#nesta and cassian bonus
I love how we're all collectively shitting on Cassian for being the most backboneless shit in the entirety of the SJM books in terms of Nesta. He has his head so far up Rhysand's ass that you could make eye contact with him if the mighty High Lord opens his mouth.
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Weak, Cassian. Nesta, leave him please. I know a bunch of people who'd treat you better (myself included)
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hlizr50 · 2 months
It's always "Cassian should stand up for his mate" and never...
**HOFAS spoilers below**
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duskandstarlight · 2 months
When she might just come out of hiding because she’s furious about the state of Nessian in that HOFAS bonus chapter.
Will be writing to rectify it immediately. Don’t worry huns, I’ve got you and the Cassian that lived rent free and untainted in our minds.
If anyone else wants to run off into E&L land where SJM doesn’t ruin their Nessian paradise, I can assure you there is plenty of room.
@noirshadow will you still be my beta? I think it’s time to dust off my keyboard.
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the-darkestminds · 1 month
Okay I know I've already posted about this but I can't get over the fact that if the next book is about Elriel, then as readers we will be entering their story having missed all of the early romantic development between them, because it has happened off page. We have not been privy to a single private conversation between the two of them aside from the very brief bonus chapter. Not to mention we have zero Elain POV thus far. It would be so unlike Sarah to plop us into a romance that she developed without the us along for the journey. This is why I felt so awkward reading their almost-kiss. It caught me off guard, because despite seeing evidence of a growing friendship between them, there is no indication of any lust in ACOWAR and onward. They interact, but briefly, and these interactions are only observed from other character's POVs. We see Azriel defend her and rescue her, and we see Elain gift him a gift. But we don't get to hear what they talk about, or what they do when they are alone. This is what bothers me most about Elriel. I love the growth Sarah gives us between the two characters she's focused on. We get to see the love blossom slowly and thoroughly, but that wouldn't be true in the case of Elain and Azriel. We will have missed a big chunk of the build.
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bunnyshideawayy · 29 days
cassian. great man, wonderful friend, absolutely terrible mate.
we have seen Nesta’s sisters, who arguably have less of a reason, defend her more than Cassian has ever thought about. HELLO?
my issue with cassian acosf and onward is that we are truly expected to believe they he deeply understands Nesta when he’s been shown time and again to never stick up for her and never fully trust her. he does nothing to help her over come and face her traumas / depression, she’s left to do that on her own, but best believe he’s down to fuck and make her hike! (no sarah sex and physical exercise are not cures)
after reading the entire series once and now twice seeing Rhys threatening anyone who dares breath wrong in Feyre’s direction under the guise of just “protecting his mate” i find it extremely hard to believe cassian allowed or even sides with anyone who speaks ill of/to Nesta or threatens her- all of which Rhysand and most of the IC (besides her sisters and Az) do, most of the time while directly in front of cassian in conversations he’s involved in. the most he does is…pout a little? throws a hissy fit? the two times i can remember him even remotely stick up for Nesta he immednantly backtracks as soon as Rhysand pushes back, both times the final decision being put in Feyre’s hands, this continues even into CC3 (and let’s thank the mother Feyre loves her sisters which is something ik yall nesta haters can’t stand.)
let’s move onto something i know yall don’t want to talk about, his verbal abuse. “oh but nesta also said-“ we know what she said, that is not the point. if this man knew all along nesta was his mate and truly wanted to help her heal from her traumas and depression why did he take every chance he could to provoke her? Nesta called Rhysand an asshole, and he IS especially to Nesta, and instead of keeping silent as he does when Rhys/the IC harshly critique her, he immediately gets angry and in her face to defend him. funny he can’t do that with her, his MATE? or let’s talk about this scene
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oh okay! that’s totally something you say unprompted to your mate who is severely depressed and traumatized because she won’t eat! she’s totally not shaking because she’s triggered! then to add the lecture “we’ve been here before, too” oh okay! so you admit you know what she feels like (very doubtful although i’m not going to compare their traumas, both are valid he just does not understand her like he thinks he does) it’s patronizing and a little frustrating. she doesn’t want to be there in the first place, purposely throwing a sensitive subject in her face will not magically motivate her or cure her- she is simply doing what she has no choice in. she has been stripped of all autonomy, humanity, and “normality”- she feels alone and valuable in a way she as never felt before and she has NO HELP. none!
