notapaladin · 2 years
Acatl: Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
Teomitl: What a stupid fucking quote. I’m killing way more than two people, idiot.
Nezahual: On a journey of revenge, dig n+1 graves. If your enemy leaves heading northbound at 60 km/s and y-
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Nezahualcóyotl, el municipio más poblado de México está totalmente urbanizado… a su modo.
Paradójico, pero en Nezahualcóyotl, donde cada kilómetro cuadrado de superficie alberga en promedio 17,537 personas, casi no hay gente en las calles. La hay en las avenidas principales, afuera de las escuelas en los horarios de entrada y salida, en los tianguis, pero no precisamente en las calles. En el municipio más densamente poblado de Méxicola gente tiene miedo.
Neza arrastra estigmas que en poco menos de medio siglo le han dado una fama de zona violenta y marginal tan grande como su densidad de población. Aunque también es territorio de contrastes, donde estas, tradiciones y comercio rigen las pautas de una población que hace las cosas a su modo.
Quienes no viven ahí evitan el municipio ubicado al oriente de la Ciudad de México y muchos jóvenes nezahualcoyotlenses, los únicos que en su mayoría han nacido aquí de las tres generaciones de pobladores, solo quieren salir.
En el documental Q. R. R. (1969), Gustavo Alatriste y Arturo Ripstein mostraron una ciudad de cartón y lámina que crecía entre pantanos, no muy diferente de los primeros asentamientos que ganaban terreno al casi desecado lago de Texcoco, formados por campesinos del interior de la república en busca de una vida mejor, gente expulsada de las hacinadas vecindades de la capital del país y personas de bajos recursos engañadas por la publicidad falaz que enriqueció a fraccionadores con la venta y reventa de terrenos.
Aunque el paisaje urbano ha absorbido eso que solían llamar «Nezahual-polvo», en temporada seca, y «Nezahual-lodo», en la de lluvias, Neza enfrenta sus problemas y los fantasmas de un pasado en el que incluso la defensa de un cubo de agua era lo cotidiano. «Por eso tenemos fama de bravucones; cuando éramos niños tenías que ser bueno para tres cosas: jugar futbol, bailar y entrarle al ‘trompo’ (la pelea) – explica Germán Aréchiga, cronista oficial del municipio y uno de nuestros guías en esta zona -. No somos liosos, pero no nos dejamos».
El color gris domina la vista aérea. Parece una alfombra dividida por un trazo urbano de líneas rectas casi perfectas pero abigarrada por una sucesión de azoteas aparentemente interminable: en Nezahualcóyotl existen más de 303,000 viviendas en poco más de 63 kilómetros cuadrados de superficie; la mayoría da la idea de una construcción inacabada, con muros sin aplanar, fachadas sin pintar o varillas que destacan sobre los techos en espera de un nuevo piso que todavía no llega.
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ship-to-hell · 3 years
sometimes i imagine the discourse for small/nonexistent fandoms and it cracks me up
...especially with obsblood right now because LITERALLY IT’S JUST ME IN THIS SANDBOX but i’m thinking to myself “omg what if there were ship wars” “is nezahual/teomitl the equivalent of klance” “would ANYONE actually ship the one canon ship” “how much would everyone hate teocatl for being Problematic”
also, acatl would be the fandom bicycle, i just know it. ship him with Everyone.
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snowonredearth · 4 years
Sound your flower drum beautifully, singer; scatter perfumed corn flowers, chocolate flowers, they are spilled as rain here next to the drums. Let us enjoy them. Ohuaya ohuaya. Already the long-necked turquoise bird, the black trogon, the red parrot sing and warble there, joyful with the flowers. Yao ayyaha ohuaya ohuaya. Already the flower tree is raised there next to the drum. The precious red bird is in it: Nezahualcoyotl has become a bird, joyful being with flowers. Yao ayyaha ohuaya ohuaya.
Nezahual Coyoti.
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silviya7 · 7 years
Nations and regions of Siastra
Putting this all in one place, as right now it’s scattered all over the place and is a bit of a pain to track down. A list of the various nations and other places of note within Siastra, with brief descriptions of each.
Surface nations within the central map:
Hylos: Nation located north of Abraria. Mostly grasslands and some rocky mountains. Likes horses and the sun.
Amrai: The nation, or more accurately, collection of city states located in the rainforests northeast of Hylos.
Escye: Nation south of Hylos, mostly forests and mountains.
Prenia: Nation east of Escye.
Abrara: Big desert and city.
Free Isles: Archipelago northeast of Abraria
Eskana: Snowy nation northwest of everywhere else.
