#night owl ney
braisedhoney · 2 years
Send mark in but in pokemon style
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requests are closed atm but…
c’mon the idea was so temping—
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sapphymayeyeplease · 3 months
the other night I had a dream that Dis/ney renewed The Owl House for another season (like SU Future) and I was so happy!!! then I woke up, still in the dream, a little disappointed, looked online and found out my dream came true!!!! and I was happy again!!!!! and then I woke up for real. 😐
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urlmysunshine · 3 years
tagged by @tiramisubun (thank u!! 🥰) I love these games 💕
sage green or baby blue || moon or stars || paperback or hardback || piercings or tattoos || drawing or writing || Saturn or Jupiter || ancient Greece or ancient Egypt || Prague or Amsterdam || dark academia or light academia  || indie aesthetic or cottagecore || stargazing or late night drives || strawberries or watermelons || rings or necklaces || extrovert or introvert || dragons or griffins || ocean or mountains || silver or gold || dawn or dusk || early bird or night owl || cook or bake || dagger or sword
I’ll tag @elai-ney @rosesvillage @gardenwarblers @tangled-grace @poppystrawberries @blushingdollie @floralshakespeare @honey-sweet1 @sugarb0ba and anyone who wants to do it!
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kirakirarin11 · 3 years
thanks to precious angel @syrupjar for tagging me! ♡ i love playing these little games! 🐻🍓
sage green or baby blue (both. both is good (●´ω`●)ゞ♪ || moon or stars (aa this is too difficult i love them both but i'll always be a stella baby at heart. i'm a solarian after all ☆) || paperback or hardback || piercings or tattoos || drawing or writing (i mean, i would love to draw, but i only know how to write!) || saturn or jupiter || ancient greece or ancient egypt (did you know that i studied ancient greece and it's language for 5 years? too bad i can't remember anything about it) || prague or amsterdam || dark academia or light academia || indie aesthetic or cottagecore || stargazing or late night drives || strawberries or watermelons (strawberries are the superior fruits!! also they have the best emoji 🍓) || rings or necklaces || extrovert or introvert || dragons or griffins || ocean or mountains || silver or gold (can't choose sorry! both are beautiful and precious for different reasons 💝)  || dawn or dusk || early bird or night owl (i'm none, but i would love to become an early bird. i feel healthier when i wake up really early in the morning after some good sleep.) || cook or bake (i need you to know that i love desserts, in case it wasn't already clear enough. ♡(*´ω`*)/♡ || dagger or sword.
i tag @haeni @rosetea-hime @huh-ney @brazilwiki and @lake-lady 🍃
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nothingeverlost · 4 years
Blue Castle AU
I know I’ve talked about a Blue Castle modern day AU before, but this has been on my mind a lot lately.
Blue Castle but during Covid 19.
Shortly before everything happens Valancy goes to the doctor because she hasn’t been feeling good.  She gets an electronic response after her appointment with how to take care of her chronic heart problem, with a caution to avoid stress and shock.  Her prognosis is 6 to 18 months.  Because of covid her followup is forgotten by the doctor’s staff so no one realizes she’s gotten the wrong e-mail (she’s [email protected] and the email was meant for [email protected])
Valancy’s family has their weekly dinner despite lockdown, rationalizing that they’re all quarantining separately so it’s fine.  Valancy once dares to mention that maybe they should postpone their family meals for a while.  Her mother is horrified.  The uncles mock and shout.  Olive pities anyone letting fear rule them, but says that maybe someone who is more sickly does have a reason to worry.  She’s kind, after all.
A few days later on Facebook Valancy sees that an old school friend is sick with covid.  She hasn’t spoken to Cece in years, other than a random comment on a post.  It never occurs to her that anyone would be interested in hearing from her.  She calls to find out if she needs anything, though.  Her father answers; he comes home from work to check on her but his job is essential and he can’t be home much.  He doesn’t have anyone to take care of Cece and doesn’t have insurance to cover her.  
The next Sunday all it takes is a comment from one of the uncles that maybe the virus is punishment for the liberal ways of society, and Valancy is done.  She calls them all out and leaves in the middle of dinner, going home to pack a bag.  Maybe nursing Cece would kill her but she’s dying anyway.  Isn’t it better to know she’s done something good than to live her whole life dealing invisible and unwanted?  She shows up at Cece’s house and offers to help out as much as she can, if she can have a couch to sleep on.
Cece’s father insists she take his room while he bunks out on the covered porch.  There’s a room over the garage, but they rent that out to Benny.  Benny’s an odd fellow.  He seems prickly and Valancy’s heard whispers about him.  He rarely talks to her but he brings Cece magazines and treats to amuse her.  And somehow he mysteriously is able to keep them in toilet paper when it’s impossible to find anywhere.  
Despite Cece being ill and the family texting and Facebooking her all the time, Valancy enjoys herself more than she remembers.  Cece has her good days, and they whisper and watch old movies from their childhood, many of which Valancy wasn’t allowed to see at home.  Clueless is a favorite of both of them.  Sometimes Benny joins them, and less often Cece’s father.  He’s usually exhausted after his job at a factory.  Cece goes to sleep early, but Benny is a night owl and it’s those times when she starts to find true friendship with Benny.  She still knows so little about him, not even where he’s from, but she knows he loves ice skating and taking long walks, and can spend hours or days in the forest.  Valancy’s never been camping but she tells Benny all about her favorite nature blog.  She can recite some of John Foster’s beautiful words from memory.
Benny scoffs.  John Foster is the whitest name he’s heard and he’s sure the guy is in some Ney York apartment watching nature documentaries and cribbing other people’s photos. He’s a hack, a sell out, and not worth discussing.  It’s just bout the only thing they disagree on.  No one’s ever made her laugh the way he does.  No one’s ever tried to make her laugh just because they like the sound of her voice.
For a while Cece seems like she’s getting better, but then one night she can’t breathe.  They rush her to the hospital but it’s too late.  They can’t have a funeral because of shelter in place, and there’s really not that many people to invite anyway.  The three of them have a private memorial.  It’s the first time Valancy’s ever gotten drunk.
The next day Valancy’s head is throbbing while she starts to pack, resigned that now that she isn’t useful she has no choice but to go home.  Benny offers her pain killers and a swig from his flask (hair of the dog, he says with a shrug) and asks where she’s going.  When she answers home he swears; he knows enough from her and whispers around town to know what home is like and how her family treats her.  There has to be somewhere else.  Valancy shrugs.  She’s not needed anywhere, and the only person other than Cece and her dad she’s talked to in months is him.  It’s not like she can move into his room over the garage.
I have a house, he says.  A cottage, really, in the woods.  It takes an age to get into town from there but instacart delivers and what else do we need?  You can stay with me.  Valancy is shocked, and then secretly excited for a moment before she sobers.  She can’t do that to him, not knowing what she knows.  When he pushes she’s just fragile enough with grief and a hangover to blurt it all out.  She’s dying, and she can’t make him deal with that.
In the end she agrees, but only on the stipulation that they get married first.  It’s not about her reputation, but she has a small nest egg and if they marry it’s his when she dies.
She loves the cottage the moment she sees it; it’s more than any Blue Castle she’s ever dreamed about because it’s really.  The first night Benny sleeps on the couch but they decide that it’s silly, and they share the bed.  Totally platonically, of course (at first.). Valancy lets the charge on her phone die so she doesn’t have to get any more pointed texts and vague guilt posts from her family.  She almost forgets about her heart, living with Benny and their two cats.  They block out the world, rarely bothering with the news.  What do they need to know; they’re more quarantined then most.  Every day they take a walk for hours.  A famous photographer asks to take Valancy’s picture but Benny glares at him and scares him away.  A few hours a day Benny works in his small office (really almost a closet) which he’s asked her not to enter.  Other than that most of their time is spent together.  Valancy plays with recipes she finds on Pinterest and teaches herself to crochet.  She’s always wanted to learn but her mother insisted on knitting only.
There are a few minor incidents with her heart, and one day she feels sick and worries about covid but it was just a cold.  One day Benny goes out on his own and is gone over night, and she can’t sleep worrying about him. Then came the day her foot got stuck in the train track and she almost died.  Benny almost died, tried to free her, and she didn’t know what was worse, thinking she might be responsible for Benny dying or thinking that she might have lied to him.  Her heart was fine.  She didn’t even feel a twinge from the stress of it.
She has to leave him.  It’s not fair to him when he promised her a home for a year to hold him to more.  If only she hadn’t gone and fallen in love with him.
