#next gen fanfic
askthechronoverse · 17 days
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"This is QUNI Radio! It's 8:00 am and it's going to be a beautiful day here in the Unicapital!" A rich and slightly obnoxious voice cut through the darkness as a yellow hand reached out to silence it. A gray hand gently stopped the other as the voice started to talk about the weather forecast.
"Babe… just five more minutes." A gruff voice muttered as he tried once again to hit snooze. He purred as the other man kissed his neck.
"No. It's your turn to take Catherine to school." The man with the gray hand placed that hand on his partner's unshaven face. "You also have to be at work early, remember? Come on, Jay. You need to get up."
"Oh, fine. But only because I love you." RJ flipped around lazily to kiss his husband’s forehead before sluggishly getting out of bed and opening the curtains.
The morning sun quickly ate the darkness to reveal the large bedroom. A very unabashedly 90's feeling pop song started playing, having been announced prior as a re-released song off a lost album from the early days of Old Bricksburg played as Richard floated out of bed and began to make it look neat again. The room had a slanted ceiling, a fan at the center of the intersection of the two slants. It was decorated tastefully, the dark pink wood of the furniture matching the floor perfectly.
"Wonder how they got Lucy to agree to release that? She always hated that part of her life." RJ mostly said this to himself as he threw on a random shirt, vest, and pants he pulled from an older looking set of drawers before stretching with a loud yawn.
"You say that every single time this song plays on the radio and it always amazes me that it amazes you that someone so tough could have come from a pop band like this." Richard shook his head softly as he started to get dressed as well, his movements far more intentional and refined. "I suppose my question is more why she left the band in the first place."
"I may have to ask her when I see her next. She hates talkin' about her backstory, so I probably won't get anywhere." Tweed covered arms wrapped around RJ as another kiss landed on his neck. This caused a soft smile to stretch over the rough man's face.
"Unlike someone else I could name. Some of us have nothing to hide. Right, my beloved?" Richard chuckled, letting go of his husband to finally silence the alarm clock.
"I know, I know. It just… it helps to be open about where you came from. At least it did for me." He followed Richard with his eyes as he disappeared down the stairs to start breakfast.
It was the smell of bacon and slightly burnt toaster waffles that finally summoned RJ downstairs. He snatched a full coffee mug that proclaimed that the person who owned the mug was the world's best dad, though the word best was crossed out and replaced with the word okayest off of the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room. He headed for a door that was close to the back of the cabin that was covered in cute and glittery stickers of cartoon characters and baked goods with faces. RJ opened the door and the light that leaked out from behind him caused a swift movement of blankets being thrown over a child’s head.
"Five more minutes, Daddy. Pleeeeeeeease?" The child moaned as RJ slid into the room and pulled the blanket down to reveal the child's face. She looked up at him with watery eyes and a quivering lower lip.
"As your dad, I am immune to that look." RJ shook his head softly as he planted a kiss on her forehead. "Come on, kiddo. We gotta do stuff today." The girl moaned and slid out of bed. As she got ready, RJ left the room to help his husband finish prepping breakfast by setting the bar with mismatched utensils. He didn't turn when his husband addressed him.
"As a reminder: I have a meeting today to discuss the current status of Master Doom and the other Doom Lords with Queen Wa'nabi and her officials. I will be coming home late tonight, so you need to pick Catherine up from school and most likely put her to bed." Richard finished putting all of the food on plates and placed two of them on the bar. "We may end up talking about you as well, my love." He sighed sadly, brows furrowed as he picked at a strip of bacon.
RJ silently waved the concerns off with a flick of his hand as he sat at the bar to eat. “That… that all happened a long time ago." He practically muttered to himself.
"I'm worried that won't matter. Since Unitron took over interplanetary crimes, they've been going over older reports. There's a very good chance they might take you away from us for at the very least a trial if Queen Wa'nabi can't hold them back." The nervousness didn't abait. “I'm worried things will end poorly."
“Please do what ya gotta ta make sure it doesn't." The fear RJ was feeling was tangible until a mumbled good morning behind him made both men go silent.
"Good morning, Catherine." Richard's monotone was soft and calm as he slid a plate closer to the child. "Please eat as quickly as you can. You and your father are going to be late. Don't eat too fast, however. You'll get hungry sooner." He turned back to the kitchen and began to prepare Kit’s lunch.