i’ll end with the hike. yay more physical activity as punishment- but if i said that was abuse yall will bring up the pregnancy so ill do it for you! Yes, Nesta was wrong to tell Feyre THE WAY SHE DID, she had every right to tell Feyre about her own body and pregnancy, it just shouldn’t have happened the way it did. everyone knew it was wrong to keep it from Feyre, even Cassian, so instead of forcing her to hike a mountain as punishment to ware her down mentally and physically he couldve stood up for both Feyre and Nesta to Rhysand the moment he threatens to KILL NESTA. a simple “hey buddy you knew it was wrong to keep that from Feyre you can’t kill my mate for telling her even if it was out of anger” would suffice. not once during their entire hike or during her breakdown does he reassure her, not even when she is tearing herself apart because she doesn’t feel worthy. don’t even get me started on what happens in CC3.
over all i think Nessian is great and they have some great moments, the end of ACOWAR lives rent free in my mind but i am incredibly disappointed with Cassian. i do feel like Nesta deserves better from everyone (besides Feyre and Elain who, again, are the only ones who i truly believe love her unconditionally.)
anti nesta’s this is not a safe space for you.
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princessofmerchants · 2 months
Nesta, Bryce, the Mask, and the aftermath - HOFAS chs. 76-77 and the Ember bonus chapter
HOFAS spoilers after the break (this is a long one, lol)
I had an overwhelmingly positive reaction to HOFAS chs. 76-77 when Nesta gives Bryce the Mask, and the Ember / BAM bonus chapter when we see the aftermath on the Prythian side of things. It was fascinating to get on Tumblr and see all the negative reactions on all sides to this set of scenes.
Starting with the bonus chapter, I agree with others (@aelin-godkiller, @myfriendscallmeraba, @maddieimhot) that it is written in character for every person in it.
I'll start with Cassian, because the negative reaction to him in this set of scenes was the most confusing for me. Post-ACOSF, Cassian is one half of a healthy functional romantic partnership and mate pairing with Nesta. These two do not always agree. They learned in ACOSF how to disagree in a healthy manner and how to apologize when it is warranted, and for passionate people like these two, that can happen often. On page in the bonus chapter, Cass is exactly in character as both Nesta's mate (his "Rhys…" makes it clear he thinks his High Lord is emotionally overreacting) and as the General of the Night Court Armies (the fact that he doesn't make an argument to Rhys for Nesta in support of her decision is right in line with this for me).
The only part of the bonus that gave me a pang in relation to Nessian was when Nesta says to Ember that her Mate may be the most angry at her of all, but if that's even the case, I don't think that's because of the potential consequences of the decision Nesta made, but because she made it alone and failed to rely on those around her with complementary power and knowledge to hers. I also think Nesta's comment to Ember is residual evidence of her ongoing struggle with her anxiety... In reality, I'm pretty sure Rhys is more angry about what she did than Cass, y'all. But I also think, just like in ACOSF, Nesta is sometimes an unreliable narrator when it comes to thinking those who love her most are specifically and pointedly mad at her. As a fellow anxiety sufferer, this tracks. And the fact that during the later HOFAS scene when Bryce returns the Mask, Cassian is sitting with Nesta clearly holding no grudges or anger toward his mate (but you bet Rhysand is probably still freaking out somewhere over the Mask being in Midgard with the Asteri, and reasonably so!), tells you Nesta may have been projecting her own worry and even regret onto her mate, the one in the Night Court Inner Circle she is closest to and thus most vulnerable with.
The bonus is also 100% in character for Rhysand, as many have pointed out. I was honestly dying to see Rhys's reactions to Bryce's kind of bizarre, almost aggressively Fae exit from Prythian at the end of "The Drop," so having him bear down on the scene between Nesta and Bryce was peak entertainment for me. But then if we cut to the bonus scene, in Ember's POV we get a Rhysand who is reacting to the possible consequences of a Trove item potentially reaching the hands of the Asteri, by the hand of one with another Trove item in her back that can open the portal between their worlds. I don't disagree with him that this is a huge risk, and as a new father he's probably in protective fight or flight mode all the time.
