#niall horan preferences
cowboylikebee · 3 months
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this was peak one direction fandom right here
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imagines-1directioner · 10 months
Aparecendo com o que eu amo fazer por aqui: preference de mensagem 🥰🥰
Espero que gostem e me contem o que acharam na ask
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
Harry Styles:
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Liam Payne:
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Louis Tomlinson:
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Niall Horan:
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Zayn Malik:
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Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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martinskiseyes · 10 months
niall had no business going this hard with "you can dance on your own. it's okay cause you're not alone. you can hide your love. you'll have your days in the sun"
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somebucky · 2 years
Somebucky’s One Direction Masterlist
One Direction (Some are requests, and some are not.)
Venture below the line for my Fanfics, and Oneshots of One Direction.
Preferences of the Boys
You’re Latina
Cute Date
Missing Christmas
Wearing His Shirt
“More than I do”
Surprising You
You’re African American
Gym Together
You’re Beautiful
Cute Moments
Harry’s Little Sister
Seeing Him Perform
Pillow Pad
Curvy - Z
Trigger Warning - Depression
Six Flags
Meeting Fans
The Conjuring
Beach Day
Break Up
Curvy - LT
Curvy - LP
You’re Sick
Pranking The Boys
High School: Getting into Trouble
Zac Efron
The Flu
Best Song Ever
You’re my Tomboy
First Concert
Everything has Changed
Scary Movie
Bad Dream
Not Pretty
Can’t Wait
Tickle Monster
Meet the Family
Driving Me Crazy
Preschooler Trouble
Fans give you bracelets
Basketball/Kiss Cam
Learning Dutch/Flemish
Award Presenters
Big Brother Harry
He’s Sick
Your son and Niall
Crazy Boys
Cuddle Buddy
Sick at Christmas
Road Trip
Truly, Madly, Deeply
Club Caddy
Too Perfect
Kids Coloring
Old Friends
Sick Kid
Home Again
Curvy - N
He’s just a friend
Curvy - H
Couple’s Shoot
Plus Size
The Date
Movie Night with the Family
Something Great
Making him Jump
High School: The Office
Fort Styles
He talks to your Dad
Marcel -BSE
Cousin’s Wedding
High School
Scared to Love again
My Family
Black Friday Shopping
Getting Married
Meeting Daniel Radcliffe.
Happy Birthday
Double Date
Date Night Plans
Working Out
Move in
Couple Name
Our Tree
The Hate
Play Fighting
Cake Making
Beautiful Face
Story of My Life
Cheesy Jokes
Meet the grandparents
It’s a girl
I choose you
Food Poisoning
Going to State
This page can be found under the url: https://somebucky.tumblr.com/somebuckywrites  and under the tag on my page #somebucky. You can also find all my writing on Ao3 under the pseud somebucky.
This tag is on all of my writings, so if you want to come back to my masterlist easily or find another work by me, just click the somebucky tag at each work, search my page or all of tumblr for the tag. :)
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1d1195 · 2 years
I’m so sorry for not updating recently. I’m working on a Niall story right now. But I still need some more time. Here is a stupid little blurb that might turn into something more eventually as a peace offering.
She looked up from her textbook and notebook. She was copying down the problem onto the paper and was going to try to solve the example without looking. The voice interrupted her concentration and she was stunned to see the beautiful guy before her. “Hi,” she cleared her throat. She glanced around the dining hall quickly and noted all the girls staring at the pair. She knew what they were thinking: no way this gorgeous guy was interested in this plain girl. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. His back pack was slung over one shoulder and he tilted his head to one side looking at her.
“Erm…you’re in my physics class; m’Harry,” he said. He didn’t need to say it. She already knew that. It’s not like she hadn’t specifically chosen the seat at the front of the room so she couldn’t look at him all class. She had a degree to earn and Harry would make it impossible if she sat anywhere that had a view of him and his beautiful face. “M’really not very good,” he said with a breathy chuckle. “Are y’working on the homework right now?”
She cleared her throat again shyly. He was very cute. Too cute. That’s why everyone was still staring at them. There was no reason he should be talking to her. His smile was so crooked and his eyes were too green. It melted her. “Uh…yeah,” she said.
