#new horisons
Does harv from animal crossing remind anyone else of leo from that 70s show?
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arianna-irwynarn · 2 years
So hard to do!
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Total respect for #horriblegamer I'm using one of her guides to make a Japanese city and it is not easy!
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neko-gamer · 2 years
Stalker punchy with bug minions?
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A shiver went down Rei's spine at punchy's disturbing words....
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bettertwin1 · 1 month
Hello Smol Leo ! Is donnie boring you in his lab? Why not take my old dsi, i have lego pirates of the carribean and lego ninjago to keep you company.
I am playing animl crosing new horison and i am destorrying the ocean and donnie is lettinit happen
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rubypasha1 · 2 months
An island shielded by a fogg hiding secrets everyone in the world wants to know. A fountain of life? Rivers of healing, plants so unique and precious they can be found nowhere else? Everyone wants to know this, incudling its inhabitents.
The Island holds many secrets, more recent than you think. One of them resides with a human many fear and love.
As a healer your responsibility is to help your people thrive. To live and recover, whether they want it or not. You cannot leave, not when war rest on the horison. No one goes untreated, not even the strange energetic skeleton monster that washes ashore.
The question is: who exactly is he and the strange crew of skeletons that seem adament to make your life as difficult as hell?
Note: this fic is based off of the one piece au created by @mega-punani and @the-skeleton-in-ur-closet on tumblr. Thank you so much for your amazing work I couldn't resist!
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knockcare · 2 years
I been exposed to tma just recently like two months ago abd was like "oh woow this thing is so cool and I love it so much abd it makes me so happy, I wish I was there for when it been ongoing, but its just happened Im here experiencing it alone" AND NOW THERES SOME KIND OF "magnusarchives2" ON THE HORISON AND IM BECOME PART OF LIVE ONGOING THING AGAIN also I see lots of people going "im back for part 2 baby" and I wana jump and wave lik HELLO HELLO HI HI!!!! IM HERE IM NEW HELLO!!! LOOK AT MY ART LOOK I LOVE THEM SM!!! HELLO!!!!!
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willtocreateart · 2 months
She wore her pain on her chest and weaved it around her, with dancing fingers, into starlight.
My universe, once so immence and sparkling, is black, and becoming crampt, so crampt.
My perception stops at muffled thuds and dim cracks as all my plans for myself fall apart. I am heedless to them, I worry my mother.
Maybe a new light source can be found, but there is, as yet, none on my horison. I wonder if I am moving at all or just rotting in place.
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phozphor · 1 year
[Vtuber] Chilling out in animal crossing, talking and vibing (Animal Crossing New Horisons)
(heres my twitch)
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bisluthq · 1 day
Yeah, Travis jamming to TTPD is.. huh.
I had a guy who last year who was kind of my Matty experince and that caused a massive mental breakdown for me. (Like literally I was relating Question...? to this guy in my head whom I had this almost stg 10 years ago and then he came back to my life and it got really messy and really painful real quick. And last summer I literally was telling my friends that he was my "twin" (like on an intellectual level) and I was sobbing, screaming at their faces that I lietrally don't give a fuck if I live or die after he ghosted me. So. Yeah. This album is just a whole new level of relatable.
And now I am seeing this other guy since last fall, and we are not officially together because we had established early on that none of us are ready for a whole ass relationship but we go on dates and have fun and get along super well. And he knows how hung up I was on that other person, because I obviously told him, I didn't wanna lie.
And one of our things is that we both love music very much but very different kind of music. He is very much not into Taylor but it's our inner joke that he sends me hard rock and heavy metal and I send him my fave Taylor songs and we affecionately roll our eyes at eachother. But we also actually do listen to eachother's music to boarden our horisons.