The thing I think is beautifully in character for Rhys here is the familial development we see between him and Nesta. I don't read this exchange as some kind of regression to their pre-ACOSF animosity. I read it as two family members having more of a family fight than a fight over strategy. In my reading, Rhys is in fact having an emotionally vulnerable response to what just happened, and I think he knows it and is allowing it because Nesta is now family and allowed to see those parts of him. The problem I have always had with Rhys is not that he is messy and imperfect, but it's when those traits play out alongside the fact that he is politically and magically one of the most powerful beings in their world. In a strange way, though, his argument with Nesta that Ember observes is shaped incredibly and beautifully by their developed relationship as brother- and sister-in-law. He is angry and upset but he doesn't throw her into a dungeon, he engages her and shows all his cards in doing so - something he never does with a real enemy.
And, I also read Rhys's emotional reaction in another way which may or may not be a popular reading: Rhys is also throwing a tantrum because his sister-in-law is a power player at his level in the magical conflict that spans from Prythian to other worlds. As a leader who has never had anyone challenge him at that level except perhaps pre-ACOWAR Amren, it's a situation that he is probably still adjusting to. Rhys can't just remove Nesta as a threat, both because she is his sister-in-law and more importantly because she wields powerful magic (that he does not have himself - again, this is the grating part for him I think) as both a resident of the Night Court and mate to his General. And because Rhys isn't on top in all the ways any longer in the way magic shapes events in the Night Court and beyond, he loses it. And I found it very realistic and some of my favorite on-page Rhys material I have read since he plummeted in my esteem in ACOFAS.
Nesta is also in character for me in these scenes, both the HOFAS chapters and the bonus. We see in her words and actions both the (previously) human part of her as well as the Fae warrior part of her. She vacillates between being confident and being chastened, and I think both traits are healthy for her, and more or less in balance across the scenes. While I would have loved the exchange with Bryce to be less rushed, because this is a CC book I understand why it was paced the way it was.
(And again, the drama of Rhys bearing down on them with his Lord of Darkness and Night drama flying across Velaris, while Nesta and Bryce discussed and then traded off the Mask, was peak entertainment for me. Nesta also almost made the decision to stall long enough to wait for Rhys and make the whole thing his problem and not hers - I loved that glimpse we saw of her considering that too! That she decided instead to act, I think, was because she probably logicked that Rhys would openly battle Bryce on sight, and Nesta would have calculated that would not be in the best interest of both worlds given what she knew of the Asteri threat from her time under the Prison with Bryce and Azriel.)
And finally, Ember is in fact the queen of the bonus chapter for me. My biggest frustration when I came on Tumblr after reading HOFAS was how every reading of the bonus chapter centered the freaking males in the sequence of scenes, when if as a reader you don't make this about the IC and their dynamics, in my reading in this bonus chapter SJM was telling an important story between two women: Ember and Nesta.
This was a bonus chapter about how amazing of a mother Ember is (because her daughter is the FMC of this book, about to go save Midgard, so learning more about Bryce's mother helps us understand Bryce better), and SJM rightly realized putting her in the same room as post-ACOSF Nesta, whose mother was the opposite of Ember, was the perfect way to showcase this. That Rhys came along and added some drama was la di da for me and utterly secondary to what passes between Ember and Nesta.
The final thing I'll say is, the part of chs. 76-77 that bothers me the most is not anything in the scene itself, but the high expectation it set for the final conflict with the Midgard Asteri and how that expectation was not met satisfactorily for me. I did like the "Death / Not Death" filter Bryce experienced when wearing the Mask, and I also liked that Nesta's mental-emotional struggles while wearing the Mask were not universal to all wearers of it... But, the raising-the-dead magic was not consistent and was mostly vibes in the way Bryce manages to use the Mask to raise the Fallen. The whole thing with their wings attaching to the mech suits, and also how their command to do her bidding stuck even after she removed the Mask.....yea, that was a let down.
The Trove had such rich inner logic in ACOSF. I hope that logic returns when we get to ACOTAR5, and that the Mask as a Deus Ex Machina winds up being specific to Bryce's whole Magical Starborn Princess Powers schtick. The Mask is way more threatening to the wearer in Prythian than it seemed to be in Midgard, and I like that version of the Mask better.