"Thanks, Papa." Kit didn't seem to be enthusiastic as she ate a bite of black toast slowly. She suddenly turned to RJ and bounced a little on her stool. "So are we walking to school today, Daddy? Is that why we're up early?"
"Nah. I'm takin' ya in the truck. I got things ta do at the office, so I leave when you do." He frowned slightly at this daughter's readable disappointment. "Hey, guess what?"
"What?" She asked as she adjusted the sky blue horn headband on her head. RJ pushed the horn just in front of her heart shaped cowlick.
"It's only you an' me tonight." He saw the words light up Kit's eyes and let his smile turn to a grin.
"Awesome!" She jumped down from the stool and rushed to grab her glittery unicorn backpack, in which Richard had shoved a matching unicorn lunch box. Kit grabbed this bag and rushed off to her bedroom.
"That doesn't mean that you can skip your homework, Catherine. I do expect you to do your assignments before I return tomorrow morning." Richard didn't raise his voice higher than someone would in a loud room. When Kit nodded, he went back to eating his breakfast. He turned to RJ. "Please make sure she does her assignments. She has a project coming up for history class that needs to be finished and turned in by the end of the week." Richard kissed RJ's lips softly. "I know you will do that, right?"
"Yeah. Of course. What is she supposed to be doing?" RJ grabbed both Kit’s and his plate, putting them in the sink.
"It's just a basic family tree. I'm sure her friends are going to be a little jealous that she's somewhat related to Unikitty and Puppycorn." Richard leaned into RJ, who put an arm around him.
"I think most people know that, R. That won't be a shock." RJ let go of Rick to run his fingers through his salt and pepper hair. He watched Kit rush over to the counter, where she waited earnestly. "You set ta samba, kiddo?" She adjusted the strap on a beaten up brown canvas and leather messenger bag that was adorned with patches with both cute slogans and local attractions.
"Yeah!" Kit hugged Richard tightly. "Love you, Papa! Have a good day at work!" She ran toward the garage and RJ's truck. RJ gave his husband a long, soft kiss. Richard pulled away, the artificial light in the kitchen showing his age way more than he probably would have liked.
"Go. I know you're the boss but it's unbecoming of the commander of the Royal Chrononauts to be late for an all hands meeting." Richard brushed the back of his hand against RJ's cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, my beloved. Remember that I will love you, forever and always."
"Richard, I love you too. You made me a better man than I could have ever been." One last kiss, then RJ joined Kit in his beat up red pick up truck.
"So, did you finish saying goodbye to Papa?" Kit giggled as RJ started the car. Her unicorn backpack was not in the cab, but her canvas bag was on her lap. "How many times did he kiss you?" A few hearts popped up over her head as she spoke, clearly enamored by how romantic it all was.
"Enough, Kitten. But at the same time, not enough." He chuckled deeply as he started to head into town after some minor protest from the vehicle’s engine.
It took a while for the forest to transition into the bustling city, but when it did it felt like it hit like an ocean wave in a storm. There wasn't too much in the way of vehicle traffic, but bicycles filled the roadways. Sure, the occasional car was seen parallel parked by the sidewalks and safely nestled in small parking areas, but it was a less common sight on the road. He drove until he reached a building that looked like it fell from somewhere outside of time. The architecture was old but the actual building looked like it had just been built. A banner with a happy cartoon almiraj in a bowtie cheerfully stated that the school hoped the students would have a good summer.
"Can't believe summer is almost here." RJ sighed softly, glancing at his child bouncing in her seat anxiously.
"I just want it to come already!" Kit moaned.
"Can't wait to get started on some fun?” RJ said while trying to suppress a yawn.
"I thought I was gonna work with you this year?" This was spoken with a flutter of her eyelashes.
"I was hoping you'd work with your father this year, if you wanted to go that route. Your father and I agree that what I do is a bit too dangerous for you right now. Time travel isn't something to play with and I don't want you to get hurt." He ruffled Kit's dark gray hair, then bellowed at the sound of a fist pounding hard on his truck door. The two humans turned to the driver's side window to see a being with bee wings whose eyes were covered by a dense cluster of leaves. The only feature that could be seen on their face with any sort of consistency was a hawk like beak that was currently turned up into a Jack O'Lantern like grin.
"Mornin', Mr. B." The chimera bowed as they rushed to the passenger side of the car to open the door for Kit. They helped the human down from the seat as her bag fell back into its place on her side.
