow, and a red scarf. behind her stands 2 animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's. the third image is of Kirinda, a robotic eye attached to a mechanical stalk in a futuristic-looking room. the closed caption on the image says: "thank you for the description." in all capital letters. end ID]
Ernő Nemecsek
The smallest member of the Paul Street Boys, he gets bullied, pushed around, and dies of pneumonia at the end of the book. 
Dee Kennedy
i've submitted/seen plenty of dsaf characters in other tournaments but never dee. which is sad. she deserves some recognition. the picture linked is her before her death as i think it's important to remember her as a little girl and not just as the puppet.  [additional propaganda 1]
Kirinda is a "space-time transmitting machine" in the shape of a giant kirin. His job is to take the main characters to Novel Worlds (worlds that contain every story, myth, or legend ever created by humans) so that they can figure out what's corrupting them, and then he comes in at the end of the episode to clean up by purifying the monster responsible. However, he is no ordinary giant robot. He is sentient and speaks to the titular Rangers (with the world's most hokey and out of date Kansai/Southern accent to boot) through a camera shaped like an eye, and is often the one explaining the story of the world the characters are going to visit, as well as choosing which characters are going by the way of a roulette... which may or may not be complete bullshit. You see, while his role is incredibly important, he is very irresponsible and is constantly just dropping the characters off in a haphazard, dangerous manner without finishing explanations, screwing around with the roulette just to see what will happen, teasing the other characters (or subjecting them to horrible puns) and generally being incredibly vague and unhelpful beyond the bare minimum job requirements. At the end of the day though, he does really like his job (so much that he gets very salty if his screen time is threatened), and when push comes to shove, will go above and beyond to make sure everybody is safe. ( he also has an incredibly catchy image song and everyone should go look up Kirinda Ondo! on youtube right now) [additional propaganda 1]
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hazeerror · 9 months
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Ernő Nemecsek
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Nationality: Hungarian
EGO: Grund
(Based on the novel titeled The Boys of Paul Street )
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viking84chef · 1 month
Nagyon jó írás, Geszti Pétertől!
Levél Nemecsek Ernőnek
Szia Ernő!
Képzeld, 102 éves lettél. Egy százéves kisfiú. Még szobrot is kaptál 2 éve a 100. Születésnapod alkalmából a Práter utcában, amint a fiúkkal éppen golyót gurítasz abban a legendás pillanatban, amelyben teremtőd – bizonyos Molnár Ferenc – megállította feletted az égen a mulandóság napját.
Mondták már neked, hogy tulajdonképpen te vagy az első magyar sorozathős, hiszen először sorozatban jelentél meg egy újságban? Egy sorozathős, akinek olyan kicsi a lába nyoma, hogy üldözői se tudják felfogni ésszel. Hiába, a nagyság átka.
Te Ernő! Téged nem hívtak úgy, hogy Nemecsek úr, sem úgy, hogy Nemecsek Nemzettestvér, nem lettél sem Nemecsek Bajtárs, elvtárs polgártárs, te megúsztad a XX. századot. Igaz, ehhez korábban bele kellett halnod az életbe. Milyen fura, nem? A legendák halva születnek.
Tudsz valamit a többiekről? Képzeld, a jó Boka még 1916-ban meghalt, az úgynevezett első világháborúban. Az elsőben, amelyben már gázzal öltek a frontokon, s az utolsóban, amelyben a hadifoglyokat illett életben hagyni. Boka János cs. kir. hadnagy – élt 30 évet.
Weisz, Geréb és Wendauer meg úgy tűnt el, hogy sárga csillagot kellett a kabátjukra varrni, és felrakták őket vagonokba, olyanokba, amelyeken a te korodban csak állatokat szállítottak. Soha nem tértek vissza. Ez már abban a második világháborúban történt, az első olyanban, amelyben atombomba robbant, és az utolsóban, amelyikben még maradtak túlélők. Mondják, a nagyobbik Pásztor is ott volt, amikor odaterelték Weiszéket a szerelvényhez, csak nem vörös inget hordott, hanem feketét.
Aztán ott van a Csele. Csele elment az országból Amerikába, az unokái már nem beszélnek magyarul, Clevelandben élnek, van egy kalapüzletük. Az áll a cégtáblán: Csele and Csele.
