#neve has mail
alinaastarkov · 22 days
the final boss level of boopness
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duckiemimi · 6 months
versobooks has made six e-books on Palestine free to download on their website (click), including:
• “Ten Myths About Israel”
By Ilan Pappe
• “Palestine Speaks”
Edited by Mateo Hoke and Cate Malek
• “Blaming the Victims”
Contributions by Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, Janet L. Abu-Lughod, G.W. Bowersock, Noam Chomsky, Norman G. Finkelstein, Muhammad Hallaj, Rashid Khalidi, Peretz Kidron and Elia Zureik
Edited by Christopher Hitchens and Edward W. Said
• “The Case for Sanctions Against Israel”
Contributions by Ra'anan Alexandrowicz, Merav Amir, Hind Awwad, Mustafa Barghouthi, Omar Barghouti, Dalit Baum, Joel Beinin, John Berger, Angela Davis, Nada Elia, Marc H. Ellis, Noura Erakat, Neve Gordon, Ran Greenstein, Ronald Kasrils, Jamal Khader, Naomi Klein, Paul Laverty, Mark LeVine, David Lloyd, Ken Loach, Haneen Maikey, Rebecca O'Brien, Ilan Pappe, Jonathan Pollak, Laura Pulido, Lisa Taraki, Rebecca Vilkomerson, Michael Warschawski and Slavoj Žižek
Edited by Audrea Lim
• “The Punishment of Gaza”
By Gideon Levy
• “The Palestine Laboratory”
By Antony Loewenstein
they were very easy to download; just input your payment details and it’ll cost you nothing.
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once you receive the confirmation e-mail (like the picture above), press on “download e-book.” for apple users, once the e-book has downloaded, press on the ↓ arrow on the bar at the bottom of your screen:
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then press “downloads” and press on the e-book file. this will take you to this app:
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then it’ll automatically take you to the cover page and the rest of the book. all the books you’ve downloaded will be on this app.
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remember, the enemy of fascism and its propaganda is the thirst for knowledge and knowledge itself.
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pgfone · 1 year
Allora, questa ve la devo raccontare:
Circa un anno fa rientrando a casa noto un campo a me molto caro abbandonato, dico bah, chissà di chi era sto campo dove giocavo a pallone da piccolo...e già mi facevo i viaggi mentali di cosa farci (vedevo scorrazzarci le caprette tipo Heidi), nei giorni successivi quindi sfodero le mie doti da Geometra facendo una ricerca catastale di questo campo, era della della curia. Così la domenica successiva vado alla messa, e il prete vedendomi li prima di iniziare, mi dice, "che t'è successo Giù? tutto bene?" visto che a messa non ci vado mai e se ci vado è per cose abbastanza gravi si era preoccupato, così inizio a parlargli di quel campo, e lui mi sembra mooolto ma moooolto disposto a cedermelo per 4 soldi, non mi sembrava vero, e infatti non era vero, nei mesi successivi inizia una trattativa serrata fatta di lettere e e-mail e alla fine purtroppo non arriviamo a un accordo, visto che il prete oltre quel campo mi voleva appioppare altri terreni inutili fatti da residui stradali, porzioni di cimitero e alvei dei fiumi completamente ricoperti da rovi e sterpaglie.
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Questa sera, rientro a casa, mi faccio una doccia e poi mi metto in ufficio a guardare un po' di scartoffie e trovo questa mail, così preso da uno slancio di coraggio (odio parlare per telefono) chiamo questo signore che mi dice che ha comprato la casa confinante a questo terreno che con la neve gli alberi sono crollati nella sua proprietà che è un serpaio e che devo sistemarlo al più presto altrimenti mi fa scrivere dall'avvocato. Allora signore, punto uno chi ti ha dato la mia mail, punto due, chi te conosce, punto 3 io non sto acquistando niente, punto 4 perchè non ve l'annate a pià nder culo tu e il prete?
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themagenamedsage · 2 years
Eddie Munson/Corroded Coffin “Making it Big” Headcanons
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~ written by 🦇~
Part 2 can be found here.
***Eddie Munson lives and his name is cleared AU because he deserves no less***
***technically the 4th member of corroded coffin has no name (sad face), so I’ve named him Grant, after the actor who plays him***
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Eddie, Gareth, Jeff, and Grant scraped up every possible spare change they had.