Anyways, he knows my history with this other guy. And so when he was like "sooo how's the new Taylor Swift album 🤪 Any songs you wanna share?" I was like... 😳😳😳😳 "Nothing, it's very mid, nothing to see here babe" like you BET I'm not gonna show him these songs knowing he would know I think of that other one when I hear these lyrics. And I haven't wrote the album (obviously, lol), that's a whole other level!! So like... Taylor and Travis... Yeah, good for them, can't imagine how that conversation went down. 😀
See lol bestie u and I could be friends because clearly both messy af (complimentary/been there) but like… relatively sane??? I’m glad you’re out your Tatty sitch because ew and have a new guy who’s sending you heavy metal and willing to take it slow and asking about Taylor (never date a person who doesn’t ask about Taylor but also never date a fellow Swiftie is my take on that based on personal experience) and glad you’re sane enough to not send him like BDILH or TTPD or w/e because damn lol that’s a weird thing to send a person you’re seeing (unless you’re in a Tatty sitch in which case I mean idk let me help you). Great ask.
and again NOT IN A SHADY WAY but idk how Travis could hear all this shit and be perfectly cool. Very awesome of him. But like… wow.
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tumpamannan6216 · 4 days
Unlocking Career Advancement: RPL Benefits for Aged Care Workers through Skills Upgrade
In the dynamic landscape of aged care, where compassion meets expertise, the significance of continual professional development cannot be overstated. Recognising Prior Learning (RPL) emerges as a transformative tool empowering aged care workers to ascend in their careers through skills enhancement. This comprehensive guide delves into the manifold benefits of RPL for aged care workers, elucidating how this process catalyses career progression and elevates the quality of care provided to our elderly populace.
Understanding RPL: A Pathway to Professional Growth
RPL, a cornerstone of contemporary education and training frameworks, offers a pathway for individuals to validate and leverage their existing skills, knowledge, and experiences. For aged care workers, many of whom have accrued years of invaluable experience in nurturing and supporting the elderly, RPL serves as a conduit for formal recognition and accreditation of their competencies. By undergoing the RPL assessment process, these dedicated professionals can attain formal qualifications commensurate with their skills, facilitating career advancement and enhancing job prospects within the aged care sector.
Embracing Change: The Imperative of Skills Upgrade
The aged care landscape is undergoing a paradigm shift, driven by evolving demographic trends, technological advancements, and regulatory reforms. In this context, the imperative for skills upgrade among aged care workers becomes increasingly pronounced. Through RPL, these professionals can embark on a journey of skills enhancement tailored to the demands of contemporary aged care provision. Whether it involves mastering new caregiving techniques, navigating complex healthcare protocols, or harnessing digital tools for enhanced patient management, RPL equips aged care workers with the competencies needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving industry.
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Navigating Career Plateaus: RPL as a Catalyst for Progression
Career stagnation is a pervasive challenge faced by many aged care workers, impeding their professional growth and dampening morale. RPL presents a viable solution to this predicament by offering a mechanism for career progression grounded in meritocracy and recognition of individual capabilities. By undergoing RPL assessments and attaining formal qualifications, aged care workers can transcend existing career plateaus, unlocking pathways to higher positions, increased responsibilities, and greater remuneration. Moreover, the acquisition of recognised qualifications through RPL enhances employability both within and beyond the aged care sector, thereby expanding career horisons and fostering long-term professional fulfillment.
Enhancing Service Delivery: The Ripple Effects of RPL
The benefits of RPL extend far beyond individual career advancement, permeating the very fabric of aged care service delivery. As aged care workers undergo skills upgrades through RPL, the quality and efficacy of care provided to elderly clients experience a tangible uplift. By honing their skills, staying abreast of best practices, and embracing innovation, RPL-certified professionals become catalysts for positive change within their respective care settings. From fostering a culture of continuous improvement to implementing evidence-based interventions, RPL empowers aged care workers to deliver holistic, person-centered care that meets the diverse needs of elderly individuals with dignity and compassion.
Overcoming Barriers: Facilitating Access to RPL
While the benefits of RPL for aged care workers are indisputable, accessing and navigating the RPL process can pose challenges for some individuals. Recognising this, concerted efforts must be made to dismantle barriers to RPL uptake and ensure equitable access for all aged care professionals. This entails raising awareness about the value of RPL, providing tailored support and guidance throughout the assessment journey, and advocating for policies that incentivise RPL participation. Additionally, fostering collaboration between employers, training providers, and regulatory bodies is crucial for streamlining the RPL process and fostering a culture of lifelong learning within the aged care workforce.