Áts Ferit börtönbe csukták, és halálra ítélték, mert nagy forradalom tört ki Pesten egy ködös októberben, és ő a jó oldalra állt, de később kiderült, hogy az a rossz oldal. Ma megint jó. De ezt már nem érhette meg. A körúton a Mária utcától nem messze volt egy mozgókép színház. Na, ott harcolt, pedig akkor már túl volt a hatvanon. Puskája is volt, csapata is volt, de nem tudta megvédeni a zászlóját, azt a tépett lukas zászlót. A Barabás lett az ügyvédje, de nem tudta kihozni a rács mögül. Nem olyan idők voltak. Akkoriban végleg elveszni látszott a grund. Tudod, amikor egy egész országot einstandolnak, bizony, az kemény.
Na és a Csónakos… Papuskám, az megúszott mindent. Melós lett a Weisz-Mannfrédban, aztán jöhettek-mehettek a kormányok, kommandók, szervezetek, gittegyletek, az csak nem keveredett bele semmibe. Megházasodott, lett nagy családja, aztán csak járt ki a Fradi meccsekre, nagyokat fütyölt, ha nyertek, ha vesztettek, megtanított minden utcakölyköt szépen káromkodni, és köpködte a szotyit, amíg volt foga megrágni. Ferencváros-Ferencváros, hééé…
Te Ernő! Most, hogy így a fiúkról beszélünk… lehet, hogy jobb is, hogy az az író 3szor megfürösztött téged abban a regényben? Talán jobb volt eszmétől lázasan a hazáért meghűlni, mint felnőni és elveszíteni benne a hitet, vagy megélni, hogy a haza elveszejt téged?
Haza, haza… – nagy Há vagy kicsi? Hogy írjam, Ernő? Ha nagybetűvel írom, manapság azt mondják, magyarkodok, ha kicsivel rám fogják, hogy áruló vagyok, és akkor az én nevemet is csupa kisbetűvel írják majd valakik. A valakik sokan vannak, s valahogy mindig megtalálják egymást. Nemrég óta van egy nagy találmány. Neked nagyon tetszene. Internetnek hívják, mindenki használhatja, hogy híreket olvasson, tanuljon vagy üzenjen vele másoknak, és, úgy van az, Ernő, hogy ma divat mindent kisbetűvel írni, neveket, címeket, és az emberek annyi ostobaságot és aljasságot képesek írni egymásnak, egymásról – persze nem az igazi nevükön – hogy tulajdonképpen mindegy is, kisbetűvel írják a nevüket vagy nem, mert csak a név kötelez, a névtelenség semmire sem kötelez. Lehet, hogy ez egy olyan kisbetűs kor, és ez a világ csak a valakiké?
Ugye, hogy nem úgy van az, Papuskám?! Ugye, hogy a HAZA nagybetű, csupa-csupa erős, hatalmas írásjegy? És a GRUND is? És az is, hogy, hogy Szabadság, Egyenlőség, Testvériség, meg, hogy Barátság, Bátorság, Becsület, Áldozat, Megbocsájtás? Ugye, mi azért így írjuk? Ugye, így? Na jól van, jól van. Te mindig meg tudsz nyugtatni ez ügyben. Látod, most is te adod a bizonyosságot, mint egy ajándékot, pedig ez a te születésnapod, rá se ránts! Tudod, halhatatlanoknál ez csak rigófütty. Boldog születésnapot, Ernő! Éljenek a Pál utcai fiúk, éljen a grund!
Tisztelettel: Geszti Péter
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sillypiddle-blog · 2 months
ernő nemecsek my sopping wet dog. god. i should post this here i guess but i looove the metaphors w dogs and mans best friend man/dog stuff goijg on in puf... nemecseks best friend (and only other private beaides him) is hektor, a dog. nemecsek repeatedly gets referred to as a dog by the book. he follows others orders, runs around, enjoys it (like a dog). he cries and whimpers and squeals like a dog and clings to boka (itd be icky to say bokas his owner but like. if were going by dog metaphors. yeah? like not in a weird way theyre 14 but in a purely emotjonal sorta way. dynamic.) nemecsek also wants to be hektor or in general a dog at one point, sure, just to get to be in the same room gerébs in without being noticed, but still. i find this very interesting!! i fucking!! love doggy doggy what now?!?!?!