He was gonna ask for her take home quiz answers. She was sure of it. That was the only reason someone as cute as Harry would talk to her. “S’jus…you know the answer to all the questions in class…professor says I won’t pass if I don’t do well on the next test and the final…” he explained and he looked at his feet in embarrassment. “D’ya have time to tutor me? Or help me with the homework?” He asked shyly. “M’mum will kill me if I have to retake physics…again.”
She blinked. “Oh…Um…”
“It wouldn’t be for free!” He hurries to say. He was desperate for help. “Mum told me to find someone in the class or she’d find someone f’me,” he rolled his eyes. “She takes m’education very seriously. I feel bad for her because I’m just s’bad with physics,” he explained. He looked at the brilliant girl who’s pencil was still poised on the notebook and her other finger pointing to the problem she copied down from the book. Her whole notebook was a string of gibberish and Harry’s not certain even she, who he has deemed the smartest girl he’s ever met, can save him.
“I can help,” she says quietly. Her voice is so soft and Harry remembers back in the third week of the class when she was asked to explain a problem on the board. It’s the only one he got right on the exam and he’s so hopeful she’ll be his saving grace this semester. Her voice was downright melodic when she was explaining. He was hypnotized. She looked righty at home up at the board. Everyone could have cared less about her mini lecture. It was just Harry and the professor staring at her in awe at her perfect explanation.
“Really?!” His heart soared. She could hear the relief in his voice. “You’re an angel. Thank you!” He was smiling so brightly. He felt like he had won the lottery. “Erm…m’gonna go call m’mum. Will y’be here for a little while longer?”
“Y-yeah,” she stammered.
“Good, great!” His smile was sparkling. “I’ll…be right back,” he said and made his way outside the hall his phone already pressed to his ear.
She wondered how on earth she was supposed to tutor the cutest guy she’s ever seen in her life while all she could think about was how pink his lips were.
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breakingfreebri · 2 years
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These made me laugh. Old 1D memes man
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formula-niall · 11 months
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chrishemsworthsbitch · 5 months
I need niall to do these so bad…
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Cuz the way his arms and chest are set up…oh lord…
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stylinson28-blog2 · 1 year
Niall: *walks into room*
Niall: “What’s that noise?”
Louis: It’s Harry, he’s crying
Niall: “What why?”
Louis: He had a dream where I kissed you.
Niall: *baffled* “What?! Why would I kiss you?!”
Louis: “Exactly.”
Niall: *opens the door slowly*
“Harry lad get over yourself it was a dream.”
Niall: “OW!”
Louis: “What? What’s wrong?”
Niall: “He threw a book at me!”
Harry: “You’re Lucky it wasnt something harder!”
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mundodafantasia1d · 11 months
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Mini imagine com quem quiser
*(N/F): nome do seu fav
Mais uma semana começava, mais uma manhã acordando de madrugada para ir pra faculdade. Respirei fundo, e me obriguei a sair de debaixo das cobertas, estava muito frio e meu corpo protestou por ter deixado o quentinho da cama, senti vontade de voltar mas disse a mim mesma que todo esse esforço valeria a pena.
Me arrumei, comi algo rápido pois já estava quase atrasada e peguei o transporte. A viagem foi longa, durante o caminho taylor swift cantava em meus fones de ouvido.
Parecia uma manhã normal como todas as outras nos últimos 2 anos, mas essa manhã reservava surpresas que eu nem mesmo sonhava.
O transporte parou na esquina da faculdade, mas quando fui descer, minha pernas falharam, tentei me manter de pé mas tanto tempo sentada havia feito elas adormecerem, acabei por cair de joelhos no chão.
- Tudo bem aí? - ouvi uma voz masculina atrás de mim.
Quando consegui me colocar de pé, tinha um carro preto chic parado e um homem incrivelmente bonito me olhando pelo vidro aberto.
- Sim - respondi timidamente.
Estava mortificada de vergonha, meu joelho doía mas tentei dar um passo na intenção de fugir dali, não consegui.
- Tem certeza? - olhei pra ele e sabia que estava vermelha, senti tanta vergonha, ele era tão bonito e eu estava naquela situação constrangedora.