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maisonaime · 2 months
HOFAS Spoiler! Nesta Theory 🖤
I cannot be the only one who thinks Nesta is pregnant in this book. There is a huge emphasis on her relationship with her mother throughout multiple points in the book. Not to mention the Az, Bryce & Nesta chapter where he winks and says “I’ve heard having children passes the time”. And then follows up by telling her she’ll be a good mom.
THEN the Ember & Randall chapter where Ember eats Rhys up for being a bitch to Nesta. Rhys said something that made her turn her head away, very atypical of our sassy ice queen who literally always has a response. And then later she says quietly to Ember and with a ton of emotion “Cassian is the most furious with me of anyone.”
I can see how it would be arguable that Cassian would agree to Nesta going on the mission if she was pregnant, but when has anyone let Nesta do anything? She does what she wants which is a huge thread throughout the book.
I think if she’s not pregnant already, we’re definitely getting a Nessian baby in the next ACOTAR book. But I think she’s pregnant, and possibly hiding it from everyone in the first part of the book. And then later in the book it’s known to the IC or she reveals it when they all meet with Feyre at the River House. And when they land back at the House of Wind & Rhys says something nasty to her it’s about her not being fit to be a mother.
Which just makes the dynamic between Nesta and Ember that much more impactful in that chapter.
I don’t always feel great about a pregnancy trope and I hate the way Feyre’s was handled so I’m curious to see how she’ll handle Nessian.
Aside from this there was so much baby talk in this book I was like 🥴 calm down you all are literally traumatized.
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throneofspicybooks · 2 months
I’ve finally read the Ember and Randall bonus chapter. I’ve nothing more to add except for the fact that it just solidified to me how much I see myself in Nesta.
When you have such a strong and independent personality people just stop standing up for you. I’ve been in a similar situation to Nesta where people who should be and who I expected to be standing up for me don’t necessarily. The way I know what Nesta is feeling in that moment is almost enough to make me ball.
Ember is so incredibly important. I want an Ember in my life. I want someone to stand up for me just like Ember did for Nesta. I don’t think it will ever happen for me (22 years of living has been proof of that) but I’m glad Nesta finally knows what that’s like.
Also Cassian stand up for your Mate my guy 🤨🤨
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nesta-is-my-queen · 21 days
A mini fanfic of what I wish Cassian would tell Nesta, post HOFAS bonus chapter.
Of all the things that could have happened Nesta did not expect a red-headed alien, with an eight-pointed star on her chest twin to the one stamped across her own heart, to completely change everything she knew about her world—about life itself. That there were other worlds out there, with powerful beings that walked between them, leaving a path of death and destruction in their wake.
She had never expected other planets full of fae, let alone humans, to be hunted and brutalized, to be turned into a source of food and entertainment for intergalactic parasites. It was for the sake of the humans that she handed over the mask. She couldn't bare the thought of them at the mercy of the Asteri, with nothing to defend themselves, so she made the choice to help the female who called herself Bryce, and loaned her what might just tip the scales in their favour.
And then Rhysand and Cassian found out. She didn't care that Rhysand was upset with her, for she could scarcely remember when the high lord was not. It was Cassian's reaction that ate at her. He was furious, even more than Rhysand was.
She remembered Ember's horrified expression when she quipped Rhysand might execute her for her alleged treason. Rhysand wouldn't, of course, if not for Feyre and Cassian. She supposed Ember didn't understand her particular brand of dark humour, and she'd had to promise her that she was safe, that there was no impending execution to be had. The silver lining to it all, however was watching Ember Quinlan, a human woman, hand Rhysand his own ass, something not even Amren had successfully done.
It had been days since she and Cassian spoke. Once again they were fighting. He was angry that she had done the unthinkable and given a trove item to a prisoner. And she was livid that he had taken Rhysand's side in all this. That Rhysand would have preferred her to kill Bryce before handing over the mask.
She had not been this enraged since she had been locked up in the House of Wind and carted off to the Illyrian mountains. She was not some simpering female to be ordered about. She understood the consequences of her actions and decided if the people of Midgard were not safe, then no one was safe. The threat of the Asteri would have eventually reared it's ugly head upon Prythian and enslaved them all. She had seen what one of them could do, in the prison, she couldn't imagine what a host of them might do if they got their hands on Bryce and ripped open a portal to their world.