Gareth and Grant had finally graduated, which meant they had the time to get “real” jobs, just like Eddie and Jeff had to before them. But with those “real” jobs, came real adult debts and other responsibilities that required money, so things were tight for a while.
But it was a group effort, and they were all in it together to save whatever money they could in order to get Corroded Coffin’s first official album produced.
After almost a year, they finally scraped up all the money they could manage to hire some guy Gareth’s cousin told them about a few towns over. Said guy had an entire little studio set up in his mother’s basement, and offered them a “friends and family” discount- which basically meant he’d take whatever money they could give him, plus other forms of payment.
Other payments included food but also included goods that Eddie was able to provide
They recorded the album in the man’s mother’s dimly lit basement, but the experience wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
Eddie swore the smell of mothballs would never leave his nostrils, and the group had to spend literal hours narrowing down Corroded Coffin’s expansive repertoire to come up with the ten most perfect tracks to put onto the album.
After the album was recorded, came the even harder part: making about a kajillion copies of it to distribute.
Speaking of the master copy of the album: Grant was tasked with guarding that bad boy, on pain of death. He was down to go down for the cause, though.
Once the many, many copies were made, the group mailed them off to as many record labels that they could find the information for on the East and West Coasts.
Eddie had never spent so much time in a library than he did while trying to look up all those mailing addresses information.
For a few months, nothing happened. The band would sell a couple tapes at their local shows at The Hideout, but beyond that, their precious album remained relatively unknown. But they’d done it- they had an album! If no one else saw the brilliance of their work, that was alright. They knew they had something special.
Then one day, Eddie was at work (at a local record store, AKA the most tolerable (and legal) “adult” job he could find) when he got a call. He never got calls at work, so immediately, he panicked, thinking something was wrong with Wayne.
But Wayne was the one calling- and Eddie had a call waiting for him back at the trailer.
Eddie sped, a lot, but he’d never sped home quite so fast as he did that day.
The call was from none other than a relatively decent sized record label out in LA. They liked Corroded Coffin’s stuff, and they wanted more.
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Years later…
Corroded Coffin quickly became a household name.
In the several years since the band’s launch into stardom, they’d gone on countless tours, played shows in almost every US state, and had even done several shows overseas in the UK.
They even supported Metallica on a few tours.
Jeff most definitely did not have to keep pinching Eddie the first time they met the legendary band, for fear that Corroded Coffin’s front man might simply faint on the spot.
The 90s brought all sorts of change, even for the small town of Hawkins. Though Corroded Coffin’s members were once considered the freaks of their town (and for one of them, a prime suspect in a gruesome “murder”), the band’s major success changed the tune for many of Hawkins’ residents.
Former-Sheriff-turned-Mayor-Hopper was so proud of the once deviants, he even had a sign added to all entry points to town.
“Welcome to Hawkins: Hometown of Corroded Coffin”
Every time the band played in Indianapolis, Eddie would never, ever forget to secure the entire group VIP passes.
Though everyone (except Robin) now had their licenses, the gang still opted to ride up to Indianapolis together, for old time’s sake. Nancy and Steve took turns driving, while the other made sure all the passengers in the back refrained from fighting with one another for the hour and a half drive.
Corroded Coffin’s gigs were intense, and that was not made any less apparent despite the increasing sizes of the venues they played.
Eddie Munson may or may not have been notorious for stage diving at the most unpredictable of times.
He did so once during one of Corroded Coffin’s slower songs and would have broken his arm and guitar with the fall if Corroded Coffin’s fans hadn’t been so dedicated to catching him.
Though Corroded Coffin’s type of music was not everyone in the gang’s first choice of musical taste, the concerts were still nice for all of them to break up the daily grind and escape for a night.
But Dustin always had the most fun at the gigs.
Every time they had a show in Indianapolis, Eddie made sure Corroded Coffin’s cover of Master of Puppets was added to the show’s set list. And each time they played it, he invited Dustin out on stage for the song.
Even though Dustin couldn’t describe the joy he felt in seeing his friend literally living out his dreams on stage, a bittersweet thought always lingered in his mind.
Corroded Coffin’s shows now were electric, grand even.
But Eddie Munson’s concert in the Upside Down had been legendary.