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Oh you've most definitely not heard of them but Boka János and Nemecsek Ernő my beloveds from the Paul street boys my beloved in a weird way
You're right, I have never heard of them, but I'm sure they're cool
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feketeribizli · 5 years
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update on my designs for these idiots
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iocallistoeuropa · 6 days
PUF and Hamilton
I know what the world needs right now. What the world needs right now is Nemecsek coming out of the lake and starting to sing 'Congratulations' to Geréb when asked if it felt nice to take a bath.
Geréb Congratulations You have invented a new kind of stupid A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid 'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid Let's review: You took a rumor a few, maybe three, people knew and refuted it by committing a betrayal of which no one has accused you I begged you to take a break, you refused to So scared of what your enemies will do to you You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to You know why Boka can do what he wants? He doesn't dignify school-yard taunts with a response! So yeah, congratulations!
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blinqq · 6 years
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i love him ok
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Group C Round 1
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[image ID: the first image is of Enik, a being called a Sleestak. he resembles a humanoid lizard, with green, scaly skin, and large red eyes. he's wearing a sparkly orange tunic. the second image is of Ernő Nemecsek, a young boy with light brown hair, wearing pajamas. he looks very sweaty in this image. end ID]
[no propaganda provided, but if you're curious about Enik, I can direct you to this 4.5 minute youtube video that shows scenes from the episode in which he was introduced]
Ernő Nemecsek
The smallest member of the Paul Street Boys, he gets bullied, pushed around, and dies of pneumonia at the end of the book. 
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hazeerror · 4 months
Okay, so I finally decided to share my Limbus Company oc's story. I'm a bit nervouse but lets start with the contant warrning (bc its project moon related so it's bound to be disturbing)
CW// mention of grooming, death, trauma, cronic illnesses, mentions of medical needles
Basic infos
Name: Nemecsek (Ernő)
Age: 20
Gender: Male (cis)
Nationality: Hungarian
Qualification: Grade 9 Fixer
EGO: Grund
Literature Ref.: The Paul Street Boys (A Pál utcai fiúk) by Ferenc Molnár
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Hair: Light blonde
Skin: Pale white,
Eyes: Light blue
Extra: He has heavy shadows under both of his eyes and a gape between his teeth.
Uniform: Normal LCB uniform with the long coat. Additional hat and a Red scarf replacing the tie.
Weapon: Spear with two head, has a green and red flag tied to it.
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Personality Traits:
Nemecsek is usually very quit however he has a sharp tounge. He often talks his mind without hiding any intention, unfiltered. When getting unconfortable he either respounds with avoiding and "running away" from the problem or get defenzive and going into denie. Even though he isn't easy to aproach, he can be really reliable, loyal and trustworthy.
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He used to live in the backsreet of District 13, the M Wing. He last his family due to a bombing incident it their neighborhood and as a result became an orphane at the age of 10. Not soon after he was found by a group of Fixers, investigating the incident and joined them. They where the Paul Street Office and their leader was Boka. First he just did them smaller jobs without any risks, but soon he took up regular fixer jobs as well. But since Nemecsek was a minor he was never registered as a fixer. The rival office, the Red Shirt Office didn't liked the way Boka have been grooming Nemecsek into such a dangerous work environment just so he can save some tax money, and so their leader Áts wasn't so found of Nemecsek's present and she made that very clear.
One day Nemecsek and a few lower ranked fixers were sent away to get an intel for the office, unknowing that this mission would save their life. While they were away, an abnormality attacked District 13 and it escalated to a point where a Color had to be called. The attack had a huge bloow on the area and 70% of the locals died, including the majority of Paul Street office and its leader, Boka. After the Office ended due to the aftermath of the incident. Nemecsek left the District. Later finally officialy registered as a fixer but even though he is a Grade 9 fixer, due to his ppast experience he is an the level of a Grade 7. Right after the registration he was hired at LCB. He never forgot himself and blames himself for not being at the attack and couldn't save his ideal. Áts tried to confort him in the past but her comments on Boka deeply hurt Nemecsek. In his eyes Boka saved his life and adopted him into a "family", unable to recognise that he was only used as cheap work force, yet.
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Nemecsek has been struggling with a cronic unknown illness that stained his whole life. There for he is very familiar with death and his mortality. He is estimated to live at best 30-40 years.
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magyar-rajzfilmek · 7 years
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tény: Gerébet senki sem szereti. 
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