@anonymousnerdgirl @morvidra @clara-oswald-and-the-whos @bouquet-of-sharpenedpencils
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unanoceacaso · 3 years
Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,            The night above the dingle starry,                        Time let me hail and climb            Golden in the heydays of his eyes, And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves                        Trail with daisies and barley            Down the rivers of the windfall light. And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home,            In the sun that is young once only,                        Time let me play and be            Golden in the mercy of his means, And green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman, the calves Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold,                        And the sabbath rang slowly            In the pebbles of the holy streams. All the sun long it was running, it was lovely, the hay Fields high as the house, the tunes from the chimneys, it was air            And playing, lovely and watery                        And fire green as grass.            And nightly under the simple stars As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away, All the moon long I heard, blessed among stables, the nightjars            Flying with the ricks, and the horses                        Flashing into the dark. And then to awake, and the farm, like a wanderer white With the dew, come back, the cock on his shoulder: it was all            Shining, it was Adam and maiden                        The sky gathered again            And the sun grew round that very day. So it must have been after the birth of the simple light In the first, spinning place, the spellbound horses walking warm            Out of the whinnying green stable                        On to the fields of praise. And honoured among foxes and pheasants by the gay house Under the new made clouds and happy as the heart was long,            In the sun born over and over,                        I ran my heedless ways,            My wishes raced through the house high hay And nothing I cared, at my sky blue trades, that time allows In all his tuneful turning so few and such morning songs            Before the children green and golden                        Follow him out of grace. Nothing I cared, in the lamb white days, that time would take me Up to swallow thronged loft by the shadow of my hand,            In the moon that is always rising,                        Nor that riding to sleep            I should hear him fly with the high fields And wake to the farm forever fled from the childless land. Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,                        Time held me green and dying            Though I sang in my chains like the sea. [Quando ero giovane e ingenuo sotto i rami del melo Presso la casa piena di canti e felice perché l’erba era verde, La notte alta sulla valletta stellata, Il tempo mi lasciava esultare e arrampicarmi Dorato nei bei giorni dei suoi occhi, E fra i carri ero il principe onorato delle città di mele, E una volta oltre il tempo sovranamente feci trascinare Alberi e foglie e orzo e margherite Lungo i fiumi di luci dei frutti abbattuti dal vento. E poiché ero verde e spensierato, famoso pei granai Intorno all’aia felice e cantavo perché il podere era a casa, Al sole che soltanto allora è giovane, Il tempo mi lasciava giocare tutto d’oro Nella misericordia dei suoi mezzi, e verde e d’oro Ero mandriano e cacciatore, i vitelli cantavano al mio corno, Sulle colline le volpi latravano, limpide e fredde, E la domenica lenta risonava Nei ciottoli dei sacri uccelli. Per tutto il sole era un correre, era bello, i campi Di fieno alti come la casa, le melodie dai camini, era aria E giuoco, allegro e fatto d’acqua, E il fuoco verde come erba. E a notte, sotto le semplici stelle, come io Incontro al sonno cavalcavo, i gufi si portavano via la fattoria, E per tutta la luna, beato fra le stalle, udivo il volo Dei caprimulgi e dei mucchi di fieno E i cavalli nel buio come lampi. E poi sveglio e la fattoria tornava, come un vagabondo Bianco di rugiada, col gallo sulla spalla; ogni cosa Splendeva, era Adamo e vergine, Il cielo s’addensava nuovamente E il sole tondo nasceva proprio in quel giorno. Così dev’essere stato, appena creata la luce, nel primo Spazio rotante, i cavalli incantati uscendo caldi Fuori dalla nitrente verde stalla Verso i campi di lode. E fra le volpi e i fagiani onorato presso la casa ridente, Sotto nuvole appena create e felice quanto il cuore durava, Al sole che più volte era già nato, Percorsi le mie strade sventate, i desideri Correvano tra il fieno alto una casa, Né mi curavo, nei miei azzurri traffici, che il tempo non concede, In tutti i suoi giri melodiosi, altro che pochi canti mattutini, Prima che i fanciulli verdi e d’oro Lo seguano fuori della grazia. Non mi curavo, ai giorni bianco-agnello, che il tempo m’avrebbe portato Nel solaio affollato di rondini con l’ombra della mia mano, Nella luna che sempre sta sorgendo, Né che nel sonno cavalcando l’avrei udito volare Insieme agli alti campi e mi sarei svegliato Nel podere fuggito per sempre dalla terra senza bambini. Oh, quando ero giovane e ingenuo nella misericordia dei suoi mezzi, Verde e morente mi trattenne il tempo Benché cantassi nelle mie catene come il mare.]
Dylan Thomas, Fern Hill [Colle delle felci]
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starryfreckles · 4 years
✨ten questions✨
thank you for tagging me fae, grey, and sarah 💛this is three sets of questions so buckle in, this is going to be a long ass post lol but their questions are so good !! i couldnt not respond 🥰grab yourself something to drink, its a whole lot about me... 30 questions about me actually lol
from la twin @fvae​ ✨
#1 If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be ?
a mirabelle. its a mix between an apricot and a plum thats from france and maybe other parts of western europe idk 🤷‍♀️
#2 Free space!! Rant about whatever you’d like
thanks queen, what will i talk about today ?? ooh i know ok not so much a rant but im currently listening to harry potter and the goblet of fire audiobook becuase i wanted to read the stories again. this one is probs one of my favs and so much got left out in the film like DOBBY’S FUCKING ROLE IN IT ! also just the beginning when dudley is on his diet and harry has a fucking stash of food in his room and the weasley’s coming to get him. theres so much more to the story and i know they cant fit the 450 page book into a 2 hour movie but those details are so important for me. theyre part of the world building and we all know im a sucker for world building and character dev. like hell yea storytelling !! but just the wizarding world in general is my pride and joy and means the actual world to me 🥺 also after this one imma listen to order of pheonix becuase SOOOOO many details were left out in that movie and wowow best book but like highkey worst film... ((maybe thats the rant part of this lolol ok this was def a rant LMAOOO)) ok but its a really good one and i just wanted to be in that world again 🥺🥺
#3 If I were to visit your country right now, where would you take me ? What places should I visit ?
right, youd be coming to the southern west coast of the US. if covid wasnt a thing we’d go to a bunch of museums but ART, we are artists 🥰we’d also go to all the open air malls which are super cool and just fun to walk around and window shop. theres the beach for like beachy things lol, more touristy things. but theres also the mountains for hiking and being one with nature. there are a few observatories and telescopes within 2 hour roadtrips and those are cool becuase SPACE and just their location on top of super cool mountains for all the views you could ever want. 
#4 If you came with a label, what would it say ?
« not what you’d expect » or « beware of typos »
#5 If your life was a book, that title would you give this chapter of your life ?
oooh so i this chapter of my life closing soon ((RIP ME)) but i think id be called something like « what do i make ? » or « finding my voice »
#6 What is your stereotype in your friend group ?
oh lordy, im like a mom friend ((hi tasfia if youre reading this lol)), the super organised one that plans things lmaooo
#7 What’s your spirit animal ?
Im an owl or a fox lets be realll
#8 What’s the most unexplainable thing that’s ever happened to you? Does it still happen ?
lol not to get deep and sad but the amount of friends i have somehow managed to push away and lose... uhhh yea it does... im not good with relationships 😔sigh 
#9 What’s your favourite word and it’s meaning ?
extraordinary - adj very unusual or remarkable.
if you break the word down to its compoun words : « extra » and « ordinary » to me its almost as if it should mean something that is incredibly plain but its not, its quite the opposite of that. 
#10 What was something that made you smile this past week ?
i had a bunch of convos with my irl friend and coworker ((about wtfock LOLOLOL and just getting her to start watching skam lol)) that were super hilarious and just really nice 🥰
from @stoffans​ 🌸
#1 What would be the most fitting for you: the sun, the moon or the stars?
I think the moon. it has phases of lightness and darkness...
#2 Where have you felt incredibly out of place?
literally any party or group of people greater than three. im an incredible shy person around people i do not know very well and just sit there awkwardly...
#3 What are the moments in life that make you realise life isn’t all that bad?
when im out with my closest friends or when im making my creative work
#4 Which song makes you feel like you’re floating on a cloud?
visions of gideon by sufjan stevens its so soft and relaxing
#5 Sunset or sunrise?
seeing as im not usually awake fro sunrise lol, imma have to say sunset. i used to live near the beach when i still physically went to uni ((rip covid)) and man those colours and seeing the sun dip into the oceans wowow
#6 Do you like it when people do stuff for you without telling you?
i love that kind of stuff, im an acts of service kind of person and just the little things to show that they thought of me just gets me tbh
#7 Did you ever cheat on your tests in school?
uuhh nei, im a good student 😭
#8 Could you take care of a plant or would it die instantly?
i always had plants in my uni room, they did great 💛
#9 Do you think you’re a difficult person?
emotionally yes, i cant describe what im feeling and im terrible with words in difficult conversations... other than that, im the most indecisive person youll ever meet and pretty easy going.
#10 Give me one word to describe yourself
anticipatory or thoughtful. i guess these two kind go together but i like play out different outcomes in different scenarios and anticipate so much... 
from @grey-mist-exist​ 🍂 ((you tagged me on my main but i wanted to put them all together, i hope you dont mine 💛))
#1 Does your current means of transportation (car/bike/etc.) have a name? What is it?
uhhh so i havent been in a car in about a month soooo imma say my rolly desk chair that i use to zip around me room lol. its from IKEA and its called sporren
#2 If you could learn a language over-night, what language would you choose and why?
ahhh id learn norwegian ngl, dutch is close second. OORRR i stick to my roots and learn vietnamese 🤨 hmmm idkkk there are many languages i would love to learn 😭
#3 If you were an article of clothing, what would you want to be?
id be a jumper, to keep people warm and cozy
#4 You get teleported into a childhood fairy tale / folk story- what tale is it?
peter pan 🥰🥰🥰 my main’s user is enough i think lol
#5 You get the choice between time-travel or travelling to a parallel universe (but only being able to travel one time). Which do you choose?
parallel universe. i want to see how another me is getting on in life. what happens if my parents never moved us out of france 🥺
#6 Sun, moon, stars, or other? Why?
the stars are so interesting and mysterious
#7 If you were a path, what type of path would you be (concrete, cobblestone, dirt road, highway, asphalt, etc.)?
red brick. for the aesthetic lol
#8 How do you know when you’re in love?
i get butterflies in my stomach and my heart drops when they walk in
#9 What is your cellphone wallpaper?