Ele desceu do carro e veio até mim, de perto ele conseguia ser ainda mais bonito.
- Me deixa te ajudar? - ele tirou os óculos escuros e eu perdi a fala. - Você se machucou?
- Meu joelho doí - minha voz era fraca.
- Posso? - ele se abaixou e levantou a minha calça até o meu joelho. - Está ralado, tem uma farmácia na esquina, vem se apoia em mim.
Ele se levantou e se aproximou de mim, prendi a respiração, quando seu braço passou ao redor de mim pensei que meu coração iria saltar.
Eu estava vivendo um daqueles clichês de comédia romântica que eu sempre assisti?
Ele me levou até a farmácia, comprou um remédio e passou no meu joelho, ele fazia tudo com delicadeza.
- Vai melhorar logo - ele me olhou e apenas assenti. - A propósito, eu sou o (n/f).
- (S/n) - disse, apertei a mão que ele me oferecia, o homem lindo em minha frente sorriu pra mim.
- Você é sempre tímida assim?
- Estou especialmente tímida hoje após ter caído na sua frente - ele riu.
- Bom, olha pelo lado positivo.
- Qual o lado positivo de se machucar e passar vergonha?
- A gente se conheceu - sorri, tímida. - Posso te pagar um café para compensar a vergonha e o machucado?
- Quer saber, você tem razão, em tudo tem um lado bom.
Nota: eu tive que escrever porque foi baseado em fatos reais, isso acabou de acontecer comigo, exceto pela parte que o moço bonito pra caramba foi embora quando eu disse que tava bem, a sorte de viver uma fanfic com o cara lindo do carro preto eu não tive mas pra fazer compensar o tombo, a vergonha, o machucado e a tela do celular quebrada, eu transformei em um mini imagine, espero que gostem.
Du 💛
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betweenuspreferences · 7 months
Preference #28 You Fight and Break Up (Liam) Part 2
You couldn't believe that Liam had told you to get out of his house. True, you'd said some harsh things, spoken out of anger, but kicking you out of his home was something you hadn't imagined he'd do.
"Stupid," You muttered, kicking at the leaves on the sidewalk. You began the walk home, wanting to get there quickly, since the hour was rather late. When you reached your home, you went in and tossed your keys on the hallway table before quickly showering, putting on your comfiest pajamas and crawling into bed. You glanced at your phone to make sure Liam hadn't texted you, before placing it on the bedside table and drifting off to sleep.
When you awoke the next morning, it was to a pounding on your door. You stumbled out of bed and to the door, checking through the security hole to see who it was.
"Harry, what are you doing here?" You inquired, pulling open the door.
"We've been trying to get a hold of you," He explained. "Liam told us about the argument and him telling you to leave. We wanted to make sure you were home safely."
"Well, I am," You replied, crossing your arms. "And I'm not really in the mood to talk to anyone."
"You should talk to Liam. He feels really awful about what he said and did." Harry said.
"He should've thought about that before he said it, then. He told me, at eleven thirty at night, to leave his home. And yeah, I said some things I shouldn't of. But if our roles were reversed, I never would've told him to get out at that hour," You snapped. "Why are you even getting involved in this? I know Liam's your friend, but that doesn't mean you need to get involved in his relationship. Or former relationship, now."
"You're right. I'm sorry, (Y/N)," Harry muttered, looking ashamed. "I'll just....head out now."
You slammed the door behind Harry's retreating back, and went back to bed, picking up your phone. Notification after notification glared back at you, from Twitter, some magazine articles that questioned if your relationship with Liam was still on, as well as some texts from Louis, Harry and Niall. But nothing from Liam.
"Whatever," You muttered, swiping to close all the notifications and opening up YouTube. You scrolled mindlessly though it, clicking on a video and watching it until you fell back asleep.