When Bryce appeared she had no time to do much else but offer the mask, it was a fleeting moment, a wrinkle in time and space and then Bryce was hurtling back to her world, gone before she even had time to blink, the portal winking out with her, leaving her parents as collateral. Those days with Ember had been everything to Nesta. She was the mother she never had. Warm, loving, understanding—so unlike the one who birthed her.
During those days Ember and Randall were the only two she had the heart to interact with, other than Azriel. She and Cassian were not talking and it began to show. Ember was the one who brought it up. Said that it wasn't healthy for them to avoid eachother like this. She had Randall talk to Cassian about it as well. She supposed they were right, how many more days could she lock herself up in her room. How many more nights could she sleep alone?
That was when the knock came. And the house, the traitorous house, opened it's doors to reveal Cassian. She didn't want him to see her crying, to see her weakness. She sniffed back tears and seethed, "go away."
Cassian’s hazel eyes locked with Nesta’s, two endless pools of blue grey. Eyes he could get lost in, that could drown him in their depths. Something fractured in him as he watched a lone tear trickle down her cheek, escaping that carefully constructed mask she always wore.
Their bedroom was littered in piles of discarded books. Some half opened with cracked spines, shoved to the side ranging from smut to battle strategy. Steaming mugs of tea and trays laden with truffles and petit fours were scattered across the room. As if the house was desperate to comfort the female standing before him.
“I—I am so sorry.” He said. His voice low, cracking. It was not the only thing that cracked.
“That’s not enough.” She said, in the ghost of a whisper.
“Nesta…” Cassian said, his voice strained, as he lifted a hand towards her. She flinched, backing away.
“Please… just talk to me… tell me what to do…” he pleaded.
“I’m so tired of this. I’m so tired of everyone telling me I’m wrong, of having you—the one person—my person—doubt me," she said, swallowing deeply, as if there wasn't enough air in her lungs.
"How could you—?" she breathed, feigning her head to the side, as if trying to hide that thing inside that threatened to burst. Her eyes turned silver, not with flame, but with tears. Tears that would devour him and her. That would devour the world. Cassian would rather have been burned by that unholy fire he'd seen in her eyes. Would rather be turned to ash, a thousand times over, than see those tears falling from them.
As if sensing the onslaught, a soft, cotton napkin materialized in Nesta's hand.
“I know—I know.” He whispered as he watched red splotches spread across her face while she shuddered and heaved. The navy blue drapes unhooked themselves, sliding across the brass railing to cover the bay windows overlooking Velaris, as if to conceal the crying female from any potential onlookers flying by.
“You know what the worst part of it is—I don’t think you know what it is that you did wrong,” she faltered, wiping her tears on the cloth provided to her by the house.
“That you think I did not consider your soldiers, your brothers in arms, who might lose their lives if a war came here. I did consider it, I thought of everything. And all I could think of was about someone like my father, who wouldn’t stand a chance—"
"So I gave them a chance.” She choked out, ringing the cloth in her hands. "I gave them a chance," she repeated.
“And I took one too. But you—you couldn’t take one on me.” She faltered. As each word landed he felt those threads between them slacking. As if their very souls were unravelling.
Something inside of him felt like it was drowning, as if wave after wave were crashing down on that thing in his chest, beaten and battered. Threatening to drag him in the undertow of the storm he was facing.
“Let me make it right. Give me that chance I should have given you.” he pleaded.
“That’s not enough Cassian. It’s not enough and you know it. I refuse to be second when I put you first.” Something flickered in her eyes before quickly sputtering out. He promised himself then and there that he would never let that ember inside of her die out. That he would spend his life dedicated to kindling that fire. That he was a mere shadow that could only exist in the presence of her flame.
“I once told you I have no regrets in my life. Well I was wrong. I regret ever hurting you, ever causing you a moment of pain, ever doubting you. Not putting you first. Because I was afraid. Afraid of disappointing people. But you're the only person who matters. And I will spend whatever time I have left in this life showing you that, if you give me the chance. And if that’s not enough I will keep on trying. As long as you let me."
“Why now? What’s different? What’s changed?” Nesta narrowed her reddened eyes. “Aren’t you sick of being shackled to me?” She squared her shoulders, her eyes turning into two silver slits, giving him that "I will slay my enemies look" that nearly had him falling to his knees.