bb fae look ((you already knew this was it but 💛💛)) 
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✨🌸💛✨🌸💛this lovely piece of art of my bb is by @jensrolt​ go check out all her other art, its always the cutest thing ever ✨🌸💛✨🌸💛
#10 If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
expert of molecular cuisine pls. i love cooking and food. that kind of science fascinates me
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fagidaze · 3 years
International DJ set of Techno Music 2021 - PIERO ZETA
D.J. guest professional guest in over 500 clubs in Italy and abroad, he began in 1975 in a private radio of Russi (RA) "Radio New York City" with a night program mixed then in the 80s for 6 years at the summer console of "New Happening" Pool Parco Terme di Brisighella (RA) from 82 to 90 'resident at the Domes of Castelbolognese (RA), in 1985 inaugurates the summer of the Owl / Movida again in Brisighella, in 90' with the advent of techno / trance / progressive music is among the forerunners of these musical genres with the Sushi, Tomahawk, Kiro and Gothic labels, thanks to his record productions, always at the top of the sector charts, he is a cult figure for all followers of the movement. Places where he played : "IL GATTO E LA VOLPE" (FE), "GHEODROME" (RN), "BAIA IMPERIALE" (PS), "MENHIR" (BO), , "STRAUSS" After Hour (RA), "EMBASSY" (RN), lo hanno avuto come D.J. resident. Ha inoltre effettuato performances come special guest in tutta Italia nei più importanti locali: Q-DANCE(Holland),HEMKADE 48(Holland),HEINEKEN FESTIVAL(Amsterdam), NUMBER ONE(BS),FLORIDA(BS), PARADISO(BS), MOMÀ (PG), IMPERIUM ATHENA (PA), DOMINA (SV), SHOK (CN), RED ZONE (PG), MIRO'(UD), MOVIDA (VE), OPERA' (LE), SORTILEGIO (IM), IL NIDO (SP), VIBE (BG), COCORICO'(RN), ILLIRIA (BG), VILLA CLUB(RM), TNT KAMASUTRA(VE), D.D.T. (FE), SONDA' (BG),MENHIR (BO) TEATRIZ(RA), CELLOPHANE (RN), ECU (RN), ECHOES (RN), INSOMNIA (PI),IMPERIALE(PI), BLUE KAOS (AR), EGO (VT), PICCHIO ROSSO (MO), COLOSSEO (PS), EXODUS (FE), PALA J. (FE), J&J (FE), PARADISO (BS), EXPERIA (IV), KING (SV), MITHOS (AV), NAPAM (BO), MAYDAY (MO), RIO GRANDE (RN), COTTON CLUB (RA), DESIDERIA (PR), SHALTER (BA), FAVOLA (BA), MUSIC PLANET(RA), STARFUCKERS RAVE, FABULA TOUR, BRAINSHOCK TOUR, , STRAUSS TOUR,COLOURS AND MUSIC LAB ecc…
Facabook www.facebook.com/pierozetadj/ Discogs www.discogs.com/it/artist/75701-Piero-Zeta Spotify open.spotify.com/artist/0m6by7mFe…lu?autoplay=true Beatport www.beatport.com/artist/piero-zeta/86358
#Piero Zeta
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barcaavengers · 5 years
Playing with Fire || Part 4 || Neymar Jr Imagine
Note: After so long its finally here! I'll do one more part probably since I took forever to upload this one but I've been so busy with life that every time I tried to finish it I changed it. Buuuut ITS HEEERE!
The days that followed after the night that Neymar confessed his feelings for you have been the most awkward ones between the two of you. You didn't dare to address him outside of the field because you felt like he would ask you about your feelings or the current status between you and Joseph. Things weren't going very well between the two of you. You have been so distant trying to balance your feelings for both of them that you had cancelled most of your plans to stay home with your thoughts. Neymar has been away in his matches and when he comes home you try to avoid him, or avoid his gaze anyway. The house was quieter than usual.
That was until today, where he was upstairs in his room while you were at the indoor pool alone with your thoughts. The door rang and you stand from the pool, wrapping a towel around your frame and heading to open the door. As you do, it takes all your will to not say something mean, to the person before you or Neymar. You could insult both, but you had to keep yourself in check.
”Ah, look what the news blew in” you say with a fake smile. “Took you long enough to show up again.”
”Good to see you too, Y/N. I see Neymar still moves you around with him” Bruna says, a fake smile up her lips as well.
”Yeah, well, I've been with him through everything, even when he is not a trending topic” you say.
Bruna remains quiet for a moment before looking over your shoulder, “Is Neymar home?” She asks.
”Why do you want to-?”
”Hey” Neymar says behind you and your eyes close tightly. Did he invite her over? Did he just really did that? Or was this just a coincidence. “It's okay, Y/N. I can take it from here” your neck turns to look at him, almost like an owl, a glare in your eyes, but he just looks at Bruna.
”Well then” you say, you give her one last look, which she reciprocates by smiling at you in the most hypocrite way, before turning on your heel, hitting Neymar's shoulder with your own as you pass through to go back to the pool. Childish but it shows the point.
You pull the towel off your body and toss it aggressively to the side as you let out a strangled scream to let out your frustration, hands on your hips. This couldn't be good. If he went back with her, you might lose him for real this time. He would always go back to her. Always. There was no doubt of that. How could he keep going back to her? Did he not learn about three break ups? Or four? You have lost count by now.
After an extra hour blowing off steam swimming from side to side in the pool, you make your way to your room and get ready to go out by yourself. You had to take a decision and it had to be now. You dress in something simple with jeans before going down the stairs, you take a quick glance to the living room and frown at the scene. Neymar was all over her, heart eyes, arm draped around her and her hand holding his, he was chuckling and talking softly at her and nothing has ever made you more jealous than that. You turn your head to continue walking out the door until-
”Hey, Y/N?” Bruna calls and you groan, taking a few steps back so they could see you. “Ney told me you have a boyfriend. I was thinking that maybe we could all go to the club. Like a double date” she says.
”I don't think Joseph would agree-”
”He goes wherever you go” Neymar says and you notice a hint of anger there somewhere.
”I'll see” its all you say before you walk out of the house and to one of Neymar’s cars that you used.
Unfortunately the next day in training Neymar spoke to Joseph about Bruna’s plans and he had agreed to go and you were cursing loudly at the world in your head. You were all now at the club, Neymar with Bruna, you and Joseph. Joseph was trying to get you to smile, giving your cheek and lips kisses, stroking your exposed shoulder with the pad of his fingers and whatnot. You smiled ever so weakly at him as you eyed Bruna and Neymar. They looked happy together...and it irked you.
”Come on, let's dance” you hear Joseph say and there is a tug on your hand and noticed he had stood up and was looking at you being lost in your thoughts. You master a smile and go with him to the dance floor, his hands on your hips and yours around his neck as you danced. He was holding you close and helping you move to the rhythm of the song. You look at the direction where the football player was and you frown as you see Bruna kissing him and he is chuckling happily. Your fingers tighten around your hands.
”Y/N, talk to me” Joseph snaps you out and you look at him. “You are acting very different, I feel you distant, what's going on?” He cups your cheek.
”I…” how to explain it. “I'm just confused” you admit to him. “I've been trying to organize my thoughts but I haven't been able to” you say through the music.
”It's because of them, right?” Joseph questions and your lips pressed together. “I think it would be a good moment to say that I know” you almost stop in your dancing. “I know you have feelings for Neymar, and I'm pretty sure he has feelings for you too. You two are just too stubborn to act on it.” Well that was a great point of view.
”Why else would you be living with him for so long and tagging along to his transfers? And the day you told me to pick you up was the same day of the interview he said he would go back to Bruna.”
”Joseph, I-”
”Hey” he cups your face in his hands, “it's okay. You gave me a chance to move on from him, and I know that you tried” he assures you. “I only feel bad that I wasn't enough to make you forget about him.”
”Joseph, no” you say quickly as your hands go to cover his. “Geez, no. Don't say that. It isn't that you aren't enough. You are so much more” You say and groan. “Gosh, you are...perfect. You are caring, you are a gentleman, you are sweet. Any girl would be happy to have you. I am” you say. “Don't ever say that again.” He smiles softly at you, but the hint of sadness in it made you take a one way guilt trip. “I tried, like, I really did. It's just...I think I love that jerk” you say as you look at Ney who you found looking at you. “And it sucks cause all I wanna do is slap him for doing such terrible decisions.”
”Totally get it” Joseph says with a smirk. “But you two need to sort things out or one will lose the other at some point. It's already happening for the looks of it” he looks at them and you frown at his words.
”Them? Nah, watch the news of him coming to France die down, she will vanish from existence until the World Cup or when he is back on being a trend. She always does that.”
”Why does he keep going for her, then? I wouldn't be with her if things go like you say.” That's when you get a flashback of Neymar telling you that he only goes back to Bruna because he can't have you. Even if you have wanted him for so long yet neither of your prides gave in to admit it. Now both of you were in this mess.
”Not even sure” you answer simply.
”Do you want to talk to him now?”
”No. No. Absolutely not.” You take a glance at Neymar and Bruna is pulling him to his feet and takes him to a corner of the place to dance. “Definitely not.”
”You are gonna wait for her to keep convincing him and teasing you?”
”No…” silence. “But he could reject me. He has been acting like a jerk when he is with her” you admit.
”I can take care of that…” a smirk comes up Joseph’s lips. “How good is your acting?”
So you both have thought of a way to get Neymar away from Bruna and away from the place. Joseph and you continue to dance and act normal until suddenly you start feeling “dizzy” in front of the other couple.
”Woah, are you okay?” Joseph asks and you can tell Neymar is looking at you with concerned eyes.
”It's really hot here…” you say as you fan yourself before you let your legs get wobbly and Neymar is quick to reach for you, releasing Bruna.