It had been a full year since Liam had told you to leave, and you hadn't spoken to him since. The seasons had changed, you'd made new friends, read new books and reread old ones. It was Autumn again, and the nights were growing chilly, perfect for curling up under a blanket with hot chocolate and your favorite show. You wrapped a scarf around your neck and pulled on your coat, before opening the door to your home and heading out in the blustery weather. The wind smelled of Autumn, dried leaves and smoke from fireplaces. You walked to your local coffee shop, pulling open the door and stepping inside, inhaling the smells of fresh baked pastries and coffee. You sat in one of the poofy armchairs that were scattered around the shop, placing your book on the table before getting up to order a drink. When it was ready, you wrapped your hands around the mug and leaned back in the chair, thinking about how the past year had been. Snapping yourself out of your thoughts, you set down your mug and picked up your book. You had hardly read a paragraph when a throat clearing made you glance up. Your hands began to shake, and you inhaled sharply.
"L-Liam," You stammered. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm back in town for a bit and decided to try a new coffee place," Liam responded. "Is it okay if I sit?"
"Sure." You said, not really sure about this.
"How have you been, (Y/N)?" Liam asked, fiddling with his headphone case.
"Fine. How about you?" You asked.
"A bit of a mess, on and off," Liam said. "Harry really gave it to me when I told the guys what happened."
"He shouldn't have done that." You murmured.
"Shouldn't he? Instead of listening to your concerns, I kicked you out of my home, late at night, no less," Liam replied. "I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."
"Why didn't you try and contact me?" You asked.
"I wanted to. I should've. I convinced myself that you didn't want me to contact you. That you were better off without me." Liam said, looking down.
"I wasn't," You murmured. "I wasn't better off without you."
"There hasn't been anyone since you." Liam blurted out.
"There hasn't been anyone since you, either." You replied.
"Do you think.....we could try again?" Liam asked.
"I think we could." You replied, reaching across the table and taking his hand.
Written by Angel
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Como prometido continuação com Niall e Zayn porque o tumblr não permite mais de 10 fotos por post 🙄🙄 aloooo, tumblr! me ajuda aí, porra!
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
Niall Horan
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Zayn Malik
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Para ler com o Harry, Liam e Louis, clique aqui
Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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hanjica · 2 years
Imagines e preferences 1D
Oi gente. O blog foi feito para postagem de imagines e preferences, porém eu não consegui seguir essa norma e fui apenas reblogando posts dos meninos. Isso não está me agradando muito, mas também as vezes não tenho tempo, muito menos seguidores que falem português ou se interessem pela One Direction. Mesmo assim vou tentar escrever e postar.
Os imagines e preferences serão do:
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Zayn Malik
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Louis Tomlinson
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Harry Styles
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Liam Payne
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Niall Horan
Poderá conter cenas hot, sexo explícito ou violência.
Fiquem de olhos abertos e até logo.
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it's Liam Payne's birthday and you sure as hell know that I'm going to be insufferable about it skwklwkwkwkwkwkkwkwkwkwkwkwklqk
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1d1195 · 2 years
Niall was coming down the elevator early in the morning, just past sunrise, so he could avoid the crowd. He also wanted to grab a coffee on his way to the golf course from his favorite shop in town. It was one of his favorite places to golf and the coffee shop was an added bonus.
The elevator stopped almost immediately at the floor below his and he sighed deeply because he just wanted to be alone. He stood toward the back corner wishing he’d grabbed a hat to wear on his outing, but he didn’t think he’d need it with the forecasted clouds...nor did he expect to have company this early in the morning. He caught a glimpse of the yawning girl standing in front of the opened doors.
“Oh goodness,” the girl said, and she pressed a hand to her mouth in surprise as she finished her yawn. Niall Horan. “I can take the next one,” she said gently holding the door open for a moment while he made his decision. She would leave him alone if he wanted to be alone. But she wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to be near the cutest boy she’d ever had hanging up in her room for the better half of a decade.
He glanced up at her thoughtfulness. It was evident on her face she was torn, and Niall felt bad for being so irritated by the prospect of sharing the elevator because it really was so kind of her to feel that way. He could see on her face that she really would take the next one...but there was a literal whole elevator in front of her and she was obviously a fan that was floored to see him. He smiled gently. “That’s kind of you, princess. There’s plenty of room,” he said knowingly. The word princess rolled off his tongue before he could stop it. The moment he said it, he realized it fit her well. Her eyes were sleepy but beautiful and he thought he might regret being so mean in his head for the rest of his life...even though she wouldn’t know it.