“The thought of living life without you is unbearable. Without you I am nothing. It's why I was so angry—I was thinking about you. Of losing you. It wasn't just about the last war. It was about what would happen in this one. All I could think of was you throwing your body on top of mine and nearly dying. And—." The words tumbled out of him, erratic and desperate.
"And what a world without you might look like. So I—I lost my mind." He said, his voice thick, eyes pleading.
"Nesta, being your mate is the greatest honour of my life. And I am sorry that I have ever made you feel otherwise."
The space between them waned, and the room somehow became smaller, as if the house was closing the distance between them.
Cassian slipped Nesta’s hand in his and slowly lifted it to that shattered place upon his chest. “You are my everything Nesta Archeron. You are my soul. My heart. My life.”
Clutching her hand to him, he lowered himself, until he was kneeling before her. She could feel his heart pounding, her own beating to the same chaotic tune, as if each pulse and each breath was taken together.
“I love you.” The words spilled out of him. “I have always loved you.”
Somehow he gripped her hand even tighter against his chest and she sunk her nails in. It felt as if she was holding his heart in her palm. Perhaps she truly was. And he just held her hand there, as she marked him. Five crescent shapes imprinted on him, dotted in red, from the base to the apex of his heart, her signature, her claiming.
“And I will always love you.” He breathed, his eyes wet, his face lifted up, meeting hers.
“I love you too.” She whispered, voice hoarse, as she grabbed at his chest, now pulling him towards her until there was no space left between them. Until their lips were crashing against one another, breathing the other in. And those golden threads began to weave themselves back together until they shone, forming an eight pointed star, a guiding light, their compass home.
"You're lucky that I believe in second chances." Nesta said, a slow smile breaking across her face like the sun peaking through the twilight sky. And it was all he needed before he met her smile with one of his own, before he pulled her down to him, until they were flush against eachother.
"I am lucky,” he whispered in her ear, his breath hot, mouth hungry, as he traced his lips along the curve of her neck, “the luckiest male alive.”
Second chapter is on AO3
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lovelygwyneth · 4 hours
Nessian’s bonus chapter and Azriel’s bonus chapter: both ended with a bat boy highlighting his beloved's eyes.
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Nesta and Rhys- Let's Talk About it
Right off the bat I want to make it very clear that I am a fan of Nesta, I was not a fan of her portrayal in ACOSF which is nothing against her character, her healing journey was poorly portrayed. I think HOFAS is just a taste of the Nesta that we have coming in later ACOTAR books, and I am excited.
So let's get to it, this is how I look at the Inner Circle, it has two parts
Inner Circle (Family)
Inner Circle (Work) I use the word employee to describe the characters, Rhys does pay them but it is mostly just to make the difference in roles more visible– I am not trying to start a workers rights debate.
Inner Circle Family: This is the love, family and friendship part of the IC. This is dinners, and joking around, solstice and fun. This is what we probably most like to think of when we’re reading about the IC. In this, Rhys and Feyre are just members of a found family that love and respect each other. They have a bit more power and sway, but ultimately they are family. This is also where we have just: Cassian, Azriel, Nesta, Mor, Elain, Amren. Just as they are.
Inner Circle Work: This is where your hierarchy comes in. This is where Rhys is the High Lord and Feyre is the High Lady. This is where the roles the others fill out come into play, and this is where Rhys and Feyre can call the shorts without question. Cassian is Lord of Bloodshed, General to the Courts Army: answers to his high lord/lady. Azriel is the Spymaster: answers to his high lord/lady. Nesta is a warrior: answers to her high lord/lady. Mor: answers to her high lord/lady. See where I am going with this? Family and work are separate.
When the different members of the IC are in their role as "employees" of the NC, they answer to Rhys and Feyre, and follow the commands of Rhys and Feyre, High Lord and High Lady of the Night Court. If they choose to not, there are consequences.
So in HOFAS Nesta gives the Mask to Bryce, who brings it back to Midgard to save her world. Is Nesta wrong? Morally, absolutely not. In the sense of what her High Lord has asked of her as a warrior and "employee" of the NC? Yes she is wrong. She put the NC, and everyone in it, including people she loves, in danger. 
(Her trust in Bryce would be a whole other post.)