"Ya gotta stop givin' me a fright, Bellamy." RJ shook his head as he got out of the truck. He passed his daughter her backpack, which he grabbed from the truck bed as he walked toward them.
"That just means ya aren't bein' vigilant enough, Mr. B. I thought dad taught ya better than that." Once Kit was given her backpack, Bellamy folded her arms. "You're free to go. Kit'll be safe with me, as always."
"I think your dad taught you too well. Kitten, have a good day at school, OK? Ya can walk with Bellamy after school and meet me at my office. I'll see you later." RJ got back into the truck and drove off as Kit waved goodbye.
"Alright, Kay. We've got today an' tomorrow left before we're free for the summer. You get Mr. B to agree to letcha work with him at his office?" Bellamy kept their arms folded as they turned towards the school.
"No. I think, if I'm doing anything like that, I'm going with Papa. Boring… boring Papa." Kit let out a deep breath that was full of disappointment. "I love Papa, but I don't get to do anything Dad does."
"I'm glad your parents said no, though. Boring is safe. Ya know, I can't be your bodyguard when you grow up if you don't grow up." Bellamy’s arms now down and swinging slightly. "Mr. B and Mama do all that experimental stuff.” They stuck their tongue out slightly. “I can defend myself from what they do because of my dad's training. I could ask Dad to train you some basic fighting tricks.”
"Dad has been trying to teach me his special punch and other stuff he thinks I should know. I haven't been able to do any of it that well, but he says he's happy I can't. I think he's hiding some disappointment with that." Kit adjusted her horn as the two walked towards the school. "I just don't want to disappoint him."
"Somethin' tells me ya can't disappoint Mr. B." The chimera swished their fluffy bee-like tail, causing a few people behind her to move back. "When are ya gonna shadow Queen Unikitty?"
"Papa may be having me do that when I get older. Everyone feels that that's gonna be a long time away. I mean, PC is actually next in line and we all just kinda expect Big Sis to be on the throne for a long time." Kit shrugged, her backpack strap falling off her shoulder.
"It's better to be prepared, though. Dad has an Armommageddeon bunker somewhere in the countryside in case something bad happens." Bellamy opened the front door and waited for Kit to go through before she continued speaking. "Bad things happen. I'd rather know the person I will be protecting in the future is ready to take the throne if we need her to, know what I mean?"
"I guess, Ami. I just don't wanna think about that. It's a really sad thought." Kit shuffled her way to her locker, grabbing the sparkle matter above her head that showed her distress.
"Ya already got the "no sad feelings" mentality down." Bellamy opened the locker next to Kit's and shoved her adventurer style bag in as best she could. The two friends walked to their respective classrooms to properly start the day.
The red truck pulled in front of a building with a large satellite on the roof and an emblem with Unikitty's head silhouette that had a clock behind it. The clock disappeared past where the horn was and protruded out on the right side of the head. RJ barely turned the car off and hopped out before he was rushed by a fox in a lab coat.
"RJ! I'm so ecstatic you aren't late for once!" The fox hopped around the human, her tail puffed up. "Please, come with me! I need to show you something!" A large dog with fluffy blue and cream fur bolted after, his tartan scarf fluttering in the wind.
"Yeah! Ya need to see this, RJ!" The dog looked pale, his ears back.
"Scarlett, PC, relax. It probably ain't that serious." As he said this, Puppycorn opened the front door for the two older members of the group to reveal the aftermath of a localized storm in the lobby of an office that, given the damage, looked like it had been abandoned long ago. RJ stood, still as a statue. The only movement he could make was to lift one thick eyebrow on his face, which was glazed over by confusion and anger.
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cammie-morgan-goode · 9 months
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Gallagher Girls Series - Ally Carter Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Zachary Goode/Cameron Morgan, Rachel Morgan/Joseph "Joe" Solomon, Abigail Cameron/Edward Townsend, Macey McHenry/Preston Winters Characters: Cameron Morgan, Zachary Goode, Rebecca Baxter, Elizabeth Sutton, Rachel Morgan (Gallagher Girls), Joseph "Joe" Solomon, Macey McHenry, Preston Winters, Matthew Morgan Additional Tags: Fanfiction, gallagher girls next gen, Fluff and Angst, Spies & Secret Agents, Missing in Action, Suspense, Mystery, Action/Adventure, gallagher girl series, gallagher girls series references, Next Generation Summary:
Madison Goode is a multi-generational spy (in training) at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women. She has been training to follow in her parent's footsteps and enter the covert world since she could walk. Going to the Gallagher Academy is a dream come true, despite her dad's protests.