“Are you sure?” She asked pinching her eyebrows together and she hoisted the strap of her tote bag over her shoulder as it slipped down her arm. Niall adored the simple little motion. He wasn’t sure why, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her fingers and the way they gripped the strap. She was dainty and lovely. “M’sure you wanted to leave early to be alone,” she said in realization. He chuckled at her intuitiveness. The elevator beeped as it waited for her to get on or get out of the way. In the time it took to ask, she could’ve prevented the beeping, but he knew she really didn’t want to leave. And now that he had a moment to soak in her presence, he didn’t want her to either.
“By all means, princess,” he said softly and gestured for her to get on. She stood to the other back corner. “M’golfing today,” he told her to ease the silence of the elevator as it ticked down the next floor. By all accounts this had to be the slowest elevator Niall had ever been on. The little inspection card above the buttons said it moved in meters per second, but Niall was certain it should have read centimeters.
“Oh,” she said simply. “That’s nice,” she was trying to stay calm. Niall could sense it.
“You can freak out if you want,” he chuckled.
“That would be worse, I think,” she said with a dry laugh as she eyed Niall from the corner of her eye.
Turning directly toward her, he chuckled again. “Alright, let’s get this out of the way,” he suggested. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “M’jus’ gonna put my arm around here,” he said stepping toward her and snaking his arm behind her back and turning the camera to take a selfie. He noted the way her cheeks burned red as his arm wound behind her back. He realized he was way too close to her. He could smell her shampoo and she felt warm in the chilly morning against his arm. Steadying his thoughts, he looked to his phone screen. “Say cheese!” He said sweetly.
She smiled at the camera. “Ooh, that’s one for the Christmas card, princess,” he chuckled as he admired the photo of them on his screen. She giggled and Niall requested to airdrop it to her phone for her.
“What are you up to today?” he asked as they exited the elevator finally while he tapped a few more times on his screen to give her the photo. Her phone beeped with the arrival of the picture, and he noted the way her cheeks pinked under his gaze again.
“Oh...erm...I’m attending a conference in the main function room. M’jus...I wanted to get a coffee beforehand at the shop nearby—it’s my favorite...and a good seat near the presenter,” she explained.
“Oh, I’m headed for the coffee shop too!” He almost cheered. “I’ll walk with you,” he told her, happy to prolong their time together. “What’s the conference for?” He wondered as he held the door open for her to exit the hotel lobby.
She was stunned he was taking an interest in her and she was a little slow to process any of the words. “It’s about student trauma experiences and how to teach better with that knowledge. It’s...a little dark but an unfortunate reality of my life these days. I just want to be a better teacher.”
“I can tell you now, princess. I didn’t have a single teacher that was as pretty as you and I certainly didn’t have a teacher that would be up at 6:30 in the morning to get a good seat a conference to be a better one,” he smirked at her and shook his head as he meandered in front of her toward the shop. She stopped in her tracks and looked at him as he walked ahead. This was the guy she had hung up around her room in full 360 view. All five feet, eight inches of him. He was live, in front of her, saying she was pretty and a good teacher. It was everything she could have wanted and more. “Princess?” He said as he turned toward her standing several paces behind.
Oh yeah, the name princess too shook her to her core. She was...mush in his presence. “Just...” she shook her head. “Taking in the moment,” she said and skipped the few steps to get to his side. He thought about her words as she caught up to him. He liked the sound of it. Taking in the moment. It felt so normal after so many years of not being normal. Niall just meeting a girl in the elevator and going to get coffee with her. He felt human. It felt wonderful. She was wonderful.
She paid for coffee without him realizing, and it made Niall miffed. While their walk to the coffee shop was all about her teaching and what he predicted for golfing today, the entirety of the back to the hotel consisted of her betrayal of paying for his coffee. “It was our first date, princess. M’supposed to pay for you,” he said. She could see the way he was annoyed. His eyebrows pinched together, and he looked grumpy. He was adorable. She thought she might die in his mere presence.