If only the world could know.
Most. Metal. Ever.
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Part 2 can be found here.
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libero-de-mente · 6 months
Come comportarsi con le donne sui social?
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Oggi affronterò brevemente un tema a cui la scienza non ha ancora dato una spiegazione, alcuni teorici rimandano la soluzione a un quarto segreto di Fatima di cui nessuno sa dell'esistenza. Perché un segreto che è segreto appunto.
Altri studiosi rimandano il tutto al movimento dadaista, poiché dada fa rima con gnagna.
Comunque un triumvirato composto da Alberto Angela, Mario Tozzi e Alessandro Barbero ne stanno discutendo in un summit culturale. Hanno iniziato sei anni fa, non è dato sapere quando arriveranno a una conclusione.
Ma torniamo all'argomento principale.
Io e le donne nei social.
Non ho mai inviato il pisello in chat. A nessuna.
Non capisco se sono un perfetto idiota o un inguaribile deficiente.
Il pisello. Sembra che alcuni miei colleghi maschi senza di quello non avrebbero altro da fare nella vita.
Alcune donne, vista la mia mancanza in questo, mi hanno rimosso dalle amicizie. Alcune anche bloccandomi il contatto.
Eppure la vita, quella del pisello intendo, dura molto meno della nostra quindi non si dovrebbe perdere tempo. Un giorno sai scrivere il tuo nome facendo la pipì nella neve, un giorno ti ritrovi a doverti sedere per urinare; altrimenti col catzo (appunto) riusciresti a centrare il water.
Alcuni pensano che Bukowki sia la traduzione in russo di "buco", credo che sia colpa anche di tutte quello foto di fondo schiena con frasi dello scrivano tedesco.
Quando arrivò il tempo di cercarsi amicizie e rapporti con il mio prossimo io lo feci in modo empatico, in maniera del tutto aperta.
Nelle mie esperienze trovai interesse per gente simpatica, che trovai sia tra le femmine che tra le donne. Si, ve lo giuro.
Mi ricordo che una tizia dopo un po' che ci si frequentava mi chiese di sposarla, il mio cuore andò in fibrillazione, le dissi che ero emozionato non avendo mai celebrato un matrimonio. Non la rividi più.
Ho conosciuto donne più folli degli uomini, senza drogarsi giuro!
La prima cosa che mi colpisce in una donna è l'ironia, mi piacciono quelle che ne hanno in abbondanza.
L'anno scorso chiesi a Babbo Natale una donna complice, con cui parlare e risolvere i problemi dell'esistenza nostra senza rabbie o complessi psichiatrici tossici.
Dopo un paio di giorni (un caso?) ricevetti una mail norepley chiocciola punto qualche cosa con un link, era di Amazon sezione bambole sessuali in silicone.
Credo che instaurare un rapporto di profonda complicità con una persona del sesso opposto sia molto arduo, ma per chi ci riuscisse sarebbe qualcosa che va oltre ogni meravigliosa immaginazione.
Torno su Tinder, Vanessa la pitonessa mi ha appena inviato un messaggio. Chissà quanta ironia avrà e passione per la buona cucina. Noto di più le teglie che le taglie.
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dupla-sajtburger-slut · 8 months
korai huszas éveimben mindig azt gondoltam, hogy a “felnőttek”, az igazi Felnőttek, főleg akik egy picit, csak egy picit magasabb poziban dolgoznak egy neves cégnél, azok értelmesek, felelősséget vállalnak a tetteikért, éretten gondolkodnak, és nem kibaszott hisztis óvodásként viselkednek
nyilván azóta rájöttem, hogy ez faszság, de
mikor egy hete, pontosan egy hete nem kapok választ arra, hogy hol a gecibe’ van a kurva szállítmányunk és beeszkalálom, és a vezetőm is ír neki 3 mailt, hogy baszomaszád, miért nincs infó? na és hogy erre az International Operations Manager azt írja válaszul, hogy “as you know we were in lunchbreak when you sent previous 3 mails…”, akkor kedvem lenne úgy lehordani a faszba, azt se bánnám ha utána a főni lebaszna érte, hát hány éves vagy te faszszopó
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errorifondamentali · 1 month
Lettura gratuita
Più di 10 anni fa, mi è balenata in mente l'immagine di due figure, sole, di notte, in un vicolo, illuminate non dalle moderne lampade a led, ma da tremule e ottocentesche lampade a gas.