”Y/N how many drinks did you have?” He asks and you shrug before going limp when making sure they had a good hold of you.
”She didn't drink more than two drinks...She did say she wasn't feeling good a while ago.” Joseph says.
”And you didn't say anything and let her keep drinking?” Neymar sounded mad. Good.
”She didn't want to go to my place so” Joseph shrugs. “Just take her with you, tomorrow I was called to work and she wasn't, you can watch out for her.”
Neymar frowns but doesn't say anything. You hope it wouldn't seem so obvious that Joseph was pushing him to take you home. “Fine.”
”I don't wanna go yet” Bruna says quickly as Neymar gets a better hold of you.
”Joseph can take you later. I can't leave her like this here.” Neymar says. “Can you do that?”
”Yeah. No problem. I'll pick her up later tomorrow” Joseph says and kisses your cheek, you can't help but smile.
Neymar helps you into his car as careful as he always has been with you. Whispering “careful” and “there we go” when you were in already. He gets in taking a last glance of you before starting the engine. Your eyes are half closed for a while before you stirr and look at him “I broke up with Joseph” you say and you look at him, his body tenses for a moment.
”You will regret it. You are drunk” he says coldly, not looking at you.
”I'm not drunk” you say, and you look at the road and notice you are close to his house. “I was pretending...He helped” you admit.
”Why would you do that?”
You laugh dryly, “Why right?” You ask with a huff. “I guess it doesn't matter if you don't know” you say, the gate to his house opening.
”I thought you were happy with him. He is a great guy and not a jerk” he says. “You liked him.”
”I expected you to know better” you say and look at the house as he parks the car.
”Why?” He asks. “Just...why all of a sudden now?”
”Because I've had enough of this, Junior” he flinches at the call. “You and Bruna...I had enough of it. I can't keep watching you just waste your time with her and for her to keep taking advantage of you to be popular.”
”Y/N, she is not-”
”Isn't she going to start working on a movie or series of some sorts soon? She wants to be talked about while this happens. Then she is out when she gets popular and dumps you. Again.” He doesn't say anything, he just sighs deeply. “Believe what you want then. Be with her if you want, but I already told you my side. Is up to you to decide what you are going to do.” You open the car door and step out quickly, making your way to the front door and just leaving it open. You go up to your room and close the door as well and throw yourself on the bed. So now the only thing left to do is wait. Did Neymar catch the drift that you broke up with Joseph to be with him? Or was he that oblivious?
”Y/N?” Neymar calls from the other side of the door and you sit up. “Come on, let's...let's just leave things clear because I'm tired of my mind being fucked with.” Well that's progress. You just hoped he didn't include you in that list.
You stand up and open the door after kicking your shoes to the side to feel more comfortable. As soon as you open up, he looks up with a soft gaze, yet he moves his hand quickly to the back of your neck and under your hair, forcing your lips to meet his. You are taken back from the action but quick to kiss him back. He wasn't biting your lips like he used to do it when he teased. It was a sensual kiss, his tongue running along your lip before he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. “Say it…” he whispers. “Tell me to break up with her and that you will be mine…”
”I'm yours…” you say, but ask him to break up with Bruna? That has to come from him.
His hand rests on the back of your head, the other one went around your waist pushing you flush against him and kissing you again, slow and passionate. Your arm went around his neck as the other rested on the arm around your waist. He gets you against the wall and presses himself against you, and even though he has done this several times to you, this time was different. This time there was another energy, not the teasing one that always surrounded you both. His lips moved so slowly against yours, taking his time with the kiss as he brushed them together before kissing you again. You caressed his cheek, feeling the soft stubble of his beard as you kissed him. His hand slides under your shirt to touch the skin of your back, fingertips tracing your back as he pressed closer and moved to kiss along your neck. His lips kissed the skin in pecks, then open mouthed kisses in your weak spot that he knew so well. Your neck moved to the side to expose yourself to him, and he took the chance to kiss every inch of it and after a few moments, he started to use his tongue. You could feel the tip against your skin in a few kisses, then in the open mouthed kisses before he lowered himself and licked along your exposed collarbone. Your hands were lost in his hair as you were lost in the bliss, tugging softly and letting out a soft whimper.
He reaches for the hem of your shirt and slowly pulls it up, not detaching himself from your neck until it was necessary. You do the same for his and once its off he places his leg between yours and presses against your core causing you to move forward. You both pull into each other and continue to kiss passionately. His hand roaming your back before it slid forward to your chest. He pulled away from your neck and tugged down the straps of your bra down, your cheeks flushing at how soft and lustful he looked as he did. You bit your lower lip as you helped him remove the straps from your shoulders and then reached back to unclasp it, letting it fall on the floor. He licks his lips as he brushes a hand over the skin of your breast, fingertips skimming down before they reached your nipple which he pinched and tugged at. Your hips move slightly in search of a friction against his hips and he smirks as he looks into your eyes.
”Are you just going to tease or actually do something?” You ask with raised eyebrows, yet a playful tone with it.
”Just taking my time…” he says nonchalantly as he looks down at your breasts. His hand ghosts down to your stomach, tracing the outline of your shorts before ghosting back up. You can't believe you are being so still, this wasn't you, but the gestures and how he was acting with you was so...different and new to you.
He slides his hand to your hip, placing the other one on the other side before he bends down and takes a nipple between his lips and you gasp. Your eyes close as you feel him sucking on the nub, a hand sliding down to your rear and groping it as he does. You feel yourself getting wet at the action and weak at the knees and you sigh at the feeling. Your fingers run through his hair, your eyes half closed watching as he pulls away and takes the other one between his lips, now looking up at you. Your teeth catch your bottom lip and you bite on it and throw your head back, he pulls away before flicking the nub with his tongue before sucking on it again. Your hips start grinding against his leg and he moves it up for you to do so and get the friction you need. The hand on your butt groping and helping you move against his leg earning a moan from you.
Neymar pulls away and with his free hand cups the side of your face and traces your lips with his thumb, you purse your lips and kiss it making him smile. He chuckles softly and kisses your lips one time before releasing you and taking your hand, walks backwards and you move forward as he leads you to your bed. He sits down and looks up at you as his hands reach for the back of your thighs, and once you are close enough, you place a leg and each side of him and lower yourself on his lap and you can feel his hardness right under you and moving your hips once forward just for the sake of it making him hiss. He pulls you close as he looks into your eyes, brushing the hair away from your face before he attacks your lips again, full need and passion and lust in this one. He is kissing your lips like his life depended on it, his body going flush against yours every time he pulled back during the kiss. Your fingers tugged at the hair on the back of his neck and gasped for air before you pushed him back by his shoulders and he fell back on the bed. You pull yourself back so you are standing and tug down your shorts, standing in your underwear after stepping out of them while he did the same with his own, only that he remained on the bed as he did. He goes backwards on the bed and you follow him as he chuckles, acting as if he was trying to get away from you only to wrap an arm around you to flip you so you were on your back.
”I always wanted to have this with you…” he says, kissing your forehead before reaching for your lips as he positioned himself on top of you, your leg wrapped around his hip to pull him close. His hips moved down to move against your core and all you wanted was to tear the underwear off to feel all of him. Your hands roam all over his body, every inch of skin. He was going to be yours. You were finally going to have all of him after so many attempts and so much teasing. You will be his and there was no turning back now. He starts moving his hips back and forth against yours as he kisses you, your own meeting his moves as you breath heavy against him while he shifts his weight so he is resting it on his forearms. It doesn't last long, he reaches with one hand between your bodies, sliding a hand in your underwear and pressing his fingers against your clit.
”Ney…” you gasp and reach for his arm, gripping at it. Your lips move to his cheek, then to his ear where you bite and tug at his earlobe. He adds more pressure to your clit, adding speed as he does causing a moan to leave your lips right next to his ear making him groan. Your other hand reaches down to play with the waistband of his underwear before sliding a hand inside and palming him. His breath hitched in your ear at the contact of your hand, kissing right under your ear after. His fingers continue to move on you before he slides them down to your wet entrance. Your hips buck up searching for more, because you wanted more from Neymar. Finally you had him in your bed with no sense of teasing. It was finally you and him being honest with yourselves.
”I wanted this for so long…” his forehead rests against yours as he speeds up inside of you making you gasp and moan. Just when you start to feel that feeling down low indicating that you are close he decides to pull his hand away. “I'll make you feel so good” his nose judges yours and you smile at the gesture and his words. Fingers start to pull your underwear down and you lift your body to help him and once they were off he moved to his. You have seen Neymar naked, several times, you two lived together after all for a long time, but seeing him right in front of you and knowing what was going to happen had your heartbeat racing and your cheeks were turning hot. “You are blushing” he chuckles as he climbs on top of you.
”Leave me alone” you say playfully as you open your arms for him and he lands right in them. He is quick to press a kiss on your cheek before moving to kiss your neck, open kisses being placed on the skin with the occasional biting of here and there making you whimper. Your hand played with his curls while the other one moved down his back scratching at it softly. He stayed kissing your neck and collarbone a little longer, biting the skin and sucking softly on it earning yet another moan from you as he left his mark. His body shifted slightly before he sat on his legs, his hands tracing down your side and middle, reaching your hips and giving it a soft squeeze and bringing you closer to him making you giggle.
He takes his length and gives it a few strokes and you are unable to keep your eyes away from him, your hand pushing the hair away from your face as he aligns himself in your entrance. Your legs spread a little further and he takes the hint to slide inside of you and it was almost as if electricity went through your body when he did and a sigh of relief along with it. A hiss comes through his breath as he saw himself go further inside of you, his grip on your hip tightening while the other hand moves to rest besides your head. He remains still as he positions himself on top of you, “You okay?” He asks in a soft breath as he looks down at you and you nod. He smiles before pushing all the way in and pulling back out halfway before thrusting in once more.