Niall didn’t miss the way her cheeks turned pink at the word date, nor did he regret calling it as such. “You can get the next one,” she said quietly. Almost like she didn’t want to Niall to hear.
“Count on it, princess,” he promised as he held the door open for her to walk through. “I’ll see you later,” he said.
“Enjoy your round,” she said sweetly. Niall smiled at her and reached out bravely cupping the side of her face. He brushed his thumb along her cheek before his hand fell away and he let her be.
Her entire body felt like pudding. Niall Horan touched her cheek. Her hand rose to touch where he did as she watched him walk toward the street to catch a cab to the golf course. She wanted to enjoy the presentations at the concert, but she was fairly certain she would be distracted with the thought of Niall’s skin touching hers.
She was finishing a chat with someone from the conference. Someone that sat at her table during the presentations. Niall could see her passion in her eyes and the way her hands moved in a lively fashion as she chatted with someone. He hovered by the elevator waiting for her conversation to finish so he could maybe invite her back to his room. Not even for the naughty stuff. He just wanted to get to know her and breathe in her presence.
(And yeah, some naughty stuff too would be nice. But he did just meet her, and he wouldn’t rush her.)
She said her goodbyes and headed toward the elevator smirking at her phone. She hadn’t looked up yet to see Niall. “Hi, princess,” he cooed. She bounced as she looked up from her phone nearly dropping it in the process.
“Hi, Niall,” she said softly, her cheeks pinking again. Niall prayed they would do that for the remainder of their lives together. “How was golf?” She asked. He pressed the elevator button and nodded.
“Lovely, how was your conference?” He asked.
“Enlightening!” She practically chirped. “I have some really great ideas for my classroom,” she explained as the elevator pinged at its arrival. He gestured for her to get on first and then he followed behind her. It felt so easy to talk to him and it scared her. Niall was a big important celebrity. And as normal as she wanted to pretend, he was...he just wasn’t. She was a boring schoolteacher. “Um...” she shook her head as she tried to not sound boring. “Did you make your par or beat your record? I don’t even know how golf works,” she wrinkled her nose. “M’pretty bad at mini golf,” she explained.
He chuckled as he pressed her floor number and his own. “I did okay...I’ve got another tee time tomorrow; hoping to do better,” he explained setting his bag down. “Did you want to tell me more?” He asked. She ended her thought about her classroom abruptly.
“Oh...um...it’s...kind of boring.”
He turned to look at her and he was grateful for how slow the elevator was that he had the time to do this. “Princess,” he chided. “Don’t sell yourself short. I saw you chatting with someone and you looked so passionate,” he smiled gently at her. “I would love to hear about it.”
He really meant it. Her heart hammered in her chest. Her entire brain wanted to tell him all about her classroom tips and ideas she learned but all the thoughts in the speech part of her brain were saying Niall, Niall, Niall, Niall...“Well—"
The elevator jolted violently knocking her into Niall and his equipment. His bag tipped causing several of the clubs to slide out across the floor. The elevator shook again and she smacked her head on the wall as it shifted without warning. “Ah...” she gasped and touched her head where she made contact with the side of the elevator. Niall managed to steady himself on his feet but noted immediately that the elevator stopped moving. The lights flicked off and resorted to the emergency lights creating a haunting glow in the tiny space.
It was quiet for a moment.
And then Niall was suffocating.
His breath came in short, shallow gasps and he slunk to the floor beside his clubs. He started to feel clammy and nauseous as the idea of being stuck suspended in the air several hundred feet in the air. He put his head to his knees and felt tears stinging his eyes as he tried to calm himself using strategies from back when his attacks happened more frequently—back when he had to hide from crowds of fans.
“Hey,” she whispered suddenly, and she was in front of Niall her hands gently touching his arms and trying to get him to look at her. “Hey, look,” she said quietly and squeezed his forearm. His head felt as if it weighed a metric ton. His vision was blurry around the edges and the rational part of his brain was mad because he was marring the image of her in his brain. He wanted to see her and all her pretty glow. “It’s okay,” she said quietly as he all but gasped and hyperventilated. She grabbed his hand and pressed it over her heart and rested her hand on top of his. Niall could feel the melodic rhythm beneath his fingertips. “Breathe slowly, come on,” she encouraged softly. “With me,” she said and took an exaggerated breath in and then exhaled slowly. Niall closed his eyes but found solace in feeling her steady heartbeat. He panted still as he tried to breathe at her pace. “We’re going to be fine,” she promised.