Ero in un momento un po' particolare della mia vita e volevo scrivere qualcosa di romantico, drammatico e pericoloso.
Da quell'immagine, nasce una storia (per la maggior parte ancora nella mia testa), che parte nel 1831 e si sviluppa per i trent'anni successivi e che ha per protagonisti Gilda Andrieux, educata in maniera poco ortodossa dal padre, ex ufficiale napoleonico arricchitosi anche con meodi non legittimi e Carlo Pessano, giovane laureato in Giurisprudenza, sognatore e idealista, pronto a lasciarsi ogni cosa alle spalle per quello in cui crede.
Da qualche settimana sto condividendo, a puntate, un capitolo alla settimana, Aria di Neve: invitata al castello di La Grange - Bléneau dal marchese di La Fayette in persona, Gilda si ritrova a indagare su una morte misteriosa, anche per impedire che proprio Carlo possa finire sul patibolo per un reato che non ha commesso. O forse sì.
Se volete farvi un'idea della storia, dei personaggi, di come scrivo, qui invece trovate il racconto da cui nasce tutta la storia, Liberate Mazzini!
Entrambe le storie sono condivise tramite Substack. Che cos'è Substack? Non è altro che un servizio di mailing list. Non è obbligatorio iscriversi s Substack per leggere la mia storia. Non è obbligatorio iscriversi neppure alla mia newsletter scrivereXscrivere. Se lo farete, però, riceverete i nuovi capitoli direttamente nella vostra casella di posta. È, e resterà, per quanto mi riguarda, completamente gratuito.
Buona lettura.
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olomuvegscs · 2 months
Szigliget község egy kis ékszerdoboz Veszprém vármegyében a Balaton északi partján Badacsony és Keszthely között. Itt található a Balatoni panorámás Szűz Mária neve templom, a szigligeti vár alatt, amely templomot már 1427-ben is oklevélben említenek. Eme csodálatos templomba nyílott lehetőségem ólomüveg ablakokat elkészíteni, amelyek a Mária és IHS monogramot, valamint az oltár fölött egy galamb szimbólumot ábrázolják. Ha ezen a környéken jársz, okvetlenül keresd fel Szigligetet. Csodálatos kis község.
ÓLOMÜVEG KÉSZÍTÉS – SOÓS CSILLA: • WEB: http://hu.sooscsilla.com/ • E-MAIL: [email protected] • MOBIL: 06 30 557 6233
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todaybirthday-blog · 6 months
Mathew Perry Biography, Age, Weight, Height, Friend, Like, Affairs, Favourite, Birthdate & Other
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This Biography is about one of the best Hollywood Director & Actor of the world Mathew Perry including his Height, weight, Age & Other Detail…  Biography of Mathew Perry Real Name Matthew Langford Perry Nickname Matty, Matt, Perry Profession Actor Director Writer Producer Famous Roles TV - Chandler Bing - FRIENDS Film - The Ron Clark Story (2006) Physical Status & More of Mathew Perry Height in centimeters- 183 cm in meters- 1.83 m in Feet Inches- 6'0" Weight in Kilograms- 82 kg in Pounds- 181 lbs Figure Measurements N/A Eye Color Blue Hair Color Light Brown Personal Life of Mathew Perry Date of Birth August 19, 1969 Death October 28, 2023 Age 54 Years Birth Place Williamstown, Massachusetts, United States Nationality American Hometown Ottawa, Ontario School The Buckley School Rockcliffe Park Public School College Ashbury College. Debut Acting: Film - A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon (1988) TV - Arthur in 240-Robert (1979) Director: Scrubs Family Father- John Bennett Perry (American actor and former model), Keith Morrison (stepfather, Journalist). Mother- Suzanne Perry (Canadian journalist and former press secretary to Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau) Sisters- Caitlin Morrison (Half Sister), Marie Perry (Half Sister), Emily Morrison (Half Sister), Madeleine Morrison (Half Sister) Brother-Willy Morrison (Half Brother) Religion No preferences Ethnicity German, French-Canadian, Swiss-German, Irish and English Fan Mail Address Matthew Perry Doug Chapin Management 1100 Alta Loma Rd Suite 605 West Hollywood, CA 90069 USA Hobbies Tennis Favorite Things Of Mathew Perry Favorite TV Show Lost Favorite Movie Ground Hog Day Favorite Beverage Sugar free RedBull Favorite Baseball Team Toronto Blue Jays Favorite Song “Don’t Give Up” by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush. Girls , Affairs and More Of  Mathew Perry Marital Status Single Affairs Julia Roberts (1995–96) Yasmine Bleeth (1996-97) Neve Campbell (1998) Maeve Quinlan (2002-03) Renee Zellwegger (2002) Lauren Graham (2003) Heather Graham (2003) Raechel Dunn (2003-04) Lizzy Caplan (2006-12) Molly Hurwitz (2018-20)   Earning Money of Mathew