nepomenovana · 2 years
nechala som tie spomienky újsť
už dávno je to všetko len ilúzia
stratená a zabudnutá
tak ako všetko to, čo som vtedy cítila
alebo sa mýlim?
prečo to doteraz cítim,
tak intenzívne,
akoby sa to stalo len dnes?
prečo nie som schopná
jednoducho zabudnúť?
prečo je to všetko stále také čerstvé?
čerstvé ako mladá láska,
ktorá dokáže zmeniť svet?
nebojácna láska,
ktorá nám prúdi celým telom
tkvie v našich myšlienkach a pocitoch
každý deň, každú noc.
nebojí sa ničoho,
ona je silnejšia než akákoľvek prekážka
ona prekoná i neprekonateľné,
nemá hraníc
a každým dňom naberá na svojej sile
prečo je také náročné
zabiť všetky tieto pocity,
či spomienky?
prečo musím zabiť samú seba,
aby som zabila teba?
prečo ma nenecháš odísť?
prečo ma tu neustále držíš,
keď už nevládzem rozprávať,
ani dýchať?
stále cítim
presne to, čo som cítila kedysi
a obávam sa,
že nič z toho nikdy cítiť neprestanem
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nepomenovana · 2 years
mind and body
i feel myself
falling again
i feel myself
losing it again
i feel myself
not feeling again
it was all
fun and games
until i started to
fear my reflexion
it was all
until i started to
see all the changes
in my appearance
now though,
it is not okay,
it is nowhere near that
i am not okay
i need to feel
the control again
i need to feel
the relief again
i need to feel
my lightness again
fuck what people think
fuck what they say
fuck how some say
that i look okay
and fuck how some say
that i look different
and especially
fuck how some say
that i look huge
that i take too much space
when i am standing
or sitting
fuck all that
it has always been
a battle
between my mind
and my body
the only difference is
that this time
i am here
for the win
i am truly sorry about this one. i am just struggling with myself right now and i needed to put my suffering into words. if you understand this poem and especially if you relate to it, please, take care. you are not alone. ever. even when it feels like the whole world is falling and everything is crashing. even then, you are not alone.
#edrecovery matters!!! 💪🏻
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nepomenovana · 2 years
why am i always
like this?
why am i always
why can not
my brain function
and safely?
why can i not
just make this pain
be over?
sometimes, i wonder,
i just should not even be
i should not even exist
i should, perhaps, end myself
but other times, though,
i want to fight
these demons inside me,
kill them,
make this be over
in that way
i want
this pain
to be over
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nepomenovana · 2 years
leave me, please
all i ever wanted
was for you to tell me that
i am not a worthy person
i am not as good as you want me to be
i am not as true as i should be
all i ever wanted
was for you to leave me
because, you see,
i wanted to suffer
i wanted to feel the pain
i wanted to fall again
just to make you happy
all i ever wanted
was to see you fly
to see you grow
to see you live
and love
someone else
because, you see,
i wanted you to live the life
you so truly deserve
you have, indeed,
hurt me a whole lot
but, you see,
all that pain
all the back stabbing
all the arguing
all of that is nothing
in comparison
to seeing you unhappy
so, my love,
i will never forget you
i will never forget
the things we have done
all the good memories
as well as the bad ones
but thank you
for leaving me
for setting yourself free
and letting yourself fly again
thank you
for leaving
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nepomenovana · 2 years
days become long
when you suffer every single minute
when you can't sleep at night
when you can't enjoy anything
when you struggle to keep on breathing
when you struggle to stay alive
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nepomenovana · 2 years
i do not want to be
even though i feel
as though
there is not
a single person
who would understand
how i feel right now
i am still somehow
holding on
i am still
i am still
even though
i would much rather
just escape this suffering
i simply can not
people keep telling me
how far i have come
but the truth is
that i am still
stuck at one
helpless place
one helpless nightmare
that keeps repeating
with every single breath
i take
i can not even
imagine what life feels like
i feel lost
in a world where i simply
just do not belong
i feel as though
i am a broken machine
a broken piece of glass
a broken person
who can not be cured
by any means
i feel as though
i do not even deserve
to breathe this air
which does not belong to me
it feels like
if i simply just was not
somebody else could breathe
the air
that i am breathing
right now
and it would serve
a way better purpose
than i served
my whole life
i feel as though
i do not even feel
i am empty
i am broken
i am helpless
i can not
be trusted
in anything
i can not
be helped
or cured
or saved
and at this point
of my life
i simply just
do not want to
i am very sorry for how depressing this brain dump was. i am even more sorry if anyone relates to this. i am not going to tell you that everything is going to be fine. i am not, because sometimes things just aren't going to be fine. and i think it's better to be prepared for the worst possible scenario than have high expectations from things or people which/who simply just won't bring us what we need.
this poem or whatever you may call it was written from the very bottom of my heart and mind. i don't think i even can be even more honest than i was while writing this. and once again, i'm sorry.
— A.