Maddie knows that she wants to be in the field just like her parents and grandparents. It's something that she has dreamed about. It's something that she has to do.
But, her life at the Gallagher Academy has just been turned upside down. Her dad is missing, and the adults are in on it but, of course, her and her friends are left in the dark. Maddie knows how this ends and she doesn't want history to repeat itself.
But who will listen to a spy in training?
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So I'm writing a Ninjago next gen fic but instead of having all the kids be best friends some of them hate each other. I just personally find that more interesting. They have such different personalities so there is going to be some tension. Plus I want to make it so the Ninja have parenting insecurities and whatnot because most of them didn't have parents to learn from.
Anyway, just thought I'd share this, if you guys want I will post more information about this fic.
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demons-mind · 1 year
Danganronpa Fankids!!!
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Okay... So...
I got a stylist again so yay!!!
I know it's a really dumb idea to give the danganronpa characters fankids because they died one way or another, but the non-despair au's are my favorite, (obviously because no one dies) so yeah here is what I have so far.
I also heard that you really shouldn't shade with black because it makes the art look flat, so I tried shading in purple, please tell me what the think about it.
I personally prefer shading in Black Version better than the purple, so please tell me if it looks good or not ...please...
Last but not least I will be making their bios later, but right now here's just some thing I've worked once I got my Styles back!!!
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miss-bridgerton · 2 years
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i like you a latte // a freddie weasley romance here is a short snippet of freddie & olive <3
Olive’s eyes widened like saucers when she saw it. The last cauldron cake on the shelf. It must've been fate, or an Angel—the way the light shone juuuuust right on it. A little piece of Heaven on earth.
To Olive that is.
But the moment she made a bee-line for it, someone snatched it right off the shelf.
No. Not just someone.
Freddie Weasley. Or, as Olive started to refer to as in her head: her archnemesis. Even if he didn’t even know it yet. 
“Hey!” She yelled. She literally yelled—like in the middle of the candy shop, in front of people. Over a chocolate cake. Well, in her defense, it was the best piece of cake on the entire planet.
Freddie looked over his shoulder in bewilderment at her, his mouth opening slightly at the sight of this tiny young woman looking so fiercely at him as if he had just done something so terrible to her. But didn’t he?
“You-you can’t just do that!” She was pointing a finger at him. Merlin’s beard, just like those middle-aged women who complained about their lattes. Olive ignored the tiny little flutter in her chest at being so close to him because…. Well, to put it quite plainly: she liked his face. And his fit body. And God have Mercy—how tall he was. 
“I’m sorry, what exactly have I done?” The bloke had the nerve to look sincere. Like he didn’t just flat-out steal in front of her. Okay, he didn’t actually steal it. It was up for grabs for anyone and just because Olive saw it first didn’t mean it belonged to her. But she didn’t really care about that kind of logical thinking at the moment.
“You’re a thief,” she told him hotly. Now people were staring. Kids at the giant lollipops were smiling wickedly at the scene. A plump woman working at the counter looked quite shocked; probably because someone was accusing Freddie Weasley, nephew to the Boy-Who-Lived, of stealing a dessert.
He cocked his head at her, a smile tugging on his lips. Merlin’s beard, Olive couldn’t believe how handsome he was. His brown eyes twinkled a little with mischief; they basically were screaming I could make you scream my name and still impress your parents.
Well. Olive had never thought that about someone before.
“You’re staring.”
“Huh?” She said, quite dazely. 
Freddie crossed his arms across his chest, smiling. “I said you were staring. And I do look better naked, by the way.”
Olive shook her head. “I was not staring.” Was her face suddenly hot? Yes. Yes, it was.
“Ah. But you were thinking it, though.”
“No! No.” She spluttered and by the look on Freddie’s face, he quite enjoyed making her highly strung. “You took my Cauldron cake.”
“I didn’t know it was yours. My apologies…”
“Olive. Collins. Olive Collins. I work next door to you.”
He gave a little knowing look like he might’ve just been teasing her, asking her for her name. Olive could only think about how cute it was.