They breathed and sat like that for several moments. Probably longer than any sane person would need but Niall appreciated every moment. When he opened his eyes again, her free hand was touching the spot on her head. She winced as it was clear it was tender and hurt. “Are you okay?” He croaked after a moment.
She lifted her head to look at him and she nodded. “Yeah, m’okay. S’a little sore,” she shrugged. “You okay?” She wondered.
He nodded gently but tried to not make too many sudden movements. He felt like a child. She pulled the emergency button now that Niall was feeling better. “Thank you,” he whispered. She nodded and released his hand off her heartbeat. His palm felt cold and he wished she didn’t move. He wished he could hold her heart like that forever, feeling how lovely it beat beneath his fingers.
She sat back on the other side of the wall. She smiled sweetly at Niall. “Anytime.”
During the first hour she got an from the first responders. Help was there, but it would be slow going. She passed the time for the pair of them. She talked about her work, she talked about her family, and she did her best to distract Niall from the small space they were trapped in. She was fascinating fortunately, and it really did distract him. He was so grateful for her. He wished he could participate in the conversation. He was worried about her head, but he had to look straight at her and not move or speak. He was worried he would throw up or pass out.
Which would be way worse. “This is like the third time this has happened to me,” she smirked wryly. “I should just stick to the stairs,” she shrugged. “M’sorry you’re stuck,” she wrinkled her forehead as she looked at Niall nervously. “You doing okay?” She wondered. It had to have been the thirtieth time she asked. He was so taken by her sweetness he couldn’t believe she cared this much about him.
“Yeah,” he said softly. “Wouldn’t have met ya,” he reminded her. He tilted his neck back and closed his eyes to breathe deeply.
“What?” She asked.
“Wouldn’t have met you, if you didn’t take the elevator,” he said quietly.
“Feels like m’bad luck,” she giggled. “Shouldn’t have gotten on.”
Bravely, he shook his head and then opened his eyes to gaze at her. She felt his beautiful blue eyes boar into her own eyes. They saw through her; it burned her entire body to be caught in his stare. “I would’ve missed meeting you,” he repeated.
The door pried open above them and she scooched herself back toward Niall’s side of the elevator, her eyes to the sudden space and air as it came through the doors. Niall felt like he was in the desert, thirsting for water; but the air tasted just as sweet. His headache immediately disappeared and his stomach didn’t hurt.
“Wow,” he murmured. “Instant change.” She smiled at him.
“Good, you had me worried there.”
“Your head worries me,’ he said. “M’gonna find somewhere to take you to get your head looked at,” he said. “I won’t take no for an answer.”
“We’re not doing too well on these dates,” she giggled and Niall was grateful he could turn to look at her beside him and he wouldn’t throw up. Now that there was fresh air to breathe, he could stare at her for ages.
“I’ll make it up to you,” he said. Except it was so gentle and soft. It was a promise.
She pressed her lips together. “Sorry you were stuck with me blabbering.” He had some work to do on this poor self-esteem of hers. He was already obsessed with her and head spent a mere three hours with her. He was smitten. Every part of her. Every facet of her life was intriguing to him. He adored her already. It was irrational and made no sense to fall so quickly for a girl he met on an elevator. But he did.
“Princess,” he shook his head. “I’ll spend forever listening to your voice,” he whispered.
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glassyo1 · 1 year
Probably unpopular opinion:
Louis needs to learn a new fucking (not said ironically) swear word. Or stop swearing altogether.
The more I watch/read his interviews the more annoying he gets. I just read a transcript/interview/whatever where he could barely go a sentence without using some form of the word "fuck".
Sorry. I think he's a good lyricist and and ok singer and probably a good person beneath it all and all but between that and always flipping people off...
He'll be on the other side of 30 soon. Time to learn to use your words.
(At least I'm not ranting about the larries for once :))
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