In the dynamic landscape of aged care, where compassion and expertise converge, RPL emerges as a transformative force driving career advancement and enhancing service delivery. By recognising and validating the skills of aged care workers, RPL unlocks pathways to professional growth, empowers individuals to navigate career plateaus, and elevates the standard of care provided to our elderly population. As we collectively endeavor to nurture a skilled, empowered, and resilient aged care workforce, RPL stands as a beacon of opportunity, illuminating a path towards a brighter future for both aged care workers and those they serve.
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stickyduckexpert · 3 months
Skillful Progression: Meet Your RPL Expert at Skills Upgrade
Skills Upgrade is a transformative journey for RPL experts seeking skillful progression. By staying updated with RPL standards, enhancing assessment skills, and embracing continuous learning, RPL experts can unlock new opportunities and expand their professional horisons. The benefits of Skills Upgrade go beyond professional recognition, providing personal and career growth. Embark on your journey today, and meet your RPL expert at Skills Upgrade, propelling your professional journey to new heights.
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RPL Expert - Skills Upgrade: Accelerating Your Professional Journey
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) experts play a crucial role in assessing and evaluating individuals' competencies acquired through work experience, training, or life experiences. These experts possess a deep understanding of RPL standards and guidelines and possess the skills necessary to accurately assess and validate individuals' knowledge and skills. By partnering with an RPL expert, individuals can navigate the RPL process more effectively, ensuring fair recognition of their abilities and boosting their professional journey.
The Power of Skills Upgrade
Skills Upgrade acts as a catalyst for professional growth and advancement. It involves continually enhancing one's existing skills, acquiring new knowledge, and staying up-to-date with industry trends and advancements. Through Skills Upgrade, individuals can expand their expertise, improve their employability, and demonstrate their commitment to professional development. For those seeking recognition and progression within the RPL field, Skills Upgrade is an essential component of their journey.
Embarking on the Journey of Skills Upgrade for RPL Experts
Familiarising Yourself with RPL Standards and Guidelines
To become a proficient RPL expert, it is vital to have a comprehensive understanding of the RPL standards and guidelines relevant to the industry or jurisdiction in which you operate. Staying informed about any updates or revisions to these standards ensures that your assessments align with the latest requirements. Familiarising yourself with the intricacies of RPL guidelines enables you to provide accurate and reliable assessments to individuals seeking recognition.
Enhancing Assessment Skills
Accurate assessment is at the core of an RPL expert's role. Upgrading your assessment skills enables you to provide fair and comprehensive evaluations. Consider the following areas for skills enhancement:
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a transformative process that allows individuals to gain acknowledgment for the skills and knowledge they have acquired through work experience, training, or other life experiences. At Skills Upgrade, we have assembled a team of highly skilled RPL experts who specialise in assessing and validating your competencies.
Mastering Assessment Tools and Techniques
Staying abreast of the latest assessment tools and techniques used in RPL is essential. This includes understanding various methods of evidence collection, conducting interviews, and utilising competency frameworks. Proficiency in these tools and techniques streamlines the evaluation process and enhances the accuracy of assessments.
Improving Communication and Interviewing Skills
Effective communication is paramount when gathering evidence and conducting interviews. Enhancing your communication skills ensures clear and accurate information exchange with candidates. Developing active listening skills and asking probing questions contribute to gathering comprehensive evidence of candidates' competencies.
The Benefits of Skills Upgrade for RPL Experts
Enhanced Professional Credibility and Recognition
Skills Upgrade for RPL experts instills confidence in their abilities and enhances their professional credibility. Continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends demonstrate a commitment to excellence. This results in increased recognition within the field and opens doors to new opportunities.
Expanded Career Opportunities
Upgrading skills as an RPL expert expands career opportunities. As the demand for RPL assessments grows, organisations seek highly skilled professionals who can deliver accurate and reliable assessments. Skills Upgrade positions you as a valuable asset in the job market, potentially leading to higher positions and better remuneration.