So yes, Rhys, as High Lord and Protector of the Night Court, is f*cking pissed because Nesta gave away a weapon to someone they barely know, to go take on other worldly monsters who could easily take the mask and not only come back and kill everyone Rhys loves and cares for in the NC, but also in Prythian. Nesta went against orders, as "employee" of the NC, and disobeyed her High Lord. He’s not mad at his sister-in-law, he is mad at one of his warriors/employees. His reaction and anger is justified at that moment.
Misogyny: dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. 
This is also where I am going to point out that this is not misogynistic because Rhys is mad at a member of his IC for making a poor choice that could have horrible consequences, not because she is a woman. He was furious with Azriel when Az fought him on having feelings for Elain. He gets mad when his employees don't follow orders.
We have seen Rhys and Feyre make decisions because they are High Lord/Lady, and their choice was final. In ACOSF, when Azriel said he was going out spying on Koschei, both Rhys and Feyre said no. Az says he wasn’t asking, challenges Feyre, and Rhys shuts him down because the High Lady said no. Is Az happy? No. Feyre then walks off with him, clearly comforting him, but he ultimately respects the call of his High Lord and Lady.
We have also seen Rhys using his status as High Lord in murky areas, such as in the infamous BC of ACOSF. When Rhys catched Azriel with Elain, he forbids Az from pursuing a relationship with her. Az points out that as a High Lord he can’t dictate that. Rhys counters this with all the political reasons why he can, but realistically he crossed the line of family IC and work IC. Is Azriel going to listen to Rhys? No because his High Lord cannot command who his "employees" love.
And I am not saying I liked reading a scene of Rhys biting Nesta’s head off, I did like reading Ember coming to her rescue and biting off Rhys’, he needs that to happen more. The point is that both characters are acting out and butting heads. That’s normal in both work and family matters. There wouldn’t be a story if Rhys (who we all forget is morally grey btw) goes “Oh well shoot Nesta, I am upset you did that but that’s ok it will work out.” 
Tidbit I can’t fit anywhere: I really wish we did see more of a bite from Cassian when Rhys was biting her head off, General or not, Nesta is his mate, and letting Rhys yell at her is not mate energy. The whole scene between Rhys, Nesta, Cassian and Feyre could be its own BC.
Nesta is a complicated character, who deserves her own trilogy to shine in a way that ACOSF did not let her. HOFAS showed the other side of her, the side that was able to snap out of a death trance when she heard the name of her nephew (I felt that so hard.) When she was able to forgive someone who was complicit in her confinement to the HOW, how she was able to see beyond what had been commanded of her and make her own choices.
Nesta is an excellent character, and SJM is working hard to bring out the best in her.
At the end of the day as well we all need to remember that THIS IS A MAKE BELIEVE STORY WITH MAKE BELIEVE PEOPLE AND NONE OF THIS MATTERS! These books are literally like cocaine for our overworked, dopamine searching brains. 
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The Azriel bonus chapter made this already volatile fandom so damn toxic and I wish I didn’t exist.
The Azriel bonus chapter we should have gotten was him putting up with Cassian and Nesta’s activities and just being an overall exasperated roommate.
Give me his POV of the dining room scene and light the other BC on fire 😭
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The Hofas bonus chapter fulls me with so much rage like hello cassian fucking get off ur ass and do something??? Like ur gonna wait for a literal HUMAN stranger to defend ur mate (no hate to ember i love her sm) before u do it urself😭😭 where is the fucking logic??
Also i can’t help but question (i literally dreamed this last night) : Would Rhysand ever let Cassian speak to Feyre the way he speaks to Nesta????!!!!!
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bryceandhunt · 2 months
So really not even one sentence from Cassian?
Like I’m not saying he has to macho alphahole defend Nesta and like shove her behind him while he fights her battles (aka Rhys’ disapproval) but like why is he not standing at her side? She’s his mate. And he loves her. Why is he not acting like her partner?
I guess I was just disappointed to have him not even make a meaningful appearance after everything in A Court of Silver Flames with Nesta featured so prominently AND Nesta in trouble/in a tough spot.
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secretelia · 2 months
I wanted to do a HOFAS Review bc i've seen so many opinions of this book... Beware spoilers!
Okey, first of all, my rating for this book: 4.5 ⭐️ I LOVED IT!