You move your hips to signal him to continue and he takes the gesture and starts thrusting at a faster pace. The hand on your hip reaches for the hand on his hair and pins it on the bed roughly. Those dance moves he pulls off every once in a while really pay off because the way his hips were moving as he thrusted every time was hitting just the right places. You moaned as he hit the right spot, your back arching into him as your body was taken over the pleasure. He slowed down the pace of his hips as he noticed this and gave slow powerful thrusts against the spot and you moaned loudly while he groaned. Your free hand was now holding onto the bed sheets as he sped up his moves once again, little whimpers leaving your lips as your lips remained apart. “Neymar…” you moaned and the hand holding yours moved to hold onto the header of the bed and his thrusts became more powerful.
”Are you close, baby? Hmm?” He hummed and you nodded your head, your hips meeting his making the sound of skin meeting skin and knowing it was yours against his was driving you to cloud nine. Until he stopped. Again. “I'm not done with you yet” he teases as he pulls away from you and lands on his back on the bed. You glare at him and he pats his lap and you knew what he wanted. You fix your posture and sit up and move one leg on his side, his hands quickly moving to your hip and to your thigh. Your own reaches behind you and gives him a few slow strokes and he hitches his breath and gives you a warning look, “If you keep doing that…” you smile innocently before raising your hips and lowering yourself on his length with ease.
You bite your lower lip and when you look down at him his hazel eyes looked darker and filled with lust. You grind your hips back and forth in slow movements, his hands helping you keep a pace as you find that one spot that will make you reach your high. His eyes alternate from looking at you to your hips, hands tightening as his hips started to buck and you gasp his name. You start moving up and down on him and he holds your hips still so he can move his upwards. “Fuck, Ney…” you moan rather loudly as he quickened his pace, his head is pressed down on the pillow and his eyes close for a moment and so do yours. Your head tilts back in pleasure and your hand grips his shoulder while the other one runs up your body and through your hair to hold it back from your sweaty forehead.
His hands move away from you and to his side to lift his upper body up as he continues to thrust. You lean forward and kiss him passionately, his tongue moving against yours and his teeth sinking into your lip and tugging at it with a small growl. You gasp at the action, nails digging into his shoulder and he pulls back to hiss, eyes opening to watch your hips meet. “Come on, baby...Let go…” he falls back on the bed and uses a hand to smack your butt as he continues to thrust into you. You whimper, trying to hold back as much as you could but the way he was looking up at you, his hand behind the back of his head, his torso glistening with hints of sweat, his hand on your butt groping at it and making pressure to push you forward was making it quite difficult.
You lean forward and bite at his neck and he groans following by another slap to your rear. Your hips quicken to push yourself and you can't take the pleasure anymore. A few more bounces on him and his hips meeting yours and he let's go first and you gasp at the warm feeling inside of you before reaching your own climax with a louder moan, your cheek resting against his. Your walls clenching around him as your body shakes, his hips moving to ride both of your highs and make it last as long as possible. Your breath is coming short and so does his while he groaned, you hold yourself up with one hand on his chest and the other one on the bed as you regain your breath.
He runs a hand through your hair, moving it to one side and away from your face before he kisses your neck, and you hear his soft pants as he does. Your eyes remain close to focus on the feeling of his lips, a soft smile in your lips. “That was amazing” he says as he rests his forehead on your shoulder. You giggle and when you are about to say something you hear a phone going off. You two look at each other and he waves his hand in the air “Ignore it, could be work.”
”It's your phone” you say as you run a hand through your hair and resting besides him. His phone was vibrating a while back but both of you ignored it, now it was going off and you could take a great guess at who could it be.
”It has to be her…” he says and he stays silent for a moment. “I'm not answering” he says as he scoots closer to you and pulls you close, settling his head on your chest.
You instinctively wrap your arms around him and run a set of fingers through his curls. “You have to at some point…” you say quietly.
”Not now. She will ruin the whole night for us…” he says through his muffled voice. His eyes were closed, looking so calm and angelic, you can almost say his lips were curved in a soft smile.
”Ney…” you say and he hums. “What are you going to do? Are you going to… or….?” You started a question that you couldn't even fill the blanks into. Was he going to leave her? Was he still going to be with her? Was this all he wanted and now that he got it he thinks he can have it with you whenever he pleased?
The question made him push himself up and he looks at you, his hazel eyes searching into yours. “Y/N, come on. I can be a jerk but not to that level.” He says and lays on his side besides you, his hand touching your face, “Você é a melhor coisa que já aconteceu comigo” he says to you in a whisper and pecks your lips. You weren't fluent in Portuguese but you understood and could talk some things.
”E a sua carreira? As Olimpíadas?” You tease and he rolls his eyes and pushes you lightly.
”You killed it.” You laugh and he chuckles after. “But yes, even that” he says before adding. “You were there before that, and have stayed with me through everything. Injuries, drama, girlfriends, parties, hate, everything” he reaches for your hand and you look at them as your fingers intertwine. “You and I have always been more…” when you look up at him, his gaze is so loving and soft that you can't help but bring him down with your free hand for a kiss.
You two pull away and he goes back to resting on his back on the bed. “If you are going to do it...We have to wait a while before we say anything about us…” you point out.
”You are right” he says. “Next week is Paris’ Fashion Week and you are coming with me” he grins.
”Wait what?” Your eyes widen.
”Yeah, I'll break up with her tomorrow and give us a few days and then we can make it official when you come with me.”
”Neymar, come on that's way too fast.”
”And? You have been with me all the time, people know who you are, kind of. Remember when I first brought you to live with me and the press started the rumors that we were together until I announced I was with Bruna?”
”True...But it's different…”
”It's not. Except that now the press will say that the girl that has always been with me is now my girlfriend and is official” he shrugs.
You think about it and sigh, Ney wasn't one to care about what the press said and when he gave a care it was mostly negative news and he proves them wrong. This was not going to be any different. “Okay, I'll go with you.” He was set on this decision.
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seertobelieve · 4 years
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full name: Sybill Patricia Trelawney
nickname(s): Billy, Ney-ney, anything really
FC: Saorise Ronan
dob:  9th March
age: 16
gender: Female
sexuality:  open to anything
house:  Ravenclaw
year: 6th Year
blood status: Halfblood
patrons:  Great Grey Owl
club(s)?: Divination
house leader?:  nope
quidditch?: nope
side: Neutral
Growing up Sybill was fascinated with her Great Great Grandmother  Cassandra Trelawney. She became fascinated with the idea of Seers and prophecies. But she never expected that she would ever have the gift. Though she still isn’t completely convinced that she does. And most people that she brings it up too scoff and say she is just making it up for attention.
But she has been getting more “visions” and “sensing” things the last couple of years.
It started with just having a feeling that someone was off. And then the next day a student would be hurt or there would be a fight within the school, or there would be more bad news about the war. But she put that down to being scared of the war in general. Not that she was sensing anything was going to happen.
And then she started to have the dreams. She never remembers everything that happens but she would remember who she had the dream about. And a sense of dread would wash over her. Sometimes she tries to warn them but more often than not she comes across as crazy. So most of the time she tries her best to ignore the cloud that seemed to stay over her head until something actually happened. And she hates that, in a way, she gets relieved when something does go wrong. Because that means she isn’t crazy. Right?
She can go long periods of time without sleeping because of her dreams. During that time she usually has quick naps on the Ravenclaw couches and spends her nights either doing little crafts or reading to keep her brain occupied.
She does love reading tea leaves though. She will read peoples leaves at any time of the day. And even keeps some supplies in her bag just in case.
She always loves Astronomy and like spending time up in the tower. It makes her feel peaceful being up that high in a weird way.
How she ended up in Ravenclaw she has no idea. She feels like she belongs in Hufflepuff if she was being honest with herself. She doesn’t have the smarts, or creativity, to be in Ravenclaw. And she can barely manage to figure out the answer to the riddle on most days to get into the tower. Sometimes she needs to wait for someone else to show up to actually let her inside. Her grades are okay but she’s never really been focused on them.
She does excel at Divination though. Obviously.
The war...doesn’t interest her. Not that she doesn't care about innocent people getting hurt! More so that she tries her best to ignore that it is even happening. Because she can feel herself zoning out every time she thinks about it. She doesn’t like the terrible feeling she gets in her gut. Like something big will happens. Though she can't put her finger on what.
She is a real sweetheart really. She likes making people happy. And if you want her to be happy then just give her a cup of tea and maybe some biscuits. 
Is a little naive and tends to believe anything that people tell her.
She's from a small village in Ireland and her accent can get a little thick sometimes when she's worked up.
She has a pet Black cat called Cas after her Grandmother.
wanted connections:
friends! a character always needs some friends.
exes - i’m gonna say she has dated only two people. and they can be any gender. both would have ended on friendly terms.
crush - its really easy for Sybill to get a crush on someone though she tends to not have the courage to actually confess her feelings. so a little unrequited crush could be cute!
someone just come love this little muffin please <3
would be cool to have her have a dream about your character and maybe tell them something is gonna happen? she will seem a bit crazy but that’s where the fun is!
bullys - come make my baby miserable because i need angst in my life. a fun plot might be if she mentions to a DE character that she saw the truth in one of her dreams and they are bullying her to keep her silent.
anything honestly i’ll take all connections/plots!