Perry Net Worth $120 million Matthew Perry rose to fame in his role as Chandler Bing on the hit sitcom “Friends.” Perry, whose full name is Matthew Langford Perry, was born on August 19, 1969, in Williamstown Massachusetts. Although he is an American citizen by birth, he has Canadian heritage from his mother, Suzanne Marie Morrison, a journalist and former press secretary for the Canadian government. His father, John Bennett Perry, is an American actor and model. After his parents’ divorce, Perry’s mother married a Canadian journalist and the family relocated to Ottawa, Ontario, where the actor grew up. Perry moved to Los Angeles, California, when he was 15 to pursue acting and graduated from The Buckley School in 1987. Perry began performing improvisation comedy around the Sherman Oaks area during high school. He had his first T.V. role in 1979 in the series “240-Robert” in which he played the character of Arthur. In 1988, he got his first movie role in the film “A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon.” He guest-starred on shows such as “Growing Pains,” “Beverly Hills, 90210,” and “Home Free” before landing his iconic role as Chandler in “Friends” in 1994. In addition to acting in the T.V. sitcom, he concurrently starred in multiple films spanning many genres including the rom-com “Fools Rush In” starring Salma Hayek and the crime comedy film “The Whole Nine Yards” alongside action heavyweight Bruce Willis. He also starred in the drama T.V. series “The West Wing” in 2003 and was nominated for two Emmy awards for the role. In 2004, he directed an episode in the 4th season of the comedy T.V. series “Scrubs.” In 2006, he starred as the lead actor in the successful drama film “The Ron Clark Story” which earned him several Emmy and Golden Globe nominations. He starred in several other drama and comedy T.V. series and films throughout the 2000s. Between 2012 and 2014, he starred in the critically acclaimed T.V. drama series “The Good Wife.” In 2015, he began co-writing and producing a revival of the 1970s T.V. series “The Odd Couple.” He moved to live theater in 2016, playing the lead role in a play he wrote entitled “The End of Longing” in London. Read the full article
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soccerdailyuk · 9 months
Fabrizio Romano makes fresh claim on Jordan Henderson Liverpool exit after Al Ettifaq offer
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Fabrizio Romano makes fresh claim on Jordan Henderson Liverpool exit after Al Ettifaq offer Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson is set to join Al Ettifaq following approval from his manager Jurgen Klopp.  Reliable source Fabrizio Romano reports that Henderson has accepted the proposal from Al Ettifaq, and an agreement has been reached with a contract in place.  Henderson personally discussed the move with Klopp, who ultimately gave his approval despite his desire to retain the midfielder, as reported by 90Min. This suggests that Henderson had a strong desire to make the move to Al Ettifaq. There is an additional enticing aspect to Jordan Henderson's potential move to Al Ettifaq, as the team is currently under the management of Steven Gerrard.  The opportunity to reunite with the Liverpool legend might be appealing to Henderson.  However, it should be noted that Al Ettifaq and Liverpool still need to negotiate and reach an agreement regarding the transfer fee. Nonetheless, it appears increasingly probable that Henderson will be making his way to Saudi Arabia. How much will Jordan Henderson earn at Al Ettifaq? It is anticipated that Jordan Henderson will receive an incredibly substantial salary in Saudi Arabia.  This trend has been observed with other high-profile players who have recently made the move to the country, including Karim Benzema, N'Golo Kante, and Ruben Neves.  If reports are accurate, Henderson's potential deal could be one of the most lucrative yet. According to The Daily Mail, Al Ettifaq has presented Henderson with a staggering offer of £700,000 per week, an amount that Liverpool would not come close to offering.  It appears that the 33-year-old midfielder sees this opportunity as one final significant payday in his career. Henderson exit is an emotional and unexpected one Liverpool has indeed undergone some significant changes in their midfield this summer, with the departures of James Milner, Naby Keita, Arthur Melo, and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain.  However, Jordan Henderson's potential departure has caught many by surprise, as the move to Saudi Arabia has seemingly arisen abruptly. Having been signed from Sunderland for £16 million in 2011, Henderson has accumulated nearly 500 appearances for Liverpool.  He has been a vital leader for the team over an extended period of time, and his exit will undoubtedly create a significant void.  This unexpected move to Saudi Arabia may trigger feelings of frustration and disbelief among some fans who find it difficult to accept that Henderson is embarking on this new chapter in his career. Fabrizio Romano makes fresh claim on Jordan Henderson Liverpool exit after Al Ettifaq offer Read the full article