Sheolor: Mage islands west of the main continent.
Estran: Nation southwest of Abraria.
Osela: Nation west of Estran.
Aspiat: Nation southeast of Abraria.
Other surface nations, either lost or off the map:
Kosacia: Imperialistic civilization that originated south of Abraria. Conquered all of the known world except for the City of Abraria, and destroyed itself during the War of the Clockwork Gods.
Pluyara: Continent east of Abraria, largely composed of dense, inhospitable jungle. Had at least some degree of contact with the central continent prior to the war, but all contact has been lost. It’s unknown as to whether or not any civilization in this region was called Pluyara, or if Pluyara is simply the name of the continent.
Shandar: Lost civilization that used to be..... I don’t actually know where Shandar used to be. fuck. what the fuck.
Strakshe: The nation that used to be where the Bay of Gears is now, before it was sunk beneath the ocean and became the bay.
Alshaimai: The glacial nation that’s said to exist north of Eskana. Existence has not been confirmed.
Irthashu: A nation that’s said to exist south of the great lakes of Osela, far off the map, and reportedly once traded with the Shandarans.
Orhatei: A nation that’s said to have once inhabited the land that became Sheolor, supposedly having come from the far west. Either fled or was destroyed during the war.
Siistrioka: The Aerathean nation, supposedly consisting of floating cities, before they are said to have fled to unknown lands towards the beginning of the war.
Illia: Lost civilization that used to exist both on the surface and underground. Was likely very technologically advanced, perhaps even moreso than Kosacia and Abraria at their prime, but vanished long ago, leaving only ruins behind. Even when Abraria was young, Illia was long dead.
Underground nations (Note: due to the very limited contact between the surface and underground, very little is known of the following nations, and with the exception of Zaixal, some or all of them may not exist. Many more smaller nations likely exist as well, but we have no way of knowing of their names or existence):
Zaixal: The underground nation that has the most contact with the surface; most trade cities near the surface are part of Zaixal. Most of those who fled underground during the War of the Clockwork Gods became part of Zaixal.
Nezahual: Smaller than Zaixal, Nezahual exists further north, and has limited trade with Eskana on the surface.
Nahuan: Deeper beneath the earth than Zaixal, consisting of a wide variety of underground-dwelling nations.
Iothuth: Said to be a deep-sea nation.
Nopaltzim: Another nation that’s rumored to exist within the deepest, most fiery confines of the underground.
Other potential nation names that Silviya is keeping here for the time being, because I will inevitably need more eventually: Deazash, Iaksashu, Nubair, Swukundu, Zotlaq, Xonfulo, Usiar, Sakoim, Seohouh, Presphuix, Aizec, Iwar, Miqian, Ziuwosh, Orhatei, Aalok, Zoqellu, Nabtu, Sruthe, Umbek, Zadnath, Ifroath, Zoanwih, Zilshim, Cualli.
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wildflowerfiction77 · 5 years
Movies 3 6/21/2019 4:07pm
So, after the last blog, I was inclined to google the movie “The Fountain”.  When doing so, I saw that they had created a graphic novel of the same name.  The writer/director gave a script and had the artist, one of the best painters of comics, known to me the artist for Havok and Wolverine mini series in the late 80′s/early 90′s.  Now, I loved the guys work. He had a palette of earth tones and muted colors, mixed with an abstract expressionistic style.  After reading the directors comments about the details of how they created the book, I was somewhat upset.  The artist was given free reign in the storytelling, in which the images I saw on the internet, looked like the main characters were Mexican or Native American.  It could have been the bad guy, but he kind of looked like me at the time and a girl I had dated, that was an inspiration to the character and I had used one of her poems in the sixth chapter.  So I ordered the book and the movie on Amazon the next day.  I have yet to see the book, but I am still a bit unsettled.  I have come to terms that it is a different version of the story, and it is based on historical events, and it is something that I am glad it made it to the big screen.  I am not happy with the fact that their is a high percent chance that it the seed did come from my book.  The interesting thing is that years later, around 2012, I had gotton a back tattoo of a lion and a snake, and later on a phoenix.  On the cover of the graphic novel, the guy had a tattoo of a tree.  So I guess that was a weird coincidence. 
Another interesting fact was that on my mothers side, my grandmothers maiden name is Moctezuma.  Now I’m not sure how common that is, but it is believed that we have blood lines of one of the Kings of the Aztec Empire.  As diluted as it may be, there is also many wives and concubines that Kings usually have.  That being said, it is a truth.  I have my own ideas of the history of the Aztec Empire and what has been changed and rewritten by the Europeans after its downfall, but that will have to wait for a more specific writing.  