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diceriadelluntore · 5 years
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Storia Di Musica #69 - Carly Simon, No Secrets, 1972
Il disco di oggi contiene una delle canzoni più famose di tutti i tempi. Arriva anche molto presto nella carriera di Carly Simon, che di gavetta ne aveva già fatta. Figlia di una ricca famiglia newyorkese (il Signor Simon suo padre fu il fondatore della grande casa editrice Simon&Schuster) ha sin da adolescente una passione per la musica. A metà anni sessanta con la sorella Lucy si esibisce nei locali folk di New York come Simon Sisters e nel 1964 una loro registrazione, Winkin’, Blinkin’ And Nod arriva anche in classifica. Lucy si sposa e abbandona i palcoscenici fino a metà anni ‘70, quando inizierà a scrivere con successo musiche per gli spettacoli di Broadway. Carly ha però un’occasione colossale quando Albert Grossman, famoso produttore, le organizza delle sessioni con Robbie Robertson, Rick Dando e Richard Manuel della The Band, Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield e persino l’aiuto di Dylan ai testi, ma le divergenze con il produttore mandano tutto all’aria. Si ritira per alcuni anni, salvo riapparire nel 1970 quando con l’aiuto di un famoso critico cinematografico dell’Esquire, Jacob Brackman, inizia a scrivere e aggiustare canzoni. Nel 1971 il debutto: registrato agli Electric Ladyland Studios di New York da Eddie Kramer, l’ingegnere del suono di Jimi Hendrix, l’omonimo Carly Simon, trascinato dal singolo That’s The Way I’ve Always Heard It Should Be, le apre le porte del successo, coronato l’anno successivo dalla vittoria del Grammy come miglior nuova voce femminile. Il successo è travolgente, e la Simon ne sfrutta l’onda con Anticipation nello stesso anno, il cui singolo Anticipation, usato per famosi all’epoca spot commerciali, racconta delle sue sensazioni in attesa di avere un appuntamento con Cat Stevens. L’album vende tantissimo e la Simon è ormai un’artista apprezzata per il suo gusto musicale, la sua voce calda e magnetica e per la sua bellezza, tanto che iniziano a circolare voci di relazioni con alcuni tra i nomi più importanti del panorama musicale. Nel 1972 la Simon va a Londra per registrare il suo nuovo disco: ad accompagnarla James Taylor, suo fidanzato e futuro marito l’anno successivo. Dopo due dischi di successo l’attesa è elevata e i due chiamano il meglio in produzione: Paul Buckmaster dirige un gruppo di tecnici e soprattutto musicisti che fanno la fila per lavorare con l’artista del momento. In No Secrets infatti suonano Andy Newmark (già con Sly & The Family Stone e poi batterista di fiducia di John Lennon), Peter Robinson, il basso leggendario di Klaus Voorman (che fu anche disegnatore, sua la leggendaria copertina di Revolver dei Beatles nel 1966), in una canzone Lowell George e Bill Payne dei Little Feat e ai cori in una canzone, Night Owl, già incisa da James Taylor, perfino Paul McCartney e Linda Eastman, che diventerà grande amica di Carly. Il disco vuole enfatizzare le scelte di gusto che la Simon aveva già fatto con gli album precedenti, in bilico tra un pop sofisticato e canzoni più elaborate in stile Joni Mitchell. L’album si apre con la delicata The Right Thing To Do, dedicata a Taylor, e contiene alcune canzoni davvero belle come We Have No Secrets, Waited So Long, When You Close Your Eyes e la già citata Night Owl. Ma una canzone diventerà davvero iconica, una delle canzoni del secolo. You’re So Vain, con il suo inizio mitico di basso (opera di Voorman), i violini di Buckmaster e quel ritmo irresistibile diviene mitica per tre motivi: in primis, per le leggende che iniziarono a girare su chi fosse il protagonista del brano, un elegante mascalzone sciupa-femmine, che molti indizi suggeriscono fosse Warren Beatty, anche se la Simon non ha mai confermato; il testo è famoso per alcune invenzioni della Simon, tra cui la sciarpa color albicocca, la gavotta (gavotte) evocata nella prima strofa, che è una danza francese originaria della regione del Gap (i cui abitanti sono detti gavots) e che in questo caso ha valore metaforico di pretenzioso, di uomo troppo in fiducia di sè ma soprattutto il famoso verso clouds in my coffee, metafora di sogni infranti e illusori, da allora diventato un modo di dire; nei cori, riconoscibilissimi dal secondo ritornello, ci sono Mick Jagger e Harry Nilsson, altri due indiziati dal gossip come destinatari del brano. Sia come sia il disco vende tantissimo, e il successo si ripete nel 1974 con Hot Cakes, uno dei dieci dischi più venduti d’America quell’anno, trascinato dal singolo Mockinbird cantato con James Taylor. I successivi sono anni di colonne sonore (come Nobody Does It Better per il film di 007 La Spia Che Mi Amava), la partecipazione al grande concerto No Nukes e molte canzoni che perdono lo smalto dei primi dischi e virano pericolosamente sull’easy listening. Negli anni ‘80 divorzia dal marito ma, dopo un disco interessante, Torch, dove pesca nel grande repertorio jazz, il lampo: nel 1989 vince l’Oscar come miglior tema di colonna sonora con Let The River Run, colonna sonora di Una Donna In Carriera con Melanie Griffith e Harrison Ford. La Simon diventerà paladina della prevenzione contro il cancro al seno dopo che ella stessa ne fu malata, e di tanto in tanto ritorna con lavori di classico pop retrospettivo: lontano dal clamore e dal talento di quegli anni ruggenti dove cantò in maniera indimenticabile la vanità di qualcuno che aveva conosciuto.
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braisedhoney · 2 years
the captain may need their sleep but YOUR captain is running solely off of chocolate covered espresso beans.
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour
Janvier 30/31. Arnaud Rebotini : musique live pour "Fix Me" d'Alban Richard – théâtre de Chaillot 31. Deena Abdelwahed + M.E.S.H. – Gaîté lyrique 31. Go!Zilla + Siz + Deaf Parade – Supersonic (gratuit)
Février 01. Le Comte + Christine + Atoem – Palais de le Porte dorée 01. Negative Space + Volition Immanent + N0v3l – La Station 01. Lust For Youth + Dead Horse One + San Carol + Venice Bliss – Supersonic 01. Autrenoir + Linda Olah + Uriel Bartélémi – théâtre de Vanves 01. Cylene (François Bonnet & Stephen O'Malley) + Kreemer (Cameron Jamie & Dennis Tyfus) + Xavier Boussiron – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) ||COMPLET|| 01/02. Erik Minkkinen – Pauline Perplexe (Arcueil) 01/02. Arnaud Rebotini : musique live pour "Fix Me" d'Alban Richard – théâtre de Chaillot 02. Tempers – Supersonic (gratuit) 02. Fraction + Frédéric D. Oberland + Clara De Asis + MTUA + Raphaël Mouterde + Sébastien Roux + Fantasia Nei Dessert & Romain Al'l + Hourvari + Aloyse Lucas (fest. Les Sonifères) – DOC 02. The Residents – Gaîté lyrique 02. Shabazz Palaces + Dälek (fest. Sons d'hiver) – Théâtre de la Cité internationale 02. Venetian Snares + Dbridge + Zoe McPherson + Bastos + Behzad Ghorbani – Concrete 02. Jennifer Cardini + Javi Rodondo – Badaboum 03. Mesce basse + :such: + Duncan Pinhas + Alexandre del Torchio + Isothesis & Alexandra Radulescu + Opaque + Armand Lesecq + NO3sis (fest. Les Sonifères) – DOC 03. Aidan Baker + The Eye of Time (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 05. Zombie Zombie – Bigwax Records (gratuit) 05. Nadja + Saudaa Group + Lacustre – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 06. Binidu + Hilgege + Deux Boules vanille – Supersonic (gratuit) 06. Brendan Perry – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 07. VNV Nation – Le Trabendo 07. Tomaga + Jozef Van Wissem + Noyades + La Jungle – Petit Bain 07. Subtle Turnhips – La Pointe Lafayette 08. Cartouche + Ddash + VHS from Space + Professeur Postérieur – Le Cirque électrique 08. Manu le Malin + 3FAZé + DKLé + Nawak – Glazart 08. Headless Horseman + Ø [Phase] + Joton + Electric Rescue – Rex Club 09. Psyche + Sarin + Law & Haktion + Cassie Raptor b2b Mila Dietrich  – La Station 09. Leopardo + Rose Mercie + Eggs – Le Zorba 09. The Ex : "Ethiopian Night" (fest. Sons d'hiver) – salle Jacques-Brel (Fontenay-sous-Bois) 09. Veronica Vasicka – Badaboum 10. Therapy? – La Maroquinerie 10. Fake Off + Youth Avoiders + Potence – Le Rigoletto 11. Massive Attack feat. Liz Fraser jouent « Mezzanine » – Zénith 13. Pierre Bastien & Philippe Dupuy + Laake – Petit Bain 14. Slash Roubex + Krab + Joan Jett Fanclub + Gauchoir + Zaraz Wam Zagram – Les Nautes 15. Peter Kernel + Totorro – Petit Bain 15. Codex Empire + Schwefelgelb + Philipp Strobel + Panzer – Petit Bain 15. Kælan Mikla + Some Ember – Black Star 16. Krikor (fest. FAME) – Gaîté lyrique (gratuit) 16. Teledetente666 + Balladur + Bajram Bili + Teknomom + Coeval + Marai + Steep Incline b2b Quentin Pierce – La Station 16. Anthony Braxton + Dave Douglas & Bill Laswell (fest. Sons d'hiver) – théâtre Jacques-Carat (Cachan) 16. Homoagent + Huren + Orphan Swords + Salem Unsigned + Sirio Gry J + Verset Zero... – tba 16. Jasss + Dactylo + Nizar + Pipi de Freche – NF-34 19. Bruit noir + Red – Point FMR 21. Mlada Fronta + Absolute Valentine + Neoslave – Petit Bain 21. Collection d'Arnell Andrea + Katzkab – Bus Palladium 21. Rouge Gorge + Fiasco + Peur bleue – L'International 22. Marquis de Sade – Petit Bain 22. Lucie Antunes + Clémence Lasme, Kim, Gaspar Claus, Halo Maud & Yadh Elyes – Théâtre de Vanves 22/23. Nils Frahm – Le Trianon ||COMPLET|| 24. Nils Frahm – Le Trianon 28. Bryan's Magic Tears + Steeple Remove + Seppuku – Point FMR 28. The Zeros + Astaffort Mods – Le Klub