Sorry to everyone who hated it, i just couldn't. I loved it! Even tho i do have some things to say. Let's start on the story itself (plot, writing style...):
The plot to me was good, even tho at some points a lil bit too dense. But I really enjoyed seeing how the whole story that started in book one ended. I really liked how everything was tied up and how all those things that appeared in book one actually made sense now in book three. Again, at some points it became difficult to follow, but in the end everything made sense.
Bryce and Hunt's romantic story. I love them! Bryce was a little annoying at some point, but i totally get what she was trying to say/do. It's unfair to say that she doesn't care for Hunt bc she looked past his trauma. She didn't! She was dealing with a lot of stuff and maybe her first reaction wasn't good, but she realized her mistake and just asked him to finish what he started! Plus, all of you saying they don't have a connection... Be fucking for real. Their love is so pure and so mature! They're adults navigating difficult times and it SHOWS.
Ruhn and Lidia uggggggh absolutely love them! To me, Lidia was THE character on this book. Love her development, her relationship with Ruhn and overall her character. I wished we would have had a lil bit more of Ruhn pov, tho.
Tharion i love u idc what everyone says you're my fav fish<3
I really liked that it wasn't a different pov each chapter and that it was mostly bryce's and hunt's pov. But sometimes it got weird the pov changing in the middle of the chapter, it was like "wait what?" kinda situation. But overall I enjoyed it.
The ACOTAR crossover!!!! Loved it! Love to see that Nesta and Azriel became good friends and I looooooooove to see Nesta as a warrior. So powerful! She's my baby and I'm so excited bc it looks like we're getting another acotar book for her, can't fucking wait. I would have liked a little bit more of Feyre and also I was expecting for them to go help Bryce and have an epic final battle scene with the ACOTAR characters, but i'm not mad that didn't happen.
Now, for the things i didn't like:
Ithan's pov. Sorry, it was just boring! Let it go already omg... So annoying. Plus i didn't get the whole sigrid situation. It just felt like Sarah didn't remeber she existed in CC2 and didn't know what to do with her in CC3. All that "new fendyr heir" talk over and over again just to have her killed? Don' get it! It seemed like she would be Ithan's love interest and suddenly we have another character out of the blue named perry that's being set up with him... Weird.
Ariadne? What happened to her? She left the vyper queen and poof, gone. She appears at the end to tell tharion that going back to the meat market is a stupid decision and then disappears again... Ok. It was weird.
Sathia! What happened to her? Again, it seemed like the character was bothering Sarah and she didn't know what to do with her... So she set up the whole ex situation and byebye. And Flynn didn't even think to ask where the fuck his sister was? It was just so random.
This is just a curiosity, but i realized that Bryce said Rhys looked exactly like Ruhn, but then Ember didn't say anything about it when she first met Rhys... Sarah just probs forgot but i found it weird.
That bonus chapter with nesta and ember... OMG a lot of thoughts on that. I love Nesta, but I'm mad about Rhys tearing her apart, like he just knows that feyre would have done exactly the same thing as nesta, cmon😭 Also i love Cas, even though i'm a lil mad that he always sides with rhys so boldly and i would love for nesta to address that on the next acotar book.
Overall, it was a good book and i really enjoyed it!
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pollyaunt · 2 months
okay, the ember bonus chapter has really put everyone who was in the nessian ship sinking in the ocean. Let's think a little practically here, what nesta did (coming from someone who is a HUGE nesta stan) WAS dangerous. We, as readers knew that sjm would never let something this big affect not one but two worlds together but the ACOTAR characters do not know that. And by giving the mask to Bryce, Nesta took a VERY DANGEROUS stance. Yes, almost all the characters at some point in the series have taken such a dangerous risk but testing people of the same world as you are in and testing otherworldly people LITERALLY, is NOT THE SAME! I'm of course, extremely proud of how Nesta was so compassionate and honourable and brave, but as a High Lord it IS Rhys's duty to ensure his people remain safe, his wife remains safe, his kid remains safe. Especially after the shitload trauma they've been through, so obviously the very first reaction of ANYONE would be to be outraged and in disbelief. I'm sure, later on all of them discussed this till lengths and cleared everything out. When it comes to Cassian, however, I am disappointed in him. I just don't get how he can stand at the sidelines without saying ANYTHING in the entirety of the chapter. Could've done better, especially as a mate.
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