To go along with “The Fountain”, a slew of other movies, created years after were made.  Pan’s Labyrinth also in 2006 by Mexican director, Guillermo del Toro was similar to a few stories mixed in with history, including Alice in Wonderland and The Labyrinth by Jim Henson.  The premise of my story was the young boy and girl in a fairytale world were they worked in a slave factory.  The drawings looked similar to the movie as well as the soldier aspect.  I guess they also made a book/graphic novel of that as well.  When the movie came out, I was also kind of upset, but didn’t like the overall premise of how dark they represented the fairytale world, furthering the propaganda, although it was set in Spain, the director is Mexican, albeit, very anglo in blood line. I did like the movie though, and thought it was a great creation in art. 
The last two movies that were also similar to the story were Elysium with Matt Damon in 2013 and Apocalypto by Mel Gibson in 2006. In 2003-2004, I was hired by Fifth Sun, a t-shirt company in Chico, CA.  Dan Gonzalez, the owner,  had known me from a couple of years before that from me doing art around town and working with Voice Magazine in Paradise.  His brother had created the toy line of Chicano culture years before that, “The Homies”, in which I was familiar with.  I had done some concept work for a few t-shirt lines for him and he was kind enough to give me some work.  At the time, I was living in Butte County, and had girlfriend that moved to San Francisco to attend the State College.  I had just dropped out of the SF Art Institute the year before, so she was upset that I did, because she had went to SF because I was there.  Now there was a story I’m going to tell of why I did, and have told people I know about it, but about a year or two, I did move back to SF to live with said girlfriend, and the owner of Voice and Dan Gonzalez were upset that I had done so.  At the time, Dan Gonzalez had offered me a chance to be a featured artist in Low Rider magazine and to do a Aztec comic book for him.  
I pitched him the idea the idea of story based on Cuatemoc, which he had shown me some Chicano artwork and well know Mexica paintings of the Aztec hero.  During that same month, I had been given the ultimatum by the girlfriend to move with her or end the relationship.  Since I was in love with the girl, I given my three week notice to everyone.  Dan Gonzalez was upset, as well as others, but I finished the art for the first book in the first month I was in SF, which was a daunting task.  Fifth Sun was a T-Shirt company, and the book was something a little separate. Dan Gonzalez had given me a used Mac, G3 with the works on it, and I had gathered the other computer equipment while working at Voice in Paradise to work on my own.  The money was good, and in the contract was an agreement for me not to work on any other Aztec themed works for five years, other than Nezahual and Rhayne, which was the story I had been working on for almost ten years and was known to Dan Gonzalez.  So we put that in the contract.  
In the first month, I presented to him the finished art for the pages of the book he hired me to do.  We had a meeting and he said he couldn’t use the work, that it was not he hired me to do.  He wanted something more superhero like.  I had presented him something more Conan like.  Now, I had given him a script and a few sketches, in which he kept the sketches.  He had the pages copied and I had some other Chicano themed ideas I was also presenting him with.  Among them were pictures of me a kid dressed up in Low Rider garb and other photos of my family that I wanted to recreate for a t-shirt line.  He had brought in another Chicano artist, and had shown him the pics and said to him, that this is the style he was talking about he wanted to create.  He offered to create a project with those photos, but I declined when he had other artists in mind to work on the project.  I had not gotten permission by family to even use the photos and didn’t like the idea of other artists taking over the project.  He seemed upset.  
So, leaving with the artwork of the Aztec comic and not getting paid the second half of the money, we had emailed each other about the terms of the unused artwork.  I had told him that I would use the artwork in my story for Nezahual and Rhayne, and would create him another book.  He had said in the meeting before that he had decided not to create comics, that his advisors told him to stay with t-shirts and that he really just wanted the abundance of artwork that the comic medium provided. So in the email, he had said to whatever I wanted with the artwork.  So that seemed to be the end of the contract.  Interestingly enough, during first working with him and Voice, Fifth Sun had hired some Chicano artists in L.A.  from Disney, and had brought them to work and live in Chico.  While working at Voice, we had community events where Voice would have a table promoting its books.  Unbeknownst to me, one of the artists and his wife came to the table looking at the books and art.  After a moment, the artist pulled his wife to the side and talked, then they abrubtely excused themselves.  This was before the Aztec comic book was conceived, but I had put it in the idea that maybe they had word not to mingle with me because of Fifth Sun art stuff.  Now, I’m thinking there was something else to it.  During that time as well, I had heard of another artist that first worked with 5th Sun in its early days, and didn’t get paid what he felt was owed to him, like a house and royalties.  I guess the artist from Disney had left without getting their full deals in similar fashion, but that was just hear-say.  So I was aware of the possibilities of this happening, but artists are always in danger of this happening when creating work for the public.  