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alinaastarkov · 2 months
/post/742594112186957824 how about you don't ship women with canonically gay-coded characters
not my edit so your problem really isn't with me
i literally said in the tags i haven't shipped them since i was 13, i just thought it was a really pretty edit and wanted to share it
not gonna get into discourse about fictional characters' sexualities with an anon but it's literally all up to interpretation so maybe this wasn't worth going out of your way to send me an ask about it idk
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straycatboogie · 10 months
2023/06/28 English
BGM: Reel Big Fish - Take On Me
It was a day off. This morning I had an online meeting of English conversation as usual on Wednesday. We used a few idioms and made various sentences in English. One of them was "I'm filled with". I made a little bit controversial one as "I'm filled with sadness when I hear the sad news about war" (Oh my gosh!). Although I have had a difficulty to listen to the English an Indian member speaks (because of his accent/dialect), but I am getting to used to his English little by little. I guess this is a kind of progress (I say that MY English must have a certain strange Japanese dialect). I talked about the fact that I had neve been out of Japan, and was having an interest in Hong Kong and Taiwan (great foods and their unique cultures), then other members suggested me a lot. I'm grateful about that. It had moved me a lot so I wrote to the host person like this in English. "I'm filled with happiness right now". She showed her smiling as a response. It has been also grateful for me.
"Smiling"... and I notice that I have such an unique sense of humor certainly. I was born in Hyogo prefecture, the West region of Japan. Probably because of that, in other words because "kansai" area's air, water, and foods have brought me like this, I have been keeping this sense of humor. Indeed, I am basically a negative/pessimistic person with a hentai mind. But somewhere in my mind I believe the power of humor which makes us smile/grin. I confess this... When I was a teenager, I had various heroes in my mind. Haruki Murakami and Motoyuki Shibata (a great translator who has introduced a lot of modern English literature works). And also Flipper's Guitar. But also, I have respected Sanma Akashiya. Have you ever heard a Japanese famous comedian/talk show host, Sanma? I had kept recording his TV shows and radio programs with a lot of tapes, and enjoyed them during the way to the high school. But I couldn't understand later era's comedy. Down Town and Ucchan Nanchan... (But Hitoshi Matsumoto, another legendary comedian/creator in Japan had influenced me a lot. This is another fact. He had taught me how important to keep an independent spirit in oneself).
This afternoon, after having sandwiches I enjoyed taking a nap. And I started completing a paper I had to do by last Sunday. In short, it has gone beyond the deadline too much... and I thought I wanted to give up completely (SORRY!). But I finished writing it. If I do this kind of things with the spirit of "Anyway, I do!", then the motivation in me will follow me automatically/naturally. I sent that via e-mails to my friends. After that, I spent the time with chatting on Discord, and also enjoyed reading Steven Millhauser's "Portrait of a Romantic" a little. And... OH NO! I had forgotten the book about adult gifted people I had been reading. Yes, this is my life. My life doesn't work effectively with doing anything. Maybe it is related with autism... I am not good at keep on doing one thing steadily. My mood changes unstably. I do what I want next to next. My interest moves from here to there... and at the end I take nothing. Therefore I wonder why this journal has been kept writing by now. It must be a miracle. You might feel suspicious... But if anything in me start working, then I can't stop the thing I have kept on doing.