Mars 02. Lydia Lunch & Marc Hurtado jouent Alan Vega et Suicide – Silencio (gratuit sur résa) 02. Le Groupe obscur + Le Ton mité + Golden Q – L'International 02. Shlømo + UVB + Charles Fenckler + Darzack + Delta Funktionen + Keepsakes – Studio du Lendit (Saint-Denis) 02. Boy Harsher + Kontravoid – Badaboum ||COMPLET|| 03. Camera – Olympic café 03. Geld + Youth Avoiders + Plomb – Le Picolo (Saint-Ouen) 05. Orgue Agnès + Borja Flames + Gilles Poizat – Petit Bain 07. Scratch Massive – Gaîté lyrique 07. Gum Takes Tooth + Usé + Society of Silence – Badaboum 07. The Dead Brothers + Dédé Macchabée – Péniche Antipode 08. FTR + Deadpan – Olympic café 09. Deeat Palace + Maoupa Mazzoccheti + Krikor + Crave + Iueke + Moyō – La Station 09. Paulie Jan + Witnesses Without Hands + Mod303 & The SHADERS + Alexandre Navarro (dj) (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 10. James Chance & Die Contortions – Supersonic 12. Yann Tiersen – Salle Pleyel 12. Dominique A – Espace 1789 (Saint-Ouen) 13.  Helluvah + IDK IDA + Cebe Barnes (dj)(Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 13. F/lor + Jérôme Lorichon & Quentin Rollet + Don Nino – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14. Parade Ground + BadBad + The Wheal + Versolo – Supersonic (gratuit) 14. Stefan Rusconi & Tobias Preisig + Étienne Jaumet (fest. Paris Music) – Église Saint-Eustache 14. La Colonie de vacances – Cabaret sauvage 14. Raoul Vignal (fest. Paris Music) – Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris 14. Dave Phillips + Evil Moisture + Feromil – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Rubin Steiner (fest. Paris Music) – Crypte archéologique du parvis de Notre-Dame 15. Bertrand Burgalat (fest. Paris Music) – Musée des Arts et Métiers 15. Zombie Zombie (fest. Paris Music) – Cathédrale américaine 15. Silent Servant + Machine Woman + Tolouse Low Trax – Concrete 16. Christ. + Alexandre Navarro (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 17. Giulio Aldinucci + Paskine + Waveland (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 19. thisquietarmy + Haxo + Ilia Gorovitz (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 20. Oomph! – La Machine 21. Olivia Block + Marc Baron – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 22. Delia Derbyshire (diff.) + Lettera 22 + Evil Moisture + Caterina Barbieri + Drew McDowall : "Coil's Time Machines" (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 22. The Young Gods – La Maroquinerie 22. Crystal Fighters – Gaîté lyrique 23. Pierre Boeswillwald (diff.) + Max Eilbacher + Andrea Belfi + Sarah Davachi + William Basinski & Lawrence English (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Snapped Ankles + Wild Classical Music Ensemble + Man from Uranus – La Maroquinerie 23. Les Harry's & Stefan Neville (fest. Sonic Protest) – Châpiteaux turbulents 23. Kas:st + Paule Temple + Shlømo + VTSS + Parfait – tba 24. Warren Burt (diff.) + Mats Erlandsson + Okkyung Lee + Low Jack + BJ Nielsen (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Chantal Acda + Miles Oliver + Julien Ledru (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 25. Laibach – Trabendo 26. Jon Porras (Barn Owl) + Mathias Delplanque (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 27. Strangelove + Background (dj) (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 28. Scanner + Openendedgroup & Natasha Barrett + Raphaël Imbert & Benjamin Lévy – Centre Pompidou 28. Euromilliard + Humbros + Peür + Pumice (fest. Sonic Protest) – La Station 29. Perturbator – Le Trianon 29. Jandek + Confusional Quartet + Société étrange (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de l'Échangeur (Bagnolet) 30. Marc Almond – Le Trianon 30. Seabuckthorn + Rach Three + CollAGE D (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 30. Lahcen Akil & les Chaâbi Brothers + Suzanne Ciani + The Coolies + Lemones + Les Statonells (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de l'Échangeur (Bagnolet) 31. Fuji Kureta + Mei (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 31. Claudio Simonetti (Goblin) joue "Suspiria" et autres – Flow
Avril 02. Schtum + Shit & Shine (fest. Sonic Protest) – Mona Bismarck American Center 02. Steve Gunn + Papercuts – Petit Bain 02. Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal (fest. Les Rares Talents) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 03. Han Bennink + Jean-François Pauvros + Anne-Laure Pigache & Anne-Julie Rollet + Parlophonie (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de Vanves 03>06. Shannon Wright + Regina Demina + Camilla Sparksss (fest. Les femmes s'en mêlent) – Trabendo 04. Dust Breeders & Mattin + Lydia Lunch & Marc Hurtado jouent Suicide et Alan Vega + Anna Zaradny (fest. Sonic Protest) – église Saint-Merry 05. Bégayer + France + Frédéric Blondy joue "Occam XXV" d'Éliane Radigue (fest. Sonic Protest) – église Saint-Merry 05. Beirut – Le Grand Rex 05. Rendez-Vous + Qual – Gaîté lyrique 05/06. Nadia Lauro & Zeena Parkins : Stichomythia – Centre Pompidou 06. Molecule – Gaîté lyrique 06. These New Puritans + Scintii – Petit Bain 06. Kokoko! – Badaboum 06. Dylan Carlson + Julien Clauss + Hermine + Lee Patterson + Ut + Blenno Die Wurstbrücke (fest. Sonic Protest) – Cirque électrique 08. The Specials – La Cigale 09. Young Widows + Nesseria – Petit Bain 10. Daughters – Point FMR 13. Toner Low + Ambassador 21 + The Fat + Orso + Evil Grimace + Gurt + Ddent + Froe Char + End of Mankind + McLane + Suprême Mycosaure (Monospace fest.) – Petit Bain 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 17. Teenage Fanclub – Trabendo 17. Soap&Skin – Le Trianon 17. Apparat – Gaîté lyrique 18. Kompromat – Trabendo 20. The Horrorist – Rex Club 20. Vincent Epplay + Black Zone Myth Chant & High Wolf + Domotic + Jean Benoît Dunckel + NSDOS + Erol Alkan + Tim Glass + Roscius + Sahalé + Golden Bug + Pouvoir magique + Cät Cät + RA+RE + Wael Alkak + Molecule (Inasound fest.) – Palais Brongniart 21. Plaid + NSDOS + Myako & Basses Terres + Jonathan Fitoussi + Danton Eprom + La Fraîcheur + Edouard Rostand + Prieur de la Marne + The Supermen Lovers + Panteros666 & Inès Alpha + Matt Black + Sara Zinger (Inasound fest.) – Palais Brongniart 22. Fontaines D.C. – Point FMR 23. Lambchop – La Maroquinerie 25. Lali Puna – Petit Bain 25. Kap Bambino – Trabendo 27. She Past Away – La Machine 27. Chloé : Lumières noires – Le 104 27. Cocaine Piss + Tôle froide + Avale – Petit Bain 27. Bérengère Maximin, Fred Firth & Heike Liss – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 30. The Undergound Youth + Dune Messiah – Petit Bain
Mai 04. Covenant – Petit Bain 07. dEUS – La Cigale 07. Le Prince Harry + UVB76 – Petit Bain 08. Sneaks – Supersonic (gratuit) 10/11. Dead Can Dance – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 11. Christina Vantzou + Eiko Ishibashi + Jan Jelinek + NPVR (Nik Void & Peter Rehberg) – Le 104 12. Massimo Toniutti + François Bayle – Le 104 13. Foals – Bataclan 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Eliane Radigue : musique (diff.) pour "Continuum" de Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves – Centre Pompidou 22. Housewives – Supersonic (gratuit) 24. Beak> – Gaîté lyrique 24. Shonen Knife – Petit Bain 28. Alice in Chains + Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Olympia 29. Flotation Toy Warning + Raoul Vignal – Petit Bain 31. François Bonnet + Knud Viktor + Jim O'Rourke + Florian Hecker (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio
Juin 01. Eryck Abecassis & Reinhold Friedl + Hilde Marie Holsen + Anthony Pateras + Lucy Railton (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 01/02. Metronomy + Laurent Garnier + Ricardo Villalobos + Mr Oizo + Bonobo (dj) + Yves Tumor + Marie Davidson + Pond... (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 02. Bernard Parmegiani + Jean Schwarz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 19. Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
Juillet 02. Interpol – Olympia 11. Masada + Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman + Mary Halvorson quartet + Craig Taborn + Trigger + Erik Friedlander & Mike Nicolas + John Medeski trio + Nova quartet + Gyan Riley & Julian Lage + Brian Marsella trio + Ikue Mori + Kris Davis + Peter Evans + Asmodeus : John Zorn's Marathon Bagatelles – Salle Pleyel 11>13. Kraftwerk – Philharmonie
Août 23>25. The Cure (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 13. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre) ||COMPLET||
Octobre 19. Sisters of Mercy – Bataclan
Novembre 17. Nitzer Ebb – La Machine
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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🍵 Favorite smell? 🍕 Favorite pizza? 🌸 Favorite flower? 🐾  Favorite dog breed?Hair color?🍦Favorite ice cream? 🙀 Pet peeve? 🎆 Favorite Holiday? 🌓 Night owl or day person ? 🍀 Favorite day of the week ? 🌈 Nicknames? 🎧 Favorite type of music? ⚡️ Tattoos? 🍳 Do you like to cook? 🎨 Favorite color?  🍅 Do you like vegetables? 👓 Do you wear glasses?  🍁 Favorite season? 