So the work that I created for fifth sun was pretty much that Aztec guy running from supernatural enemies in the jungle, trying to save his girl.  When Apocalypto premiered I didn’t really think it the same as the story I created, but now I see some similarities.  Honestly, I didn’t like the presentation of the Aztec culture, as it seemed really Eurocentric and downright demonizing of the ancient Mexican culture, which Euro history is seems to do in my opinion.  The Elysium movie, 2013 was something that was the third idea of my story that I felt was used as inspiration.  After a year in SF with said girlfriend, in 2007-2008 we had moved to Chico and I continued my work on the Nezahual and Rhayne story.  This time, I finished coloring the declined work for 5th Sun and tried to rework it to fit into an acceptable adaptation to Nezahual and Rhayne  Included to this, my girlfriend and I starting writing down the dissutopian future of the love story of urban life after world war 3.  Now the Matt Damon movie starred a white guy and included high tech electronics and such, but the premise of that world, was that Nezahual was from the poor people world, that sold drugs, guns and black market stuff,, while Rhayne was from the rich part of the world in which she went to college.  There is more to it, which most of it I haven't written down or even talked about it as it has been fermenting in my brain, it is overall a Romeo and Juliet styled story.  So the movie wasn’t a rip off so much, because I never finished it, but some of the drawing I created do have a similar feeling.  I actually like the movie, but did think they should have went with a brown actor.  It would have given it the grit it needed to make it believable and ground breaking, other than it being just another Hollywood movie that will be lost in time.  
So that's pretty much most of the main connections to that story that I noticed other than a couple of computer animated movies, but none as close as the afformentioned movies.  I guess I’m more flattered than anything.  I could have never come close to any of those creations, other than drawing and painting them, in which I intend to.  But there is always, which came first, which I got to go with my stuff.  There is always a race in creation but there is something to be said with quality and true inspiration.  My story has more to do with the cultures history than with the look of it.  
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leanstooneside · 5 years
Enjoying your sexuality
picqui corresponds
King Nezahu
singing voice
beginning anew
term cuicapicqui
likened it
his family
Mexican instruments
world there
ceremonies it
their books
I now
my power
their woes
St. Thomas
valued carbuncle
inordinately lengthened
placed upright
his collection
Such attention
songs I
his savage persistence
their skill
Bernardino de Sahagun
gives us
His remarks
professed bard usually
songs presented
his Catalogue
King Tezozomoc
ittoni ihuan amo ittoni
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notapaladin · 2 years
Xahuia: So I killed. So I maimed. So I destroyed one innocent life after another.
Xahuia: Aren't I a person?
Xahuia: Don't I yearn and ache and shop?
Xahuia: Don't I deserve love... and jewelry?
Acatl and Teomitl: [unfazed]
Nezahual: [nodding, deeply touched]
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notapaladin · 5 months
Nezahual: Teomitl, my old friend! Teomitl: I think you tried to kill me at some point. Nezahual: That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.
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notapaladin · 10 months
Acatl: How do you sleep at night?
Nezahual: On silk sheets, rolling naked in money.
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notapaladin · 1 year
Acatl: This is insane!
Nezahual: It's stupid!
Teomitl: HEY! Nothing we've done so far has been un-stupid, and we're still alive, aren't we?!
Acatl: I can't really argue with that, but I feel like I should.
Nezahual: Carry on, Teomitl! Make a stupid decision!
Teomitl: Right! Follow me!
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notapaladin · 1 year
Nezahual: am i dramatic?
Nezahual: yes.
Nezahual: is it justified?
Nezahual: also yes.
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notapaladin · 1 year
Nezahual: did you come here with a plan?
Acatl: i thought adrenaline would take over.
Acatl: but it has not.
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notapaladin · 1 year
Teomitl, during a casual conversation: well, always better than having Jade Skirt in your head
Teomitl: why is everyone staring at me
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notapaladin · 1 year
Nezahual: that sounds like a horrible plan.
Teomitl: oh, i’ve had worse!
Acatl: much worse.
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notapaladin · 1 year
Acatl: i would describe Teomitl as...
Palli: brash?
Nezahual: abrasive?
Mihmatini: aggressive?
Acatl: ...diplomatically challenged.
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