“I know. The Witches Brew Bistro. You make a brilliant chocolate croissant.” He told her.
Flabbergasted, she replied, “Thank you.”
He handed her the perfectly wrapped cauldron cake and it dropped gingerly into her hands. A small smile, coyly on his face. Almost like he was embarrassed or shy all of a sudden in front of her.
“I’ll try not to steal from you again, Olive.” 
A little breathlessly she replied again, “Thank you.”
He left Honeydukes leaving her utterly frozen in place, feeling as if she had done something both terrible and brilliant at the same time.
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firelance2361 · 2 years
The New Superior Spider-Man
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If you've been keeping up with my recent works, then I think you can guess who the guy under the mask is this time.
Hope you like it!
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bigwolfpup · 2 years
Hi everyone! For those who don't know,years ago I used to work on a fanfic called Virus, which was a next gen type fic for Tiger & Bunny. Well I'm here to say that because of the new season, my inspiration has been revived for the show! I have revamped the current chapters posted to this fic, and I'm well into working on new chapters, as well as expanding the universe just a bit with a prequel comic. If you're interested in reading the updated version, here is a link to the fic on AO3!
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helionmylove · 2 years
would anyone be interested in my attempt at a throne of glass next gen fic?
featuring a rowaelin daughter, a manorian son, and a westfall son?
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anopoulos · 1 year
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"As the boys walked through the Hogwarts grounds, he saw it. Or, better, he saw them . Dana, Sofia and Dahlia, practically their entire year in their house, sitting on the grass, close to a tall tree, with a square towel with many treats sitting on top of it. 
'What the hell?' Albus asked. 'What is this?', he repeated, now that they got closer to them. 
'Oh, welcome, Albus, to the 'Picnic of the Early Hours of the Morning: Birthday Edition'.' Sofia said, showing the food. 
'With alcohol!' Dahlia completed for her, raising one bottle of firewhiskey and another of butterbeer. 
'I object to that name.' Dana said, cutting a slice of pie for themself. 
'Well, I didn’t have time to think of anything else.' Sofia gave up. 
As they sat down, making a half circle around the cloth on the ground, Albus looked at Scorpius, trying to hide the smile that persisted on appearing on his lips. 
'It took a bit of planning.' Scorpius mentioned. 'Well, last-minute planning, ‘cos we didn’t realise our next Hogsmeade visit would be last week, to, you know, buy the food.' 
'Won’t we get in trouble, though?'"
Chapter 3 of We Belong Together is up!
Author's notes:
Hi. It's been a minute, huh. I have some updates, though. I am going through my last week of college. In Brazil we have to do a final essay (usually an article that can be posted in a magazine of sorts in the name of the university), and I decided to do it about Scorbus because I'm that cringe (and free). Somehow, I got a full grade. I've never been this proud about anything I've done, so that was pretty exciting! Also, because I'm graduating and am bound to start working eventually, I'm probably going to actually have time to write and post with more frequency! Hopefully. I expect to post more than one chapter a year (which is how it's been)
I know the name of the chapter is,,, Questionable. But in my defense, in Portuguese it would be "Piquenique da Madrugada: Edição de Aniversário". It's not my fault the English language doesn't have an one word translation for madrugada. Also I'm brazilian and I don't know how british people party, so if it's weird, I'm sorry. This chapter is a shorter one, but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless. I love writing these Slytherin guys and I hope you like reading about them, too. I have big plans for this fic. I promise to try my hardest to make it as great as I want it to be.
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More previously drawn art I just never posted for some reason. This was some of my Resident Evil art from earlier this year, but my and RE are kinda on a break. I got a little bored of it and want to go play something light hearted and cartoonish.
Still not interested enough to come back to it yet... I’m sure I will be when the RE4 remake drops, or when I feel the urge to draw edgy gore again! Until then maybe later.
Drawn on Wednesday, ‎May ‎11, ‎2022 For mothers day but was finished late obviously. It’s Jill Redfield(nee. Valentine) with one of her sons, Gerry. You can probably tell who the father is, if it isn’t obvious. This is one of the first times I tried drawing a infant/toddler. It came out...find but something about their faces especially the baby gives me uncanny valley issue. I’ve since learned to draw humans in the perspective Jill is in better... I wish she looked older here! Her shirt looks comfortable.