//🍵 Favorite smell? The smell of birthday candles when you blow them out.🍕 Favorite pizza? Gimme the meat loversssss 🌸 Favorite flower? Magnolia 🐾  Favorite dog breed? Golden retrievers or great Danes. Hair color? Blond. 🍦Favorite ice cream? Cinnamon. 🙀 Pet peeve? 🎆 Favorite Holiday? Halloween. 🌓 Night owl or day person ? *Glances at clock* night owl. 🍀 Favorite day of the week ? None 🌈 Nicknames? Icicle/ ice ice baby/ ect 🎧 Favorite type of music? Pop punk/punk rock/ punk⚡️ Tattoos? Nei, but I wanna get some. 🍳 Do you like to cook? Yes! 🎨 Favorite color? Cerulean. 🍅 Do you like vegetables? Yeeeee 👓 Do you wear glasses? yep! 🍁 Favorite season? autumn.
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thebeautycove · 3 years
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HERVÉ GAMBS - NIGHT OWL - Eau de Parfum - Novità 2020 - Osservare i profumi come se si potessero scrutare in lontananza certe affascinanti creature notturne dallo sguardo penetrante e provocare i sensi nell'immaginare un universo parallelo dove condividere l'energia della luce e dominare l'oscurità.  E' il bianco piumaggio di questo maestoso rapace (gufo delle nevi) a fendere le fitte tenebre di una misteriosa foresta, a rammentarci che oltre il buio si spalancano distese di luce pura e vitale. Sembra emergere da un racconto fantasy l'ultima creazione di Hervé Gambs, Night Owl, evocazione di misteri tramandati e leggende suggestive che da sempre circondano la Natura. La fragranza promette l'esplorazione di un nuovo orizzonte olfattivo, tra ombra e luce, varca questa arcana frontiera attraverso un potente accordo vegetale, foglie di fico e bacche rosa, come linfa nuova che sfocia nell'accogliente armonia di fava tonka e caramello, mentre sono le sfumature legnose di amyris e cedro ad imprimere al sillage un'imprevedibile metamorfosi alata. In poderosa sintonia con lo spirito della natura. Nel formato Eau de Parfum 100 ml. In profumerie selezionate e nei Bar à Parfums Olfattorio, anche online.
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Scent watching and bewitching creatures of the night. Escaping from darkness.The white plumage of the majestic nocturnal raptor snowy owl enlightens the darkness of a mysterious forest. Seems to emerge from a fantasy tale the latest Hervé Gambs creation, Night Owl, a profound evocation to suggestive mysteries and legends that surround Nature. The fragrance hugs these enigmas through a powerful vegetal accord, fig leaves and pink berries give way to the addictive soothing harmony of tonka bean and caramel, while the woody nuances of amyris and cedar gift the sillage with an unpredictable winged metamorphosis. So much in tune with the powerful spirit of nature. instagram.com/igbeautycove
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nothingeverlost · 4 years
Blue Castle Quarantine
I know I’ve talked about a Blue Castle modern day AU before, but this has been on my mind a lot lately.
Blue Castle but during Covid 19.
Shortly before everything happens Valancy goes to the doctor because she hasn’t been feeling good.  She gets an electronic response after her appointment with how to take care of her chronic heart problem, with a caution to avoid stress and shock.  Her prognosis is 6 to 18 months.  Because of covid her followup is forgotten by the doctor’s staff so no one realizes she’s gotten the wrong e-mail (she’s [email protected] and the email was meant for [email protected])
Valancy’s family has their weekly dinner despite lockdown, rationalizing that they’re all quarantining separately so it’s fine.  Valancy once dares to mention that maybe they should postpone their family meals for a while.  Her mother is horrified.  The uncles mock and shout.  Olive pities anyone letting fear rule them, but says that maybe someone who is more sickly does have a reason to worry.  She’s kind, after all.
A few days later on Facebook Valancy sees that an old school friend is sick with covid.  She hasn’t spoken to Cece in years, other than a random comment on a post.  It never occurs to her that anyone would be interested in hearing from her.  She calls to find out if she needs anything, though.  Her father answers; he comes home from work to check on her but his job is essential and he can’t be home much.  He doesn’t have anyone to take care of Cece and doesn’t have insurance to cover her.  
The next Sunday all it takes is a comment from one of the uncles that maybe the virus is punishment for the liberal ways of society, and Valancy is done.  She calls them all out and leaves in the middle of dinner, going home to pack a bag.  Maybe nursing Cece would kill her but she’s dying anyway.  Isn’t it better to know she’s done something good than to live her whole life dealing invisible and unwanted?  She shows up at Cece’s house and offers to help out as much as she can, if she can have a couch to sleep on.
Cece’s father insists she take his room while he bunks out on the covered porch.  There’s a room over the garage, but they rent that out to Benny.  Benny’s an odd fellow.  He seems prickly and Valancy’s heard whispers about him.  He rarely talks to her but he brings Cece magazines and treats to amuse her.  And somehow he mysteriously is able to keep them in toilet paper when it’s impossible to find anywhere.  
Despite Cece being ill and the family texting and Facebooking her all the time, Valancy enjoys herself more than she remembers.  Cece has her good days, and they whisper and watch old movies from their childhood, many of which Valancy wasn’t allowed to see at home.  Clueless is a favorite of both of them.  Sometimes Benny joins them, and less often Cece’s father.  He’s usually exhausted after his job at a factory.  Cece goes to sleep early, but Benny is a night owl and it’s those times when she starts to find true friendship with Benny.  She still knows so little about him, not even where he’s from, but she knows he loves ice skating and taking long walks, and can spend hours or days in the forest.  Valancy’s never been camping but she tells Benny all about her favorite nature blog.  She can recite some of John Foster’s beautiful words from memory.
Benny scoffs.  John Foster is the whitest name he’s heard and he’s sure the guy is in some Ney York apartment watching nature documentaries and cribbing other people’s photos. He’s a hack, a sell out, and not worth discussing.  It’s just bout the only thing they disagree on.  No one’s ever made her laugh the way he does.  No one’s ever tried to make her laugh just because they like the sound of her voice.
For a while Cece seems like she’s getting better, but then one night she can’t breathe.  They rush her to the hospital but it’s too late.  They can’t have a funeral because of shelter in place, and there’s really not that many people to invite anyway.  The three of them have a private memorial.  It’s the first time Valancy’s ever gotten drunk.
The next day Valancy’s head is throbbing while she starts to pack, resigned that now that she isn’t useful she has no choice but to go home.  Benny offers her pain killers and a swig from his flask (hair of the dog, he says with a shrug) and asks where she’s going.  When she answers home he swears; he knows enough from her and whispers around town to know what home is like and how her family treats her.  There has to be somewhere else.  Valancy shrugs.  She’s not needed anywhere, and the only person other than Cece and her dad she’s talked to in months is him.  It’s not like she can move into his room over the garage.
I have a house, he says.  A cottage, really, in the woods.  It takes an age to get into town from there but instacart delivers and what else do we need?  You can stay with me.  Valancy is shocked, and then secretly excited for a moment before she sobers.  She can’t do that to him, not knowing what she knows.  When he pushes she’s just fragile enough with grief and a hangover to blurt it all out.  She’s dying, and she can’t make him deal with that.
In the end she agrees, but only on the stipulation that they get married first.  It’s not about her reputation, but she has a small nest egg and if they marry it’s his when she dies.
She loves the cottage the moment she sees it; it’s more than any Blue Castle she’s ever dreamed about because it’s really.  The first night Benny sleeps on the couch but they decide that it’s silly, and they share the bed.  Totally platonically, of course (at first.). Valancy lets the charge on her phone die so she doesn’t have to get any more pointed texts and vague guilt posts from her family.  She almost forgets about her heart, living with Benny and their two cats.  They block out the world, rarely bothering with the news.  What do they need to know; they’re more quarantined then most.  Every day they take a walk for hours.  A famous photographer asks to take Valancy’s picture but Benny glares at him and scares him away.  A few hours a day Benny works in his small office (really almost a closet) which he’s asked her not to enter.  Other than that most of their time is spent together.  Valancy plays with recipes she finds on Pinterest and teaches herself to crochet.  She’s always wanted to learn but her mother insisted on knitting only.
There are a few minor incidents with her heart, and one day she feels sick and worries about covid but it was just a cold.  One day Benny goes out on his own and is gone over night, and she can’t sleep worrying about him. Then came the day her foot got stuck in the train track and she almost died.  Benny almost died, tried to free her, and she didn’t know what was worse, thinking she might be responsible for Benny dying or thinking that she might have lied to him.  Her heart was fine.  She didn’t even feel a twinge from the stress of it.
She has to leave him.  It’s not fair to him when he promised her a home for a year to hold him to more.  If only she hadn’t gone and fallen in love with him.
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