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nepomenovana · 2 years
crazy in a beautiful way
we are here
sitting in silence
both struggling with
all these demons
that haunt us
but we are here
we are holding on
we are full of art
full on things
worth exploring
we are crazy
in a beautiful way
we have big dreams
we want to
take over the world
not the world as it is
we want to take over
our world
we are crazy
in a beautiful way
we don't want to
fall apart
we only want each other
by our side
even though it is not possible
because our emotions
are way too strong
we are damaging each other
by staying together
yet we want it
we crave it
we are crazy
in a beautiful way
i guess i will never
let you go
i guess i am
in a beautiful way
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nepomenovana · 2 years
immaculate cheater
i thought i knew
what being loved
by you
feels like
but the truth is
that you never loved me
like that
you never loved me
like i was the one
and only
like i meant
the whole world to you
and once you met her
i suddenly knew
what being loved by you
is like
but i didn't know it
because you loved me
i knew it
because of the way you loved her
surely i was never the one
all the things you said to me
all the things you did to me
when you asked me
whether i would marry you?
i guess you did not belong
to me
and i did not belong
to you
when you met her
but i still think of you
as of a cheater
the problem is
that you are too pure
too immaculate
you are
an immaculate
but i will never
forget you
or stop loving you
so i hope you will be happy
even if it is
not with me
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nepomenovana · 2 years
barefoot on ice
i thought that
running is brave
i thought that
screaming would help
i thought that
dying means escape
but i was wrong
running only
made me exhausted
screaming only
made me silent
dying only
made the pain worse
maybe i was
the wrong person
to judge what is
right and what is
maybe i should have
tried to look for
good people
in good places
perhaps i could have
the undiscovered
perhaps i could have
the hidden
perhaps i could have
the unknown
if only i
would not have been
so harmful
towards myself
if only i
did not hurt
my own skin
my own mind
my own heart
i should not have
walked barefoot
on ice
if only i did not
burn my feet
on ice
if only i did not
walk barefoot
on ice
my heart would still be
and loving
but now it is just
and hurting
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nepomenovana · 3 years
with you
x: "do you want to go with me to —"
y: "yes"
x: "i didn't finish"
y: "if it's with you, the answer is always going to be yes"
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nepomenovana · 2 years
what are you going to do?
what are you going to do
when you breathe in
but nothing happens
and your heart stops
there is no more oxygen
in the air?
what are you going to do
when you take a step
but you fall
there is no more ground
underneath your feet?
what are you going to do
when you open your eyes
but you see nothing
because you got blinded by
all your selfishness
and carelessness?
what are you going to do
when you lose me?
because, you see
i am your oxygen
your ground
and your vision
i am you
what would you do
without me?
what would you do
without you?
what are you going to do
when you become
what are you going to do?
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nepomenovana · 3 years
make it art
if you ever feel down
for whatever reason
it might be that someone
has let you down
or hurt you
or you just feel
or maybe just numb
make it art
let yourself
feel the pain
and express it
i know that it's
the very last thing
you would want to do then
but hear me out
you can manage this
and i'm not talking about
drawing or painting
singing or dancing
writing stories or poems
i'm talking about fighting it
with grace
and attitude
because, believe me,
you are a piece of art
so make your suffering
into a piece of art too
make your demons
the biggest masterpiece
this world has ever seen
art does not always show
just the pretty things
so do not worry
to show the world
the art inside you
the art you fight with
every day
make it art
instead of pure suffering
make it art
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nepomenovana · 2 years
front seat
you used to
pick me up
all the time
each morning
we went to school
each afternoon
you would drive me
to your place
where we would
just keep cuddling
spending time
after some time
has passed
she came, and oh baby
she took my place
she is the one
sitting in the
front seat
she is the one
you pick up
each morning
each afternoon
and there is no
turning back now
because, the thing is
that you have
screwed me over
way too badly
and even though
i daydream
about the front seat
in the end
i am glad
that it is not
my place
in your car
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nepomenovana · 3 years
mental hospital nightmare
this occurs to me
every now and then
i have this nightmare
that i'm locked down
on bunch of meds
without any human contact
tied up
and alone
in a mental hospital
i tried to find the source
of this nightmare of mine
but it seems like there is none
it's like it was faith
like i'm supposed to end up like that
because the thing is
that this actually happened to me
i was locked down
on bunch of meds
without any human contact
tied up
and alone
in a mental hospital
but what's the difference
between the reality
and that nightmare of mine?
it almost feels like
the nightmare is worse
than the reality
will i end up
like that again?
will i be
locked down
on bunch of meds
without any human contact
tied up
and alone
in a mental hospital?
i think i will
in my nightamare
in my nightmare
i will end up like that again
i can't escape it
i can't escape that nightmare
it occurs way too much
and way too often
i will never escape
being locked down
on bunch of meds
without any human contact
tied up
and alone
in a fucking
mental hospital
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nepomenovana · 3 years
people/no people?
people come and go,
they say
but there's always
that question
in my mind ...
a simple
why do they have to leave?
why can't they stay forever?
don't get me wrong
not all of them
just some
that mean a lot
why can't THEY stay?
i keep trying
to find answers for myself
maybe they can't stay
because they were only
meant to be here
for a certain period
for a certain time
to give something to me
to teach me something
to make memories with me
maybe they can't stay
because they changed
and i didn't fit them anymore
or maybe
it's me, who changed
i don't know, really
maybe they can't stay
because we just simply
fell apart
but the more i try
to focus on the answers
to my simple "why?"
the more the answers don't matter
what matters is just the fact
that i was left behind
by so many people
and it's never going to end
i will be left behind more
and more
and even more
i think that
i just don't want to be left alone
and that's the problem here
you see,
a person must learn to be alone
to be left behind by other people
it's one of
the most important
things in life
to learn how to be
without people
no people?
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nepomenovana · 3 years
you told me sweet nothings
like it was supposed to mean something
like i was gonna believe it
like i was a total fool
you made me feel safe
and unique
so i'd stay
like a total fool
you made me show you intimacy
like it wasn't something
that should be protected
i was a total fool
i was a fool
to belive
i was a fool
to stay
i was a fool
to show
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