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aslimyartist · 2 years
Well awhile ago my first Amphibia book ended and well…I made these because I got bored
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agirlwithmagicpals · 1 year
Lily Anna:*beats the crap out of sonic jr for trying to fight beano and her*
her parents:
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darklove9314-blog · 2 years
Chapters: 64/? Fandom: A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Nesta Archeron/Cassian, Nesta Archeron & Cassian, Elain Archeron/Lucien Vanserra, Azriel/Gwyneth Berdara, Emerie/Morrigan (ACoTaR), Feyre Archeron/Rhysand, Elain Archeron & Feyre Archeron & Nesta Archeron, Nesta Archeron & Gwyneth Berdara & Emerie Characters: Nesta Archeron, Cassian (ACoTaR), Elain Archeron, Feyre Archeron, Azriel (ACoTaR), Rhysand (ACoTaR), Morrigan (ACoTaR), Emerie (ACoTaR), Gwyneth Berdara, Amren (ACoTaR), Nyx (ACoTaR), Original Nesta Archeron/Cassian Child(ren), Original Characters, Lucien Vanserra Additional Tags: Pregnancy, Family, Relationship(s), Mating Bond, Romance, Angst, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Parenthood Summary:
Set two years after the events of A Court of Silver Flames, Nesta and Cassian start their next big journey together. (Please don't read if you don't want to be spoiled for A Court of Silver Flames.)
Hey everyone!!! The next chapter of Symphonia is finally here!! The next couple of chapters are going to be set in Windhaven and following are next gen characters!!! I hope everyone enjoys them (Especially some characters that some may remember from earlier in this fanfic) and I hope that everyone likes this chapter!!! Also if you would like to be added to my tag list please let me know!!!
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micheleblack · 4 months
Happy Christmas!
Wishing everyone an amazing holiday 🎄
Friendly annual reminder post, I wrote this little piece of holiday fluff🎄 embrace the adorableness ♥️
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demons-mind · 2 years
Sisters talk time!
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This took way longer then I wanted but here's Star Cola and Sunia talking to each other about their crushes!!!
Hope you all like it!!! 💚
Star Cola belongs to me
And Sunia belong to @hildagirl99
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We're super excited to announce The Tortured Poets Fest, a Harry Potter themed fest centered around Taylor Swift's newest album! ✨
Calling all writers, artists, and video editors! Below are important dates, rules, and information you'll need to know if you'd like to join in with us. This fest is focused on The Tortured Poets Department — Taylor Swift's newest full-length album released on April 19, 2024.
This fest is open to ALL Harry Potter generations including Marauders, Golden Era, and Next Gen. All pairings are welcome!
We've also created a little community of participants on Discord to help with round tabling and creativity. We'd love if you joined us! This is an 18+ only fest.
⚡️ Timeline
Sign-Ups Open: April 22, 2024
Sign-Ups Close: May 20, 2024
Submissions Due: June 24, 2024
Posting Begins: July 1, 2024
🌙 Sign-Ups & Claiming
You must complete the Google Form for your sign-up as well as claim your choice of prompt on the AO3 collection.
You may only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish your prompt, you may claim an additional prompt, but you must submit your first prompt as per submission guidelines.
One song prompt can be claimed by multiple people (it's not first come, first serve). You can use a song in any way you like for inspiration — title, lyrics, vibes… You do not need to title your work after the song or use lyrics in any way if you don’t want to.
Collaborations are welcome! Collabs can be illustrated fics, multi-writer fics, multi-artist artworks, etc.
✨ Creating
All ships from all generations are welcome (Marauders, Golden Era, and Next Gen). This is not a ship-specific or generation-specific fest.
There is a minimum word count of 1,000 words for all submitted fics. For podfics, the recorded story should be a minimum of 1,000 words. There is no maximum for either fics or podfics.
Multi-chapter fics are allowed, but you must finish the first chapter of the fic by the submission deadline.
All works must be tagged appropriately! In light of the mental health topics alive and real in this album, please consider yourself, your fellow participants, and your readers when discussing any themes on mental health in your works.
🏛️ Posting
Posting will begin on July 1, 2024, and the schedule will not be publicly released.
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us an ask!
From your Tortured Poets Mods — @imdamagecontrol @wolfpadx @lemonlans @heartsoncover @multiimoments @abz-coralsunset and it's many helpful and incredible organizers who managed to put this whole fest together in a few days' time 🖤
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