This evening I had the "danshu" meeting. A person from the hospital in Himeji taught us about "WRAP". "WRAP" means "Wellness Recovery Action Plan". In other words, it suggest us to do the trial of making our "manuals". How to do manage ourselves? You had better writing those clues of yourselves on papers. "When do I feel cheerful?", "When am I in a good mood?", "When am I happy?" etc. And also, We write the triggers as "What would make me/us down?". After those tasks, we should read those manuals if we were in any bad state/unhappy situation. You also have to make trustable friends/members of your families that manual. I thought I should write my manual and show it to my job coach, and my staff of group home. After that presentation, we confessed our stories as usual so I talked about my dream. My dream... I want to be a bridge person who connects this town and the world. Indeed, you may say that "look at yourself again" and "stay awake". And that's right. I need to learn more. English, common sense of this world... But other members said to me as "Good luck!". I am grateful for that. What should I say? I might have to say to them "You too". Life goes on.
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yoginviaggio · 1 year
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Caro amico di Spazio Trekk ecco una escursione per tutti!! Per chi non ha mai indossato le ciaspole e vuole collaudare le strane calzature tecniche da neve e per chi è un po' fuori allenamento e vuole ripartire slow. Scorazziamo per i sentieri intorno ai Fangacci, Burraia, Montefalco tra boschi di faggi e abetine, a seconda dell'innevamento che Madre Natura ci offre, spingendoci a fare qualche chilometro in più se le condizioni del gruppo e del manto nevoso ce lo permettono.
E a proposito di respiro saranno ancora una volta gli esercizi di pranayama dello yoga  a preparare i polmoni ed il cuore ad affrontare le salite del sentiero e come sempre un Oracolo camminerà con noi : Le Rune,  Le Carte degli Alberi o del Maestro, Gli Angeli di Findhorn,  per dare risposta ispirata alle nostre domande in un ambiente in cui i sensi sono molto più affinati e sintonizzati di sempre.
 E per non farci mancare proprio nulla porta una tazza con te e preparati a gustare caffè nero bollente, accompagnato se lo gradisci, da cioccolato di montagna al gusto di bombardino e biscottini veg 
INFO TECNICHE: DOVE: ore 10 Parcheggio Burraia https://goo.gl/maps/RTQHWa5n4z9vxF6C6 LUNGHEZZA: 6 km circa DIFFICOLTA’: FACILE TEMPO DI PERCORRENZA: 4 ORE circa comprese le soste DISLIVELLO 200 mt. circa Quota escursione: 15€ adulti 10€ bambini Servizio di affitto ciaspole
Al momento della prenotazione riceverai una mail con tutte le informazioni per svolgere l'escursione in sicurezza, adeguatamente abbigliato ed accessoriato. GUIDA: Annalisa Romagnoli– Guida Ambientale Escursionistica AIGAE, regolarmente registrata e assicurata, tessera ER857 INFO e PRENOTAZIONI: 339/2549407 [email protected] La Guida si riserva di modificare il percorso in loco in base alle condizioni meteo e al manto nevoso.
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cryptonews256 · 1 year
Newcastle looking to raid Premier League rivals for 25-year-old star
Newcastle looking to raid Premier League rivals for 25-year-old star
Newcastle United are reportedly interested in signing the Wolverhampton Wanderers midfielder Ruben Neves. According to a report from Daily Mail, the 25-year-old Portuguese international is on Newcastle’s transfer wishlist but the Magpies are yet to come forward with a concrete offer. Neves has 18 months left on his contract at the Molineux and he has been linked with the move away in recent…
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demonecelestiale · 1 year
venerdì 13 mia madre mi aveva messo il libretto della macchina non al solito posto e ho perso cinque minuti a cercarlo E NON SOLO tipo mezz'ora fa il capo ha girato una mail sulla giornata sulla neve organizzata dalla sede di Brunico sabato 28. mail apparentemente girata solo a me. bene così
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imevehicles1 · 1 year
Whether you are buying an electric scooter or an e-bike for personal or commercial usage, you must evaluate the key aspects. In all cases, your goal is to come out on top financially, i.e. with more savings. As a result, while selecting an electric bike, it is critical to pay attention to the five aspects listed above. Click Here and get the full information about Electric Vehicle manufacturers.
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