Networking and Collaboration
Skills Upgrade often involves interacting with other professionals in the RPL field. This interaction provides valuable networking opportunities, enabling the exchange of ideas, learning from others' experiences, and fostering collaboration. Building a robust professional network enhances knowledge and creates potential partnerships and referrals.
Personal and Professional Growth
Skills Upgrade is a journey of personal and professional growth. Acquiring new skills and knowledge fosters confidence as an RPL expert. This growth extends beyond the professional realm and positively impacts personal development, empowering individuals to take on new challenges and achieve greater success.
In conclusion
Skillful Progression: Meet Your RPL Expert at Skills Upgrade offers a gateway to unlocking your professional potential. By connecting with our team of RPL experts, you can navigate the intricate world of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) with confidence and clarity. Our experts will guide you through the assessment process, ensuring your skills and knowledge are accurately recognised and valued.
Through Skills Upgrade, you gain more than just certifications. You embark on a journey of personal and professional growth. Our RPL experts provide personalised guidance, helping you identify qualification gaps and offering recommendations for upskilling and development. By meeting your RPL expert at Skills Upgrade, you open doors to expanded career opportunities, increased employability, and enhanced professional standing.
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apriljuneblog · 7 months
October 10, 2023- New horisons
Hello October, Yes, I have landed a job in London, where I first came end of 2015 to try my luck after Paris and the difficulty of getting a job there. The first couple of years consisted of experimenting with different jobs, and then the pandemic. Now I am back! I have been living in this vibrant city since the end of 2021! Some difficulties at home- mother passing- have put pressure on me- I…
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arianna-irwynarn · 2 years
Punchy stalker?!
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The bugs are working with punchy!
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Multiple of 7 for Spotify wrapped
Thank u and sorry this took me a hot minute
7. Man Called Marco - Adam Ant
14. Elstree - The Buggles
21. New Horisons - Flyleaf
28. I'll Follow the Sun - The Beatles
35. Now the Green Blade Rises - Celtics
42. There She Goes - Sixpence None the Richer
49. Die For You - Red
56. Hurts So Good - John Mellencamp
63. Picasso Visita El Planeta De Los Simios - Adam & The Ants
70. Build God, Then We'll Talk - Panic! At The Disco
77. Ballroom of Romance - Celtic Woman
84. Weird Science - Oingo Boingo
91. Norwegian Wood - The Beatles
98. A Little Bit Alexis - Evan Mills
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I believe it is warmth... The first deep yellow on the horison, indicating a new day. Sun's rays lighting up the day, crushing the cold of darkness. Alowing images to come into focus; vision full sight. I believe it is warmth we... Closeness of family makes even food taste better as if seasoned by a Michelin star chef. Conversations flows and delights without checking words or phrases. Being held by arm and hands give such comfort and warmth. I believe it is warmth we look... True friendship gives closeness, space to be and breathe, not doubting motives or intensions rather trust and support. I believe it is warmth we look for and ... Taking time daily to discover the warmth of knowing yourself and being. In stillness for a few minutes to inhale hope and exhale worry. Taking time to place your hand on the left side of your chest and feel the strength of a heartbeat and knowing the warmth of the blood it pumps throughout its arterial routes feeding every cell to life. I believe it is the warmth we look for and find when we realise that the giver of life cares for every human, animal and plant...all of creation equally and allows the sun to rise, spreading the warmth of love to All. Written to you with love, Monique . . #blogger #writerscommunity #writersofig #writersofinstagram #coffeetableconversations #warmth #friendship #family https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf05UOcjj8s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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happyhomehorizon · 2 years
Nouvelle entrée pour mon île | ACNH Fairytown #1 🤗🦋 ANIMAL CROSSING NEW HORISONS 🥰 acnh #animalcrossing #animalcrossingnewhorizons #acnhdesigns #animalcrossingdesigns #animalcrossinggameplay ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-pyJ3Q38A8
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